56 Kidney Paired Donation Donor Registration_Form_clean.xls

Data System for Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network

Kidney Paired Donation Donor Registration_Form_clean.xlsx

Kidney Paired Donation Donor Registration

OMB: 0915-0157

Document [xlsx]
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Kidney Paired Donation Donor Registration

Fields to be completed by members

Form Section Field Label Notes

Add a KPD Donor-Institution Home transplant center

Add a KPD Donor Is this a non-directed donor?

Add a KPD Donor KPD candidate ID

Add a KPD Donor Donor name

Add a KPD Donor SSN

Add a KPD Donor Date of birth

Add a KPD Donor Donor status

Add KPD Donor (Non-directed) Home transplant center

Add KPD Donor (Non-directed) Is this a non-directed donor

Add KPD Donor (Non-directed) Donor name

Add KPD Donor (Non-directed) SSN

Add KPD Donor (Non-directed) Date of birth

Add KPD Donor (Non-directed) Donor status

Donor Summary Details-Institution Home transplant center This field cannot be updated on this page.

Donor Summary Details-Demographic Information Last name

Donor Summary Details-Demographic Information First name

Donor Summary Details-Demographic Information Middle initial

Donor Summary Details-Demographic Information SSN

Donor Summary Details-Demographic Information Date of birth

Donor Summary Details-Demographic Information Current age

Donor Summary Details-Demographic Information Gender

Donor Summary Details-Demographic Information Center's patient ID

Donor Summary Details-Demographic Information State of permanent residence

Donor Summary Details-Demographic Information Permanent zip code

Donor Summary Details-Demographic Information Ethnicity

Donor Summary Details-Demographic Information Race

Donor Summary Details-Clinical Information ABO

Donor Summary Details-Clinical Information Height

Donor Summary Details-Clinical Information Weight

Donor Summary Details-Clinical Information BMI

Donor Summary Details-KPD Information Is this a non-directed donor?

Donor Summary Details-KPD Information Intended KPD Candidate ID

Donor Summary Details-KPD Information Candidate name This field is read-only and only displays if the donor is a non-directed donor.

Donor Summary Details-KPD Information Donor's relationship to candidate

Donor Summary Details-KPD Information Are you willing to start a chain that continues with a bridge donor?

Donor Summary Details-KPD Information Does the donor have health insurance?

Donor Summary Details-KPD Information Has the donor signed the Agreement to participate in the KPD Pilot Program?

Donor Summary Details-KPD Information Has the donor signed a HIPAA form so that medical information may be shared?

Donor Summary Details-KPD Information Has the donor signed a living donor consent form as outlined in the KPD Operational Guidelines?

Donor Summary Details-KPD Information Has the donor undergone an evaluation as outlined in the KPD Operational Guidelines?

Donor Summary Details-KPD Information Has the donor had all age appropriate cancer screenings as defined by the American Cancer Society?

Donor Summary Details-KPD Information KPD status

Donor Summary Details-KPD Information Inactive reason

Donor Summary Details-KPD Information Other, specify

Donor Summary Details-KPD Information Specify

Donor Summary Details-KPD Information Removal reason

Donor Summary Details-Comments Comments

Medical and Social History Home transplant center This field cannot be updated on this page.

Medical and Social History History of diabetes

Medical and Social History History of cancer

Medical and Social History Specify

Medical and Social History History of hypertension

Medical and Social History Compliant with treatment

Medical and Social History Number of medications for hypertension that the donor is on

Medical and Social History Please indicate the type of anti-hypertension medication and dosage

Medical and Social History Please indicate how long the donor has been on medication for hypertension

Medical and Social History History of coronary artery disease (CAD)

Medical and Social History Previous gastrointestinal disease

Medical and Social History Cigarette use (>20 pack years) ever

Medical and Social History Cigarette use continued in last 6 months

Medical and Social History Heavy alcohol use (2+ drinks/day)

Medical and Social History I.V. drug usage

Medical and Social History According to the OPTN policy currently in effect, does the donor have risk factors for blood-borne disease transmission?

Medical and Social History Abdominal trauma/surgery

Medical and Social History Number of arteries

Medical and Social History Number of veins

Medical and Social History Ureter

Medical and Social History-Comments Comments

Vital Signs-Vital Signs Home transplant center This field cannot be updated on this page.

Vital Signs-Vital Signs Was 24-hour blood pressure monitor used?

Vital Signs-Vital Signs Blood pressure systolic (average of 24- hour period) If YES is entered for Was 24-hour blood pressure monitor used

Vital Signs-Vital Signs Blood pressure diastolic (average of 24-hour period) If YES is entered for Was 24-hour blood pressure monitor used

Vital Signs-Vital Signs Blood pressure date start (start of 24-hour period) If YES is entered for Was 24-hour blood pressure monitor used

Vital Signs-Vital Signs Blood pressure systolic 1 If NO is entered for the Was a 24-hour blood pressure monitor used question

Vital Signs-Vital Signs Blood pressure diastolic 1 If NO is entered for the Was a 24-hour blood pressure monitor used question

Vital Signs-Vital Signs Blood pressure date 1 If NO is entered for the Was a 24-hour blood pressure monitor used question

Vital Signs-Vital Signs Blood pressure systolic 2 If NO is entered for the Was a 24-hour blood pressure monitor used question

Vital Signs-Vital Signs Blood pressure diastolic 2 If NO is entered for the Was a 24-hour blood pressure monitor used question

Vital Signs-Vital Signs Blood pressure date 2 If NO is entered for the Was a 24-hour blood pressure monitor used question

Vital Signs-Vital Signs Was a stress test performed? If NO is entered for the Was a 24-hour blood pressure monitor used question

Vital Signs-Comments Comments

Labs-Institution Home transplant center This field cannot be updated on this page

Labs-Kidney Function Date

Labs-Kidney Function Creatinine clearance (24 hours urine collection) (mL/min)

Labs-Kidney Function Date

Labs-Kidney Function GFR (isotopic method) (mL/min/1.73m2)

Labs-Lab Values HbA1c (%)

Labs-Lab Values Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)

Labs-Lab Values Method

Labs-Lab Values Date

Labs-Lab Values Microalbumin

Labs-Lab Values Urine protein-to-creatinine ratio

Labs-Lab Values 24 hour urine protein

Labs-Urinalysis Date

Labs-Urinalysis Color

Labs-Urinalysis Appearance

Labs-Urinalysis pH

Labs-Urinalysis Specific gravity

Labs-Urinalysis Protein

Labs-Urinalysis Glucose

Labs-Urinalysis Blood

Labs-Urinalysis RBC

Labs-Urinalysis WBC

Labs-Urinalysis Epith (%)

Labs-Urinalysis Casts

Labs-Urinalysis Bacteria

Labs-Urinalysis Leukocyte esterase

Labs-Lab Panel Date

Labs-Lab Panel Na (mEq/L)

Labs-Lab Panel K+ (mmol/L)

Labs-Lab Panel Cl (mmol/L)

Labs-Lab Panel CO2 (mmol/L)

Labs-Lab Panel BUN (mg/dL)

Labs-Lab Panel Creatinine (mg/dL)

Labs-Lab Panel Glucose (mg/dL)

Labs-Lab Panel Total bilirubin (mg/dL)

Labs-Lab Panel Direct bilirubin (mg/dL)

Labs-Lab Panel Indirect bilirubin (mg/dL)

Labs-Lab Panel SGOT AST (u/L)

Labs-Lab Panel SGPT ALT (u/L)

Labs-Lab Panel Alkaline phosphatase (u/L)

Labs-Lab Panel GGT (u/L)

Labs-Lab Panel LDH (u/L)

Labs-Lab Panel Albumin (g/dL)

Labs-Lab Panel Total protein (g/dL)

Labs-Lab Panel Prothrombin (PT) (seconds)

Labs-Lab Panel INR

Labs-Lab Panel PTT (seconds)

Labs-Lab Panel Serum amylase (u/L)

Labs-Lab Panel Serum lipase (u/L)

Labs-Complete Blood Count (CBC) Date

Labs-Complete Blood Count (CBC) WBC (thous/mcL)

Labs-Complete Blood Count (CBC) RBC (mill/mcL)

Labs-Complete Blood Count (CBC) HgB (g/dL)

Labs-Complete Blood Count (CBC) Hct (%)

Labs-Complete Blood Count (CBC) Plt (thous/mcL)

Labs-Complete Blood Count (CBC) Bands (%)

Labs-Comments Comments

Serologies Anti-CMV

Serologies EBV (VCA) (IgG)

Serologies HBsAg

Serologies Anti-HBcAb

Serologies HBsAb

Serologies Anti-HCV

Serologies Anti-HIV I/II

Serologies Anti-HTLV I/II

Serologies RPR/VDRL

Serologies EBNA

Serologies EBV (VCA) (IgM)

Serologies-Comments Comments

Tests and Attachments Please select test or attachment

Tests and Attachments-Add New Tests or Attachments Test type

Tests and Attachments-Add New Tests or Attachments Diagnostic evaluation/comments

Tests and Attachments-Add New Tests or Attachments Attach medical image

Tests and Attachments-Add New Tests or Attachments Description

Tests and Attachments-Add New Tests or Attachments Select file All fields in the Tests and Diagnoses table are read-only

Tests and Attachments-Add New Tests or Attachments (Attachments) Please select test or attachment

Tests and Attachments-Add New Tests or Attachments (Attachments) Description

Tests and Attachments-Add New Tests or Attachments (Attachments) Select File All fields in the Attachments table are read-only

Tests and Attachments-Delete Attachments Reason deleted

HLA-Institution Home transplant center This field cannot be updated on this page

























HLA-Comments Comments

Donor Choices-Institution Home transplant center This field cannot be updated on this page

Donor Choices-KPD Donor Choices Donor willing to travel?

Donor Choices-KPD Donor Choices If Yes, to which center(s) is the donor willing to travel?

Donor Choices-KPD Donor Choices Is the donor willing to have his or her kidney shipped?

Donor Choices-KPD Donor Choices This donor can ONLY donate his or her following kidney

Donor Choices-KPD Donor Choices Pair and center willing to participate in a 3-way match?

Donor Choices-KPD Donor Choices Pair and center willing to participate in a chain (not as a bridge donor)?

Donor Choices-KPD Donor Choices If matched with an opportunity to be a bridge donor, does the donor consent and the center agree to continue the chain as a bridge donor?

Verify Donor ABO Subtype-Institution Home transplant center This field cannot be updated on this page

Verify Donor ABO-Donor Information Last name This field is read-only

Verify Donor ABO-Donor Information First name This field is read-only

Verify Donor ABO-Donor Information Middle initial This field is read-only

Verify Donor ABO-Donor Information ABO

Verify Donor ABO-Donor Information Age This field is read-only

Verify Donor ABO-Donor Information Gender This field is read-only

Verify Donor ABO-Donor Information First user ABO entry This field is read-only

Verify Donor ABO Subtype-Institution Home transplant center This field cannot be updated on this page

Verify Donor ABO Subtype-Donor Information Last name This field is read-only

Verify Donor ABO Subtype-Donor Information First name This field is read-only

Verify Donor ABO Subtype-Donor Information Middle initial This field is read-only

Verify Donor ABO Subtype-Donor Information ABO

Verify Donor ABO Subtype-Donor Information Age This field is read-only

Verify Donor ABO Subtype-Donor Information Gender This field is read-only

Verify Donor ABO Subtype-Donor Information First ABO subtype user This field is read-only

Manage Bridge Donors-Pending Bridge Donors Select home transplant center

Manage Bridge Donors-Pending Bridge Donors KPD donor ID This field is read-only

Manage Bridge Donors-Pending Bridge Donors Donor name This field is read-only

Manage Bridge Donors-Pending Bridge Donors Match run date donor became a bridge donor This field is read-only

Manage Bridge Donors-Pending Bridge Donors Bridge donor on hold This field is optional

Manage Bridge Donors-Pending Bridge Donors Access bridge donor record

Manage Bridge Donors-Pending Bridge Donors Exchange number This field is read-only

Manage Bridge Donor Record Home transplant center

Manage Bridge Donor Record KPD donor ID This field is read-only

Manage Bridge Donor Record Donor name This field is read-only

Manage Bridge Donor Record Bridge donor status

Manage Bridge Donor Record Bridge donor status date

Manage Bridge Donor Record Bridge donor on hold This field is optional

Manage Bridge Donor Record KPD donor status This field is read-only

Manage Bridge Donor Record Match run date donor became a bridge donor This field is read-only

Manage Bridge Donor Record Exchange number This field is read-only

Manage Bridge Donor Record-Bridge donor status: Declined to donate reason Bridge donor status declined to donate reasons

Manage Bridge Donor Record-Bridge donor status: Declined to donate reason Life circumstances have changed

Manage Bridge Donor Record-Bridge donor status: Declined to donate reason Medical condition has changed

Manage Bridge Donor Record-Bridge donor status: Declined to donate reason Other reasons

Manage Bridge Donor Record-Bridge donor status: Declined to donate reason Enter Comments


The private, non-profit Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) collects this information in order to perform the following OPTN functions: to assess whether applicants meet OPTN Bylaw requirements for membership in the OPTN; and to monitor compliance of member organizations with OPTN Obligations. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this information collection is 0915-0157 and it is valid until XX/XX/202X. This information collection is required to obtain or retain a benefit per 42 CFR §121.11(b)(2). All data collected will be subject to Privacy Act protection (Privacy Act System of Records #09-15-0055). Data collected by the private non-profit OPTN also are well protected by a number of the Contractor’s security features. The Contractor’s security system meets or exceeds the requirements as prescribed by OMB Circular A-130, Appendix III, Security of Federal Automated Information Systems, and the Departments Automated Information Systems Security Program Handbook. The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 0.27 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to HRSA Reports Clearance Officer, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 14N136B, Rockville, Maryland, 20857 or [email protected].

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