Attachment 1 Questionnaire revised

North Atlantic Right Whale Research and Management Activities

Attachment 1 Questionnaire revised


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OMB Control Number 1010-NEW
Expiration Date: xx\xx\xxxx

North Atlantic Right Whale Research and Management Activities
Information Requested and Questions to be Addressed in an Online Survey
Conducted by Blue World Research Institute
a. Email Address:
b. First and Last Name:
c. Organization:
d. Primary Investigator (PI) or Lead Researcher:
e. Other researchers involved?
f. Project Objective(s):
g. Geographic Location (e.g., coast-wide (or range-wide) or coastal area where work will
take place):
h. Geographic Scope (e.g., species range-wide, broadscale, specific to a particular area or
set of individuals):
i. Methods:
j. Dates and Timelines (e.g., initiation date (season or year is suitable), expected initiation
date if not yet started, expected conclusion time. Also indicate also if the project is
seasonal, multi-year, and/or expected to be ongoing):
k. Outcome(s), Products(s) or Expected Outcomes (what did the study yield or expect to
l. Contribution (or expected contribution) to NARW Conservation or Impact Reduction:
m. Expected Pitfalls or Challenges (e.g., insufficient sample sizes, funding, weather, or
logistical limitations):
n. We expect to bin studies by type. Please indicate which of the following best applies to
your study:
a) __ NARW population status and monitoring
b) __ Assessing impacts to NARWs from wind energy development and/or
detecting population effects from impacts
c) __ New or emerging approaches for reducing impacts to NARW
d) __ Assessing the relative effectiveness of impact-reduction measures
e) __ Other. Explain: ___________________
o. Future Work; Recommended Follow-on Studies or Next Logical Steps: (e.g.: 1) the work
described may only be a piece of a larger puzzle, indicate what else might be needed to
provide the missing pieces?; 2) What are the missing pieces, if any?; 3) What, in your
view, are the highest priority areas for future work?; 4) In the suite of studies underway,
where are the biggest gaps?; 5) Do you expect to receive funding for additional studies?
If so, what kind of studies and when would they take place?; 6) If you are engaged

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primarily in monitoring (e.g., population or impacts studies), do you expect it to be
ongoing?; 7) Is funding assured, or perhaps uncertain?
Where, in your view, should BOEM and other possible funding sources focus future
Would you like to provide any additional comments?
Do you have any conference or paper Abstracts, or published papers you would like to
provide? If so, please upload them here (in order to do so, you must sign in with a Google
Would you like to be contacted for a follow-up discussion? If yes, please provide
preferred method of contact:

Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) Statement: The PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) requires BOEM to inform you
that we collect the information on this questionnaire to understand impacts from offshore wind energy projects on the whales
and to ensure effective mitigation monitoring. The questions are designed to learn of recent and ongoing research and
management strategies employed by relevant State and Federal governments, academic institutions, and non-governmental
organizations. An agency may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved the
collection of information in this questionnaire. Responses are voluntary. Public reporting burden for this questionnaire is
estimated to average one hour. Direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this information
collection to the Information Collection Clearance Officer, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and
Enforcement, 45600 Woodland Road, Sterling, Virginia 20166.

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2023:07:19 13:14:02-04:00
File Created2023:06:09 10:54:01-04:00

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