Form 1 2021 NLM NCBI RAPT survey

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery (NIH)

2021 NLM NCBI RAPT Survey Instrument

2021 NLM NCBI Read Assembly Annotation Pipeline Tool (RAPT) Survey

OMB: 0925-0648

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2021 NLM NCBI RAPT User Survey

OMB Control Number: 0925-0648
Expiration Date: 05/31/2021
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 6 minutes per response, including
the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and
completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a current valid OMB control number.
Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including
suggestions for reducing this burden, to NIH, Project clearance Branch, 6705 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974,
Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-0648). Do not return the completed form to this address.

Thank you for using the pilot RAPT service. In this survey we are aiming to understand what
you like or dislike about the service and the results it produces, and gauge your interest in
running the RAPT tool yourself.

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Q1 Which professional category best describes you? *

o Bioinformatics professional (1)
o Educator (4)
o Healthcare professional (5)
o Librarian / Information Specialist (6)
o Life Science Researcher (7)
o Student (8)
o Technician (9)
o Computer Scientist / Software Developer (10)
Other (please specify below) (11)
Q2 Which of the following categories best describes your organization? *

o College or University (1)
o Commercial / Industry (4)
o Non-profit Organization (5)
o Research Institute (6)
o Government (7)
o Hospital/health organization (8)
Other (please specify below) (9)

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Q3 How many times have you run a RAPT job? *

o One (1)
o Two to Ten (10)
o Greater than 10 (11)
Q4 Do you use, or anticipate using RAPT on private data (your own FASTA/FASTQ) or
on public data (SRA runs)? *

o SRA runs (12)
o Both FASTA/FASTQ and SRA runs (15)
Q5 How would you qualify the quality of the results? *

o High (12)
o Sufficient for my need (13)
o Low (14)
Other (please specify below) (15)
Q6 Why do you use RAPT? *

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Q7 What do you do with the results? (Select all that apply) *


Look for presence/absence of gene(s) (12)
Assess the quality of the input sequencing reads (17)
Feed results into analysis tools (please specify which ones below) (16)

Other (please specify below) (15)

Q8 Do you run RAPT as a service for others in your organization? *

o Yes (21)
o No (22)
Q9 Did the performance of RAPT meet your needs? *

o Yes (21)
o No (22)
Q10 Where the results available in an acceptable time frame? *

o Yes (21)
o No (22)

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Q11 The web service is a pilot experiment and will only be available for a limited time. Do
you expect to use it in the future? *

o Yes, occasionally (23)
o Yes, often (27)
o No (28)
Other (please specify below) (29)
Q12 If we did not make RAPT freely available, would you be likely to run the service under
your own paid AWS or GCP account (and budget)? *

o Would not use under my account (21)
o Unlikely to use under my account (23)
o Might or might not use under my account (24)
o Likely to use under my account (25)
o Would definitely use under my account (26)
o I do not have access to an AWS or GCP account (27)
Other (please specify below) (28)
Q13 Does your lab have access to an AWS (Amazon) or Google (GCP) account with a
budget? *

o Yes (21)
o No (22)

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Q14 What is the nature of your workload in terms of number of RAPT executions, frequency
you would run RAPT in a month/project, etc.? *

Q15 Are you aware that RAPT is available as a stand-alone tool ( *

o Yes (21)
o No (22)

Q16 Have you ever used GCP RAPT or Standalone RAPT (command line) applications? *

o Yes (21)
o No (22)

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Q17 What is the reason you have not used GCP RAPT or Standalone RAPT (command
line) applications? (Select all that apply) *


Lack of command line expertise (1)
Tried but could not make it work (10)
Lack of access to a suitable on-site machine (11)
I do not have access to a paid AWS or GCP account (12)
Lack of funds (13)
The service is easier (14)

Other use (please specify below) (15)

Q18 Which version of RAPT do you prefer and why? *

RAPT (webservice) (please specify why below) (1)
GCP RAPT (please specify why below) (4)
Standalone RAPT (please specify why below) (5)
Q19 Are you interested in submitting the RAPT-annotated assembly to Genbank? *

o Yes (21)
o No (22)
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Q20 RAPT uses the SKESA assembler, which only works with Illumina short reads. Would
you like to use a different assembler within RAPT? *

Yes (please specify which assembler below) (21)
o No (22)
Q21 If there was one thing you could change about RAPT, what would it be? *

Q22 Will you use RAPT in future projects? *

o Yes (1)
No (please specify what is preventing you below) (2)

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Q23 On a scale from 0-10, how likely are you to recommend RAPT to a friend or colleague? *

o 0 (0)
o 1 (1)
o 2 (2)
o 3 (3)
o 4 (4)
o 5 (5)
o 6 (6)
o 7 (7)
o 8 (8)
o 9 (9)
o 10 (10)

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitlewebRAPT 2021 User Survey
File Modified2021-04-19
File Created2021-04-16

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