Form 1 NLM: Future of Work

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery (NIH)


NLM: Future of Work

OMB: 0925-0648

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NLM: Future of Work
Start of Block: Disclaimer & Intro
Q35 The NLM Future of Work (FoW) Working Group was formed to re-envision how NLM does
its work in the future. The working group will think about where we work, how we work, and why
and what NLM does in considering the future of work, with a focus on five key themes:
Envisioning a new model for work Meeting the NLM mission in the future
an attractive employer of choice
Defining the physical workplace of the future
Fostering a culture of innovation To develop our recommendations, we want to hear
from YOU! Please complete the below survey to share your thoughts with the working group.

Disclaimer Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service
OMB#: 0925-0648
Expiration Date: Sun Jun 30 00:00:00 EDT 2024
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 5 minutes per
response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources,
gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of
information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to,
a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information,
including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705
Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-0648). Do not
return the completed form to this address.
End of Block: Disclaimer & Intro
Start of Block: Defining the Future of Physical Workspace

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Q1 What is your preference for working remotely versus in-office?

o Prefer fully remote
o Prefer a hybrid work environment (some days in the office, some days virtual)
o Prefer to be in the office every day
o Other: _________________________________________________
Q2 What do you see as the most important benefit(s) of having a physical workspace at NLM?
(Check all that apply)


Holding in-person meetings
Creative collaboration
Spontaneous discussions with colleagues

Access to resources that aren’t available remotely (such as equipment, physical
library materials, etc.)


Prefer to have a workspace outside of my home
No benefit
Other: __________________________________________________

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Q3 What activities would help you in building connections with colleagues in a remote and/or
hybrid environment? (Check all that apply)


In-person team building activities/retreats
Virtual team-building activities/retreats
Social activities (e.g., staff picnic, running club, etc.) outside of work hours
Virtual lunch groups
Other: _________________________________________________

Q4 What types of workplace flexibilities would you like to use? (Check all that apply)


Routine telework (regular telework with at least two days per pay period in the



Ad hoc/situational telework (telework on an irregular basis)
Remote work within the local commuting area
Non-local remote work
Flexibility to decide which days you come to the office
Flexible work schedule with core working hours
Alternative work schedules
Off-campus coworking location
Other: __________________________________________________

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Q5 How comfortable are you with being in a hoteling space?. (“Hoteling is an alternative work
arrangement in which employees work in one primary facility part of the time and at one or more
alternative worksites the rest of the time. When working at the primary facility, employees
use non-dedicated, non-permanent workspaces assigned for use by reservation on an asneeded basis.”(Hoteling | Office of Human Resources (

o Totally comfortable
o Somewhat comfortable
o Neutral
o Somewhat uncomfortable
o Totally uncomfortable
Q6 If NLM decides to implement hoteling, what is important to you for it to be successful?
(Check all that apply)


Dedicated work areas for staff by IC, Division, or Section
Dedicated spaces to lock up work and personal materials

Assurance that you will get the type of space you desire (e.g., office vs. cubicle,
docking station for a laptop vs. desktop, stand up desk option, etc.)


Consistent technology at every workstation

Ergonomic accommodations (such as special chairs, keyboards, computer
mouse, etc.)


Implementation of regular cleaning protocol
Other: __________________________________________________

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Q7 What technology challenges are most important for NLM to tackle to help you successfully
perform your work? (Check all that apply)


Better collaboration tools

Consistency in the use of technology tools across all of NLM (e.g., everybody
use the same collaboration tool (Teams, Skype, SharePoint, etc.))


Access to appropriate equipment to conduct job in hybrid work environment.
Productivity tracking tools
Additional accessibility accommodations/tools
Other: __________________________________________________

End of Block: Defining the Future of Physical Workspace
Start of Block: Meeting the Mission

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Q8 What challenges do you experience in meeting the NLM mission? (Check all that apply)


Unable to collaborate with colleagues across NLM, NIH, etc.
Unable to collaborate with colleagues outside of NLM/NIH
Lack of staffing and current staff overloaded and overworked
Lack of consistent performance standards
Insufficient time spent together in-person with colleagues
Lack of technology and other resources
Lack of work-life balance flexibilities
Lack of understanding of strategic direction/goals
Other: __________________________________________________

Q9 What are some ways that you feel are important for staff to keep pace with trends in the
field? (Check all that apply)


Continuing education (e.g. classes, training, etc.)
Trade events, conventions
Professional development workshops
Other: __________________________________________________

End of Block: Meeting the Mission
Start of Block: Fostering Innovation

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Q10 What are some ways to better foster innovation? (Check all that apply)


Detail opportunities

Activities that enable collaboration across NLM, such as serving on working
groups, special projects, etc.


Professional development/continuing education
Centralized Innovation Hub
Incentives for Individual Innovation Activities
Better tools and resources
Other: __________________________________________________

Q11 What do you see as the challenges to innovation at NLM? (Check all that apply)


Management/leadership culture
Organizational structure
Cumbersome approval processes
Staff workload and bandwidth
Lack of skills to contribute to innovation
Other: __________________________________________________

End of Block: Fostering Innovation
Start of Block: Being an Attractive Employer

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Q12 How can NLM remain and become a more attractive employer? (Check all that apply)


Provide more opportunities for people to interact in person
Consider engagement/team bonding activities for staff outside of work
Encourage collaboration between ICs, Divisions, Sections, etc.
More relevant professional development opportunities
Award recognition
Increased attention to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA)
Increased support for workplace flexibilities
Other: __________________________________________________

Q13 How can NLM better support your career development? (Check all that apply)


Job rotations or detail assignments
Career path/management activities with supervisors
Internal job boards
Structured leadership programs
Cohort styled development programs
Other: __________________________________________________

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Q14 How likely are you to leave your current job in the next 12 months?

o Extremely unlikely
o Unlikely
o Neutral
o Likely
o Extremely likely
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Q15 If you were to leave your current job, where would you be most likely to take another

o Take a different job at the NLM
o Work at a different Institute at the NIH
o Work elsewhere in the Federal Government
o Work in a commercial biomedical organization
o Work in a corporate/commercial setting
o Retire
o Other: _________________________________________________
Q16 What types of activities would be likely to encourage you to stay in your current position?
(Check all that apply)

o Opportunity to explore new work assignments
o More autonomy and flexibility to try new products and innovate
o Career-path opportunities
o Leadership opportunities
o Professional development opportunities in other ICs, Divisions, Sections, etc.
o Other: __________________________________________________

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Q17 What concerns you most about NLM’s ability to retain staff? (Check all that apply)


Staff burn-out
Lack of engagement on career opportunities
No time for innovation
Being asked to do more for no reward
Other: __________________________________________________

End of Block: Being an Attractive Employer
Start of Block: New Work Model
Q18 Thinking about the next 1-5 years, what do you think is the most important in the work
environment? (Check all that apply)


Leveraging advanced technologies
Greater flexibility and opportunities to innovate
Non-traditional benefits
Distributed work pods instead of a central office
More collaboration and engagement opportunities
Staff development
Empower teams to make decisions that benefit customers
Other: __________________________________________________

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Q19 In an ideal work environment, what does that future of work look like to you?
End of Block: New Work Model
Start of Block: Demographic Questions
Q21 Gender

o Male
o Female
o Other: __________________________________________________
o Prefer not to answer
Q22 Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Origin?

o Yes
o No
o Prefer not to answer

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Q23 Please select the racial category or categories you closely identify with

o American Indian or Alaska Native
o Asian
o Black or African American
o Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific islander
o White
o Prefer not to answer
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Q24 What best describes your primary work function?

o Administrative
o Archivist/Historian
o Curator/ Subject Matter Expert
o Software Developer
o Information Technology/Systems
o Fellow
o Librarian
o Policy
o Program/Project Manager
o Researcher
o Scientific Administration
o Technical Information Specialist
o Other: __________________________________________________
o Prefer not to answer
Q25 Are you in a supervisory role (i.e., Leader/Division Chief/Manager/Supervisor)?

o Yes
o No
o Prefer not to answer

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Q26 How long have you been at NLM?

o 0-5 years
o 6-10 years
o 11-15 years
o 16 – 20 years
o 21 – 25 years
o 26 – 30 years
o 30 + years
o Prefer not to answer
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Q27 Which of the following current workplace flexibilities do you use?

o Routine telework (regular telework with at least two days per pay period in the office)
o Ad hoc/situational telework (telework on an irregular basis)
o Remote work within the local commuting area
o Non-local remote work
o None of the above
o Prefer not to answer
Q28 Current Office Location (when not teleworking)

o Off-Campus (Democracy, Democracy 2, Rockledge, etc.)
o Building 45
o Building 38 or 38A
o Remote (no in-person office location)
o Other: _________________________________________________
o Prefer not to answer

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Q29 Are you a:

o Contractor
o Federal Employee
o Special Volunteer
o Other: __________________________________________________
o Prefer not to answer
End of Block: Demographic Questions

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleNLM: Future of Work
File Modified2022-09-20
File Created2022-09-20

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