Form 1 Post Event Survey

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery (NIH)

NCI Post Event Survey

NCI SBIR Investor Initiatives program Post Event Feedback Survey

OMB: 0925-0648

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Post	Event	Feedback	Form

Please	answer	the	following	questions	to	assist	us	in	both	gauging	success	and	in
selecting	future	events/showcases.	Information	will	be	kept	private	to	the	extent
provided	by	law.
Thank	you	for	your	feedback!
OMB No.: 0925-0648
Expiration Date: 06/30/2024
Public	reporting	burden	for	this	collection	of	information	is	estimated	to	average	10	minutes	per	response,	including	the	
time	for	reviewing	instructions,	searching	existing	data	sources,	gathering	and	maintaining	the	data	needed,	and	
completing	and	reviewing	the	collection	of	information.	An	agency	may	not	conduct	or	sponsor,	and	a	person	is	not	
required	to	respond	to,	a	collection	of	information	unless	it	displays	a	currently	valid	OMB	control	number.	Send	comments	
regarding	this	burden	estimate	or	any	other	aspect	of	this	collection	of	information,	including	suggestions	for	reducing	
this	buden	to:	NIH,	Project	Clearance	Branch,	6705	Rockledge	Drive,	MSC	7974,	Bethesda,	MD	20892-7974,	ATTN:	PRA
(0925-0648).	Do	not	return	the	completed	form	to	this	address.

Company	Name
Name	of	Presented	Technology
Your	Name
Event	Date	(Month/Year)
Event	Name/Location

About	Your	Company	(Select	all	that	apply):	
8(a)	Qualified	by	SBA

* We	are	trying	to	better	understand	the	role	of	women	in	our	small	business	community.
Please	help	us	by	selecting	any	of	the	below	statements	that	are	true	for	your	company:
My	company	is	majority-owned	by	a	woman	or

A	woman	(or	women)	holds	a	C-level	leadership
role(s)	in	my	company

My	company	is	partially-owned	(50%	or	less)	by	a
women	or	women

None	of	the	above	are	true	about	my	company

My	company	was	founded	or	co-founded	by	a
woman	or	women

*	We	are	trying	to	better	understand	the	role	of	underrepresented	racial	and	ethnic	groups	in
our	small	business	community.	Please	help	us	by	selecting	any	of	the	below	statements	that
are	true	for	your	company:	
My	company	is	majority-owned	by	an
underrepresented	racial/ethnic	group
My	company	is	partially-owned	(50%	or	less)	by
a	member(s)	of	an	underrepresented	racial/ethic

A	member(s)	of	an	underrepresented	racial/ethic
group	holds	a	C-level	leadership	role(s)	in	my
None	of	the	above	are	true	about	my	company

My	company	was	founded	or	co-founded	by	a
member(s)	of	an	underrepresented	racial/ethic

*	Technology	Area	(Select	One):	

In	Vitro	Diagnostic


Research	Tool

Health	IT	and	Education

Other	(please	describe):

*	Development	Stage	of	SBIR-Funded	Technology	(Select	One):	
Early	Stage	(in	vitro	or
untested	prototype)
Ongoing	(in	vivo	testing	or
refining	an	early	design)
Other	(please	describe):


Testing	in	a	Clinical	Setting
Ready	to	Commercialize

Commercial	Product

*	1.	How	useful	was	this	event	for	each	of	the	following?	

Not	at	all





Connecting	with
potential	strategic
Connecting	with
potential	investors
Connecting	with
potential	scientific
Connecting	with
potential	customers
Company	visibility
and	exposure
Gaining	insight	into
the	competitive
Scientific	or	medical
Learning	more	about
running	your

*	2.	What	were	your	primary	goals	for	attending	this	event?	(Select	your	top	2	goals)	
Seeking	Strategic	Partners	(large	business)

Gaining	Insight	into	the	Competitive	Landscape

Seeking	Investment

Gaining	Insight	into	the	Intellectual	Property

Seeking	Scientific	Collaborators

Validating	Clinical	Indications

Customer	Discovery

Validating	Business	Model

Increasing	Company	Visibility	and	Exposure
Other	(describe	below):

*	3.	Do	you	think	that	you	made	progress	towards	achieving	that	goal?	
No	(please	describe):

*	4.	How	valuable	did	you	find	the	event/showcase	as	a	whole?	
Not	at	all







*	5.	Do	you	believe	that	the	appropriate	investors	and	strategic	partners	attended?	
No	(please	list	those	missing):

*	6.	Were	there	sufficient	number	of	investors	or	potential	partners	in	attendance	interested
in	your	technology	area?	
No	(please	describe):

7.	Select	the	types	of	organizations	and/or	people	you	met	with	(select	all	that	apply).	
Venture	Capital	Investors

Potential	Scientific	Collaborator

Angel	Investors

Potential	Customer

Potential	Strategic	Partners	(medical

NIH	Staff

Other	(describe	below)

8.	How	many	investors	or	strategic	partners	did	you	meet	with
at	the	event?	
*	Formal	Meetings	
with	minimal/no	interest	in	my	technology
with	moderate	interest	in	my	technology
with	high	level	interest	in	my	technology

*	Informal	Meetings	
with	minimal/no	interest	in	my	technology
with	moderate	interest	in	my	technology
with	high	level	interest	in	my	technology

*	9.	Do	you	feel	that	you	have	increased	your	network	with	the	investment	community	as	a
result	of	these	meetings,	either	formal	or	informal?	
No	(please	describe):

*	10.	Are	you	negotiating	and/or	have	secured	any	deals	with	an	investor	or	strategic	partner
for	this	product?	

Post	Event	Feedback	Form

Please	list	any	deals	that	your	company	has	made	with
an	investor	or	strategic	partner	for	this	product.	
*	Investor/Partner	Name	and	Description	of	Deal	1	
Name	of	Investor/Partner	
Description	of	Deal

*	Deal	Status	of	Deal	1	
Deal	Status

*	NCI	Involvement	of	Deal	1	
Involvement	of	NCI

Post	Event	Feedback	Form

Please	list	any	deals	that	your	company	has	made	with
an	investor	or	strategic	partner	for	this	product.	

*	Investor/Partner	Name	and	Description	of	Deal	1	
Name	of	Investor/Partner	
Description	of	Deal

*	Deal	Status	of	Deal	1	
Deal	Status

*	NCI	Involvement	of	Deal	1	
Involvement	of	NCI

*	Investor/Partner	Name	and	Description	of	Deal	2	
Name	of	Investor/Partner	
Description	of	Deal

*	Deal	Status	of	Deal	2	
Deal	Status

*	NCI	Involvement	of	Deal	2	
Involvement	of	NCI

Post	Event	Feedback	Form

Please	list	any	deals	that	your	company	has	made	with
an	investor	or	strategic	partner	for	this	product.	
*	Investor/Partner	Name	and	Description	of	Deal	1	
Name	of	Investor/Partner	
Description	of	Deal

*	Deal	Status	of	Deal	1	
Deal	Status

*	NCI	Involvement	of	Deal	1	
Involvement	of	NCI

*	Investor/Partner	Name	and	Description	of	Deal	2	
Name	of	Investor/Partner	
Description	of	Deal

*	Deal	Status	of	Deal	2	
Deal	Status

*	NCI	Involvement	of	Deal	2	
Involvement	of	NCI

*	Investor/Partner	Name	and	Description	of	Deal	3	
Name	of	Investor/Partner	
Description	of	Deal

*	Deal	Status	of	Deal	3	
Deal	Status

*	NCI	Involvement	of	Deal	3	
Involvement	of	NCI

Post	Event	Feedback	Form

Please	list	any	deals	that	your	company	has	made	with
an	investor	or	strategic	partner	for	this	product.	
*	Investor/Partner	Name	and	Description	of	Deal	1	
Name	of	Investor/Partner	
Description	of	Deal

*	Deal	Status	of	Deal	1	
Deal	Status

*	NCI	Involvement	of	Deal	1	
Involvement	of	NCI

*	Investor/Partner	Name	and	Description	of	Deal	2	
Name	of	Investor/Partner	
Description	of	Deal

*	Deal	Status	of	Deal	2	
Deal	Status

*	NCI	Involvement	of	Deal	2	
Involvement	of	NCI

*	Investor/Partner	Name	and	Description	of	Deal	3	
Name	of	Investor/Partner	
Description	of	Deal

*	Deal	Status	of	Deal	3	
Deal	Status

*	NCI	Involvement	of	Deal	3	
Involvement	of	NCI

*	Investor/Partner	Name	and	Description	of	Deal	4	
Name	of	Investor/Partner	
Description	of	Deal

*	Deal	Status	of	Deal	4	
Deal	Status

*	NCI	Involvement	of	Deal	4	
Involvement	of	NCI

Post	Event	Feedback	Form

Please	list	any	deals	that	your	company	has	made	with
an	investor	or	strategic	partner	for	this	product.	
*	Investor/Partner	Name	and	Description	of	Deal	1	
Name	of	Investor/Partner	
Description	of	Deal

*	Deal	Status	of	Deal	1	
Deal	Status

*	NCI	Involvement	of	Deal	1	
Involvement	of	NCI

*	Investor/Partner	Name	and	Description	of	Deal	2	
Name	of	Investor/Partner	
Description	of	Deal

*	Deal	Status	of	Deal	2	
Deal	Status

*	NCI	Involvement	of	Deal	2	
Involvement	of	NCI

*	Investor/Partner	Name	and	Description	of	Deal	3	
Name	of	Investor/Partner	
Description	of	Deal

*	Deal	Status	of	Deal	3	
Deal	Status

*	NCI	Involvement	of	Deal	3	
Involvement	of	NCI

*	Investor/Partner	Name	and	Description	of	Deal	4	
Name	of	Investor/Partner	
Description	of	Deal

*	Deal	Status	of	Deal	4	
Deal	Status

*	NCI	Involvement	of	Deal	4	
Involvement	of	NCI

*	Investor/Partner	Name	and	Description	of	Deal	5	
Name	of	Investor/Partner	
Description	of	Deal

*	Deal	Status	of	Deal	5	
Deal	Status

*	NCI	Involvement	of	Deal	5	
Involvement	of	NCI

Post	Event	Feedback	Form

Please	list	the	5	most	relevant	deals	that	your	company
has	made	with	an	investor	or	strategic	partner	for	this
*	Investor/Partner	Name	and	Description	of	Deal	1	
Name	of	Investor/Partner	
Description	of	Deal

*	Deal	Status	of	Deal	1	
Deal	Status

*	NCI	Involvement	of	Deal	1	
Involvement	of	NCI

*	Investor/Partner	Name	and	Description	of	Deal	2	
Name	of	Investor/Partner	
Description	of	Deal

*	Deal	Status	of	Deal	2	
Deal	Status

*	NCI	Involvement	of	Deal	2	
Involvement	of	NCI

*	Investor/Partner	Name	and	Description	of	Deal	3	
Name	of	Investor/Partner	
Description	of	Deal

*	Deal	Status	of	Deal	3	
Deal	Status

*	NCI	Involvement	of	Deal	3	
Involvement	of	NCI

*	Investor/Partner	Name	and	Description	of	Deal	4	
Name	of	Investor/Partner	
Description	of	Deal

*	Deal	Status	of	Deal	4	
Deal	Status

*	NCI	Involvement	of	Deal	4	
Involvement	of	NCI

*	Investor/Partner	Name	and	Description	of	Deal	5	
Name	of	Investor/Partner	
Description	of	Deal

*	Deal	Status	of	Deal	5	
Deal	Status

*	NCI	Involvement	of	Deal	5	
Involvement	of	NCI

Post	Event	Feedback	Form

*	11.	How	many	contacts	do	you	plan	to	follow-up	with?	
Potential	Investors
Potential	Partners
Potential	Customers
Other	(please	describe):

*	12.	Did	you	significantly	benefit	from	the	event	in	any	of	the	following	ways?	

Did	not	Benefit	
Increased	visibility
due	to	the	profile	of
the	event	
need	insights	for	the
NCI-funded	project
insights	for	the	NCIfunded	project
Improved	pitch	and
ability	to	showcase

Somewhat	Benefited

Moderately	Benefited

Greatly	Benefited

13.	Please	list	or	describe	any	media	attention	that	your	company	received	as	a	result	of
participating	in	this	event:	

*	14.	Was	NCI	support	a	critical	factor	in	your	being	able	to	attend	this	event?	
Yes	(please	describe):

*	15.	If	you	have	an	oral	or	poster	presentation	at	this	event,	was	it	a	worthwhile	experience?

Yes,	both	were	worthwhile


Yes,	the	oral	presentation	was	worthwhile

Yes,	the	poster	presentation	was	worth	while
No	(please	specify)

*	16.	If	you	received	mentoring	from	the	NCI	SBIR	Development	Center	in	preparation	for
this	event	(e.g.	pitch	coaching),	how	useful	was	it?	
Not	at	all









*	17.		Would	you	recommend	that	other	companies	similar	to	yours	(same	stage	and/or
technology)	attend	this	event?	
No	(please	describe):

*	18.	Would	you	have	attended	without	NCI	support?	
Yes	(please	describe):

*	19.	Did	you	feel	that	your	company's	topic	area	and	stage	of	development	fit	the	focus	of	the
investors	in	attendance?	
No	(please	describe):

20.	Comments/	general	suggestions:	

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2023-02-10
File Created2023-01-25

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