Form 1 Survey

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery (NIH)

2023 NIH SGM SIS Customer Feedback_Pre-knowledge Customer Feedback

NIH Sexual & Gender Minority (SGM) Health Summer Intensive Series- Customer Feedback Pre-Knowledge (NHGRI)

OMB: 0925-0648

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Welcome	to	the	Sexual	and	Gender	Minority	Health	Research	Summer
Intensive	Series!
OMB#:	0925-0648	Exp.,	date:	06/30/2024
Public	reporting	burden	for	this	collection	of	information	is	estimated	to	average	5-minutes	per
submission.	An	agency	may	not	conduct	or	sponsor,	and	a	person	is	not	required	to	respond	to,	a
collection	of	information	unless	it	displays	a	currently	valid	OMB	control	number.	Send	comments
regarding	this	burden	estimate	or	any	other	aspect	of	this	collection	of	information,	including
suggestions	for	reducing	this	burden,	to:	NIH,	Project	Clearance	Branch,	6705	Rockledge	Drive,	MSC
7974,	Bethesda,	MD	20892-7974,	ATTN:	PRA	0925-0648.	Do	not	return	the	completed	form	to	this
We	look	forward	to	your	participation	in	the	Sexual	and	Gender	Minority	(SGM)	Health	Research
Summer	Intensive	Series	(SIS)!	To	gauge	current	knowledge	about	SGM	health	research,	please
complete	the	following	questions	before	the	start	of	the	SIS.
There	are	only	3	questions.	All	questions	are	optional.	You	may	exit	the	survey	at	any	time.
For	the	following	questions,	please	note	that	SGM	=	Sexual	and	Gender	Minority.	
SGM	populations	include,	but	are	not	limited	to,	individuals	who	identify	as	lesbian,	gay,	bisexual,	asexual,
transgender,	Two-Spirit,	queer,	and/or	intersex.	Individuals	with	same-sex	or	-gender	attractions	or	behaviors	and
those	with	a	difference	in	sex	development	are	also	included.	These	populations	also	encompass	those	who	do	not
self-identify	with	one	of	these	terms	but	whose	sexual	orientation,	gender	identity	or	expression,	or	reproductive
development	is	characterized	by	non-binary	constructs	of	sexual	orientation,	gender,	and/or	sex.	

1.	What	is	your	current	institution?	
NIH	Bethesda
NIH	off-site
Other	(please	specify)

2.	What	is	your	current	role	at	your	institution?	
Summer	Intern
Early	Investigator
Established	Investigator
Other	(please	specify)

3.	Please	rate	your	confidence	and	knowledge	about	SGM	health	research	on	a	Likert	scale	of
1-5,	with	1	being	Strongly	disagree	to	5	being	Strongly	agree.	

SGM	populations
face	health
SGM	health	research
is	part	of	regular
health	research;	no
considerations	are
I	feel	competent	in
my	abilities	to	work
in	an	environment
focusing	on	SGM
SGM	patients	do	not
have	any	specific
health	research
I	feel	am	not	able	to
find	SGM	health
I	do	not	understand
the	challenges	of
collecting	sexual
orientation	and
gender	identify	data
in	healthcare
I	know	about	the
NIH	programs	aimed
at	advancing	SGM
I	feel	confident	in	my
ability	to	follow	a
career	path	in	SGM
health	research	if	I




Strongly	Agree

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2023-05-24
File Created2023-05-12

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