GHG Optional Tool

RUS IRA GHG Calculator v4.2c - template ~ pwd.xlsx

Empowering Rural America Program

GHG Optional Tool

OMB: 0572-0158

Document [xlsx]
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A. Calculator Worksheet
B. Notes
C. Emission Factors Used

Sheet 1: Welcome


USDA Rural Utilities Service (RUS) Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Calculator for Utility-Scale Renewable Energy Projects Generating Electricity

This calculator is to be used by applicants to the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)

Priority -- To achieve the greatest reduction in carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide emissions associated with rural electric systems


The purpose of this workbook is to provide a simple GHG calculator that will allow RUS to estimate emission reductions generally in a standard manner that allows for a direct comparison of Section 22004 applications on an equal or "apples-to-apples" basis. It is also meant to reduce the burden on applicants from having to learn or develop a new tool or program in order to apply for this program.

There are many valid methods to calculate achievable GHG emission reductions. This workbook may not capture all emission reductions under all conditions an applicant is proposing, such as emission reductions from transmission and distribution loading changes, energy efficiency reductions, or other dynamic system reductions. If there are other "zero emission systems" or other emission reductions an applicant does not believe will be adequately captured in the spreadsheet, applicants are welcome to note that and provide that information in Tab B. All “zero emission systems” must generate electricity and be completed and operating by 2031.

Again, the purpose of this spreadsheet is to allow for a simplified manner for applicants to outline their plans and for RUS to compare applications on a standard basis using common assumptions. Section 22004 includes the following as eligible activities: the purchase of renewable energy, renewable energy systems, zero-emission systems, carbon capture and storage systems, to deploy such systems, or energy efficiency improvements to generation & transmission system of eligible entities. For purposes of this spreadsheet, both renewable-based energy systems and nuclear are considered to be "zero emission systems" and are delineated as separate inputs.

Tab A is the GHG Calculator Worksheet

The Calculator Worksheet is to be used by all eligible section 22004 applicants.

The Worksheet uses the latest system data provided by the applicant (either 2021 or 2022) as a baseline to calculate total GHG impacts (both reductions and avoided). Other related metrics are calculated.

Projects and impacts should reflect the scope of your proposal for funding and be a direct result of the requested funding.

The Calculator Worksheet provides a snap shot of the annual GHG impacts assuming all aspects of the proposed project is in place and operating. All inputs are average annual values.

This Worksheet allows the assessment of project impacts based on a comon and consistent set of assumptions.

Enter your system and project data in the gray cells. The Worksheet's calculated values and metrics are in the green cells.

If "ERROR" flags appear, please check and reenter your input values.


Step 1. Identification Inputs: Eligible Entity Legal Name (Applicant) ; Project Name; and Date

Step 2. Part 1 Inputs to establish baseline year energy supply mix

Select: Baseline Year

Input: Total Generated Energy and its breakdown as specified

Input: Total Energy Purchases and its breakdown as specified

Input: Total System Grid Losses

Step 3. Part 2 Proposed Project(s) Data

Input: Proposed Project(s) Total Capital Cost and Total RUS Loan and Grant Funds Being Requested in this Application

Input: Additions of New Zero Emission Generation and Purchases

Enter Sum of All New Proposed Zero Emission Generation (MWh) and Sum of All New Zero Emission Electricity Purchases (MWh)

Input: Phase Down of Non-Zero Emission Generation Assets

Enter Sum of the Non-Zero Emission Generation (MWh) Attributed to Stranded Assets and Green Fuel Switching or Cofiring

Input: Useful Life and Purchase Terms for New Non-Zero Emission Supply

Input: Carbon Capture and Sequestration and Useful Life

Input: Reduction in Annual System Grid Losses

Input: Share of New Zero Emission Generation Applied to Phased Down Non-Zero Emission Generation

Input: Share of New Zero Emission Purchases Applied to Phased Down Non-Zero Emission Purchases

Step 4. All values for the new energy supply mix are calculated

Step 5. All Greenhouse Gas Metrics are calculated

Step 6. Check Calculator Worksheet for "ERROR" flags. Check and reenter your input values as needed.

Step 7. Save Workbook and submit with application

Use Tab B to provide any additional Notes or Feedback concerning system impacts and benefits

Describe system portfolio impacts not captured by the calculator and how the proposed projects fit into your decarbonization plan. (Achieving zero carbon by 2035)

Other qualitative benefits can be presented.

See Tab C to review the base GHG Emission Factors Used in this Workbook

GHG Emission Factors are referenced from eGRID, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Energy Information Administration (EIA)

National Average Factors are used for simplicity and consistency.

Please include your completed Workbook in your loan application package. Thank you!
Applications will not be deemed complete if this worksheet or an equivalent substitute is not included in the submitted application.

Sheet 2: A. Calculator Worksheet






This worksheet is for all eligible New ERA (Section 22004) electric cooperative applicants who are proposing to use RUS IRA funding for any of the following:

Adding zero emission systems (renewable-based or nuclear energy generation) to their utility plant assets, rate-based generation fleet (owning new zero emission projects)

Projects directly facilitate the phase down of existing non-zero emission generation from the asset base

Adding zero emission based purchases and eliminating or reducing fossil-based and grid purchases

Installing carbon capture and sequestration facilities

System grid improvements

For applicants that are eligible electric cooperative subsidiaries, Part 1 inputs represent their offtaker's system.

All data inputs are either positive values or 0. Negative values are not valid entries.

PART 1. Inputs to Establish a Baseline Energy Supply Mix and Determine the Baseline System GHG Emissions

Generation System Data (2021 or 2022) – Based on Generating Assets You Currently Own and Operate and Electricity Purchases. For assets you have partial ownership only include your share of the output.

Note: For Subsidiary Applicants, this section describes your offtaker's system.

Baseline Year: 2022

All proposed projects must be in operation after the baseline year

Annual Total System Generation Supply (MWh)

Does not include proposed project(s). Includes all owned generation and purchases in the baseline year.

Assets Owned and Operated

Annual Renewables Generation (MWh)

Sum of all renewable sources for electricity generation in the baseline year

Annual Coal Generation (MWh)

Annual Natural Gas Generation (MWh)

Annual Oil/Diesel Generation (MWh)

Annual Nuclear Generation (MWh)


Purchased Electricity

Total Annual Electricity Purchases (MWh)

All Electricity Purchases (All supply contracts, bulk grid, and PPAs)

Annual Renewables Purchases (MWh)

Renewables Share of Total Purchases (Not in Addition to Total Purchase)

Annual Coal Generation Purchases (MWh)

Coal Share of Total Purchases (Not in Addition to Total Purchase)

Annual Natural Gas Generation Purchases (MWh)

Natural Gas Share of Total Purchases (Not in Addition to Total Purchase)

Annual Oil/Diesel Generation Purchases (MWh)

Oil/Diesel Share of Total Purchases (Not in Addition to Total Purchases)

Annual Nuclear Generation Purchases (MWh)

Nuclear Share of Total Purchases (Not in Addition to Total Purchase)

Annual Bulk Grid Purchases (MWh)

Grid Purchase Share of Total Purchases (Not in Addition to Total Purchases)

Check of Total Purchased Electricity:
- MWh

Check of Total System Supply:
- MWh

System Grid Losses

Annual System Grid Losses (MWh)

Generation Supply Less Delivered Electricity Sales or Power System Simulation Modeling Results

PART 2. Proposed Project(s) Data: Provide Project Cost and Impacts to the System Energy Supply Mix and GHG Emissions

Total Project Capital Cost ($)

Requested RUS Amount ($)

Include total requested RUS loan and grant amounts in this application

Actions Directly Funded By this Project - Average Annual Values - All Projects Must Be Complete and Operational By 2031

Additions of Zero Emission Generation and Purchases

Proposed New Renewable Project(s) Average Annual Generation (MWh)

Useful Life (years)
Do not exceed 30 years

Include the sum of all new renewables-based electricity generation (direct to grid and renewable electricity stored and dispatched). Do not double count delivered generation.

Proposed New Nuclear Project Annual Generation (MWh)

- Useful Life (years)
Do not exceed 30 years

Proposed New Renewables Power Purchases (MWh)

Purchase Term (yr)
Do not exceed 30 years

Proposed New Nuclear Generation Power Purchases (MWh)

- Purchase Term (yr)
Do not exceed 30 years

Phase Down of Non-Zero Emission (Fossil) Generation Assets (Stranded Assets and Green Fuel Switching or Cofiring)

Proposed Phase Down of Coal Asset Generation (MWh)

Proposed Phase Down of Natural Gas Asset Generation (MWh)

Weighted Avg Life - years

Proposed Phase Down of Oil/Diesel Generation (MWh)

Incl. all new zero emission supply and carbon capture

Carbon Capture and Sequestration

Anticipated Annual Tons of CO2e Captured/Sequestered

- Useful Life (years)
Do not exceed 30 years

Reduction of System Grid Losses

Anticipated Annual Reduction of System Grid Losses (MWh)

Net MWh Line and Delivery Savings
Estimated or Results of Power System Simulation Modeling

Cannot be Greater Than Baseline System Losses

In Tab B, please specify the names of the fossil units being permanently closed, fuel type, and MW nameplate capacities.

In Tab B, please specify if System Grid actions increase the power transfer capacity of the system grid and enables interconnections or delivery of additional renewables and zero emissions capacity.

Operational Impacts on the Baseline System - Uses of the Proposed New Zero Emission Project(s) Generation and Purchases

Additions and Replacements: What share of the zero emissions projects' output is additional generation (system growth) and what shares replace the phased out non-zero emission gen and purchases?

Replacement is defined as the portion of new zero emission project(s) that maintains the output provided by the baseline system after phase down of non-zero emission supplies.

Total New Zero Emission Supply (MWh)


Table 1. Proposed Project(s)

Total New Zero Emission Supply (MWh)

Breakdown of New Zero Emission Supply (MWh)

Renewables Nuclear Total Check

Generation - - - -

Purchases - - - -

Total - - - -

Uses of Zero Emission Supply (MWh): Allocation New Zero Emission Supply (Table 1) to Replace Supply from Phasing Down Non-Zero Emission Supply Sources

Table 2. Proposed Project(s)

Share of New Zero Emission Generation Applied to Phased Down Non-Zero Emission Generation (MWh)

Breakdown of New Zero Emission Supply (MWh)

Renewables Nuclear Total Cannot Exceed

Coal Generation
- - -

Nat Gas Generation
- - -

Oil/Diesel Gen
0 - -

Total - - - -

Cannot Exceed - -

Remaining ZE Gen - -

Table 3. Proposed Project(s)

Share of New Zero Emission Purchases Applied to Phased Down Non-Zero Emission Purchases (MWh)

Breakdown of New Zero Emission Supply (MWh)

Renewables Nuclear Total Cannot Exceed

Coal Gen Purchases
- - -

Nat Gas Purchases
- - -

Oil/Diesel Purchase
- - -

Bulk Grid Purchases
- - -

Total - - - -

Cannot Exceed - -

Remaining ZE Purchases
- -

Additional Bulk Grid Purchases Necessary to Replace Any Phased Down Non-Zero Emission Supply that Was Not Covered by the New Zero Emission Supply (MWh)


Table 4. Proposed Project(s)

Remaining New Zero Emission Supply to be Used for System Growth (MWh)

Breakdown of New Zero Emission Supply (MWh)

Renewables Nuclear Total

Generation - - -

Purchases - - -

Total - - -

Table 5. Summary

Total Zero Emission Supply (MWh)


Amount Applied to Non-Zero Emission Phase Downs (MWh)


Amount Applied to System Growth (MWh)


New System Supply Mix

Summary of Proposed Project(s) Output and Uses:

New System Supply Mix

Zero Emission System Gen and Purchases to Meet Growth

Project(s) Output MWh Zero Emission Gen - MWh

Additional Renewables Supply

Renewables Gen -

Additional Nuclear Supply

Nuclear Gen -

Zero Emission Gen and Purchases Applied to Phased Down Non Zero Emission Supply

MWh Fossil Based Gen - MWh

Replacement of Coal Generation

Coal Gen -

Replacement of Natural Gas Generation

Natural Gas Gen -

Replacement of Oil/Diesel Generation

Oil/Diesel Gen -

Zero Emissions Gen and Purchases Applied to Non Zero Emission Purchased Power

MWh Purchased Supply - MWh

Replacement of Purchased Bulk Grid Electricity

- Bulk Grid Purchases -

Replacement of Purchased Coal Electricity

Coal Gen Purchases -

Replacement of Purchased NG Electricity

Nat Gas Purchases -

RE Purchases -

Nuclear Purchases -

- MWh Total - MWh

Generation output reduced by fossil phase down that is not replaced with zero emission supply additions are assumed to be replaced by grid electricity purchases to meet minimum baseline service demands.

PART 3. Calculated GHG Emissions (Based on EPA eGrid Emission Factors Presented in Tab C)

System Supply Mix

Current New (Base System+Zero Emission New Gen-Fossil Closures-Legacy Op Reductions+Purchases)

Zero Emission Systems

Renewables Generation/Total Generation Supply (%)

0.0% 0.0%

Nuclear Generation/Total Generation Supply (%)

0.0% 0.0%

Legacy Fossil Generation Assets

Coal Generation/Total Generation Supply (%)

0.0% 0.0%

Natural Gas Generation/Total Generation Supply (%)

0.0% 0.0%

Oil/Diesel Generation/Total Generation Supply (%)

0.0% 0.0%

Energy Supply Purchases

Bulk Grid Purchases/Total Generation Supply (%)

0.0% 0.0%

Coal Generation Purchases/Total Generation Supply (%)

0.0% 0.0%

Natural Gas Generation Purchases/Total Generation Supply (%)

0.0% 0.0%

Renewable Generation Purchases/Total Generation Supply (%)

0.0% 0.0%

Nuclear Generation Purchases/Total Generation Supply (%)

0.0% 0.0%

Total must add to 100%
0.0% 0.0%

GHG Avoided (Tons):

Current Annual GHG  (Tons)

New Annual GHG (Tons)
Savings from ZE Additions Based on Non-Baseload Emission Rates

CO2 -

CO2 - -

N2O -

N2O - -

CH4 -

CH4 - -



Annual CO2 Equivalent (CO2e) (Tons)

- Annual CO2e (Tons) - -

Lifetime Cumulative CO2e (Tons)

- Lifetime CO2e (Tons) - -

System Carbon Intensity (pounds CO2e/MWh)

Current System -

System + Project(s) -

PART 4. Calculated Metrics

Annual Metrics

Note 1: Annual GHG Reduction  (Tons CO2e)


Annual GHG Avoided  (Tons CO2e)


Annual Tons Reduced and Avoided


System + Project(s)

Note 1: Annual GHG % Reduction

0.0% Avoided Emissions

Decrease % in Carbon Intensity


Increase % of Renewables Supply


Increase % of Zero Emission Supply


Project Lifetime Metrics (Cumulative Impacts)

Cost Effectiveness
Cost Effectiveness

Note 1: Total GHG Reduction  (Tons CO2e)

- Proj $/Ton CO2e - RUS $/Ton CO2e Reduction

Total GHG Avoided  (Tons CO2e)


Total Tons Reduced and Avoided

- Proj $/Ton CO2e - RUS $/Ton CO2e Reduction + Avoided

System + Project(s)

Note 1:
Lifetime GHG % Reduction
0.0% Avoided Emissions

Note 1: If new renewable projects only provide additional generation for growth then there will be no GHG reductions but only GHG avoided. Metrics based on reduction will be zero or undefined.

In this case, use GHG avoided metrics only. Carbon Intensity values and renewable generation values are still valid.

Sheet 3: B. Notes




Test Case: Large Generic G&T


Test Case: 1000 MW Wind Project (can be one or several) with partial contributions to phase down of non-zero emission supply sources




Space is provided below for any additional comments or feedback.

System portfolio impacts

Achieving Your Decarbonization Plan

Other details or comments

Sheet 4: C. Emission Factors Used

USDA Rural Utilities Service (RUS) Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Calculator for Utility-Scale Renewable Energy Projects Generating Electricity

This calculator is to be used by applicants to the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)


Priority -- To achieve the greatest reduction in carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide emissions associated with rural electric systems

Calculation Check

For Purchased Power: U.S. Electricity Grid Averages (2021)

2021 MWh CO2 N2O CH4

Capacity Factors U.S. Generation 4,120,000,000

GHG lbs/MWh latest eGrid
49.30% Coal 23% 947,600,000 2139089497600 36691072 252251120

CO2 818.3 852.3
54.40% NG 38% 1,565,600,000 1407218267840 2652126 26521264

N2O 0.009 0.01
16.40% Oil 0.5% 20,600,000 37389000000 299112 1495560

CH4 0.065 0.071

Renewables 19.5% 803,400,000 0 0 0


Nuclear 19% 782,800,000 0 0 0

Total lbs/MWh 869.83 0.01 0.07

100 year Greenhouse Gas Global Warming Potential (GWP) Multiplier

874.40 Total CO2e lbs/MWh 869.83 2.87 1.70

To calculate CO2 equivalents (CO2e)


Avoided CO2e Factor

CO2 1 1

eGrid, U.S. non-baseload output CO2e marginal emission rate, 2021

N2O 298 265

1417.3 lbs CO2e/MWh

CH4 25 28

1400 CO2

0.016 N2O

0.11 CH4

For Electric Generation By Fuel Type

EIA eGrid eGrid eGrid Calculated Calculated Calculated

Heat Rate (Btu/kWh) Emission Factor (kg CO2/MMBtu) Emission Factor (g N2O/MMBtu) Emission Factor (g CH4/MMBtu) Emission Factor (lbs CO2/MWh) Emission Factor (lbs N2O/MWh) Emission Factor (lbs CH4/MWh)

11,000 93.28 1.6 11 2257 0.039 0.266

Nat. Gas CC
7,700 53.06 0.1 1 899 0.002 0.017

11,000 75 0.6 3 1815 0.015 0.073

10,500 0 0 0 0 0 0

- 0 0 0 0 0 0

2021 eGrid eGrid eGrid

Coal 2151 0.035 0.239

Nat. Gas CC 894 0.002 0.017

Oil 1667 0.017 0.10

eGrid and Calculated Values are in close agreement.

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