At-Sea monitoring and reporting requirements - notifications and database requirements and monitoring costs

Northeast Multispecies Reporting Requirements


At-Sea monitoring and reporting requirements - notifications and database requirements and monitoring costs

OMB: 0648-0605

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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Office of Law Enforcement
Northeast Division
55 Great Republic Drive
Gloucester, MA 01930-2276

VMS Reporting Instructions for Vessel Owners/Operators
Orolia (formerly McMurdo) OmniCom Version
Effective – September 15, 2020
These instructions are developed for the use of vessel owners and operators who are required to
maintain a VMS unit and send reports in accordance with the Greater Atlantic Fisheries Regulations
at 50 CFR 648.9 and 648.10. These instructions supplement the regulations and do not replace them.
Owners and operators are encouraged to review the regulations.
These instructions are also available on-line through the NOAA website:
New England/Mid-Atlantic webpage -
Office of Law Enforcement webpage -


Table of Contents
REPORTING REQUIREMENTS – IN PORT .................................................................................4
Continuous Reporting .......................................................................................................................4
Power Down and Letter of Exemption (LOE) ..................................................................................4
Table 1 – In Port VMS Reporting Requirements…………………………………………….. 4
REPORTING REQUIREMENTS – BEFORE LEAVING PORT .................................................5
VMS Power .......................................................................................................................................5
VMS Hardware .................................................................................................................................5
VMS Software...................................................................................................................................5
Activity Declaration ..........................................................................................................................5
Table 2 - Vessel Activity Report (Declaration) ........................................................................5
Fishing Inside of, or Inside & Outside of, the VMS Demarcation Line on a Trip ....................6
Fishing on the Same VMS Declaration that was Last Declared ................................................6
Chart 1 – Multispecies Broad Stock Areas ...............................................................................7
Chart 2 - Eastern and Western U.S./Canada Management Areas ............................................8
Chart 3 - Multispecies Special Access Program (SAP) Areas .................................................9
Chart 4 - Monkfish Northern Fishery Management Area/Offshore Fishery Program Area ..10
Declaring Out of Fishery.................................................................................................................11
Declaring the Monkfish Option with a Multispecies Declaration ..................................................11
Declaration Code.............................................................................................................................11
Declaration Acknowledgment .........................................................................................................12
Required VMS Reports ...................................................................................................................12
Table 3 - VMS Forms Required to be Sent before Leaving Port ............................................12
VMS Demarcation Line ..................................................................................................................12
Trip Start and End ...........................................................................................................................12
Position Reporting...........................................................................................................................12
If the VMS Unit Stops Positioning .................................................................................................13
NMFS Courtesy E-Mail Notification of Trip Start and End ...........................................................13
Secondary Courtesy E-Mail Address Service .................................................................................14
If You Do Not Receive Your Trip E-mail(s) ..................................................................................14
Declaring an Incorrect VMS Activity Declaration .........................................................................14
Changing the VMS Declaration during a Trip ................................................................................14
Declaring a Multispecies or Monkfish ‘Flex’ Trip ..................................................................14
‘Flipping’ the Multispecies Days-at-Sea (DAS) Type.............................................................14
Changing from a Multispecies to a Monkfish DAS Declaration .............................................15
Required VMS Reports ...................................................................................................................15
Table 4 - VMS Forms Required to be Sent While in the NE Fishery .....................................16
VMS E-Mail Messaging .................................................................................................................16
Trip ‘Stitching’ ................................................................................................................................17
ADDITIONAL VMS INFORMATION ...........................................................................................17
DAS Charging for VMS Trips ........................................................................................................17
VMS Messaging Costs ....................................................................................................................17
Replacing Your Vessel’s VMS Unit ...............................................................................................17

Removing Your Vessel’s VMS Unit ..............................................................................................17
Contacting the VMS Team .............................................................................................................18
Table 5 - VMS Team Contact List ..........................................................................................18
Alternate E-Mail Address to Contact the VMS Team ....................................................................18
Contacting the VMS Support Center ..............................................................................................18
VMS Reimbursement Program .......................................................................................................18
Contacting NMFS Enforcement ......................................................................................................18
Contacting your VMS Vendor ........................................................................................................19
CHANGE LOG ..................................................................................................................................20
ATTACHMENT 1 - Orolia Activity Reports (Declarations) v19 and Reports (Forms) v16 ............21
ATTACHMENT 2 - How to ‘Confirm the Use of a Previous VMS Code’ .......................................43
ATTACHMENT 3 - Groundfish Catch Reporting Requirements (Flow Diagram) ..........................45


1. Continuous Reporting. While in port your VMS is required to continuously report your vessel’s
position to NMFS. Scallop-permitted vessels must report every half-hour, while all other vessels
report hourly.
2. Power Down and Letter of Exemption (LOE). You may turn the power off to your VMS under
specific conditions. You must first consider all of your active GAR permits that require a VMS –
your most restrictive reporting requirement will apply. Table 1 below shows VMS reporting
requirements by permit:
Permit (Note 1)
Limited Access Scallop
Ocean Quahog


Start of each Fishing Year:
Must report 24/7 every half-hour.
Must report 24/7 every hour.
Must report 24/7 every hour.
Must report 24/7 every hour, except Carrier
which must report 24/7 from 1st carrier trip
declared via VMS.
Must report 24/7 every hour from 1st MMQ
trip, regardless of fishing year.

Exception (Note 4)

Maine Mahogany Quahog
(Note 2)


LAGC Scallop (general


Must report 24/7 every half-hour.

May declare the
Power Down
declaration (Note 1).

Multispecies (Note 3)




Must report 24/7 every hour from 1st
groundfish trip taken and for remainder of
fishing year.
Must report 24/7 every hour during the
Offshore Fishery Program season October 1
to April 30 only.
Must report 24/7 every hour.

Longfin & Illex Squid, and 1A,1B,5,6
Butterfish Moratorium
When electing to provide
VMS notifications under:
Occasional Scallop


May apply for NMFS
Letter of Exemption

May apply for LOE.

Must report 24/7 every hour.
Must report 24/7 from 1st elected VMS trip
taken and for remainder of fishing year.

Reports every hour.
Reports every half-hour.

Table 1 – In Port VMS Reporting Requirements

Note 1. Your most restrictive permit applies in determining whether you can power down your VMS
in port. Example – if you hold an LAGC scallop permit and a surfclam permit, you must report 24/7
at the dock/mooring and cannot declare the power down code.


Note 2. These vessels are not required to use a VMS until they fish for, land, take, possess or transfer
ocean quahogs under a limited access Maine mahogany quahog permit. From that point forward, they
must keep the VMS unit on at all times and make trip declarations for as long as the permit is issued
to the vessel.


Note 3. Sector vessels must have an operational VMS installed when (1) fishing on a sector trip
declared into the groundfish fishery, or (2) when targeting monkfish or skate on a groundfish days-at-


sea (DAS); the VMS must be on and used from the first trip until the end of the fishing year. There
may be annual NMFS exemptions that apply to certain sectors. Common pool vessels must have an
operational VMS installed when (1) taking the first groundfish DAS trip, or (2) when Category C and
HA-permitted vessels are fishing in more than one Broad Stock Area; they must also keep the VMS
on and use VMS for all subsequent trips through the fishing year.

Note 4. The regulations at 50 CFR 648.10(c)(2) allow a vessel to power off their VMS after (1)
obtaining a NMFS Letter of Exemption (LOE), or (2) sending the power down declaration. The
vessel’s most restrictive permit will determine which situation applies. Circumstances that allow an
owner to obtain an LOE include (1) the vessel is expected to be out of the water for > 72 consecutive
hours, or (2) the vessel will be dockside or moored for a minimum of 30 consecutive days (the vessel
may not engage in any fisheries or move from the dock/mooring until the VMS unit is turned back
on). The request must be made in advance of the intended exemption period. The LOE application
form is available on the VMS web page or by contacting the VMS Team (see Page 18). Fill it out and
mail, e-mail or fax it to the VMS Team in advance of the date you intend to turn the VMS unit off.
You may not turn your VMS unit off until you receive your LOE from NMFS. The LOE must reside
on the vessel at all times.

1. VMS Power. If your VMS has been powered off, turn it on and confirm that the unit is reporting
normally. You may call the VMS Team to ensure that OLE is receiving your vessel’s signal.
2. VMS Hardware. Be sure that your Orolia OmniCom is connected to power and the tablet is
connected to the VMS. The tablet is required in order to be VMS-compliant at sea as it allows
NMFS to communicate with your vessel via e-mail.
3. VMS Software. Run the current version of NMFS-required Orolia software on your tablet.
Failure to operate the required software will compromise your ability to send proper declarations and
forms, and may lead to enforcement action. Contact Orolia Fleet Management if your unit does not
have all the required software (see page 19).

Effective September 15, 2020 – Prisma Vessel with Format 16 Reports

4. Activity Declaration. For every trip, begin by double-tapping the ‘Prisma Vessel’ icon on your
tablet’s main screen. This action should bring you directly to the ‘Home’ screen where all ‘Reports’
(declarations and eforms) are listed in alphabetical order. Select the appropriate declaration
(multispecies sector trip, multispecies common pool trip, monkfish trip, etc), complete the required
steps (and any appropriate optional steps) and send an activity declaration for your intended trip (see
two exceptions below). Your Orolia VMS software has built-in logic that helps you make and send a
‘valid’ declaration (‘valid’ means NMFS regulations allow your chosen combination of gear, DAS,
area(s), broad stock area(s), etc.).
When selecting areas and broad stock areas to fish, Charts 1-4 on pages 7-10 may be useful.
Attachment 1 provides you with screen views and guidance for each of the Orolia declarations and
forms. Please familiarize yourself with the declarations before reading on (please note the ‘steps’ in
many of the declaration screens). Paragraphs 5 and 6 below provide guidance on sending a
declaration for ‘Declare Out of Fishery’ (DOF) trips and ‘Monkfish Option’ trips.

a. Exception 1 - Fishing Inside of, or Inside & Outside of, the VMS Demarcation Line
on a Trip. VMS starts and ends trips as the vessel crosses the VMS demarcation line (see page 12
for an explanation) and is not able to accurately calculate trip length in these situations. If you intend
to fish completely inside the VMS demarcation line, or fish both inside and outside the demarcation
line on the same trip, you must (1) declare the trip through the Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
Call-In system (1-888-284-4904) and (2) declare the DOF activity declaration on your VMS unit
(Note – If you experience difficulty using the IVR system, call the Analysis and Program Support
Division (APSD) for assistance at (978) 281-9234. APSD also maintains a back-up IVR message
line at 888-487-9994).
b. Exception 2 - Fishing on the Same VMS Declaration that was Last Declared. This
alternative method allows owner/operators to call the IVR system and follow the prompts to
‘Confirm the Use of a Previous VMS Code’. It is not to be used in lieu of an inoperable VMS.
This feature saves you the step of sending a declaration from your VMS unit and will provide you
with a confirmation number; however, it may only be used if your declaration is identical to the last
declaration received by NMFS. The IVR system will report to you the last 12-character VMS
declaration ‘code’ received from your vessel so be prepared to know the declaration code you wish
to use for your trip. See Attachment 2 for directions on how to use this feature.


Charts 1-4 on the following pages depict various regulatory areas to assist you with Multispecies and
Monkfish declaration reporting.

Chart 1 –Multispecies Broad Stock Areas (BSA) (50 CFR 648.10(k)(3))

Gulf of Maine (GOM)
Broad Stock Area

Inshore Georges
Bank (IGB)
Broad Stock Area

Offshore Georges Bank (OGB)
Broad Stock Area

Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic
(SNE-MA) Broad Stock Area

Offshore Georges Bank (OGB)
Broad Stock Area

Chart 2 – Eastern and Western US/Canada Management Areas (50 CFR 648.85(a))
Note – Both the Eastern and Western US/CA Areas are entirely within the Offshore Georges Bank
Broad Stock Area (OGB BSA). Therefore, when declaring either the Eastern or Western US/CA, or
both, under the Broad Stock Area question you must also select the OGB BSA.

Gulf of Maine (GOM)
Broad Stock Area

Inshore Georges
Bank (IGB)
Broad Stock Area

Offshore Georges Bank (OGB)
Broad Stock Area

Offshore Georges Bank (OGB)
Broad Stock Area

Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic
(SNE-MA) Broad Stock Area

Chart 3 – Multispecies Special Access Program (SAP) Areas (50 CFR 648.85(b))
Note – Both SAPs are entirely within the Offshore Georges Bank Broad Stock Area (OGB BSA).
Therefore, when declaring either the Eastern US/CA Haddock SAP, CA-2 Yellowtail Flounder/
Haddock SAP, or both, under the Broad Stock Area question you must also select the OGB BSA.

Chart 4 – Monkfish Northern Fishery Management Area (50 CFR 648.91(a)) and
Offshore Fishery Program Area (50 CFR 648.95(c))
Note – When declaring a Monkfish trip and also using Multispecies days-at-sea, you must declare
those multispecies broad stock areas (BSAs) you intend to fish. The Monkfish Northern Fishery
Management Area (NFMA) covers all four (4) BSAs as shown above; you must select one or all of
the BSAs you intend to fish. The Southern Fishery Management Area (SFMA) is the area entirely
outside the NFMA; if you intend to fish any part of your trip in the SFMA, you must also select one
or all of the four BSAs you intend to fish.
For those few Monkfish Category F permit holders who fish the Offshore Fishery Program Area and
also intend to use Multispecies days-at-sea, this area covers two BSAs – you must select the
Offshore Georges Bank (OGB) BSA and/or Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic (SNE-MA) BSA.


5. Declaring Out of Fishery. These declarations are used whenever the vessel’s activity will be any
activity other than the requirement to declare a limited access scallop trip, general category scallop
trip, multispecies sector or common pool trip, monkfish days-at-sea trip, herring trip, surfclam trip,
ocean quahog trip, Maine mahogany quahog trip, longfin or illex squid trip, or mackerel trip. This
declaration is also appropriate for any vessel movement away from the dock/mooring when no
fishing activity is intended (for example, transits, equipment shakedown/testing, retrieving lost gear,
There are seven (7) DOF declarations to choose from, as follows:

Transit without Product Onboard. Select for all transits between ports when there is no
fishing activity, as well as equipment shakedown/testing, retrieving lost gear, etc.


Transit with Product Onboard. Select for all transits authorized by regulations in which the
vessel is declaring out of a VMS-required fishery and there is product onboard the vessel


Fishing - Commercial. Select for trips when fishing that does not require a declaration for
the species listed above (Para. 5) or for activities covered by Exception 1 on page 6. This
declaration also requires you to choose your intended gear. (VMS code: DOF-CMLXXX?XX where ‘?’ represents the gear code chosen).


Exempted Fishing Permit. Select for trips when fishing on an EFP and targeting species not
addressed in the other declarations. This declaration also requires you to choose your
intended gear. (VMS code: DOF-EFP-XXX?XX where ‘?’ represents the gear code chosen).


Fishing - Recreational/Charter. Select for recreational and charter fishing trips (VMS code:


Scientific Research. Select for trips involving scientific research activity when not on an
Experimental fishing permit (VMS code: DOF-SCI-XXXXXX). This declaration also
requires you to choose your type of research – NMFS Letter of Acknowledgment (LOA) or
Other Research.


NAFO. Select only when permitted by NMFS to participate in the Northwest Atlantic
Fisheries Organization (NAFO) outside the U.S. EEZ (VMS code: DOF-NAF-XXXXXX).

6. Declaring the Monkfish Option with a Multispecies Declaration. If you anticipate exceeding
the monkfish incidental catch limit while on a multispecies sector or DAS trip and want to retain the
monkfish caught, declare the monkfish option in Step 1. This action preserves your ability to change
to a monkfish DAS trip later while at sea (you do not accrue Monkfish DAS unless you decide
during the trip to redeclare your trip as a Monkfish trip). However, you must fish your multispecies
trip entirely within the monkfish Northern Fishery Management Area (NFMA). Your VMS code will
show either an ‘M’ (for monkfish option) or an ‘I’ (for monkfish option and on an EFP trip) in the
2nd to last character. To declare the option, go to the appropriate multispecies sector or common pool
declaration screen, then read the text in Step 1 and click the box to the left of ‘Yes’.
7. Declaration Code. Your declaration is converted by your VMS software into a 12-character VMS
code (format: XXX-XXX-XXXXXX) and transmitted to NMFS when you press the ‘Send’ button.
Check the code and description to be sure they accurately reflect your intended activity.


8. Declaration Acknowledgment. Regulations require that you send an accurate declaration;
therefore, you are encouraged to await an acknowledgment. Once you send a declaration, check your
tablet’s ‘Outbox’ to confirm that is states ‘SENT’ to the right of your declaration message. This is
your acknowledgment, and is confirmation that NMFS will receive the declaration that you sent.
You may always call the VMS Team during the workday to confirm receipt.
Note – Owner/operators who are familiar with the older McMurdo Omnitracs VMS will recall
that an acceptance or rejection acknowledgment message was sent by McMurdo to the vessel;
this is not the case with the Orolia OmniCom – your tablet will confirm your acknowledgment
by indicating ‘SENT’.
9. Required VMS Reports. Your VMS software also includes several required forms (reports). We
have covered the sending of an activity declaration prior to leaving port. Now, we will discuss those
forms that, if appropriate for your intended activity, must be sent before leaving port. A list of these
forms is in Table 3 below. See Attachment 1 to view these forms.
VMS Form
Multispecies Trip Start Hail

RSA & EFP Trip Start Hail

Must be sent by:
All Sector vessels declaring a
groundfish trip only when intending
to fish on a NMFS exemption/option.
All vessels as required by their NMFS
RSA or EFP Letter of Authorization.

To provide advance notification
to enforcement personnel.
To provide advance notification
to enforcement personnel and to
track individual RSA quota.

Table 3 – VMS Forms Required to be sent before Leaving Port
1. VMS Demarcation Line. The VMS demarcation line is defined by a series of lines connecting
51 coordinates as described in 50 CFR 648.10 and the VMS web page. The line generally follows
the contour of the Eastern Seaboard from northern Maine to North Carolina. When your vessel
crosses the VMS demarcation line, the NMFS monitoring system automatically records a trip start
and trip end event for your trip. Your trip starts on the first VMS position seaward of the line and
ends with the first VMS position shoreward of the line.
2. Trip Start and End. A VMS trip consists of the VMS-assigned Trip Identification Number,
VMS Activity Declaration (Code), Trip Start Date/Time, Trip End Date/Time, and Trip Duration. A
VMS trip automatically starts on the first position report sent by your VMS unit that is seaward of
the demarcation line (defined as ‘in the Northeast Fishery’). A VMS trip automatically ends on the
first position report shoreward of the demarcation line upon the return to port. The declaration that is
initially associated with the trip and reported to you in the Trip Start e-mail (described below) is the
last declaration successfully received from your vessel prior to leaving port. The declaration reported
to you in the Trip End e-mail is the final declaration associated with the trip and recorded in the
VMS and GARFO databases.
Note - Do not declare out of the fishery on your return to port to end your trip or stop your
days-at-sea clock – as previously stated, your trip automatically ends with the first VMS position
shoreward of the demarcation line on the return to port.
3. Position Reporting. Your vessel’s VMS unit must be operational by sending automatic position
reports, and be capable of sending and receiving messages. If you hold a VMS-required limited
access or general category scallop permit, your VMS must send position reports on a half-hourly

basis regardless of the vessel’s activity. For all other permits requiring the use of VMS, the unit must
send automatic position reports on an hourly basis regardless of the vessel’s activity. For vessels that
hold multiple permits, the most restrictive VMS reporting rate applies. If you replace your VMS
unit, be sure the replacement unit is correctly set to your vessel’s proper reporting rate.
To determine if the Orolia VMS is positioning normally and sending required position reports to
NMFS, check the white junction box for an illuminated power light and no fault lights illuminated.
Also, on your tablet, go to the ‘Home’ page and review ‘System Status’. Your tablet should indicate
a ‘Status’ of ‘Connected’ and a ‘GPS Status’ of ‘Acquired’ along with a count of satellites in view.
Another means is to call Orolia (see page 19) to verify positioning data, or send an e-mail request to
[email protected] from the VMS unit. E-mail is delivered by a different satellite system; if
there is a problem with positioning, e-mail capability may still be available.
4. If the VMS Unit Stops Positioning. Please be sure that your VMS unit is well maintained and
sending the required position reports. Periodically check your unit to ensure that it is positioning
normally. If your VMS unit stops functioning (positioning and/or messaging) and you are unable to
restore normal operation, your vessel is no longer VMS-compliant and continuing to fish may result
in a violation. Notify the VMS Team, and have the unit checked/repaired and returned to operational
status before the next trip.
5. NMFS Courtesy E-Mail Notification of Trip Start and End. The VMS Team manages a script
that automatically sends a courtesy trip start and trip end e-mail to your VMS unit for every trip. All
costs associated with courtesy e-mails are paid for by NMFS; no cost is incurred by your vessel.
The Trip Start e-mail is sent approximately 4 hours after a trip start is recorded by the NMFS
monitoring system. The message will be in the following format (example shown):
[email protected]
(vessel’s VMS unit e-mail address)
Subject: F/V (name) - Trip Start
Trip Start:
2019-12-01 09:30
Trip ID:
VMS Code: NMS-SEC-OPXWXA. If code is incorrect, return to a port & redeclare.
NE VMS Team: 978-281-9213.

Note - The trip start email that your VMS unit receives from NMFS is not a confirmation of
your trip declaration, but only provides the most-recent declaration received from your vessel.
The Trip End e-mail is sent approximately 6-8 hours after a trip end is recorded. If your VMS is
powered down while in port, delivery of the message to your VMS may time out before you receive
it. You can also provide the VMS Team with a personal e-mail address to receive the trip start/end emails and other e-mails from NMFS (see Secondary Courtesy E-Mail Address Service below).
The delays in delivery of trip start and end e-mails are a necessary feature of the NMFS VMS trip
generation system to ensure accurate trip accounting. The message will be in the following format
(example shown):
From: [email protected]
(vessel’s VMS unit e-mail address)
Subject: F/V (name) - Trip End
Trip End: 2019-12-01 21:30
Trip ID:
Trip Length: 0.5 days


6. Secondary Courtesy E-Mail Address Service. The VMS Team maintains an e-mail service that
allows owners to receive trip e-mails and other NMFS VMS correspondence with the vessel via the
owner’s personal e-mail address. Contact the VMS Team. There is no charge to the vessel owner for
this service.
7. If You Do Not Receive Your Trip E-mail(s). The VMS Team stops the trip generation program
temporarily any time that a delay in delivery of VMS data is detected from one or more VMS
vendors. This is necessary to prevent problems with the proper generation of trips that could affect
trip accounting. Once the trip generator is restarted, any backlog of trip e-mails should be sent to
your vessel and, if appropriate, the secondary e-mail address. For questions, call the VMS Team.
8. Declaring an Incorrect VMS Activity Declaration. If your vessel leaves port on a trip and you
declared the wrong activity, it’s recommended that you return the vessel to a port (or inside the VMS
demarcation line for scallop-permitted vessels on scallop trips) and redeclare the proper activity
through your VMS unit. If unable to do so, notify the VMS Team. You do not necessarily have to
return to the port from which you departed. The vessel must be in a port, or as close to the port as
safety dictates.
9. Changing the VMS Declaration during a Trip. When in the NE Fishery, your VMS unit does
not allow you to change your trip declaration, except under three specific situations:

Declaring a ‘flex’ on a groundfish or monkfish trip;
Flipping the groundfish DAS type from ‘B’ to ‘A’, when possession limits are exceeded; and
Changing from a multispecies trip to a monkfish DAS trip (only if the monkfish option was
declared in port).

If eligible, a vessel may flex, flip and change to a monkfish declaration only once per trip. These
actions do not necessarily have to occur simultaneously. These three situations are further described
Note – Except under specific circumstances when the use of ‘Declare out of Fishery with
Product Onboard’ is authorized by NMFS, you may not send another activity declaration after
crossing the demarcation line upon return to port while you have product onboard the vessel.
a. Declaring a Multispecies or Monkfish ‘FLEX’ Trip. A flex is declared at sea in the NE
Fishery by adding fishing area(s) to the groundfish or monkfish declaration that you sent in port.
Only one flex per trip is allowed. Sector and common pool vessels have different flex options. To
declare a flex, go to the declaration screen that you used to make your initial declaration for the trip,

For Steps 1-3. Choose the same selections you made in port.
For Step 4.
Choose the same program areas that you made in port, and then choose
additional areas you want to fish.
For Step 5.
Choose the same broad stock areas (BSAs) that you made in port, and, if
appropriate, choose any additional BSAs that you want to fish. Be sure that
you select BSAs that encompass the program area(s) that you chose in step 4.
For Step 6.
Choose the same EFP selection you made in port.

b. ‘Flipping’ the Multispecies Day-at-Sea (DAS) Type. This situation applies to
Multispecies Common Pool vessels only. When multispecies trip limits are exceeded while fishing

on a declared Regular or Reserve ‘B’ DAS trip, you must change or ‘flip’ your VMS trip declaration
to ‘A’ DAS. To flip, go to the Multispecies Common Pool declaration screen that you used to make
your initial declaration for the trip, then:

Steps 1-2.
Step 3.
Step 4-5.
Step 6.

Choose the same selections you made in port.
Choose ‘Mults A-DAS’.
Choose the same selections you made in port.
Choose the same EFP selection you made in port.

c. Changing from a Multispecies to a Monkfish DAS Declaration. To invoke the
monkfish option that you selected with your initial declaration, and change to a monkfish DAS
declaration at sea, go to the Monkfish declaration screen, then:

Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4-5.
Step 6.

Choose the same selection you made in port.
Choose both Monkfish and Mults DAS.
Choose ‘NFMA’.
Choose the same selections you made in port.
Choose the same EFP selection you made in port.

Your new Monkfish declaration will retain the trip modifier ‘M’ (for Monkfish Option) or ‘I’ (for
Monkfish Option on an EFP trip) in the 2nd to last character of the code. You may also flex (one
time) either before, during or after changing to a Monkfish DAS declaration. If you do not intend to
invoke the monkfish option and want to remain on a groundfish trip declaration, no action is
required and you may land your trip on the original declaration. Remember, if you declare the
monkfish option before leaving port but decide to fish any part of your trip in the monkfish SFMA,
you forfeit your option to change to a Monkfish DAS declaration. Your VMS screen provides brief
instructions for changing to a Monkfish DAS declaration. The instructions are located on the Sector
and Common Pool Multispecies declaration screens.
10. Required VMS Reports. The forms shown below are required to be sent from your VMS unit,
as appropriate, while your vessel is at sea and seaward of the VMS demarcation line. A list of these
forms is shown in Table 4 below. See Attachment 1 to view these forms and specific reporting
VMS Form
Catch Report

Trip End Hail

Must be sent by:
Vessels on groundfish-declared trips on a daily or trip-level
basis, and upon switching to smaller mesh to fish under an
Refer to the flow chart in Attachment 3 for guidance.
All vessels on groundfish-declared trips at least 6 hours
before arrival.

Monkfish Trip
Limit Overage

Those vessels on monkfish-declared trips that exceed their
DAS charge, before crossing the VMS demarcation line on
return to port.

Scallop Daily
Catch Report

All vessels on declared scallop trips by 9 am daily. This
report is not required for vessels on a single-day trip and
sending a scallop pre-landing notification.


To report VTR and
estimated weights prior to

To provide advance notice
for the monitoring of
To report that the daily trip
limit was exceeded by one
extra limit so that the
vessel’s DAS charge may
be adjusted.
To report VTR and
estimated weights prior to

Scallop PreLanding

Herring Daily
Catch Report
Herring PreLanding
Mackerel and
Squid Daily
Catch Report
Mackerel PreLanding
Trip End Hail

Limited Access and LAGC vessels on the following trips at
least 6 hours before arrival (or upon crossing shoreward of
the demarcation line when a limited access vessel declares
out of the limited access scallop day-at-sea fishery to transit
to a port south of 39 degrees North with scallops onboard):
(1) All vessels on a declared limited access or LAGC scallop
(2) A vessel with an LAGC IFQ or NGOM scallop permit is
retaining scallops when not on a declared scallop trip;
(3) Declaring out of the limited access scallop day-at-sea
fishery to transit to a port south of 39 degrees North with
scallops onboard.
All vessels on a declared herring trip by 9 am daily.

All vessels on a declared herring trip at least 6 hours before
All vessels on a declared mackerel or squid trip by 9 am
All vessels on mackerel-declared trips when the landing will
exceed 20,000 lbs at least 6 hours before arrival.
All vessels at least 6 hours before arrival as required by their
NMFS RSA or EFP Letter of Authorization.

To provide advance notice
for the monitoring of

To report VTR, and
estimated pounds kept and
discarded prior to landing.
To provide advance notice
for the monitoring of
To report VTR and
estimated weights prior to
To provide advance notice
for the monitoring of
To provide advance notice
for the monitoring of
offloads and to track
individual RSA quota.

Table 4 – VMS Forms Required to be Sent While in the NE Fishery
11. VMS E-Mail Messaging. The VMS Team uses e-mail to communicate with your vessel via the
VMS. Communications include notifying all VMS vessels of short-notice regulatory changes (area
closures, possession limits, etc) and notifying individual vessel operators of potential closed area
incursions, VMS non-reporting, declaration miscodings, requests to contact a NMFS enforcement
agent or officer, etc. In addition to other notification methods, the Coast Guard may request the
VMS vendors to send a severe weather warning. For these purposes, it is important that you monitor
your incoming VMS e-mail and maintain the capability to send outgoing e-mail.
12. Trip ‘Stitching’. The trip stitching function is a part of the VMS trip generation program. Its
purpose is to keep a trip open if a vessel briefly enters and positions shoreward of the VMS
demarcation line then exits outside the line to continue its trip. The individual trip segments are
stitched or joined together as one trip. For example, vessels that transit through Vineyard and
Nantucket Sound may cross the demarcation line several times on their outbound or inbound trip. If
trip stitching was not applied, a single trip may be recorded by NMFS as two or more trips, affecting
the trip length and/or DAS charge. The rules associated with trip stitching are:
a. Did the base VMS declaration code (first 6 characters, ie, XXX-XXX) remain the same
before and after the vessel entered the demarcation line? and,
b. Was the vessel inside the demarcation line for less than 4 hours (or, less than 55 minutes
for LAGC scallop trips)?

If the answer to both questions above is yes, trip stitching will keep the trip intact so that only
one trip is recorded. An unintended effect of trip stitching may occur when a vessel ends one trip
then departs on another trip within 4 hours under the same base VMS code. Two separate trips may
be captured as a single trip. Also, entering back inside the demarcation line for longer than 4 hours,
such as transiting the Vineyard/Nantucket Sound area at slow speed, may result in a single trip being
recorded as two trips. If you believe that your trip has been erroneously affected by trip stitching,
call the VMS Team.
1. DAS Charging for VMS Trips. The DAS Program is managed by the Analysis and Program
Support Division (APSD). Please contact APSD for assistance at (978) 281-9234.
2. VMS Messaging Costs. Vessel owners are financially responsible for all regulatory reporting
requirements through VMS, which typically include the messaging shown below. It is recommended
that you confirm your payment plan and associated costs with your VMS vendor. NMFS pays for all
messages that we send to your vessel and for any additional position reports sent from your VMS
unit if NMFS temporarily increases your reporting rate. Vessel owners typically pay for:

All required 30 or 60-minute position reports sent to NMFS.
All NMFS-required VMS declarations and reports.
All other outgoing messages.
All incoming messages, except those originated by NMFS.

3. Replacing Your Vessel’s VMS Unit. Please notify the VMS Team within 3 days of installation
of the new unit and prior to your next trip. You will need to submit documentation that you have
installed an operational, approved VMS unit. Complete the VMS Certification form available under
the ‘Instructions & Forms’ tab on the VMS web page. Email, fax or mail the form to the VMS Team.
4. Removing Your Vessel’s VMS Unit. You may not remove the VMS from the vessel if you are
required to report using VMS. If you cancel or transfer your permits, or sell the vessel and will no
longer fish the vessel, contact your VMS vendor. The vendor is responsible for notifying NMFS of
any VMS unit deactivations. You may also call the VMS Team to advise us of your intentions.
5. Contacting the VMS Team. The VMS Team is located in the Northeast Enforcement Division
at: Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office, 55 Great Republic Drive, Gloucester, MA, 01930.

Phone Number:
FAX Number:

(978) 281-9213 (follow call prompts)
(978) 281-9317
7:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday

Bill Semrau

Program Manager

VMS Responsibility
Overall program management



Zachary Fyke




Herring, Mackerel & Squid Reporting; Power
Down Letters of Exemption; Activations &
Deactivations; Welcome Letters
Scallop, Surfclam, Ocean Quahog, Maine
Mahogany Quahog & NAFO Reporting;
Power Down Letters of Exemption
Multispecies, Monkfish & NAFO Reporting;


Contact Info
[email protected]
(978) 281-9151
[email protected]
(978) 281-9239
[email protected]
(978) 281-9274
[email protected]


Activations & Deactivations

(978) 281-9230

Table 5 – VMS Team Contact List
6. Alternate E-Mail Address to Contact the VMS Team. You can send a VMS message at any
time to: [email protected]. The VMS Team monitors this mailbox during business hours and
will respond to your query. Your VMS Trip Start and End e-mails are sent from this address.
7. Contacting the VMS Support Center. If you are unable to reach the VMS Team, the National
VMS Support Center has extended hours of operation and may be able to answer general questions
about VMS registrations and vessel position reporting. The Support Center is also the primary point
of contact for the National VMS Reimbursement program (see below). The Support Center will refer
technical VMS questions to the appropriate vendor and regulatory questions to the Greater Atlantic
Region. The Support Center is located at NMFS Headquarters, Office of Law Enforcement, 1315
East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD, 20910. Hours of operation are 7:00 am to 11:00 pm,
Monday-Friday. Their phone number is (888) 219-9228 (toll-free).
8. VMS Reimbursement Program. This program is centrally managed from OLE Headquarters,
Silver Spring, MD. On the VMS web page, refer to the section entitled ‘VMS Reimbursement
Program’ for a summary of the program, and a link to the latest Federal Register announcement of
May 6, 2008. Owners/operators who believe they may be eligible should call the VMS Support
Center to obtain a confirmation code then submit an application to the Pacific States Marine
Fisheries Commission (PSMFC). Contact the VMS Support Center or refer to the following website:
9. Contacting NMFS Enforcement. For law enforcement emergencies only, call the Enforcement
Hot Line toll-free on a 24-hour basis at (800) 853-1964. Please do not call the Hot Line for a VMSrelated equipment or technical issue; rather, contact your respective VMS vendor (below). For law
enforcement-related questions or concerns that are of a non-emergency nature, contact your local
NMFS enforcement office during business hours as follows:


a. Northeast Enforcement Division District 1 – New England:

Phone Number:

Gloucester, MA
Maine through Connecticut
(978) 281-9213

b. Northeast Enforcement Division District 2 – Mid-Atlantic:

Phone Number:

Wall, NJ
New York through Virginia
(732) 280-6490

10. Contacting your VMS Vendor. Orolia Fleet Management may be reached at:

Call Center:
Web Address:

4296 Forbes Blvd., Lanham, MD 20706
[email protected]
24/7 for technical support

Attachments: (1) Orolia Prisma Vessel with Format 16 Reports
(2) How to ‘Confirm the Use of a Previous VMS Code’
(3) Groundfish Catch Reporting Requirements


15 Sep 2020

New reporting instruction for the Orolia OmniCom VMS type approved this date in the
Greater Atlantic Region.


Orolia Fleet Management
Vessel Reports (Declarations and Forms) v16
Declarations. Once you select the appropriate declaration screen, fill in all required fields.
The following pages will show you each of the declaration screens. Guidance for filling in the fields
is shown in the red boxes to the left and/or right of the form.
When selecting an area or areas to fish in from the appropriate declaration, be sure that the
area(s) is open for your intended fishing activity. The areas shown on your VMS declaration
screen are entirely independent of any regulation or action by NMFS that opens or closes an
area. For assistance on regulatory areas that are open or closed, contact the GARFO
Sustainable Fisheries Division (978-281-9315) or the VMS Team.
The selections in the fields of the declaration screens shown on the next several pages are for
illustrative purposes only.
Surfclam, Ocean Quahog and Mussel declaration:

Step 1. Select the type of trip
(only one).
Step 2. If you selected
‘Surfclam ITQ’ or ‘Ocean
Quahog ITQ’ in Step 1, and
you intend to fish one of these
2 areas, select the area.
Otherwise, leave this question
Step 3. Select an area, but
only if you will fish in a scallop
access area and retain > 40 lb
of scallops. Otherwise, leave
this question blank.
Step 4. If you will fish under a
NMFS-authorized EFP, select
‘Yes’. Otherwise, select ‘No’.
Review your selections, and
then hit ‘Send’ at the upper
right of your screen.


Herring declaration:
Step 1. Herring carrier has no
gear capable of catching fish.
Select either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
Select only one.
Step 2. Select the gear you
intend to fish. Select ‘None’ if
you answered ‘Yes’ in Step 1.
Select only one.
Step 3. Select either ‘Yes’ or
Step 4. Select ‘Yes’ only if you
intend to harvest herring quota
under a NMFS-authorized
RSA. Otherwise, select ‘No’.
Step 5. If you will fish under a
NMFS-authorized EFP, select
‘Yes’. Otherwise, select ‘No’.
Review your selections, and
then hit ‘Send’ at the upper
right of your screen.


Mackerel declaration:

Step 1. Select either ‘Yes’ or
‘No’. You can skip to Step 3 if
you answered ‘no’ and you
do not intend to retain
Step 2. Select the gear you
intend to fish if you answered
‘Yes’ in Step 1. Select only
one gear type. Otherwise,
you may leave this question
Step 3. Select either ‘Yes’ or
Review your selections, and
then hit ‘Send’ at the upper
right of your screen.


Squid declaration:

Step 1. Select one or both of
the species you intend to
Step 2. Select either ‘Yes’ or
‘No’. You can skip to Step 4
if you answered ‘No’ and
you do not intend to retain
Step 3. Select the gear you
intend to fish if you
answered ‘Yes’ in Step 2.
Select only one gear type.
Step 4. Select either ‘Yes’ or
Review your selections, and
then hit ‘Send’ at the upper
right of your screen.


Multispecies Sector declaration:
Note – For sector (catch
share) vessel use only.
Step 1. Select ‘Yes’ only if you
may need to change your
declaration while in the NE
Fishery to a monkfish trip.
Otherwise, leave blank.
Step 2. Select the gear you
intend to fish. Select only one.
Step 3. Select either one of
the 3 days-at-sea (DAS)
choices, or select multispecies
(mults) A-DAS and scallop
DAS, as appropriate.
Step 4. Select each area you
intend to fish.
To FLEX, reenter your
selections for steps 1-6 again,
but select additional area(s)
and broad stock area(s) (BSA)
in Steps 4 and 5, respectively.
Step 5. Select the Broad Stock
Area(s) that encompass the
areas selected in Step 4.
Step 6. If you will fish under a
NMFS-authorized EFP, select
‘Yes’. Otherwise, select ‘No’.
Review your selections, and
then hit ‘Send’ at the upper
right of your screen.


Multispecies Common Pool declaration:
Note – For common pool
vessel use only.
Step 1. Select ‘Yes’ only if you
may need to change your
declaration while in the NE
Fishery to a monkfish trip.
Otherwise, leave blank.
Step 2. Select the gear you
intend to fish. Select only one.
Step 3. Select appropriate
Days at Sea (DAS) for your
trip. Your choices are:
- Multispecies (mults) A
- Mults B-Regular
- Mults B-Reserve
- Mults A & Scallop
- Mults B-Regular & Scallop
- Mults B-Reserve & Scallop
To FLIP (change from a BDAS to an A-DAS), reenter
your selections for Steps 1-2
and 4-6 again, but select
Mults A in Step 3.
Step 4. Select each area you
intend to fish.
To FLEX, reenter your
selections for Steps 1-6
again, but select additional
area(s) and broad stock
area(s) (BSA) in Steps 4 and
5, respectively.
Step 5. Select the Broad
Stock Area(s) that encompass
the areas selected in Step 4.
Step 6. If you will fish under a
NMFS-authorized EFP, select
‘Yes’. Otherwise, select ‘No’.
Review your selections, and
then hit ‘Send’ at the upper
right of your screen.


Monkfish declaration:
Step 1. Select the gear you
intend to fish. Select only

Greater Atlantic Region

Step 2. Unless this is a
Monkfish RSA trip, always
select at least Monkfish
days-at-sea (DAS).
Additionally, if appropriate,
select Multispecies (Mults)
DAS and/or Scallop DAS.
Step 3. Select one of the two
areas you intend to fish. Note
- If you intend to fish in both
the NFMA and SFMA, then
select “Any part of trip fished
in SFMA.”
Step 4. Select each area you
intend to fish.
If you selected only Monkfish
DAS in Step 2, then select
‘Monkfish-Only’ (for CAT F
vessels, select ‘Monkfish
Offshore Area’). If you
selected Mults DAS in Step
2, you must select
appropriate Mults areas here.
To FLEX, reenter your
selections for Steps 1-5
again, but select additional
area(s) and broad stock
area(s) (BSA) in Steps 4 and
5, respectively.
Step 5. Select the Broad
Stock Area(s) that
encompass the mults areas
selected in Step 4. However,
select ‘Monkfish-Only (No
BSA declared)’ if you did not
select any Mults areas in
Step 4.
Step 6. If you will fish under a
NMFS-authorized EFP,
select ‘Yes’. Otherwise,
select ‘No’
Review your selections, and
then hit ‘Send’ at the upper
right of your screen.


Scallop declaration:
For General Category
(LAGC) scallop trips
First, make one selection
from either A, B or C.
Next, select the gear you
intend to fish.
Then, go to the bottom
and answer the RSA and
EFP questions.
If you intend to fish for
RSA quota during part or
all of your trip, select
‘Yes’. Otherwise, select
‘No’. If you intend to fish
on a NMFS-authorized
EFP, select ‘Yes’.
Otherwise, select ‘No’.
Review your selections,
and then hit ‘Send’ at the
upper right of your

For Limited Access
scallop trips
First, make one selection
from either A, B, C or D.
Then, answer the RSA
and EFP questions.
If you intend to fish for
RSA quota during part or
all of your trip, select
‘Yes’. Otherwise, select
‘No’. If you selected a
Northern Gulf of Maine
RSA trip, you must select
‘Yes’ to the RSA
question. If you intend to
fish on a NMFSauthorized EFP, select
‘Yes’. Otherwise, select
Review your selections,
and then hit ‘Send’ at the
upper right of your


Declare Out of Fishery declaration:

Declare Out of Fishery:
Select only one of the seven
(7) choices as follows:
DOF-CML. When targeting
species not addressed in the
other declarations. You must
also select a gear below.
DOF-EFP. When on an EFP
and targeting species not
addressed in the other
declarations. You must also
select a gear below.
DOF-TST. When transiting
without product onboard.
DOF-TSP. When transiting
with product onboard.
DOF-REC. When on a
recreational trip.
DOF-SCI. When conducting
scientific research (not
intended for EFP trips). You
must also select NMFS LOA
or Other Research below.
DOF-NAF. When participating
in the Northwest Atlantic
Fishery Organization.
Review your DOF selection,
and then hit ‘Send’ at the
upper right of your screen.


Power Down declaration:

Power Down: This
declaration is only for use
by LAGC scallop-permitted
vessels when in port as long
as they do not have other
permits requiring continuous
VMS reporting. Otherwise, a
NMFS Letter of Exemption
(LOE) is required.


Forms. The following pages display all VMS forms or reports, and instructions (red boxes) for
completing them.
Multispecies Catch Report:
All catch reports must contain
at least the operator’s permit
number and VTR number.
Refer to Attachment 3 on
Page 45 for guidance on
when to send this report.
Step 1. Enter your 8-digit
operator permit number.
Step 2. Enter your 7 or 8 digit
VTR, or 14-digit e-VTR
Step 3. Select the 2-digit
month, day and year of the
reported catch.

Step 4. First, enter the 3digit statistical (stat) area
where the species kept was
harvested (you may enter up
to 4 different stat areas on a
single catch report).
Next, below each stat area
enter the estimated weight of
each species kept (up to 6
digits). Finally, be sure to
enter the total amount of
NON-groundfish kept for
each stat area.





Step 5. Click in the box only
if immediately switching to
smaller mesh. During the
remainder of your trip, you
do not need to reselect this
Review your selections, and
then hit ‘Send’ at the upper
right of your screen.



Multispecies Trip START Hail:
The trip start hail is required
by NMFS only if a sector
vessel intends to fish on a
NMFS exemption or option
approved for your sector.
Step 1. Enter your 8-digit
operator permit number.
Step 2. Enter your 7 or 8-digit
VTR, or 14-digit e-VTR
Step 3.Select ‘yes’ if you will
be taking a NMFS observer
or at-sea monitor onboard
this trip. Otherwise, select
Steps 4 & 5. Click in the
boxes by all appropriate
exemptions and/or provisions
to be fished under for this
Steps 6 & 7. Enter the name
of the city (characters A-Z
only) and select the 2character state (postal
abbreviation) where the
catch will be landed.
Steps 8. Select the month,
day, and year. Then, select
the 2-digit hour and minute in
24-hour clock of your
estimated return to port.

Step 9. See the ‘Note’ to
determine if you must enter the
estimated offload date/time.

Step 10. Optional field. NMFS may
provide instructions for use from time-totime.

If so, follow the same
instructions as in Step 8 above.

Review your selections, and then hit
‘Send’ at the upper right of your screen.


Multispecies Trip END Hail:
The trip end hail is required on
all groundfish trips by sector and
common pool vessels.
Step 1. Enter your 8-digit
operator permit number.
Step 2. Enter your 7 or 8-digit
VTR, or 14-digit e-VTR number.
Steps 3 & 4. Enter the name of
the city (characters A-Z only)
and select the 2-character
state (postal abbreviation)
where the catch will be landed.
Step 5. Enter the dealer or
offload location (up to 25
alphanumeric characters).
Steps 6 & 7. For your estimated
arrival and offload date and
time, select the month, day,
and year. Then, select the 2digit hour and minute in 24hour clock

Steps 10 & 11.
Enter the total
amount of
groundfish kept and
non-groundfish kept
in pounds.

Steps 8 & 9.
Complete only if
you will also
offload additional
product at another


Step 12. Optional field.
NMFS may provide
instructions for use from
Review your selections,
and then hit ‘Send’ at the
upper right of your screen.

Monkfish Trip Limit Overage Days at Sea Adjustment:

Step 1. Enter your 8-digit
operator permit number.
Step 2. Enter your 7 or 8-digit
VTR, or 14-digit e-VTR
Step 3. Select the 2-digit
month, day and year of your
estimated return to port.
Review your selections, and
then hit ‘Send’ at the upper
right of your screen.


Scallop Daily Catch Report:

Step 1. Enter your 8-digit operator permit

Step 4. Enter only scallop meats kept in pounds
(up to 6 digits).

Step 2. Enter your 7 or 8-digit VTR, or 14-digit eVTR number.

Step 5. Enter ‘ALL Other Fish Kept’ (excluding
scallops) in pounds (up to 6 digits).
Review your selections, and then hit ‘Send’ at
the upper right of your screen.

Step 3. Select the 2-digit month, day and year of
the reported catch.


Scallop Pre-Landing Notification:
Step 1. Enter your 8-digit
operator permit number.
Step 2. Select ‘Yes’ only if you
need to make a correction to a
report that you had previously
sent, and also enter the date of
that report in 2-digit month, day
and year.
Otherwise, select ‘No’ and leave
the prior report date field blank.
Step 3. Enter your 7 or 8-digit
VTR, or 14-digit e-VTR number.
Step 4. Select ‘Yes’ if you
intend to land any scallops, and
then complete steps 5-10.
Otherwise, select ‘No’, and then
send the form.
Step 5. Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to
indicate whether any scallops
to be landed were harvested
from the Northern Gulf of
Maine Management Area.
Step 6. If only landing meats,
enter the estimated weight in
pounds in that field only. If only
landing bushels in-shell, enter
the estimated number of
bushels in that field only. If
landing both meats and
bushels, enter the estimated
weight and bushel count in
each field.

Step 7.
Enter ‘All
Other Fish
scallops) in
Enter up to
6 digits.

Step 8. Select
the 2-digit month,
day, and year,
and then select
the 2-digit hour
and minute in 24hour clock of
your estimated
return to port.


Steps 9 & 10. Enter the name of
the city (characters A-Z only) and
select the 2-character state (postal
abbreviation) where the catch will
be landed.
Review your selections, and then
hit ‘Send’ at the upper right of your

Herring Daily Catch Report:

Step 1. Enter your 8-digit
operator permit number.
Step 2. Enter your 7 or 8-digit
VTR, or 14-digit e-VTR
Step 3. Select the 2-digit
month, day and year of the
reported catch.
Step 4. You must fill in both
‘kept’ and ‘discarded’ in
pounds for at least one of the
areas. Enter up to 7 digits in
each field, as appropriate.
Step 5. Answer this question
only if an observer is onboard.
Select ‘Yes’ if you had a
slippage event for this reported
period and also select the
reason. If you select ‘Other’,
briefly provide the reason.
Otherwise, select ‘No’ if no
slippage event occurred.
Step 6. If you are using midwater or bottom trawl gear,
select ‘Yes’. Otherwise, select
‘No’ and then send the

Step 7. Only if you answered ‘yes’ to the previous question, enter the 3digit statistical area(s) and associated amount of total fish kept in pounds
(up to 7 digits).
Review your selections, and then hit ‘Send’ at the upper right of your


Herring Pre-Landing Notification:

Step 1. Enter your 8-digit operator permit
Step 2. Enter your 7 or 8-digit VTR, or 14digit e-VTR number.
Step 3. Select the 2-digit month, day, and
year, and then the 2-digit hour and minute in
24-hour clock of your estimated return to


Steps 4 & 5. Enter the name of the
city (characters A-Z only) and select
the 2-character state (postal
abbreviation) where the catch will
be landed.
Review your selections, and then hit
‘Send’ at the upper right of your

Mackerel and Squid Daily Catch Report:

Step 1. Enter your 8-digit
operator permit number.
Step 2. Enter your 7 or 8digit VTR, or 14-digit e-VTR
Step 3. Select the 2-digit
month, day and year of the
reported catch.
Step 4. Enter the estimated
weight in pounds of
mackerel and/or squid kept
for that day (up to 6 digits).
You must complete at least
one of the 3 fields.
Step 5. Enter the estimated
weight of all product kept in
pounds for that day.
Step 6. Answer this
question only if an observer
is onboard. Select ‘Yes’ if
you had a slippage event
for this reported period and
also select the reason. If
you select ‘Other’, briefly
provide the reason.
Otherwise, select ‘No’ if no
slippage event occurred.
Review your selections, and
then hit ‘Send’ at the upper
right of your screen.


Mackerel Pre-Landing Notification:

Step 1. Enter your 8-digit operator permit

Steps 4 & 5. Enter the name of
the city (characters A-Z only)
and enter the 2-character state
(postal abbreviation) where the
catch will be landed.

Step 2. Enter your 7 or 8-digit VTR, or 14-digit
e-VTR number.

Review your selections, and
then hit ‘Send’ at the upper right
of your screen.

Step 3. Select the 2-digit month, day, and
year, and then the 2-digit hour and minute in
24-hour clock of your estimated return to port.


RSA and EFP Trip START Hail:

The specific reporting requirements
will be stated in the NMFS permit
that authorizes the compensation
fishing or experimental fishing
Step 1. Enter your 8-digit operator
permit number.

Steps 4 & 5. Enter the 3-digit IVR port code and
select the 2-character state (postal abbreviation)
where the catch will be landed.
Step 6. Enter the 2-digit month, day, and year,
and then the 2-digit hour and minute in 24-hour
clock of your estimated return to port.

Step 2. Enter the 4 or 5-digit project
code from your permit.

Step 7. Optional field. NMFS may provide
instructions for use from time-to-time.

Step 3. Enter your 7 or 8-digit VTR,
or 14-digit e-VTR number.

Review your selections, and then hit ‘Send’ at
the upper right of your screen.


RSA and EFP Trip END Hail:
The specific reporting
requirements will be stated in
the NMFS permit that
authorizes the compensation
fishing or experimental fishing
Step 1. Enter your 8-digit
operator permit number.
Step 2. Enter the 4 or 5-digit
project code from your permit.
Step 3. Enter your 7 or 8-digit
VTR, or 14-digit e-VTR
Steps 4 & 5. For your
estimated arrival and offload
date and time, select the 2digit month, day, and year,
and then the 2-digit hour and
minute in 24-hour clock.
Steps 6 & 7. Enter the 3-digit
IVR port code and select the
2-character state (postal
abbreviation) where the catch
will be landed.

Step 8. Enter the 2digit IVR species code.
To the right of each
code, enter the
estimated weight of the
species kept and
discarded in pounds,
and, if applicable, the
associated herring
area (1A, 1B, 2 or 3).


Step 9. Select
‘Yes’ only if you
intend to land both
your commercial
and your RSA
Otherwise, select

Step 10. Optional
field. NMFS may
provide instructions
for use from time-totime.
Review your
selections, and then
hit ‘Send’ at the upper
right of your screen.

How to ‘Confirm the Use of a Previous VMS Code’
Note: The information provided in this attachment is also available on the VMS web page.
Under U.S. Fisheries Law, vessel owner/operators are required to declare their activity for every
trip prior to leaving port. In response to a New England Fishery Management Council request
to ease the financial strain, time and technical burdens associated with declaring an activity
through the VMS unit on each trip, NMFS has developed an alternative declaration method
through the IVR system.
Who can use this method?
Vessel owner/operators who intend to fish a trip under the same VMS activity code that was last
sent from the vessel's VMS unit and received by NMFS, have the option of notifying NMFS
that they are confirming their previous VMS declaration by calling the IVR system.
Have the following information ready before calling:

Your vessel’s 6-digit federal permit number
Your IVR PIN (same as your Fish On-Line PIN)(available from the GARFO Analysis &
Program Support Division at 1-888-487-9994)
Your 8-digit operator permit number
Your most recent VMS activity code (format xxx-xxx-xxxxxx)


Call the IVR system at 1-888-284-4904.
At ‘Main Menu’, press 1 to “Report the start or end of a trip, declare a block, or confirm the use
of a previous VMS code.”
At ‘Fishing Activity Reporting’, enter your vessel’s 6-digit permit number and your IVR PIN.
When prompted, record your name and operator permit number, then press the # key.
When prompted, press 1 to confirm your name and operator number, or press 2 to re-record the
When prompted, press 4 to “Confirm the use of a previous VMS code.”
The IVR will respond with either:

(1) “Your most recent VMS activity code is ( ).” When prompted, press 1 to confirm the use
of this code. The system will then provide you with a confirmation number which you should record
and keep with you on your trip. However, if this is not the code you will use, when prompted,
hang up and declare your trip through your VMS unit; or
(2) “Your most recent VMS activity code cannot be confirmed.” When prompted, hang up
and declare your trip through your VMS unit.


ATTACHMENT 2 (Cont’d)
How to ‘Confirm the Use of a Previous VMS Code’
• All other VMS reporting requirements for your trip still apply.
• This alternative method of declaring a trip prior to leaving port is not to be used in lieu of an inoperative
VMS unit. Your VMS unit must be fully functional.
• The IVR back-up message line should not be used if you are unable to use the main IVR
• The code reported to you by the IVR system is the most recent code sent from your vessel’s
VMS unit and received by NMFS. Therefore, your most recent code sent may be from your
last trip or when in port after your last trip.
• If the IVR system is unable to confirm your VMS activity code, it is likely for one of the
following reasons:
(1) No code for your vessel could be retrieved;
(2) Your last code was the power down code (PWD-PWD-XXXXXX);
(3) Your last code was a Southeast Region code (for dual-reporting vessels); or
(4) Your last code was a code that could only be declared when inside the NE Fishery.
• You will still receive an automated trip start and trip end message from NMFS through your
VMS unit. Your trip will be recorded in NMFS’ monitoring system with the code that you
confirmed through the IVR system.




File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorWilliam Semrau
File Modified2020-09-22
File Created2020-09-22

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