USFWS Form 3-177 (Revised 08/2023)
OMB Control No. 1018-0012
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
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1. Date of Import/Export: (mm/dd/yyyy) __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __ |
7. Name of Carrier:
2a. Import/Export License Number:
2b. Designated Port Exception Permit Number:
8. Air Waybill/Bill of Lading/Container Number: Master:
Container Number: |
3. Indicate One: o Import o Export |
9. Transportation Code: ____
License Plate: State or Province: _________ _________ |
4. Port of Clearance: __ __ |
5. Purpose Code: ____ |
10. Bonded Location for Inspection: |
6. Customs Document Number(s): |
11. Number of Cartons Containing Wildlife:
12. Markings of Cartons Containing Wildlife:
13a. (Indicate One) o U.S. Importer o U.S. Exporter Name (Business or First and Last): Address: Telephone: Email: 13b. Identifier Number: ________________ ID Type: _____________ |
14a. (Indicate One) o Foreign Importer o Foreign Exporter 14b. Country Code: __ __ Name (Business or First and Last): Address: Telephone: Email: 14c. Identifier Number: ________________ ID Type: _____________ |
15a. Customs Broker, Shipping Agent or Freight Forwarder: Business Name: Address: Telephone: Email: |
15b. Contact Name: ______________________________________ 15c. Identifier Number: ________________ ID Type: _____________ |
Species Code (Official Use Only) |
16a. Scientific Name |
17a. Foreign CITES Permit |
18a. Description Code |
19a. Quantity/Unit |
20. Country of Species Origin Code (ISO Code) |
21. Venomous Live Wildlife Indicator (Check if YES) |
17b. U.S. CITES Permit |
16b. Common Name |
17c. CITES Tag/Marking Number |
18b. Source Code |
19b. Total Monetary Value |
17d. Other U.S. Permits |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Knowingly making a false statement in a Declaration for Importation or Exportation of Fish or Wildlife may subject the declarant to the penalty provided by 18 U.S.C. 1001 and 16 U.S.C. 3372(d). |
22. I certify under penalty of perjury that the information furnished is true and correct:
![]() ![]() Signature Date
Type or Print Name |
For Official Use Only Action/Comments:
Wildlife Declared: Yes No Wildlife Inspected: None / Partial / Full |
OMB Control No. 1018-0012
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
Page of
2a. Import/Export License Number:
8. Air Waybill/Bill of Lading/Container Number: Master:
Container Number:
13. Name of U.S. Importer or Exporter |
Species Code (Official Use Only) |
16a. Scientific Name |
17a. Foreign CITES Permit |
18a. Description Code |
19a. Quantity/Unit |
20. Country of Species Origin Code (ISO Code) |
21. Venomous Live Wildlife Indicator (Check if YES) |
17b. U.S. CITES Permit |
16b. Common Name |
17c. CITES Tag/Marking Number |
18b. Source Code |
19b. Total Monetary Value |
17d. Other U.S. Permits |
o |
o |
o |
o |
o |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Knowingly making a false statement in a Declaration for Importation or Exportation of Fish or Wildlife may subject the declarant to the penalty provided by 18 U.S.C. 1001 and 16 U.S.C. 3372(d). |
22. I certify under penalty of perjury that the information furnished is true and correct: ![]() ![]()
Signature Date
Type or Print Name |
For Official Use Only
Authority: The information requested is authorized by the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA; 16 U.S.C. 1531-1543) and Title 50, Parts 14 and 17.
Purpose: The information requested is to determine authorization to import or export wildlife, including parts and products, and to facilitate enforcement of the ESA and other wildlife laws and regulations including the provisions of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).
Routine Uses: This information may be shared in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the Privacy Act of 1974, and the routine uses listed in the System of Records Notice, FWS-21 Permits System available at https://www.doi.gov/privacy/fws-notices.
Disclosure: Providing the requested information is voluntary. However, failure to furnish all requested information will prevent the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) from being able to authorize import or export of wildlife, including parts and products.
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA; 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), the Service collects required information to determine authorization to import or export wildlife, including parts and products, and to facilitate enforcement of the ESA and other wildlife laws and regulations including the provisions of CITES. Providing the information requested in this form is voluntary. However, failure to provide all requested information may be sufficient cause for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to deny authorization to import or export wildlife, including parts and products. According to the PRA, an agency may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. OMB has approved this collection of information and assigned Control No. 1018-0012.
We estimate the public burden to complete this form to be 15 minutes by hand, or 10 minutes electronically, including time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and completing and reviewing the form. Direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of the form to the Service Information Clearance Officer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 5275 Leesburg Pike, MS: PRB (JAO/3W), Falls Church, VA 22041-3803, or via email to [email protected]. Please do not send your completed form to this address.
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) provides that agency records are to be made available to the public unless an exemption to disclosure applies. Confidential commercial or financial information may be withheld if, in the Service's view, certain criteria are met. For Form 3-177, the Service only considers information in field 19b (the "Applicable Field") as potentially confidential commercial or financial information. To the extent an organization, business, or individual operating as a business believes any of the Applicable Field information that it is submitting is confidential commercial information, that entity (the “submitter”) should be prepared to, upon request by the Service when the Service has received a FOIA request seeking this Applicable Field information, to provide a justification that explains the nature of the information and why it should be withheld under Exemption 4 of the FOIA, with special attention to the submitter’s confidentiality practices. Further, the Service will review whether the information submitted is personal information. If the Service determines the information is personal, it will balance the public interest in disclosure with the submitter's privacy interests.
NOTE: Failure to file a declaration for importation or exportation of fish or wildlife when required by the regulations in 50 CFR 14 is a violation of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et. seq.). Regulations concerning the importation and exportation of wildlife may be found in 50 CFR Part 14. Form 3-177 must be filed with the appropriate wildlife inspection office, U.S. Customs and Border Protection Office, or regional law enforcement office as required under 50 CFR Part 14. Do not file or forward this form to the Information Collection Clearance Officer in Falls Church, Virginia.
Instructions: We strongly encourage all filers to use the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service electronic filing system (eDecs) to reduce paper and time. Filers may access the internet filing system at https://edecs.fws.gov/. Filers may also access an on-line Adobe Acrobat version of Form 3-177 (https://www.fws.gov/program/office-of-law-enforcement/information-importers-exporters) where the form can be filled in on-line and printed. Filers cannot save their completed on-line form unless they own the Adobe Acrobat software. For filers who choose to file a paper form, you must file the original declaration, and up to 2 copies to be retained by the Importer/Exporter or Broker. Print or type legibly. All filers are required to provide all relevant information, including supplemental documentation (as required in 50 CFR 14).
Enter the date of import into, or export from, United States jurisdiction (as defined by 50 CFR 14).
2a. Enter the USFWS Import/Export License Number as required in 50 CFR 14.
2b. Enter the USFWS Port Exception Permit Number, if required. You must include a copy of your USFWS Designated Port Exception Permit in the document package, if applicable.
Check the appropriate box.
Enter the appropriate 2-letter Port code from the list below.
*If the Port is not listed, use the numeric code for the Region where the port is located and enter the name of the port.
Albuquerque, NM |
AB |
Grand Portage, MN |
GP |
Port Everglades, FL |
PE |
Agana, GU |
AG |
Hidalgo, TX |
HI |
Port Huron, MI |
PH |
Alcan, AK |
AL |
Highgate Springs, VT |
HS |
Portal, ND |
PL |
Anchorage, AK |
AN |
Honolulu, HI |
HA |
Portland, ME |
PO |
Atlanta, GA |
AT |
Houlton, ME |
HO |
Portland, OR |
PT |
Baltimore, MD |
BA |
Houston, TX |
HN |
Presidio, TX |
PR |
Blaine, WA |
BL |
International Falls, MN |
IF |
Raleigh, NC |
RL |
Boston, MA |
BO |
Jackman, ME |
JK |
Raymond, MT |
RY |
Brownsville, TX |
BV |
Jacksonville, FL |
JX |
Saipan, MP |
SP |
Buffalo/Niagara Falls, NY |
BN |
Juneau, AK |
JU |
San Diego/San Ysidro, CA |
SY |
Calais, ME |
CA |
Kansas City, KS |
KC |
San Francisco, CA |
SF |
Calexico, CA |
CX |
Kona, HI |
KO |
San Juan, PR |
SJ |
Champlain, NY |
CP |
Laredo, TX |
LR |
San Luis, AZ |
SL |
Charleston, SC |
CR |
Las Vegas, NV |
LV |
Santa Theresa, VI |
ST |
Chicago, IL |
CH |
Los Angeles, CA |
LA |
Sault Saint Marie, MI |
SS |
Columbus, OH |
CO |
Louisville, KY |
LO |
Savannah, GA |
SA |
Cleveland, OH |
CL |
Lukeville, AZ |
LK |
Seattle, WA |
SE |
Dallas/Fort Worth, TX |
DF |
McAllen, TX |
MC |
Sumas, WA |
SU |
Del Rio, TX |
DR |
Memphis, TN |
ME |
Sweetgrass, MT |
SW |
Denver, CO |
DN |
Miami, FL |
MI |
Tampa, FL |
TP |
Derby Line, VT |
DL |
Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN |
MP |
Tornillo, TX |
TN |
Detroit, MI |
DE |
Mobile, AL |
MB |
Tulsa, OK |
TU |
Douglas, AZ |
DG |
New Orleans, LA |
NO |
West Palm Beach, FL |
WP |
Dulles, VA |
DU |
New York, NY |
NY |
Wilmington, SC |
WI |
Dunseith, ND |
DS |
Newark, NJ |
NW |
Region 1 – Other |
01* |
Dutch Harbor, AK |
DH |
Nogales, AZ |
NG |
Region 2 – Other |
02* |
Eagle Pass, TX |
EP |
Nome, AK |
NK |
Region 3 – Other |
03* |
Eastport, ID |
EA |
Norfolk, VA |
NF |
Region 4 – Other |
04* |
El Paso, TX |
EL |
Orlando, FL |
OR |
Region 5 – Other |
05* |
Erlanger, KY |
ER |
Oroville, WA |
OV |
Region 6 – Other |
06* |
Fairbanks, AK |
FB |
Pembina, ND |
PB |
Region 7 – Other |
07* |
Fernandina Beach, FL |
FE |
Philadelphia, PA |
PA |
Region 8 – Other |
08* |
Fort Lauderdale, FL |
FL |
Phoenix, AZ |
PX |
Enter the appropriate one-letter Purpose Code from the list below.
Biomedical research |
M |
Circuses/traveling exhibitions |
Q |
Personal |
P |
Botanical gardens |
G |
Commercial |
T |
Reintroduction/introduction into the wild |
N |
Breeding in captivity or artificial propagation |
B |
Educational Hunting trophies |
E H |
Scientific Zoos |
S Z |
Enter the U.S. Customs and Border Protection document reference number(s) associated with the import or export, if applicable. For exports, enter any shipper’s export declaration reference number, if applicable.
Enter the name of the carrier used to import or export – (airline, vessel, rail, or truck company), or indicate personally owned vehicle.
Enter the Master and House Air Waybill number or Bill of Lading, if applicable. Enter the container number(s) for ocean shipments.
Enter the applicable one-letter Transportation Code from the list below. For personal vehicles, also indicate the license number and State or Province.
Air cargo |
A |
Ocean cargo |
O |
Rail |
R |
Border crossing on foot |
B |
Personal accompanying baggage |
P |
Truck (commercial) |
T |
M |
Personal vehicle |
V |
Enter the customs bonded physical location where the shipment is available for inspection.
Indicate the quantity of cartons in the entire shipment that contain wildlife.
List any unique markings or codes on cartons that contain wildlife as required in 50 CFR Part 14.
13a. Check the appropriate box to indicate U.S. importer or exporter. Enter the complete name, address (in the United States), e-mail address, if applicable, and telephone number of the U.S. importer or exporter.
13b. Enter an identifier number and the type of identifier (for example, DUNS number, U.S. Customs and Border Protection account number) for the
U.S. Importer or Exporter, if applicable.
14a. Enter the complete name, address (in the foreign country), and telephone number of the foreign importer or exporter. Enter the e-mail address, if applicable.
14b. Enter the applicable two letter ISO (International Organization for Standardization) country code from the list below.
Afghanistan |
AF |
Cayman Islands |
KY |
Gambia |
GM |
Åland Islands |
AX |
Central African Republic |
CF |
Georgia |
GE |
Albania |
AL |
Chad |
TD |
Germany |
DE |
Algeria |
DZ |
Chile |
CL |
Ghana |
GH |
Andorra |
AD |
China, People’s Republic of |
CN |
Gibraltar |
GI |
Angola |
AO |
Christmas Island |
CX |
Great Britain |
GB |
Anguilla |
AI |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
CC |
Greece |
GR |
Antarctica |
AQ |
Colombia |
CO |
Greenland |
GL |
Antigua and Barbuda |
AG |
Comoros |
KM |
Grenada |
GD |
Argentina |
AR |
Congo |
CG |
Guadeloupe |
GP |
Armenia |
AM |
Congo, Democratic Republic of |
CD |
Guatemala |
GT |
Aruba |
AW |
Cook Islands |
CK |
Guernsey |
GG |
Austria |
AT |
Costa Rica |
CR |
Guinea |
GN |
Azerbaijan |
AZ |
Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) |
CI |
Guinea-Bissau |
GW |
Azores |
PT |
Croatia |
HR |
Guyana |
GY |
Bahamas |
BS |
Cuba |
CU |
Haiti |
HT |
Bahrain |
BH |
Curacao (Netherlands Antilles) |
AN |
Heard and McDonald Islands |
HM |
Bangladesh |
BD |
Cyprus |
CY |
High Seas |
ZZ |
Barbados |
BB |
Czech Republic (Czechia) |
CZ |
Holy See (Vatican City State) |
VA |
Belarus |
BY |
Democratic Republic of Congo |
CD |
Honduras |
HN |
Belgium |
BE |
Denmark |
DK |
Hong Kong |
HK |
Belize |
BZ |
Djibouti |
DJ |
Hungary |
HU |
Benin |
BJ |
Dominica |
DM |
Iceland |
IS |
Bermuda |
BM |
Dominican Republic |
DO |
India |
IN |
Bhutan |
BT |
Ecuador |
EC |
Indonesia |
ID |
Bolivia |
BO |
Egypt |
EG |
Iran, Islamic Republic of |
IR |
Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba |
BQ |
El Salvador |
SV |
Iraq |
IQ |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
BA |
England |
GB |
Ireland |
IE |
Botswana |
BW |
Equatorial Guinea |
GQ |
Ireland, Northern |
GB |
Bouvet Island |
BV |
Eritrea |
ER |
Isle of Man |
IM |
Brazil |
BR |
Estonia |
EE |
Israel |
IL |
British Indian Ocean Territory |
IO |
Eswatini |
SZ |
Italy |
IT |
British Virgin Islands |
VG |
Ethiopia |
ET |
Ivory Coast (Cote d’Ivoire) |
CI |
Brunei Darussalam |
BN |
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) |
FK |
Jamaica |
JM |
Bulgaria |
BG |
Faroe Islands |
FO |
Japan |
JP |
Burkina Faso |
BF |
Fiji |
FJ |
Jersey |
JE |
Burundi |
BI |
Finland |
FI |
Jordan |
JO |
Cambodia |
KH |
France |
FR |
Kazakhstan |
KZ |
Cameroon |
CM |
French Guiana |
GF |
Kenya |
KE |
Canada |
CA |
French Polynesia (Tahiti) |
PF |
Kiribati |
KI |
Canary Islands |
ES |
French Southern Territories |
TF |
Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of |
Cape Verde |
CV |
Gabon |
GA |
(North Korea) |
KP |
Country codes (continued).
Korea, Republic of (South Korea) |
KR |
Nigeria |
NG |
South Georgia and South |
Kuwait |
KW |
Niue |
NU |
Sandwich Islands |
GS |
Kyrgyzstan |
KG |
Norfolk Island |
NF |
Spain |
ES |
Lao People’s Democratic Republic |
LA |
North Macedonia |
MK |
Sri Lanka |
LK |
Latvia |
LV |
Norway |
NO |
Sudan |
SD |
Lebanon |
LB |
Oman |
OM |
Suriname |
SR |
Lesotho |
LS |
Pakistan |
PK |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen |
SJ |
Liberia |
LR |
Palau |
PW |
Sweden |
SE |
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya |
LY |
Palestinian Territory, Occupied |
PS |
Switzerland |
CH |
Liechtenstein |
LI |
Panama |
PA |
Syrian Arab Republic |
SY |
Lithuania |
LT |
Papua New Guinea |
PG |
Taiwan (Province of China) |
TW |
Luxembourg |
LU |
Paraguay |
PY |
Tajikistan |
TJ |
Macao |
MO |
Peru |
PE |
Tanzania, United Republic of |
TZ |
Macedonia |
MK |
Philippines |
PH |
Thailand |
TH |
Madagascar |
MG |
Pitcairn |
PN |
Timor-Leste |
TL |
Malawi |
MW |
Poland |
PL |
Togo |
TG |
Malaysia |
MY |
Portugal |
PT |
Tokelau |
TK |
Maldives |
MV |
Qatar |
QA |
Tonga |
TO |
Mali |
ML |
Reunion |
RE |
Trinidad and Tobago |
TT |
Malta |
MT |
Romania |
RO |
Tunisia |
TN |
Marshall Islands |
MH |
Russian Federation |
RU |
Turkey |
TR |
Martinique |
MQ |
Rwanda |
RW |
Turkmenistan |
TM |
Mauritania |
MR |
Saint Barthelemy |
BL |
Turks and Caicos Islands |
TC |
Mauritius |
MU |
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan |
Tuvalu |
TV |
Mayotte |
YT |
Da Cunha |
SH |
Uganda |
UG |
Mexico |
MX |
Saint Kitts and Nevis |
KN |
Ukraine |
UA |
Micronesia, Federated States of |
FM |
Saint Lucia |
LC |
United Arab Emirates |
AE |
Moldova, Republic of |
MD |
Saint Martin |
MF |
United Kingdom |
GB |
Monaco |
MC |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
PM |
United States of America |
US |
Mongolia |
MN |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
VC |
Unknown |
XX |
Montenegro |
ME |
Samoa, Western |
WS |
Uruguay |
UY |
Montserrat |
MS |
San Marino |
SM |
Uzbekistan |
UZ |
Morocco |
MA |
Sao Tome and Principe |
ST |
Vanuatu |
VU |
Mozambique |
MZ |
Saudi Arabia |
SA |
Vatican City |
VA |
Myanmar |
MM |
Scotland |
GB |
Venezuela |
VE |
Namibia |
NA |
Senegal |
SN |
Viet Nam |
VN |
Nauru |
NR |
Serbia |
RS |
Virgin Islands, British |
VG |
Nepal |
NP |
Seychelles |
SC |
Wales |
GB |
Netherlands |
NL |
Sierra Leone |
SL |
Wallis and Futuna Islands |
WF |
Netherlands Antilles |
AN |
Singapore |
SG |
Western Sahara |
EH |
Neutral Zone |
NT |
Slovakia |
SK |
Western Samoa |
WS |
New Caledonia |
NC |
Slovenia |
SI |
Yemen |
YE |
New Zealand |
NZ |
Solomon Islands |
SB |
Zambia |
ZM |
Nicaragua |
NI |
Somalia |
SO |
Zimbabwe |
ZW |
Niger |
NE |
South Africa |
ZA |
14c. Enter an identifier number and the type of identifier (for example, DUNS number, U.S. Customs and Border Protection account number) for the foreign Importer or Exporter, if applicable.
15a. Enter the business name of the appropriate agent, including telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address, if applicable.
15b. Enter the contact name for the individual filing the declaration.
15c. Enter an identifier number and the type of identifier (for example, DUNS number, U.S. Customs and Border Protection account number) for the
U.S. Customs Broker, Shipping Agent, or Freight Forwarder, if applicable.
16a. List the scientific name for each species. This is a Latin name including genus and species (and sub-species, when required to determine if the fish or wildlife is protected at the subspecies level). Use multiple species lines if a species is associated with multiple permits or certificates,
descriptions, sources, or countries of species origin.
16b. List the common name in English for each species in 16a.
17a. List the foreign CITES permit or certificate number for each species in 16a, if applicable. List one permit or certificate number per block. Use multiple species lines if a species is listed on more than one CITES permit or certificate.
17b. List the U.S. CITES permit or certificate number for each species in 16a, if applicable. List one permit or certificate number per block. Use multiple species lines if a species is listed on more than one CITES permit or certificate.
17c. For sport-hunted trophies of markhor, leopard, crocodilians, elephant, and black rhinoceros, list the CITES tag number or marking number. List one tag or marking number per species line. Use multiple species lines if a species has more than one CITES tag number or marking number.
17d. List any other U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issued permit numbers for each species in 16a.
18a. Enter the applicable description code for each species in 16a from the list below.
Baleen |
BAL* |
Fur products (small manufactured (e.g. |
Rostrum (sawfish) |
ROS* |
Bark (raw, dried, powdered, |
handbags, keyfobs, purses, pillows) |
FPS* |
Rug (made from one skin only) |
RUG* |
unprocessed) |
BAR* |
Gall |
GAL* |
Sawn wood (sawn lengthwise or |
Bone (including jaw, but not skull) |
BON* |
Gall bladder |
GAB* |
produced by profile-chipping; |
Bone piece (not manufactured) |
BOP* |
Garment (excluding shoe or trim) |
GAR* |
normally exceeds 6mm in thickness) |
SAW* |
Bone product or carving |
BOC* |
Genitalia (castrates and dried penes) |
GEN* |
Scale (turtle, other reptile, fish, |
Bulb, corm or tuber |
Gill plates |
GIL* |
pangolin) |
SCA* |
Calipee (turtle cartilage for soup) |
CAL* |
Graft rootstock |
GRS* |
Seedling |
Carapace (raw or unworked) |
CAP* |
Hair |
HAI* |
Seed |
SEE* |
Carving (other than bone, horn, or |
Hair product (including paint brushes) |
HAP* |
Shell product (from mollusc or turtle) |
ivory) |
CAR* |
Horn (substantially whole, including |
Shell (raw or unworked shell of |
Caviar (unfertilized dead processed |
antler) |
HOR* |
mollusc) |
SHE* |
eggs of sturgeon or paddlefish) |
CAV* |
Horn carving (including horn or antler |
Shoe (shoe or boot) |
Chip (timber) |
CHP* |
product) |
HOC* |
Side (including flanks except tinga |
Claw (including talon) |
CLA* |
Horn piece (not manufactured) |
HOP* |
frames) |
SID* |
Cloth |
CLO* |
Ivory carving |
IVC* |
Skeleton (substantially whole) |
SKE* |
Coral (raw or unworked, excluding live |
Ivory jewelry |
IJW* |
Skin (substantially whole, raw or |
rock) |
COR* |
Ivory piano key (# of keys not pianos) |
KEY* |
tanned, including tinga frames) |
SKI* |
Coral product |
Ivory piece (not manufactured, |
Skin piece (including scraps, raw or |
Cosmetics |
COS* |
includes scraps) |
IVP* |
tanned) |
SKP* |
Culture of an artificially propagated |
Jewelry (other than ivory jewelry) |
JWL* |
Skull (except when part of whole |
plant |
CUL* |
Kernel |
KNL* |
trophy) |
SKU* |
Cutting (plant cutting or division) |
Leather product (large manufactured, |
Soup |
SOU* |
Dead animal (whole animal) |
BOD* |
e.g., briefcase, furniture, suitcase) |
LPL* |
Specimen (scientific or museum |
Dead specimen (live specimen that died |
Leather product (small manufactured, |
specimen, including blood, |
during shipment) |
e.g., belt, handbag, wallet, watch band) |
LPS* |
tissue, histological preparation) |
SPE* |
Derivative (except those included |
Leaves |
LVS* |
Stem (plant stem) |
STE* |
elsewhere) |
DER* |
Live rock (Coral rock) |
Swim bladder (hydrostatic organ |
Dried plant |
DPL* |
Live specimen (live animal or plant) |
LIV* |
including isinglass, sturgeon glue) |
SWI* |
Ear (except when part of whole trophy) |
EAR* |
Log (all wood in the rough, whether or |
Tail |
TAI* |
Egg (dead or blown egg, excluding |
not stripped of bark or sapwood, or |
Teeth (excluding tusks) |
TEE* |
caviar) |
EGG* |
roughly squared, for processing into |
Timber (raw except saw-logs and sawn |
Egg (live) |
EGL* |
sawn wood, pulpwood or veneer |
wood) |
TIM* |
Eggshell (raw or worked) |
ESH* |
sheets) |
LOG* |
Trim (shoe, garment, or decorative |
Extract (usually plant) |
EXT* |
Meat |
MEA* |
trim) |
Feather |
FEA* |
Medicinal part or product |
MED* |
Transformed wood (HTS 44.09) |
TRW* |
Fiber (plant fiber, tennis racket string) |
FIB* |
Musk |
MUS* |
Trophy (all the parts of one animal, if |
Fin (dried fins or parts of fins) |
DFN* |
Nest (including products) |
they are exported together; e.g. horns, |
Fin (fresh, chilled or frozen fins or parts |
Oil |
OIL* |
skull, cape, backskin, tail and feet |
of fins) |
FFN* |
Pearl |
PRL* |
constitute one trophy) |
TRO* |
Fingerling (juvenile fish of one or two |
Piano with ivory keys (# of pianos, not |
Trunk (elephant, except when part of |
years of age for the aquarium trade, |
keys) |
whole trophy) |
TRU* |
hatchery, or release operation) |
FIG* |
Plate of fur skins (include rugs if made |
Tusk (substantially whole, worked or |
Flower |
FLO* |
from several skins) |
PLA* |
not) |
TUS* |
Flower pot (made of tree fern or other |
Plywood (material consisting of 3 or |
Unspecified |
plant fiber) |
FPT* |
more sheets of wood glued and pressed |
Veneer (thin layers of wood of uniform |
VEN* |
Foot |
FOO* |
one on another and generally disposed |
thickness, usually less than 6mm) |
WAX* |
Frog leg |
LEG* |
so that the grains are at an angle) |
PLY* |
Wax (including ambergris) |
Fruit |
FRU* |
Powder |
POW* |
Wing |
Fur products (large manufactured, e.g. fur |
Pupae |
PUP* |
Wood product (including furniture, |
WPR* |
blankets) |
FPL* |
Root (dead) |
ROO* |
rainsticks) |
*CITES recognized description code
18b. Enter the appropriate one-letter wildlife source code for each species in 16a from the list below.
Animals born in captivity (from parents that mated in the wild) or |
Plants that fulfil the definition for ‘assisted production’ |
Y |
animals that do not qualify as captive-bred under CITES Animals bred in captivity (from parents that mated in captivity) |
F C |
Pre-convention specimens |
O |
Source unknown (lack of information must be justified) |
U |
CITES Appendix I animals or plants commercially bred or propagated |
Specimens originating from a ranching operation |
R |
in CITES registered facilities |
D |
Specimens taken from the wild |
W |
Plants that are artificially propagated, parts and derivatives |
A |
19a. Enter the quantity of wildlife, and unit of measure for each species in 16a from the list below. Multiply pairs by two.
Number (individual units) |
NO |
Square meters |
M2 |
Liters |
LT |
Centimeters |
CM |
Cubic meters |
M3 |
Milliliters |
ML |
Square centimeters |
C2 |
Milligrams |
MG |
Microliters |
MU |
Cubic centimeters |
C3 |
Grams |
GM |
Meters |
MT |
Kilograms |
KG |
19b. Indicate the total value of items containing wildlife in U.S. dollars (rounded to the nearest dollar) for each species in 16a.
Enter the two-letter ISO (International Organization for Standardization) code for the country where the animal was taken from the wild or where the animal was born.
Indicate whether each species of live wildlife identified in 16a is venomous.
Sign and date the form. Type or print your name below your signature.
If additional space is needed, please use the continuation form (USFWS Form 3-177a).
Knowingly making a false statement may subject the declarant to the penalty provided by 18 U.S.C. 1001 and 16 U.S.C. 3372(d).
See Reverse Side of this Form for Privacy Act
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |