National Park Service Wellness Challenge Survey

Programmatic Clearance Process for NPS-Sponsored Public Surveys

1024-0224 Wellness Challenge.survey instrument3.22.2022

National Park Service Wellness Challenge Survey

OMB: 1024-0224

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OMB Control Number 1024-XXXX
Expiration Date XX/XX/XXXX

2022 National Park Service
Wellness Challenge Survey
Digital Badge Collection


NOTE TO REVEIWER: Each of the seven national parks serving as NPS Wellness Challenge pilot
project host sites, will promote the Wellness Challenge on their park’s “Things to Do” page. From
there, visitors to the park’s Wellness Challenge page can learn about a set of wellness challenge
activities organized into three wellness challenge categories: physical wellness, mental wellness,
and learning wellness
Claim Your Badge Here Prompt. From the park’s Wellness Challenge page participants will be
given a prompt to let them know they can claim participation badges, digitally and through a rubber
stamp in the park, with this message:
“Once you complete the challenges, Claim your badge here. You can also
get a rubber stamp to add to your Park Passport Book at the Visitor Center.”
Right Click to Download Your Badge Prompt. The “Claim your badge” hyperlink will drive
participants to page where they can see the three digital badges available for that park, alongside a
listing of the activities for each badge. Badge selections made will reveal participation distribution
across the challenge categories and activities in the park (physical, mental, and learning).
“High five for living up to the wellness challenge at [park name]. Once you
have completed one or more of the wellness challenge activities at [park
name] you can claim your badge!
Right click on the badge of your choosing. Then you can download it for
printing, and save it as a photo for sharing on social media.”
Invitation to a Brief Survey Prompt. On this same page there will be an invitation for wellness
challenge participants to answer a brief survey —and get access to a Wellness Challenge
Completion Certificate.
“Get Your Completion Certificate Here. Answer our brief survey, to get
your Wellness Challenge Completion Certificate for [park name]”


OMB Control Number 1024-XXXX
Expiration Date XX/XX/XXXX

2022 National Park Service
Wellness Challenge Survey

PAPERWORK REDUCTION and PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT: The Paperwork Reduction Act requires us to tell
you why we are collecting this information, how we will use it, and whether or not you have to respond. We are
authorized by the National Park Service Protection Interpretation and Research in System (54 USC §100702) to
collect this information. The purpose of this information collection is to evaluate the effectiveness of the NPS
Wellness Challenge pilot program in seven national parks in Missouri. The data collected will be summarized to
evaluate visitor uses and expectations during their visit at WOTR. Your responses to this collection are completely
voluntary and will remain anonymous. You can end the process at any time and will not be penalized in any way for
choosing to do so. Your participation poses only minimal risks. Data collected will only be reported in aggregates and
no individually identifiable responses will be reported. A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and you are
not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number (10240224).
BURDEN STATEMENT: The average time is about 8 minutes to complete and return this questionnaire. You may
send comments concerning the burden estimates or any aspect of this information collection to: Diana Allen, Chief,
Office of Public Health/Health Promotion Branch at [email protected]; or Phadrea Ponds NPS Information
Collection Clearance Officer at [email protected].


NOTE TO REVIEWER: Survey Question 1 are park/site-specific questions. The respondent
will only answer the questions at the participation site.
Survey Introduction. How was your wellness challenge experience? Please answer following
questions about your wellness challenge experience at [park name] and you can claim your
Wellness Challenge Completion Certificate. Please select all the wellness challenge activities that
you and your personal group completed during the Wellness Challenge at [park name]. Mark all that
Gateway Arch National Park
Q1. Please select all the wellness challenge activities that you and your personal group competed
during the Wellness Challenge at Gateway Arch National Park. Mark all that apply.
 Physical Wellness Challenge at Gateway Arch National Park
 Rise to the West
 Carve Your Own Path
 Move Along the Mississippi River
 Other (please describe) ______________
 Learning Wellness Challenge at Gateway Arch National Park
 Report for Duty
 Monument to the Dream
 Visit the Museum
 Other (please describe) ______________
 Mental Wellness Challenge at Gateway Arch National Park
 A View from the Top
 A Moment of Reflection
 Explore with Lewis & Clark
 Other (please describe) ______________
George Washington Carver National Monument
Q1. Please select all the wellness challenge activities that you and your personal group competed
during the Wellness Challenge at George Washington Carver National Monument. Mark all that
 Physical Wellness Challenge at George Washington Carver National Monument
 Pack a Picnic
 Explore with Young Carver
 From Woodlands to Prairies
 Other (please describe) ______________
 Learning Wellness Challenge at George Washington Carver National Monument
 The Legacy of Carver
 Tour the Carver Trail
 Report for Duty
 Other (please describe) ______________
 Mental Wellness Challenge at George Washington Carver National Monument
 Capture a Memory
 A Contemplative Experience
 Embrace Your Creativity
 Other (please describe) ______________


Harry S. Truman National Historic Site
Q1. Please select all the wellness challenge activities that you and your personal group competed
during the Wellness Challenge at Harry S. Truman National Historic Site. Mark all that apply.
 Physical Wellness Challenge at Harry S. Truman National Historic Site
 On Pace with a President
 A Visit to the Library
 Truman’s Neighborhood Tour
 Other (please describe) ______________
 Learning Wellness Challenge at Harry S. Truman National Historic Site
 Stop by the Noland House
 The Origin of Common Sense
 Reader to Farmer
 Other (please describe) ______________
 Mental Wellness Challenge at Harry S. Truman National Historic Site
 Write a Letter
 Focus on Nature
 Pat the Gingko Tree
 Other (please describe) ______________
Ozark National Scenic Riverways
Q1. Please select all the wellness challenge activities that you and your personal group competed
during the Wellness Challenge at Ozark National Scenic Riverways. Mark all that apply.
 Physical Wellness Challenge at Ozark National Scenic Riverways
 A Paddler’s Paradise
 Reach New Elevations
 Paws in the Park
 Other (please describe) ______________
 Learning Wellness Challenge at Ozark National Scenic Riverways
 A Detective in Nature
 Discover Geological Wonders
 Ask a Ranger
 Other (please describe) ______________
 Mental Wellness Challenge at Ozark National Scenic Riverways
 Serenity at Alley Spring
 Refresh Your Mind at Big Spring
 Picture This
 Other (please describe) ______________


Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site
Q1. Please select all the wellness challenge activities that you and your personal group competed
during the Wellness Challenge at Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site. Mark all that apply.
 Physical Wellness Challenge
 Move Through History
 A Place Called Home
 Tour White Haven Estate
 Other (please describe) _____________
 Learning Wellness Challenge
 Grant’s Life and Accomplishments
 The Legacy of Freedom
 Bicentennial Celebration
 Other (please describe) ___________
 Mental Wellness Challenge
 Pause in the Summer Kitchen
 Let Nature Speak
 Tree Time
 Other (please describe) ______________
Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield
Q1. Please select all the wellness challenge activities that you and your personal group competed
during the Wellness Challenge at Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield. Mark all that apply.
 Physical Wellness Challenge at Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield
 Move on the Tour Road
 Explore with Your Animal Companion
 In the Steps of Soldiers
 Other (please describe) _____________
 Learning Wellness Challenge at Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield
 Battlefield Museum
 Seek and Find
 Report for Duty
 Other (please describe) _____________
 Mental Wellness Challenge at Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield
 Reflect at Wilson’s Creek
 Let Nature Surprise You
 Ponder on the Porch
 Other (please describe) _____________


Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park
Q1. Please select all the wellness challenge activities that you and your personal group competed
during the Wellness Challenge at Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park. Mark all that apply.
 Physical Wellness Challenge at Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park
 Move Through History
 Levee Trail Adventure
 Stretch Outside
 Learning Wellness Challenge Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park
 Houses of History
 Ask a Ranger
 Making a Home
 Mental Wellness Challenge at Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park
 Embrace Your Creativity
 Stop and Smell the Roses
 Revisit the Past
Q2. Overall, how would you rate your Wellness Challenge experience at [park name]? (CHECK
 Very Poor
 Poor
 Fair
 Good
 Excellent
Q3. What are the main reasons you participated in the Wellness Challenge at [park name]? Select
all that apply.
Physical Health
 To get exercise
 To keep physically fit
 To improve my cardiovascular health
 To recover from an illness
 To lose weight
Mental Health
 To relax
 To reduce stress
 To improve mood
 To relieve anxiety
Learning Experience
 To experience new and different things
 To think about my personal values
 To gain new knowledge
 To exercise my brain


Social Experience
 To do something with my family
 To be with members of my group
 To be with people who enjoy the same things I do
 To meet new people
Nature Experience
 To experience nature
 To be close to nature
 To find inspiration in nature
Q4. Did you establish/start a healthy habit or routine that formed as a result of participating in the
Wellness Challenge?
 Yes
→If yes, what is it? Select all that apply.
 Walking
 Nature Journaling
 Getting outside
 Visiting parks
 No
→If answered “no”.
What are some of the challenges you faced that kept you from starting a new healthy habit or routine
as a result of participating in the Wellness Challenge at [park name]? Select all that apply.

I don’t have the time to visit a National Park
The cost is too high
The areas are too crowded
I cannot afford to take a trip to a National Park
None of my family or friends will join me
I don’t know much about National Parks
Too far to drive
Lack of information about natural areas (i.e., parks)
I would not feel safe
I am not interested in visiting a National Park
There is a lack of racial diversity in Parks
I don’t hike or camp so there is no reason to go to a National Park
I can recreate in places closer to home for free
National Parks are for other people
Wildlife scares me
The amenities I need are not there (grills, water faucets, rest rooms, picnic tables)
Don’t know where to go or what to do
Want more luxury accommodations
Would travel if more people of my race/ethnicity employed there
I have too many other leisure interests
Not interested in participating in outdoor recreation activities
Afraid of getting hurt or being attacked
Too busy with family responsibilities
Transportation problems
Negative previous experience


Q5. the best of your recollection, before your visit to [park name] when was the last time you visited
any local parks, recreation or natural areas?

Within the past week
Within the past week to two weeks
Within the past two weeks to a month
Within the past month to six months
Within the past six months to a year
Within the past year to two years
Over two years
Don’t know/Not sure

Q6. Did anyone in your personal group have physical conditions that made it difficult to access or
participate in park activities or services?
 NO
→ If YES, on this visit what activities or services did the person(s) have difficulty accessing
or participating in?
(Please describe) _______________________________________________
→Because of the physical condition, which specific difficulties did the person(s) have?
Please select all that apply.

 Hearing (difficulty hearing ranger programs, bus drivers, audio-visual exhibits or

programs, or information desk staff even with hearing aid)
 Visual (difficulty in seeing exhibits, directional signs, visual aids that are part of
programs even with prescribed glasses or due to blindness)
 Mobility (difficult in accessing facilities, services, or programs even with walking aid
and/or wheelchairs)
 Other (Please specify)
Q7. When planning to visit Missouri National Parks, how did you obtain information about the Wellness
Challenge? Please select all that apply.
 Did not obtain information prior to this visit
 Previous visits
 Friends/relatives/word of mouth
 Park staff/volunteer at an event in my community
 Walking/driving by and saw park signs
 Window clings
 Television/radio/newspapers/magazines
 [NPS SITE] website
 Visitor Center
 Social media
 Mobile app
 Brochure or pamphlet
 Doctor referral (park prescription, walk with a doc, etc)
 Other (Please specify) ____________________________________


Q8. Which of these categories best indicates your race? Answer only for yourself. Please select one
or more.
 American Indian or Alaska Native
 Asian
 Black or African American
 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
 White
For you only, are you Hispanic or Latino?
 NO

Q9. What year were you born? ____________________
Q10. What is your gender? _________________


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorArias, Olivia F
File Modified2022-03-25
File Created2022-03-25

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