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for the Paperwork Reduction Act New Information Collection Submission for
Rule 15g-9
OMB Control #: 3235-0385
Necessity of Information Collection
The Commission adopted Rule 15g-9 (17 CFR 240.15g-9) (“the Rule”) in 1989
pursuant to Section 15(c)(2) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Exchange Act”),
which authorizes the Commission to promulgate rules that prescribe means reasonably
designed to prevent fraudulent, deceptive, or manipulative practices in connection with
over-the-counter (“OTC”) transactions. 1 Rule 15g-9 requires broker-dealers to produce a
written suitability determination for, and to obtain a written customer agreement to,
certain recommended transactions in penny stocks as that term is defined in Section
3(a)(51) of the Exchange Act and Rule 3a51-1 thereunder. The Rule is necessary to
prevent the indiscriminate use by broker-dealers of fraudulent, high pressure telephone
sales campaigns to sell penny stocks to unsophisticated customers.
The scope of the Rule is limited in order to exclude transactions that are less
likely to be subject to abusive, high-pressure sales practices. Application of the Rule is
limited to transactions in penny stocks, which generally refer to non-exchange listed OTC
equity securities whose issuers do not meet certain financial standards described below.
In addition, exemptions are provided for: (1) transactions in which the price of the
security is five dollars or more; (2) transactions in which the purchaser is an accredited
investor or an established customer of the broker-dealer; (3) transactions that are not
recommended by the broker-dealer; and (4) transactions by a broker-dealer who is not a
market maker in the penny stock that is the subject of the transaction, and whose salesrelated revenue from transactions in penny stocks does not exceed five percent of its total
sales-related revenue from transactions in securities.
Purpose and Use of Information Collection
The Commission recognizes that only comprehensive action will successfully
reduce fraud in the sale of penny stocks, and therefore has undertaken a broad-based
program in this area that includes expanded enforcement efforts, a public education
program, and regulatory initiatives. In adopting Rule 15g-9, the Commission sought to
combat the unscrupulous, high-pressure sales tactics of certain broker-dealers by
imposing objective and readily reviewable requirements that discipline the process by
which new customers are induced to purchase penny stocks. The requirements were
See Exchange Act Rel. No. 49037, 69 FR at 2538 n. 68 (discussing Exchange Act Rule 15c2-6).
Originally adopted as Rule 15c2-6 and thereafter redesignated, the Commission responded to the
widespread incidence of misconduct by some broker-dealers in connection with transactions in
low-priced securities. Exchange Act Rel. No. 27160, 54 FR at 35468.
intended to assist investors in protecting themselves from fraudulent sales practices, and
also to reinforce a broker-dealer’s suitability obligations, which are long-standing
obligations under self-regulatory organization (“SRO”) rules.
An essential aspect of high-pressure “boiler-room” operations is the constant
solicitation of new, and often unsophisticated, customers. The Rule reins in this process
by establishing account opening procedures that must be followed before penny stocks
are recommended to unsophisticated new customers. The procedures are intended to
increase the likelihood that a broker-dealer will make an appropriate suitability
determination by requiring the broker-dealer to obtain sufficient information concerning
the customer, and to consider the customer's previous investment experience, investment
objectives, and financial situation.
In addition, the Rule protects investors from fraudulent sales practices in penny
stocks in two ways. First, the requirement that the customer agree in writing to penny
stock purchases provides the customer with an opportunity to make an investment
decision outside of a pressured telephone conversation with a salesperson. Second, the
account opening procedures require the broker-dealer to provide a copy of the brokerdealer’s suitability determination to the customer prior to the customer’s commitment to
purchase a penny stock. As a result, the customer has an opportunity to review the
determination and decide whether the broker-dealer has made a good faith attempt to
consider the customer’s financial situation, investment experience, and investment
The consequences of not requiring the information specified in the Rule would be
a substantial weakening of the Rule’s effectiveness. The Commission believes that
certain broker-dealers engaging in abusive sales practices in connection with penny
stocks may choose to ignore the requirements of the Rule. The Rule therefore requires
records to be kept that indicate their compliance with each of its provisions. This
documentation enables regulatory authorities to review a broker-dealer’s compliance with
the Rule, and provides the basis for simple and direct enforcement actions against brokerdealers that fail to comply.
Consideration Given to Information Technology
No consideration was given to using information technology to reduce this
Broker-dealers are not otherwise required to obtain the written agreement to
purchases required by the Rule. However, responsible broker-dealers currently obtain
information of substantially the same type that is required by the Rule to comply with
SRO suitability rules. Although the information currently obtained by responsible
broker-dealers also can be used to satisfy the Rule’s requirements, the Rule does not
duplicate these SRO rule requirements because the Rule contains an enhanced suitability
determination and allows for direct Commission enforcement actions in cases of noncompliance. In addition, the Rule does not duplicate any of the requirements of other
rules adopted pursuant to Section 15(g) of the Exchange Act. The other rules adopted
pursuant to Section 15(g) mandate that broker-dealers disclose certain information to
customers about the penny stock market in general and about the particular penny stock
transaction to customers with whom they do business. In contrast, the Rule requires
broker-dealers who engaged in penny stock transactions with customers to obtain certain
information from customers and to make a suitability determination on the basis thereof.
Effect on Small Entities
The statements requested are not extensive, and therefore the collection of
information is not unduly burdensome for small entities.
Consequences of Not Conducting Collection
These statements are required only upon the occurrence of a single event.
Therefore, collection could be no less frequent.
Inconsistencies with Guidelines in 5 CFR 1320.5(d)(2)
There are no special circumstances. This collection is consistent with the
guidelines in 5 CFR 1320.5(d)(2).
Consultations Outside the Agency
The required Federal Register notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting
comments on this collection of information was published. No public comments were
Payment or Gift
No payments or gifts are provided to any respondents.
Not applicable.
Sensitive Questions
The Information Collection does not collect information about individuals,
therefore, a PIA, SORN, and PAS are not required.
Information Collection Burden
The burden of the collection of information required under Rule 15g-9 varies
widely depending on the activity and size of the broker-dealer. In this regard, the burden
is the greatest on those broker-dealers whose questionable sales practice activities
correspond directly to the sale of penny stocks (i.e. boiler-room broker-dealers), the
primary type of security that the Rule addresses. The Rule is intended to rein in
questionable penny stock sales practices by establishing procedures that broker-dealers
follow before recommending penny stocks to unsophisticated customers. The burden of
the Rule’s information requirements, therefore, is triggered by the solicitation of new
customers, and the greatest burden is imposed on broker-dealers who are constantly
soliciting new customers for penny stock purchases.
The burden on the other broker-dealers, however, is much lower. These brokerdealers tend to concentrate on servicing existing customers. Consequently, the additional
information burden for these broker-dealers is not nearly as great as for boiler-room
broker-dealers, and the Rule imposes the greatest burden on those broker-dealers who
employ sales practices that are the direct target of the prophylactic requirements of the
The Commission staff estimates that approximately five percent of registered
broker-dealers, or 175 broker-dealers, 2 are subject to the Rule (5% x approximately 3,497
registered broker-dealers = 175 broker-dealers). As indicated above, the burden of the
Rule on a respondent varies widely depending on the frequency with which new
customers are solicited. On average, for all respondents, the staff has estimated that
respondents process three new customers per week, or approximately 156 new customers
requiring suitability determinations per year. We also estimate that a broker-dealer would
take approximately one-half hour per new customer in obtaining, reviewing, and
processing (including transmitting to the customer) the information required by Rule 15g9, and each respondent would consequently spend 78 hours annually (156 new customers
x .5 hours) obtaining the information required in the Rule. This would result in 27,300
annual responses per year for all respondents (175 respondents x 156 new customer
suitability determinations per year). We determined, based on the estimate of 175
broker-dealer respondents, that the annual hour burden of Rule 15g-9 is 13,650
hours (175 respondents x 78 hours).
Burden type
Third party
Total burden
to 175.
number of
Hours per
Total burden per
Costs to Respondents
As of July 1, 2023, there are 3,497 registered broker-dealers. 5% of 3,497 is 174.85, rounded up
There is no cost to respondents other than the internal cost of the hours per
respondent per year obtaining the information required by the rule.
Costs to Federal Government
There are no costs to the Federal Government. Responses submitted pursuant to
Rule 15g-9 would be reviewed by existing SEC staff as part of their regular duties and does
not incur capital or start-up costs to comply.
Changes in Burden
There was a decrease in the number of respondents affected by the rule, which
impacted agency estimates. This decrease was caused by a decrease in the number of
registered broker-dealers, from 182 to 175 and an estimated total burden hours from
14,196 to 13,650.
Information Collection Planned for Statistical Purposes
Not applicable. The information collection is not used for statistical purposes.
Approval to Omit OMB Expiration Date
The Commission is not seeking approval to omit the expiration date.
Exceptions to Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions
This collection complies with the requirements in 5 CFR 1320.9.
This collection does not involve statistical methods.
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2023-09-07 |
File Created | 2023-09-07 |