OMB Control No. 0970-0578 |
Expiration Date: XXXXXX |
Low Income Household Water Assistance Program Quarterly Performance and Management Form |
Recipient Information |
Recipient Name: |
Contact Name: |
Contact Phone Number: |
Contact Email: |
First Quarterly Performance and Management Report (October 1- December 31) |
I. Total Households Assisted |
A. Total Households Q1 |
1. Unduplicated number of households assisted |
II. Assistance Provided by Service Type |
Number of assisted households by Service Type |
Type of LIHWAP assistance for households |
A. Water or Wastewater |
B. Multiple Water Services |
C. Other Water Services |
1. Restoration of services |
2. Prevention of disconnection of services |
3. Reduction of rates charged |
*If other services were paid for with LIHWAP funds, please explain |
Response: |
III. LIHWAP Implementation Information |
Please attach vendor list to the report, see instructions |
A. Number of Water Vendors |
1. Of the water vendors in your state, territory or tribe, how many vendors have you entered into an agreement with? |
If no, please explain: |
IV. Performance Management |
Describe up to three notable accomplishments achieved by LIHWAP during the implementation period, including any innovative approaches or policies that were put into place during the reporting period. Please include a participant success story, if applicable. |
Response: |
2. Describe any challenges with LIHWAP implementation during the reporting period. |
Response: |
3. Are there additional unmet water or wastewater needs in your service area? If yes, please describe. |
Response: |
4. Do you have any training and/or technical assistance needs that you would like the Office of Community Services to offer support for? |
Response: |
5. Please list and describe up to three lessons learned during the third year of LIHWAP implementation. |
Response: |
V. Use of Funds |
Actual Obligated Funds |
A. Consolidated Appropriation Act, 2021 Funding |
B. American Rescue Act, 2021 Funding |
C. Reserve for Possible Future |
1. Funding obligated to date for the Fiscal Year |
VI. Remarks |
1. Enter any explanation needed regarding the reliability and/or validity of the above-reported data. |
Response: |
VII. Certification |
Certification: By signing this report, I certify that it is true, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent information may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001) |
a. Name of Authorized Official: |
b. Title of Authorized Official: |
c. Signature of Authorized Official: |
d. Date Signed: |
OMB Control No. 0970-0578 |
Expiration Date: XXXXXX |
Low Income Household Water Assistance Program Quarterly Performance and Management Form |
Recipient Information |
Recipient Name: |
Contact Name: |
Contact Phone Number: |
Contact Email: |
Second Quarterly Performance and Management Report (January 1- March 31) |
I. Total Households Assisted |
A. Total Households Q2 |
B Total Cumulative Households |
1. Unduplicated number of households assisted |
0 |
II. Assistance Provided by Service Type |
Number of assisted households by Service Type |
Type of LIHWAP assistance for households |
A. Water or Wastewater |
B. Multiple Water Services |
C. Other Water Services |
1. Restoration of services |
2. Prevention of disconnection of services |
3. Reduction of rates charged |
*If other services were paid with LIHWAP funds, please explain |
Response: |
III. LIHWAP Implementation Information |
Please attach vendor list to the report, see instructions |
A. Number of Water Vendors |
1. Of the water vendors in your state, territory or tribe, how many vendors have you entered into an agreement with? |
If no, please explain: |
IV. Performance Management |
1. Describe up to three notable accomplishments achieved by LIHWAP during the implementation period, including any innovative approaches or policies that were put into place during the reporting period. Please include a participant success story, if applicable. |
Response: |
2. Describe any challenges with LIHWAP implementation during the reporting period. |
Response: |
3. Are there additional unmet water and wastewater needs in your service area? If yes, please describe. |
Response: |
4. Do you have any training and/or technical assistance needs that you would like the Office of Community Services to offer support for? |
Response: |
5. Please list and describe up to three lessons learned during the third year of LIHWAP implementation. |
Response: |
V. Use of Funds |
Actual Obligated Funds |
A. Consolidated Appropriation Act, 2021 Funding |
B. American Rescue Act, 2021 Funding |
C. Reserve for Possible Future |
1. Funding obligated to date for the Fiscal Year |
VI. Remarks |
1. Enter any explanation needed regarding the reliability and/or validity of the above-reported data. |
Response: |
VII. Certification |
Certification: By signing this report, I certify that it is true, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent information may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001) |
a. Name of Authorized Official: |
b. Title of Authorized Official: |
c. Signature of Authorized Official: |
d. Date Signed: |