October 19, 2023 30-Day FR Notice

October 19, 2023 30-Day FRN.pdf

Passenger Train Emergency Systems

October 19, 2023 30-Day FR Notice

OMB: 2130-0576

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Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 201 / Thursday, October 19, 2023 / Notices
under the advisory process. Statements
may concern the issues and agenda
items mentioned above and/or
additional issues that may be relevant to
the U.S. commercial space
transportation industry. Interested
parties wishing to submit written
statements should contact the person
CONTACT section in writing (mail or
email) by November 5, 2023, so that the
information is available to COMSTAC
members for their review and
consideration before the meeting.
Written statements should be in the
following formats: One hard copy with
original signature and/or one electronic
copy via email. The preference for email
submissions is Portable Document
Format (PDF) attachments. A detailed
agenda will be posted on the FAA
website at https://www.faa.gov/space/
Issued in Washington, DC.
Brian A. Verna,
Designated Federal Officer, Commercial
Space Transportation Advisory Committee,
Federal Aviation Administration, Department
of Transportation.
[FR Doc. 2023–23086 Filed 10–18–23; 8:45 am]

Federal Railroad Administration
[Docket No. FRA–2023–0002–N–32]

Proposed Agency Information
Collection Activities; Comment
Federal Railroad
Administration (FRA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice of information collection;
request for comment.

Under the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) and its
implementing regulations, this notice
announces that FRA is forwarding the
Information Collection Requests (ICRs)
summarized below to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review and comment. These ICRs
describes the information collection and
its expected burden. On August 8, 2023,
FRA published a notice providing a 60day period for public comment on the
two ICRs.
DATES: Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before
November 20, 2023.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed ICRs
should be sent within 30 days of
publication of this notice to

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Find the particular ICR by selecting
‘‘Currently under Review—Open for
Public Comments’’ or by using the
search function.
Arlette Mussington, Information
Collection Clearance Officer, at email:
[email protected] or
telephone: (571) 609–1285 or Ms.
Joanne Swafford, Information Collection
Clearance Officer, at email:
[email protected] or telephone:
(757) 897–9908.
44 U.S.C. 3501–3520, and its
implementing regulations, 5 CFR part
1320, require Federal agencies to issue
two notices seeking public comment on
information collection activities before
OMB may approve paperwork packages.
See 44 U.S.C. 3506, 3507; 5 CFR 1320.8
through 1320.12. On August 8, 2023,
FRA published a 60-day notice in the
Federal Register soliciting public
comment on the ICRs for which it is
now seeking OMB approval. See 88 FR
53581. FRA has received no comments
related to the proposed collections of
Before OMB decides whether to
approve the proposed collections of
information, it must provide 30-days’
notice for public comment. Federal law
requires OMB to approve or disapprove
paperwork packages between 30 and 60
days after the 30-day notice is
published. 44 U.S.C. 3507(b)–(c); 5 CFR
1320.12(d); see also 60 FR 44978, 44983,
Aug. 29, 1995. OMB believes the 30-day
notice informs the regulated community
to file relevant comments and affords
the agency adequate time to digest
public comments before it renders a
decision. 60 FR 44983, Aug. 29, 1995.
Therefore, respondents should submit
their respective comments to OMB
within 30 days of publication to best
ensure having their full effect.
Comments are invited on the
following ICRs regarding: (1) whether
the information collection activities are
necessary for FRA to properly execute
its functions, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(2) the accuracy of FRA’s estimates of
the burden of the information collection
activities, including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used to
determine the estimates; (3) ways for
FRA to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information being
collected; and (4) ways to minimize the
burden of information collection
activities on the public, including the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information

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The summaries below describe the
ICRs that FRA will submit for OMB
clearance as the PRA requires:
Title: Passenger Train Emergency
OMB Control Number: 2130–0545.
Abstract: The railroad passenger train
emergency preparedness regulations
under 49 CFR part 239, set forth FRA’s
requirements for railroads to meet
Federal standards for the preparation,
adoption, and implementation of
emergency preparedness plans
connected with the operation of
passenger trains, including freight
railroads hosting passenger rail service
operations. Part 239 also requires each
affected railroad to instruct its
employees on the provisions of its plan.
The information collected is necessary
for compliance with the regulation.
Type of Request: Extension without
change (with changes in estimates) of a
currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Businesses
Form(s): N/A.
Respondent Universe: 34 railroads.
Frequency of Submission: On
Total Estimated Annual Responses:
Total Estimated Annual Burden: 353
Total Estimated Annual Burden Hour
Dollar Cost Equivalent: $30,342.
Title: Passenger Train Emergency
OMB Control Number: 2130–0576.
Abstract: This information collection
is related to passenger train emergency
systems regulations under 49 CFR part
238. The purpose of this part is to
prevent collisions, derailments, and
other occurrences involving railroad
passenger equipment that cause injury
or death to railroad employees, railroad
passengers, or the general public, and to
mitigate the consequences of such
occurrences to the extent they cannot be
prevented. Some of the regulations FRA
established under this part include
requirements for emergency passage
through vestibule and other interior
passageway doors and enhanced
emergency egress and rescue signage; 1
requirements for low-location
emergency exit path markings to assist
occupants in reaching and operating
emergency exits, particularly under
conditions of limited visibility; and
standards to ensure emergency lighting
systems are provided in all passenger
cars and enhanced requirements for the
survivability of emergency lighting
systems in new passenger cars.
1 78


FR 71785 (Nov. 29, 2013).



Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 201 / Thursday, October 19, 2023 / Notices

Type of Request: Extension without
change (with changes in estimates) of a
currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Businesses
Form(s): N/A.
Respondent Universe: 34 railroads.
Frequency of Submission: On
Total Estimated Annual Responses:
Total Estimated Annual Burden: 755.
Total Estimated Annual Burden Hour
Dollar Cost Equivalent: $64,841.
FRA informs all interested parties that
it may not conduct or sponsor, and a
respondent is not required to respond
to, a collection of information that does
not display a currently valid OMB
control number.
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3501–3520.
Christopher S. Van Nostrand,
Acting Deputy Chief Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2023–23068 Filed 10–18–23; 8:45 am]

National Highway Traffic Safety
[Docket No. NHTSA–2022–0077]

Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission to the Office of
Management and Budget for Review
and Approval; Request for Comment;
Alcohol-Impaired Driving
Segmentation Study
National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA),
Department of Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice and request for
comments on a request for approval of
a new information collection.

In compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA), this notice announces that the
Information Collection Request (ICR)
summarized below will be submitted to
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and approval. The ICR
describes the nature of the information
collection and its expected burden. This
document describes a new information
collection for consumer research
purposes regarding a one-time online
voluntary study to better understand
attitudes and behaviors related to
alcohol-impaired driving that will
enhance and refine communication
strategy and tactics. A Federal Register
Notice with a 60-day comment period
soliciting comments on the following
information collection was published on
June 7, 2023, Document 2023–12102.

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Two (2) comments were received before
the closing date of August 7, 2023.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before November 20, 2023.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection, including
suggestions for reducing burden, should
be submitted to the Office of
Management and Budget at
To find this particular information
collection, select ‘‘Currently under
Review—Open for Public Comment’’ or
use the search function.
additional information or access to
background documents, contact Kil-Jae
Hong, Marketing Specialist, Office of
Communications and Consumer
Information (NCO–200), 202–493–0524,
National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, U.S. Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590.
Please identify the relevant collection of
information by referring to its OMB
Control Number.
PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), a Federal
agency must receive approval from the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) before it collects certain
information from the public and a
person is not required to respond to a
collection of information by a Federal
agency unless the collection displays a
valid OMB control number. In
compliance with these requirements,
this notice announces that the following
information collection request will be
submitted OMB.
Title: Alcohol-Impaired Driving
Segmentation Study.
OMB Control Number: 2127–New.
Form Number: NHTSA Form 1710,
NHTSA Form 1711.
Type of Request: Request for approval
of a new information collection.
Type of Review Requested: Regular.
Length of Approval Requested: Three
years from approval date.
Summary of the Collection of
Information: The National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA),
under the U.S. Department of
Transportation (USDOT), was
established to reduce the number of
deaths, injuries and economic losses
resulting from motor vehicle crashes on
the nation’s highways. In keeping with
this mission and to fulfill a
congressional mandate to improve
highway traffic safety, NHTSA’s Office
of Communications and Consumer
Information (OCCI) is dedicated to
eliminating risky behaviors on our
nation’s roads through public awareness

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campaigns. One of the most significant
NHTSA’s OCCI seeks to address through
these efforts is drunk driving.
Drunk driving is a significant cause of
highway fatalities, injuries and
economic losses. Alcohol-impaired
driving fatalities totaled 11,654 in 2020,
accounting for 30% of all motor-vehiclecrash fatalities.1 On average, in 2020,
there was an alcohol-impaired driving
fatality every 45 minutes.2 Among
motorcycle riders, in particular, 27% of
riders in fatal crashes were legally
drunk—a rate exceeding that of
passenger car drivers (23%) and the
highest among all vehicle types
measured.3 Aside from the fatalities,
alcohol-impaired driving crashes carried
an economic cost of an estimated $44
billion in 2010 (the most recent year for
which cost data is available).4
In order for NHTSA’s public
awareness campaigns on drunk driving
to be effective, they must effectively
‘‘compete’’ for audience attention in the
public domain among hundreds of other
major marketers, including those in the
alcoholic beverage industry that
strategically target messages to
particular groups of the public
marketplace. In the consumer marketing
context and environment, NHTSA must
work to convince members of the
driving/riding public not to operate
vehicles when impaired by alcohol.
Accordingly, NHTSA finds that it is
necessary to conduct research, as
authorized by the National Traffic Motor
Vehicle Safety Act, to conduct research
that will allow NHTSA to better tailor
its communication strategies.
Specifically, NHTSA believes a
segmentation analysis would be
especially useful to NHTSA. More
closely understanding and segmenting
drunk drivers and motorcycle riders
will enable more effective
communications programs. Insights
about drunk drivers’/motorcycle riders’
lifestyle characteristics, alcoholconsumption behaviors and attitudes
towards drunk driving will provide
useful, pragmatic information for
NHTSA’s continuing efforts to address
the drunk driving/motorcycle riding
issue responsible for so many deaths.
Accordingly, NHTSA is seeking
approval to conduct a one-time
voluntary study to obtain information to
better understand attitudes and
1 2020 Alcohol Impaired Driving (Traffic Safety
Facts. Report No. DOT HS 813 294).
2 Ibid.
3 Ibid.
4 National Center for Statistics and Analysis.
(2015, July). Overview: 2013 data. (Traffic Safety
Facts. Report No. DOT HS 812 169). Washington,
DC: National Highway Traffic Safety



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File Modified2023-10-19
File Created2023-10-19

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