According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0579-XXXX. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average XX minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collected. |
OMB Approved 0579-XXXX
EXP: XX/20XX |
Opinion Survey |
Section A - General
Do you keep any of the following animals at your home or on your property? Do not include feral animals, such as feral cats or pigs, or wild animals, such as wild rabbits or birds. Please select yes or no for each animal type.
Species |
No |
Yes |
o3 |
o1 |
o3 |
o1 |
o3 |
o1 |
o3 |
o1 |
o3 |
o1 |
o3 |
o1 |
g. Domestic pigs including pot-bellied and pet pigs |
o3 |
o1 |
h. Goats |
o3 |
o1 |
[Question 1 is a screener question. If a respondent does not keep any of the four species of interest, they will be directed to Q3. They will also answer Q4, Q5, and Q92-97. Once we reach 800 respondents who do not keep any of the species, the remaining respondents will only answer Q1. Respondents who keep any of the four species of interest will only answer the relevant sections below.]
[If 1.f. is Yes] Do you keep any of the following live domestic poultry at your home, on your property, or at a community coop? A community coop is a location where multiple people keep their chickens, similar to a community garden but oriented toward chickens. Do not include wild birds. [Check all that apply.]
No |
Yes, at my home or on my property |
Yes, in a community coop |
o3 |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o1 |
o2 |
[If NO to question 2.a.–d. (poultry)] In the past month, did you or any children in your household have any type of contact with live domestic poultry, such as chickens, ducks, or turkeys? Contact refers to physically touching the birds or being in the environment where they live and roam. [Check all that apply.]
o1 No contact
o2 Yes, at a private residence such as a neighbor, friend, or family member
o3 Yes, at a school or daycare
o4 Yes, at a farm or petting zoo
o5 Yes, at a farmer’s market
o6 Yes, at a retail store
o7 Yes, somewhere else (Where? __________________________)
[If NO to question 2.a.–d.(poultry) or question 1.c., 1.g., 1.h. (pigs, goats, rabbits)] Do you plan to keep any of the following animals at your home/property in the next 2 years?
If NO to |
Species |
No |
Yes |
2.a.–d. |
a. Live poultry such as chickens, ducks, or turkeys |
o3 |
o1 |
1.g. |
b. Domestic pigs (including pot-bellied and pet pigs) |
o3 |
o1 |
1.h. |
c. Goats |
o3 |
o1 |
1.c. |
d. Domestic rabbits (not including wild rabbits) |
o3 |
o1 |
The purpose of this next question is to learn more about people’s feelings about chickens and poultry. Please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following opinion statements about poultry:
Strongly agree |
Agree |
Slightly agree |
Slightly disagree |
Disagree |
Strongly disagree |
a. Eggs from home-raised chickens are better for you than eggs purchased at a grocery store. |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
o6 |
b. Chickens in urban areas will lead to more illnesses in humans. |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
o6 |
c. People could get sick with Salmonella from contact with live poultry (for example, picking up or touching chickens, ducks, or turkeys). |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
o6 |
d. People could get sick with Salmonella from touching equipment, water, or food containers in a backyard poultry coop. |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
o6 |
How many of each of the following domestic animals do you have today? Include adults and babies.
If YES to |
Species |
Current number |
2.a. |
a. Chickens |
_______ # 1 |
2.b. |
b. Ducks and/or geese |
_______ # 2 |
2.c. |
c. Turkeys |
_______ # 3 |
2.d. |
d. Gamebirds |
_______ # 4 |
1.g. |
e. Pigs |
_______ # 5 |
1.h. |
f. Goats |
_______ # 6 |
1.c. |
g. Rabbits |
_______ # 7 |
What is the maximum number of each of the following domestic animals you have had in the past 12 months? Include adults and babies. Include animals even if you only kept them for a short time.
If YES to |
Species |
Maximum number |
2.a. |
a. Chickens |
_______ # 1 |
2.b. |
b. Ducks and/or geese |
_______ # 2 |
2.c. |
c. Turkeys |
_______ # 3 |
2.d. |
d. Gamebirds |
_______ # 4 |
1.g. |
e. Pigs |
_______ # 5 |
1.h. |
f. Goats |
_______ # 6 |
1.c. |
g. Rabbits |
_______ # 7 |
How long have you or your family kept each of the following domestic animals at your home, property, or community coop?
If YES to |
Species |
Less than 6 months |
6 months to less than 1 year |
1–5 years |
6–19 years |
20 or more years |
2.a.–d. |
a. Any type of live poultry (chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, gamebirds) |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
1.g. |
b. Pigs |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
1.h. |
c. Goats |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
1.c. |
d. Rabbits |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
Section B – Live Poultry
(insert photo)
Answer this section if YES to any of question 1.a.–d. above.
In the last 12 months, did you observe any of the following health problems in your poultry? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Respiratory (runny nose or eyes, cough, sneeze)
o2 Diarrhea or other digestive issues
o3 Lethargy or not eating
o4 Limping or other leg problems
o5 Unexplained death loss
o6 Other, please describe: ____________________
o7 None of the above
Of the poultry that you have now, where did you get them? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Local hatchery
o2 Local farm
o3 Private individual (for example, friend, neighbor)
o4 Fair or show
o5 Feed or farm store
o6 Mail order or internet purchase
o7 Poultry wholesaler or dealer
o8 Other, please describe: ______________________________
In the last 12 months, what sources did you use for health information for your poultry? [Check all that apply.]
oa Internet search (for example, Google, Siri, Alexa)
ob Veterinarian
oc Books, magazines, and/or journals
od Online forums
oe Social media (for example, Facebook, Nextdoor, YouTube, blogs)
of Government (for example, USDA, CDC, state, local), including websites and publications
og Extension service, including University and Extension websites and publications
oh Feed store
oi Other poultry owners
oj Friends or family
ok Other source (What source? _________________)
ol None of the above
In the past 12 months, what was the main source you used for health information for your poultry? [Select one only.]
[pipe in options selected above]
[If YES to 11.e. (social media)] Which of the following social media sites did you use in the last 12 months for health information for your poultry? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Blogs
o2 Facebook
o3 Instagram
o4 Nextdoor
o5 Pinterest
o6 Reddit
o7 TikTok
o8 Twitter (X)
o9 YouTube
o10 Other, please describe: ______________________________
In the last 12 months, did you use the services of a veterinarian for your poultry? [Check all that apply.]
o3 No
o1 Yes – Saw a veterinarian in-person
o2 Yes – Consulted with a veterinarian via telehealth or telephone
[If NO to Q14] What were the reasons for not using a veterinarian? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Cost
o2 Veterinarian too busy to provide services
o3 Not locally available
o4 Veterinarian not knowledgeable about poultry
o5 Not trusted to have good recommendations
o6 I or a member of my household manage my poultry’s health
o7 No need for a veterinarian (no illness or injuries)
o8 Other reason (What reason? ______________________________)
In the last 12 months, did your poultry receive any treatments, medications, or vaccines/shots? Include over the counter medications and those prescribed by a veterinarian.
o3 No
o1 Yes
o2 I’m not sure
[If YES to Q16] In the last 12 months, do you think your poultry received any antibiotics? Do not include over the counter sprays.
o3 No, please provide any details: _________________________________________
o1 Yes, please provide any details on what antibiotics were used and why: __________________________________________________________________
o2 I’m not sure, please provide any details: __________________________________
If you thought your poultry needed antibiotics, where would you seek help getting them? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Internet supplier
o2 Feed or farm store
o3 Veterinarian
o4 Family, friend, or neighbor
o5 Other, please describe: ______________________________
During the last 12 months, did you take any of your poultry to an event where other animals were present (for example, fair, show, or sale) and then return them to your home or property?
o3 No
o1 Yes
[If YES to Q19] When poultry temporarily left and returned, how often did you isolate them (prevent contact with other poultry and prevent sharing of feed, drinking water, and equipment) for any period of time prior to re-introduction to your other poultry? [Check one only.]
o1 Never isolated
o2 Only isolated for a specific reason such as exposure to disease
o3 Routinely isolated after returning to home/property
o4 No need to isolate because all of my poultry went to the event, or I only have one bird
During the last 12 months, did you acquire new poultry (not including those hatched on-site)?
o3 No
o1 Yes
[If YES to Q21] How often did you isolate the newly added poultry (prevent contact with other poultry and prevent sharing of feed, drinking water, and equipment) prior to introduction to your other poultry? [Check one only.]
o3 Never
o2 Sometimes
o1 Always
o4 Does not apply – I did not have any poultry when I acquired new poultry
In the last 12 months, were poultry (include adults and baby poultry) ever: [Check all that apply.]
o1 Kept inside your house/living space, including a bathroom or basement
o2 Kept in your garage
o3 Kept in an outdoor poultry pen or poultry coop/barn
o4 Allowed to roam outdoors (outside of a pen or fence around the poultry area)
o5 Kept in a community coop
o6 Kept somewhere else, please describe: ______________________________
[If 23. Kept inside your house/living space is checked] What were the reasons for poultry being inside your house/living space? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Birds were young
o2 Birds were sick or injured
o3 Due to bad weather
o4 Other reasons, please describe:____________________
[If 23. Kept inside your house/living space is checked] How often were poultry inside your house/living space in the last 12 months? [Check one only.]
o1 Birds were inside most or all days
o2 Birds were inside occasionally
In the last 12 months, did you ever see the following wild animals or evidence of them within 10 feet of where your poultry are usually kept?
Animals |
No |
Yes |
a. Wild waterfowl (for example, ducks, geese) |
o3 |
o1 |
b. Wild birds other than waterfowl |
o3 |
o1 |
c. Rodents (rats or mice) |
o3 |
o1 |
In the last 12 months, what did you feed your poultry? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Commercial pelleted feed
o2 Commercial scratch feed or mash
o3 Table scraps with meat products (food originally purchased for human consumption)
o4 Table scraps without meat products (food originally purchased for human consumption)
o5 Fresh produce purchased for the poultry (for example, fruits or vegetables)
o6 Make own feed
o7 Feed supplements
o8 Commercial treats
o9 Other, please describe: ______________________________
Do you keep poultry for any of the following types of agricultural production? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Household use – eggs
o2 Household use – meat
o3 Non-household use (sales, trade, or gift) – eggs
o4 Non-household use (sales, trade, or gift) – meat
o5 Breeding for sales, trade, or gift (such as fertilized eggs or day-old chicks)
o6 Other agricultural production, please describe: ___________________
o7 None of the above
How important are the following reasons for you to have poultry?
Not important |
Somewhat important |
Very important |
a. Family tradition |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
b. Fun/hobby |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
c. Income |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
d. [If use of eggs or meat is selected] Food source (eggs, meat) |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
e. [If
use of eggs or meat is selected] |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
f. Fair, show, or exhibition (for example, 4-H, clubs) |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
g. Learning experience for kids |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
h. Companionship or pet |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
i. Other reasons to have poultry, please describe: ________________. |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
How often do you require the following practices for people (including family)?
Never |
Sometimes |
Always |
NA |
a. Wash hands before entering the poultry area or handling the poultry |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
b. Wash hands after leaving the poultry area or handling the poultry |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
c. Use hand sanitizer before or after entering the poultry area or handling the poultry |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
d. Change into dedicated shoes or wear shoe covers before entering the poultry area |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
e. Change out of dedicated shoes or dispose of shoe covers after leaving the poultry area |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
How often do you require the following practices for family and visitors? |
f. Supervise children younger than 5 years old in handwashing after the children leave the poultry area |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
g. Prevent children younger than 5 years old from handling the poultry |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
How familiar are you with USDA’s Defend the Flock program? [Check only one.]
o1 Never heard of it
o2 Recognize the name, but not much else
o3 Know some basics
o4 Very knowledgeable
Section C - Pigs
(insert photo)
Answer this section if YES to question 1.g. above.
In the last 12 months, did you observe any of the following health problems in your pigs?
[Check all that apply.]
o1 Respiratory (runny nose or eyes, cough, sneeze)
o2 Diarrhea or other digestive issues
o3 Lethargy or not eating
o4 Limping or other leg problems
o5 Unexplained death loss
o6 Other, please describe: ____________________
o7 None of the above
In the last 12 months, what sources did you use for health information for your pigs? [Check all that apply.]
oa Internet search (for example, Google, Siri, Alexa)
ob Veterinarian
oc Books, magazines, and/or journals
od Online forums
oe Social media (for example, Facebook, Nextdoor, YouTube, blogs)
of Government (for example, USDA, CDC, state, local), including websites and publications
og Extension service, including University and Extension websites and publications
oh Feed store
oi Other pig owners
oj Friends or family
ok Other source (What source? _________________)
ol None of the above
In the past 12 months, what was the main source you used for health information for your pigs? [Select one only.]
[Pipe in options selected above]
[If YES to 32.e. (social media)] Which of the following social media sites did you use in the last 12 months for health information for your pigs? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Blogs
o2 Facebook
o3 Instagram
o4 Nextdoor
o5 Pinterest
o6 Reddit
o7 TikTok
o8 Twitter (X)
o9 YouTube
o10 Other, please describe: ______________________________
In the last 12 months, did you use the services of a veterinarian for your pigs?
o3 No
o1 Yes – Saw a veterinarian in-person
o2 Yes – Consulted with a veterinarian via telehealth or telephone
[If NO to Q36] What were the reasons for not using a veterinarian? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Cost
o2 Veterinarian too busy to provide services
o3 Not locally available
o4 Veterinarian not knowledgeable about pigs
o5 Not trusted to have good recommendations
o6 I or a member of my household manage my pig’s health
o7 No need for a veterinarian (no illness or injuries)
o8 Other reason (What reason? ______________________________)
In the last 12 months, did your pigs receive any treatments, medications, or vaccines/shots? Include over the counter medications and those prescribed by a veterinarian.
o3 No
o1 Yes
o2 I’m not sure
[If YES to Q38] In the last 12 months, do you think your pigs received any antibiotics? Do not include over the counter sprays.
o3 No, please provide any details: ___________________________________________
o1 Yes, please provide any details on what antibiotics were used and why: ____________________________________________________________________
o2 I’m not sure, please provide any details: ____________________________________
If you thought your pigs needed antibiotics, where would you seek help getting them? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Internet supplier
o2 Feed or farm store
o3 Veterinarian
o4 Family, friend, or neighbor
o5 Other, please describe: ______________________________
During the last 12 months, did you take any of your pigs to an event where other animals were present (for example, fair, show, or sale) and then return them to your home or property?
o3 No
o1 Yes
[If YES to Q41] When pigs temporarily left and returned, how often did you isolate them (prevent nose-to-nose contact with other pigs and prevent sharing of feed, drinking water, and equipment) for any period of time prior to re-introduction to your other pigs? [Check one only.]
o1 Never isolated
o2 Only isolated for a specific reason such as exposure to disease
o3 Routinely isolated after returning to home/property
o4 No need to isolate because all of my pigs went to the event, or I only have one pig
During the last 12 months, did you acquire new pigs (not including those born on-site)?
o3 No
o1 Yes
[If YES to Q43] How often did you isolate the newly added pigs (prevent nose-to-nose contact with other pigs and prevent sharing of feed, drinking water, and equipment) prior to introduction to your other pigs? [Check one only.]
o3 Never
o2 Sometimes
o1 Always
o4 Does not apply – I did not have any pigs when I acquired new pigs
In the last 12 months, were pigs ever: [Check all that apply.]
o1 Kept inside your house/living space
o2 Kept in a barn or building with no outside access
o3 Kept in a barn or building with outside access
o4 Allowed to roam outside the pig enclosure
o5 Kept somewhere else, please describe: ______________________________
In the last 12 months, did you ever see the following wild animals or evidence of them within 10 feet of where your pigs are usually kept?
Animals |
No |
Yes |
a. Feral swine |
o3 |
o1 |
b. Deer or elk |
o3 |
o1 |
c. Rodents (rats or mice) |
o3 |
o1 |
d. Waterfowl/wild birds |
o3 |
o1 |
In the last 12 months, what did you feed your pigs? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Commercial feed or hay
o2 Table scraps with meat products (food originally purchased for human consumption)
o3 Table scraps without meat products (food originally purchased for human consumption)
o4 Fresh produce purchased for the pigs (for example, fruits or vegetables)
o5 Make own feed
o6 Feed supplements
o7 Commercial treats
o8 Other, please describe: ______________________________
[If YES to table scraps] How often were the table scraps cooked?
o3 Never
o2 Sometimes
o1 Always
[If YES to make own feed] For feed that you made yourself, how often was the feed cooked?
o3 Never
o2 Sometimes
o1 Always
Do you keep pigs for any of the following types of agricultural production? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Household use – meat
o2 Non-household use (sales, trade, or gift) – meat
o3 Breeding for sales, trade, or gift
o4 Other agricultural production, please describe:_______________________
o5 None of the above
How important are the following reasons for you to have pigs?
Not important |
Somewhat important |
Very important |
a. Family tradition |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
b. Fun/hobby |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
c. Income |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
d. [If
use of meat is selected] |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
e. [If
use of meat is selected] |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
f. Fair, show, or exhibition (for example, 4-H, clubs) |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
g. Learning experience for kids |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
h. Companionship or pet |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
i. Other reasons to have pigs, please describe:______________________ |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
How often do you require the following practices for people (including family)?
Never |
Sometimes |
Always |
a. Wash hands before entering the pig area or handling the pigs |
o3 |
o2 |
o1 |
b. Wash hands after leaving the pig area or handling the pigs |
o3 |
o2 |
o1 |
c. Use hand sanitizer before or after entering the pig area or handling the pigs |
o3 |
o2 |
o1 |
d. Change into dedicated shoes or wear shoe covers before entering the pig area |
o3 |
o2 |
o1 |
e. Change out of dedicated shoes or dispose of shoe covers after leaving the pig area |
o3 |
o2 |
o1 |
How familiar are you with the disease African Swine Fever (ASF)? [Check only one.]
o1 Never heard of it
o2 Recognize the name, but not much else
o3 Know some basics
o4 Very knowledgeable
Section D - Goats
(insert photo)
Answer this section if YES to question 1.h. above.
In the last 12 months, did you observe any of the following health problems in your goats? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Respiratory (runny nose or eyes, cough, sneeze)
o2 Diarrhea or other digestive issues
o3 Lethargy or not eating
o4 Limping or other leg problems
o5 Unexplained death loss
o6 Other, please describe: ____________________
o7 None of the above
Of the goats that you have now, where did you get them? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Goat wholesaler or dealer
o2 Directly from another farm or household with primarily dairy goats
o3 Directly from another farm or household with primarily meat or other non-dairy goats
o4 Livestock market or auction (not online)
o5 Online sales (for example, Craigslist, Facebook marketplace, eBay, online auctions)
o6 Fair or show
o7 Other, please describe: ______________________________
In the last 12 months, what sources did you use for health information for your goats? [Check all that apply.]
oa Internet search (for example, Google, Siri, Alexa)
ob Veterinarian
oc Books, magazines, and/or journals
od Online forums
oe Social media (for example, Facebook, Nextdoor, YouTube, blogs)
of Government (for example, USDA, CDC, state, local), including websites and publications
og Extension service, including University and Extension websites and publications
oh Feed store
oi Other goat owners
oj Friends or family
ok Other source (What source? _________________)
ol None of the above
In the past 12 months, what was the main source you used for health information for your goats? [Select one only.]
[Pipe in selected options above]
[If YES to 55.e. (social media)] Which of the following social media sites did you use in the last 12 months for health information for your goats? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Blogs
o2 Facebook
o3 Instagram
o4 Nextdoor
o5 Pinterest
o6 Reddit
o7 TikTok
o8 Twitter (X)
o9 YouTube
o10 Other, please describe: ______________________________
In the last 12 months, did you use the services of a veterinarian for your goats?
o3 No
o1 Yes – Saw a veterinarian in-person
o2 Yes – Consulted with a veterinarian via telehealth or telephone
[If NO to Q59] What were the reasons for not using a veterinarian? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Cost
o2 Veterinarian too busy to provide services
o3 Not locally available
o4 Veterinarian not knowledgeable about goats
o5 Not trusted to have good recommendations
o6 I or a member of my household manage my goat’s health
o7 No need for a veterinarian (no illness or injuries)
o8 Other reason (What reason? ______________________________)
In the last 12 months, did your goats receive any treatments, medications, or vaccines/shots? Include over the counter medications and those prescribed by a veterinarian.
o3 No
o1 Yes
o2 I’m not sure
[If YES to Q61] In the last 12 months, do you think your goats received any antibiotics? Do not include over the counter sprays.
o3 No, please provide any details: ___________________________________________
o1 Yes, please provide any details on what antibiotics were used and why: ____________________________________________________________________
o2 I’m not sure, please provide any details: ____________________________________
If you thought your goats needed antibiotics, where would you seek help getting them?
[Check all that apply.]
o1 Internet supplier
o2 Feed or farm store
o3 Veterinarian
o4 Family, friend, or neighbor
o5 Other, please describe: ______________________________
During the last 12 months, did you take any of your goats to an event where other animals were present (for example, fair, show, or sale) and then return them to your home or property?
o3 No
o1 Yes
[If YES to Q64] When goats temporarily left and returned, how often did you isolate them (prevent nose-to-nose contact with other goats and prevent sharing of feed, drinking water, and equipment) for any period of time prior to re-introduction to your other goats? [Check one only.]
o1 Never isolated
o2 Only isolated for a specific reason such as exposure to disease
o3 Routinely isolated after returning to home/property
o4 No need to isolate because all of my goats went to the event, or I only have one goat
During the last 12 months, did you acquire new goats (not including those born on-site)?
o3 No
o1 Yes
[If YES to Q66] How often did you isolate the newly added goats (prevent nose-to-nose contact with other goats and prevent sharing of feed, drinking water, and equipment) prior to introduction to your other goats? [Check one only.]
o3 Never
o2 Sometimes
o1 Always
o4 Does not apply – I did not have any goats when I acquired new goats
In the last 12 months, were goats ever: [Check all that apply.]
o1 Kept inside your house/living space/garage
o2 Kept in a barn or building with no outside access
o3 Kept in a barn or building with outside access
o4 Kept in a fenced pasture or rangeland
o5 Allowed to roam in an unfenced area
o6 Kept somewhere else, please describe: ______________________________
How often do you require the following practices for people (including family)?
Never |
Sometimes |
Always |
a. Wash hands before entering the goat area or handling the goats |
o3 |
o2 |
o1 |
b. Wash hands after leaving the goat area or handling the goats |
o3 |
o2 |
o1 |
c. Use hand sanitizer before or after entering the goat area or handling the goats |
o3 |
o2 |
o1 |
d. Change into dedicated shoes or wear shoe covers before entering the goat area |
o3 |
o2 |
o1 |
e. Change out of dedicated shoes or dispose of shoe covers after leaving the goat area |
o3 |
o2 |
o1 |
Do you keep goats for any of the following types of agricultural production? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Household use – milk
o2 Household use – meat
o3 Household use – fiber
o4 Non-household use (sales, trade, or gift) – milk
o5 Non-household use (sales, trade, or gift) – meat
o6 Non-household use (sales, trade, or gift) – fiber
o7 Breeding for sales, trade, or gift
o8 Other agricultural production, please describe:_______________________
o9 None of the above
How important are the following reasons for you to have goats?
Not important |
Somewhat important |
Very important |
a. Family tradition |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
b. Fun/hobby |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
c. Income |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
d. [If
use of milk or meat is selected] |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
e. [If
use of milk or meat is selected] |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
f. Fair, show, or exhibition (for example, 4-H, clubs) |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
g. Learning experience for kids |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
h. Companionship or pet |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
i. Other reasons to have goats, please describe: ______________________ |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
How familiar are you with the disease scrapie? [Check only one.]
o1 Never heard of it
o2 Recognize the name, but not much else
o3 Know some basics
o4 Very knowledgeable
You previously reported having [insert number reported earlier] goats today. Of these goats [insert number reported earlier], how many had a tag that looked like this when they arrived? (If no goats have the tag, enter 0.) Goats a
Section E - Rabbits
(insert photo)
Answer this section if YES to question 1.c. above.
In the last 12 months, did you observe any of the following health problems in your rabbits? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Respiratory (runny nose or eyes, cough, sneeze)
o2 Diarrhea or other digestive issues
o3 Lethargy or not eating
o4 Limping or other leg problems
o5 Unexplained death loss
o6 Other, please describe: ____________________
o7 None of the above
In the last 12 months, what sources did you use for health information for your rabbits? [Check all that apply.]
oa Internet search (for example, Google, Siri, Alexa)
ob Veterinarian
oc Books, magazines, and/or journals
od Online forums
oe Social media (for example, Facebook, Nextdoor, YouTube, blogs)
of Government (for example, USDA, CDC, state, local), including websites and publications
og Extension service, including University and Extension websites and publications
oh Feed store
oi Rabbit organizations (for example, American Rabbit Breeders Association, House Rabbit Society)
oj Other rabbit owners
ok Friends or family
ol Other source (What source? _________________)
om None of the above
In the past 12 months, what was the main source you used for health information for your rabbits? [Select one only.]
[Pipe in selected options above]
[If YES to 75.e] Which of the following social media sites did you use in the last 12 months for health information for your rabbits? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Blogs
o2 Facebook
o3 Instagram
o4 Nextdoor
o5 Pinterest
o6 Reddit
o7 TikTok
o8 Twitter (X)
o9 YouTube
o10 Other, please describe: ______________________________
In the last 12 months, did you use the services of a veterinarian for your rabbits?
o3 No
o1 Yes – Saw a veterinarian in-person
o2 Yes – Consulted with a veterinarian via telehealth or telephone
[If NO to Q78] What were the reasons for not using a veterinarian? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Cost
o2 Veterinarian too busy to provide services
o3 Not locally available
o4 Veterinarian not knowledgeable about rabbits
o5 Not trusted to have good recommendations
o7 I or a member of my household manage my rabbit’s health
o8 No need for a veterinarian (no illness or injury)
o9 Other reason (What reason? ______________________________)
In the last 12 months, did your rabbits receive any treatments, medications, or vaccines/shots? Include over the counter medications and those prescribed by a veterinarian.
o3 No
o1 Yes
o2 I’m not sure
[If YES to Q80] In the last 12 months, do you think your rabbits received any antibiotics? Do not include over the counter sprays.
o3 No, please provide any details: ___________________________________________
o1 Yes, please provide any details on what antibiotics were used and why: ____________________________________________________________________
o2 I’m not sure, please provide any details: ____________________________________
If you thought your rabbits needed antibiotics, where would you seek help getting them? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Internet supplier
o2 Feed or farm store
o3 Veterinarian
o4 Family, friend, or neighbor
o5 Other, please describe: ______________________________
During the last 12 months, did you take any of your rabbits to an event where other animals were present (for example, fair, show, or sale) and then return them to your home or property?
o3 No
o1 Yes
[If YES to Q83] When rabbits temporarily left and returned, how often did you isolate them (prevent nose-to-nose contact with other rabbits and prevent sharing of feed, drinking water, and equipment) for any period of time prior to re-introduction to your other rabbits?
o1 Never isolated
o2 Only isolated for a specific reason such as exposure to disease
o3 Routinely isolated after returning to home/property
o4 No need to isolate because all of my rabbits went to the event, or I only have one rabbit
During the last 12 months, did you acquire new rabbits (not including those born on-site)?
o3 No
o1 Yes
[If YES to Q85] How often did you isolate the newly added rabbits (prevent nose-to-nose contact with other rabbits and prevent sharing of feed, drinking water, and equipment) prior to introduction to your other rabbits?
o3 Never
o2 Sometimes
o1 Always
o4 Does not apply – I did not have any rabbits when I acquired new rabbits
In the last 12 months, were rabbits ever: [Check all that apply.]
o1 Kept inside your house/living space/garage, including in a rabbit hutch
o2 Kept in an outdoor rabbit hutch
o3 Allowed outside the rabbit hutch in the yard
o4 Kept somewhere else, please describe: ______________________________
In the last 12 months, did you ever see the following wild animals or evidence of them within 10 feet of where your rabbits are usually kept?
Animals |
No |
Yes |
a. Wild rabbits |
o3 |
o1 |
b. Rodents (rats or mice) |
o3 |
o1 |
Do you keep rabbits for any of the following types of agricultural production? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Household use – fur/pelt/wool
o2 Household use – meat
o3 Non-household use (sales, trade, or gift) – fur/pelt/wool
o4 Non-household use (sales, trade, or gift) – meat
o5 Breeding for sales, trade, or gift
o6 Other agricultural production, please describe: ___________________
o7 None of the above
How important are the following reasons for you to have rabbits?
Not important |
Somewhat important |
Very important |
a. Family tradition |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
b. Fun/hobby |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
c. Income |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
d. Fair, show, or exhibition (for example, 4-H, clubs) |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
e. Learning experience for kids |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
f. Companionship or pet |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
g. [If
use of meat is selected] |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
h. Other reasons to have rabbits, please describe: ______________________ |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
How familiar are you with Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (RHD or RHD2)? [Check only one.]
o1 Never heard of it
o2 Recognize the name, but not much else
o3 Know some basics
o4 Very knowledgeable
Section F – All respondents
Do you keep any other livestock that were not asked about at your home or property?
o3 No
o1 Yes
[If YES] What type(s) of livestock? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Sheep
o2 Horses or donkeys
o3 Cows
o4 Llamas
o5 Emus or ostriches
o6 Other livestock, please list:____________________________________
(insert photo-transition)
Do you compost?
o1 At your home or property
o2 Through a municipal program
o3 I do not compost
[If checked 94 ‘at your home or property’ or ‘through a municipal program’] Which of the following products do you compost? [Check all that apply.]
o2 Food scraps (for example, eggshells, coffee grounds, meat products)
o3 Plant material (for example, lawn clippings, leaves, woody debris)
o4 Paper products (for example, newspaper, compostable packaging, paper straws)
o5 Animal manure
These next questions are about the food eaten in your household in the last 12 months and whether you were able to afford the food you need.
In the last 12 months, did you or other adults in your household ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food?
o3 No
o1 Yes
o2 Don’t know
The next two questions ask about statements that people have made about their food situation. For these statements, please check if this was often true, sometimes true, or never true for your household in the last 12 months.
In the last 12 months: |
Often true |
Sometimes true |
Never true |
Don’t know |
a. The food that we bought just didn’t last, and we didn’t have money to get more. |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
b. We couldn’t afford to eat balanced meals. |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Fields, Victoria - MRP-APHIS |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-10-29 |