Central Flyway Goose Harvest Database Screenshots


Central Flyway Online Goose Harvest Assessment

Central Flyway Goose Harvest Database Screenshots


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OMB No. 1028-XXX
Expires: xx/xx/xxxx

Example Landing Page for Goose Harvest Web/Mobile Platform

Welcome to the Central Flyway Goose
Harvest Database
Sign Up
Or enter your code to Login:

First time login: HIP Survey Strata Question
How many GEESE did YOU harvest last season?

Did not hunt

• Respondent PII not collected, anonymized through code and/or generated respondent ID
• Respondent ID retained by code used to login, so track anonymized respondent through repeated data
submission entries.
• This question is from the Hunter Diary Survey and is used to determine hunter strata for later harvest
estimate comparisons. It is only asked once at the initial sign up stage, and is linked to the generated
respondent ID.
• These are radial buttons to be selected.

Main Page – Buttons for all platform functions

The instructions page provides respondents with
detailed instructions on how to use the platform.


Submit hunt button allows respondents to begin the data entry process.
This button is used each time a respondent wants to enter harvest data,
and respondents may hunt several times throughout the hunting season.

View Previous

View previous hunts button allows respondents to view a log of
previous harvest data entered, but does not allow them to
change, modify, or delete previously submitted information.

View Goose
Photo Library

View Goose Photo Library button allows respondents to view a standard set
of images of each goose species and age class as reference imagery when
reporting their own harvest, to allow accurate harvest reporting of species
and age.

Survey Information

Opt Out

The Survey Information button allows respondents to understand the
importance of the survey, data uses and non-uses, partners
participating in the platform, permitting and control approval numbers,
and contact information of platform researchers.

The Opt Out button allows users to inform us that they no
longer wish to participate in the survey, giving researchers a
better idea of non-participation bias vs. users who wish to no
longer participate

Harvest information – Hunter Diary Surrogate

Date of Hunt:



View Previous
View Goose
Photo Library

Survey Information

Opt Out

Total Number of Geese


Description: The Submit Hunt button is where users begin
to enter actual data collected by the platform. The first
page enters user hunt-specific information, and how many
total geese were harvested, location, and date time

Description: Based on the total number of geese harvested from the previous page entry, respondents then enter the total number of each species of interest
harvested. We provide example images, a species description, and a “View Gallery” button to take respondents to the Photo Library if they wish to see more
example images of each species. The total number of each species listed here must match the total number harvested from the previous page. Respondents
are not required to enter zero harvest, and NA values are assumed zeros.

Description: Similar to the previous page, there are three goose species in which age class can be identified based on plumage characteristics (Snow geese,
greater white-fronted geese, and Ross’s geese). If respondents harvested these species, information is populated from the previous page, and respondents
then input the number of adults and juveniles harvested. Again, we provide example images for each age class, a plumage/age description, and a “View
Gallery” button to take respondents to the Photo Library if they wish to see more example images of each age class. The total number of each age listed here
must match the total number of that species from the previous page.

Final submission page
You have entered 10 total geese harvested, 8 snow geese (2 adults and
6 juveniles), 1 Canada goose, and 1 greater white-fronted goose (adult).
Do you wish to submit this hunt?
No, edit hunt

Submit Hunt

Optional Hunt Comments: If needed, please add any additional comments regarding your harvest information.


Description: The final submission page where data input are re-capped, and an option to edit the hunt if desired or submit the data are presented.
Additionally, an option comments section is included should the respondent wish to clarify or provide details of the harvest.

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: We are collecting this information subject to the Paperwork
Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Your response is voluntary and we will not share your
response publicly. We may not conduct or sponsor and you are not required to respond to a
collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. OMB has
reviewed and approved this poll and assigned OMB Control Number 1028-NEW.
Estimated Burden Statement: We estimate responses will average 2 minutes per response, including
time to read instructions and gather information. You may submit comments on any aspect of this
information collection to USGS, Information Collections Clearance Officer, 12201 Sunrise Valley
Drive, MS 159, Reston, VA 20192 or by email to [email protected]. Please reference
OMB Control Number 1028-NEW in the subject line of your comments.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2024-04-12
File Created2024-03-28

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