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pdfFelt Report - Tell Us!
(Previously Approved Questions)
Your location when the earthquake occurred;
Address, partial address, or geographic coordinates
Use Current Location
Help make a shaking intensity map by telling us about the shaking at your location
What was your situation during the earthquake?
o Not specified
o Inside a building
o Outside a building
o In a stopped vehicle
o In a moving vehicle
o Other
o Please describe
If you were inside a building, what floor were you on?
o Not specified
o Underground
o Ground floor
o 2nd Floor
o 3rd Floor
o Other
o If higher, please type in the floor
If you were inside a building, how tall was it?
o Not specified
o 1 Story
o 2 Stories
o 3 Stories
o Other
o If higher, please type in the number of stories
Were you asleep?
o Not specified
o I was not sleeping
o Slept through it
o Woke up
o Did others nearby feel it?
o Not specified
o No others felt it
o Some felt it, most did not
o Most felt it
o Everyone/almost everyone felt it
How would you describe the shaking?
o Not specified
o Not felt
o Weak
o Mild
o Moderate
o Strong
o Violent
How did you react?
o Not specified
o No reaction/not felt
o Very little reaction
o Excitement
o Somewhat frightened
o Very frightened
o Extremely frightened
How did you respond?
o Not specified
o Took no action
o Moved to doorway
o Dropped and covered
o Ran outside
o Other
o Please describe
Was it difficult to stand and/or walk?
o Not specified
o No
o Yes
Did you notice any swinging of doors or other free-hanging objects?
o Not specified
o No
o Yes, slight swinging
o Yes, violent swinging
Did you hear creaking or other noises?
o Not specified
o No
o Yes, slight noise
o Yes, loud noise
Did objects rattle, topple over, or fall off shelves?
o Not specified
o No
o Rattled slightly
o Rattled loudly
o A few toppled or fell off
o Many fell off
o Nearly everything fell off
Did pictures on walls move or get knocked askew?
o Not specified
o No
o Yes, but did not fall
o Yes, and some fell
o Did any furniture or appliances slide, topple over, or become displaced?
o Not specified
o No
o Yes
Was a heavy appliance (refrigerator or range) affected?
o Not specified
o No
o Yes, some contents fell out
o Yes, shifted by inches
o Yes, shifted by a foot or more
o Yes, overturned
Were free-standing walls or fences damaged?
o Not specified
o No
o Yes, some were cracked
o Yes, some partially fell
o Yes, some fell completely
Was there any damage to the building?
o No damage
o Hairline cracks in walls
o A few large cracks in walls
o Many large cracks in walls
o Ceiling tiles or lighting fixtures fell
o Cracks in chimney
o One or several cracked windows
o Many windows cracked or some broken out
o Masonry fell from block or brick wall(s)
o Old chimney, major damage or fell down
o Modern chimney, major damage or fell down
o Outside wall(s) tilted over or collapsed completely
o Separation of porch, balcony, or other addition from building
o Building permanently shifted over foundation
o Additional comments
Contact information (optional)
Proposed Revision/Additional Questions regarding Earthquake Early Warning and
Did you or someone near you receive an earthquake alert?
o Yes
o I did not receive an alert, but I expected to receive one
o No
Did you receive an alert message before, during, or after you felt shaking?
o Not specified
o I did not receive an alert
o Before
o During
o After
If you received an alert before you experienced shaking, about how many seconds did
the alert arrive before you felt shaking?
o Not specified
o 1-5 seconds
o 6-10 seconds
o 11-15 seconds
o More than 15 seconds
Where were you when you received the alert?
o Not specified
o At home, inside
o At home, outside
o At work or school
o In a stationary vehicle
o In a moving vehicle
o In a public space like a hotel, shopping mall, store, park, hospital, etc.
o On public transit like a commuter train, subway train, or bus
o Other
o Please describe
Were you alone or with others when you received the alert?
o Not specified
o Alone
o With other adults
o With small dependent children only
o With other adults and dependent children
o With others who have special needs (elderly, disabled, etc.)
Given your experience with the earthquake alert you received in this earthquake, how
would you rate its usefulness?
o Not specified
o Extremely useful
o Somewhat useful
o Neither useful nor useless
o Somewhat useless
o Totally useless
What action did you take between the time you received the alert message and when
you first felt shaking? (Choose one that best describes how you responded)
o Not specified
o Took no action, there was too little time to respond
o Took no action, I was already in a place of safety
o Took no action, but mentally braced myself for shaking
o Moved away from hazards near me like windows, unstable objects, masonry
walls if outside, etc.
o Exited the building I was in
o Stood in a doorway
o Dropped, covered and held on
o Acted to protect others near me (e.g. dependent child, special needs person)
o Pulled vehicle over and stopped
o Other
o Please describe
If there was too little time to respond, how much warning do you feel you need to
respond after receiving an alert for an earthquake?
o Not specified
o More than 1 minute
o 31-60 seconds
o 21-30 seconds
o 11-20 seconds
o 6-10 seconds
o up to 5 seconds
Would you say that the shaking you experienced from the earthquake after receiving the
alert was:
o Not specified
o Less severe than I expected
o About what I expected
o More severe than I expected
o Not felt
Based on your experience with the earthquake alert you received in this earthquake,
would you prefer:
o Not specified
o Alerts for all earthquakes, even very small ones that are barely felt
o Alerts only for earthquakes that disrupt my activities, but do not cause damage
o Alerts only for major earthquakes that could cause damage and injury
o Not to be alerted for any earthquake
o Do you consider the early warning message you received to be:
o Not specified
o Adequate
o Inadequate
What additional information, if any, would be helpful in an alert message?
o Earthquake magnitude
o Shaking intensity at my location
o Map showing earthquake epicenter and my location
o Amount of time left until shaking begins
o Countdown time to impact at my location
o All of the above
o None of the above
o Other
o Please describe
The US Geological Survey also provides ShakeAlert system performance information
after the earthquake has occurred including the earthquake magnitude, location, cities
affected, and mapped data. In regard to this post-earthquake information, would you
say that this information was:
o Not specified
o Useful
o Not useful
o I did not receive this information
o Other
o Please describe
Thinking back to how you received the alert, was it:
o Not specified
o On my own cellphone (mobile device)
o Other electronic device (smart watch, laptop, etc.)
o Informed by others nearby
o Emergency alerts on TV or radio
o A public announcement or broadcast at my school or workplace
o Electronic road sign
o Digital billboard on a building
o Other
o Please describe
Have you experienced an earthquake that caused damage to your property in the past?
o Not specified
o Yes
o No
o I don't know
Is this the first time you received an alert from an earthquake alerting system?
o Not specified
o Yes
o No
o I don't know
Gender, age, and level of education are factors associated with earthquake behavioral
response. The following questions are critical in assessing the statistical validity of our
survey and improving access to timely earthquake information. What is your gender?
o Not specified
o Female
o Male
o Non-binary
o Prefer not to answer
o I use a different term
o Please describe
What is your age group?
o Not specified
o Under 18
o 18-24
o 25-34
o 35-44
o 45-54
o 55-64
o 65-74
o 75 or older
Please indicate your level of education:
o Not specified
o No formal education
o Elementary school only
o Some high school
o High school graduate
o Some college
o Associate's degree (2 years)
o Bachelor's degree or equivalent
o Graduate degree
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2024-03-06 |
File Created | 2024-03-06 |