Attachment M -Pesticide Submission Portal Guidance

2624.01 Attachment M Pesticide Submission Portal Guidance.pdf

Consolidated Pesticide Registration Submission Portal (Non-Substantive Change)

Attachment M -Pesticide Submission Portal Guidance

OMB: 2070-0226

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CDX Pesticide Submissions Portal
(PSP) Registration User Guide
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Pesticide Programs

Version 2.0
August 25, 2020

Table of Contents
Table of Contents......................................................................................................................... i
List of Exhibits ............................................................................................................................ iii

Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1

Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 1


Topics Covered ............................................................................................................ 1


Application Support ...................................................................................................... 1


System Requirements ........................................................................................................ 3

Supported Browsers ..................................................................................................... 3


Screen Resolution ........................................................................................................ 3


CDX Navigation .................................................................................................................. 4

Overview ...................................................................................................................... 4


CDX ‘Home’ Screen ..................................................................................................... 4


PSP User Roles ............................................................................................................... 15


CDX Registration for Primary Submitters (New CDX Users)............................................. 16

Terms and Conditions................................................................................................. 16


Program Service ......................................................................................................... 17


Role Access (Primary Submitter) ................................................................................ 18


User and Organization Information ............................................................................. 21


Confirmation Email ..................................................................................................... 24


Additional Verification ....................................................................................................... 29

Identity Verification ..................................................................................................... 29


Registration Notifications ............................................................................................ 38


Access the Pesticide Submission Portal ..................................................................... 40


Add the Primary Submitter Role to an Existing CDX Account ........................................... 42

MyCDX Screen ........................................................................................................... 42


Program Service (Existing Account) ........................................................................... 43


Primary Submitter Role Access (Existing Account) ..................................................... 44


Organization Information (Existing Account) ............................................................... 48


Electronically Sign the CDX ESA (Existing Account) .................................................. 50



Request an EPA OPP Company Number ......................................................................... 54

CDX Registration ........................................................................................................ 54


Pesticide Submission Portal – Company Number Generator Application .................... 62
PSP Role Sponsorship ..................................................................................................... 70

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Role Sponsorship ....................................................................................................... 70


Role Sponsorship/Invitation ........................................................................................ 70


Appendix A - Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations ................................................... 97

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List of Exhibits
Exhibit 3-1: CDX ‘Home’ Screen (Scroll 1) .................................................................................. 5
Exhibit 3-2: CDX ‘Home’ Screen (Scroll 2) .................................................................................. 6
Exhibit 3-3: About CDX Screen (Scroll 1) .................................................................................... 7
Exhibit 3-4: About CDX Screen (Scroll 2) .................................................................................... 8
Exhibit 3-5: Recent Announcements Screen ............................................................................... 9
Exhibit 3-6: Terms and Conditions Screen (Scroll 1) ................................................................. 10
Exhibit 3-7: Terms and Conditions Screen (Scroll 2) ................................................................. 11
Exhibit 3-8: Terms and Conditions Screen (Scroll 3) ................................................................. 12
Exhibit 3-9: Help Screen (Scroll 1) ............................................................................................ 13
Exhibit 3-10: Help Screen (Scroll 2) .......................................................................................... 14
Exhibit 5-1: CDX Terms and Conditions Screen ........................................................................ 16
Exhibit 5-2: Program Service Screen ........................................................................................ 17
Exhibit 5-3: Program Service Screen (Filtered View) ................................................................. 18
Exhibit 5-4: Role Access Screen (Select Role View) ................................................................. 19
Exhibit 5-5: Role Access Screen (Enter Company Number View) ............................................. 20
Exhibit 5-6: Company Search Results ....................................................................................... 21
Exhibit 5-7: User and Organization Screen (User Information) .................................................. 23
Exhibit 5-8: User and Organization Screen (Organization Information) ..................................... 24
Exhibit 5-9: CDX Registration Confirmation Email ..................................................................... 25
Exhibit 5-10: Confirmation Screen ............................................................................................. 26
Exhibit 5-11: CDX Login Screen ................................................................................................ 27
Exhibit 5-12: Resend Verification Email Screen ........................................................................ 28
Exhibit 5-13: Validation Code Not Found Screen ...................................................................... 28
Exhibit 6-1: CDX Registration: LexisNexis Screen .................................................................... 30
Exhibit 6-2: CDX ESA Screen (LexisNexis Failed) .................................................................... 31
Exhibit 6-3: CROMERR 20-5-1 Question/Answer Screen ......................................................... 33
Exhibit 6-4: Confirmation Email for eSignature Questions ......................................................... 33
Exhibit 6-5: Electronic CDX ESA Screen (Primary Submitter) ................................................... 34
Exhibit 6-6: CROMERR eSignature Widget (Certification) ......................................................... 35
Exhibit 6-7: eSignature Widget .................................................................................................. 35
Exhibit 6-8: Paper CDX ESA Pop-Up Window........................................................................... 37
Exhibit 6-9: MyCDX Screen (Awaiting ESA Approval) ............................................................... 38
Exhibit 6-10: CDX Registration Email: Role Activation .............................................................. 39

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Exhibit 6-11: CDX Registration Email: Role Status Change ...................................................... 39
Exhibit 6-12: MyCDX Screen (Active Primary Submitter Role) .................................................. 40
Exhibit 6-13: Application Profile Settings Pop-Up ...................................................................... 41
Exhibit 7-1: MyCDX Screen (Activated CDX Account)............................................................... 42
Exhibit 7-2: Program Service Screen (Existing CDX Account)................................................... 43
Exhibit 7-3: Program Service Screen (Filtered View) ................................................................. 44
Exhibit 7-4: Role Access Screen (Select Role View) ................................................................. 46
Exhibit 7-5: Role Access Screen (Enter Company Number View) ............................................. 47
Exhibit 7-6: Role Access Screen (Company Search Results View) ........................................... 48
Exhibit 7-7: User and Organization Screen (Organization Information) ..................................... 50
Exhibit 7-8: Electronic CDX ESA Screen ................................................................................... 51
Exhibit 7-9: eSignature Widget (Certification) ............................................................................ 52
Exhibit 7-10: eSignature Widget ................................................................................................ 53
Exhibit 8-1: Role Access Screen (Company Number Request Path) ......................................... 55
Exhibit 8-2: Organization Information Screen (Select Organization View) ................................. 56
Exhibit 8-3: Organization Information Screen (Search for an Organization View) ...................... 57
Exhibit 8-4: Organization Information Screen (User Information View) ...................................... 58
Exhibit 8-5: Organization Information Screen (New Organization View) .................................... 59
Exhibit 8-6: Electronic CDX ESA Screen ................................................................................... 61
Exhibit 8-7: eSignature Widget (Certification) ............................................................................ 62
Exhibit 8-8: eSignature Widget .................................................................................................. 62
Exhibit 8-9: PSP Portal Screen (Company Number Generator View) ........................................ 63
Exhibit 8-10: Company Number Request Form Screen (Company Information Field Block)...... 64
Exhibit 8-11: Company Number Request Form Screen (Authorized Agent Field Block) ............ 65
Exhibit 8-12: Company Number Request Form Screen (Consultant/Other Address Field
Block) ............................................................................................................................... 65
Exhibit 8-13: Company Number Request Form Screen (Successful Submission Pop-Up) ........ 67
Exhibit 8-14: Company Number Request Approval Email ......................................................... 67
Exhibit 8-15: Company Number Already Exists Rejection Email ............................................... 68
Exhibit 8-16: Company Number Request Rejection Email ......................................................... 69
Exhibit 9-1: Role Sponsorship Screen ....................................................................................... 70
Exhibit 9-2: Role Sponsorship/Invitation Screen ........................................................................ 71
Exhibit 9-3: Role Sponsorship Review Screen .......................................................................... 73
Exhibit 9-4: Email Confirmation Pop-Up Window....................................................................... 74

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Exhibit 9-5: CDX Role Sponsorship Request Email – Authorized Agent .................................... 74
Exhibit 9-6: Role Sponsorship Request Email – Primary Submitter ........................................... 75
Exhibit 9-7: Sponsorship Information – Log-In Screen............................................................... 76
Exhibit 9-8: Sponsorship Information Screen ............................................................................ 78
Exhibit 9-9: Account Registration Screen .................................................................................. 79
Exhibit 9-10: Role Access Screen ............................................................................................. 79
Exhibit 9-11: Request Role Access Search Results Screen ...................................................... 80
Exhibit 9-12: Account Registration Screen (Scroll 1) ................................................................. 81
Exhibit 9-13: Account Registration Screen (Scroll 2) ................................................................. 82
Exhibit 9-14: CDX Role Sponsorship Request Email – Primary Submitter................................. 83
Exhibit 9-15: Copy of CDX Role Sponsorship Request Email – Authorized Agent..................... 83
Exhibit 9-16: Role Sponsorship Login Screen ........................................................................... 84
Exhibit 9-17: Role Sponsorship Review Screen ........................................................................ 85
Exhibit 9-18: Electronic Sponsor Agreement Screen ................................................................. 88
Exhibit 9-19: eSignature Widget ................................................................................................ 89
Exhibit 9-20: CROMERR E-Signature Email ............................................................................. 89
Exhibit 9-21: CDX Sponsorship Request Completed Email (Primary Submitter) ....................... 90
Exhibit 9-22: CDX Sponsorship Request Completed Email (Authorized Agent)......................... 92
Exhibit 9-23: Role Sponsorship Login Screen ........................................................................... 93
Exhibit 9-24: Complete Account Screen .................................................................................... 94
Exhibit 9-25: ‘Identity Verification’ Screen (Authorized Agent) ................................................... 95
Exhibit 9-26: Electronic CDX ESA Screen (Authorized Agent) .................................................. 96

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020



The Central Data Exchange (CDX) is a web-based system that facilitates electronic data
submissions to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). CDX allows users
submitting data to EPA to register for specific programs of interest. CDX also provides EPA
Program Offices a common framework for users to satisfy reporting requirements across
multiple EPA programs. Please refer to for more information about CDX.


The purpose of this document is to describe the registration processes for the Pesticide
Submission Portal (PSP) Program Service. This document assists new and existing CDX users
register for PSP, describes the electronic process to request an EPA company number, and details
the Authorized Agent role sponsorship process.

Topics Covered

This document covers the steps necessary to register for CDX and PSP. The document’s sections
are below described:
 Section 2 lists the system requirements necessary to access and interact with CDX and PSP.
 Section 3 guides users through the CDX screens that do not require a user account.
 Section 4 introduces the roles available for the PSP Program Service.
 Section 5 describes the steps to register for the PSP Primary Submitter role as a new CDX
 Section 6 details the additional verification processes necessary for certain roles.
 Section 7 walks through the steps to add the PSP Primary Submitter role to an existing CDX
 Section 8 describes how to request an EPA company number using PSP’s Company Number
Generator (CNG) application.
 Section 9 explains the role sponsorship process for the PSP Authorized Agent role.

Application Support

Help is available by contacting the CDX Help Desk (CDXHD) using one of the following
 By Telephone:
Person-to-person telephone support is available from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm eastern standard
time/eastern daylight time (EST/EDT). Call the CDXHD’s toll-free line at (888) 890-1995 or
+1 (970) 494-5500 for international callers.
 By Email:
Send an email to [email protected] with “Technical Support” in the ‘Subject’ line.
OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

 By Chat:
Click the ‘Chat with the CDX Help Desk’ link on the ‘Contact Us’ screen to generate a web
form to enter information regarding your help request.
 By Contact Form:
Enter information in the text fields under the ‘Contact Form’ section of the ‘Contact Us’
 By Website:
Users can contact the CDXHD from the ‘Contact Us’ screen at
and read the help section at

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

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System Requirements

The following items are required to use CDX:
 An e-mail account
 A JavaScript enabled web browser
 Internet access
 A vendor supported version of Adobe Acrobat Reader

Supported Browsers

For optimal performance, it is recommended that Google Chrome be used to access the PSP
Program Service. However, the following browsers are supported:

Vendor supported versions of Google Chrome
Go to the following link to download:


Vendor supported versions of Mozilla Firefox
Go to the following link to download:


Vendor supported versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) or Edge
Go to the following link to download:


Vendor supported versions of Safari
Go to the following link to download:


Screen Resolution

Screen resolution should be set to 1024 x 768 or greater.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020


CDX Navigation

The following section provides an overview of the screens that are accessible to users prior to
completing the CDX registration process.


EPA programs and various stakeholders use CDX to manage environmental data transmitted to
EPA to meet reporting requirements. CDX registration allows EPA Program Offices to define
the roles and collected information required to complete the registration process, and facilitate
user access to a program. CDX captures the requirements for each Program Service and role and
prompts users for only required information. Some roles do not require additional information,
whereas, others require additional identity verification and/or information processing. The
following subsections walk through how to navigate the tabs on the CDX ‘Home’ screen.

CDX ‘Home’ Screen

The CDX ‘Home’ screen is the landing page from which users access and interact with various
CDX functions. The CDX ‘Home’ screen can be accessed at, and provides
users with the following features:
 Log In: Users with a CDX account may log into the system by entering their user
identification (ID), entering the corresponding password, and clicking the ‘Log In’ button
located on the right side of the screen.
 Registration: Users without a CDX account may click the ‘Register with CDX’ button to
initiate the registration process outlined in Section 5.
 Welcome Announcement: This area provides welcome text available to all visitors to CDX.
 Important Alerts: The alerts in the ‘Notices’ box that appear below the ‘Welcome
Announcement’ provide system and program-specific information. The ‘Notices’ box only
appears when there are CDX alerts.
 Warning Notice and Privacy Policy: The ‘Warning Notice and Privacy Policy’ statements
section provides users the terms of use for the CDX system, regardless of whether a user logs
into or registers with CDX.

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Exhibit 3-1 shows a screen capture of the CDX ‘Home’ screen (Scroll 1):

Exhibit 3-1: CDX ‘Home’ Screen (Scroll 1)

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 3-2 shows a screen capture of the CDX ‘Home’ screen (Scroll 2):

Exhibit 3-2: CDX ‘Home’ Screen (Scroll 2)


About CDX

Users can access the ‘About CDX’ screen by clicking the tab labeled ‘About’ at the top of the
CDX ‘Home’ screen. The ‘About CDX’ screen provides general information about CDX system
requirements and procedures that users should be aware of concerning regulation, user, and
system policies.

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Exhibit 3-3 shows a screen capture of the ‘About CDX’ screen (Scroll 1):

Exhibit 3-3: About CDX Screen (Scroll 1)

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 3-4 shows a screen capture of the ‘About CDX’ screen (Scroll 2):

Exhibit 3-4: About CDX Screen (Scroll 2)


Recent Announcements

Users can access the ‘Recent Announcements’ screen by clicking the tab labeled ‘Recent
Announcements’ at the top of the CDX ‘Home’ screen. This screen provides an extended list of
current and archived announcements. The most recent announcements also display as important
alerts on the CDX ‘Home’ screen. If an alert on the CDX ‘Home’ screen is too long, it will
display in a teaser format with a hyperlink to view more details. Upon clicking, the application
navigates to the ‘Recent Announcements’ screen to view the announcement in its entirety. The
‘Older announcements’ link displayed at the bottom of the screen provides access to
announcements older than six months.

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Exhibit 3-5 shows a screen capture of the ‘Recent Announcements’ screen:

Exhibit 3-5: Recent Announcements Screen


Terms and Conditions

Users can access the ‘Terms and Conditions’ screen by clicking the tab labeled ‘Terms and
Conditions’ at the top of the CDX ‘Home’ screen. This screen provides the terms and conditions
for use of the application. This includes EPA’s privacy statement, warning notice, and user
credential notices. Any user who registers for or has a CDX account is legally bound by these

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Exhibit 3-6 shows a screen capture of the ‘Terms and Conditions’ screen (Scroll 1):

Exhibit 3-6: Terms and Conditions Screen (Scroll 1)

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 3-7 shows a screen capture of the ‘Terms and Conditions’ screen (Scroll 2):

Exhibit 3-7: Terms and Conditions Screen (Scroll 2)


3-8 shows a screen capture of the ‘Terms and Conditions’ screen (Scroll 3):

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 3-8: Terms and Conditions Screen (Scroll 3)



Users can access the ‘Help’ screen by clicking the tab labeled ‘Help’ at the top of the CDX
‘Home’ screen. This screen provides options for users to contact the CDXHD by phone, email,
message, or live chat. To send a message to the CDXHD via the contact form, click the ‘Contact
Us’ link above the login section.

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Exhibit 3-9 shows a screen capture of the ‘Help’ screen (Scroll 1):

Exhibit 3-9: Help Screen (Scroll 1)

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Exhibit 3-10 shows a screen capture of the ‘Help’ screen (Scroll 2):

Exhibit 3-10: Help Screen (Scroll 2)

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August 25, 2020


PSP User Roles

The PSP Program Service supports two roles: Primary Submitter and Authorized Agent. The
Primary Submitter role is open to any CDX user with a signed Electronic Signature Agreement
(ESA) for the PSP Program Service. The Authorized Agent role is a closed role and requires a
Primary Submitter to sponsor the Authorized Agent before they can register for PSP and submit
on the Primary Submitter’s behalf. Please refer to Sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 for additional
information about PSP’s roles. For information about Authorized Agent role sponsorship please
refer to Section 9.

Primary Submitter Role

Primary Submitters serve as the principle point of contact for an organization. The Primary
Submitter role has the following attributes/abilities:
 Can sponsor Authorized Agents to submit on their behalf
 Can revoke an Authorized Agent’s access to the PSP Program Service for their organization
 Can view all submissions created for their organization
Note: Both Primary Submitters and Authorized Agents must obtain the passphrase used to
encrypt a submission to access its content, even if they can see it exists.
 Can prepare and submit submissions for their organization
Note: An organization may have multiple Primary Submitters.
 Can register for multiple organizations
Please refer to Section 5 for information on how to register for a new CDX account and add the
Primary Submitter role during the CDX registration process. Please refer to Section 7 for
information on how to add the Primary Submitter role to an existing CDX account.

Authorized Agent Role

The Authorized Agent role has the following attributes/abilities:
 Must be sponsored by a Primary Submitter
 Can only see the submissions they created
 Can submit responses to DCIs
 Can prepare and submit packages on behalf of their sponsoring organization
Note: An organization may have multiple Authorized Agents.
 Can register for multiple organizations
Please refer to Section 9 for information on how to complete the role sponsorship process for an
Authorized Agent.

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August 25, 2020


CDX Registration for Primary Submitters (New CDX Users)

The PSP Primary Submitter role is open for registration to new CDX users without sponsorship.
To initiate CDX registration for a new CDX user and PSP Primary Submitter role, click the
‘Register with CDX’ button on the CDX ‘Home’ screen (as described in Section 3).

Terms and Conditions

After clicking the ‘Register with CDX’ button the application navigates to the CDX ‘Terms and
Conditions’ screen (see Exhibit 5-1), which displays the following terms and conditions that
must be accepted to create a CDX account:
 Acceptance of warning and privacy policies
 Choosing a complex password
 Protecting your password
 Notifying the CDXHD of possible account misuse
 Limiting distribution of CDX software
 Agreement to notify CDX of changes in duties
Exhibit 5-1 shows a screen capture of the CDX ‘Terms and Conditions’ screen:

Exhibit 5-1: CDX Terms and Conditions Screen

Navigation: Check the ‘I am this registrant. I will not share my account, and I accept the terms
and conditions, above’ checkbox and click the ‘Proceed’ button to accept the terms and

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

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Program Service

The ‘Program Service’ screen is the first step in the registration process and is indicated in the
breadcrumb bar at the top of the screen.
The ‘Program Service’ screen displays a list of available Program Services from which to choose
(see Exhibit 5-2). Type the Program Service name or related keywords in the text bar (see
Exhibit 5-3) to filter the available Program Services. For example, typing “psp” will display
‘PSP: Pesticide Submission Portal (Company Number Requests)’ in the search results.
Select a program by clicking the program name (e.g., ‘PSP: Pesticide Submission Portal
(Company Number Requests)’). The selection will determine the information that must be
entered on subsequent screens and navigates the application to the ‘Role Access’ screen. Exhibit
5-2 shows a screen capture of the ‘Program Service’ screen:

Exhibit 5-2: Program Service Screen

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 5-3 shows a screen capture of a filtered view of the ‘Program Service’ screen:

Exhibit 5-3: Program Service Screen (Filtered View)

Navigation: Enter “psp” in the ‘Active Program Services List’ field and click the ‘PSP: Pesticide
Submission Portal (Company Number Requests)’ option.

Role Access (Primary Submitter)

The ‘Role Access’ screen is the second step in the registration process and is highlighted in the
top breadcrumb bar. Completed steps are indicated with a checkmark and may be accessed by
clicking the step in the top breadcrumb bar. The ‘Registration Information’ summary section
displays at the top and updates as selections are made.
After selecting ‘PSP: Pesticide Submission Portal (Company Number Requests)’ on the
‘Program Service’ screen, the ‘Role Access’ screen displays and allows registration for only the

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Primary Submitter role.Exhibit 5-4 shows a screen capture for the select role view of the ‘Role
Access’ screen:

Exhibit 5-4: Role Access Screen (Select Role View)

Navigation: Select the ‘Primary Submitter’ role from the ‘Select Role’ dropdown menu and
click the ‘Request Role Access’ button to display the ‘Company Number’ field.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

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Exhibit 5-5 shows a screen capture for the enter company number view of the ‘Role Access’

Exhibit 5-5: Role Access Screen (Enter Company Number View)

Navigation: Enter the company number for the company associated with the registration and
click the ‘Next’ button. If you do not have a company number, please refer to Section 8 for
information on how to request one.

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Exhibit 5-6 shows a screen capture for the last part of the ‘Role Access’ screen:

Exhibit 5-6: Company Search Results

Navigation: Confirm the organization displayed on screen. If the organization displayed is
incorrect, click the ‘Click here’ link to enter another company number. If the displayed
organization is correct, click the ‘Next’ button. If the system cannot find a company that matches
the entered number, an error message will display.

User and Organization Information

The ‘User and Organization’ screen is the third step in the registration process. It will be
highlighted in blue on the top breadcrumb bar. Completed steps are indicated with a checkmark
and may be accessed by clicking a step in the top breadcrumb bar. The ‘Registration
Information’ summary section at the top updates as selections are made.
Both user and organization information are captured on the same screen. The information entered
in this portion of the registration process is used to support account validation and establish
levels of assurance.

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Part 1: User Information

The ‘User Information’ section collects the following information (see Exhibit 5-7):
 User ID (required)
 Title (required)
 First Name (required)
 Middle Initial
 Last Name (required)
 Suffix
 Password (required)
 Re-type Password (required)
 Security Question 1 (required)
 Security Answer 1 (required)
 Security Question 2 (required)
 Security Answer 2 (required)
 Security Question 3 (required)
 Security Answer 3 (required)
Please note that user ID and password information may be requested for re-authentication with
features throughout CDX including the submission process within PSP. The ‘Security Question’
and ‘Security Answer’ fields are also used for re-authentication in the event the password needs
to be reset.
When creating a user ID, it must abide by the following rules:
 Must be at least 8 characters
 No special characters may be used with the exception of ‘_,’ ‘@,’ and ‘.’
 Must not already be in use
When creating a password, it must abide by the following rules:
 Must be at least 8 characters
 Must be no more than 15 characters
 Must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number
 May not begin with a number
 May not be the same as your user ID
 May not contain the word ‘Password’
 May not contain any special characters or spaces

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

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Exhibit 5-7 shows a screen capture of the ‘User Information’ section of the ‘User and
Organization’ screen:

Exhibit 5-7: User and Organization Screen (User Information)

Navigation: Enter information into all required fields.

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Part 2: Organization Information

The ‘Organization Information’ section displays information for the selected organization. This
information is pre-populated from the Office of Pesticide Program’s (OPP) system and cannot be
Exhibit 5-8 shows a screen capture of the ‘Organization Information’ section of the ‘User and
Organization’ screen:

Exhibit 5-8: User and Organization Screen (Organization Information)

Navigation: Enter information into the ‘Email’ and ‘Phone Number’ fields, update the
‘ZIP/Postal Code’ field (if necessary), and click the ‘Submit Request for Access’ button.

Confirmation Email

All new CDX users are required to activate their account after the above registration steps by
following the instructions sent to the email address provided during the registration process for
their specified organization. The email contains registration confirmation information and
additional instructions to activate the account (see Exhibit 5-9).
To activate the CDX account, click the activation link within the email or copy and paste the
validation code into the ‘Code’ field on the ‘Confirmation’ screen (see Exhibit 5-10). The link
will take you to the CDX login screen where you will be asked to enter the newly created user ID

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and password. See Section 5.5.1 for additional information pertaining to following the email
link.Exhibit 5-9 shows a screen capture of the confirmation email:

Exhibit 5-9: CDX Registration Confirmation Email

Navigation: Either click activation link within the email or copy the ‘Code’ value.

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Exhibit 5-10 shows a screen capture of the ‘Confirmation’ screen:

Exhibit 5-10: Confirmation Screen

Navigation: Enter the copied ‘Code’ value from the confirmation email into the ‘Code’ field and
click the ‘Create Account’ button to access CDX additional verification.

Logging in to CDX for New Users

If a user chooses to click the activation link in the confirmation email rather than entering the
‘Code’ on the ‘Confirmation’ screen, the system navigates to the CDX ‘Login’ screen (see
Exhibit 5-11). After a user enters the correct credentials, CDX will display options for additional
verification. Please refer to Section 6 for information on the available additional verification
If a user attempts to access CDX prior to clicking the confirmation link, they will be directed to
the user account completion screen where a request can be made to send another verification
email to the email address on file (see Exhibit 5-12).
If a user enters an incorrect validation code, or if the validation code has expired, an on-screen
message will appear directing them to contact the CDXHD (see Exhibit 5-13).

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Exhibit 5-11 shows a screen capture of the ‘CDX Login’ screen:

Exhibit 5-11: CDX Login Screen

Navigation: Enter the valid user credentials and click the ‘Log In to CDX’ button to access CDX
additional verification.

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August 25, 2020

Exhibit 5-12 shows a screen capture of the ‘Resend Verification Email’ screen:

Exhibit 5-12: Resend Verification Email Screen

Navigation: Click the ‘Click to resend verification e-mail’ button to resend the CDX
confirmation email (see Exhibit 5-9).
Exhibit 5-13 shows a screen capture of the ‘Validation Code Not Found’ screen:

Exhibit 5-13: Validation Code Not Found Screen

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020


Additional Verification

Once a CDX account is activated (see Section 5.5), a user’s identity must be verified either by
electronic or paper identity verification processes. One of these options must be successfully
completed to register for the Primary Submitter role.
Important: Users from outside the United States are precluded from electronic identity
verification and must use the paper identity verification process detailed in Section 6.1.2.

Identity Verification

Once a CDX account is activated by a user, the application will navigate to the ‘CDX
Registration: LexisNexis’ screen where one of the following options must be chosen (see Exhibit
 To proceed with electronic identity verification, select the ‘The name above is me. Proceed
with LexisNexis® Validation’ check box and click the ‘Proceed to Verification’ button.
Please refer to Section 6.1.1 for additional information on the electronic identity verification

To forgo the electronic identity verification process and sign a paper Electronic Signature
Agreement (ESA), click the ‘Paper Verification’ link to navigate to the paper identity
verification option. Please refer to Section 6.1.2 for additional information on the paper
identity verification process.
 To discontinue the registration process, click the ‘Exit’ link.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 6-1 shows a screen capture of ‘CDX Registration: LexisNexis’ screen:

Exhibit 6-1: CDX Registration: LexisNexis Screen


LexisNexis® Identity Verification Process

CDX registration provides an electronic identity verification service through a third-party service
from LexisNexis®. To complete electronic identity verification, enter Personally Identifiable
Information (PII) in all required fields on the ‘CDX Registration: LexisNexis’ screen and click
the ‘Proceed with Verification’ button (see Exhibit 6-1). All of the displayed fields are necessary

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

for LexisNexis® to complete electronic identity verification. Note: CDX does not use or store
PII entered for LexisNexis® verification.
Once LexisNexis® completes its identity verification process, CDX registration follows one of
the following paths:
1. The entered PII validated to the minimum standards and the electronic identity
verification process may be continued. Please refer to Section for additional
information on how to complete the electronic identity verification process.
2. The entered PII did not validate to the minimum standards and the paper ESA must be
completed (see Exhibit 6-2). Please refer to Section 6.1.2 for additional information on
how to complete the paper identity verification process.
Exhibit 6-2 shows a screen capture of the ‘CDX Registration Electronic Signature Agreement’
(LexisNexis Identity Verification Failed) screen:

Exhibit 6-2: CDX ESA Screen (LexisNexis Failed)

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Electronic CDX ESA

When a user passes LexisNexis® identity verification (see Section 6.1.1) they are prompted to
enter Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) questions as a means to verify
a user’s identity during the electronic signature process.
CDX provides twenty CROMERR questions from which five unique questions and answers must
be chosen. The selected questions and answers should be easy to remember, but difficult for
someone else to guess. Users are required to answer one of these ’20-5-1’ CROMERR questions,
selected at random, each time a submission is signed in PSP.
The CROMERR questions and answers must be set before the CDX ESA may be electronically
signed (see Exhibit 6-3). Following completion of the CROMERR questions process, review the
CDX ESA, and click the ‘Sign Electronically’ button (see Exhibit 6-5). The system will launch
the eSignature Widget pop-up allowing a user to sign the CDX ESA (see Exhibit 6-6 and Exhibit
When the CDX ESA is officially signed via the CROMERR signature process, a copy of the
CDX ESA and the electronic signature are stored in the CDX CROMERR archives.
Additionally, a copy of the CDX ESA is also sent to the signing user’s CDX Inbox.
Exhibit 6-3 shows a screen capture of the ‘CROMERR 20-5-1 Question and Answer’ screen:

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 6-3: CROMERR 20-5-1 Question/Answer Screen

Navigation: Select five CROMERR signature questions, enter corresponding answers to each
question, and click the ‘Save Answers’ button.
Important: It is important to remember the answers to these five questions. After three
unsuccessful attempts to answer a CROMERR question, a user’s CDX account will be locked
and the CDXHD must be called to reset the answers and unlock the account.
Exhibit 6-4 shows a screen capture of the confirmation email for eSignature Questions

Exhibit 6-4: Confirmation Email for eSignature Questions

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 6-5 shows a screen capture of the ‘Electronic CDX ESA’ screen:

Exhibit 6-5: Electronic CDX ESA Screen (Primary Submitter)

Navigation: Review the contents of the CDX ESA and click the ‘Sign Electronically’ button.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 6-6 shows a screen capture of the initial ‘CROMERR eSignature Widget’ pop-up

Exhibit 6-6: CROMERR eSignature Widget (Certification)

Navigation: Review eSignature Widget certification and click the ‘Accept’ button.
Exhibit 6-7 shows a screen capture of the ‘eSignature Widget’ pop-up window:

Exhibit 6-7: eSignature Widget

Navigation: Enter the displayed user’s CDX password, answer the displayed CROMERR 20-5-1
question, and click the ‘Sign’ button to complete the electronic signature process and activate
Primary Submitter role within the CDX account. Please refer to Section 6.3 for information on
how to access PSP.

Paper Identity Verification Process

Users who do not wish to leverage the LexisNexis® electronic identity verification service, or
who are unable to meet the minimum electronic identity verification’s requirements (e.g. nonUnited States based organizations) are required to complete the paper CDX ESA process before
access to PSP is granted.
OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

To access and complete the paper identity verification process either click the ‘Paper
Verification’ link on the ‘CDX Registration: LexisNexis’ screen (see Exhibit 6-1) or click the
‘Sign Paper Form’ button on the ‘CDX Registration Electronic Signature Agreement
(LexisNexis Identity Verification Failed)’ screen (see Exhibit 6-2).
To complete the paper identity verification process click the ‘Print to Mail’ button in the ‘Paper
CDX ESA’ pop-up window to print a paper copy of the CDX ESA, provide a wet ink signature
on the printed CDX ESA, and mail the signed ESA to the EPA address listed within the CDX
ESA. A copy of the CDX ESA is also saved to the user’s CDX Inbox for future reference and

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 6-8 shows a screen capture of the ‘Paper CDX ESA’ pop-up window:

Exhibit 6-8: Paper CDX ESA Pop-Up Window

Navigation: Click the ‘Print to Mail’ button, provide a wet ink signature on the printed CDX
ESA, and mail the signed ESA to the EPA address listed within the CDX ESA.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Registration Maintenance Account Manager Approval

Users who complete the paper identity verification process must wait for a CDX Registration
Maintenance Account Manager (RMAM) (individual responsible for the approval of Program
Service role access requests) to receive the hard copy CDX ESA and grant access to the Primary
Submitter role.
A user’s access to PSP will be restricted behind the ‘Awaiting ESA Approval’ status until an
RMAM grants access to the Primary Submitter role (see Exhibit 6-9). Users should contact the
CDXHD if they have any issues waiting for the approval.
Exhibit 6-9 shows a screen capture of the ‘MyCDX’ screen with a Primary Submitter role
‘Awaiting ESA Approval’:

Exhibit 6-9: MyCDX Screen (Awaiting ESA Approval)


Registration Notifications

Once CDX registration for the Primary Submitter role is complete, CDX will send a
confirmation email of successful registration to the email address on the CDX account (see
Exhibit 6-10).
If the paper identity verification option was chosen, CDX will also send a notification email to
the registered email address stating the CDX account was created, but that the Primary Submitter
role is awaiting activation (see Exhibit 6-11).Exhibit 6-10 shows a screen capture of a ‘CDX
Registration’ email after successful CDX registration:

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 6-10: CDX Registration Email: Role Activation

Exhibit 6-11 shows a screen capture of the ‘CDX Registration’ email confirming a role status

Exhibit 6-11: CDX Registration Email: Role Status Change

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020


Access the Pesticide Submission Portal

Once either a Primary Submitter and/or Authorized Agent role is ‘Active,’ users may access PSP
by clicking the corresponding link in the ‘Role’ column on the ‘My CDX’ screen (see
Exhibit 6-12).
Exhibit 6-12 shows a screen capture of the ‘MyCDX’ screen with an ‘Active’ Primary Submitter

Exhibit 6-12: MyCDX Screen (Active Primary Submitter Role)

Navigation: Click either the ‘Primary Submitter’ or “Authorized Official’ link in the ‘Role’
column to access the PSP application.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 6-13 shows a screen capture of the ‘Application Profile Settings’ pop-up window:

Exhibit 6-13: Application Profile Settings Pop-Up

Navigation: Select the appropriate organization from the ‘Organization Name’ dropdown menu
and click the ‘Proceed’ button.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020


Add the Primary Submitter Role to an Existing CDX Account

CDX users registered for CDX Program Services other than PSP, as well as current PSP Primary
Submitters who wish to add additional organizations to their Primary Submitter role (e.g. when
submitting for organization subsidiaries/divisions that have separate company numbers), may
register for additional Primary Submitter roles under their CDX account.

MyCDX Screen

To add the PSP Primary Submitter role to an existing CDX account, begin by clicking the ‘Add
Program Service’ button on the ‘MyCDX’ screen.
Exhibit 7-1 shows a screen capture of the ‘MyCDX’ screen for an activated CDX account:

Exhibit 7-1: MyCDX Screen (Activated CDX Account)

Navigation: Click the ‘Add Program Service’ button.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020


Program Service (Existing Account)

The ‘Program Service’ screen is the first step to add the Primary Submitter role to an existing
CDX account and is indicated in the breadcrumb bar at the top of the screen.
The ‘Program Service’ screen displays a list of available Program Services from which to choose
(see Exhibit 7-2). Type the Program Service name or related keywords in the text bar (see
Exhibit 7-3) to filter the available Program Services. For example, typing “psp” will display
‘PSP: Pesticide Submission Portal (Company Number Requests)’ in the search results.
Select a program by clicking the program name (e.g., ‘PSP: Pesticide Submission Portal
(Company Number Requests)’). The selection will determine the information that must be
entered on subsequent screens and navigates the application to the ‘Role Access’ screen.
Exhibit 7-2 shows a screen capture of the ‘Program Service’ screen:

Exhibit 7-2: Program Service Screen (Existing CDX Account)

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 7-3 shows a screen capture of a filtered view of the ‘Program Service’ screen:

Exhibit 7-3: Program Service Screen (Filtered View)

Navigation: Enter “psp” in the ‘Active Program Services List’ field and select ‘PSP: Pesticide
Submission Portal (Company Number Requests).’

Primary Submitter Role Access (Existing Account)

The ‘Role Access’ screen is the second step in the registration process and is highlighted in the
top breadcrumb bar. Completed steps are indicated with a checkmark and may be accessed by
clicking the step in the top breadcrumb bar.
After selecting ‘PSP: Pesticide Submission Portal (Company Number Requests)’ on the
‘Program Service’ screen, the ‘Role Access’ screen displays and allows registration for only the
Primary Submitter role.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 7-4 shows a screen capture for the select role view of the ‘Role Access’ screen:

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 7-4: Role Access Screen (Select Role View)

Navigation: Select the ‘Primary Submitter’ role from the ‘Select Role’ dropdown and click the
‘Request Role Access’ button.

Exhibit 7-5 shows a screen capture for the enter company number view of the ‘Role Access’

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 7-5: Role Access Screen (Enter Company Number View)

Navigation: Enter a company number and click the ‘Next’ button. If you do not have a company
number, please refer to Section 8 for information on how to request one.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 7-6 shows a screen capture for the last part of the ‘Role Access’ screen:

Exhibit 7-6: Role Access Screen (Company Search Results View)

Navigation: Confirm the organization displayed on screen. If the organization displayed is
incorrect, click the ‘Click here’ link to enter another company number. If the displayed
organization is correct, click the ‘Next’ button. If the system cannot find a company that matches
the entered number, an error message will display.

Organization Information (Existing Account)

The ‘Organization’ screen is the third step in the registration process. It will be highlighted in
blue on the top breadcrumb bar. Completed steps are indicated with a checkmark and may be
accessed by clicking a step in the top breadcrumb bar. The ‘Registration Information’ summary
section displays at the top and updates as selections are made.
The ‘Organization Information’ screen displays information for the selected organization. This
information is pre-populated from OPP’s system and cannot be modified. Enter information into
the ‘Email’ and ‘Phone Number’ fields and click the ‘Submit Request for Access’ button to

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020


OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 7-7 shows a screen capture of the ‘Organization Information’ section of the ‘User and
Organization’ screen:

Exhibit 7-7: User and Organization Screen (Organization Information)

Navigation: Enter information into the ‘Email’ and ‘Phone Number’ fields, update the
‘ZIP/Postal Code’ field (if necessary), and click the ‘Submit Request for Access’ button.

Electronically Sign the CDX ESA (Existing Account)

Important: Users who previously passed the LexisNexis® identity verification process under
another CDX Program Service and organization will not have to pass the electronic identity
verification process again and will be navigated to electronically sign the CDX ESA for the new
organization and role (see
Exhibit 7-8). After electronically signing the CDX ESA, a user will be able to access PSP. Please
refer to Section 6.3 for information on how to access PSP using the Primary Submitter role.
When the CDX ESA is officially signed via the CROMERR signature process, a copy of the
CDX ESA and the electronic signature are stored in the CDX CROMERR archives.
Additionally, a copy of the CDX ESA is also sent to the signing user’s CDX Inbox.
Important: Users who are adding the PSP Primary Submitter role for an organization that
already has a signed CDX ESA may not be required to sign a CDX ESA if the identity

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

verification requirements were the same for a previously added CDX Program Service. In this
case, the system navigates to the 'Manage Program Services' screen after a user clicks the
'Submit Request for Access' button on the 'Organization Information' screen (see Exhibit 7-2). A
notification stating that the CDX Program Service was successfully added will display.
If a CDX user has not completed additional verification for a previously added CDX Program
Service, they will need to do so for the PSP Primary Submitter role. Please refer to Section 6 for
information on how to complete additional verification.
Exhibit 7-8 shows a screen capture of the ‘Electronic CDX ESA’ screen:

Exhibit 7-8: Electronic CDX ESA Screen

Navigation: Review the contents of the CDX ESA and click the ‘Sign Electronically’ button.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 7-9 shows a screen capture of the initial ‘CROMERR eSignature Widget’ pop-up

Exhibit 7-9: eSignature Widget (Certification)

Navigation: Review eSignature Widget certification and click the ‘Accept’ button.
Exhibit 7-10 shows a screen capture of the ‘CROMERR eSignature Widget’ pop-up window:

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 7-10: eSignature Widget

Navigation: Enter the displayed user’s CDX password, answer the displayed CROMERR 20-5-1
question, and click the ‘Sign’ button to complete the electronic signature process and activate
Primary Submitter role within the CDX account. Please refer to Section 6.3 for information on
how to access PSP.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020


Request an EPA OPP Company Number

A company number is required for organizations that wish to register a pesticide with EPA
and/or produce pesticides or devices. Note: An organization that plans to produce pesticides or
devices must also obtain a ‘Pesticide-Producing or Device-Producing Establishment Number.’
Registrants may request a company number through the PSP Company Number Generator
(CNG) application by following the steps within this section.
For additional information on company numbers, please refer to the following URL:

CDX Registration

Current and prospective CDX users may request a company number as part of the CDX and PSP
registration process. The following subsections detail the steps that must be taken during
registration to access the CNG application within PSP.

Company Number Request Registration Path

To request a company number, a user must follow the ‘Company Number Request’ path when
registering for the PSP Primary Submitter role by clicking the ‘I don’t have a company number
yet’ link on the ‘Role Access (Enter Company Number View)’ screen. Please refer to Section 5
and Section 7 for information on how to access this screen when creating a new CDX account or
adding the PSP Primary Submitter role to an existing account, respectively.
Exhibit 8-1 shows a screen capture of the ‘Role Access’ screen:

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 8-1: Role Access Screen (Company Number Request Path)

Navigation: Click the ‘I don’t have a company number yet’ link.

Organization Information (CNG)

The ‘Organization’ screen is the third step in the registration process. It will be highlighted in
blue on the top breadcrumb bar. Completed steps are indicated with a checkmark and may be
accessed by clicking a step in the top breadcrumb bar. The ‘Registration Information’ summary
section displays at the top and updates as selections are made.
The ‘Organization Information’ screen allows users to select or input the organization contact
information that will later be used to populate a company number request. Users may select an
organization associated with their CDX account, search for an existing CDX Organization to add
to their account, or enter contact information for a new CDX organization.
Important: The organization information selected or entered on the ‘Organization Information’
screen cannot be altered in the corresponding company number request. Should the organization
information need to be changed, a user will need to re-register for the PSP Primary Submitter
role under the corrected organization.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 8-2 shows a screen capture of how to select an organization associated with a user’s
CDX account on the ‘Organization Information’ screen:

Exhibit 8-2: Organization Information Screen (Select Organization View)

Navigation: Select the ‘Select a Current Organization’ radio button, select the correct
organization from the displayed dropdown menu, and click the ‘Submit Request for Access’

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 8-3 shows a screen capture of how to search for and select an existing CDX Organization
to add to an account on the ‘Organization Information’ screen:

Exhibit 8-3: Organization Information Screen (Search for an Organization View)

Navigation: Select the ‘Request to Add an Organization’ radio button, enter an organization
name or ID in the ‘Search’ field, click the ‘Search’ button, and click the correct ‘Organization
ID’ link from the ‘Search Results’ table to navigate to the ‘Organization Information (User
Information View)’ screen (see Exhibit 8-4).

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 8-4 shows a screen capture of how to enter user information for an existing CDX
organization on the ‘Organization Information’ screen:

Exhibit 8-4: Organization Information Screen (User Information View)

Navigation: Complete the displayed fields and click the ‘Submit Request for Access’ button.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 8-5 shows a screen capture of how to enter contact information for a new CDX
organization on the ‘Organization Information’ screen:

Exhibit 8-5: Organization Information Screen (New Organization View)

Navigation: Click the ‘request that we add your organization’ link at the bottom of the
organization search results (see Exhibit 8-3), enter valid information in each required field, and
click the ‘Submit Request for Access’ button.

Electronically Sign the CDX ESA (CNG)

Important: Users who previously passed the LexisNexis® identity verification process under
another CDX Program Service and organization will not have to pass the electronic identity

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

verification process again and will be navigated to electronically sign the CDX ESA for the new
organization and role (see
Exhibit 7-8). After electronically signing the CDX ESA, a user will be able to access PSP. Please
refer to Section 6.3 for information on how to access PSP using the Primary Submitter role.
When the CDX ESA is officially signed via the CROMERR signature process, a copy of the
CDX ESA and the electronic signature are stored in the CDX CROMERR archives.
Additionally, a copy of the CDX ESA is also sent to the signing user’s CDX Inbox.
Important: Users who are adding the PSP Primary Submitter role for an organization that
already has a signed CDX ESA may not be required to sign a CDX ESA if the identity
verification requirements were the same for a previously added CDX Program Service. In this
case, the system navigates to the 'Manage Program Services' screen after a user clicks the
'Submit Request for Access' button on the 'Organization Information' screen. A notification
stating that the CDX Program Service was successfully added will display.
If a CDX user has not completed additional verification for a previously added CDX Program
Service, they will need to do so for the PSP Primary Submitter role. Please refer to Section 6 for
information on how to complete additional verification.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 8-6 shows a screen capture of the ‘Electronic CDX ESA’ screen:

Exhibit 8-6: Electronic CDX ESA Screen

Navigation: Review the contents of the CDX ESA and click the ‘Sign Electronically’ button.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 8-7 shows a screen capture of the initial ‘CROMERR eSignature Widget’ pop-up

Exhibit 8-7: eSignature Widget (Certification)

Navigation: Review eSignature Widget certification and click the ‘Accept’ button.
Exhibit 8-8 shows a screen capture of the ‘CROMERR eSignature Widget’ pop-up window:

Exhibit 8-8: eSignature Widget

Navigation: Enter the displayed user’s CDX password, answer the displayed CROMERR 20-5-1
question, and click the ‘Sign’ button to complete the electronic signature process and activate
Primary Submitter role within the CDX account. Please refer to Section 6.3 for information on
how to access PSP.

Pesticide Submission Portal – Company Number Generator Application

The Company Number Generator application is available to CDX users who completed
registration for the PSP Primary Submitter role using the ‘Company Number Request’ path (i.e.,
the organization with which they are accessing PSP does not have an associated company
number) and have a valid CDX ESA.
OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Please refer to Section 8.1.1 for information on how to initiate registration for the PSP Primary
Submitter role using the ‘Company Number Request’ path.

PSP Portal Screen

To access the PSP ‘Portal’ screen, follow the steps detailed in Section 6.3 to access the PSP
Program Service. The ‘Portal’ screen is specially configured for Primary Submitters who
registered for PSP using the ‘Company Number Request’ path (i.e., only the ‘Company Number
Generator’ option is available). Users are unable to perform any other PSP action (e.g., submit a
package) until their organization has an approved company number request.
Exhibit 8-9 shows a screen capture of the PSP ‘Portal’ screen configured for the ‘Company
Number Request’ path:

Exhibit 8-9: PSP Portal Screen (Company Number Generator View)

Navigation: Click the ‘Company Number Generator’ icon or link.

Company Number Request Form

The Company Number Generator application’s request form captures contact information for an
organization requesting a company number and is broken out into three field blocks: ‘Company
Information,’ ‘Authorized Agent,’ and ‘Consultant/Other Address.’
The ‘Company Information’ field block captures the primary organizational contact information
for a company number request. Many of the fields in the ‘Company Information’ field block are
pre-populated with fixed information from a user’s CDX account. To complete the ‘Company
Information’ field block, complete the displayed optional fields, as necessary, and upload a PDF
file containing a ‘Request Letter.’
The ‘Request Letter’ should be a signed letter on company letterhead including the company and
Authorized Agent information (if an Authorized Agent has been named) as entered within the
OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

CNG application. The letter must include a statement authorizing the Authorized Agent to act in
all matters concerning the registration of a product with EPA. The letter must also include a
statement acknowledging that all official correspondence from EPA will be directed to the
Authorized Agent.
Important: Should the fixed, pre-populated organization information need to be changed, a user
must re-register for the PSP Primary Submitter role under a corrected CDX organization.
Registrants located outside the United States must designate a United States based Authorized
Agent to receive correspondence and represent the registrant in matters concerning their
application. United States based registrants may also designate an Authorized Agent. The
‘Authorized Agent’ field block displays when the ‘Authorized Agent’ checkbox is selected in the
‘Company Information’ field block and is required when the company number request is for an
organization located outside the United States.
The ‘Consultant/Other Address’ field block displays when the ‘Consultant/Other Address’
checkbox is selected in the ‘Company Information’ field block and allows the registrant to
include information for an alternate company address/contact or consultant.
Exhibit 8-10 shows a screen capture of the ‘Company Information’ field block on the ‘Company
Number Request Form’ screen:

Exhibit 8-10: Company Number Request Form Screen (Company Information Field Block)

Navigation: Complete the displayed fields as necessary, upload a PDF ‘Request Letter,’ and
click the ‘Submit’ button if no additional information must be entered.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 8-11 shows a screen capture of the ‘Authorized Agent’ field block on the ‘Company
Number Request Form’ screen:

Exhibit 8-11: Company Number Request Form Screen (Authorized Agent Field Block)

Navigation: Complete the displayed fields as necessary and click the ‘Submit’ button if no
additional information must be entered.
Exhibit 8-12 shows a screen capture of the ‘Consultant/Other Address’ field block on the
‘Company Number Request Form’ screen:

Exhibit 8-12: Company Number Request Form Screen (Consultant/Other Address Field Block)

Navigation: Complete the displayed fields as necessary and click the ‘Submit’ button if no
additional information must be entered.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020


Company Number Request Review and Notifications

When a ‘Company Number Request Form’ is successfully submitted to EPA a notification popup window will display on the ‘Company Number Request Form’ screen (see Exhibit 8-13). The
application will navigate to the ‘MyCDX’ screen when the ‘OK’ button in the pop-up is clicked.
The ‘Company Number Request Form’ screen will remain locked behind the notification pop-up
window until EPA completes their review of the request.
The EPA review process kicks-off after a user submits a request form. The EPA review will have
one of the following three outcomes:
1. The request is approved and a new company number is assigned. The registrant will
receive an email notification (see Exhibit 8-14) that includes the assigned company
number and an official approval letter. Additionally, the registrant’s CDX account will be
automatically updated with the assigned company number; allowing full access to the
PSP Program Service.
2. The request is rejected because a company number already exists for the requesting
organization. The registrant will receive an email notification (see Exhibit 8-15) that
includes the correct company number. Additionally, the registrant’s CDX account will be
automatically updated with the correct company number allowing full access to the PSP
Program Service.
3. The request is rejected due to an issue with the submitted information. The registrant will
receive an email notification (see Exhibit 8-16) stating that the request was not approved
and providing reviewer comments. In this instance, a user’s CDX account will not be
updated and PSP Program Service access will remain restricted to the CNG application.
Note: When a form is rejected for a submitted information issue, the ‘Company Number
Request Form’ screen unlocks to allow request resubmission.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 8-13 shows a screen capture of the successful submission pop-up window on the
‘Company Number Request Form’ screen:

Exhibit 8-13: Company Number Request Form Screen (Successful Submission Pop-Up)

Navigation: Click the ‘OK’ button to navigate to the ‘MyCDX’ screen.Exhibit 8-14 shows a
screen capture of company number request approval notification email:

Exhibit 8-14: Company Number Request Approval Email

Exhibit 8-15 shows a screen capture of company number already exists rejection notification

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Exhibit 8-15: Company Number Already Exists Rejection Email

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August 25, 2020

Exhibit 8-16 shows a screen capture of company number request rejection notification email:

Exhibit 8-16: Company Number Request Rejection Email

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020


PSP Role Sponsorship

Primary Submitters can sponsor Authorized Agents to submit PSP packages on behalf of their
company. Sponsorship can only be initiated by the Primary Submitter, and both a Primary
Submitter and Authorized Agent have to review and accept the sponsorship request.

Role Sponsorship

As a PSP Primary Submitter, click the ‘Role Sponsorship’ tab from the ‘MyCDX’ screen to
access the ‘Role Sponsorship’ screen. The ‘Role Sponsorship’ screen displays options to initiate
the role sponsorship process, approve/deny sponsorship requests, and view/modify existing
Exhibit 9-1 shows a screen capture of the ‘Role Sponsorship’ screen:

Exhibit 9-1: Role Sponsorship Screen


Role Sponsorship/Invitation

The ‘Role Sponsorship/Invitation’ screen is the first step in the PSP Authorized Agent
sponsorship process. To initiate a role sponsorship enter the sponsored Authorized Agent’s email
address, select ‘PSP: Pesticide Submission Portal: (Company Number Requests)’ from the
‘Program Service’ dropdown menu, select ‘Authorized Agent’ from the ‘Role’ dropdown menu,
and click the ‘Submit’ button.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 9-2 shows a screen capture of the ‘Role Sponsorship/Invitation’ screen:

Exhibit 9-2: Role Sponsorship/Invitation Screen

Navigation: Enter an email address, select a ‘Program Service,’ select a ‘Role,’ and click the
‘Submit’ button.

Role Sponsorship Review (Primary Submitter Step)

The ‘Role Sponsorship Review’ screen displays the details of the role sponsorship, including the
Program Service, user role, and email address of the identified Authorized Agent.
The Primary Submitter must select either the ‘Yes, the provided email address is correct’ radio
button or the ‘No, the provided email address is incorrect and must be updated’ radio button to
indicate whether the provided email address is correct or incorrect, and provide updates if
necessary. If you select the ‘No, the provided email address is incorrect and must be updated’
radio button, click the ‘Back’ button and re-enter the Authorized Agent user information.
A pop-up window displays to confirm the email address of the specified Authorized Agent (see
Exhibit 9-4). Enter the email address of the specified Authorized Agent before the application
generates the email invitation. Multiple confirmations are required to confirm email address
accuracy. Click the ‘Confirm’ button to generate an email that will be sent to the identified
Authorized Agent.
OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

The Authorized Agent will receive an email to review or cancel the sponsorship request (see

Exhibit 9-5: CDX Role Sponsorship Request Email – Authorized Agent
). The Primary Submitter will be sent a copy of this email for recordkeeping (see Exhibit 9-6).
The Primary Submitter can click the ‘review this sponsorship’ link to generate the ‘Sponsorship
Information’ screen or the ‘cancel this sponsorship request’ link to cancel the sponsorship
request (see

Exhibit 9-5: CDX Role Sponsorship Request Email – Authorized Agent
Exhibit 9-3 shows a screen capture of the ‘Role Sponsorship Review’ screen:

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 9-3: Role Sponsorship Review Screen

Navigation: Select the ‘Yes, the provided email address is correct’ radio button and click the
‘Next’ button.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 9-4 shows a screen capture of the ‘Email Confirmation’ pop-up window:

Exhibit 9-4: Email Confirmation Pop-Up Window

Navigation: Re-enter the Authorized Agent’s email address and click the ‘Confirm’ button.
Exhibit 9-5 shows a screen capture of the ‘CDX Role Sponsorship Request’ email that is
received by the Authorized Agent:

Exhibit 9-5: CDX Role Sponsorship Request Email – Authorized Agent

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 9-6 shows the copy of the request that is sent to the Primary Submitter:

Exhibit 9-6: Role Sponsorship Request Email – Primary Submitter


Sponsorship Information (Authorized Agent Step)

The ‘Sponsorship Information’ screen displays when a prospective Authorized Agent clicks the
‘review this sponsorship’ link within the Authorized Agent sponsorship email. A prospective
Authorized Agent has the option to either log into an existing CDX account, or create a new one.
Once the prospective Authorized Agent accesses their CDX account, the ‘Sponsorship
Information’ screen will display asking them to approve or reject the Primary Submitter’s
request to view their contact information to sponsor them for the Authorized Agent role (see
Exhibit 9-8).

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 9-7 shows a screen capture of the ‘Sponsorship Information – Log-In’ screen:

Exhibit 9-7: Sponsorship Information – Log-In Screen

Navigation: Click the ‘Create New Account’ button to create a new CDX account. To log into
an existing CDX account, select the user ID from the ‘User ID’ dropdown menu, enter the
corresponding password, and click the ‘Log In’ button.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 9-8 shows a screen capture of the ‘Sponsorship Information’ screen:

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 9-8: Sponsorship Information Screen

Navigation: Click the ‘Approve’ button to navigate to the ‘Account Registration’ screen and
view a description of the role.Exhibit 9-9 shows a screen capture of the ‘Account Registration’

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 9-9: Account Registration Screen

Navigation: Click the ‘Request Role Access’ button, to navigate to the ‘Role Access’ screen where the
prospective Authorized Agent will enter the sponsoring Primary Submitter’s company number. Exhibit
9-10 shows a screen capture of the ‘Role Access’ screen:

Exhibit 9-10: Role Access Screen

Navigation: Enter the company number for sponsoring Primary Submitter and click the ‘Next’
button. After clicking the ‘Next’ button, the Authorized Agent will be navigated to the search
results for the ‘Role Access’ screen.
Important: Please ensure that the sponsoring Primary Submitter’s exact company is entered.
The company number can be found on the ‘Sponsoring Information’ screen (see Exhibit 9-8) and
within the sponsorship email.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 9-11 shows a screen capture of the ‘Role Access’ search results screen.

Exhibit 9-11: Request Role Access Search Results Screen

Navigation: Confirm the read-only organization information displayed. If the organization
information is correct, click the ‘Next’ button. If the organization displayed is incorrect, click the
‘Click here’ link to re-enter your Company Number.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 9-12 shows a screen capture of the ‘Account Registration’ screen (Scroll 1):

Exhibit 9-12: Account Registration Screen (Scroll 1)

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 9-13 shows a screen capture of the ‘Account Registration’ screen (Scroll 2):

Exhibit 9-13: Account Registration Screen (Scroll 2)

Navigation: Confirm all displayed information, enter any missing information that is required,
and click the ‘Submit Request for Access’ button. After clicking the ‘Submit Request for
Access’ button, emails will be sent to both the Authorized Agent and Primary Submitter.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 9-14 shows a screen capture of the ‘CDX Role Sponsorship Request’ email that is sent to
the Primary Submitter:

Exhibit 9-14: CDX Role Sponsorship Request Email – Primary Submitter

Exhibit 9-15 shows the copy of the ‘CDX Role Sponsorship Request’ email that is sent to the
Authorized Agent:

Exhibit 9-15: Copy of CDX Role Sponsorship Request Email – Authorized Agent


Second Role Sponsorship Review (Primary Submitter Step)

The Primary Submitter is navigated to the ‘Role Sponsorship Login’ screen when they click the
‘review this sponsorship request’ link within their confirmation email (see Exhibit 9-14).
Once the Primary submitter accesses their CDX account, the ‘Role Sponsorship Review’ screen
will display asking them to approve or reject the sponsorship request (see Exhibit 9-17).

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 9-16 shows a screen capture of the ‘Role Sponsorship Login’ screen:

Exhibit 9-16: Role Sponsorship Login Screen

Navigation: Enter the password for the displayed CDX account and click the ‘Log In’ button.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 9-17 shows a screen capture of the ‘Role Sponsorship Review’ screen:

Exhibit 9-17: Role Sponsorship Review Screen

Navigation: Select the ‘Select an Existing Role’ radio button, select both the ‘Organization’ and
‘Role’ that corresponds to the sponsorship request, and click the ‘Approve’ button to navigate to

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

the electronic sponsor agreement (see

Exhibit 9-18).
Important: The Primary Submitter must select the CDX organization and role that matches
what the Authorized Agent entered when the sponsorship request was accepted. Do not select
the ‘Add a New Role’ radio button. The Primary Submitter should only use the ‘Select an
Existing Role’ radio button.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 9-18 shows a screen capture of the electronic sponsor agreement:

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August 25, 2020

Exhibit 9-18: Electronic Sponsor Agreement Screen

Navigation: Review the electronic sponsor agreement for accuracy and click the ‘Sign
Electronically’ button to launch the ‘eSignature’ widget (see Exhibit 9-20).
Exhibit 9-19 shows a screen capture of the ‘CROMERR eSignature Widget’ pop-up window:

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 9-19: eSignature Widget

Navigation: Enter the displayed user’s CDX password, answer the displayed CROMERR 20-5-1
question, and click the ‘Sign’ button to complete the electronic signature process and complete
the Primary Submitter’s sponsorship steps.
The Primary Submitter will also receive two emails; one email will confirm that the Primary
Submitter has successfully signed using the CROMERR E-Signature process (see Exhibit 9-20),
and the other email will indicate that the sponsor letter for the sponsorship request has been
completed (see Exhibit 9-21).
Exhibit 9-20 displays a screen capture of the CROMERR E-Signature email:

Exhibit 9-20: CROMERR E-Signature Email

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 9-21 displays a screen capture of the CDX Sponsorship Request Completed Email
(Primary Submitter):

Exhibit 9-21: CDX Sponsorship Request Completed Email (Primary Submitter)

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020


Finalizing the Role Sponsorship Process (Authorized Agent Step)

After the Primary Submitter signs the electronic sponsor agreement (see

Exhibit 9-18), the prospective Authorized Agent will also receive an email indicating that the
sponsor letter for the sponsorship request was completed (see Exhibit 9-22).

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 9-22 displays a screen capture of the CDX Sponsorship Request Completed Email:

Exhibit 9-22: CDX Sponsorship Request Completed Email (Authorized Agent)

Navigation: Click the ‘log in to complete your account registration’ link to navigate to the ‘Role
Sponsorship Login’ screen (see Exhibit 9-23).

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 9-23 displays a screen capture of the ‘Role Sponsorship Login (Authorized Official)’

Exhibit 9-23: Role Sponsorship Login Screen

Navigation: Enter the password for the displayed CDX account and click the ‘Log In’ button to
navigate to the ‘Complete Account’ screen (see Exhibit 9-24).

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 9-24 displays a screen capture of the ‘Complete Account’ screen:

Exhibit 9-24: Complete Account Screen

Navigation: Confirm and correct, as necessary, the displayed information and click the ‘Submit’
button to navigate to the ‘Identity Verification’ screen (see Exhibit 9-25). Note: If the
Authorized Agent already passed identity verification for another role, they will be navigated to
the ‘CDX Registration: Additional Verification’ screen to sign an ESA.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 9-25 displays a screen capture of the ‘Identity Verification’ screen:

Exhibit 9-25: ‘Identity Verification’ Screen (Authorized Agent)

Navigation: Either sign a paper ESA by clicking the ‘sign the paper form’ link or proceed with
electronic identity verification by selecting the ‘I have reviewed the name presented above and I
would like to proceed with LexisNexis’ checkbox and clicking the ‘Proceed to Verification’
button. Please refer to Section 6 for information on how to complete the identity verification

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

Exhibit 9-26 displays a screen capture of the Electronic CDX ESA Screen for an Authorized

Exhibit 9-26: Electronic CDX ESA Screen (Authorized Agent)

Navigation: Review the electronic ESA and click the ‘Sign Electronically’ button. Please refer
to Section for additional information about electronically signing a CDX ESA.
Once the Authorized Agent electronically signs the CDX ESA, the role sponsorship request is
complete and the Authorized Official may access the PSP Program Service using the steps
detailed in Section 6.3.

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020


Appendix A - Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

Full Name


Central Data Exchange


CDX Help Desk


Company Number Generator


Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation


Data Call-In


Eastern Daylight Time


United States Environmental Protection Agency


Electronic Signature Agreement


Eastern Standard Time


User Identification


Microsoft Internet Explorer


Office of Pesticide Programs


Portable Document Format


Personally Identifiable Information


Pesticide Submissions Portal


Registration Maintenance Account Manager

OPP CDX Pesticide Submission Portal Registration User Guide

August 25, 2020

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2020-08-25
File Created2020-08-25

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