Control Number: 0584-0524 Expiration
Guidance for State Agencies Providing Participant and Electronic Benefit Transfer Data
WIC Participant and Program Characteristics 2024
This information is being
collected from State agencies to enable the Food and Nutrition
Service (FNS) to prepare biennial reports on WIC participant and
program characteristics. This is a mandatory collection authorized
under 7 CFR §246.25(b)(3). FNS uses the data from these reports
to estimate budgets, submit civil rights reporting, identify needs
for research, and to develop and review WIC policies and
procedures. Under the Privacy Act of 1974 and the System of
Record Notice FNS-8 USDA/FNS Studies and Reports, any personally
identifying information obtained will be kept private to the extent
of the law. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required
to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a
valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this
information collection is 0584-0524.
The time required to complete this information collection is
estimated to average 210 minutes per response, including the time
for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources,
gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and
reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding
this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of
information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to:
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Services, Office
of Policy Support, 1320 Braddock Place, Alexandria, VA 22314, ATTN:
PRA (0584-0524*). Do not return the completed form to this address.
Chapter 2. Returning to WIC PC? 9
Chapter 3. WIC PC 2024 Task Checklist and Procedure Manual 11
Chapter 4. Working With Your MIS and EBT Contractors 16
Sample Requirements for Contracts With MIS and EBT Vendors 20
Chapter 5. WIC PC 2024 Data Definitions and Specifications: MIS 21
Specifications for WIC PC MIS Data 21
Chapter 6. WIC PC 2024 Data Definitions and Specifications: EBT 32
Specifications for WIC PC EBT Data 32
Layout of EBT Data for Submission 37
Appendix A. Nutritional Risk Worksheet A-1
Appendix B. Food Code Documentation B-1
Appendix C. Management Information System Data Transmittal Worksheet C-1
Appendix D. Electronic Benefit Transfer Data Transmittal Worksheet D-1
Appendix E. Detailed Specifications for Minimum Data Set Variables E-1
Appendix F. Detailed Specifications for Supplemental Data Set Variables F-1
Appendix G. Detailed Specifications for Additional MIS Items G-1
Table 1-1. Key WIC PC 2024 Milestones 4
Table 2-1. Key WIC PC 2024 Milestones 6
Table 5.1. MIS Data File Layout 26
Table 6.1. WIC EBT Data File Layout: EBT Issuance 34
Table 6.2. WIC EBT Data File Layout: EBT Redemption 34
Table 6.3. WIC EBT Data File Layout: Approved Products List 35
Returning to WIC PC? Start with Chapter 2 of
this Guidance.
Every two years, all WIC State agencies submit data from their management information system (MIS). As a new element for WIC PC 2024, State agencies will also submit data from their electronic benefit transfer (EBT) systems. A major benefit of this iteration of WIC PC will be the collection of MIS and EBT data to support other major WIC evaluations. For example, the WIC & Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) Outreach, Innovation, and Modernization Evaluation will use these data instead of mounting an independent data collection.
This Guidance for State Agencies Providing Participant and EBT Data (the Guidance) details all the steps you need to take to submit your data.
Since 1984, USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) has prepared biennial WIC PC reports. The biennial reports include the following:
Demographic characteristics and income of WIC participants
Nutritional risks of WIC participants
Breastfeeding initiation rate and duration estimates for WIC participants
WIC participation for migrant families
Other topics as deemed appropriate by the Secretary of Agriculture
FNS has completed 17 previous PC reports. For the first three studies—PC 1984, PC 1988, and PC 1990—FNS and its contractors collected information on nationally representative samples of WIC participants. Since PC 1992, all State agencies have provided data on all participants. WIC PC has been required under the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA), Public Law 111–296, and since 2011 the biennial WIC PC collection has been mandatory under Code of Federal Regulations Title 7, Section 246.25(b)(3). Since PC 2012, Westat (formerly Insight Policy Research) has assisted FNS in conducting WIC PC. This team will continue working on WIC PC for 2024 and 2026.
For WIC PC 2024, FNS requires State agencies to submit the following:
The Minimum Data Set (MDS), a standard set of variables developed in cooperation with the Information Committee of the National WIC Association in 1998 and occasionally modified as program needs change. The MDS will be submitted for each month from May 2022 through April 2024. See chapter 5 for more detail.
EBT data, including issuance and redemption files, vendor lists, and approved product lists. EBT data will be submitted for each month from May 2022 through April 2024. See chapter 6 for more detail.1
State agencies are encouraged—but not required—to also submit a second set of variables known as the Supplemental Data Set (SDS).
Because State agencies have been providing the MDS and SDS data for many years, they typically have well-established procedures to pull the data from their MIS and submit the file. Some State agencies have a very active role in this work, while others rely more heavily on their MIS contractors. In either case, no State agency is starting from scratch to figure out how to submit their data. If you have not been involved in WIC PC before, it is important to learn how your State agency submitted WIC PC data for 2022.
The first step of the WIC PC process is to carefully review this Guidance document. The next step is to work with your MIS provider and EBT processor, as appropriate, to prepare and submit your data. The following chapters describe that work in more detail, including sample emails and other resources you can use to communicate with those contractors. The last step in the process is to work with the Westat team to help resolve any issues encountered during data submission or spotted in your data thereafter. Westat will send clarifying questions and, when possible, suggestions for how to address issues. Table 1-1 summarizes due dates in the process, and chapter 3 provides a detailed checklist of all tasks to complete for WIC PC 2024.
Date |
Task Description |
December 2023 |
State agencies receive the PC 2024 Guidance and contact information form. |
State agencies submit updated contact information form by December 20, 2023. |
January–February 2024 |
Westat sends the Nutritional Risk Worksheet and a recent version of the WIC Local Agency Directory (LAD) to State agencies. |
Optional: Prepare sample WIC PC data files and submit to Westat by February 28, 2024, to receive feedback and technical assistance. |
March 2024 |
State agencies that do not use standard nutritional risk codes review and update the Nutritional Risk Worksheet (provided in Excel, shown in appendix A) and return it to Westat by March 18, 2024. |
Each State agency provides its Food Code Documentation (appendix B) by March 18, 2024. |
Each State agency updates its information in the WIC LAD through its Regional Office and the Food Programs Reporting System, as necessary. |
April 2024 |
April is the final reference month for PC 2024. Data submissions from State agencies should contain information for all participants on WIC master lists or participants listed in WIC operating files who are certified to receive WIC benefits during each month from May 2022 through April 2024. |
May 2024 |
Each State agency must deliver its initial data files to Westat as soon as possible after April once they have finalized their data. The Data Transmittal Worksheets (appendices C and D) and a completed copy of the WIC PC 2024 Procedure Manual (chapter 3) should be sent with the data. State agencies must submit their initial data files no later than July 2, 2024. |
July 2024 |
DEADLINE July 2, 2024: As required by law (HHFKA, Public Law 111–296), State agencies must submit their initial data files for PC 2024. |
September 2024 |
DEADLINE September 12, 2024: As required by law (HHFKA, Public Law 111–296), State agencies must submit their final, acceptable data files for PC 2024. State agencies must meet this deadline to be represented in the WIC PC 2024 products and receive their State-specific reports. |
EBT = electronic benefit transfer; MDS = Minimum Data Set; MIS = management information system
You may contact the Westat team for support at any time in the WIC PC process; please direct your questions to Polina Zvavitch ([email protected]), Courtenay Kessler ([email protected]), and Jake Beckerman-Hsu ([email protected]). If you have any questions for USDA, please direct them to Daniel Perez-Lopez ([email protected]).
If you are returning to WIC PC, welcome back! Some very exciting changes are taking place for WIC PC 2024. These changes will greatly enhance how this study can support ongoing WIC operations and make WIC even better in the future. A major benefit of this iteration of WIC PC will be the collection of MIS and EBT data to support other major WIC evaluations. For example, the WIC & FMNP Outreach, Innovation, and Modernization Evaluation will use these data instead of mounting an independent data collection.
Here is a quick summary of WIC PC 2024:
You are now required to submit longitudinal MIS data. This submission will look similar to the WIC PC Minimum Data Set (MDS) you submitted in previous years. The main differences follow:
You will submit the participant identification (ID) values your Stage agency uses internally. In previous years, State agencies created separate case ID values to submit with their WIC PC data to keep participant IDs masked.
You will add some variables.
Instead of pulling data for a single reference date, you will pull data for each month from May 2022 through April 2024. You may submit a separate file for each reference date or combine everything into a single file.
All State agencies are still encouraged to submit the Supplemental Data Set (SDS). Provide these items in the same file(s) as the MDS data.
All State agencies that provide benefits via EBT are now required to submit separate files with EBT data for each month from May 2022 through April 2024, including—
Food package benefit issuance
WIC participant transactions
Your approved product lists
Your WIC vendor lists
Table 2-1 summarizes important due dates in the process, and chapter 3 provides a detailed checklist of all tasks to complete for WIC PC 2024.
Date |
Task Description |
December 2023 |
State agencies receive the PC 2024 Guidance and contact information form. |
State agencies submit updated contact information form by December 20, 2023. |
January–February 2024 |
Westat sends the Nutritional Risk Worksheet and a recent version of the WIC Local Agency Directory (LAD) to State agencies. |
Optional: Prepare sample WIC PC data files and submit to Westat by February 28, 2024, to receive feedback and technical assistance. |
March 2024 |
State agencies that do not use standard nutritional risk codes review and update the Nutritional Risk Worksheet (provided in Excel, shown in appendix A) and return it to Westat by March 18, 2024. |
Each State agency provides its Food Code Documentation (appendix B) by March 18, 2024. |
Each State agency updates its information in the WIC LAD through its Regional Office and the Food Programs Reporting System, as necessary. |
April 2024 |
April is the final reference month for PC 2024. Data submissions from State agencies should contain information for all participants on WIC master lists or participants listed in WIC operating files who are certified to receive WIC benefits during each month from May 2022 through April 2024. |
May 2024 |
Each State agency must deliver its initial data files to Westat as soon as possible after April once they have finalized all their data. The Data Transmittal Worksheets (appendices C and D) and a completed copy of the WIC PC 2024 Procedure Manual (chapter 3) should be sent with the data. State agencies must submit their initial data files no later than July 2, 2024. |
July 2024 |
DEADLINE July 2, 2024: As required by FNS, State agencies must submit their initial data files for PC 2024. |
September 2024 |
DEADLINE September 12, 2024: As required by FNS, State agencies must submit their final, acceptable data files for PC 2024. State agencies must meet this deadline to be represented in the WIC PC 2024 products and receive their State-specific reports. |
The team at Westat (formerly Insight Policy Research) will be providing enhanced support to help with the new features of WIC PC for 2024. You may submit sample data starting in January 2024 to test your process and get technical assistance from Westat to resolve any challenges. At any time in the WIC PC process, you may contact the Westat team for support; please direct your questions to Polina Zvavitch ([email protected]), Courtenay Kessler ([email protected]), and Jake Beckerman-Hsu ([email protected]). If you have any questions for USDA, please direct them to Daniel Perez-Lopez ([email protected]).
You should use this chapter to make sure you complete all necessary tasks throughout the WIC PC 2024 cycle. You should also fill in detailed information about how you complete each step so this checklist can serve as a WIC PC procedure manual in the future. When you submit your MIS and EBT data, you should also submit a completed copy of this checklist/procedure manual.
[type coordinator name here]
☐ Appoint a WIC PC 2024 coordinator for your State agency to serve as a point of contact throughout the study and take responsibility for the timely completion of all tasks. Fill in the information below about the PC 2024 coordinator.
[type coordinator title here]
Coordinator name:
[type coordinator email address here]
Coordinator title:
Coordinator email address:
[type WIC PC folder location here]
☐ Set up a computer folder to store all documents related to WIC PC. Write the location of this folder below.
WIC PC folder location:
☐ Read the WIC PC 2024 Guidance. Contact Westat and/or USDA FNS with questions.
☐ Send the WIC PC 2024 Guidance to everyone who will be involved in preparing and submitting the data, including MIS and EBT contractors. Some people do not need to read the entire Guidance; you can direct them to the chapter(s) that are most relevant for their role. See chapter 4 of this Guidance for sample email language. Fill in the table below to record who was asked to read the Guidance, the sections they were asked to read, and any other action items assigned to them. Collect any questions they have, and contact Westat for assistance as needed.
WIC PC Guidance Recipients |
Name |
Title |
Email address |
Chapters |
Other action items |
[Example Person] |
[Director of Example MIS Contractor] |
[Chapters 2, 3, and 5; appendices C, E, F, and G] |
[Example Person2] |
[Director of Example EBT Processor] |
[Chapters 1, 3, and 6; appendices D and H] |
[Begin preparing code to pull EBT data and submit sample file in January] |
[Example Person3] |
[Title] |
[Chapter #, appendix X] |
[Other action items] |
☐ Locate the final, approved WIC PC data submitted in 2022, and save the file to your WIC PC folder. Use it to try out the “PC Data Checker.xlsx” file. This Excel tool can help State agencies and contractors quickly spot some data issues, reducing back-and-forth between the State agency and Westat. Contact Westat with any questions about how to use the “PC Data Checker.xlsx.”
Note: Westat developed this Excel tool to reduce the burden of WIC PC on State agencies.
For State agencies that pull their own data: Using this tool can help you quickly spot issues in the layout of your data. It enables you to finalize your data more quickly and independently than previous years, which relied more heavily on back-and-forth with the Westat team.
For State agencies that have their MIS provider pull data: We recommend you ask your contractor to submit a completed copy of the tool alongside MIS data files to demonstrate the data are in the correct layout. This step will prevent you from spending time on data files with information entered in the wrong columns.
For State agencies that have their EBT processor pull data: We recommend you ask your contractor to submit a completed copy of the tool alongside EBT data files to demonstrate the data are in the correct layout. This step will prevent you from spending time on data files with information entered in the wrong columns.
☐ Fill in the contact information Word document from Westat and answer initial questions about WIC PC 2024 by December 20, 2023.
☐ Receive the Nutritional Risk Worksheet, a recent version of the WIC Local Agency Directory (LAD), and login details for the secure file transfer protocol (SFTP). Save all in the WIC PC folder.
☐ Begin preparing the nutritional risk worksheet (appendix A) and food code documentation (appendix B) due March 18, 2024.
☐ Attend informational webinar hosted by Westat on [dates, times]. Invite all State agency staff, MIS contractors, and EBT contractors involved in WIC PC to attend.
☐Begin preparing sample MIS and EBT data due February 28, 2024, to receive feedback and technical assistance. You may submit data for a small number of participants, all participants, or any number in between. We encourage you to submit what you can to take advantage of this new opportunity for support.
☐ Prepare the nutritional risk worksheet (appendix A) and food code documentation (appendix B) due March 18, 2024.
☐ Submit sample MIS and EBT data by February 28, 2024, to receive feedback and technical assistance. You may submit data for a small number of participants, all participants, or any number in between. We encourage you to submit what you can to take advantage of this new opportunity for support.
☐ Submit the nutritional risk worksheet (appendix A) and food code documentation (appendix B) by March 18, 2024
☐ Begin preparing to pull WIC PC data (starting May 1, 2024) by checking on action items sent to contractors in December and previewing work to be completed by the end of April. See chapter 4 for sample email language.
☐ If needed, update information in the WIC Local Agency Directory (LAD) through the Food Programs Reporting System and/or your Regional Office by March 31, 2024.
☐ Continue preparing to pull WIC PC data (starting May 1, 2024) by saving a copy of the code to be used to pull all PC data to your WIC PC folder.
It is critical for all State agencies to
start on the May–July tasks at the beginning of May. These
steps can take time. Starting these tasks at the beginning of May
will ensure all files are submitted by the July 2, 2024, deadline.
☐ In the space below, describe the data pull process in enough detail for a new staff member to successfully complete this task. Include separate notes for the MIS and EBT data pulls.
If there is a specific report to be run, list all the steps required to run the report. We encourage you to include screenshots.
If there is computer code to run, include the name of the file with the code, the folder where the code is stored, and instructions to run the code. We encourage you to include screenshots.
If a contractor is responsible for pulling the data, include a copy of the email or other communications you use to request the data pull.
MIS Data Pull Process
[Describe MIS data pull process here]
EBT Data Pull Process
[Describe EBT data pull process here]
☐ Create and retain a backup copy of the entire May 2022 - April 2024 system files (not just the PC 2024 submission) in case problems with the PC 2024 data submission require a second submission. Maintaining a backup of the entire system files for May 2022 – April 2024 will ensure the required data can be recreated.
☐ Submit WIC PC data, Data Transmittal Worksheets for both MIS and EBT data (appendices C and D), and a completed copy of this task checklist/procedure manual. All files are due no later than July 2, 2024. Before submitting the data, confirm the following:
☐ Data are in ASCII text format (.txt file). Westat will not accept Excel files (.xls, .xlsx), comma-separated values files (.csv), or other file types.
☐ The data files have no header or footer rows.
☐ The data files have no commas, semicolons, tabs, or other delimiters.
☐ The data have been checked with the “PC Data Checker.xlsx” sent alongside this Guidance.
☐ Respond to follow-up questions from Westat to address any issues in the original data submission.
☐ Finish responding to follow-up questions from Westat to address any issues in the original MIS and EBT data submissions. Final data submissions are due September 12, 2024.
State agencies must meet this deadline to be represented in the WIC PC 2024 products and receive their State-specific reports.
State agencies should retain all WIC PC 2024 data and materials for at least 3 years.
☐ Respond to follow-up questions from Westat about MIS and EBT data. Final responses are due November 15, 2024.
You may use the sample emails in this chapter to work with your MIS and EBT contractors. Some of the suggested requests of MIS and EBT contractors in this chapter may fall outside the scope of current contracts. At the end of this chapter, we provide sample language you can use when establishing new contracts with MIS providers and EBT processors.
Dear [name],
As you know, we will need to submit our MIS data for the WIC Participant and Program Characteristics 2024 report (WIC PC 2024) once we finalize data for April 2024. For WIC PC 2024, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) requires all State agencies to submit longitudinal files.
This month, we would like you to complete the following four tasks:
Read chapters 2, 3, and 5 and appendices C, E, F, and G in the WIC PC 2024 Guidance (attached)
If you have any questions about what to do for WIC PC 2024, please send them to us. We can set a time to meet with Westat (USDA’s contractor facilitating WIC PC data collection) to get additional information on anything that needs clarification. Otherwise, please confirm you are comfortable with all the work to be completed for WIC PC 2024 by [date].
Begin preparing code and any other processes/procedures to pull the data. This will be the first year USDA collects longitudinal WIC PC data. Chapter 5 of the attached Guidance describes exactly how to prepare those data.
It is recommended we submit sample data files to Westat by February 28, 2024, to receive feedback and technical assistance. Please plan to send us sample data files by [date], so we can receive this assistance. [Insert any additional details about the sample data file(s) you would like your contractor to prepare.]
Send us the code used to pull PC 2022 data or the technical specifications of the report created for PC 2022 data along with any documentation you have about WIC PC processes and procedures.
Review and test using the attached “PC Data Checker.xlsx” file on the data we submitted for PC 2022. If you have any questions about how to use it, please send them to us. For PC 2024, we would like you to send a completed copy of the “PC Data Checker.xlsx” file along with the data to show the PC 2024 data are in the appropriate layout.
We look forward to hearing back from you by [date] about these action items.
Thank you,
Dear [name],
We are following up regarding preparation for the WIC PC 2024 data collection and reporting. As we are quickly approaching April 30, the final reference date for WIC PC 2024, we are touching base on the four action items we sent you in December:
Review WIC PC 2024 Guidance and reach out with any questions or concerns. [Summarize progress and set due dates for any outstanding work.]
Prepare code and processes/procedures to pull the longitudinal WIC PC data. [Summarize progress and set due dates for any outstanding work.]
Send us the code and processes/procedures used to pull PC 2022 data. [Summarize progress and set due dates for any outstanding work.]
Test using the “PC Data Checker.xlsx” and reach out with any questions or concerns. [Summarize progress and set due dates for any outstanding work.]
USDA also encourages all State agencies to obtain a copy of the code that will be used to pull WIC PC 2024 data by April 30, 2024. This step will make sure all State agencies are ready to pull data as soon as the final reference date passes. Please send us a copy of the code and any associated documentation by April 30, 2024.
We look forward to hearing back from you by [date] about these action items.
Thank you,
Dear [name],
As you may know, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is responsible for preparing a biennial report on WIC participant and program characteristics, known as WIC PC. The 2024 round of PC data collection will be used for the WIC Modernization and Innovation evaluation as well as the typical analyses it supports. To track key variables, including retention, participation, and benefit redemption, we will include in the data collection certain linking variables and monthly MIS data, along with EBT data. This will reduce burden for State agencies by combining the data collections so State agencies do not have to pull similar information twice for the different studies.
All WIC State agencies with EBT are being asked to submit issuance and redemption data from May 2022 through April 2024. Full details of this data request can be found in the attached WIC PC 2024 Guidance.
This month, we would like you to complete the following two tasks:
Read chapters 1, 3, and 6 and appendices D and H in the WIC PC 2024 Guidance.
If you have any questions about what to do for WIC PC 2024, please send them to us. We can set a time to meet with Westat (USDA’s contractor facilitating WIC PC data collection) to get clarification. Otherwise, please confirm you are comfortable with all the work to be completed for WIC PC 2024 by [date].
Begin preparing code and any other processes/procedures to pull the requested EBT data (see chapter 6 and appendix H in the attached Guidance).
It is recommended we submit sample data files to Westat by February 28, 2024, to receive feedback and technical assistance. Please plan to send us sample data files by [date], so we can receive this assistance. [Insert any additional details about the sample data file(s) you would like your EBT processor to prepare.]
We look forward to hearing back from you by [date] about these action items.
Thank you,
Dear [name],
We are following up regarding preparation for the WIC PC 2024 data collection and reporting. Because we are quickly approaching April 30, the final reference date for WIC PC 2024, we are touching base on the two action items we sent you in December:
Review WIC PC 2024 Guidance and reach out with any questions or concerns. [Summarize progress and set due dates for any outstanding tasks.]
Prepare code and processes/procedures to pull the requested EBT data. [Summarize progress and set due dates for any outstanding tasks.]
The U.S. Department of Agriculture encourages all State agencies to obtain a copy of the code that will be used to pull WIC PC 2024 EBT data by April 30, 2024. This step will make sure all State agencies are ready to pull data as soon as the final month of data collection passes. Please send us a copy of the code and any associated documentation by April 30, 2024.
We look forward to hearing back from you by [date] about these action items.
Thank you,
WIC State agencies are encouraged to develop the capacity to independently produce the necessary data sets for the WIC PC without incurring additional charges from their MIS and EBT vendors. This can typically be achieved in one of two ways:
Ensure the MIS and EBT systems include comprehensive reporting functions that support both ongoing program management and FNS reporting requirements, such as WIC PC.
Alternatively, States may collaborate with their vendors to develop specific code. Once this code is in place, State agencies can run it independently to extract the required WIC PC data as needed.
As detailed in the Food and Nutrition Service’s (FNS) Functional Requirements Document for a Model WIC Information System, model WIC MIS should include standard reporting functionality to enable State and local agencies to meet FNS’s reporting requirements (section 3.12). A model WIC MIS should include on-demand reporting functionality that enables State staff to generate and produce the WIC Program Participant Characteristics Minimum and Supplemental Data Sets.
Your WIC EBT system should also provide a comprehensive reporting package to enable State agency staff to generate reports on demand, including providing the data needed to respond to WIC PC.
For State agencies without reporting capability to generate the requested data sets for WIC PC, consider submitting a modification request to your MIS and/or EBT vendor. Example requirements follow:
Develop, implement, and maintain an intuitive and user-friendly interface for users to generate standard and ad hoc reports.
Work with State agency staff to understand and implement standard and ad hoc reports, custom data fields, and filtering capabilities.
Provide capacity for users to generate accurate reports that meet FNS specifications for WIC PC data sets (see chapters 5 and 6 and appendices E–H for data elements and specifications).
Ensure reporting capacity is scalable and can be updated or modified to meet new requirements.
Provide ability for users to download generated reports in various formats including TXT.
Provide comprehensive training to designated State agency staff on how to use the reporting functionality.
Develop comprehensive documentation and user manuals in plain language to aid State agency users in understanding and using the reporting features.
Provide support to State agency users in the case of data discrepancies or anomalies, and address and correct issues in a timely manner.
State agencies are responsible for providing accurate data for PC 2024. State agencies should review all data for accuracy and consistency. FNS will accept all data State agencies consider legitimate. Westat staff will check PC 2024 data submissions for accuracy and bring any questions or concerns to the attention of State agency contacts. Each State agency is responsible for correcting its PC 2024 data submission if needed.
It is critical that all data submissions meet WIC PC specifications. State agencies are responsible for ensuring all data files meet these specifications.
Appendices E and F highlight some cleaning specifications for the WIC PC data. State agencies should not delete outliers to conform to these cleaning specifications if they consider the data to be legitimate. These specifications are provided to help State agencies write cleaning routines for their own systems and to provide quality control for PC2024 and future data submissions. Many State agencies have additional cleaning specifications of their own. State agencies should continue to use their own quality-control procedures in maintaining their WIC participant information databases.
For PC 2024, WIC participants are defined as persons on WIC master lists or persons listed in WIC operating files who are certified to receive WIC benefits in the reference month used to pull the data.2 In 2022, all State agencies were able to provide data on all WIC participants. If your State agency is unable to provide data on all participants in PC 2024, contact Westat for detailed instructions.
All participants, some of whom will have been certified up to 1 year before the record reference date
Partially breastfeeding women, even if they receive no food package
Fully breastfed infants, even if they receive no food package
Persons on waiting lists for WIC benefits
All data should reflect the participant's status for each item at the time of the most recent WIC certification as of the reference date used to pull the data.
Starting with WIC PC 2024, you must submit data on all WIC participants for each month from May 2022 through April 2024, a total of 24 months. You may compile all the data for these 24 reference months into a single file or submit the data in 24 separate files. In previous WIC PC cycles, State agencies submitted only one month of data.
If a person was on the WIC master list or certified to receive benefits in a reference month, they should have a record for that month in the data submission. This means that some people may only have one record in the data submission, while others may have as many as 24 records (one for each reference month).
If data are missing, the corresponding field(s) should be left blank.
Zero should never be used to indicate missing data. Zero should be used to indicate only an actual value of zero. This instruction is particularly important for income values because there is a critical difference between an income value of zero and a missing income value.
Do not use reserve codes to indicate missing data. Reserve codes have been found to be unnecessary and unwieldy in processing PC data.
State agencies must report participant categories and risk priority codes in every participant record. (See items 6a—Participant Category and 9—Risk Priority.) No missing data are allowed for these items.
State agencies must ensure all dates appear in MMDDYYYY format. Dates should be complete for month, day, and year and be within logical ranges. For any part of the date that is missing or unavailable—such as the day—the field should be left blank. For PC 2024, no dates after April 30, 2024, should appear, except for expected dates of delivery for pregnant women, hemoglobin or hematocrit measurement dates, and breastfeeding data collection dates.
It is essential to report income information for all WIC participants—including those who are adjunctively income-eligible for WIC—to describe income among the overall WIC population. FNS requires all State agencies to collect and submit income information on participants who are adjunctively eligible. These data are for descriptive purposes only and do not affect a participant’s eligibility for WIC.
In previous years, it appeared that between certification appointments, some State agency systems automatically updated the participant category information based on date of birth. For example, on an infant participant’s first birthday, the system might change the participant category from that of an infant to that of a child, though the participant had not yet been recertified as a child. For PC 2024, State agencies should report the participant category used at the most recent certification as of the record reference date. For example, even if a State agency’s system automatically updates an infant’s participant category on or around the participant’s first birthday, you should report the participant in PC 2024 as an infant if the official recertification has not yet occurred as of the record reference date. (See item 6a—Participant Category.)
State agencies need to submit breastfeeding data for infants and children who are aged 6 through 13 months as of the reference date used to pull the data. To provide the most accurate estimates of breastfeeding duration for April 2024, an especially important month for WIC PC, it is important that State agencies collect data as close to April 2024 as is feasible, particularly for currently breastfed infants. All four breastfeeding variables must be provided to calculate breastfeeding initiation and duration rates. (See items 19a—Currently Breastfed; 19b—Ever Breastfed; 19c—Length of Time Breastfed; and 19d—Date Breastfeeding Data Collected.)
Note that you may submit breastfeeding data for infants and children of all ages; you do not need to make any special efforts to remove breastfeeding data from your files for participants outside the 6–13-month age range.
All data files must be in ASCII text format (.txt file) with one record per line. Do not include any header rows with variable names or other information. Do not include any footer rows. Do not include any commas, semicolons, tabs, or other delimiters.
Data must be in the appropriate columns. Column numbers and field lengths are based on the number of bytes (characters). To ensure all data submissions are consistent in format, binary data may not be submitted.
All fields are right justified except for race/ethnicity (MDS item 5), the 10 nutritional risk codes (MDS items 14a–14j), and the 14 food codes (MDS items 20a–20n), which are alphanumeric fields that should be left justified and blank filled.
The MDS data items are defined as follows. Refer to appendix E for full details of all MDS items:
1. State Agency ID. A unique number that permits linkage to the State agency where the participant was certified; it is the first 7 digits of the 10-digit Local Agency Code maintained by FNS in the WIC Local Agency Directory (WIC LAD)
2a. Local Agency ID. A unique number that permits linkage to the local agency where the participant was certified as eligible for WIC benefits; it is the last 3 digits of the 10-digit Local Agency Code maintained by FNS in the WIC LAD
2b. Service Site ID. A unique number that permits linkage to the service site where the participant was certified; for State agencies that submitted service site- or clinic-level data for the WIC LAD, service site IDs appear in the WIC LAD as the three-digit codes under Administering Agency
Note: For PC 2024, State agencies are asked not to substitute Service Site ID for Local Agency ID (item 2a)
3. Participant ID. A unique identification number the State agency assigns to each participant
Note: Previously, FNS asked State agencies to create a case ID that was distinct from the participant ID listed in State agency-held files. Starting with WIC PC 2024, you should submit the participant ID your State agency uses in its internal files
4. Date of Birth. Month, day, and year of the participant's birth reported in MMDDYYYY format
5. Race/Ethnicity.
Requires classification of participants based on one ethnicity
(Hispanic/Latino or Non-Hispanic/Latino) and five
racial categories, which consist of (1) American Indian or Alaska
Native, (2) Asian, (3) Black or African American, (4) Native Hawaiian
or Other Pacific Islander, and (5) White. The Office of Management
and Budget requires these categories; one or more racial categories
may be selected
You may report race/ethnicity using one of two formats:
Yes/No for each of the categories, generating a six-digit code (1 = Yes; 2 = No)
Three digits to represent key combinations of racial selections, with the first digit representing ethnicity and the last two representing race combinations
6a. Participant Category. One of five possible categories under which a person is certified as eligible for WIC benefits: (1) pregnant woman, (2) breastfeeding woman, (3) postpartum woman (not breastfeeding), (4) infant (younger than 12 months), and (5) child (12–59 months)
6b–c. Expected Date of Delivery or Number of Weeks Gestation. For pregnant women, the projected date of delivery (MMDDYYYY format) or the number of weeks since the last menstrual period as determined at WIC certification
7. Date of Certification. The date the person was declared eligible for the most recent WIC certification as of the reference date for the record; month, day, and year should be reported in MMDDYYYY format
8. Sex. For infants and children, male or female
9. Risk Priority Code. The participant priority level for WIC certification at the time of the most recent WIC certification as of the reference date for the record
10a–c. Participation in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicaid. The participant's reported participation in each of these programs at the time of the most recent WIC certification as of the reference date for the record
11. Migrant Status. The participant’s migrant status according to the definition of a migrant farmworker in Federal WIC regulations3
12. Number in Family or Economic Unit. The number of persons in the family or economic unit upon which WIC income eligibility was based
States may report a self-declared number in the family or economic unit for a participant whose income was not required to be determined as part of the WIC certification process. These participants are—
Adjunctively income-eligible participants (eligible because of TANF, SNAP, or Medicaid participation)
Participants deemed income-eligible under optional procedures available to the State agency in section 246.7(d)(2)(vi–viii) of Federal WIC regulations. These optional procedures are means-tested programs the State identified to determine automatic WIC income eligibility, income eligibility of pregnant women, and income eligibility of American Indian and instream migrant farmworker applicants
13a–c. Family or Economic Unit Income.
For persons for whom income is determined during the certification process, the income amount that was determined to qualify the participant for WIC at the time of the most recent WIC certification as of the reference date for the record
FNS will convert income expressed in nonannual measures (weekly, monthly, etc.) to annual amounts
For descriptive purposes only, for participants whose income was not required to be determined as part of the WIC certification process, the self-reported income at the time of certification; these participants include adjunctively income-eligible participants and those persons deemed eligible under optional procedures available to the State agency in section 246.7(d)(2)(vi–viii) of Federal WIC regulations
You should not use zero to indicate income values that are missing or not available; zero should indicate only an actual income value of zero
14a–j. Nutritional Risks Present at Certification. Highest priority nutritional risks assigned for the most recent WIC certification as of the reference date for the record, up to a maximum of 10; uniform coding is required in submissions from all State agencies according to WIC Policy Memorandum 98-9
15a–b. Hemoglobin or Hematocrit. Value for the measure of iron status that applies for the most current WIC certification as of the reference date for the record
15c. Date of Blood Test. Month, day, and year (in MMDDYYYY format) that hemoglobin or hematocrit measure was collected and reported; you must submit this for all participants reporting a blood measure
16a–b. Weight. Participant's weight measured according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) nutrition surveillance program standards (nearest one-quarter pound); you may report weight in grams if weight is not measured in pounds and quarter pounds
17a–b. Height. Participant's height (or length) measured according to CDC nutrition surveillance program standards (nearest one-eighth inch); you may report height in centimeters if height is not measured in inches and eighth inches
18. Date of Height and Weight Measure. Date (in MMDDYYYY format) of the height and weight measures that were used during the most recent WIC certification period as of the reference date for the record
19a. Currently Breastfed. For infants and children, whether the participant was being breastfed at that time
Note: You must report this variable for infants and children aged 6 through 13 months as of the reference date for the record. You may also include this information for other infants and children
19b. Ever Breastfed. For infants and children, whether the participant ever received breastmilk
Note: You must report this variable for infants and children aged 6 through 13 months as of the reference date for the record. You may also include this information for other infants and children.
19c. Length of Time Breastfed. For infants and children, the number of weeks the participant received breastmilk
Note: You must report this variable for infants and children aged 6 through 13 months as of the reference date for the record. You may include this information for other infants and children as well.
19d. Date Breastfeeding Data Collected. For infants and children, the date (in MMDDYYYY format) on which breastfeeding status was reported
Note: You must report this variable for infants and children aged 6 through 13 months as of the reference date for the record. You may also include this information for other infants and children
20a–n. Food Codes. You have the option of providing food data in an item-quantity format or a food package format; you must provide documentation on food package codes or item codes and quantities for all foods prescribed from May 2022 through April 2024.
20o. Food Package Type. A code representing the final rule food package descriptor; this descriptor uniquely represents the FNS food package number (I through VII), participant type, breastfeeding status, and (for infants and children only) age associated with the reported food code(s) for that participant
The SDS data items are defined as follows. Refer to appendix F for full details of all SDS items:
21. Date of First WIC Certification. Date the participant was first certified for WIC in MMDDYYYY format; for pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women, this applies to the current/most recent pregnancy and not to prior pregnancies
22. Education Level. For pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women, the highest grade or year of school completed; for infants and children, the highest grade or year of school completed by the mother or primary caretaker
23. Number in Household in WIC. The number of people in the participant's household receiving WIC benefits
24. Date Previous Pregnancy Ended. For pregnant women, the date the previous pregnancy ended in MMDDYYYY format
25. Total Number of Pregnancies. For pregnant women, the total number of times the woman has been pregnant, including this pregnancy; all live births; and any pregnancies resulting in miscarriage, abortion, or stillbirth
26. Total Number of Live Births. For pregnant women, the total number of babies born alive to this woman, including babies who may have died shortly after birth
27a–b. Prepregnancy Weight. For pregnant women only, the participant's weight immediately prior to pregnancy; weight may be reported either in pounds and quarter pounds or in grams
28a–b. Weight Change During Pregnancy. For breastfeeding and postpartum women, the participant's weight change during pregnancy as taken immediately at or prior to delivery; weight change during pregnancy may be reported in either pounds and quarter pounds or in grams
29a–b. Birth Weight. For infants and children, the participant's weight at birth measured according to CDC nutrition surveillance program standards (pounds/ounces); birth weight may be reported either in pounds and ounces or in grams
30a–b. Birth Length. For infants and children, the participant's length measured according to CDC nutrition surveillance program standards (nearest one-eighth inch); birth length may be reported either in inches and eighth inches or in centimeters
31. Participation in the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations. The participant's reported participation in this program at the time of the most recent WIC certification as of the reference date for the record
Starting with WIC PC 2024, FNS requires four additional items. Refer to appendix G for full details of the additional MIS items:
32. Household ID. The household identification number. This variable will be used to link MIS and EBT data, so it must match what the State agency uses in its EBT system
33. EBT card number. Identifies EBT card issued for the participant. This card number will be unique to the household but may vary over time if the card is reissued
34. Participant home ZIP Code. The ZIP Code for the participant’s home address
35. Record reference month. The reference month for the record. All people on the WIC master list or certified to receive benefits in the month should have a record for that month in the data submission. If a specific day is used to pull the record, use MMDDYYYY format. If no specific day of the month is used to pull the record, leave the day blank, as in “MM YYYY”
Protecting Participant Privacy USDA
and Westat are dedicated to protecting participant privacy. All
State agencies are welcome to contact us to discuss any concerns
about sharing any of the data requested for WIC PC 2024.
will work with you to find the best approach to ensure your State
agency benefits from all the innovative work to be done with WIC PC
2024 data while protecting participant privacy. Here
is a brief explanation of why we are asking for additional items
this year and the plans in place to keep that information secure: Participant
We are asking for the participant ID your agency uses internally so
we can conduct longitudinal analysis of WIC participants. By
understanding how long people participate in WIC and the benefits
they redeem from month to month, FNS and State agencies can work to
make sure people get the most out of their WIC benefits. Privacy
We will never publish participant IDs or include them in public
data files. Any public data will use a separate case ID that Westat
will generate to keep the participant IDs State agencies use
private. Household
We are asking for household ID so we can link MIS and EBT data. Privacy
We will never publish household IDs or include them in public data
files. Any public data will use a separate economic unit ID that
Westat will generate to keep the household IDs State agencies use
private. EBT
card number.
We are asking for EBT card number as another way we can link MIS
and EBT data. Privacy
We will never publish EBT card numbers or include them in public
data files.
ZIP Code.
Home ZIP Code will help us in two ways. First, it will help us link
MIS data over time. If two MIS records look like they might belong
to the same person, we can check to see if they have the same ZIP
Code to help us decide if they really do belong to the same person.
Second, we can use home ZIP Code to compare outcomes between people
living in rural, suburban, and urban areas to identify
opportunities for improvement. We can also understand based on home
ZIP Code how many WIC-authorized vendors are located near
participants. Privacy
We will never publish ZIP Codes or include them in public data
stores all data collected for WIC PC on, a cloud-based file
storage platform that is FedRAMP Authorized at the Moderate Impact
level. We will work with FNS to ensure procedures when using Box
are in compliance with NIST Special Publication 800-37 Rev 2,
"Guide for Applying the Risk Management Framework to Federal
Information Systems" and will implement appropriate controls
from NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 5, "Security and
Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and
Organizations." This will ensure we meet the goals for
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and
information systems. We will also continue to monitor and improve
our security posture during the duration of the contract with a
Continuous Monitoring and Risk Remediation program. FNS
stores all data collected for WIC PC on the USDA Microsoft 365
Government Community Cloud (GCC) environment. The USDA Microsoft
365 GCC environment provides compliance with federal requirements
for cloud services, including FedRAMP High, Defense Federal
Acquisition Regulations Supplement (DFARS), and requirements for
criminal justice and federal tax information systems (CJI and FTI
data types). USDA Microsoft 365 GCC meets the criteria in NIST SP
800-171 for Protecting Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI).
You should submit your data as specified in table 5.1. If you cannot fully report your data using these specifications, contact Westat for guidance.
Data Item Number |
Description of Data Item |
Beginning Column |
Ending Column |
Width |
1. |
State Agency ID |
1 |
7 |
7 |
2a. |
Local Agency ID |
8 |
10 |
3 |
2b. |
Service Site ID |
11 |
13 |
3 |
3. |
Participant ID |
14 |
24 |
11 |
4. |
Date of Birth (MMDDYYYY) |
25 |
32 |
8 |
5. |
Race/Ethnicity (Left Justified) |
33 |
38 |
6 |
6a. |
39 |
39 |
1 |
6b. |
Expected Date of Delivery (MMDDYYYY) |
40 |
47 |
8 |
6c. |
Weeks Gestation |
48 |
49 |
2 |
7. |
Date of Certification (MMDDYYYY) |
50 |
57 |
8 |
8. |
Sex |
58 |
58 |
1 |
9. |
Risk Priority Code |
59 |
59 |
1 |
10a. |
Participation in TANF |
60 |
60 |
1 |
10b. |
Participation in SNAP |
61 |
61 |
1 |
10c. |
Participation in Medicaid |
62 |
62 |
1 |
11. |
Migrant Status |
63 |
63 |
1 |
12. |
Number in Family/Economic Unit |
64 |
65 |
2 |
13a. |
Family/Economic Unit Income |
66 |
70 |
5 |
13b. |
Income Period |
71 |
71 |
1 |
13c. |
Income Ranges |
72 |
73 |
2 |
14a. |
Nutritional Risk 1 (Left Justified) |
74 |
79 |
6 |
14b. |
Nutritional Risk 2 (Left Justified) |
80 |
85 |
6 |
14c. |
Nutritional Risk 3 (Left Justified) |
86 |
91 |
6 |
14d. |
Nutritional Risk 4 (Left Justified) |
92 |
97 |
6 |
14e. |
Nutritional Risk 5 (Left Justified) |
98 |
103 |
6 |
14f. |
Nutritional Risk 6 (Left Justified) |
104 |
109 |
6 |
14g. |
Nutritional Risk 7 (Left Justified) |
110 |
115 |
6 |
14h. |
Nutritional Risk 8 (Left Justified) |
116 |
121 |
6 |
14i. |
Nutritional Risk 9 (Left Justified) |
122 |
127 |
6 |
14j. |
Nutritional Risk 10 (Left Justified) |
128 |
133 |
6 |
15a. |
Hemoglobin |
134 |
136 |
3 |
15b. |
Hematocrit |
137 |
139 |
3 |
15c. |
Date of Blood Test (MMDDYYYY) |
140 |
147 |
8 |
16a(i). |
148 |
150 |
3 |
16a(ii). |
Nearest Quarter-Pound of Participant’s Weight |
151 |
151 |
1 |
16b. |
Participant’s Weight in Grams |
152 |
157 |
6 |
17a(i). |
158 |
159 |
2 |
17a(ii). |
Nearest Eighth of an Inch OF Participant’s Height |
160 |
160 |
1 |
17b. |
Participant’s Height in Centimeters |
161 |
164 |
4 |
18. |
Date of Height and Weight Measure (MMDDYYYY) |
165 |
172 |
8 |
19a. |
Currently Breastfed |
173 |
173 |
1 |
19b. |
Ever Breastfed |
174 |
174 |
1 |
19c. |
Length of Time Breastfed |
175 |
176 |
2 |
19d. |
Date Breastfeeding Data Collected (MMDDYYYY) |
177 |
184 |
8 |
20a. |
Food Code 1 (Left Justified) |
185 |
194 |
10 |
20b. |
Food Code 2 (Left Justified) |
195 |
204 |
10 |
20c. |
Food Code 3 (Left Justified) |
205 |
214 |
10 |
20d. |
Food Code 4 (Left Justified) |
215 |
224 |
10 |
20e. |
Food Code 5 (Left Justified) |
225 |
234 |
10 |
20f. |
Food Code 6 (Left Justified) |
235 |
244 |
10 |
20g. |
Food Code 7 (Left Justified) |
245 |
254 |
10 |
20h. |
Food Code 8 (Left Justified) |
255 |
264 |
10 |
20i. |
Food Code 9 (Left Justified) |
265 |
274 |
10 |
20j. |
Food Code 10 (Left Justified) |
275 |
284 |
10 |
20k. |
Food Code 11 (Left Justified) |
285 |
294 |
10 |
20l. |
Food Code 12 (Left Justified) |
295 |
304 |
10 |
20m. |
Food Code 13 (Left Justified) |
305 |
314 |
10 |
20n. |
Food Code 14 (Left Justified) |
315 |
324 |
10 |
20o. |
Food Package Type |
325 |
326 |
2 |
21. |
Date of First WIC Certification (MMDDYYYY) |
327 |
334 |
8 |
22. |
Education Level |
335 |
336 |
2 |
23. |
Number in Household in WIC |
337 |
338 |
2 |
24. |
Date Previous Pregnancy Ended (MMDDYYYY) |
339 |
346 |
8 |
25. |
Total Number of Pregnancies |
347 |
348 |
2 |
26. |
349 |
350 |
2 |
27a(i). |
Prepregnancy Weight in Pounds |
351 |
353 |
3 |
27a(ii). |
Nearest Quarter Pound of Participant’s Prepregnancy Weight |
354 |
354 |
1 |
27b. |
Prepregnancy |
355 |
360 |
6 |
28a(i). |
361 |
363 |
3 |
28a(ii). |
Nearest Quarter Pound of Participant’s Weight Change During Pregnancy |
364 |
364 |
1 |
28b. |
Participant’s Weight Change During Pregnancy in Grams |
365 |
370 |
6 |
29a(i). |
371 |
372 |
2 |
29a(ii). |
Ounces of Birth Weight |
373 |
374 |
2 |
29b. |
375 |
378 |
4 |
30a(i). |
Length at Birth in Inches |
379 |
380 |
2 |
30a(ii). |
Nearest Eighth of an Inch of Length at Birth |
381 |
381 |
1 |
30b. |
Length at Birth in Centimeters |
382 |
384 |
3 |
31. |
in the Food |
385 |
385 |
1 |
Additional MIS Items |
33. |
Household ID |
386 |
421 |
36 |
34. |
EBT Card Number |
422 |
437 |
16 |
35. |
Participant Home ZIP Code |
438 |
442 |
5 |
36. |
Record Reference Date (MMDDYYYY) |
443 |
450 |
8 |
EBT = electronic benefit transfer; MIS = management information system; SNAP = Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; TANF = Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
State agencies are required to provide EBT data for PC 2024 for all months from May 2022 through April 2024 when EBT was used to issue benefits.4 State agencies should review all data for accuracy and consistency. FNS will accept all data State agencies consider legitimate. Westat staff will check PC 2024 EBT data submissions for accuracy and bring any questions or concerns to the attention of State agency contacts. Each State agency is responsible for correcting its PC 2024 EBT data submission if needed.
Starting with the WIC PC 2024 data collection, FNS is requiring State agencies submit monthly EBT issuance and redemption data and each State agency’s approved product list from May 2022 through April 2024. Some State agencies did not issue EBT throughout this period. If your State agency did not issue EBT during part of the requested period, please provide data for all months when EBT was issued; no additional data are needed for the months when EBT was not issued. If your State agency did not issue EBT at all, you do not need to provide any data for this request.
EBT data requested for WIC PC include four types of files:
Issued benefits. The unit of data should be month-participant-food category (or subcategory). For example, a unique row would include all milk issued to participant XYZ in May 2022.
Redeemed benefits. The unit of data should be month-participant-transaction-item.
Approved product list (APL). Each State agency should provide a monthly file including WIC-approved products. Some State agencies regularly update their approved product lists. Please provide a file for each month from May 2022 through April 2024 that would reflect the APL on the 15th of the month.
Vendor list. Each State agency should provide a monthly file of WIC-approved vendors and related data. Please provide a file for each month from May 2022 through April 2024 that would reflect the list of WIC-approved vendors on the 15th of the month.
It is critical that all data submissions meet WIC PC specifications. State agencies are responsible for ensuring all data files meet these specifications.
If data are missing, the corresponding field(s) should be left blank.
Zero should never be used to indicate missing data. Zero should be used to indicate only an actual value of zero.
Do not use reserve codes to indicate missing data. Reserve codes have been found to be unnecessary and unwieldy in processing PC data.
State agencies must ensure all dates appear in MMDDYYYY format. Dates should be complete for month, day, and year and be within logical ranges. For any part of the date that is missing or unavailable—such as the day—the field should be left blank.
State agencies must ensure all fields that include a date and time appear in MMDDYYYYHHMM format. For any part of the date/time that is missing or unavailable, the field should be left blank.
For PC 2024, dates for EBT data should range from May 1, 2022, through April 30, 2024.
All data files must be in ASCII text format (.txt file) with one record per line. Do not include any header rows with variable names or other information. Do not include any footer rows. Do not include any commas, semicolons, tabs, or other delimiters.
Data must be in the appropriate columns. Column numbers and field lengths are based on the number of bytes (characters). To ensure all data submissions are consistent in format, binary data may not be submitted. Please left justify all fields that do not require the full allotted length.
We define EBT data items for each of the four data sets: issuance, redemption, APL, and vendor list. Refer to appendix H for full details of all EBT items. Items included in multiple EBT data files are defined just once; see tables 6.1–6.4 for details on which items to include in each file.
E1. State Agency ID. A unique number that permits linkage to the State agency where the participant was certified; it is the first 7 digits of the 10-digit Local Agency Code maintained by FNS in the WIC LAD
E2. WIC MIS Account ID. A unique number that permits linkage to the WIC household. This should be the same ID as the household ID in the MIS data
E3. EBT Card Number. A unique number that identifies the card issued to the WIC household
Note: for issuance, this is an optional field. If your EBT system does not track EBT card number in the issuance file, please do not merge in the EBT card number from a separate data source. This can cause record duplication issues
E4. Issuance Reason Code. Reasons for issuance action (e.g., benefit add/update, card add/update, local agency or clinic add/update)
E5. Benefit Issuance ID. Unique ID identifying benefit issuance at WIC MIS account ID level
Note: For redemption, this is an optional field. If your EBT system does not track benefit issuance ID in the issuance file, please do not merge in the benefit issuance ID from a separate data source. This can cause record duplication issues
E6. Date, Begin Benefit. First date benefits can be redeemed for each month in MMDDYYYY format
E7. Date, End Benefit. Last date benefits can be redeemed for each month in MMDDYYYY format
E8. Benefit Quantity. The quantity of the food item issued that can be redeemed. There is a unique benefit quantity for each benefit issuance ID
E9a. Category Code. Two-digit code describing food group. If your EBT system tracks category and subcategory codes in one field, include the full five-digit code here
E9b. Subcategory Code. Three-digit component used to identify food type, brand, and/or size. If your EBT system tracks category and subcategory codes in one field, provide the five-digit code for E9a
E10a. Category Description. Text description of food category. If your EBT system tracks category and subcategory descriptions in the same field, leave this field blank, and provide the full description under “subcategory description”
E10b. Subcategory Description. Text description of food subcategory. If your EBT system tracks category and subcategory descriptions in the same field, provide the full description here
E11. WIC MIS WIC Vendor ID. Identifies each WIC vendor where purchases occur. The Vendor ID should match the Vendor ID in the Vendor List
E12. WIC MIS WIC Vendor Peer Group ID. Identifier for each WIC vendor's peer group for cost containment purposes. This ID should match the Peer Group ID in the Vendor List
E13. Amount, Discount. Amount, in U.S. dollars, deducted from gross amount of transaction (with coupons or other reductions)
E14. Amount, Paid (Transaction). Amount, in U.S. dollars, paid for each transaction. The amount should equal Amount, paid (E28) after adjusting for Amount, NTE adjustment (E26) and Amount, recoupment adjustment (E27) multiplied by Purchase quantity (E39)
E15. Amount, Total Adjustment. Amount, in U.S. dollars, equal to the sum of all adjustments to reported line items
E16. Amount, Transaction. Original amount, in U.S. dollars, of transaction before adjustments and discounts
E17. Date and Time, Host. Date and time a transaction occurred based on date/time on EBT processor system, using MMDDYYYYHHMM format
E18. Date and Time, Local Transaction. Date and time a transaction occurred based on date and time of WIC vendor system, using MMDDYYYYHHMM format
E19. Date, Business. Calendar date a transaction occurred or date reported by EBT system in MMDDYYYY format
E20. Date, Settlement. Date the financial reconciliation was completed, recorded by EBT system in MMDDYYYY format
E21. Original Unique EBT Transaction Identifier. Identifies original EBT transaction. This ID is assigned by WIC EBT system interface
E22. Transaction Reason Code. Identifies action taken in response to request; required for WIC online EBT
E23. Type Code. Identifies transaction type (e.g., purchase, void, adjustment)
E24. Unique EBT Transaction Identifier. Identifies unique EBT transactions within WIC MIS and WIC EBT system; contains information on approval codes
E25. Amount, Item Discount. Amount, in U.S. dollars, deducted from item price for individual food item
E26. Amount, NTE Adjustment. Amount, in U.S. dollars, of adjustment applied to price because original item price exceeds price range designated for peer group
E27. Amount, Recoupment Adjustment. Amount, in U.S. dollars, of adjustment applied to price of food item
E28. Amount Paid (Item). Amount paid at item level equals sum of all reported prices minus Amount, Item Discount (E25) at item level
E29. Benefit Unit Description. Describes benefit unit of measure (e.g., can, pkg, jar). Please provide only first six characters
E30. Item Action Code. Identifies action taken on item. This item is not required for offline EBT systems
E31. Item Description. Text description of food item
E32. Item Price. Identifies purchase amount, in U.S. dollars, assigned to one unit of food item, usually after adjustment
E33. Line Item ID. Identifies line item within transaction. This element is required if food item requires multiple records to indicate units across Subcategory Codes (E9b) or Benefit Issuance ID (E5)
E34. Original Category Code. Identifies food category, assigned to Universal Product Code (UPC) or Price Look-Up (PLU)
E35. Original Item Price. Requested item price, in U.S. dollars, before any adjustments
E36. Original Purchase Quantity. Number of food items or quantity of a food item requested in Unit of Measure (E40) in UPC/PLU
E37. Original Subcategory Code. Identifies food subcategory, assigned to UPC or PLU
E38. Package Size. Size of redeemed food items in standard units of measures
E39. Purchase Quantity. Approved purchase quantity by prorated amount of benefit units applied to food item
E40. Unit of Measure. Identifies quantity of food items as described on container (e.g., ounce, pound, quart)
E41. Units. Number of units of redeemed food items being reported
E42. UPC/PLU Data. Identifies UPC or PLU assigned to a food item. This element contains four subelements: (1) UPC/PLU indicators; (2) UPC; (3) PLU UPC/PLU check digit; and (4) UPC/PLU data length
E43. Record Sequence Number. Assigned to every record in file, in sequential order, beginning with 1 and incremented by 1 for each subsequent record on file
E44. Message Type Identifier. Describes type of message in APL file (e.g., UPC/PLU store file)
E45. UPC/PLU Indicator. Indicates whether item is UPC or PLU
E46. UPC/PLU. UPC or PLU code to identify the approved food item
E47. Benefit Quantity. Indicates quantity of specified item to be deducted from prescribed benefit issuance
E48. Benefit Unit Description. Standardizes display on food item’s issued size on receipt
E49. Price Type. Indicates type of price for food item (e.g., maximum price allowed, cash-value benefit item, reserved for national or private use)
E50. Date, Effective. First date benefits can be redeemed for each month in MMDDYYYY format
E51. Date, End. Last date benefits can be redeemed for each month in MMDDYYYY format
E52. UPC/PLU Data Length. Length of UPC/PLU; value includes check digit as significant digit
E53. Purchase Indicator. Identifies whether food item can be purchased with benefits issued to specific subcategory (e.g., 001) or broadband subcategory (e.g., 000)
E54. Manual Voucher Indicator. Used to indicate whether item is allowed for purchase with manual voucher
E55. Above 50 Percent Vendor. Indicates whether WIC sales account for more than 50 percent of total food sales for the vendor (i.e., vendor is an A-50 vendor)
E56. Action Code. Identifies action for each observation (i.e., activate or add; change or update; deactivate or delete; reserved; reactivate or unlock; hold)
E57. Address Line 1. First line of the vendor’s physical location (not mailing) street address
E58. Address Line 2. Second line of the vendor’s physical location (not mailing) street address
E59. Address City. City for the vendor’s physical location (not mailing) street address
E60. Address State. State for the vendor’s physical location (not mailing) street address
E61. Address ZIP Code. ZIP Code for the vendor’s physical location (not mailing) street address
E62. Amount, total food sales. Amount, in U.S. dollars, of total food sales reported by WIC vendors
E63. Business Name, WIC Vendor. Business name of the WIC vendor
E64. Corporation ID. Identifies corporation WIC vendors are associated with
E65. Date, Begin Vendor. First date vendor was active and accepting WIC, in MMDDYYYY format
E66. Date, Effective. Date action is effective, in MMDDYYYY format
E67. Date, End Vendor. Last date vendor will accept WIC, in MMDDYYYY format
E68. FNS Number. Identifies retail location; assigned by SNAP
E69. Reason Code. Indicates reason for action indicated in Action Code (E56)
E70. Type Code. Indicates entity being acted on or reported
You should submit your EBT data in four separate files for (1) issuance, (2) redemption, (3) approved vendors, and (4) approved product lists. Requested data items are specified in tables 6.1 through 6.4. with one table per file. If you cannot fully report your data using these specifications, contact Westat for guidance. Please left justify all fields that do not require the full allotted length.
Data Item Number |
Description of Data Item |
Beginning Column |
Ending Column |
Width |
E1. |
State agency ID |
1 |
7 |
7 |
E2. |
WIC MIS account ID |
8 |
43 |
36 |
E3. |
EBT card number (optional) |
44 |
59 |
16 |
E4. |
Reason code |
60 |
62 |
3 |
E5. |
Benefit issuance ID |
63 |
98 |
36 |
E6. |
Date, begin benefit |
99 |
106 |
8 |
E7. |
Date, end benefit |
107 |
114 |
8 |
E8. |
115 |
124 |
10 |
E9a. |
Category code |
125 |
126 |
2 |
E9b. |
127 |
129 |
3 |
E10a. |
Category description |
130 |
159 |
30 |
E10b. |
Subcategory description |
160 |
219 |
60 |
EBT = electronic benefit transfer; MIS = management information system
Data Item Number |
Description of Data Item |
Beginning Column |
Ending Column |
Width |
E1. |
State agency ID |
1 |
7 |
7 |
E2. |
WIC MIS account ID |
8 |
43 |
36 |
E3. |
EBT card number |
44 |
59 |
16 |
E5. |
Benefit issuance ID |
60 |
95 |
36 |
E6. |
Date, begin benefit |
96 |
103 |
8 |
E7. |
104 |
111 |
8 |
E9a. |
Category code |
112 |
113 |
2 |
E9b. |
114 |
116 |
3 |
E10a. |
Category description |
117 |
146 |
30 |
E10b. |
Subcategory description |
147 |
206 |
60 |
E11. |
207 |
214 |
8 |
E12. |
WIC vendor peer group ID |
215 |
217 |
3 |
E13. |
Amount, discount |
218 |
224 |
7 |
E14. |
Amount paid (transaction) |
225 |
231 |
7 |
E15. |
Amount, total adjustment |
232 |
238 |
7 |
E16. |
Amount, transaction |
239 |
245 |
7 |
E17. |
Date and time, host |
246 |
257 |
12 |
E18. |
Date and time, local transaction |
258 |
269 |
12 |
E19. |
Date, business |
270 |
277 |
8 |
E20. |
Date, settlement |
278 |
285 |
8 |
E21. |
Original unique EBT transaction identifier |
286 |
317 |
32 |
E22. |
Transaction reason code |
318 |
327 |
10 |
E23. |
Type code |
328 |
337 |
10 |
E24. |
Unique EBT transaction identifier |
338 |
369 |
32 |
E25. |
Amount, item discount |
370 |
376 |
7 |
E26. |
Amount, not-to-exceed adjustment |
377 |
383 |
7 |
E27. |
Amount, recoupment adjustment |
384 |
390 |
7 |
E28. |
Amount paid (item) |
391 |
397 |
7 |
E29. |
Benefit unit description |
398 |
407 |
10 |
E30. |
Item action code |
408 |
410 |
3 |
E31. |
Item description |
411 |
470 |
60 |
E32. |
Item price |
471 |
476 |
6 |
E33. |
Line item ID |
477 |
479 |
3 |
E34. |
Original category code |
480 |
481 |
2 |
E35. |
Original item price |
482 |
487 |
6 |
E36. |
Original purchase quantity |
488 |
489 |
2 |
E37. |
Original subcategory code |
490 |
492 |
3 |
E38. |
Package size |
493 |
498 |
6 |
E39. |
Purchase quantity |
499 |
500 |
2 |
E40. |
Unit of measure |
501 |
506 |
6 |
E41. |
Units |
507 |
509 |
3 |
E42. |
UPC/PLU data |
510 |
534 |
25 |
EBT = electronic benefit transfer; MIS = management information system; PLU = Price Look-Up; UPC = Universal Product Code
Data Item Number |
Description of Data Item |
Beginning Column |
Ending |
Width |
E1. |
1 |
7 |
7 |
E9a. |
Category code |
8 |
9 |
2 |
E9b. |
10 |
12 |
3 |
E10a. |
Subcategory code |
13 |
42 |
30 |
E10b. |
Subcategory description |
43 |
102 |
60 |
E31. |
Item description |
103 |
162 |
60 |
E32. |
Item price |
163 |
168 |
6 |
E38. |
Package size |
169 |
174 |
6 |
E40. |
Unit of measure |
175 |
180 |
6 |
E43. |
Record sequence number |
181 |
190 |
10 |
E44. |
Message type identifier |
191 |
193 |
3 |
E45. |
UPC/PLU indicator |
194 |
196 |
3 |
E46. |
197 |
214 |
18 |
E47. |
Benefit quantity |
215 |
217 |
3 |
E48. |
Benefit unit description |
218 |
227 |
10 |
E49. |
Price type |
228 |
237 |
10 |
E50. |
Date, effective |
238 |
245 |
8 |
E51. |
Date, end |
246 |
253 |
8 |
E52. |
UPC/PLU data length |
254 |
255 |
2 |
E53. |
Purchase indicator |
256 |
258 |
3 |
E54. |
Manual voucher indicator |
259 |
259 |
1 |
EBT = electronic benefit transfer; PLU = Price Look-Up; UPC = Universal Product Code
Data Item Number |
Description of Data Item |
Beginning Column |
Ending Column |
Width |
E1. |
State agency ID |
1 |
7 |
7 |
E11. |
WIC MIS WIC vendor ID |
8 |
15 |
8 |
E12. |
WIC vendor peer group ID |
16 |
18 |
3 |
E55. |
Above 50 percent vendor |
19 |
19 |
1 |
E56. |
Action code |
20 |
22 |
3 |
E57. |
Address line 1 |
23 |
54 |
32 |
E58. |
Address line 2 |
55 |
86 |
32 |
E59. |
Address city |
87 |
102 |
16 |
E60. |
Address State |
103 |
104 |
2 |
E61. |
Address ZIP Code |
105 |
109 |
5 |
E62. |
Amount, total food sales |
110 |
119 |
10 |
E63. |
Business name, WIC vendor |
120 |
155 |
36 |
E64. |
Corporation ID |
156 |
159 |
4 |
E65. |
Date, begin vendor |
160 |
167 |
8 |
E66. |
Date, effective |
168 |
175 |
8 |
E67. |
Date, end vendor |
176 |
183 |
8 |
E68. |
FNS number |
184 |
187 |
4 |
E69. |
Reason code |
188 |
190 |
3 |
E70. |
Type code |
191 |
191 |
1 |
MIS = management information system
State agencies that do not use standard FNS nutritional risk codes must submit their nutritional risk worksheet by March 18, 2024, to specify whether they will provide their nutritional risk data using established Federal nutritional risk codes (available at or codes specific to the State agency. Agencies using State codes must use this worksheet to crosswalk their coding schemes to the Federal codes. See table A.1 for an example.
Category/Title |
FNS Nutritional Risk Code |
PC 2022 State Agency Code |
Revised/ Additional State Agency Codes |
Revisions/Additions |
Notes |
Anthropometric |
Weight- |
100 |
No Change |
Underweight (women) |
101 |
New Code(s) -- Delete PC2020 Code |
101 |
Underweight or At Risk of Becoming Underweight |
103 |
No Change |
Westat will provide the Nutritional Risk Worksheet in January 2024. For convenience, Westat will provide you with the information you submitted on your nutritional risk worksheet for PC 2022. Please provide all nutritional risks that were active at any time between May 2022 and April 2024. If nutritional risk codes changed between May 2022 and April 2024, explain when they changed and how they changed in the notes column.
You must submit your State agency’s food code documentation by March 18, 2024. This documentation defines the food items and quantities that correspond to each food package code the State agency uses to prescribe foods to WIC participants. See table B.1 for an example.
Food_Code |
Description |
Unit of Measure |
Notes |
000100 |
Cheese or Tofu |
OZ |
No Change |
000101 |
Cheese |
OZ |
No Change |
000102 |
Sardines |
OZ |
New since April 2022 |
Provide all food codes that were active at any time from May 2022 through April 2024. If food codes changed during this time, explain when they changed and how they changed in the notes column. Be sure to include the month(s) each code was used for a particular type of food. See table B.2 for an example.
Food_Code |
Description |
Unit of Measure |
Notes |
2463 |
Low-Fat Milk |
May 2022–January 2023 |
2463 |
Whole Milk |
February 2023–April 2024 |
You must provide a completed copy of this data transmittal worksheet alongside your State agency’s data files. MIS data submissions should be sent to Westat as soon as possible after April 2024 and no later than July 2, 2024. Submit only complete data files. If your State agency expects to receive updated data after April 2024 for income, breastfeeding, participation, or other data fields, submit your data file only after entering this additional information.
State agency: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Name, title, phone number, and email address of the person able to answer questions regarding the State agency’s data submission:
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Title: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
MIS data specifications:
Number of files:_______________________________________________________________________________________
Number of participant records: _____________________________________________________________________
Maximum record length: ____________________________________________________________________________
Was racial/ethnic data reported using the three-digit code, the series of six yes/no questions, or another format? Check only one answer.
Three-digit code provided in guidance
Series of six yes/no questions
Other format (describe): __________________________________________________________________________
Breastfeeding data collection procedures:
When was breastfeeding data collected? Check all that apply.
At issuance
At certification/recertification
During healthcare appointments
At nutrition education sessions
Separate telephone or mail inquiry
Other (describe): ________________________________________________________________________________
Are breastfeeding data collected routinely or only for the biennial PC reporting? Check only one answer.
Routinely Only for PC reporting
Does the State agency’s automated data system maintain the most recent breastfeeding information? Check only one answer.
Yes No
Was food package code documentation submitted for the types and amounts of WIC foods prescribed? Check only one answer.
Food package translations
Are enclosed
Were already sent
Will be sent under separate cover
Were food code data submitted using food package codes, an item/quantity format, or another format?
Food package codes (up to 14 codes with no more than 10 digits per code)
Item-quantity format
Other format (describe): _____________________________________________________________________________
Was food package type reported using the specified codes 1 through 28 or another format?
Used specified codes 1 through 28
Other format (describe): _____________________________________________________________________________
Supplemental Data Set items submitted for PC 2024:
Date of first WIC certification
Education level
Number in household on WIC
Date previous pregnancy ended
Total number of pregnancies
Total number of live births
Prepregnancy weight
Weight change during pregnancy
Birth weight
Birth length
Participation in Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations
Were Service Site IDs reported in the data?
Yes No
Management Information System (MIS) details:
Please provide the name of the MIS used to collect and submit the PC 2024 data.
Has the State agency changed its MIS since the PC 2022 data collection? If yes, please provide the name of the previous MIS.
Other information:
Please send files and documentation to Westat’s Secure File Transfer Protocol site. Instructions follow; these will be provided separately to the State agency along with username and password.
Note: The Secure File Transfer Protocol process has changed. The user who submits the data must be the same individual whose name and email was submitted on the contact information form.
Navigate to .
Enter your username (will be provided separately).
Enter your password (will be provided separately).
When the user logs in with their credentials, they will be sent a six-digit code by the system to the email address on file. The email will be from [email protected]. The user must enter that code into the browser.
Upload the files.
Email questions to Polina Zvavitch ([email protected]), Courtenay Kessler ([email protected]), and Jake Beckerman-Hsu ([email protected]).
Please include this completed worksheet with your State agency’s EBT data submission.
EBT data submissions should be sent to Westat as soon as possible after April 30, 2024, and no later than July 2, 2024. Submit only complete data files.
State agency: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Name, phone number, and email address of the person able to answer questions regarding the State agency’s data submission:
EBT data files specifications:
Benefit issuance: File name(s):______________________________________________________________________
Benefit issuance: Number of records: ______________________________________________________________
Benefit issuance: How are benefit reissuances handled in the data? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Benefit redemptions: File name(s): _________________________________________________________________
Benefit redemptions: Number of records: __________________________________________________________
Benefit redemptions: How do voided transactions appear in the data? _________________________
Comments/State agency-specific data file specifications: ________________________________________
Vendor list file specifications:
File name(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________
Number of vendor records: __________________________________________________________________________
Comments/State agency-specific data file specifications: ________________________________________
Authorized product list specification:
File name(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________
Number of product records: _________________________________________________________________________
Comments/State agency-specific data file specifications: ________________________________________
Note: The Secure File Transfer Protocol process has changed. The user who submits the data must be the same individual whose name and email was submitted on the contact information form.
Navigate to .
Enter your username (will be provided separately).
Enter your password (will be provided separately).
When the user logs in with their credentials, they will be sent a six-digit code by the system to the email address on file. The email will be from [email protected]. The user must enter that code into the browser.
Upload the files.
Email questions to Polina Zvavitch ([email protected]), Courtenay Kessler ([email protected]), and Jake Beckerman-Hsu ([email protected]).
Description |
This is the State agency where the participant is enrolled. |
Column position |
1–7 |
Field length |
7 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Special instructions |
Using the 10-digit identification code used in the WIC Local Agency Directory maintained by FNS, enter the first 7 digits. |
Description |
This is the unique number for the Local Agency where the participant is certified. |
Column position |
8–10 |
Field length |
3 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Special instructions |
Using the 10-digit identification code used in the WIC Local Agency Directory maintained by FNS, enter the last 3 digits. |
Description |
This is the unique number for the service site or clinic where the participant is certified.
S |
Column position |
11–13 |
Field length |
3 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Special instructions |
State agencies that submitted service site-level or clinic-level data for the WIC Local Agency are asked to include the corresponding service site IDs in their PC 2024 submissions. Service Site IDs appear in the WIC Local Agency Directory as the three-digit codes under Administering Agency. |
Description |
This is the participant ID the State agency uses internally. |
Column position |
14–24 |
Field length |
11 |
Data type |
Alphanumeric |
Description |
This is the participant's birth date. Date must be reported in MMDDYYYY format. |
Column position |
25–32 |
Field length |
8 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
F For children, there should be no birth dates before 2017 or after 2023. All dates should fall within valid month, day, and year ranges.
A |
Example |
For January 3, 2024, the entry would be 01032024 If day is unknown, the entry would be 01 2024 (The missing part of the date—the day—should be left blank.) |
Description |
Since PC 2006, State agencies have been required to submit their data using the revised WIC racial and ethnic categories the Office of Management and Budget requires. Under these standards, participants are classified according to their ethnicity as well as their race; there are five racial classifications and one ethnic classification.
Hispanic/Latino ethnicity. A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. The term "Spanish origin" can be used in addition to "Hispanic or Latino"
American Indian or Alaska Native. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment Asian. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent, including Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam Black or African American. A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa. Terms such as "Haitian" or "Negro" may be used in addition to “Black or African American” Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands White. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa State agencies may report race/ethnicity using one of two methods: Yes/No Format: Responses of either 1 (for Yes) or 2 (for No) for each of the racial/ethnic categories in the order listed above to form a six-digit string; the first digit of the string represents whether the participant is Hispanic, and the remaining five digits represent whether the participant belongs to each of the racial categories as listed in the order above Example: Non-Hispanic Asian and Black 221122 Standard Codes: Three-digit codes representing key combinations of one or more racial selections, with the first digit representing ethnicity and the last two digits representing race; these codes are defined as follows: 101 = American Indian or Alaska Native, Hispanic/Latino 201 = American Indian or Alaska Native, Not Hispanic/Latino 102 = Asian, Hispanic/Latino 202 = Asian, Not Hispanic/Latino |
Description, continued |
103 = Black or African American, Hispanic/Latino 203 = Black or African American, Not Hispanic/Latino 104 = Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino 204 = Native Hawaiian, Not Hispanic/Latino 105 = White, Hispanic/Latino 205 = White, Not Hispanic/Latino 106 = American Indian or Alaska Native; White; Hispanic/Latino 206 = American Indian or Alaska Native; White; Not Hispanic/Latino 107 = Asian; White; Hispanic/Latino 207 = Asian; White; Not Hispanic/Latino 108 = Black or African American; White; Hispanic/Latino 208 = Black or African American; White; Not Hispanic/Latino 109 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Black or African American; Hispanic/Latino 209 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Black or African American; Not Hispanic/Latino 110 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Hispanic/Latino 210 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Not Hispanic/Latino 111 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Hispanic/Latino 211 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Not Hispanic/Latino 112 = Asian; Black; Hispanic/Latino 212 = Asian; Black; Not Hispanic/Latino 113 = Asian; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Hispanic/Latino 213 = Asian; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Not Hispanic/Latino 114 = Black; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Hispanic/Latino 214 = Black; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Not Hispanic/Latino 115 = Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; White; Hispanic/Latino 215 = Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; White; Not Hispanic/Latino 116 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Black; Hispanic/Latino 216 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Black; Not Hispanic/Latino 117 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Hispanic/Latino 217 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Not Hispanic/Latino 118 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; White; Hispanic/Latino 218 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; White; Not Hispanic/Latino |
Description, continued |
119 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Black; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Hispanic/Latino 219 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Black; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Not Hispanic/Latino 120 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Black; White; Hispanic/Latino 220 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Black; White; Not Hispanic/Latino 121 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; White; Hispanic/Latino 221 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; White; Not Hispanic/Latino 122 = Asian; Black; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Hispanic/Latino 222 = Asian; Black; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Not Hispanic/Latino 123 = Asian; Black; White; Hispanic/Latino 223 = Asian; Black; White; Not Hispanic/Latino 124 = Asian; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; White; Hispanic/Latino 224 = Asian; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; White; Not Hispanic/Latino 125 = Black; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; White; Hispanic/Latino 225 = Black; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; White; Not Hispanic/Latino 126 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Black; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Hispanic/Latino 226 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Black; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Not Hispanic/Latino 127 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Black; White; Hispanic/Latino 227 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Black; White; Not Hispanic/Latino 128 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; White; Hispanic/Latino 228 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; White; Not Hispanic/Latino 129 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Black; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; White; Hispanic/Latino 229 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Black; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; White; Not Hispanic/Latino 130 = Asian; Black; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; White; Hispanic/Latino 230 = Asian; Black; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; White; Not Hispanic/Latino 131 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Black; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; White; Hispanic/Latino 231 = American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Black; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; White; Not Hispanic/Latino |
Description, continued |
199 = Hispanic/Latino; Missing race 299 = Not Hispanic/Latino; Missing race 9xx = Missing ethnicity 999 = Missing ethnicity and race |
Column position |
33–38 |
Field length |
6 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
Yes/No Format:
Six-digit code with each digit representing 1 = Yes In Standard Codes: 101–131; 199; 201–231, 199, 299, 9xx, 999. Left justified followed by three blank columns |
Description |
This is one of five possible categories the participant was assigned at certification. 1 = Pregnant woman 2 = Breastfeeding woman 3 = Postpartum woman, not breastfeeding 4 = Infant (younger than 12 months) 5 = Child (12–59 months)
P |
Column position |
39 |
Field length |
1 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
Carefully check the assignment of participant category codes. Errors in these assignments affect every reported number in PC 2024. Participants certified as children may not be younger than 11 months or older than 5 years. A breastfeeding woman may not be certified past her child’s first birthday. A postpartum woman who is not breastfeeding may not be certified for more than 6 months after her child is born or the pregnancy has otherwise ended. |
Description |
This is the expected date of delivery for the pregnant woman participant. Date must be reported in MMDDYYYY format. This item may be supplied instead of Number of Weeks Gestation (item 6c). |
Column position |
40–47 |
Field length |
8 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
E All dates should fall within valid month, day, and year ranges. Unlike most other PC 2024 dates, expected dates of delivery may fall after April 2024.
A |
Example |
For May 3, 2022, the entry would be 05032022 If day is unknown, the entry would be 05 2022 (The missing part of the date—the day—should be left blank.) |
Description |
This is the number of weeks since the pregnant woman participant's last menstrual period as of the date of the most recent certification as of the reference date used to pull the data. This item may be supplied instead of Expected Date of Delivery (item 6b). |
Column position |
48–49 |
Field length |
2 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
1–43 |
Notes |
N |
Description |
This is the date (month, day, and year) on which the participant was most recently certified for WIC as of as of the reference date used to pull the data. Date must be reported in MMDDYYYY format. |
Column position |
50–57 |
Field length |
8 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
T There should be no certification dates before March 1, 2023. All dates should fall within valid month, day, and year ranges.
A |
Example |
For January 3, 2024, the entry would be 01032024 If day is unknown, the entry would be 01 2024 (The missing part of the date—the day—should be left blank.) |
Description |
This is the indication of whether the infant or child is male or female. 1 = Male 2 = Female |
Column position |
58 |
Field length |
1 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
1–2 |
Notes |
T |
Description |
This is the participant's risk priority level on the date of the most recent certification as of the reference date used to pull the data. 1 = Priority I: Pregnant and breastfeeding women and infants at nutritional risk as demonstrated by anthropometric or hematological assessment or by other documented nutritionally related medical condition 2 = Priority II: Infants up to 6 months of age of mothers who participated in WIC during pregnancy or who would have been eligible to participate under Priority I documented medical condition. This priority may also be assigned to a breastfeeding mother of an infant who is classified as Priority II 3 = Priority III: Children at nutritional risk as demonstrated by anthropometric or hematological assessment or other documented medical condition. Can also include high-risk postpartum women 4 = Priority IV: Pregnant and breastfeeding women and infants at nutritional risk as demonstrated by inadequate dietary pattern. Can also include high-risk postpartum women and homeless and migrant pregnant and breastfeeding women and infants 5 = Priority V: Children at nutritional risk because of inadequate dietary pattern. May also include high-risk postpartum women and homeless and migrant children 6 = Priority VI: Postpartum women, not breastfeeding, at nutritional risk on either medical or dietary criteria unless assigned to higher priorities at State agency discretion. At State agency option, this priority can also include homeless and migrant postpartum women 7 = Priority VII: Previously certified participants likely to regress in nutritional status without continuation of supplemental food. At State agency option, this priority may also include homeless and migrant participants |
Column position |
59 |
Field length |
1 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
1–7 |
Notes |
If the Risk Priority Code equals 1, the Participant Category should equal 1 or 2 or 4. If the Risk Priority Code equals 2, the Participant Category should equal 2 or 4. If the Risk Priority Code equals 3, the Participant Category should equal 3 or 5. If
the Risk Priority Code equals 4, the Participant Category should
equal 1 or 2 or 3 If the Risk Priority Code equals 5, the Participant Category should equal 3 or 5. If the Risk Priority Code equals 6, the Participant Category should equal 3. If the Risk Priority Code equals 7, the Participant Category should equal 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5. |
Description |
This indicates whether the participant or family member of the participant receives TANF benefits. 1 = Yes 2 = No |
Column position |
60 |
Field length |
1 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
1–2 |
Notes |
This item indicates reported participation at the time of the most recent certification. If this information has been updated since certification, indicate the participant's current participation status for this program. If column 60 = 1, then income entries should be present in the column positions of either 66–70 or 72–73. |
Description |
This indicates whether the participant receives SNAP benefits. 1 = Yes 2 = No |
Column position |
61 |
Field length |
1 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
1–2 |
Notes |
This item indicates reported participation at the time of the most recent certification. If this information has been updated since certification, indicate the participant’s current participation status for this program. If column 61 = 1, then income entries should be present in the column positions of either 66–70 or 72–73. |
Description |
This indicates whether the participant receives Medicaid benefits or is a member of a family in which a pregnant woman or an infant is certified eligible to receive assistance under Medicaid. 1 = Yes 2 = No |
Column position |
62 |
Field length |
1 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
1–2 |
Notes |
This item indicates reported participation at the time of the most recent certification. If this information has been updated since certification, indicate the participant's current participation status for this program. If column 62 = 1, then income entries should be present in the column positions of either 66–70 or 72–73. |
Description |
This indicates whether any member of the family is a migrant worker. According to Federal WIC regulations, a migrant farmworker is an individual whose principal employment is in agriculture on a seasonal basis, who has been so employed within the last 24 months, and who has established a temporary abode for the purposes of such employment. 1 = Yes 2 = No |
Column position |
63 |
Field length |
1 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
1–2 |
Description |
This is the number of persons in the economic unit income eligibility is based on. This is a self-declared number in the economic unit for those eligible for WIC as a result of participation in other means-tested programs or those persons deemed eligible under optional procedures available to the State agency according to section 246.7(d)(2)(vi-viii) of Federal WIC regulations.
N |
Column position |
64–65 |
Field length |
2 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
1–20 |
Notes |
Z |
Description |
For a person whose income was determined during the certification process, enter the income amount that was used to qualify the individual for WIC benefits. Amounts may be reported for various periods of time (weekly, monthly, biweekly, annually, or twice monthly) as specified in item 13b. For a participant whose income was not required to be determined for WIC certification, enter a self-declared income for descriptive purposes only. Self-declared incomes for these participants may be entered in dollar amounts in items 13a and 13b or by income categories in item 13c. For a participant whose income was not required to be determined for WIC certification, entry of a self-declared amount should not be used by State agency data systems to alter WIC eligibility decisions. From a regulatory point of view, such eligibility is based on the means test provided by other programs such as TANF, SNAP, Medicaid, or other programs selected by the State agency. As long as the participant is a bona fide participant in such other programs, apparent discrepancies in income amounts need not be edited from WIC files or examined for potential effects on WIC eligibility. For State agencies that are also Indian Tribal organizations and that have opted to implement alternative income eligibility procedures as set forth in section 246.7(d)(2)(viii) of Federal WIC regulations, self-declared incomes may be stated in dollars or selected from income codes in item 13c. |
Column position |
66–70 |
Field length |
5 |
Data type |
Numeric State agencies may enter income for adjunctively income-eligible participants in either item 13a or item 13c. |
Notes |
If a record does not contain a dollar amount income in column positions 66–70, it should contain an income value in column positions 72–73.
Description |
This is the period covered by the amount described in family income (item 13a). 1 = Weekly 2 = Monthly 3 = Biweekly 4 = Annually 5 = Twice monthly (Bimonthly)
I |
Column position |
71 |
Field length |
1 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
1–5 |
Notes |
FNS will convert income expressed in different measures (i.e., weekly, monthly, yearly) to annual amounts. |
Description |
This is the self-declared income for the family/economic unit expressed in a dollar range for any participant whose income was not required to be determined as part of the WIC certification process. Participants whose incomes are not required to be determined during WIC certification include adjunctively income-eligible participants and those persons deemed income-eligible under optional procedures available to the State agency according to section 246.7(d)(2)(vi-vii) of Federal WIC regulations. |
Code |
Monthly |
Annually |
Code |
Monthly |
Annually |
1 |
$0 –99 |
$0 –1,199 |
33 |
$3,200–3,299 |
$38,400–39,599 |
2 |
$100–199 |
$1,200–2,399 |
34 |
$3,300–3,399 |
$39,600–40,799 |
3 |
$200–299 |
$2,400–3,599 |
35 |
$3,400–3,499 |
$40,800–41,999 |
4 |
$300–399 |
$3,600–4,799 |
36 |
$3,500–3,599 |
$42,000–43,199 |
5 |
$400–499 |
$4,800–5,999 |
37 |
$3,600–3,699 |
$43,200–44,399 |
6 |
$500–599 |
$6,000–7,199 |
38 |
$3,700–3,799 |
$44,400–45,599 |
7 |
$600–699 |
$7,200–8,399 |
39 |
$3,800–3,899 |
$45,600–46,799 |
8 |
$700–799 |
$8,400–9,599 |
40 |
$3,900–3,999 |
$46,800–47,999 |
9 |
$800–899 |
$9,600–10,799 |
41 |
$4,000–4,099 |
$48,000–49,199 |
10 |
$900–999 |
$10,800–11,999 |
42 |
$4,100–4,199 |
$49,200–50,399 |
11 |
$1,000–1,099 |
$12,000–13,199 |
43 |
$4,200–4,299 |
$50,400–51,599 |
12 |
$1,100–1,199 |
$13,200–14,399 |
44 |
$4,300–4,399 |
$51,600–52,799 |
13 |
$1,200–1,299 |
$14,400–15,599 |
45 |
$4,400–4,499 |
$52,800–53,999 |
14 |
$1,300–1,399 |
$15,600–16,799 |
46 |
$4,500–4,599 |
$54,000–55,199 |
15 |
$1,400–1,499 |
$16,800–17,999 |
47 |
$4,600–4,699 |
$55,200–56,399 |
16 |
$1,500–1,599 |
$18,000–19,199 |
48 |
$4,700–4,799 |
$56,400–57,599 |
17 |
$1,600–1,699 |
$19,200–20,399 |
49 |
$4,800–4,899 |
$57,600–58,799 |
18 |
$1,700–1,799 |
$20,400–21,599 |
50 |
$4,900–4,999 |
$58,800–59,999 |
19 |
$1,800–1,899 |
$21,600–22,799 |
51 |
$5,000–5,099 |
$60,000–61,199 |
20 |
$1,900–1,999 |
$22,800–23,999 |
52 |
$5,100–5,199 |
$61,200–62,399 |
21 |
$2,000–2,099 |
$24,000–25,199 |
53 |
$5,200–5,299 |
$62,400–63,599 |
22 |
$2,100–2,199 |
$25,200–26,399 |
54 |
$5,300–5,399 |
$63,600–64,799 |
23 |
$2,200–2,299 |
$26,400–27,599 |
55 |
$5,400–5,499 |
$64,800–65,999 |
24 |
$2,300–2,399 |
$27,600–28,799 |
56 |
$5,500–5,599 |
$66,000–67,199 |
25 |
$2,400–2,499 |
$28,800–29,999 |
57 |
$5,600–5,699 |
$67,200–68,399 |
26 |
$2,500–2,599 |
$30,000–31,199 |
58 |
$5,700–5,799 |
$68,400–69,599 |
27 |
$2,600–2,699 |
$31,200–32,399 |
59 |
$5,800–5,899 |
$69,600–70,799 |
28 |
$2,700–2,799 |
$32,400–33,599 |
60 |
$5,900–5,999 |
$70,800–71,999 |
29 |
$2,800–2,899 |
$33,600–34,799 |
61 |
$6,000–6,099 |
$72,000–73,199 |
30 |
$2,900–2,999 |
$34,800–35,999 |
62 |
$6,100–6,199 |
$73,200–74,399 |
31 |
$3,000–3,099 |
$36,000–37,199 |
63 |
$6,200 + |
$74,400 + |
32 |
$3,100–3,199 |
$37,200–38,399 |
Description, continued |
Column position |
72–73 |
Field length |
2 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
1–63 |
Notes |
State agencies may enter income for adjunctively income-eligible participants in either item 13a or item 13c. If a record does not contain a dollar amount for income in column positions 66–70, an entry should be present for adjunctive income range in column positions 72–73. If column positions 60, 61, or 62 equal 1, then an entry for adjunctive income should be present in the column positions of either 66–70 or 72–73.
Description |
These items indicate the participant’s nutritional risks present at certification as recorded in State agency files. |
Column position |
Nutritional Risk (any order) |
Position |
a. Nutritional Risk 1 |
74–79 |
b. Nutritional Risk 2 |
80–85 |
c. Nutritional Risk 3 |
86–91 |
d. Nutritional Risk 4 |
92–97 |
e. Nutritional Risk 5 |
98–103 |
f. Nutritional Risk 6 |
104–109 |
g. Nutritional Risk 7 |
110–115 |
h. Nutritional Risk 8 |
116–121 |
i. Nutritional Risk 9 |
122–127 |
j. Nutritional Risk 10 |
128–133 |
Field length |
6 for each code; 60 total |
Data type |
Alphanumeric |
Notes |
Using this format, State agencies can report up to 10 nutritional risks per participant. Nutritional risks may be listed in any order. State agency nutritional risk codes will be translated into Federal nutritional risk codes.
E |
Description |
This is the value for the measure of iron status that applies to the participant’s current certification. This item must be reported in grams/dl (XX.Y) with a single implied decimal place. For example, 14.9 should be coded as 149. This item may be supplied instead of Hematocrit (item 15b). |
Column position |
134–136 |
Field length |
3 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
This item is not required for infant participants younger than 9 months. For children, if there is no blood measurement recorded for the current certification, provide the value for the most recent available certification.
Z |
Description |
This is the value for the measure of iron status that applies to the participant’s current certification. This item must be reported to the nearest tenth of a percent (XX.Y) with a single implied decimal place. For example, 37.6 should be coded as 376. This item may be supplied instead of Hemoglobin (item 15a). |
Column position |
137–139 |
Field length |
3 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
This item is not required for infant participants younger than 9 months. F Zero should not be used to indicate missing values. If hematocrit data are missing or not reported, this field should be left blank. |
Description |
This is the date (month, day, and year) on which the participant’s blood measure was most recently taken as of the reference date used to pull the data. Date must be reported in MMDDYYYY format. This is required for all participants for whom a blood measure is reported. |
Column position |
140–147 |
Field length |
8 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
All dates must fall within legitimate month, day, and year ranges.
A |
Example |
For January 3, 2024, the entry would be 01032024 If day is unknown, the entry would be 01 2024 (The missing part of the date—the day—should be left blank.) |
Description |
This is the participant's weight in whole pounds. This item may be supplied instead of Participant’s Weight in Grams (item 16b). |
Column position |
148–150 |
Field length |
3 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
Participant weight may be reported in either pounds and quarter pounds or grams. |
Example |
For a weight of 9 pounds 12 ounces, the entry would be “ 9” (If the length of the field is fewer than three characters, the leftmost column(s) should be left blank; there should be no quotation marks.) The number of ounces is reported as quarter pounds in item 16a(ii). |
Description |
This is the nearest quarter pound of the participant's weight. |
Column position |
151 |
Field length |
1 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
0–3 |
Notes |
Quarter pounds should be reported only when weight in pounds is reported.
T Participant weight may be reported in either pounds and quarter pounds or grams. |
Example |
For a weight of 9 pounds 12 ounces, the entry would be 3 because 12 ounces is equal to 3 quarter pounds. The number of whole pounds is reported in item 16a(i). |
Description |
This is the participant's weight in grams. This item may be supplied instead of Participant’s Weight in Pounds (item 16a). |
Column position |
152–157 |
Field length |
6 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
Participant weight may be reported in either pounds and quarter pounds or grams. |
Example |
For a weight of 90,718 grams (approximately 200 pounds), the entry would be “ 90718” (If the length of the field is fewer than six characters, the leftmost column(s) should be left blank; there should be no quotation marks.) |
Description |
This is the participant's height (length) in whole inches. This item may be supplied instead of Participant’s Height in Centimeters (item 17b). |
Column position |
158–159 |
Field length |
2 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
Participant height may be reported in either inches and one-eighth inches or centimeters. |
Example |
For a height of 33.5 inches, the entry would be 33 The fractional number of inches is reported as one-eighth inches in item 17a(ii). |
Description |
This is the nearest eighth of an inch of the participant's height (length). |
Column position |
160 |
Field length |
1 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
0–7 |
Notes |
Eighth inches should be reported only when height in inches is reported. This measure is typically only reported for infants. Participant height may be reported in either inches and one-eighth inches or centimeters. |
Example |
For a height of 33.5 inches, the entry would be 4 because half an inch is equal to 4 one-eighth inches. |
Description |
This is the participant's height (length) measured to the nearest tenth of a centimeter with a single implied decimal place. This item may be supplied instead of Participant’s Height in Inches (item 17a). |
Column position |
161–164 |
Field length |
4 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
Participant height may be reported in either inches and one-eighth inches or centimeters. |
Example |
For 30.5 centimeters, the entry would be “ 305” For 28 centimeters, the entry would be “ 280” to allow for the single implied decimal place. |
Description |
This is the date (month, day, and year) on which the participant's height and weight was most recently measured as of April 2022. Date must be reported in MMDDYYYY format. |
Column position |
165–172 |
Field length |
8 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
T A Any part of the date that is missing or unavailable should be left blank. |
Example |
For January 3, 2024, the entry would be 01032024 If day is unknown, the entry would be 01 2024 (The missing part of the date—the day—should be left blank.) |
Description |
For infants and children, this indicates whether the participant is currently receiving breastmilk. 1 = Yes 2 = No |
Column position |
173 |
Field length |
1 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
1–2 |
Notes |
T A State agency may report breastfeeding data for additional infant and children participants if this approach is better suited to the configuration of the State agency's automated processing system.
I See figure E.1 for a flowchart of breastfeeding items in this data set. |
Description |
For infants and children not currently receiving breastmilk, this indicates whether the participant ever received breastmilk. 1 = Yes 2 = No |
Column position |
174 |
Field length |
1 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
1–2 |
Notes |
T A State agency may report breastfeeding data for additional infant and children participants if this approach is better suited to the configuration of the State agency's automated processing system.
I |
Description |
For infants and children who are not currently receiving breastmilk but who have ever received breastmilk, this is the number of weeks the participant received breastmilk. The conversions listed below are consistent with conversions applied by the CDC Surveillance System. |
To convert months to weeks: |
To convert days to weeks: |
Months |
Weeks |
Days |
Weeks |
1 month |
4 weeks |
Fewer than 4 days |
0 weeks |
2 months |
9 weeks |
4–10 days |
1 week |
3 months |
13 weeks |
11–17 days |
2 weeks |
4 months |
17 weeks |
18–24 days |
3 weeks |
5 months |
22 weeks |
25–31 days |
4 weeks |
6 months |
26 weeks |
32–38 days |
5 weeks |
7 months |
30 weeks |
39–45 days |
6 weeks |
8 months |
35 weeks |
9 months |
39 weeks |
10 months |
43 weeks |
11 months |
48 weeks |
12 months |
52 weeks |
13 months |
56 weeks |
If this information is missing or not available, leave the column positions blank. |
Column position |
175–176 |
Field length |
2 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
0–72 |
Notes |
T A State agency may report breastfeeding data for additional infant and child WIC participants if this approach is better suited to the configuration of the State agency's automated processing system. Zero is a valid entry for this item. If the infant or child was breastfed for fewer than 4 days, enter zero. If the data are missing, leave columns 175 and 176 blank. |
Example |
If the infant or child was breastfed for 5 months, the entry would be 22. |
Description |
For infants or children, this is the date (month, day, and year) on which breastfeeding status was reported. Date must be reported in MMDDYYYY format. |
Column position |
177–184 |
Field length |
8 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
T A State agency may report breastfeeding data for additional infant and child WIC participants if this approach is better suited to the configuration of the State agency's automated processing system. Some State agencies may not update this field every time breastfeeding status is confirmed. In these cases, the date of the most recent food issuance or office visit may be used as a proxy for the most recent date breastfeeding data were collected if breastfeeding status was confirmed during the visit. A Any part of the date that is missing or unavailable should be left blank. For infants and children reported as no longer breastfeeding in the State agency’s system, there is no need to repeat the breastfeeding questions when these infants and children are aged 6 through 13 months. However, the State agency must ensure the data accurately reflect the full breastfeeding duration for each infant and child participant. State or local agency staff can verify this information when the infant or child is aged 6 through 13 months. The date of this administrative validation should be entered as the date of breastfeeding data collected. The agency should consult its WIC administrator to determine which process to use. The State agency should be sure to document derivation of dates when submitting its data file. Entries in column positions 177–184 are essential for analysis of all breastfeeding data entries. Ensure these data are provided along with the data on other breastfeeding items. |
Description, continued |
Example |
For March 3, 2024, the entry would be 03032024 If day is unknown, the entry would be 03 2024 (The missing part of the date—the day—should be left blank.) |
Figure E.1. Flowchart of Breastfeeding Questions for WIC Minimum Data Set PC 2024
D |
Note: State agencies have the option of providing food data in a food package format or in an item-quantity format. The item-quantity format is preferred.
Description |
These are item codes and quantities for all food items prescribed for the participant during the month of the reference date used to pull the data. |
Column position |
Item Code |
Position |
Quantity |
Position |
a. Item Code 1 |
185–191 |
a. Quantity 1 |
192–194 |
b. Item Code 2 |
195–201 |
b. Quantity 2 |
202–204 |
c. Item Code 3 |
205–211 |
c. Quantity 3 |
212–214 |
d. Item Code 4 |
215–221 |
d. Quantity 4 |
222–224 |
e. Item Code 5 |
225–231 |
e. Quantity 5 |
232–234 |
f. Item Code 6 |
235–241 |
f. Quantity 6 |
242–244 |
g. Item Code 7 |
245–251 |
g. Quantity 7 |
252–254 |
h. Item Code 8 |
255–261 |
h. Quantity 8 |
262–264 |
i. Item Code 9 |
265–271 |
i. Quantity 9 |
272–274 |
j. Item Code 10 |
275–281 |
j. Quantity 10 |
282–284 |
k. Item Code 11 |
285–291 |
k. Quantity 11 |
292–294 |
l. Item Code 12 |
295–301 |
l. Quantity 12 |
302–304 |
m. Item Code 13 |
305–311 |
m. Quantity 13 |
312–314 |
n. Item Code 14 |
315–321 |
n. Quantity 14 |
322–324 |
Field length |
10 for each item/quantity combination; 140 total |
Data type |
Alphanumeric |
Notes |
Using this format, State agencies can report up to 14 food items and quantities. Each item code can include up to seven characters, and each quantity can include up to three characters. State agencies that cannot fully report their food codes using these specifications should contact Westat for guidance on developing an alternative file layout. E |
Description |
These are food package code(s) for the WIC food package or for all food instruments prescribed for the participant as of the reference date used to pull the data. |
Column position |
Item Code |
Position |
a. Food Package Code 1 |
185–194 |
b. Food Package Code 2 |
195–204 |
c. Food Package Code 3 |
205–214 |
d. Food Package Code 4 |
215–224 |
e. Food Package Code 5 |
225–234 |
f. Food Package Code 6 |
235–244 |
g. Food Package Code 7 |
245–254 |
h. Food Package Code 8 |
255–264 |
i. Food Package Code 9 |
265–274 |
j. Food Package Code 10 |
275–284 |
k. Food Package Code 11 |
285–294 |
l. Food Package Code 12 |
295–304 |
m. Food Package Code 13 |
305–314 |
n. Food Package Code 14 |
315–324 |
Field length |
10 for each code; 140 total |
Data type |
Alphanumeric |
Notes |
Using this format, State agencies can report up to 14 food package codes—each 10 characters. State agencies that cannot fully report their food codes using these specifications should contact Westat for guidance on developing an alternative file layout. E |
Description |
This is the participant’s final rule food package descriptor. This descriptor uniquely represents the participant’s FNS food package number (I through VII), participant type, breastfeeding status, and (for infants and children only) age. This is to be reported as a number from 1 to 28 as defined in the table that follows: |
Food Package Type |
Participant Type |
Food |
Rule |
Age |
Category |
1 |
Infants |
Food Package I |
I-FF-A |
0–3.9 months |
Fully formula-fed |
2 |
I-FF-B |
4–5.9 months |
Fully formula-fed |
3 |
0–0.9 months |
Partially breastfed |
4 |
1–3.9 months |
Partially breastfed |
5 |
4–5.9 months |
Partially breastfed |
6 |
I-BF-A |
0–3.9 months |
Fully breastfed |
7 |
I-BF-B |
4–5.9 months |
Fully breastfed |
8 |
Food Package II |
6–11.9 months |
Fully formula-fed |
9 |
6–11.9 months |
Partially breastfed |
10 |
6–11.9 months |
Fully breastfed |
11 |
Medical |
Food Package III |
0–3.9 months |
Fully formula-fed |
12 |
4–5.9 months |
Fully formula-fed |
13 |
0–0.9 months |
Partially breastfed |
14 |
1–3.9 months |
Partially breastfed |
15 |
4–5.9 months |
Partially breastfed |
16 |
6–11.9 months |
Fully formula-fed |
17 |
6–11.9 months |
Partially breastfed |
18 |
1–1.9 years |
Children |
19 |
2–4.9 years |
Children |
20 |
Women |
Pregnant and partially breastfeeding (up to 1 year postpartum) |
21 |
Women |
Non-breastfeeding postpartum and partially (minimally) breast feeding (up to 6 months postpartum) |
22 |
Women |
Fully breastfeeding (up to 1 year postpartum) |
23 |
Children |
Food Package IV |
IV-A |
1–1.9 years |
Children |
24 |
IV-B |
2–4.9 years |
Children |
25 |
Women |
Food Package V |
V |
Women |
Pregnant and partially (mostly) breastfeeding (up to 1 year postpartum) |
26 |
Food Package VI |
VI |
Women |
Non-breastfeeding postpartum and partially (minimally) breastfeeding (up to 6 months postpartum) |
27 |
Food Package VII |
Women |
Fully breastfeeding; partially (mostly) breastfeeding multiples; pregnant with multiples |
28 |
No Food Package |
N/A |
Women |
Partially (minimally) breastfeeding (more than 6 months postpartum) |
Column position |
325–326 |
Field length |
2 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
Food Package Type should correspond to the participant’s Food Code(s). |
Description |
This is the date (month, day, and year) on which the participant was first certified for WIC. Date must be reported in MMDDYYYY format. For pregnant women, this item applies to the current pregnancy and not to prior pregnancies. For breastfeeding and postpartum women, this item applies to the most recent pregnancy. For infants and children, this item refers to the first WIC certification ever recorded. |
Column position |
327–334 |
Field length |
8 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
A Any part of the date that is missing or not available should be left blank. |
Example |
For January 3, 2024, the entry would be 01032024 If day is unknown, the entry would be 01 2024 (The missing part of the date—the day—should be left blank.) |
Description |
For women, this is the highest grade of school (0–12) or year of college (13, 14, 15, 16 . . .) completed by the participant; for infants and children, this is the highest grade of school or year of college completed by the mother or primary caretaker. |
Column position |
335–336 |
Field length |
2 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
0–18 |
Notes |
Zero is a valid entry for this item and should be used for any WIC participant who has completed less than 1 year of school. I |
Description |
This is the number of people in the participant's household (the economic unit used for WIC certification) enrolled in WIC in the reference date used to pull the data; for example, all those individuals who have the same family identifier. |
Column position |
337–338 |
Field length |
2 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
1–20 |
Notes |
This number should be no greater than the number in the economic unit entered in item 12. |
Description |
This is the date (month, day, and year) on which the pregnant woman participant’s previous pregnancy ended. Date must be reported in MMDDYYYY format. |
Column position |
339–346 |
Field length |
8 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
A Any part of the date that is missing or not available should be left blank. |
Example |
For January 3, 2023, the entry would be 01032023 If day is unknown, the entry would be 01 2023 (The missing part of the date—the day—should be left blank.) |
Description |
This is the total number of times the pregnant woman participant has been pregnant, including this pregnancy and any pregnancies resulting in birth, miscarriage, abortion, or stillbirth. |
Column position |
347–348 |
Field length |
2 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
1–20 |
Notes |
T T Zero is not a valid entry for this item. |
Description |
This is the total number of babies born alive to the pregnant woman participant, including those infants who may have died shortly after birth. |
Column position |
349–350 |
Field length |
2 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
0–20 |
Notes |
T Zero is a valid entry for this item and should be used for reporting information on women who have experienced no previous live births. I |
Description |
This is the pregnant woman participant’s weight immediately prior to pregnancy in whole pounds. This item may be supplied instead of Participant’s Prepregnancy Weight in Grams (item 27b). |
Column position |
351–353 |
Field length |
3 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
T Prepregnancy weight may be reported in either pounds and quarter pounds or grams. |
Example |
For a weight of 120 pounds 8 ounces, the entry would be 120 The number of ounces is reported as quarter pounds in item 27a(ii). |
Description |
This is the nearest quarter pound of the pregnant woman participant’s weight immediately prior to pregnancy. |
Column position |
354 |
Field length |
1 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
0–3 |
Notes |
This item should be reported only if prepregnancy weight in pounds [item 27a(i)] is reported.
T Prepregnancy weight may be reported in either pounds and quarter pounds or grams. |
Example |
For a weight of 120 pounds 8 ounces, the entry would be 2 (8 ounces = 2 quarter pounds) The number of whole pounds is reported in item 27a(i). |
Description |
This is the pregnant woman participant’s weight immediately prior to pregnancy in grams. This item may be supplied instead of Prepregnancy Weight in Pounds (item 27a). |
Column position |
355–360 |
Field length |
6 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
T Prepregnancy weight may be reported in either pounds and quarter pounds or grams. |
Description |
This is the breastfeeding or postpartum woman participant’s weight change (i.e., gain or loss) in pounds during pregnancy as measured at or immediately prior to delivery. This item may be supplied instead of Participant’s Weight Change in Grams (item 28b). |
Column position |
361–363 |
Field length |
3 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
-20–50 |
Notes |
T Weight change during pregnancy may be reported in either pounds and quarter pounds or grams. If weight loss is reported, insert a negative sign (-) before the value. |
Example |
For a weight gain of 20 pounds 4 ounces, the entry would be 20 For a weight loss of 20 pounds 4 ounces, the entry would be -20 The number of ounces is reported as quarter pounds in item 28a(ii). |
Description |
This is the nearest quarter pound of the breastfeeding or postpartum woman participant’s weight change as measured during pregnancy. |
Column position |
364 |
Field length |
1 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
0–3 |
Notes |
This item should be reported only if weight change during pregnancy in pounds [item 28a(i)] is reported. T Weight change during pregnancy may be reported in either pounds and quarter pounds or grams. |
Example |
For a weight gain of 20 pounds 4 ounces, the entry would be 1 (4 ounces = 1 quarter pound) For a weight loss of 20 pounds 4 ounces, the entry would also be 1 (4 ounces = 1 quarter pound) Note that whether the 4 ounces were part of a weight gain or weight loss will be based on the presence of a negative sign in item 28a(i). The number of whole pounds is reported in item 28a(i). |
Description |
This is the breastfeeding or postpartum woman participant’s weight change (i.e., gain or loss)in grams during pregnancy as measured at or immediately prior to delivery. This item may be supplied instead of Weight Change During Pregnancy in Pounds (item 28a). |
Column position |
365–370 |
Field length |
6 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
-10000–25000 |
Notes |
T Weight change during pregnancy may be reported in either pounds and quarter pounds or grams. If weight loss is reported, insert a negative sign (-) preceding the value. |
Description |
This is the infant or child participant’s birth weight in whole pounds. This item may be supplied instead of Birth Weight in Grams (item 29b). |
Column position |
371–372 |
Field length |
2 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
T Birth weight may be reported in either pounds and ounces or grams. |
Example |
For a birth weight of 7 pounds 12 ounces, the entry would be “ 7” The number of ounces is reported in item 29a(ii). I |
Description |
This is the nearest number of ounces of the infant or child participant’s weight at birth. |
Column position |
373–374 |
Field length |
2 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
0–15 |
Notes |
This item should be reported only if weight in pounds [item 29a(i)] is reported. This item should be reported only for infants and children. Birth weight may be reported in either pounds and ounces or grams. |
Example |
F 12 The number of whole pounds is reported in item 29a(i). |
Description |
This is the infant or child participant’s birth weight in grams. This item may be supplied instead of Birth Weight in Pounds [(item 29a(i)]. |
Column position |
375–378 |
Field length |
4 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
T Birth weight may be reported in either pounds and ounces or grams. |
Description |
This is the infant or child participant’s length at birth in whole inches. This item may be supplied instead of Length at Birth in Centimeters [(item 30a(ii)]. |
Column position |
379–380 |
Field length |
2 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
T Birth length may be reported in either inches and one-eighth inches or centimeters. |
Example |
For a birth length of 20.5 inches, the entry would be 20 The fractional number of inches is reported in item 30a(ii). |
Description |
This is the nearest eighth of an inch of the infant or child participant’s length at birth. |
Column position |
381 |
Field length |
1 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
0–7 |
Notes |
This item should be reported only if birth length in inches [item 30a(i)] is reported. T Birth length may be reported in either inches and one-eighth inches or centimeters. |
Example |
For a birth length of 20.5 inches, the entry would be 4 (one-half inch = 4 one-eighth inches) The number of whole inches is reported in item 30a(i). |
Description |
This is the infant or child participant’s length at birth to the nearest tenth of a centimeter (XX.Y), with a single implied decimal place—for example, 30.5 should be coded as 305. This item may be supplied instead of Length at Birth in Inches (item 30a). |
Column position |
382–384 |
Field length |
3 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
T Birth length may be reported in either inches and one-eighth inches or centimeters. |
Description |
This indicates whether the participant receives Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations benefits. 1 = Yes 2 = No |
Column position |
385 |
Field length |
1 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Allowable values |
1–2 |
Description |
This is the household identification number. This variable will be used to link MIS and EBT data, so it must match what the State agency uses in its EBT system. |
Column position |
386–421 |
Field length |
36 |
Data type |
Alphanumeric |
Description |
This identifies EBT card issued for the participant. This card number will be unique to the household but may vary over time if the card is reissued. |
Column position |
422–437 |
Field length |
16 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This is the ZIP Code for the participant’s home address. |
Column position |
438–442 |
Field length |
5 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This is the reference month for the record. All people on the WIC master list or certified to receive benefits in a month should have a record for that month in the data submission. |
Column position |
443–450 |
Field length |
8 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Special instructions |
Use MMDDYYYY format. If no specific day of the month is used to pull the record, leave the day blank, as in “MM YYYY” |
Description |
This is the State agency where the participant is enrolled. |
EBT data files |
Issuance; Redemption; Approved product list; Vendor list |
Column position (Issuance) |
1–7 |
Column position (Redemption) |
1–7 |
Column position (APL) |
1–7 |
Column position (Vendor list) |
1–7 |
Field length |
7 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Special instructions |
Using the 10-digit identification code used in the WIC Local Agency Directory maintained by FNS, enter the first 7 digits. |
Description |
This is unique number that permits linkage to the WIC household. This should be the same ID as the household ID in the MIS data. |
EBT data files |
Issuance; Redemption |
Column position (Issuance) |
8–43 |
Column position (Redemption) |
8–43 |
Field length |
36 |
Data type |
Character |
Special instructions |
This should be the same ID as the household ID in the MIS data. |
Description |
This ID identifies the EBT card used for benefit issuance and redemption. |
EBT data files |
Issuance; Redemption |
Column position (Issuance) |
44–59 |
Column position (Redemption) |
44–59 |
Field length |
16 |
Data type |
Character |
Notes |
For issuance, this is an optional field. For redemption, this field is required.
Description |
This data element describes the reasons for issuance action. 001 = Activate or add 002 = Change or update 003 = Deactivate or delete 004 = Reserved 005 = Reactivate or unlock 006 = Hold |
EBT data files |
Issuance |
Column position |
60–62 |
Field length |
3 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This is the unique ID identifying benefit issuance at WIC MIS account ID level. |
EBT data files |
Issuance; Redemption |
Column position (Issuance) |
63–98 |
Column position (Redemption) |
60–95 |
Field length |
36 |
Data type |
Character |
Special instructions |
Note: for redemption, this is an optional field. This is required for issuance.
Description |
This is the first date benefits can be redeemed for each month in MMDDYYYY format. |
4EBT data files |
Issuance; Redemption |
Column position (Issuance) |
99–106 |
Column position (Redemption) |
96–103 |
Field length |
8 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Example |
For January 3, 2024, the entry would be 01032024 If day is unknown, the entry would be 01 2024 (The missing part of the date—the day—should be left blank.) |
Description |
This is the last date benefits can be redeemed for each month in MMDDYYYY format. |
EBT data files |
Issuance; Redemption |
Column position (Issuance) |
107–114 |
Column position (Redemption) |
104–111 |
Field length |
8 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Example |
For January 3, 2024, the entry would be 01032024 If day is unknown, the entry would be 01 2024 (The missing part of the date—the day—should be left blank.) |
Description |
This is the quantity of the food item issued that can be redeemed. There is a unique benefit quantity for each benefit issuance ID. |
EBT data files |
Issuance |
Column position |
115–124 |
Field length |
10 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This is a two-digit code describing food group. If your EBT system tracks category and subcategory codes in one field, include the full five-digit code here. |
EBT data files |
Issuance; Redemption; Approved Product List |
Column position (Issuance) |
125–126 |
Column position (Redemption) |
112–113 |
Column position (APL) |
8–9 |
Field length |
2 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Special instructions |
If your EBT system tracks category and subcategory codes in one field, include the full five-digit code starting in the first column listed above. |
Description |
This is a three-digit code used in conjunction with the category code to identify food type, brand, and/or size. If your EBT system tracks category and subcategory codes in one field, provide the five-digit code for E9a. |
EBT data files |
Issuance; Redemption; Approved Product List |
Column position (Issuance) |
127–129 |
Column position (Redemption) |
114–116 |
Column position (APL) |
10–12 |
Field length |
3 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Special instructions |
If your EBT system tracks category and subcategory codes in one field, include the full five-digit code starting in the first column listed for element E9a. |
Description |
This is a text description of food category. |
EBT data files |
Issuance; Redemption; Approved Product List |
Column position (Issuance) |
130–159 |
Column position (Redemption) |
117–206 |
Column position (APL) |
13–42 |
Field length |
30 |
Data type |
Character |
Special instructions |
If your EBT system tracks category and subcategory descriptions in the same field, provide the full description under “subcategory description.” |
Description |
This is a text description of food subcategory. |
EBT data files |
Issuance; Redemption; Approved Product List |
Column position (Issuance) |
160–219 |
Column position (Redemption) |
147–206 |
Column position (APL) |
43–102 |
Field length |
60 |
Data type |
Character |
Special instructions |
If your EBT system tracks category and subcategory descriptions in the same field, provide the full description under “subcategory description.” |
Description |
This element Identifies each WIC vendor where purchases occur. |
EBT data files |
Redemption; Vendor list |
Column position (Redemption) |
207–214 |
Column position (Vendor list) |
8–15 |
Field length |
8 |
Data type |
Character |
Special instructions |
The Vendor ID should match Vendor ID in the Vendor List. |
Description |
This is an identifier for each WIC vendor's peer group for cost-containment purposes. |
EBT data files |
Redemption; Vendor list |
Column position (Redemption) |
215–217 |
Column position (Vendor list) |
16–18 |
Field length |
3 |
Data type |
Character |
Special instructions |
This ID should match the Peer Group ID in the Vendor List. |
Description |
This is the amount, in U.S. dollars, deducted from gross transaction amount, accounting for coupons or other reductions. |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
218–224 |
Field length |
7 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
Amount, in U.S. dollars, paid for each transaction. The amount should equal Amount, Paid (E28) after adjusting for Amount, NTE [not-to-exceed] adjustment (E26) and Amount, Recoupment Adjustment (E27) multiplied by Purchase Quantity (E39) |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
225–231 |
Field length |
7 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
Amount, in U.S. dollars, equal to the sum of all adjustments to reported line items |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
232–238 |
Field length |
7 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
Original amount, in U.S. dollars, of transaction before adjustments and discounts |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
239–245 |
Field length |
7 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This is the date and time a transaction occurred based on date/time on EBT processor system. Please use format MMDDYYYYHHMM. |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
246–257 |
Field length |
12 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Example |
A transaction occurring at 11:45am on April 10, 2023 would be coded as 041020231145. A transaction occurring at 1:45pm on May 22, 2022 would be coded as 052220221345. |
Description |
This is the date and time a transaction occurred based on date/time on the date and time in the WIC vendor system. Please use format MMDDYYYYHHMM. |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
258–269 |
Field length |
12 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Example |
A transaction occurring at 11:45am on April 10, 2023 would be coded as 041020231145. A transaction occurring at 1:45pm on May 22, 2022 would be coded as 052220221345. |
Description |
This is the calendar date a transaction occurred or date reported by EBT system in MMDDYYYY format. |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
270–277 |
Field length |
8 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Example |
For January 3, 2024, the entry would be 01032024 If day is unknown, the entry would be 01 2024 (The missing part of the date—the day—should be left blank.) |
Description |
This is the calendar date the financial reconciliation was completed, recorded by EBT system in MMDDYYYY format. |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
278–285 |
Field length |
8 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Example |
For January 3, 2024, the entry would be 01032024 If day is unknown, the entry would be 01 2024 (The missing part of the date—the day—should be left blank.) |
Description |
This element Identifies the original EBT transaction. The ID is assigned by the WIC EBT system interface. |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
286–317 |
Field length |
32 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This element identifies action taken in response to request. |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
318–327 |
Field length |
10 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Special instructions |
This element is required for WIC online EBT but may not appear for offline State agencies |
Description |
This element Identifies transaction type (e.g., purchase, void, adjustment). |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
328–337 |
Field length |
10 |
Data type |
Character |
Description |
This element identifies unique EBT transactions within WIC MIS and WIC EBT system and contains information on approval codes. |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
338–369 |
Field length |
32 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This is the amount, in U.S. dollars, deducted from item price for individual food item. |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
370–376 |
Field length |
7 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This is the amount, in U.S. dollars, of adjustment applied to price because original item price exceeds price range designated for peer group. |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
377–383 |
Field length |
7 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
NTE = not to exceed |
Description |
This is the amount, in U.S. dollars, of adjustment applied to price of food item. |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
384–390 |
Field length |
7 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This is the amount, in U.S. dollars, paid at item level equals sum of all reported prices minus Amount, Item Discount (E25) at item level. |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
391–397 |
Field length |
7 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This describes benefit unit of measure (e.g., can, pkg, jar). Please provide only first six characters. |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
398–407 |
Field length |
10 |
Data type |
Character |
Special instructions |
Please provide only first six characters. |
Description |
This element identifies action taken on item. This item is not required for offline EBT systems. |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
408–410 |
Field length |
3 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Special instructions |
This item is not required for offline EBT systems. |
Description |
This is a description of the food item. |
EBT data files |
Redemption; Approved Product List |
Column position (Redemption) |
411–470 |
Column position (APL) |
103–162 |
Field length |
60 |
Data type |
Character |
Description |
This is the purchase amount, in U.S. dollars, assigned to one unit of food item, usually after adjustment. |
EBT data files |
Redemption; Approved Product List |
Column position (Redemption) |
471–476 |
Column position (APL) |
163–168 |
Field length |
6 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This element identifies the line item within the transaction. |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
477–479 |
Field length |
3 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Special instructions |
This element is required if food item requires multiple records to indicate units across Subcategory Codes (E9b) or Benefit Issuance ID (E5). |
Description |
This element Identifies food category, assigned to the Universal Product Code or Price Look-Up. |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
480–481 |
Field length |
2 |
Data type |
Character |
Description |
This is the requested item price, in U.S. dollars, before any adjustments. |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
482–487 |
Field length |
6 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This is the number of food items or quantity of a food item requested in Unit of Measure (E40) in the Universal Product Code or Price Look-Up. |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
488–489 |
Field length |
2 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This element identifies food subcategory, assigned to the Universal Product Code or Price Look-Up. |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
490–492 |
Field length |
3 |
Data type |
Character |
Description |
This is the size of the redeemed food item in standard units of measure. |
EBT data files |
Redemption; Approved Product List |
Column position (Redemption) |
493–498 |
Column position (APL) |
169–174 |
Field length |
6 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This is the approved purchase quantity by prorated amount of benefit units applied to food item. |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
499–500 |
Field length |
2 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This element Identifies quantity of food items as described on container (e.g., ounce, pound, quart). |
EBT data files |
Redemption; Approved Product List |
Column position (Redemption) |
501–506 |
Column position (APL) |
175–180 |
Field length |
6 |
Data type |
Character |
Description |
This is the number of units of redeemed food items being reported. |
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
507–509 |
Field length |
3 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This element identifies the Universal Product Code (UPC) or Price Look-Up (PLU) assigned to a food item. This element contains four subelements:
EBT data files |
Redemption |
Column position |
510–534 |
Field length |
25 |
Data type |
Character |
Notes |
UPC = Universal Product Code PLU = Price Look-Up |
Description |
This identifier is assigned to every record in file, in sequential order, beginning with 1 and incremented by 1 for each subsequent record on file. |
EBT data files |
Approved Product List |
Column position |
181–190 |
Field length |
10 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This element describes the type of message in the Approved Product List file (e.g., Universal Product Code/Product Look-Up store file). |
EBT data files |
Approved Product List |
Column position |
191–193 |
Field length |
3 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This indicates whether item is Universal Product Code (UPC) or Price Look-Up (PLU). |
EBT data files |
Approved Product List |
Column position |
194–196 |
Field length |
3 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This is the Universal Product Code or Price Look-Up code that identifies the approved food item. |
EBT data files |
Approved Product List |
Column position |
197–214 |
Field length |
18 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This element indicates the quantity of an item that is deducted from the benefit issuance. |
EBT data files |
Approved Product List |
Column position |
215–217 |
Field length |
3 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This element standardizes display of the food item’s issued size on the receipt. |
EBT data files |
Approved Product List |
Column position |
218–227 |
Field length |
10 |
Data type |
Character |
Description |
This element indicates the type of price for the food item (e.g., maximum price allowed, cash-value benefit item, reserved for national or private use). |
EBT data files |
Approved Product List |
Column position |
228–237 |
Field length |
10 |
Data type |
Character |
Description |
This element advises the WIC vendor of the first full day food is available for purchase. |
EBT data files |
Approved Product List |
Column position |
238–245 |
Field length |
8 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Example |
For January 3, 2024, the entry would be 01032024 If day is unknown, the entry would be 01 2024 (The missing part of the date—the day—should be left blank.) |
Description |
This is the last full day the food item is available for purchase, in MMDDYYYY format. |
EBT data files |
Approved Product List |
Column position |
246–253 |
Field length |
8 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Example |
For January 3, 2024, the entry would be 01032024 If day is unknown, the entry would be 01 2024 (The missing part of the date—the day—should be left blank.) |
Description |
This is the length of the Universal Product Code or Price Look-Up; value includes check digit as significant digit. |
EBT data files |
Approved Product List |
Column position |
254–255 |
Field length |
2 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This identifies whether the food item may be purchased with benefits issued to a specific subcategory (e.g., 001) or broadband subcategory (e.g., 000). |
EBT data files |
Approved Product List |
Column position |
256–258 |
Field length |
3 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This element indicates whether the item is allowed for purchase with a manual voucher. |
EBT data files |
Approved Product List |
Column position |
259 |
Field length |
1 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This element indicates whether WIC sales account for more than 50 percent of total food sales for the vendor (i.e., vendor is an A-50 vendor) |
EBT data files |
Vendor List |
Column position |
19 |
Field length |
1 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This element identifies the action for each observation: 001 = Activate or add 002 = Change or update 003 = Deactivate or delete 004 = Reserved 005 = Reactivate or unlock 006 = Hold |
EBT data files |
Vendor List |
Column position |
20–22 |
Field length |
3 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This is the first line of the vendor’s physical location street address. |
EBT data files |
Vendor List |
Column position |
23–54 |
Field length |
32 |
Data type |
Character |
Notes |
Not mailing address |
Description |
This is the second line of the vendor’s physical location street address. |
EBT data files |
Vendor List |
Column position |
55–86 |
Field length |
32 |
Data type |
Character |
Notes |
Not mailing address |
Description |
This is the city of the vendor’s physical location street address. |
EBT data files |
Vendor List |
Column position |
87–102 |
Field length |
16 |
Data type |
Character |
Notes |
Not mailing address |
Description |
This is the State of the vendor’s physical location street address. |
EBT data files |
Vendor List |
Column position |
103–104 |
Field length |
2 |
Data type |
Character |
Notes |
Not mailing address |
Description |
This is the ZIP Code of the vendor’s physical location street address. |
EBT data files |
Vendor List |
Column position |
105–109 |
Field length |
5 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
Not mailing address |
Description |
This is the total amount, in U.S. dollars, of food sales reported by the WIC vendor. |
EBT data files |
Vendor List |
Column position |
110–119 |
Field length |
10 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This is the official business name of the WIC vendor. |
EBT data files |
Vendor List |
Column position |
120–155 |
Field length |
36 |
Data type |
Character |
Description |
This is an identifier of the corporation associated with the WIC vendor. |
EBT data files |
Vendor List |
Column position |
156–159 |
Field length |
4 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Description |
This is the first date the vendor was active and accepting WIC, in MMDDYYYY format. |
EBT data files |
Vendor List |
Column position |
160–167 |
Field length |
8 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Example |
For January 3, 2024, the entry would be 01032024 If day is unknown, the entry would be 01 2024 (The missing part of the date—the day—should be left blank.) |
Description |
This is the date vendor action is effective, in MMDDYYYY format. |
EBT data files |
Vendor List |
Column position |
168–175 |
Field length |
8 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Example |
For January 3, 2024, the entry would be 01032024 If day is unknown, the entry would be 01 2024 (The missing part of the date—the day—should be left blank.) |
Description |
This is the last date vendor accepts WIC, in MMDDYYYY format. |
EBT data files |
Vendor List |
Column position |
176–183 |
Field length |
8 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Example |
For January 3, 2024, the entry would be 01032024 If day is unknown, the entry would be 01 2024 (The missing part of the date—the day—should be left blank.) |
Description |
This ID is assigned by SNAP and identifies the retail location. |
EBT data files |
Vendor List |
Column position |
184–190 |
Field length |
7 |
Data type |
Numeric |
Notes |
SNAP = Special Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program |
Description |
This code indicates the reason for the Action described in element E56. |
EBT data files |
Vendor List |
Column position |
191–193 |
Field length |
7 |
Data type |
Character |
Description |
This element describes the entity being acted on or reported in element E56. |
EBT data files |
Vendor List |
Column position |
194 |
Field length |
1 |
Data type |
Character |
1 State agencies that do not issue benefits via EBT are not required to submit EBT data.
2 In contrast, for regulatory reporting, participation is defined as the number of certified individuals who claim their WIC food instruments each month.
3 For this and other references to WIC regulations in the descriptions of the MDS data items, see Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (2014a).
4 State agencies that do not issue benefits via EBT are not required to submit EBT data.
5 Note that official definitions of racial categories do not always adhere to current standards for preferred language. Definitions as written in this Guidance are from
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Nancy McKenzie |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-12-12 |