
Community Noise Mitigation Program Grant Proposals


OMB: 0704-0681

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OMB Control Number: 0704-CNMP

OMB Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX

Agency Disclosure Notice

The public reporting burden for this collection of information, 0704-CNMP, is estimated to average 40 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or burden reduction suggestions to the Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, at [email protected]. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number.

Proposal and Submission Information

1. Proposal Submission Package

Proposals must be submitted electronically as described in Section D., paragraph 4.

2. Content and Form of Proposal Submission

Each interested respondent must submit a complete proposal, including a completed but unsigned Standard Form 424, through Grants.gov not later than the Proposal Deadline (see Section D., paragraph 4.). Please refer to the instructions provided with the Grants.gov Notice of Funding Opportunity on how to complete the Standard Form 424.

A proposal may not exceed twenty pages (20) (single-sided, single-spaced with 1-inch margins, 11-point Times New Roman font), including all maps, drawings and attachments. The unsigned Standard Form 424, real property information, and documents showing that the project is construction-ready do not count against this twenty-page (20) limit. To be considered complete, a proposal shall include the following information:

  1. Cover Page: All submissions must include a cover page that includes the information and only the information specified in this Part A. Submitters may access at their discretion a template to use for this Cover Page from this web link (INSERT WEBLINK).

  1. Proposing Entity Name & Contact Information. Include: entity name, Unique Entity Identifier (UEI), primary point of contact name, e-mail address, and organization address.

  2. Project Name.

  3. Grants.gov Tracking Number (assigned to proposers once they log into Grants.gov and create a workspace based on a grant opportunity number).

  4. Project Need. Description of the cause of the noise as it relates to eligibility for this program. Information may include installation mission description including the name of the installation or civil airport location and type of aircraft flown. If the military installation has transitioned to a new type or model of aircraft after January 1, 2019, please state the type of aircraft and the date of initial operational capability at the location.

  5. Status of Local Project Cost Share Contributions. Indicate (select only one): proposal includes at least a ten percent (10%) local project cost share contribution, or proposal is being used to meet the local match requirement associated with the Federal Aviation Administration’s financial assistance to airport sponsors for noise mitigation (https://www.faa.gov/airports/aip).

  6. For projects including a ten percent (10%) local project cost share contribution, indicate (select all that apply): all proposed local project cost share contributions are currently available and under the control of the potential Grantee; all proposed local project cost share contributions are not currently under the control of the potential Grantee but will be available for use based upon the project implementation schedule; proposed non-Federal project cost contributions include funding from another (non-Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation) Federal grant source that has already been awarded (e.g., financial agreement signed as of the date of this proposal); and, proposed local project cost share contribution has been / or will be used to pay for costs listed in the project budget that are not allowed to be reimbursed with these grant funds, such as design, planning, environmental, indirect, and other soft costs.

B. Military Installation or Civil Airport Noise Contour Validation: A letter from the Installation Commander, Guard or Reserve Commander (or Military Department Headquarters), validating that the Air Installation Compatible Use Zone is current or a letter from the Civil Airport Sponsor validating the Noise Exposure Map is current. This letter should also state that the installation or Guard/Reserve Commander and/or Civil Airport Sponsor is willing to support the community’s execution of the project, to include assisting the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation with any technical review of required National Environmental Policy Act environmental planning documents for the proposed project.

C. Compatible Land Use Background: The status and description of other studies, such as (but not limited to) civil airport noise compatibility plans, installation / community-driven compatible use studies, or establishment of a Noise Compatibility Program for civil airport locations. This should include a description of activities that have been undertaken by the community to make lands compatible within the established noise contours prepared in accordance with Department of Defense Instruction 4165.57, Table 2, and 14 C.F.R. Part 150, Table 1 in Appendix A.

This should also include a description of the current land use around an installation or civil airport by identifying the percentage of undeveloped land within noise contours and percentage of those lands that are protected (e.g., zoning, conservation, etc.) as compatible in accordance with Department of Defense Instruction 4165.57, Table 2 or 14 C.F.R. Part 150, Appendix A – Noise Exposure Maps, Table 1 for civil airport locations (see resources at https://oldcc.gov/our-programs/community-noise-mitigation).

D. Project Description: Narrative summary of the proposed activities to be undertaken with the combination of Community Noise Mitigation Program funds, local project cost share funds, and any other sources. The description must include:

  1. An explanation of the overall strategy and approach to prioritizing noise mitigation activities within the noise contour footprint (65 decibels and greater) and how the specific project addresses lowering noise levels within covered facilities based on the severity of noise;

  2. A socioeconomic description of the entire noise contour footprint, including a map depicting the project area(s) in relationship to the installation or civil airport that includes labeled noise contours and identifies types of covered facilities;

  3. A list of entities involved in implementing the Community Noise Mitigation Program along with roles and responsibilities (e.g., state or local governments, etc.); and,

  4. A list of real property data for each covered facility proposed for noise mitigation, as part of this project, including type of covered facility, address, primary structure-built date, type of construction, and existing zoning (real property data does not count towards page limitation and may be provided as an attachment).

E. Project Information: A demonstration of the technical feasibility of the project to include pre-construction acoustical testing results and post-construction acoustical plan identifying Sound Transmission Class (STC) or Outdoor-to-Indoor Transmission Class (OITC) ratings for existing structures and the determined required Sound Transmission Class materials being recommended to attenuate each structure.

  • Pre-Construction Acoustical Testing

    • Must include contractor statement of qualifications. One or more of these statements may be attached as appendices and do not count towards the total page count.

    • Pre-construction acoustical testing must have been completed for ten percent (10%) of typical structures and/or rooms to demonstrate that the interior noise levels are above 45 decibels.

    • For one-of-a-kind structures, it is likely that no two rooms are the same. Therefore, applicants will do pre-construction acoustical testing in all variations of rooms. If identical rooms are present in these structures, then a minimum of two rooms should be tested.

  • Post-Construction Acoustical Testing Plan

    • Proposers must develop a post-construction acoustical testing plan to demonstrate:

    • Contractor statement of qualifications. One or more of these statements may be attached as appendices, and not count towards the total page count.

    • How they will have met their sound attenuation goals. Not all structures must be tested, depending on the type of structures in the program boundary. The sampled structures must be the same structures they used for pre-construction acoustical testing.

The Federal Aviation Administration issued an Advisory Circular, “Guidelines for Sound Insulation of Structures Exposed to Aircraft Noise” which provides standards and procedures for the development and implementation of sound insulation programs intended to mitigate aircraft noise around airports. These guidelines include acoustic engineering principles, standardized acoustic testing methodology to identify structures that may be non-compatible with aviation noise, determining noise level reductions and establishing boundaries based on noise contours and other considerations and developing plans to conduct pre and post construction acoustical testing. This Advisory Circular is for use by airport operators or sponsors, airport consultants or contractors, and the Federal Aviation Administration. However, all potential applicants may use this Advisory Circular to develop proposals when seeking a grant from Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation under the Community Noise Mitigation Program.

F. Support Letters: Letters of support from all necessary stakeholders including, but not limited to, community development corporations, key elected officials, building and safety officials, other funders, etc. Letters of support do not count towards page count maximum.

G. Sources of Funds: An overview and commitment of all funding sources, including local cost share contribution source funding, that demonstrates a firm commitment and unconditioned availability (including any eligibility of Federal funds to be counted as the funding contribution) to complete the project, and acknowledgement that any cost overruns will be the obligation of the proposer. For projects requiring contributions from individual project participants (e.g., property owners), provide the mechanism for securing these funds.

H. Project Budget: Provide a preliminary breakdown of sources and uses for the proposed project(s) including, but not limited to, cost of project administration, and activity soft and hard costs. Identify the uses of project funding, including a total project cost estimate, with major cost elements broken out for project administration, inspection, renovation/insulation activities, utilities, and contingency costs.

Soft planning costs (i.e., costs that are not direct renovation costs) required for the planning, design, pre- and post-acoustical testing, and execution of the proposed project may be funded by the local project cost share contribution funding. However, all costs must have been incurred after December 27, 2020, the date of enactment of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (Pub. L. 116-133).

I. Project Implementation Schedule: Provide a detailed project timeline that includes, at a minimum, any community engagement, procurement of contractors, development of project guidelines, project entitlements, environmental clearances, construction period, post-acoustical testing, and project completion. Include discussions of the project execution strategy as well as identification of milestones. The proposer must demonstrate that the proposed construction portion of the project can commence within twelve (12) months upon receipt of a grant, that the grant funds will be spent steadily and expeditiously once the project commences, and the project can be completed no later fifty-four (54) months following the grant award.

J. Environmental Compliance:

1. Provide a list and status of all environmental and construction permits, or approvals required for the proposed project, including an anticipated timeframe for issuance of each permit not yet obtained.

2. If awarded a grant, the Grantee will be required to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act by preparing any required environmental analyses pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act implementing regulations at 40 C.F.R. 1500-1508, unless the environmental review was already completed. If already completed, this documentation must be of sufficient quality for the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation to adopt or otherwise make use of for its determination under the applicable laws.

3. If awarded a grant, the Grantee may also be required to comply with other environmental laws with requirements that support but are independent of the National Environmental Policy Act process, including but not limited to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, Clean Air Act, and Environmental Justice executive orders. Records of consultations concluded in accordance with other requirements should be included with the National Environmental Policy Act documentation.

  • The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation expects to consider the affects to potential historic properties via a program alternative pursuant to the National Historic Preservation Act.

K. State and Local Planning: Based on state statute and project scope, projects may require review and approval by other entities. If applicable, proposers must identify whether the proposed projects will be subject to inclusion in state, regional, metropolitan, or local planning approval regimes, or a certification from relevant agencies (e.g., Metropolitan Planning Organization) that projects will be included in any required planning document. The proposer should demonstrate that conformance with applicable state, regional, and/or local planning requirements is attainable within twelve (12) months of grant award. Specific mention of long lead-time permits to include those requiring multi-agency consideration or approval must be presented in the proposal within the context of this twelve (12) month period.

L. Applicant Capacity: Include evidence of the intended Grantee or anticipated subrecipient’s capacity to manage Federal grants or method for securing sufficient administrative capacity for purposes of executing the noise mitigation project. For example, this could be a summary of past Federal funding received, the existence of project staff with federal grant management experience that will manage the project, etc.;

M. Submitting Official: Documentation that the Submitting Official is authorized by the proposer to submit a proposal and subsequently apply for assistance.

N. Attachments: In compliance with the overall application page limit.

Proposals must be complete upon submission. Proposals deemed to be incomplete will not be reviewed. To the extent practicable and subject to the page count restrictions of the proposal, the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation encourages respondents to provide data and evidence of all project merits in a form that is publicly available or verifiable.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorSchuff, Nicholas A CTR WHS ESD
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-07-31

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