OMB #: 0970-XXXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
Voluntary Agencies Matching Grant Program Data Reporting
The purpose of these instructions is to describe the standardized process and format for data submission by resettlement agencies (hereinafter referred to as ‘agencies’), to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) for the Voluntary Agencies Matching Grant (MG) Program Data Reporting. The data submission provides ORR with invaluable information, including client demographics, services utilized, and the outcomes achieved by the population served. The data will be used to inform evidence-based policy making. Agencies are required to submit data to ORR through the ORR data collection website, known as the Refugee Arrivals Data System (RADS). Once data are submitted, ORR will match the file against RADS, per an established procedure.
Required Populations Reported
All populations who enrolled in the MG Program must be included in all forms. The first form is the Client Information Form, which captures client demographics, contact information, and certain case management activities and milestones. The second form is the MG Enrollment Form, which captures MG program enrollment information. The third form is the MG Status Form, which captures MG case status information, including employment information.
Data Submission Timelines
Agencies will upload data for the Client Information Form and MG Enrollment Form on a monthly basis. These forms capture client information and program enrollments for clients enrolled in the previous month. Agencies will upload data for the MG Status Form twice a year. The Status Form captures program outcomes. If Client Information changes after enrollment (for example, if a client moves from Temporary Housing to Permanent Housing, or the client receives an Employment Authorization Document), the updated Client Information Form should be re-uploaded with the next MG Status Form.
The following chart provides a sample timeline of the submission process:
Fiscal Year (FY)
Section |
Frequency |
Data Due Date |
FY2024 Served Population (Oct 2023 - Sep 2024) |
Client Information and MG Enrollment |
Monthly |
By the 2nd business day of the month following the month of enrollment |
MG Status Form |
Every 6 Months |
FY2025 Served Population (Oct 2024 - Sep 2025) |
Client Information and MG Enrollment |
Monthly |
By the 2nd business day of the month following the month of enrollment |
MG Status Form |
Every 6 Months |
April 30, 2025; October 30, 2025 |
FY2026 Served Population (Oct 2025 - Sep 2026) |
Client Information and MG Enrollment |
Monthly |
By the 2nd business day of the month following the month of enrollment |
MG Status Form |
Every 6 Months |
April 30, 2026; October 30, 2026 |
Review and become familiar with the MG Instructions Attachment. While these instructions discuss various examples of what agencies could enter into a field, the Instructions Attachment lists all possible answers that ORR will accept in various fields.
Note that a unique alien number for individuals must only occur on one record (i.e., no duplicate alien numbers across multiple records).
Client Information Form |
Field |
Data |
Notes |
1 |
Alien Number |
6 to 9 digits OR 15 digits for Alternative Identifier |
2 |
Corrected Alien Number |
If applicable |
3 |
First Name |
First name of individual |
4 |
Middle Name |
Middle name of individual, if applicable |
5 |
Last Name |
Last name of individual |
6 |
7 |
Immigration Status |
Eligible immigration status of individual |
8 |
Gender |
Individual’s gender identity |
9 |
Nationality |
Nationality or country of origin of individual |
10 |
Street Address |
Street address where the individual resides |
11 |
Zip Code |
5-digit zip code where individual resides |
12 |
City |
City where individual resides |
13 |
State |
State where the individual resides |
14 |
County |
County where individual resides |
15 |
Individual’s email address |
16 |
Phone Number |
Individual’s phone number |
17 |
Eligibility Date |
mm/dd/yyyy |
18 |
Entry Date |
mm/dd/yyyy |
19 |
EAD Application Submitted |
Y, N or N/A |
20 |
EAD Application Submitted Date |
mm/dd/yyyy |
21 |
EAD Received |
Y, N or N/A |
22 |
EAD Received Date |
mm/dd/yyyy |
23 |
Social Security Application Submitted |
Y/N |
24 |
Social Security Application Submitted Date |
mm/dd/yyyy |
25 |
Social Security Card Received |
Y/N |
26 |
Social Security Card Received Date |
mm/dd/yyyy |
27 |
SNAP Application Submitted |
Y, N or N/A |
28 |
SNAP Application Submitted Date |
mm/dd/yyyy |
29 |
SNAP Approval |
Y, N or N/A |
30 |
SNAP Approval Date |
mm/dd/yyyy |
31 |
Temporary Housing |
Y, N or N/A |
32 |
Temporary Housing Type |
Type of temporary housing |
33 |
Temporary Housing Date |
mm/dd/yyyy |
34 |
Long-term Housing |
Y, N or N/A |
35 |
Long-term Housing Date |
mm/dd/yyyy |
Client Information Form
Alien Number
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the six to nine digit Alien Number without any hyphens or spaces between the numbers. Do not enter an A at the beginning of the number. For clients without an Alien Number or U.S.-born children under 18 years of age receiving ORR benefits, do not enter the child’s social security number or parent’s alien number in the Alien Number field. For these cases, agencies should use the following convention to create an ORR Alternative Identifier: 15 digits total, consisting of: (a) 9 + (b) 2-digit agency ID + (c) 3-digit local office identifier + (d) 9-digit incremental number.
Corrected Alien Number
Mandatory: No
Instruction: See above for general alien number instructions. If individual’s alien number requires correction, enter the new alien number here.
Possible values: 111111…999999999
First Name
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the first name of the individual.
Possible values: N/A
Middle Name
Mandatory: No
Instruction: Enter the middle name of the individual. If multiple middle names, separated with a space. Do not use a comma, hyphen, or forward slash (/) between the middle names. Leave the cell blank if there is no middle name(s).
Possible values: N/A
Last Name
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the last name of the individual. If the last name is hyphenated, include a hyphen or if there are multiple last names include them and separate them with a space.
Possible values: N/A
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the eligible immigration status code of the individual: “REF” for Refugee; “SIV” for Special Immigrant Visa holder; “VOT” for Victim of Trafficking; “ASY” for Asylee; “CHE” for Cuban-Haitian Entrant; “AMR” for Amerasian; “AHP” for Afghan Humanitarian Parolee; or “UHP” for Ukrainian Humanitarian Parolee. For children born in the U.S. within 31 days of their parent’s enrollment in the Matching Grant Program, enter “U.S. born” and the parent’s status. For example, “U.S. born REF” or “U.S. born SIV.” If the two parents have two different immigration statuses, use the Principal Applicant’s status.
Possible values: Please refer to the list of valid immigration statuses in the Instructions Attachment.
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the individual’s gender identity, regardless of sex assigned at birth.
Possible values: Please refer to the list of valid options in the Instructions Attachment.
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the individual’s nationality or country of origin.
Possible values: Please refer to the list of valid country names in the Instructions Attachment. Submitted records with an immigration status (field 8) of “CHE” must have Cuba or Haiti as their nationality, otherwise the file will be rejected and returned to the user to be corrected and re-uploaded into RADS. If the nationality is not listed in the Instructions Attachment, provide the nationality through “contact administrator” link of the RADS application (lower right corner) and ORR will add it to the list. An empty cell is not allowed.
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the street address where the individual resides.
Possible values: An empty cell is not allowed.
Zip Code
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the zip code where the individual resides.
Possible values: Any valid 5-digit zip code. An empty cell is not allowed.
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the name of the city where the individual resides.
Possible values: Please refer to the list of valid city names in the Instructions Attachment. If the city is not listed in the Instructions Attachment, enter the city within the closest proximity. An empty cell is not allowed.
State Code
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the two letter code of the state where the individual resides.
Possible values: Please refer to the list of valid state codes in the Instructions Attachment. An empty cell is not allowed.
Mandatory: No
Instruction: Enter the county where the individual resides.
Possible values: Please refer to the list of valid county names in the Instructions Attachment. If the county is not listed in the Instructions Attachment, enter the county within the closest proximity. An empty cell is not allowed.
Mandatory: No
Instruction: Enter the e-mail address where the individual can be reached.
Possible values: N/A
Phone Number
Mandatory: No
Instruction: Enter the phone number where the individual can be reached.
Possible values: N/A
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the date that the individual became eligible for ORR benefits and services based on immigration status listed in Field 8. Detailed information on eligibility for the Matching Grant Program and other ORR-funded projects is available at 45 CFR § 400.43 and in ORR Policy Letters 16-01, 22-01, and 22-13, which can be found on the ORR website at
Possible Values: Any valid date, not in the future.
Entry Date
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the date that the individual was admitted to the U.S.
Possible Values: Any valid date, not in the future.
EAD Application Submitted
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Indicate whether an I-765 Application for Employment Authorization has been filed for the individual. If the client has an immigration status not requiring an I-765 (for example, SIV status), enter N/A. If the client has a valid I-765 but the application date was prior to MG enrollment and unknown, enter No.
Possible Values: Y, N or N/A.
EAD Application Submitted Date
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Client Form Field 19 is “Yes.”
Instruction: Enter the date that an I-765 Application for Employment Authorization was filed for the individual.
Possible Values: Any valid date, not in the future.
EAD Received
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Indicate whether an I-766 Employment Authorization Document has been received for the individual.
Possible Values: Y, N or N/A.
EAD Received Date
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Client Form Field 21 is “Yes.”
Instruction: Enter the date that an I-766 Employment Authorization Document was received for the individual.
Possible Values: Any valid date, not in the future.
Social Security Application Submitted
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Indicate whether a social security card application has been filed for the individual.
Possible Values: Y/N.
Social Security Application Submitted Date
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the date that a social security card application was filed for the individual.
Possible Values: Any valid date, not in the future.
Social Security Card Received
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Indicate whether a social security card has been received for the individual.
Possible Values: Y/N.
Social Security Card Received Date
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the date that a social security card was received for the individual.
Possible Values: Any valid date, not in the future.
SNAP Application Submitted
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Indicate whether a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) application has been filed for the individual.
Possible Values: Y, N or N/A.
SNAP Application Submitted Date
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Client Form Field 27 is “Yes.”
Instruction: Enter the date that a SNAP application was filed for the individual.
Possible Values: Any valid date, not in the future.
SNAP Approval
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Indicate whether SNAP benefits have been approved for the individual.
Possible Values: Y, N or N/A.
SNAP Approval Date
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Client Form Field 29 is “Yes.”
Instruction: Enter the date that SNAP benefits were approved for the individual.
Possible Values: Any valid date, not in the future.
Temporary Housing
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Indicate whether the individual is residing in temporary housing. Enter “N/A” if housing status is unknown or not available.
Possible Values: Y, N, or N/A.
Temporary Housing Type
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Client Form Field 31 is “Yes.”
Instruction: Indicate the type of temporary housing where the individual resides.
Possible Values: Please refer to the list of valid options in the Instructions Attachment. Note, the term "sponsor" here is used broadly to mean a sponsor, US tie, relative, or friend.
Temporary Housing Date
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Client Form Field 31 is “Yes.”
Instruction: Indicate the date the individual began residing in temporary housing.
Possible Values: Any valid date, not in the future.
Long-term Housing
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Indicate whether the individual is residing in long-term housing. Enter “N/A” if housing status is unknown or not available.
Possible Values: Y, N, or N/A.
Long-term Housing Date
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Client Form Field 34 is “Yes.”
Instruction: Indicate whether the individual began residing in long-term housing.
Possible Values: Any valid date, not in the future.
MG Enrollment Form |
Field |
Data |
Notes |
1 |
Alien Number |
6 to 9 digits OR 15 digits for Alternative Identifier |
2 |
First Name |
First name of individual |
3 |
Middle Name |
Middle name of individual, if applicable |
4 |
Last Name |
Last name of individual |
5 |
Date of birth, mm/dd/yyyy |
6 |
MG Case ID |
Case number assigned by agency, if applicable |
7 |
Principal Applicant (PA) Alien Number |
6 to 9 digits OR 15 digits for Alternative Identifier, alien number of PA on case |
8 |
Relationship to PA |
Individual’s relationship to principal applicant on case |
9 |
Affiliate Code |
Alpha-numeric local office code |
10 |
MG Enrollment Date |
mm/dd/yyyy |
11 |
Employable |
Y/N |
Match Grant Enrollment Form
Alien Number
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the six to nine digit Alien Number without any hyphens or spaces between the numbers. Do not enter an A at the beginning of the number. For clients without an Alien Number or U.S.-born children under 18 years of age receiving ORR benefits, do not enter the child’s social security number or parent’s alien number in the Alien Number field. For these cases, agencies should use the following convention to create an ORR Alternative Identifier: 15 digits total, consisting of: (a) 9 + (b) 2-digit agency ID + (c) 3-digit local office identifier + (d) 9-digit incremental number.
First Name
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the first name of the individual.
Possible values: N/A
Middle Name
Mandatory: No
Instruction: Enter the middle name of the individual. If multiple middle names, separated with a space. Do not use a comma, hyphen, or forward slash (/) between the middle names. Leave the cell blank if there is no middle name(s).
Possible values: N/A
Last Name
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the last name of the individual. If the last name is hyphenated, include a hyphen or if there are multiple last names include them and separate them with a space.
Possible values: N/A
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the individual’s birth date in mm/dd/yyyy format.
Possible values: Any valid date, not in the future.
MG Case ID
Mandatory: No
Instruction: Enter the case ID assigned by the agency, if applicable.
Possible values: N/A
Principal Applicant (PA) Alien Number
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter a six to nine digit number of the PA of the case without any hyphens or spaces between the numbers. For clients without an Alien Number use the following convention to create an ORR Alternative Identifier: 15 digits total, consisting of: (a) 9 + (b) 2-digit national agency ID + (c) 3-digit local office identifier + (d) 9-digit incremental number. In cases without a designated PA, the oldest individual receiving services in the family should be selected as the PA. Do not enter an A at the beginning of the number. “PA” is a term used for service purposes only, not for a legal status purpose.
Possible values: 111111…999999999999999
Relationship to PA
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the individual’s relationship to the PA of the case.
Possible Values: Please refer to the list of valid relationships in the Instructions Attachment.
Affiliate Code
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the local resettlement office code assigned by the US Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration or by ORR.
Possible values: Alpha-numeric code. The current list of valid affiliate codes is in the Instructions Attachment, but please note that this list is updated frequently.
Enrollment Date
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the date that the individual first enrolled in the Matching Grant Program.
Possible Values: Any valid date before the end of the reporting month.
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter whether the individual is employable according to Matching Grant Program Guidelines.
Possible values: Y/N
MG Status Form |
Field |
Data |
Notes |
1 |
Alien Number |
6 to 9 digits OR 15 digits for Alternative Identifier |
2 |
Affiliate Code |
Alpha-numeric local office code |
3 |
MG Case ID |
Case number assigned by agency, if applicable |
4 |
Individual Case Status |
Case status, from list of acceptable values |
5 |
180 Day Status |
Self-sufficiency status, from list of acceptable values |
6 |
180 Day Status Date |
mm/dd/yyyy |
7 |
180 Day Status Comments |
Any additional comments |
8 |
240 Day Status |
Self-sufficiency status, from list of acceptable values |
9 |
240 Day Status Date |
mm/dd/yyyy |
10 |
240 Day Status Comments |
Any additional comments |
11 |
Current Employment Status |
Y/N |
12 |
Occupation Categories |
Job type, from list |
13 |
Has Benefits |
Y/N |
14 |
Hourly Wage |
$00.00 |
15 |
Hours Per Week |
0+ |
16 |
Job Start Date |
mm/dd/yyyy |
17 |
Job End Date |
mm/dd/yyyy |
18 |
Employment Status – Job 2 |
Y/N |
19 |
Occupation Categories |
Job type, from list |
20 |
Has Benefits |
Y/N |
21 |
Hourly Wage |
$00.00 |
22 |
Hours Per Week |
0+ |
23 |
Job Start Date |
mm/dd/yyyy |
24 |
Job End Date |
mm/dd/yyyy |
25 |
Employment Status – Job 3 |
Y/N |
26 |
Occupation Categories |
Job type, from list |
27 |
Has Benefits |
Y/N |
28 |
Hourly Wage |
$00.00 |
29 |
Hours Per Week |
0+ |
30 |
Job Start Date |
mm/dd/yyyy |
31 |
Job End Date |
mm/dd/yyyy |
Match Grant Status Form
Alien Number
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the six to nine digit Alien Number without any hyphens or spaces between the numbers. Do not enter an A at the beginning of the number. For clients without an Alien Number or U.S.-born children under 18 years of age receiving ORR benefits, do not enter the child’s social security number or parent’s alien number in the Alien Number field. For these cases, agencies should use following convention to create an ORR Alternative Identifier: 15 digits total, consisting of: (a) 9 + (b) 2-digit agency ID + (c) 3-digit local office identifier + (d) 9-digit incremental number.
Affiliate Code
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the local resettlement office code assigned by the US Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration or by ORR.
Possible values: Alpha-numeric code. The current list of valid affiliate codes is in the Instructions Attachment, but please note that this list is updated frequently.
MG Case ID
Mandatory: No
Instruction: Enter the case ID assigned by the agency, if applicable.
Possible values: N/A
Individual Case Status
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the individual case status.
Possible values: Please refer to the list of valid options in the Instructions Attachment.
180 Day Status
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the 180 day status.
Possible values: Please refer to the list of valid options in the Instructions Attachment.
180 Day Status Date
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the 180 day status date.
Possible values: Any valid date, not in the future.
180 Day Status Comments
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter any additional comments on the 180 day status.
Possible values: N/A
240 Day Status
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the 240 day status.
Possible values: Please refer to the list of valid options in the Instructions Attachment.
240 Day Status Date
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter the 240 day status date.
Possible values: Any valid date, not in the future.
240 Day Status Comments
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Enter any additional comments on the 240 day status.
Possible values: N/A
Current Employment Status
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Indicate whether the individual is employed.
Possible values: Y/N.
Occupation Categories
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Status Form Field 11 is “Yes.”
Instruction: Indicate the type of employment.
Possible values: Please refer to the list of valid categories in the Instructions Attachment.
Has Benefits
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Status Form Field 11 is “Yes.”
Instruction: Indicate whether the position offers benefits.
Possible values: Y/N.
Hourly Wage
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Status Form Field 11 is “Yes.”
Instruction: Indicate whether the position offers benefits.
Possible values: Valid number.
Hours Per Week
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Status Form Field 11 is “Yes.”
Instruction: Indicate the number of hours worked per week.
Possible values: Valid number.
Job Start Date
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Status Form Field 11 is “Yes.”
Instruction: Enter the date the individual began working in this position.
Possible values: Valid date, not in the future.
Job End Date
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Status Form Field 11 is “Yes” and individual has left the position. If blank, this indicates the individual is still employed in this position.
Instruction: Enter the date the individual stopped working in this position.
Possible values: Valid date, not in the future.
Employment Status - Job 2
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Indicate whether the individual is/was employed in a second position.
Possible values: Y/N.
Occupation Categories
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Status Form Field 18 is “Yes.”
Instruction: Indicate the type of employment.
Possible values: Please refer to the list of valid categories in the Instructions Attachment.
Has Benefits
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Status Form Field 18 is “Yes.”
Instruction: Indicate whether the position offers benefits.
Possible values: Y/N.
Hourly Wage
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Status Form Field 18 is “Yes.”
Instruction: Indicate whether the position offers benefits.
Possible values: Valid number.
Hours Per Week
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Status Form Field 18 is “Yes.”
Instruction: Indicate the number of hours worked per week.
Possible values: Valid number.
Job Start Date
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Status Form Field 18 is “Yes.”
Instruction: Enter the date the individual began working in this position.
Possible values: Valid date, not in the future.
Job End Date
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Status Form Field 18 is “Yes” and individual has left the position. If blank, this indicates the individual is still employed in this position.
Instruction: Enter the date the individual stopped working in this position.
Possible values: Valid date, not in the future.
Employment Status - Job 3
Mandatory: Yes
Instruction: Indicate whether the individual is/was employed in a third position.
Possible values: Y/N.
Occupation Categories
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Status Form Field 25 is “Yes.”
Instruction: Indicate the type of employment.
Possible values: Please refer to the list of valid categories in the Instructions Attachment.
Has Benefits
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Status Form Field 25 is “Yes.”
Instruction: Indicate whether the position offers benefits.
Possible values: Y/N.
Hourly Wage
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Status Form Field 25 is “Yes.”
Instruction: Indicate whether the position offers benefits.
Possible values: Valid number.
Hours Per Week
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Status Form Field 25 is “Yes.”
Instruction: Indicate the number of hours worked per week.
Possible values: Valid number.
Job Start Date
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Status Form Field 25 is “Yes.”
Instruction: Enter the date the individual began working in this position.
Possible values: Valid date, not in the future.
Job End Date
Mandatory: Mandatory if response to Status Form Field 25 is “Yes” and individual has left the position. If blank, this indicates the individual is still employed in this position.
1 PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13) STATEMENT OF PUBLIC BURDEN: Through this information collection, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) is gathering data to better understand client demographics, services utilized, and the outcomes achieved by the population served. The data will be used to inform evidence-based policy making. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 252 hours per grantee in the initial year and 192 hours per year in subsequent years. This includes the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information. This is a mandatory collection of information [Immigration and Nationality Act, section 412(a)(3)]. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB # is 0970-XXXX and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX. If you have any comments on this collection of information, please contact [email protected].
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | ORR Data Submission Website Process |
Author | DHHS |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-07-20 |