3-2523 Midwest Geographic Area: Freshwater Mussel Reporting For

Federal Fish and Wildlife Permit Applications and Reports - Native Endangered and Threatened Species; 50 CFR 10, 13, and 17

FWS Form 3-2523 US Fish and Wildlife Freshwater Mussel Reporting Form 10092020.xlsx

OMB: 1018-0094

Document [xlsx]
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Survey and Location Information
Method Protocol Data
Habitat Data
Mussel Community Data
Individual Mussel Data
Name Change Details
Required Notices

Sheet 1: Instructions

USFWS Mussel Reporting Form FWS Form 3-2523 (Rev. 10/2020)
OMB Control No. 1018-0094
Expires ##/##/20##
Instructions for Electronic Submittal of Freshwater Mussel Survey Data for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Spreadsheet Version 1.17 Last updated 07/24/2020
In an effort to reduce redundancy, increase efficiency, and minimize data entry errors, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) Ecological Services Field Offices in Region 3 (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin) have collaborated to create a single standardized spreadsheet1 for electronic submittal of freshwater mussel survey data by federal permittees to the Service. Recently issued permit terms and conditions require submission of data in the format provided by Service Field Offices (i.e., information identified in the standardized reporting spreadsheet). In addition to a traditional narrative report, permittees receiving Region 3 issued permits will be required to report their survey data using the “standard” format provided in the standardized permit reporting spreadsheet (i.e., provision of all spreadsheet information) to fulfill the annual reporting requirements of a section 10(a)(1)(A) Recovery Permit (Please note: Other Regions and/or Field Offices may require the same spreadsheet). Permittees are encouraged to submit their survey data via the standardized permit reporting spreadsheet not only to facilitate determination of reporting compliance, but also to facilitate improved assemblage of data to determine impacts on the species. If permittees intend to collect additional data that does not fit within the format of this spreadsheet, they should coordinate with the Service Field Office for the study area regarding how to report the additional data. If multiple Federal permittees are contracted and/or subcontracted to conduct mussel surveys as part of a single large project, each permittee is required to separately report the mussel data collected under their permit so that the permittee responsible for data collected within a specific survey site can be clearly identified. Due to the decline in unionid mussel populations throughout Region 3, the Service is requesting that data on all unionid mussel species be submitted, regardless of current Federal status. 1 Prior to data submittal, permittees should ensure they are using the most current version of the permit reporting spreadsheet, which will be available on the Service’s R3 Mussel Survey web page (...).

The spreadsheet is divided into several worksheets (survey and location info, habitat data, method protocol data, mussel community data, and individual mussel data). It is important to start by filling out the “Survey and Location Info” worksheet first for whichever surveys have been completed because the information from these worksheets populates drop-down boxes in other worksheets. Anything colored orange is always a required field, and pink indicates a field that is required if applicable. No color indicates it is data we are requesting if a permittee is willing to provide the information.

Definitions: Includes definitions and explanation of terms used in other tabs. Note that field formatting (color coding) information appears at the top.

Survey and Location Information: The “Survey ID” is an automatically generated unique identifier composed of the permit number, waterbody name, date, and site ID.  The “Survey ID” will be used throughout the entire database to track the correct survey information.  The survey date captures when the survey was conducted.  A new row should be entered for each date a survey is conducted at a site; surveying on multiple dates should be entered separately since method and mussel species identified may be different.  The “Site Id” is a unique identifier of a specific survey site.  The Survey Area is the total area represented by the survey captured in that Survey ID; in square meters.  To clearly delineate the survey area, latitude and longitude should be taken in decimal degrees (in geographic coordinate system NAD 83) for the most upstream end of survey area and at the most downstream end of survey area.   The “Distance Above and Below Access” should be filled out using the number of river miles and direction.  The state and county in which the survey was conducted are entered using drop-down menus. Once the spreadsheet is turned into the Service the GPS points will be plotted and the county provided by the surveyor will be compared to the county where the point actually is located. Sites where the two values do not match will be flagged as possible bad GPS points. Surveyors responsible for sites that are flagged will likely be contacted to verify the location of the survey site.

Method Protocol Data:   The permittee will be prompted to select “Survey or Release Protocol” from the dropdown options (Ohio River Mussel Survey Protocol; Smith et al 2001; Michigan Mussel; Survey Protocols and Relocation Procedures; West Virginia Mussel Survey Protocols; Mussel Sampling Guidelines for Indiana; Minnesota Freshwater Mussel Survey and Relocation Protocol; Wisconsin Mussel Relocation Protocol; Wisconsin Guidelines for Sampling Mussels in Wadeable Streams; Other) to inform what, if any, State Protocols are also being required in addition to federal permit requirements.

The “Survey/ Release Method” has pre-set options to select from in the dropdown box (snorkel, polywog, viewer/bucket, brail, shoreline/midden survey, reintroduction, augmentation, relocation, other).  The “Survey/ Release Metric” defines level of survey effort with pre-set options in a dropdown box2.
2 Please see the Definitions tab or attached Mussel Reporting Definitions document of survey effort terminology.

Habitat Data:  The “Stream Type, Classification or River Group” is a requested data field, not required, where a brief description of the type of river can be included (e.g., e.g., small river, large river, small stream, large stream, intermittent, navigable, wadeable, non-wadeable) or stream classification.  The “Habitat” field has pre-selected options in a dropdown box that the permittee will select (pool - deep with slow water; riffle - shallow with fast, turbulent water running over rocks; run - deep with fast water and little or no turbulence; glide - slow moving, non-turbulent flow, too shallow to be a pool, and too slow to be a run; multiple habitat types).  The “Dominant Substrate and; Second Dominate Substrate” characterize the substrate in the survey area and can be further defined by the permittee in the requested field “Percent Dominant Substrate”.  “Visibility” is the approximate distance the surveyor(s) can see through the water and is captured by dropdown options (Zero - less than 1 ft; Low - 1ft to 3 ft; Moderate - greater than 3ft).  “Velocity” should be recorded in meters per second as measured on site.  “USGS Gauge Location” is the location of the relevant gauge as reported at https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/rt.  “USGS Gauge Date” reports the date that the data from relevant gauge was collected also as reported at https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/rt.  “Discharge”  data is collected from the relevant USGS gauge as reported at  https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/rt and is captured in cubic feet per second.  “USGS Gauge Height” data is collected from the relevant  gauge as reported at https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/rt  and reports height in feet.    If there is a defined mussel bed within the survey site, the “Description of Mussel Bed Boundary” can be freely filled out by the permittee.  “Species Richness” is the number of species found in the survey area.

Mussel Community Data:   The data in this worksheet is for the collection of information on both federally listed and non-federally listed mussels at the species level to understand the composition of the mussel community in the survey area. The majority of fields in the “Mussel Community Data” tab are straight forward in terms of the information being requested.  Due to recent changes in nomenclature and systematic taxonomy for the family Unionidae, please refer to the following reference when filling out the “Genus” and "species" fields:  Williams et al. 2017.  A revised list of the freshwater mussels (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionida) of the United States and Canada. Understanding the age composition of the mussel bed is important, but methods to age mussels vary. We used American Fisheries Society defintions (see "Definitions" tab) for shell ages (Southwick and Loftus 2018, page 98). The approximate number of live or recently dead individuals is required, while only presence or absence of older shells is needed.  The “Signs of Reproduction” has pre-selected drop down options (i.e., Yes; No; Unknown; NA).  Signs of reproduction include gravid females (inflated gills), juvenile mussels present, lure displays, releases of conglutinates and/or glochidia.  “Catch Per Unit Effort or CPUE” is the number of individuals found per hour and the “Density” is the number of individuals per square meter.

Individual Mussel Data:   The data in this worksheet is for more detailed information, that is required for live individuals of federally listed species, but can be used to provide detailed information on any individual mussel, if desired.  The data in this worksheet is somewhat similar to the data captured in the Mussel Community Data worksheet with additional required information such as tag number, tag type etc.  The “Specimen Latitude” and “Specimen Longitude” captures the most precise location information where the species was found (e.g., of the transect, cell, quadrat, etc.). Ages are imporant to understand the age structure of listed populations. “Signs of Reproduction” are represented by a drop down of pre-selected options i.e., gravid females; full lure display; partial lure display; releases of conglutinates; releases of glochidia).  Sometimes voucher specimens and/or genetic samples are collected.  For both the fields “Voucher Disposition Location” and “Genetic Sample Location” the location of the physical specimen and/or sample is requested.  The field “Location Number” is the identifying number assigned to a particular quadrat, transect, cell, etc. where the individual is found, if applicable.

Name Change Details: Information is provided for mussel species that have had changes in taxonomy / scientific name. This tab does not require data entry; it is only provided for reference.

DO NOT move columns or adjust the format of this spreadsheet.

Missing Data: For columns where data was not collected, enter "NA" without quotation marks or leave blank. DO NOT enter "0", ".", "Not applicable", or "N/A".

Naming instructions for saving files:
If all of the surveys for a permit number are on one spreadsheet (this can be multiple states), save the file as that permit number (e.g., TE000000).
If all of the surveys have the same permit number but are on several spreadsheets broken up by states, use the permit number and then list out the state names (e.g., TE000000_OHIO_INDIANA, TE000000_IOWA).
If there are multiple permit numbers from the same organization/individual’s name, use the organization/individual’s name and the state or states (e.g., Leibii_Inc_OHIO). To avoid confusion, this should include every survey that organization/individual conducted in that state.

Please coordinate within your organization to ensure that multiple individuals aren’t submitting the same data.

For questions about using USFWS spreadsheets contact your local Service Field Office. Software developers seeking technical assistance with the USFWS spreadsheets should contact Erik Olson at: [email protected]

Sheet 2: Definitions

Mussel Reporting Spreadsheet Definitions

Field formatting (to assist with error checking and completeness)


required if applicable

not applicable

potential error

field has validation (underlined)

Survey and Location Information Tab Fields Field Definitions

Federal Permit Number federal permit number

Surveyor Name federal permit holder or person conducting survey (if different than permit holder)

Report Name or Number the name that is on the title page of your report.

Site ID unique identifier of a specific survey site; If more than one survey is conducted in a day, use some kind of identifier here to differentiate them.

Waterbody Name name of waterbody where survey occurred

Survey Date date a survey is conducted at a site; surveying on multiple dates should be entered separately since method and mussel species identified may be different

Survey ID auto-generated unique identifier composed of the Site ID, waterbody name, and date

Primary State primary state where survey occurred

Primary County primary county where survey occurred

Township township where survey occurred

Secondary State secondary state where survey occurred for waterbodies that border states

Secondary County secondary county where survey occurred for waterbodies that border states

Latitude Upstream latitude at most upstream end of survey area; in decimal degrees in NAD 83 geographic coordinate system

Longitude Upstream longitude at most upstream end of survey area; in decimal degrees in NAD 83 geographic coordinate system

Latitude Downstream latitude at most downstream end of survey area; in decimal degrees in NAD 83 geographic coordinate system

Longitude Downstream longitude at most downstream end of survey area; in decimal degrees in NAD 83 geographic coordinate system

Search Area total area of habitat searched for mussels; in square meters

General Location Information Any additional site description information

Watershed Drainage Area in square km

Distance Above or Below Access river km and direction

Survey Location Comments free text to add additional information; Additional surveyors names can be added here if applicable

Method Protocol Data Tab Fields Field Definition or Dropdown Option Dropdown Definitions (where applicable)

Survey ID auto-generated unique identifier from Survey and Location Information sheet



Removal: Salvage/Rescue

Release: Reintroduction

Release: Augmentation

Release: Relocation

Release: Release_Other

Activity Protocol (DROP DOWN OPTIONS--individual options depend on activity selection)

Ohio River Mussel Survey Protocol

Smith et al 2001

Michigan Mussel Survey Protocols and Relocation Procedures

West Virginia Mussel Survey Protocols

Mussel Sampling Guidelines for Indiana

Minnesota Freshwater Mussel Survey and Relocation Protocol

Wisconsin Mussel Relocation Protocol

Wisconsin Guidelines for Sampling Mussels in Wadeable Streams

State of Ohio Mussel Survey Protocols

Michigan Natural Features Inventory Protocol


Survey protocol - Other If your survey protocol does not fall within one of these categories please specify in the comments field.

Removal protocol - Other If your removal protocol does not fall within one of these categories please specify in the comments field.

Release protocol - Other If your release protocol does not fall within one of these categories please specify in the comments field.

Activity Equipment (DROP DOWN OPTIONS--individual options depend on activity selection)

SCUBA Self contained underwater breathing apparatus

SSA Surface supplied air equipment

Snorkel surveyors used mask and snorkels; typically this is in relatively shallow water where SCUBA is not needed

Polywog/Noodling Generally means collected by hand. Other regional terms may apply, such as raccooning.

Viewer/bucket visual search using a device to view mussels from the surface; typically a bucket with a plexiglass bottom

Brail capture device that is dragged along the bottom consisting of a metal or wooden rod fitted with pronged hooks. (See Carlander 1954)

Shoreline/midden survey Surveys conducted on land to search for shells stockpiled by animals (e.g. muskrats) in middens or otherwise deposited on the shore.

Survey - other If your survey equipment does not fall within one of these categories please specify in the comments field.

Removal - other Mussels were moved from the survey area to another area or brought to a facility (specify details in the comments field).

No special equipment No equipment was used.

Release - other Mussels were released in the survey area to from a different area or facility (specify details in the comments field).

Multiple - ADD IN COMMENTS List all equipment used in the comments field.

Activity Metric (DROP DOWN OPTIONS--individual options depend on activity selection)

Transect surveys conducted by placing lines perpendicular to flow and sub-divided into segments. Along each transect, surveyors shall visually search a defined area for mussels and record all data separately for each segment. The entire segment must be covered.

Timed/area area defined and a timed search is conducted. Timed search is limited to a specific area.

Timed qualitative surveys consisting of visually searching throughout a larger survey area for a given period of time. This type of search is used to determine if mussels are present and to generate species richness curves.

Quadrat a plot of defined area where the surface is searched and/or the substrate is excavated (substrate is dug up and removed to be sorted through for mussels)

Quadrat - random randomly chosen quadrats; plots of defined area where the surface is searched and/or the substrate is excavated (substrate is dug up and removed to be sorted through for mussels)

Quadrat - systematic systematically chosen quadrats; plots of defined area where the surface is searched and/or the substrate is excavated(substrate is dug up and removed to be sorted through for mussels)

Quadrat - other

Cells used to divide the affected area into a series of cells in which they would be completely surveyed using visual tactile methods.

Reconnaissance used to determine presence or absence of unionid mussels within a project area that will require in-stream work.  This method is intended for small wadeable streams not known to contain federally listed species.  Beginning at the downstream end of the buffer zone, the stream substrates, stream banks, and gravel bars should be visually searched for shells, shell fragments, or live mussels.  All habitat should be searched, but close attention should be focused on heterogenous substrate.  We recommend that smaller streams (10-100 square miles) should be searched for at least 60 minutes and 90 minutes for larger streams (above 100 square miles).

Uniform distribution individuals placed uniformly within the survey area (or other defined area)

Random distribution individuals placed randomly within the survey area

Other If your survey metric does not fall within one of these categories please specify in the comments field.

Quadrat Size in square meters

Number of Quadrats total number of quadrats surveyed

Percentage of Quadrats That Were Excavated (digging down and removing substrate) - number 0-100; default is 100%

Mean Transect Length mean transect length in meters

Mean Transect Area mean transect area in square meters

Cell Size in square meters

Total Search Time total time spent searching by all surveyors’ in person minutes

Recon Area area covered by a reconnaissance survey; in square meters

Method Comments free text to add additional information

Habitat Data Tab Fields Field Definition or Dropdown Option Dropdown Definitions (where applicable)

Survey ID auto-generated unique identifier from Survey and Location Information sheet

Water Temperature in degrees Celsius in degree Celcius, approximate temperature if not directly measured

Visibility (DROP DOWN OPTIONS) approximate distance the surveyor(s) can see through the water

Zero - < 30 cm

Low - 30 cm < X < 1m

Moderate - >1 m  

Stream Type, Classification or River Group brief description of the type of river (e.g., small river, large river, small stream, large stream, intermittent, navigable, wadeable, non-wadeable) or stream classification


Pool deep with slow water

Riffle shallow with fast, turbulent water running over rocks

Run deep with fast water and little or no turbulence

Glide slow moving, non-turbulent flow; too shallow to be a pool and too slow to be a run


Multiple habitat types

Dominant Substrate (DROP DOWN OPTIONS) most common substrate in the survey area based on the Wentworth Scale: https://www.jstor.org/stable/30063207?seq=5#metadata_info_tab_contents

Bedrock: large solid surface

Boulder: >256mm

Cobble: 64-256mm

Pebble: 4-64mm

Granule: 2-4mm

Very Coarse Sand Grain: 1-2mm

Coarse Sand Grain: .5-1mm

Medium Sand Grain: .25-.5mm

Fine Sand Grain: .125-.25mm

Very Fine Sand Grain: .06-.125mm



Woody debris: sticks, leaves, etc.

Zebra mussels


Percent Dominant Substrate number 0 to 100

Secondary Substrate (DROP DOWN OPTIONS) second most common substrate in the survey area

Bedrock: large solid surface

Boulder: >256mm

Cobble: 65-256mm

Coarse gravel: 17-64mm

Medium gravel: 9-16mm

Fine gravel: 2-8mm

Sand: <2mm

Silt: <.06mm

Clay: solid clay surface

Woody debris: sticks, leaves, etc.

Zebra mussels


Percent Secondary Substrate number 0 to 100

Dissolved Oxygen DO in milligrams per liter

pH number 0-14

Conductivity in millisiemens per centimeter

Mean Water Depth measured or approximated average depth of the water in the survey area; in meters

Velocity in meters per second as measured on site

Most Relevant USGS Gauge Location location of the relevant gauge as reported at https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/rt Gauge information is optional to include

USGS Gauge Date date that the data from relevant gauge was collected as reported at https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/rt Gauge information is optional to include

USGS Gauge Discharge in cubic feet per second; data from relevant gauge as reported at  https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/rt Gauge information is optional to include

USGS Gauge Height height in feet;  data from relevant  gauge as reported at https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/rt Gauge information is optional to include

Description of Mussel Bed Boundary free text to add description of the mussel bed boundary if present

Species Richness number of species found in the survey area

Overall CPUE CPUE = Catch per unit effort, the number of individuals found per hour of all species

Overall Density number of individuals per square meter of all species

Standard Deviation standard deviation of the Overall Density (see previous row)

Habitat Data Comments free text to add additional information

Mussel Community Data Tab Fields Field Definition or Dropdown Option Dropdown Definitions (where applicable)

Survey ID auto-generated unique identifier from Survey and Location Information sheet

Genus (DROP DOWN OPTIONS) Reference document provided for consultation:  Williams et al. 2017.  A revised list of the freshwater mussels (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionida) of the United States and Canada.

Number Live (DROP DOWN OPTIONS) Total number of live mussels found






Number Fresh Dead (DROP DOWN OPTIONS) Total number of fresh dead mussels found; Indicators: nacre still lustrous, hinge line still intact, animal probably died within the past few months (from Southwick and Loftus 2018).






Weathered Dead Present (DROP DOWN OPTIONS) Were weathered dead mussels found? Indicators: nacre chalky, probably dead more than a few months (from Southwick and Loftus 2018).



Subfossil Present (DROP DOWN OPTIONS) Were Subfossil mussels found? Indicators: periostracum missing, shell chalky, probably dead for several decades (from Southwick and Loftus 2018).



Signs of Reproduction (DROP DOWN OPTIONS) Signs of reproduction include gravid females (inflated gills), juvenile mussels present, lure displays, releases of conglutinates and/or glochidia





Species Specific CPUE CPUE = Catch per unit efort, the number of individuals found per hour of identified species

Species Density mean number of individuals per square meter of identified species

Species Standard Deviation standard deviation of the Density (see previous row)

Photo Voucher File Name Name of photo file. Recommended file name convention: "YYYY_MM_DD_GenusInitial_SpeciesName_Surveyor_SiteName_Photonumber". Files should be sent separately to USFWS via email.

Community Comments free text to add additional information

Individual Mussel Data Tab Fields Field Definition or Dropdown Option Dropdown Definitions (where applicable)

Survey ID auto-generated unique identifier from Survey and Location Information sheet

Specimen Latitude most precise location information where the species was found (e.g., of the transect, cell, quadrat, etc.) in decimal degrees in NAD 83 geographic coordinate system if numerous individuals of the same species are located in the same general area, you can use the same lat/long

Specimen Longitude most precise location information where the species was found (e.g., of the transect, cell, quadrat, etc.) in decimal degrees in NAD 83 geographic coordinate system if numerous individuals of the same species are located in the same general area, you can use the same lat/long

Specimen Habitat (DROP DOWN OPTIONS) This field is not reqiured

Pool deep with slow water

Riffle shallow with fast, turbulent water running over rocks

Run deep with fast water and little or no turbulence

Glide slow moving, non-turbulent flow; too shallow to be a pool and too slow to be a run


Not Recorded



Length Measurement in millimeters of the longest anterior to posterior dimension Required for federally listed species

Height Measurement in millimeters of longest dorsal to ventral dimension Required for federally listed species

Width Measurement in millimeters from valve to valve

Thickness Measurement in millimeters

Age In years, as indicated by number of annuli counted or estimated as precisely as practicable. Required for federally listed species

Method of Aging (DROP DOWN OPTIONS) Describes method used to describe mussel age.

Actual Annuli were counted with little error

Estimated Annuli were not completely discernible or age was estimated by size.

Not Discernible Age could not be observed or estimated

Sex (DROP DOWN OPTIONS) Required for federally listed species

F Female

M Male

Unknown Unknown

NA Not Applicable

Sign of Individual Reproduction (DROP DOWN OPTIONS) Required for federally listed species

Gravid female

Full lure display

Partial lure display

Releases of conglutinates

Releases of glochidia

Not checked

No - none of the above

Tag 1 Number tag identification number


PIT Passive Integrated Transponder

Dot e.g., dot of superglue or waterproof paint pen on outside of shell

Shellfish alpha numeric tag



Tag 1 Color tag color

Tag 1 Placed During Survey (DROP DOWN OPTIONS)




Tag 2 Number tag identification number


PIT Passive Integrated Transponder

Dot e.g., dot of superglue or waterproof paint pen on outside of shell

Shellfish alpha numeric tag



Tag 2 Color tag color

Tag 2 Placed During Survey (DROP DOWN OPTIONS)




Type of Reader type of tag reader used

Photo or Video File Name name of photo or video file

Voucher or Disposition Location physical location where dead specimen will be housed

Genetic Sample Location or Where Analyzed if a genetics sample was taken or analyzed, physical location where the specimen will be held

Location Number identifying number assigned to a particular quadrat, transect, cell, etc. where individual found, if applicable

Individual Comments free text to add additional information


Southwick, R.I., and A.J. Loftus, editors. 2018. Investigation and monetary values of fish and freshwater mollusk kills. American Fisheries Society, Special Publication 35, Bethesda, MD, USA.

Sheet 3: Survey and Location Information

Federal Permit Number Surveyor Name The name that is on the title page of your report Report Name or Number Unique identifier of a specific survey site; If more than one survey is conducted in a day, use some kind of identifier here to differentiate them. Site ID Waterbody Name Date a survey is conducted at a site in MM/DD/YYYY format; Surveying on multiple dates should be entered separately for each day Survey Date Auto-generated Survey ID Primary State Primary County Township Secondary State Secondary County In decimal degrees (GCS NAD83) Latitude Upstream In decimal degrees (GCS NAD83) Longitude Upstream In decimal degrees (GCS NAD83) Latitude Downstream In decimal degrees (GCS NAD83) Longitude Downstream In square meters Search Area General Location Information In square kilometers Watershed Drainage Area Distance Above or Below Access Survey Location Comments

Sheet 4: Method Protocol Data

Select from auto-generated list; Survey and Location information must be entered first Survey ID Activity Activity Protocol See Definitions tab for descriptions of each option Activity Equipment See Definitions tab for descriptions of each option Activity Metric In square meters Quadrat Size Number of Quadrats Percentage of Quadrats That Were Excavated In meters Mean Transect Length In square meters Mean Transect Area In square meters Cell Size In person minutes Total Search Time In square meters Recon Area Method Comments

Sheet 5: Habitat Data

Select from auto-generated list; Survey and Location information must be entered first Survey ID In degrees Celsius Water Temperature Visibility Stream Type, Classification or River Group Habitat Dominant Substrate Percent Dominant Substrate Secondary Substrate Percent Secondary Substrate In miligrams per liter Dissolved Oxygen pH In millisiemens per centimeter Conductivity In meters Mean Water Depth In meters per second Velocity Most Relevant USGS Gauge Location USGS Gauge Date In cubic feet per second USGS Gauge Discharge In feet USGS Gauge Height Description of Mussel Bed Boundary Species Richness Catch per unit effort for all species, in individuals per survey hour Overall CPUE Number of individuals of all species per square meter Overall Density Standard deviation of the density Overall Standard Deviation Habitat Data Comments

Sheet 6: Mussel Community Data

Select from auto-generated list; Survey and Location information must be entered first Survey ID Genus Species Number Live Number Fresh Dead Weathered Dead Present Subfossil Present Signs of Reproduction Catch per unit effort for individual species, in individuals per survey hour Species Specific CPUE Number of individuals of a particular species per square meter Species Density Standard deviation of the density Species Standard Deviation Recommended file name convention: YYYY_MM_DD_GenusInitial_SpeciesName_Surveyor_SiteName_Photonumber Photo Voucher File Name Community Comments

Sheet 7: Individual Mussel Data

Select from auto-generated list; Survey and Location information must be entered first Survey ID In decimal degrees (GCS NAD83) Specimen Latitude In decimal degrees (GCS NAD83) Specimen Longitude Specimen Habitat Genus Species Measurement in millimeters of the longest anterior to posterior dimension Length Measurement in millimeters of longest dorsal to ventral dimension Height Measurement in millimeters from valve to valve Width Measurement in millimeters Thickness In years, as indicated by number of annuli counted or estimated as precisely as practicable. Age Method of Aging Sex Sign of Individual Reproduction Tag 1 Number Tag 1 Type Tag 1 Color Tag 1 placed during this survey Tag 2 Number Tag 2 Type Tag 2 Color Tag 2 placed during this survey Type of Reader Photo or Video File Name Voucher or Disposition Location Genetic Sample Location or Where Analyzed Location Number Individual Comments

Sheet 8: Name Change Details

Mussels with name changes are highlighted in pink for quick reference.

Names in Green were Unionids not found in Williams et al 2017.

Common Name Current genus Current Species Current Full Name Old genus Old Species Old Full Name Citation Notes Final listing FR Federally TE?
Mucket Actinonaias ligamentina Actinonaias ligamentina (Lamarck, 1819)

Elktoe Alasmidonta marginata Alasmidonta marginata Say, 1818

Triangle floater Alasmidonta undulata Alasmidonta undulata (Say, 1817)

Slippershell mussel Alasmidonta viridis Alasmidonta viridis (Rafinesque, 1820)

Threeridge Amblema plicata Amblema plicata (Say, 1817)

Cylindrical Papershell Anodontoides ferussacianus Anodontoides ferussacianus (Lea, 1834)

Rock Pocketbook Arcidens confragosus Arcidens confragosus (Say, 1829)

Asian clam Corbicula fluminea

Wartyback Cyclonaias nodulata Cyclonaias nodulata Quadrula (previously listed as Amphinaias?) nodulata Quadrula nodulata (Rafinesque, 1820) Williams et al. 2017 reassigned from Quadrula

Wartyback Cyclonaias nodulata Cyclonaias nodulata Quadrula nodulata Quadrula nodulata (Rafinesque, 1820) Williams et al. 2017 Reassigned to Cyclonaias

Pimpleback Cyclonaias pustulosa Cyclonaias pustulosa Quadrula (previously listed as Amphinaias?) pustulosa Quadrula pustulosa (Lea, 1831) Williams et al. 2017 reassigned from Quadrula

Pimpleback Cyclonaias pustulosa Cyclonaias pustulosa (Lea, 1831) Quadrula pustulosa pustulosa Quadrula pustulosa pustulosa (Lea, 1831) Williams et al. 2017 Nominotypical subspecies not required; reassigned to Cyclonaias

Purple Wartyback Cyclonaias tuberculata Cyclonaias tuberculata (Rafinesque, 1820)

Western Fanshell Cyprogenia aberti Cyprogenia aberti (Conrad, 1850)

Fanshell Cyprogenia stegaria Cyprogenia stegaria (Rafinesque, 1820)

Quagga mussel Dreissena bugensis

Zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha

Butterfly Ellipsaria lineolata Ellipsaria lineolata (Rafinesque, 1820)

Eastern elliptio Elliptio complanata Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)

Elephantear Elliptio crassidens Elliptio crassidens (Lamarck, 1819)

Ohio riffleshell Epioblasma cincinnatiensis Epioblasma cincinnatiensis Epioblasma phillipsii Epioblasma phillipsii (Conrad, 1836) Williams et al. 2017 elevated from synonymy

Curtis pearlymussel Epioblasma curtisii Epioblasma curtisii Epioblasma florentina curtisii Epioblasma florentina curtisii (Frierson and Utterback, 1916) Williams et al. 2017 Subspecies elevated to species

Leafshell Epioblasma flexuosa Epioblasma flexuosa (Rafinesque, 1820)

Catspaw Epioblasma obliquata Epioblasma obliquata Epioblasma obliquata obliquata Epioblasma obliquata obliquata (Rafinesque, 1820) Williams et al. 2017 Nominotypical subspecies not required

White catspaw Epioblasma perobliqua Epioblasma perobliqua Epioblasma obliquata perobliqua Epioblasma obliquata obliquata (Rafinesque, 1820) Williams et al. 2017 Subspecies elevated to species

Round combshell Epioblasma personata Epioblasma personata (Say, 1829)

Tennessee riffleshell Epioblasma propinqua Epioblasma propinqua (Lea, 1857)

Northern riffleshell Epioblasma rangiana Epioblasma rangiana (Lea, 1838) Epioblasma torulosa rangiana Epioblasma torulosa rangiana (Lea, 1838) Williams et al. 2017 Species elevated from subspecies
Wabash riffleshell Epioblasma sampsonii Epioblasma sampsonii (Lea, 1861)

Tubercled Blossom Epioblasma torulosa Epioblasma torulosa (Rafinesque, 1820) Epioblasma torulosa torulosa Epioblasma torulosa torulosa (Rafinesque, 1820) Williams et al. 2017 Nominotypical subspecies not required

Snuffbox Epioblasma triquetra Epioblasma triquetra (Rafinesque, 1820)

Spike Eurynia dilatata Eurynia dilatata Elliptio dilatata Elliptio dilatata (Rafinesque, 1820) Williams et al. 2017 Reassigned to Eurynia

Wabash pigtoe Fusconaia flava Fusconaia flava (Rafinesque, 1820)

Ozark pigtoe Fusconaia ozarkensis Fusconaia ozarkensis (Call, 1887)

Longsolid Fusconaia subrotunda Fusconaia subrotunda (Lea, 1831)

Cracking Pearlymussel Hemistena lata Hemistena lata (Rafinesque, 1820)

Pink mucket Lampsilis abrupta Lampsilis abrupta (Say, 1831)

Northern brokenray Lampsilis brittsi Lampsilis brittsi (Simpson, 1900)

Plain pocketbook Lampsilis cardium Lampsilis cardium (Rafinesque, 1820)

Wavyrayed lampmussel Lampsilis fasciola Lampsilis fasciola (Rafinesque, 1820)

Higgins eye Lampsilis higginsii Lampsilis higginsii (Lea, 1857)

Lousiana fatmucket Lampsilis hydiana Lampsilis hydiana (Lea, 1838)

Pocketbook Lampsilis ovata Lampsilis ovata (Say, 1817)

Eastern lampmussel Lampsilis radiata Lampsilis radiata (Gmelin, 1791)

Neosho mucket Lampsilis rafinesqueana Lampsilis rafinesqueana (Frierson, 1927)

Arkansas brokenray Lampsilis reeveiana Lampsilis reeveiana (Lea, 1852)

Fatmucket Lampsilis siliquoidea Lampsilis siliquoidea (Barnes, 1823)

Yellow sandshell Lampsilis teres Lampsilis teres (Parmalee and Brogan, 1998) Lampsilis teres anodontoides Lampsilis teres anadontoides (Lea, 1834)
?? only teres named in Williams et al. no teres teres or teres anodontoides

Yellow sandshell Lampsilis teres Lampsilis teres (Parmalee and Brogan, 1998) Lampsilis teres teres Lampsilis teres teres (Rafinesque, 1820)
?? only teres named in Williams et al. no teres teres or teres anodontoides

White heelsplitter Lasmigona complanata Lasmigona complanata (Barnes, 1823)

Creek heelsplitter Lasmigona compressa Lasmigona compressa (Lea, 1829)

Fluted shell Lasmigona costata Lasmigona costata (Rafinesque, 1820)

Fragile papershell Leptodea fragilis Leptodea fragilis (Rafinesque, 1820)

Scaleshell Leptodea leptodon Leptodea leptodon (Rafinesque, 1820)

Eastern pondmussel Ligumia nasuta Ligumia nasuta (Say, 1817)

Black sandshell Ligumia recta Ligumia recta (Lamarck, 1819)

Pondmussel Ligumia subrostrata Ligumia subrostrata (Say, 1831)

Spectaclecase Cumberlandia monodonta Cumberlandia monodonta (Say, 1829)

77 FR 14914 Yes
Washboard Megalonaias nervosa Megalonaias nervosa (Rafinesque, 1820)

Lake fingernailclam Musculium lacustre Musculium lacustre (Müller, 1774)

Musculium partumenium Musculium partumenium

Pond fingernailclam Musculium securis Musculium securis (Prime, 1852)

Long fingernailclam Musculium transversum Musculium transversum (Say, 1829)

Threehorn wartyback Obliquaria reflexa Obliquaria reflexa (Rafinesque, 1820)

Southern hickorynut Obovaria arkansasensis Obovaria arkansasensis (Lea, 1862) Obovaria jacksoniana Obovaria jacksoniana (Frierson, 1912) Williams et al. 2017 Synonym of Obovaria arkansasensis

Hickorynut Obovaria olivaria Obovaria olivaria (Rafinesque, 1820)

Ring pink Obovaria retusa Obovaria retusa (Lamarck, 1819)

Round hickorynut Obovaria subrotunda Obovaria subrotunda (Rafinesque, 1820)

Adam peaclam Pisidium adamsi Pisidium adamsi (Stimpson, 1851)

Ubiquitous peaclam Pisidium casertanum Pisidium casertanum (Poli, 1791)

Ridgedbeak peaclam Pisidium compressum Pisidium compressum (Prime, 1852)

Alpine peaclam Pisidium conventus Pisidium conventus (Clessin, 1877)

Ornamented peaclam Pisidium cruciatum Pisidium cruciatum (Sterki, 1895)

Greater Eastern peaclam Pisidium dubium Pisidium dubium (Say, 1817)

Round peaclam Pisidium equilaterale Pisidium equilaterale (Prime, 1852)

River peaclam Pisidium fallax Pisidium fallax (Sterki, 1896)

Rusty peaclam Pisidium ferrugineum Pisidium ferrugineum (Prime, 1852)

Giant northern peaclam Pisidium idahoense Pisidium idahoense (Roper, 1890)

Lilljeborg peaclam Pisidium lilljeborgi Pisidium lilljeborgi (Clessin, 1886)

Shiny peaclam Pisidium nitidum Pisidium nitidum (Jenyns, 1832)

Perforated peaclam Pisidium punctatum split into P. moitessierianum (Paladilhe, 1866) and P. simplex (Sterki, 1905)


Striate peaclam Pisidium punctiferum Pisidium punctiferum (Guppy, 1867)

Fat peaclam Pisidium rotundatum Pisidium rotundatum (Prime, 1852)

Triangular peaclam Pisidium variabile Pisidium variabile (Prime, 1852)

Walker peaclam Pisidium walkeri Pisidium walkeri (Sterki, 1895)

Bankclimber Plectomerus dombeyanus Plectomerus dombeyanus (Valenciennes, 1827)

White wartyback Plethobasus cicatricosus Plethobasus cicatricosus (Say, 1829)

Orangefoot pimpleback Plethobasus cooperianus Plethobasus cooperianus (Lea, 1834)

Sheepnose Plethobasus cyphyus Plethobasus cyphyus (Rafinesque, 1820)

Clubshell Pleurobema clava Pleurobema clava (Lamarck, 1819)

Round pigtoe Pleurobema coccineum Pleurobema coccineum (Conrad, 1836)

Ohio pigtoe Pleurobema cordatum Pleurobema cordatum (Rafinesque, 1820)

Rough pigtoe Pleurobema plenum Pleurobema plenum (Lea, 1840)

Pyramid pigtoe Pleurobema rubrum Pleurobema rubrum (Rafinesque, 1820)

Round pigtoe Pleurobema sintoxia Pleurobema sintoxia (Rafinesque, 1820)

Pink heelsplitter Potamilus alatus Potamilus alatus (Say, 1817)

Fat pocketbook Potamilus capax Potamilus capax (Green, 1832)

Pink papershell Potamilus ohiensis Potamilus ohiensis (Rafinesque, 1820)

Bleufer Potamilus purpuratus Potamilus purpuratus (Lamarck, 1819)

Kidneyshell Ptychobranchus fasciolaris Ptychobranchus fasciolaris (Rafinesque, 1820)

Ouachita Kidneyshell Ptychobranchus occidentalis Ptychobranchus occidentalis (Conrad, 1836)

Eastern floater Pyganodon cataracta Pyganodon cataracta (Say, 1817)

Giant floater Pyganodon grandis Pyganodon grandis (Say, 1829)

Lake floater Pyganodon lacustris Pyganodon lacustris (Lea, 1857)

Williams et al. 2017 publication date corrected

Round lake floater Pyganodon subgibbosa Pyganodon subgibbosa

Winged mapleleaf Quadrula fragosa Quadrula fragosa (Conrad, 1835)

Gulf mapleleaf Quadrula nobilis Quadrula nobilis

Williams et al. 2017 Elevated from synonymy

Mapleleaf Quadrula quadrula Quadrula quadrula (Rafinesque, 1820)

Ebonyshell Reginaia ebenus Reginaia ebenus Fusconaia ebena Fusconaia ebena (Lea 1831) Williams et al. 2017 Reassigned to Reginaia, spelling correction of species name

Salamander mussel Simpsonaias ambigua Simpsonaias ambigua (Say, 1825)

River fingernailclam Sphaerium fabale Sphaerium fabale (Prime, 1852)

Herrington fingernailclam Sphaerium occidentale Sphaerium occidentale (Lewis, 1856)

Rhomboid fingernailclam Sphaerium rhomboideum Sphaerium rhomboideum (Say, 1822)

Grooved fingernailclam Sphaerium simile Sphaerium simile (Say, 1817)

Striated fingernailclam Sphaerium striatinum Sphaerium striatinum (Lamarck, 1818)

Creeper Strophitus undulatus Strophitus undulatus (Say, 1817)

Rabbitsfoot Theliderma cylindrica Theliderma cylindrica Quadrula cylindrica cylindrica Quadrula cylindrica cylindrica (Say, 1817) Williams et al. 2017 Reassigned from Quadrula
Monkeyface Theliderma metanevra Theliderma metanevra Quadrula metanevra Quadrula metanevra (Rafinesque, 1820) Williams et al. 2017 Reassigned to Theliderma

Purple lilliput Toxolasma lividum Toxolasma lividum Toxolasma lividus Toxolasma lividus (Rafinesque, 1831) Williams et al. 2017 Incorrect spelling of species name; parenthesis not needed

Lilliput Toxolasma parvum Toxolasma parvus Toxolasma parvus Toxolasma parvum (Barnes, 1823) Williams et al. 2017 Incorrect spelling of species name

Texas lilliput Toxolasma texasiense Toxolasma texasiense Toxolasma texasiensis Toxolasma texasiensis (Lea, 1857) Williams et al. 2017 Incorrect spelling of species name

Pistolgrip Tritogonia verrucosa Tritogonia verrucosa (Rafinesque, 1820)

Fawnsfoot Truncilla donaciformis Truncilla donaciformis (Lea, 1828)

Deertoe Truncilla truncata Truncilla truncata (Rafinesque, 1820)

Pondhorn Uniomerus tetralasmus Uniomerus tetralasmus (Say, 1831)

Paper pondshell Utterbackia imbecillis Utterbackia imbecillis (Say, 1829)

Flat floater Utterbackiana suborbiculata Utterbackiana suborbiculata Anodonta suborbiculata Anodonta suborbiculata (Say, 1831) Williams et al. 2017 Reassigned to Utterbackiana

Ellipse Venustaconcha ellipsiformis Venustaconcha ellipsiformis (Conrad, 1836)

Bleedingtooth mussel Venustaconcha pleasii Venustaconcha pleasii (Marsh, 1891)

Rayed bean Villosa fabalis Villosa fabalis (Lea, 1831)

Rainbow Villosa iris Villosa iris (Lea, 1829)

Little spectaclecase Villosa lienosa Villosa lienosa (Conrad, 1834)

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