Enhancing the Security of the Software Supply Chain through Secure Software Development Practices


Secure Software Self-Attestation Common Form

Enhancing the Security of the Software Supply Chain through Secure Software Development Practices

OMB: 1670-0052

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September 14, 2022

Shalanda D. Young


Enhancing the Security of the Software Supply Chain through Secure Software
Development Practices

The Federal Government relies on information and communications technology (ICT)
products and services to carry out critical functions. The global supply chain for these
technologies faces relentless threats from nation state and criminal actors seeking to steal
sensitive information and intellectual property, compromise the integrity of Government
systems, and conduct other acts that impact the United States Government’s ability to safely and
reliably provide services to the public.
Executive Order (EO) 14028, Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity (May 12, 2021), 1
focuses on the security and integrity of the software supply chain and emphasizes the importance
of secure software development environments. The EO directs the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST) to issue guidance “identifying practices that enhance the security of the
software supply chain.” 2 The NIST Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF), SP 800218, 3 and the NIST Software Supply Chain Security Guidance 4 (these two documents, taken
together, are hereinafter referred to as “NIST Guidance”) include a set of practices that create the
foundation for developing secure software. The EO further directs the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) to require agencies to comply with such guidelines. This memorandum requires
agencies to comply with the NIST Guidance and any subsequent updates.

Available at: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/05/12/executive-order-onimproving-the-nations-cybersecurity/
2 Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity (E.O.14028), Section 4(e)
Available at: https://csrc.nist.gov/Projects/ssdf
Available at: https://www.nist.gov/system/files/documents/2022/02/04/software-supply-chain-security-guidanceunder-EO-14028-section-4e.pdf




The Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 (FISMA) 5 requires each
Federal agency to provide security protections for both “information collected or maintained by
or on behalf of an agency” 6 and for “information systems used or operated by an agency or by a
contractor of an agency or other organization on behalf of an agency.” 7 FISMA and other
provisions of Federal law authorize the Director of OMB to promulgate information security
standards for information security systems, including to ensure compliance with standards
promulgated by NIST. 8
Consistent with these authorities and the directives of EO 14028, this memorandum
requires each Federal agency 9 to comply with the NIST Guidance when using third-party
software on the agency’s information systems or otherwise affecting the agency’s information. 10
The term “software” for purposes of this memorandum includes firmware, operating systems,
applications, and application services (e.g., cloud-based software), as well as products containing
software. 11 The following conditions apply to the requirements of this memorandum:

These requirements apply to agencies’ use of software developed after the effective date
of this memorandum, as well as agencies’ use of existing software that is modified by
major version changes (e.g., using a semantic versioning schema of Major.Minor.Patch,
the software version number goes from 2.5 to 3.0) after the effective date of this


These requirements do not apply to agency-developed software, although agencies are
expected to take appropriate steps to adopt and implement secure software development
practices for agency-developed software.


An agency awarding a contract that may be used by other agencies is responsible for
implementing the requirements of this memorandum.



Ensuring software integrity is key to protecting Federal systems from threats and
vulnerabilities and reducing overall risk from cyber-attacks. The NIST Guidance provides
“recommendations to federal agencies on ensuring that the producers of software they procure
have been following a risk-based approach for secure software development.” 12 Federal agencies
must only use software provided by software producers who can attest to complying with the
Government-specified secure software development practices, as described in the NIST
P.L. 113-283
44 U.S.C. § 3553(a)(2)(A) (hereinafter referred to as “information”)
7 44 U.S.C. § 3553(a)(2)(B) (hereinafter referred to as “information systems”)
40 U.S.C. § 11331(b), (d); 44 U.S.C. § 3553(a)(1)-(2).
The term “Federal agency” refers to an “agency” under the definition provided under 44 U.S.C. § 3502(1).
Federal information systems carry the definition provided under 44 U.S.C. § 3502(8).
Software Supply Chain Security Guidance Under Executive Order (EO) 14028 Section 4e (nist.gov)


In accordance with EO 14028 and the NIST Guidance, Agency Chief Information
Officers (CIOs), in coordination with requiring offices and Chief Acquisition Officers (CAOs),
must take the following steps to ensure software producers have implemented and will attest to
conformity with secure software development practices.
1. Consistent with the NIST Guidance and by the timelines identified below, agencies
are required to obtain a self-attestation from the software producer before using the

A software producer’s self-attestation serves as a “conformance statement”
described by the NIST Guidance. The agency must obtain a self-attestation for all
third-party software subject to the requirements of this memorandum used by the
agency, including software renewals and major version changes.

Agencies should encourage software producers to be product inclusive so
that the same attestation may be readily provided to all purchasing


If the software producer cannot attest to one or more practices from the
NIST Guidance identified in the standard self-attestation form, the
requesting agency shall require the software producer to identify those
practices to which they cannot attest, document practices they have in
place to mitigate those risks, and require a Plan of Action & Milestones
(POA&M) to be developed. The agency shall take appropriate steps to
ensure that such documentation is not posted publicly, either by the vendor
or by the agency itself. If the software producer supplies that
documentation and the agency finds it satisfactory, the agency may use the
software despite the producer’s inability to provide a complete selfattestation.
Documentation provided in lieu of a complete self-attestation, as described
in the preceding paragraph, shall not be posted publicly by the vendor or
the agency.

b. The agency shall retain the self-attestation document, unless the software
producer posts it publicly and provides a link to the posting as part of its proposal

c. An acceptable self-attestation must include the following minimum requirements:

The software producer's name;



A description of which product or products the statement refers to
(preferably focused at the company or product line level and inclusive of
all unclassified products sold to Federal agencies);


A statement attesting that the software producer follows secure
development practices and tasks that are itemized in the standard selfattestation form;


Self-attestation is the minimum level required; however, agencies may
make risk-based determinations that a third-party assessment is required
due to the criticality of the service or product that is being acquired, as
defined in M-21-30.

d. A third-party assessment provided by either a certified FedRAMP Third Party
Assessor Organization (3PAO) or one approved by the agency shall be acceptable
in lieu of a software producer's self-attestation, including in the case of open
source software or products incorporating open source software, provided the
3PAO uses the NIST Guidance as the assessment baseline.
e. Agencies are encouraged to use a standard self-attestation form, which will be
made available to agencies. The Federal Acquisition Regulatory (FAR) Council
plans to propose rulemaking on the use of a uniform standard self-attestation
2. Agencies may obtain from software producers artifacts that demonstrate
conformance to secure software development practices, as needed.
a. A Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) may be required by the agency in
solicitation requirements, based on the criticality of the software as defined in M21-30, or as determined by the agency. If required, the SBOM shall be retained
by the agency, unless the software producer posts it publicly and provides a link
to that posting to the agency.
b. SBOMs must be generated in one of the data formats defined in the National
Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) report “The
Minimum Elements for a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM),” 13 or successor
guidance as published by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
c. Agencies shall consider reciprocity of SBOM and other artifacts from software
producers that are maintained by other Federal agencies, based on direct
applicability and currency of the artifacts.

Available at: https://www.nist.gov/system/files/documents/2022/02/04/software-supply-chain-security-guidanceunder-EO-14028-section-4e.pdf



d. Artifacts other than the SBOM (e.g., from the use of automated tools and
processes which validate the integrity of the source code and check for known or
potential vulnerabilities) may be required if the agency determines them
e. Evidence that the software producer participates in a Vulnerability Disclosure
Program may be required by the agency.
f. Agencies are encouraged to notify potential vendors of requirements as early in
the acquisition process as feasible, including leveraging pre-solicitation activities.
Compliance with the EO and NIST Guidance requires that agencies engage in appropriate
planning. In order to ensure compliance and reduce risk, agencies must integrate the NIST
Guidance into their software evaluation process as outlined in this memorandum and consistent
with the timelines below. As agencies develop requirements that include the use of new software,
they must request confirmation that the software producer utilizes secure software development
practices. This could be accomplished through specification of these requirements in the Request
for Proposal (RFP) or other solicitation documents, but regardless of how the agency ensures
compliance, the agency must ensure that the company implements and attests to the use of secure
software development practices consistent with NIST Guidance, throughout the software
development lifecycle.


A. Agency Responsibility
Agencies must incorporate the requirements of this memorandum, in accordance with the
1. Within 90 days of the date of this memorandum, agencies shall inventory all
software subject to the requirements of this memorandum, with a separate
inventory for “critical software.”
2. Within 120 days of the date of this memorandum, agencies shall develop a
consistent process to communicate relevant requirements in this memorandum to
vendors, and ensure attestation letters not posted publicly by software providers
are collected in one central agency system.
3. Agencies shall collect attestation letters not posted publicly by software providers
for “critical software” 14 subject to the requirements of this memorandum within
270 days after publication of this memorandum.

14 OMB Memorandum M-21-30, available at: https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/M-2130.pdf


4. Agencies shall collect attestation letters not posted publicly by software providers
for all software subject to the requirements of this memorandum within 365 days
after publication of this memorandum.
5. Within 180 days of the date of this memorandum, agency CIOs, in coordination
with agency requiring activities and agency CAOs, shall assess organizational
training needs and develop training plans for the review and validation of full
attestation documents and artifacts.
6. Extensions. Agencies may request an extension for complying with the
requirements of this memorandum. The extension request shall be submitted to
the Director of OMB and must be transmitted 30 days before any relevant
deadline in this memorandum and accompanied by a plan for meeting the
underlying requirements.
Specific instructions for submitting requests for extensions will be posted in
MAX.gov at this URL: https://community.max.gov/x/LhtGJw.
7. Waivers. Agencies may request a waiver—only in the case of exceptional
circumstances and for a limited duration—for any specific requirement(s) of this
memorandum. The waiver request must be submitted to the Director of OMB and
must be transmitted 30 days before any relevant deadline in this memorandum
and accompanied by a plan for mitigating any potential risks. The Director of
OMB, in consultation with the Assistant to the President and National Security
Advisor (APNSA), will consider granting the request on a case-by-case basis.
Specific instructions for submitting requests for waivers will be posted in MAX at
this URL: https://community.max.gov/x/LhtGJw.
8. Compliance with Other Authorities. In executing the activities required by this
memorandum, agencies shall comply with laws governing the collection, use, and
dissemination of information.
B. OMB Responsibility
1. Within 90 days from the date of this memorandum, OMB will post specific
instructions for submitting requests for waivers or extensions to the MAX.gov
links identified above.
2. Within 180 days from the date of this memorandum, OMB, in consultation with
CISA and the General Services Administration (GSA), will establish requirements
for a centralized repository for software attestations and artifacts, with appropriate
mechanisms for protection and sharing among Federal agencies.


C. CISA Responsibility
1. Within 120 days from the date of this memorandum, CISA, in consultation with
OMB, will establish a standard self-attestation “common form” for Paperwork
Reduction Act (PRA) clearance that is suitable for use by multiple agencies.
2. Within 1 year from OMB’s establishment of requirements, CISA, in consultation
with GSA and OMB, will establish a program plan for a government-wide
repository for software attestations and artifacts with appropriate mechanisms for
information protection and sharing among Federal agencies.
3. Within 18 months from OMB’s establishment of requirements, CISA will
demonstrate an Initial Operating Capability (IOC) of the repository.
4. Within 24 months from OMB’s establishment of requirements, CISA will
evaluate requirements for the Full Operating Capability (FOC) of a Federal
interagency software artifact repository through traditional OMB processes.
5. CISA will publish updated guidance on Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) for
Federal agencies, as appropriate.
D. NIST Responsibility
Update SSDF guidance as appropriate.


All questions or inquiries should be addressed to the OMB Office of the Federal Chief
Information Officer (OFCIO) via email: [email protected]


This table summarizes all actions in the memorandum above:
Agencies shall inventory all software subject to the
requirements of this memorandum.
Agency CIOs shall develop a consistent process to
communicate relevant requirements in this memorandum
to vendors, and ensure attestation letters are collected in
one central agency system
Agencies shall collect attestation letters for “critical
software” subject to the requirements of this memorandum
Agencies shall collect attestation letters for all software
subject to the requirements of this memorandum
Agency CIOs shall assess training needs and develop
training plans for the review and validation of software
attestations and artifacts
OMB will post specific instructions for requesting waivers
and extensions to identified MAX.gov sites.
OMB will establish the requirements for a centralized
repository for agency secure software attestations and
In consultation with GSA and OMB, CISA will establish a
program plan for a Government-wide repository for
software attestations and artifacts with appropriate
mechanisms for information protection and sharing among
Federal agencies
CISA will demonstrate IOC of the attestation and artifact
CISA will evaluate requirements for the Full Operating
Capability (FOC) of a Federal interagency software
acquisition artifact repository through traditional OMB
CISA will publish updated SBOM guidance
CISA will establish a self-attestation common form for
PRA clearance, incorporating the minimum elements of
NIST 800-218 as identified by OMB.
NIST will update SSDF guidance.


Actions following
Within 90 days


Within 120 days
Within 270 days
Within 365 days
Within 180 days
Within 90 days
Within 180 Days
One year from the
establishment of
18 months after
establishment of
24 months after
establishment of
As appropriate
Within 120 days
As appropriate




File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleM-22-18
SubjectEnhancing the Security of the Software Supply Chain through Secure Software Development Practices
AuthorShalanda D. Young
File Modified2022-09-14
File Created2022-09-13

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