November 28, 2022
Attachment B
The National Science Foundation, United States Antarctica Program (USAP), through an Interagency Agreement with the Department of Interior, NSF has contracted with Leading and Dynamic Services and Solutions (LDSS) to conduct the USAP Sexual Assault and Harassment Climate Survey (SAHCS). Soteria Solutions, members of team LDSS and subject matter experts in climate surveys, are responsible for collecting the SAHCS baseline data on sexual assault and harassment within the USAP community.
The goal of the climate survey is to generate solution-oriented data which will paint a comprehensive picture of the health and challenges of the USAP workplace and community in which problem behaviors arise and to identify the healthy characteristics and elements of the overall USAP environment which can be enhanced or changed to address these problems.
privacy is important to us. We are protecting and maintaining your
confidentiality in the following ways:
Soteria Solutions is administering the survey AND housing the data.
We are not asking for your name.
We are not collecting your IP address.
Responses are confidential.
Your participation in the survey is voluntary and you may stop or exit at any time.
All data will be aggregated when reported out and no data with a cell size less than 10 will be reported.
If you would like to make a formal report of sexual assault or sexual harassment to NSF, please contact the NSF Office of Equity and Civil Rights at [email protected].
If you would like to talk with a confidential advocate, please contact [email protected].
The survey will be open from X, 2023 to X 2023 and is voluntary. Once the survey is started:
It will take approximately 25-30 minutes to complete and will begin on the next page.
You have the options of "I prefer not to answer" for every item in the survey.
Please feel free to skip questions you cannot or do not wish to answer.
You may stop taking the survey at any time.
This study is authorized by law (42 U.S.C. 1862 Section 3.a.6.). The OMB control number for this study is 3145-0260.
If you wish to participate in this survey, please click “Next” to proceed. If you do not wish to participate, you can exit the
platform now.
We thank you for your time and willingness
to help move USAP towards a safe and respectful workplace for all.
Which category best matches your current position?
Grantee/Student Researcher team member
Grantee/Non-Student Researcher team member
Federal civilian personnel
Military personnel
Other, please specify: ___________________
Where was your most recent PRIMARY deployment location?
McMurdo Station
McMurdo: Near field
McMurdo: Deep field
South Pole Station
Palmer Station
Research Vessel
Other, please specify: ___________________
How much total time have you been deployed as a USAP participant (over all deployments)?
Less than 12 months
1-3 years
4-6 years
7-9 years
10 or more years
What is the total number of deployments you have done as a USAP participant?
_____ (enter number)
When was your last deployment?
Winter 2023
Summer 2022
Winter 2022
Summer 2021
Winter 2021
Summer 2020
Winter 2020
Summer 2019
Winter 2019
How long was your last deployment?
Less than 4 months be small
5-7 months
8-10 months
10+ months
I am currently deployed
What is your age?
Prefer not to answer
Are you (mark all that apply):
Transgender, non-binary, or another gender
How do you describe yourself?
Heterosexual (“straight”)
Another sexual orientation not listed (if you would like, feel free to describe): ________
Prefer not to answer
Are you?
No – Not Hispanic/Latino
What is your race? (Check all that apply)
Black/African American
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
Native American/American Indian/Alaskan Native/First Nations/Indigenous
Prefer not to answer
Of the following levels of education, please tell us the highest level you have completed:
Secondary (completed high school or GED)
Some post-secondary/college/trade school
Completed trade school/Technical certification/Associate degree
Completed college/Bachelor's Degree
Some graduate school
Master’s Degree
Doctoral or Professional Degree
Prefer not to answer
What is your approximate annual income in the year of your most recent deployment?
Receiving academic credit, no income while deployed
Under $15,000
Between $15,000 and $29,999
Between $30,000 and $49,999
Between $50,000 and $74,999
Between $75,000 and $99,999
Between $100,000 and $150,000
Over $150,000
Prefer not to answer
Do you have any responsibilities as a supervisor or manager?
Prefer not to answer
If YES, approximately how many employees are normally within your line of responsibility?
Directions: The next set of statements are thoughts one may have about working at USAP. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement. There are no right or wrong answers.
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Prefer not to answer |
General Experiences – SOCIAL NORMS
Directions: The next set of statements are thoughts that a community member could have about how the people they work with feel about working at USAP. Please indicate approximately what percent of your colleagues (0-100%, no decimals) you feel would AGREE or STRONGLY AGREE with each statement. There are no right or wrong answers.
0-100% No decimals |
Prefer not to answer |
A. x% of the people I work with would agree or strongly agree that USAP is a respectful place to work. |
Directions: The next set of statements are thoughts that someone could have about their specific job within the USAP community. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement. There are no right or wrong answers.
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Prefer not to answer |
assault includes,
but is not limited to, any intentional sexual contact,
characterized by use of physical force, threats, intimidation, or
abuse of authority, or where consent is not given or cannot be given.
Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal (i.e. sexist comments) or physical conduct of a sexual nature, that is made a condition of securing, maintaining, or otherwise affects employment, interferes with work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
Stalking includes but is not limited to a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, contact, or any other repeated course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear.
Together, these behaviors will be referred to as sexual assault and sexual harassment (SA/SH) throughout this USAP Climate Survey.
Directions: The next set of statements are thoughts one may have about their direct/immediate supervisor regarding SA/SH issues at USAP. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement. There are no right or wrong answers.
My Supervisor/Manager: |
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Prefer not to answer |
Supervisory Climate – SOCIAL NORMS
Directions: The next set of statements are thoughts one may have about how the people they work with feel about their supervisor/manager and SA/SH. Please tell us what percent of your colleagues (0-100%, no decimals) you think would AGREE or STRONGLY AGREE with each statement. There are no right or wrong answers.
0-100% No decimals |
Prefer not to answer |
Directions: The next statement is about SA/SH resources at USAP. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statement. There is no right or wrong answer.
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Prefer not to answer |
Directions: The next set of statements describe actions one may or may not take regarding SA/SH issues at USAP while deployed. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement. There are no right or wrong answers.
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Prefer not to answer |
SA/SH Perception of Community Attitude
Directions: Please show what percent of people you work with at USAP would AGREE or STRONGLY AGREE with the statement about SA/SH. There are no right or wrong answers.
0-100% No decimals |
Prefer not to answer |
Directions: The next set of statements describe actions one may or may not take regarding the prevention of SA/SH issues within the USAP community. Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement. There are no right or wrong answers.
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Prefer not to answer |
Directions: The next set of statements describe things a community member may think about SA/SH policies. Please tell us about how much you agree with the statements listed below. There are no right or wrong answers.
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
I Don’t know |
Prefer not to answer |
Directions: The next set of statements describe things a supervisor or manager may think about respect in the workplace. Please tell us about what how much you agree with the statements listed below. There are no right or wrong answers.
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Prefer not to answer |
Directions: The next set of statements describe things a person may think about the USAP community’s culture. Please tell us about what how much you agree with the statements listed below. There are no right or wrong answers.
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Prefer not to answer |
Perception of Others
Directions: The next set of statements describe things about what the entire community thinks about the USAP community’s culture. Please tell us about what percent of USAP community members would AGREE or STRONGLY AGREE with the statement listed below. There are no right or wrong answers.
0-100% No decimals |
Prefer not to answer |
this section, we are hoping to learn more about various types of
incidents regarding sexual assault, sexual harassment and stalking in
the workplace that you
may have observed/seen during
your time as a USAP community member while deployed.
assault includes,
but is not limited to, any intentional sexual contact,
characterized by use of physical force, threats, intimidation, or
abuse of authority, or where consent is not given or cannot be given.
Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, that is made a condition of securing, maintaining, or otherwise affects employment, interferes with work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
Stalking includes but is not limited to a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, contact, or any other repeated course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear.
Together, these behaviors will be referred to as sexual assault and sexual harassment (SA/SH) throughout this USAP Climate Survey.
Directions: During deployment(s) of the calendar years of 2019-2023 please mark an estimate of the total times you OBSERVED (saw with your own eyes) a USAP community member(s) doing any of the following SA/SH behaviors to another USAP community member(s). In the following statements, “community member(s) A” is a person causing harm to “community member(s) B”.
REMINDER: Sexual assault, harassment, and stalking behaviors will be referred to as sexual assault and sexual harassment (SA/SH) throughout this USAP Climate Survey.
THINGS that you observed another USAP community member(s) do to another USAP community member(s) |
Never |
1-3 times |
4-6 times |
7-9 times |
10+ times |
Directions: Thinking about the LAST SA/SH behavior you observed/saw, while deployed, during the calendar years of 2019-2023, please answer the following questions.
During what deployment season did the SA/SH behavior happen? (Choose one option)
Winter 2023
Summer 2022
Winter 2022
Summer 2021
Winter 2021
Summer 2020
Winter 2020
Summer 2019
Winter 2019
When in the day did the SA/SH behavior happen? (Choose one option)
During my work hours.
During my time off of work/social time.
Prefer not to answer
Who was committing the behavior in this specific incident? (Check all that apply)
Community member(s) B’s supervisor
A supervisor, but not community member(s) B’s supervisor
Someone in community member(s) B’s immediate work group who is NOT their supervisor
A Research team member
Community member(s) B’s dating partner/spouse/” ice-wife/husband/partner”/hookup partner
Community member B’s superior that is NOT their supervisor
A Contractor
Community member(s) B’s subordinate
A subordinate, but not Community member(s) B’s subordinate
Military personnel
I don’t know
Other, please describe: _________________
Prefer not to answer
What was the setting of the behavior?
Christchurch, New Zealand
Punta Arenas, Chile
McMurdo Station
McMurdo: Near field
McMurdo: Deep field
South Pole Station
Palmer Station
Research Vessel
Common area (Galley, lounge, library, or other common area)
Private in-person meeting (one on one)
Field Camp
Other, please describe: ___________________
Prefer not to answer
Was the incident isolated or part of multiple incidences?
Isolated (a single incident that happened only once and not connected to any other incidents)
Multiple incidences. Please approximate how many incidences:
Prefer not to answer
Did the incident involve alcohol (the involvement of alcohol does not mean that the person who was harmed is to blame, or that the person causing harm is excused from responsibility for their behavior)?
Not Sure
If Yes, THEN: If alcohol was involved, in your opinion did the alcohol make the person harmed less able to consent or make decisions about what was happening?
Not sure
Directions: In relation the specific incident you observed, please select “yes” or “no” for EACH action listed. (select “yes” for actions that are most like actions that you took even if the wording is not exact)
Yes |
No |
If YES or NO to Item G or H. THEN,
If Yes, THEN, specifically who did you talk to about the SA/SH behavior you observed/saw? (Check all that apply)
A community member I work with
A community member I do not work with
Confidential Victim Advocate
Chaplain/Faith or Spiritual Leader while deployed
Someone at the Medical Clinic while deployed
Counselor while deployed
My Supervisor/Manager/Military Commanding Officer
Human Resources
NSF Station Manager/Special Deputy U.S. Marshal
Ice Ally
Someone NOT deployed (i.e., family member, friend)
Other: ______________
Prefer not to answer
If No, THEN, please tell us why you decided not to talk to anyone about the SA/SH behavior you observed/saw. (Check all that apply)
Felt it was not serious enough
Was afraid of being retaliated against socially (i.e., ostracized, excluded, judged)
Was afraid of retaliation by my employer (i.e., a poor performance review, demotion, change in duties, losing my job/being re-deployed, not being hired again/deployed etc.)
Was afraid it would be reported without my permission
Was afraid for my physical safety
Didn’t trust that the person would be sanctioned/punished
Felt bad about calling attention to negative workplace behavior
Didn’t think I would be believed
Didn’t think it would be taken seriously
It wasn’t the first time it happened
I reported a SA/SH behavior before and nothing happened
Didn’t know who or what office to talk to
It happens all the time and nobody reports it
Decided to handle on my own
Other, please describe________________
Prefer not to answer
Did you, or someone you spoke with, officially report the SA/SH behavior you observed/saw?
Prefer not to answer
If Yes, THEN, did you want the person to officially report the SA/SH behavior you observed/saw?
Prefer not to answer
If No, THEN, please tell us why you did not report, or if you did not want the person you told to report, the SA/SH behavior you observed/saw. (Check all that apply)
Felt it was not serious enough
Was afraid of being retaliated against socially (i.e., ostracized, excluded, judged)
Was afraid of retaliation by my employer (i.e., a poor performance review, demotion, change in duties, losing my job/being re-deployed, not being hired again/deployed etc.)
Was afraid it would be reported without my permission
Was afraid for my physical safety
Didn’t trust that the person would be sanctioned/punished
Felt bad about calling attention to negative workplace behavior
Didn’t think I would be believed
Didn’t think it would be taken seriously
It wasn’t the first time it happened
I reported a SA/SH behavior before and nothing happened
Didn’t know who or what office to talk to
It happens all the time and nobody reports it
Decided to handle on my own
Other, please describe________________
Prefer not to answer
Directions: People observing/seeing SA/SH react in a variety of understandable ways. Please mark how much each item described below impacted your life because of observing/seeing the incident you described above.
Reactions |
Did not experience |
No Impact |
Minor Impact |
Moderate Impact |
Major Impact |
Severe Impact |
Prefer not to answer |
(e.g., difficulty concentrating or focusing) |
SA/SH Community Perception
Directions: The next set of statements are examples of what you think about the opinion of the people you work with about the incident you observed/saw. Please tell us approximately what percent of the people you work with would say, or do, the things described below. There are no right or wrong answers.
0-100% No decimals |
Prefer not to answer |
If you would like to say more on any of the SA/SH you OBSERVED/SAW, please feel free to use the space below. You will have the chance to say more about SA/SH you experienced in another section. The information you type will be kept confidential and is anonymous. We ask that you NOT give any identifying information, such as, specific names of individuals involved.
If you would like to make a formal report of sexual assault or sexual harassment to NSF, please contact the NSF Office of Equity and Civil Rights at [email protected]. If you would like to talk with a confidential advocate, please contact [email protected].
Reminder: Any information you type in the space below will kept confidential and is anonymous and will help us achieve our goal of using the survey results to foster a healthy work environment within the USAP community.
OPEN TEXT BOX: Please make sure to write when (deployment season and year) this happened. |
In this section, we are hoping to learn more about various types of incidents regarding sexual assault, sexual harassment and stalking that you may have personally experienced during your time as a USAP community member while deployed. These behaviors will be collectively referred to as SA/SH (sexual assault and harassment) throughout the USAP Climate Survey.
Directions: During deployment(s) of the calendar years of 2019-2023 please mark an estimate of the total times you personally EXPERIENCED any of the following SA/SH behaviors.
REMINDER: Sexual assault, harassment, and stalking behaviors will be referred to as sexual assault and sexual harassment (SA/SH) throughout this USAP Climate Survey.
THINGS a USAP Community member(s) DID TO YOU
Never |
1-3 times |
4-6 times |
7-9 times |
10+ times |
If the response to questions A through O is “never” survey skips to SECTION FIVE, otherwise the next series of questions are asked:
Directions: Thinking about the last SA/SH incident you experienced, while deployed, during the calendar years of 2019-2023, please answer the following questions.
During what deployment season did the SA/SH behavior/incident happen? (Choose one option)
Winter 2023
Summer 2022
Winter 2022
Summer 2021
Winter 2021
Summer 2020
Winter 2020
Summer 2019
Winter 2019
When in the day did the SA/SH behavior/incident happen? (Choose one option)
During my work hours.
During my time off of work/social time
Prefer not to answer
Did the SA/SH behavior/incident involve more than one person causing harm?
Prefer not to answer
Who was committing the behavior in this specific incident? (Check all that apply)
Your supervisor
A supervisor, but not your supervisor
Someone in your immediate work group who is NOT your supervisor
A Research team member
Your dating partner/spouse/” ice-wife/husband/partner”/hookup partner
A superior that is NOT your supervisor
A Contractor
Your subordinate
Military personnel
I don’t know
Other, please describe: _________________
Prefer not to answer
What was the setting of the behavior?
Christchurch, New Zealand
Punta Arenas, Chile
McMurdo Station
McMurdo: Near field
McMurdo: Deep field
South Pole Station
Palmer Station
Research Vessel
Common area (Galley, lounge, library, or other common area)
Private in-person meeting (one on one)
Field Camp
Other, please describe: ___________________
Prefer not to answer
Was the incident isolated or part of multiple incidences?
Isolated (a single incident that happened only once and not connected to any other incidents)
Multiple incidences. Please approximate how many incidences:
Prefer not to answer
Did the incident involve alcohol (the involvement of alcohol does not mean that the person who was harmed is to blame, or that the person causing harm is excused from responsibility for their behavior)?
Not Sure
If Yes, THEN: If alcohol was involved, in your opinion did the alcohol make you less able to consent or make decisions about what was happening?
Not sure
Did the person(s) that harmed you do any of the following during this incident? Please select “yes” or “no” for EACH action listed. (select “yes” for any actions that are most like action the person(s), even if the wording is not exact)
NO |
Did you talk to someone (not to officially report) about the SA/SH behavior that you experienced?
Prefer not to answer
If YES, THEN, Specifically, who did you talk to about the SA/SH behavior you experienced? (Check all that apply)
A community member I work with
A community member I do not work with
Confidential Victim Advocate
Chaplain/Faith or Spiritual Leader while deployed
Someone at the Medical Clinic while deployed
Counselor while deployed
My Supervisor/Manager/Military Commanding Officer
Human Resources
NSF Station Manager/Special Deputy U.S. Marshal
Ice Ally
Someone NOT deployed (i.e., family, fried)
Other: ______________
Prefer not to answer
If NO – Please tell us why you decided not to talk to anyone about the SA/SH behavior you experienced. (Check all that apply)
Felt it was not serious enough
Was afraid of being retaliated against socially (i.e., ostracized, excluded, judged)
Was afraid of retaliation by my employer (i.e., a poor performance review, demotion, change in duties, losing my job/being re-deployed, not being hired again/deployed etc.)
Was afraid it would be reported without my permission
Was afraid for my physical safety
Didn’t trust that the person would be sanctioned/punished
Felt bad about calling attention to negative workplace behavior
Didn’t think I would be believed
Didn’t think it would be taken seriously
It wasn’t the first time it happened
I reported a SA/SH behavior before and nothing happened
Didn’t know who or what office to talk to
It happens all the time and nobody reports it
Decided to handle on my own
Other, please describe________________
Prefer not to answer
Did you, or someone you spoke with, officially report the SA/SH behavior you experienced?
Prefer not to answer
If Yes – Did you want the person to officially report the SA/SH behavior you experienced?
Prefer not to answer
If NO – Please tell us why you did not report the SA/SH behavior you experienced or if you did not want the person you told to report the SA/SH behavior that you experienced. (Check all that apply)
Felt it was not serious enough
Was afraid of being retaliated against socially (i.e., ostracized, excluded, judged)
Was afraid of retaliation by my employer (i.e., a poor performance review, demotion, change in duties, losing my job/being re-deployed, not being hired again/deployed etc.)
Was afraid it would be reported without my permission
Was afraid for my physical safety
Didn’t trust that the person would be sanctioned/punished
Felt bad about calling attention to negative workplace behavior
Didn’t think I would be believed
Didn’t think it would be taken seriously
It wasn’t the first time it happened
I reported a SA/SH behavior before and nothing happened
Didn’t know who or what office to talk to
It happens all the time and nobody reports it
Decided to handle on my own
Other, please describe________________
Prefer not to answer
Directions: People experiencing SA/SH react in a variety of understandable ways. Please mark how much each item described below impacted your life because of experiencing the incident you described above.
Reactions |
Did not experience |
No Impact |
Minor Impact |
Moderate Impact |
Major Impact |
Severe Impact |
Prefer not to answer |
(e.g., difficulty concentrating or focusing) |
SA/SH Community Perception
Directions: The next set of statements are examples of what you think about the opinion of the people you work with about the incident you experienced. Please tell us approximately what percent of the people you work with would say, or do, the things described below. There are no right or wrong answers.
0-100% No decimals |
Prefer not to answer |
If you would like to say more on any of the SA/SH you EXPERIENCED, please feel free to use the space below. The information you type will be kept confidential and is anonymous. We ask that you NOT give any identifying information, such as, specific names of individuals involved.
If you would like to make a formal report of sexual assault or sexual harassment to NSF, please contact the NSF Office of Equity and Civil Rights at [email protected]. If you would like to talk with a confidential advocate, please contact [email protected].
Reminder: Any information you type in the space below will kept confidential and is anonymous and will help us achieve our goal of using the survey results to foster a healthy work environment within the USAP community.
OPEN TEXT BOX: Please make sure to write when (deployment season and year) this happened. |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Jane Stapleton |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-12-12 |