ETA Form 9205 RAIR Layout

Labor Standards and Equal Employment Opportunity for Registered Apprenticeship Programs – Registration and Reporting Requirements

ETA Form 9205 RAIR Layout (v.2 final 12-7-23).xlsx

OMB: 1205-0559

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Program Sponsor 671 I
Group Program Tear Off 671 IA
Apprentice Records 671 II
Voluntary Disability Disclosure
Reg Agency Annual Report

Sheet 1: Program Sponsor 671 I

OMB Control No. 1205-0NEW

Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx

ETA Form 9205


100 Employer Identification Number IN 9 For any sponsor that is also an employer, record the Federal Employer Identification Number of the Sponsor. XXXXXXXXX
101 Program Number AN 13 Record the Program Number assigned by the Registration Agency. XXXXXXXXXXXXX
102 Sponsor Name AN 25 Record the name of the program's sponsor. XXXXXXXXXXX
103 Doing Business As (DBA) AN 25 If the sponsor is doing business as a name other than the name recorded as their Sponsor Name, record the name that the sponsor is doing business as. XXXXXXXXXXX
104 Sponsor Type - Educational Institution IN 3 If the sponsor is an Educational Institution, record the applicable types of institutions:
Record 1 if the sponsor is a Local Education Agency. Local Educational Agency means the term given in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (
Record 2 if the sponsor is an Institution of Higher Education - Community College.
Record 3 if the sponsor is an Institution of Higher Education - 4-Year Degree Granting Institution.

Institution of Higher Education means the term given in sec. 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (

Record 0 if the sponsor is not an educational instution.
1 = Local Education Agency
2 =IHE - Community College
3 = IHE - 4-Year Degree Granting Institution
0 = Not an educational insitution
105 Sponsor Type - Government IN 4 If the sponsor is a governmental organization/agency, record the applicable types of organizations:
Record 1 if the sponsor is a Federal Government Agency.
Record 2 if the sponsor is a State Government Agency.
Record 3 if the sponsor is a City/County Government Agency.
Record 4 if the sponsor is a Workforce Development Board.
Record 0 if the sponsor is not a governmental organization/agency.
1 = Federal Agency
2 = State Agency
3 = City/County Agency
4 = Workforce Development Board
0 = Not a governmental organiztion.
106 Sponsor Type - Non-Governmental Organizations IN 7 Record the sponsor's applicable types of organizations:
Record 1 if the sponsor is also a person or organization that employs apprentices during the on-the-job training component of the apprenticeship program pursuant to a program sponsor’s approved set of standards of apprenticeship and the apprenticeship agreement.
Record 2 if the sponsos is a Union or Labor organization.
Record 3 if the sponsor is a business association.
Record 4 if the sponsor is an intermediary.
Record 5 if the sponsor is a Community Based Organization.
Record 6 if the sponsor is a foundation.
Record 7 if the sponsor is an Employee Leasing and/or Staffing Agency.
Record 8 if the sponsor is an organization type other than those listed above, and is not an Educational Insitution or governmental organization/agency.
Record 0 if the sponsor is not one of the types listed above.
3=Business Association
5=Community Based Organization
7=Employee Leasing/Staffing Agency
8 = Other
0 = Not a non-governmental organization
107 Parent Organization/National Affiliation AN 25 If the sponsor is a part of a larger parent organization or national affiiliation, record the name of the parent organization or national affiiliation that the sponsor is a part of. XXXXXXXXXXX
108 Sponsor Address - Line 1 AN 50 Record the street address of the sponsor's primary location.

Please verify the address and zip code using the USPS address validation system:!input.action
109 Sponsor Address - City AN 25 Record the city of the sponsor's primary location. XXXXXXXXXXX
110 Sponsor Address - State AN 2 Record the 2 letter USPS state code for the state of the sponsor's primary location. XX
111 Sponsor Address - Zip Code IN 5 Report the 5-digit zip code of the sponsor's primary location.

Please verify the address and zip code using the USPS address validation system:!input.action
112 Sponsor Address - County IN 3 Report the 3-digit FIPS code of the county of the sponsor's primary location. XXX
113 Sponsor Website AN 200 Record the URL of the sponsor's website. XXXXXXXXXXX
114 Sponsor Telephone Number IN 9 Record the sponsor's primary telephone contact number. XXX-XXX-XXXX
115 Sponsor Cell Phone Number IN 9 Record the sponsor's cellphone contact number, if different from the Sponsor Telephone Number. XXX-XXX-XXXX
116 Sponsor Email Address AN 20 Record the sponsor's primary email address contact. XXXXXXXXXXX
117 Sponsor Relevant Recruitment Area AN 2500 Record a description of the sponsor's relevant recruitment area for the program.
118 Sponsor Point of Contact - Last Name AN 20 Record the last name of the Sponsor's designated point of contact. XXXXXXXXXXX
119 Sponsor Point of Contact - First Name AN 20 Record the first name of the Sponsor's designated point of contact. XXXXXXXXXXX
120 Sponsor Point of Contact - Middle Initial AN 1 Record the middle initial of the Sponsor's designated point of contact. X
121 Sponsor Point of Contact - Title AN 20 Record the title of the Sponsor's designated point of contact. XXXXXXXXXXX
122 Sponsor Point of Contact's Address - Line 1 AN 50 If different from the sponsor's primary location, record the street address of the sponsor's point of contact's address.

Please verify the address and zip code using the USPS address validation system:!input.action
123 Sponsor Point of Contact's Address - Line 2 AN 10 If different from the sponsor's primary location, record the sponsor's point of contact's Apartment/Suite/Unit/Room number, if applicable. XXXXXXXXXXX
124 Sponsor Point of Contact's - City AN 25 If different from the sponsor's primary location, record the city of the the sponsor's point of contact's address. XXXXXXXXXXX
125 Sponsor Point of Contact's -State AN 2 If different from the sponsor's primary location, record the 2 letter USPS state code for the state of the sponsor's point of contact's address. XX
126 Sponsor Point of Contact's - Zip Code IN 5 If different from the sponsor's primary location, report the 5-digit zip code of the sponsor's point of contact's address.

Please verify the address and zip code using the USPS address validation system:!input.action
127 Sponsor Point of Contact's - County IN 3 If different from the sponsor's primary location, report the 3-digit FIPS code of the county the sponsor's point of contact's address. XXX
128 Sponsor Point of Contact's Telephone Number IN 9 If different from the sponsor's telephone number, record the sponsor's point of contact's telephone number. XXX-XXX-XXXX
129 Sponsor Point of Contact's Cell Phone Number IN 9 Record the sponsor point of contact's cellphone number, if different from the Sponsor Point of Contact's Telephone Number. XXX-XXX-XXXX
130 Sponsor Point of Contact's Email Address AN 20 Record the sponsor point of contact's email address. XXXXXXXXXXX
131 Sponsor Headquarters Address Question IN 1 Record 1 if the Program Sponsor's Address is different from the Program Sponsor's principal place of business in the United States.
Record 0 is the Program Sponsor's Address is the same as the Program Sponsor's principal place of business in the United States.
132 Sponsor Place of Business Address - Line 1 AN 50 If different from the sponsor's primary location, record the street address of the sponsor's headquarters address.

Please verify the address and zip code using the USPS address validation system:!input.action
133 Sponsor Place of Business Address - Line 2 AN 10 If different from the sponsor's primary location, record the sponsor's headquarters Apartment/Suite/Unit/Room number, if applicable. XXXXXXXXXXX
134 Sponsor Place of Business Address - City AN 25 If different from the sponsor's primary location, record the city of the the sponsor's headquarters address. XXXXXXXXXXX
135 Sponsor Place of Business Address - State AN 2 If different from the sponsor's primary location, record the 2 letter USPS state code for the state of the sponsor's headquarters address. XX
136 Sponsor Place of Business Address - Zip Code IN 5 If different from the sponsor's primary location, report the 5-digit zip code of the sponsor's headquarters address.

Please verify the address and zip code using the USPS address validation system:!input.action
137 Sponsor Place of Business Point of Contact - Last Name AN 20 Record the last name of the Sponsor's Place of Business designated point of contact. XXXXXXXXXXX
138 Sponsor Place of Business Point of Contact - First Name AN 20 Record the first name of the Sponsor's Place of Business designated point of contact. XXXXXXXXXXX
139 Sponsor Place of Business Point of Contact - Middle Initial AN 1 Record the middle initial of the Sponsor's Place of Business designated point of contact. X
140 Sponsor Place of Business Point of Contact - Title AN 20 Record the title of the Sponsor's Place of Business designated point of contact. XXXXXXXXXXX
141 Sponsor Place of Business Point of Contact - Telephone Number IN 9 Record the sponsor's Place of Business primary telephone contact number. XXX-XXX-XXXX
142 Sponsor Place of Business Point of Contact - Email Address AN 20 Record the sponsor's Place of Business primary email address contact. XXXXXXXXXXX
143 Sponsor Employer IN 1 Record 1 if the program sponsor is different from the employer that employs apprentices in the program.
Record 0 if the program sponsor employs the apprentices in the program.
144 Multiple States/Territories - Question 1 IN 1 Record 1 if the program employs apprentices in more than one U.S. state and/or territory
Record 0 if the program employs apprentices in only one state and or territory.
145 Multiple States/Territories - Question 2 AN 104 Record two letter postal code(s) for states with which the program employs apprentices.
Leave blank if data element does not apply to the program.
146 Program Type IN 1 Record 1 if the program is a single employer program.
Record 2 if the program is a group program.
1= Single Employer
147 Joint Labor-Management Program IN 1 If the program is a group program:
Record 1 if the program is a Joint Labor-Management Program
Record 0 if the program is not a Joint Labor-Management Program
Leave blank if the program is a single employer program.
1 = Joint Labor-Management
0 = Not Joint Labor-Management
148 Registration Type IN 1 Record 1 if the program is registered under local apprenticeship standards that are not linked to National Guideline Standards.
Record 2 if the program is registered under local apprenticeship standards that are linked to National Guideline Standards.
Record 3 if the program is registered under National Program Standards.
1= Local Apprenticeship Standards
2= Local Apprenticeship Standards (linked to National Guideline Standards)
3= National Program Standards
149 National Guideline Standards of Apprenticeship Program Name AN 25 If the program standards are based on National Guideline Standards (NGS) of Apprenticeship, record the NGS program name. XXXXXXXXXXX
150 National Guideline Standards for Apprenticeship Certification Number AN 10 If the program standards are based on National Guideline Standards (NGS) of Apprenticeship, record the NGS certification number. XXXXXXXXXX
151 ETPL IN 1 Record 1 if the sponsor is willing to be placed on the statewide Eligible Training Provider (ETP) List.
Record 0 if the sponsor is not willing to be placed on the statewide ETP list.
152 Collective Bargaining Agreement - Status IN 1 Record 1 if this program has a Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Record 0 if the program does not have a Collective Bargaining Agreement.
153 Collective Bargaining Agreement - Name AN 25 If the program has a Collective Bargaining Agreement, record the name of the agreement. XXXXXXXXXXX
154 Collective Bargaining Agreement - Union Waivers IN 1 Record 1 if the union waives any privileges under this program in instances where: (1) a program is registered by an employer or employers' association, (2) a collective bargaining agreement exists, and (3) the union elects not to participate in the operation of substantive matters of the apprenticeship program.
Record 2 if the union does not waive any privileges under this program in instances where (1) a program is registered by an employer or employers' association, (2) a collective bargaining agreement exists, and (3) the union elects not to participate in the operation of substantive matters of the apprenticeship program.
Record 0 if the program does not have a Collective Bargaining Agreement.
0=Not Applicable
155 Size of Workforce IN 6 Record the total number of employees in the sponsor's workforce. XXXXXX
156 Sponsor NAICS (Industry) Code IN 6 Record the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code associated with the sponsor. The NAICS Code means the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy. For more information on NAICS, please go to the following website: XXXXXX
157 Incarcerated Individuals Program IN 1 Record 1 if the program allows incarcerated individuals to be apprentices.
Record 0 if the program does not allow incarcerated individuals to be apprentices.
158 Equitable Recruitment Written Plan AN 2500 Provide the program’s written plan outlining equitable recruitment and retention practices for apprentices. XXXXXXXXXXX
159 EEO in RA Implementation AN 2500 Describe how the program sponsor will, upon registration, implement the equal employment opportunity in apprenticeship requirements as contained in 29 CFR § 30.3(b). XXXXXXXXXXX
160 Sponsor Financial Capacity AN 2500 Describe whether the program sponsor possesses, and can maintain, the financial capacity and resources to operate the program. XXXXXXXXXXX
161 Unreimbursed Costs IN 1 Record 1 if the sponsor charges any unreimbursed costs, fees, and expenses to apprentices.
Record 0 if the sponsor does not charge any unreimbursed costs, fees, and expenses to apprentices.
1 = Has Unreimbursed Costs
0 = No Unreimbursed Costs
162 Unreimbursed Costs - Detail AN 3000 If the sponsor changes unreimbursed costs, fees, or expenses, report a description of each cost and the approximate amount for each. XXXXXXXXXX
163 Advanced Standing Status IN 1 Record 1 if the program provides advanced standing to apprentices with previous education or experience.
Record 0 if the program does not provide advanced standing to apprenticeship with previous education or experience.
164 Advanced Standing Verification AN 2500 Describe how the program verifies credit for advanced standing XXXXXXXXXXX
165 Complaint Contact - Last Name AN 20 Record the last name of the Sponsor's complaint contact. XXXXXXXXXXX
166 Complaint Contact - First Name AN 20 Record the first name of the Sponsor's complaint contact. XXXXXXXXXXX
167 Complaint Contact - Middle Initial AN 1 Record the middle initial of the Sponsor's complaint contact. X
168 Complaint Contact - Title AN 20 Record the title of the Sponsor's complaint contact. XXXXXXXXXXX
169 Complaint Contact - Address - Line 1 AN 50 Record the street address of the sponsor's complaint contact's address.

Please verify the address and zip code using the USPS address validation system:!input.action
170 Complaint Contact - Address - Line 2 AN 10 Record the sponsor's complaint contact's Apartment/Suite/Unit/Room number, if applicable. XXXXXXXXXXX
171 Complaint Contact - Address - City AN 25 Record the city of the the sponsor's complaint contact's address. XXXXXXXXXXX
172 Compalint Contact - State AN 2 Record the 2 letter USPS state code for the state of the sponsor's complaint contact's address. XX
173 Complaint Contact - Zip Code IN 5 Report the 5-digit zip code of the sponsor's complaint contact's address.

Please verify the address and zip code using the USPS address validation system:!input.action
174 Complaint Contact - Phone Number IN 9 Record the sponsor's complaint contact's telephone number. XXX-XXX-XXXX
175 Complaint Contact - Cell Phone Number IN 9 Record the sponsor's complaint contact's cellphone number, if different from the sponsorcomplaint contact's telephone number. XXX-XXX-XXXX
176 Complaint Contact - Email Address AN 20 Record the sponsor complaint contact's email address. XXXXXXXXXXX
177 Program Initial Application Date DT 8 Record the date on which the program initially submitted a complete application. YYYYMMDD
178 Program Registration Date DT 8 Record the date on which the program was registered. YYYYMMDD
179 Date of Most Recent Revision to Program's Standards DT 8 Record the most recent date on which the program's standards were revised. If the standards have not been revised since the first registration date, leave this element blank. YYYYMMDD

Occupational Information, Wage Information, and Minimum Qualifiation Requirements

200 Suitable Occupation Name AN 30 Report the Suitable Occupation Name of the program, based off of OA's title for suitable occupations XXXXXXXXXX
201 Sponsor Occupation Title AN 30 If different from Suitable Occupation Name, report the program's occupation title used by the sponsor. If the sponsor uses the suitable occupation name, leave this blank. XXXXXXXXXX
202 Occupation RAPIDS Code AN 6 Record the Occupation RAPIDS code for the occupation associated with the program. XXXXXX
203 Occupation O*NET Code IN 8 Record the O*NET code for the occupation associated with the program.
204 Term Length - OJT IN 5 Record the number of hours of on-the-job training that will be provided to the apprentice prior to completion of the program. XXXXX
205 Probationary Period IN 5 Record the number of hours of on-the-job training that the apprentice will serve as the apprentice's probationary period.

Note: the probationary period cannot exceed 25 percent of the term length of the program, or one (1) year, whichever is shorter..
206 Work Process Schedule IN 1 Record 1 if there is an established work process schedule for the program. This work process schedule must be shared in a separate attachment.
Record 0 if there is not an established work process schedule for the program. Sponsors without an established work process schedule must work with the Registration Agency to develop a work process schedule.
207 National Occupational Standards for Apprenticeship Certification Number IN 1 Record 1 if the work process schedule is associated with a National Occupational Standard.
Record 0 if the work process schedule is not associated with a National Occupational Standard.
Leave blank if there is no work process schedule.
208 National Occupational Standards for Apprenticeship Certification Number AN 10 If the program standards are based on National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Apprenticeship, record the NOS certification number. XXXXXXXXXX
209 End-Point Assessment - Type IN 3 Record 1 if the end-point assessment is based on an indsutry standardized test, occupational license, or utilizes an end-point assessment identified in a National Occupational Standard.
Record 2 if the end-point assessment is sponsor-specific assessment.
Record 3 if the end-point assessment is a type other than those provided above.
1= Industry Standardized Test or Exam
2=Sponsor-specfic Assessment
210 End-Point Assessment - Detail AN 3000 Explain the program’s end-point assessment process for certifying the apprentice's attainment of relevant occupational knowledge, skills, and competencies at the close of the apprenticeship program. XXXXXXXXXXXX
211 Ratio - Apprentices IN 2 Record the number of apprentices in the Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio. XX
212 Ratio - Journeyworkers IN 2 Record the number of journeyworkers in the Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio. XX
213 Number of Journeyworkers Employed IN 5 Record the number of Journeyworkers currently employed. XXXXX
214 Documentation of Tranferred Apprentices' Transfer Information IN 1 Record 1 if the sponsor provides documentation of the transferring apprentice’s accrued related instruction and on-the-job training for apprentices that transfer from the program to another apprenticeship program involving the same occupation.
Record 0 if the sponsor does not provide documentation of the transferring apprentice’s accrued related instruction and on-the-job training for apprentices that transfer from the program to another apprenticeship program involving the same occupation.
1 = Yes, provided
0 = No, not provided
215 Instructor and Trainer Qualifications IN 1 Record 1 if the sponsor has provided documentation showing that the qualification and experience of the trainings and instructors that provide on-the-job trainers and related instruction to apprentices satisfies the requirements described in 29 CFR § 29.12 and § 29.8(a)(7).
Record 0 is the sponsor has not provided the documentation described above.
1 = Yes
0 - No
216 Health and Safety Trainings IN 1 Record 1 if the program provides industry-recognized health or safety trainings to apprentices during the program.
Record 0 if the program does not provide industry-recognized health or safety trainings to apprentices during the program.
1 = Yes
0 = No
217 Health and Safety Trainings - Narrative AN 3000 If the program provides industry-recognized health or safety trainings to apprentices during the program, list the names of those trainings. XXXXXXXXXX
218 Assessment and Feedback Process AN 5000 Describe the program’s process and frequency of regularly assessing and providing feedback to apprentices on the acquisition of job-related knowledge, skills, and competencies during the on-the-job component of the apprenticeship. XXXXXXXXXX
219 Advanced Standing Policy AN 5000 Explain how the usual terms or duration of the program’s on-the-job training and related instruction will be reduced (a) as a result of the apprentice's prior learning, training, or experience; or (b) as a result of accelerated attainment of occupational competencies. XXXXXXXXXX


300 Primary - Related Instruction Provider Name AN 50 Record the name of the primary related instruction provider. XXXXXXXXX
301 Primary - Related Instruction Provider Address - Line 1 AN 50 Record the street address of the Primary Related Instruction Provider's primary location.

Please verify the address and zip code using the USPS address validation system:!input.action
302 Primary - Related Instruction Provider Address - Line 2 AN 10 Record the Apartment/Suite/Unit/Room number of the Related Instruction Provider's primary location, if applicable. XXXXXXXXX
303 Primary - Related Instruction Provider Address - City AN 25 Record the city of the of the Related Instruction Provider's primary location. XXXXXXXXX
304 Primary - Related Instruction Provider Address - State AN 2 Record the 2 letter USPS state code for the state of the of the Related Instruction Provider's primary location. XX
305 Primary - Related Instruction Provider Address - Zip Code IN 5 Report the 5-digit zip code of the Related Instruction Provider's primary location

Please verify the address and zip code using the USPS address validation system:!input.action
306 Primary - Related Instruction Provider Website AN 100 Record the URL of the Related Instruction Provider's website if the provider is different than sponsor. XXXXXXXXXX
307 Primary - Related Instruction - Instruction Method IN 3 Indicate the instruction method of the Related Instruction:

Record 1 for Classroom/In-person
Record 2 for Correspondence
Record 3 for Virtual/Web-based

For programs with more than one related instruction method, please report all that apply in this field. For example, if both "Classroom/In-person" and "Virtual/Web-based" apply, record "13"
[Threaded comment] Your version of Excel allows you to read this threaded comment; however, any edits to it will get removed if the file is opened in a newer version of Excel. Learn more: Comment: Let's use "4-year degree granting institution" instead of university/college to align RI-provider types. This will algin with how we define and discuss IHE's. Please review edits to RAIR. Added propsoed RI-provider type to the 671 Part I 308 Primary - Related Instruction Provider Type IN 5 Indicate the provider type for the Related Instruction:

Record 1 if the provider is the program sponsor.
Record 2 if the provider is a community college.
Record 3 if the provider is a technical school.
Record 4 if the provider is a vocational school.
Record 5 if the provider is a 4-year degree granting institution
Record 6 if the provider is a type other than those provided above.

For programs with where more than one provider type applies, please provide all applicable in this field. For example, if both "program sponsor" and "technical school" apply, record "13"
2=Community College
3=Technical School
4=Vocational School
5=4-Year Degree Granting Institution
309 Primary - Related Instruction Length IN 5 Record the number of hours required to complete the program. XXXXX
310 Primary - Related Instruction Outline Plan IN 1 Record 1 if there is an established related instruction outline. These outlines must be provided in a separate attachment.
Record 0 if there is not an established related instruction outline. Sponsors must work with the Registration Agency to develop an outline/plan.
311 Primary - Wages Paid During Related Instruction DE 9.2 Record the total amount of wages paid during the related instruction. If wages are not paid during related instruction, report "0000000.00" XXXXXXX.XX
312 Primary - Hours When Related Instruction is Provided IN 1 Record 1 if Related Instruction is provided only during work hours.
Record 2 if Related Instruction is provided only outside of work hours.
Record 3 if Related Instruction is provide both during and outside of work hours.
1=During Work Hours
2=Not During Work Hours
3=Both During and Not During Work Hours
313 Secondary - Contact Person First Name AN 20 Record the first name of the Sponsor's complaint contact. XXXXXXXXXXX
314 Secondary - Contact Person Last Name AN 20 Record the last name of the Sponsor's complaint contact. XXXXXXXXXXX
315 Secondary - Contact Person Telephone Number IN 9 Record the sponsor's complaint contact's telephone number. XXX-XXX-XXXX
316 Secondary - Contact Person Email Address AN 20 Record the sponsor complaint contact's email address. XXXXXXXXXXX
317 Secondary - Related Instruction Provider Name AN 30 Record the name of the primary related instruction provider. XXXXXXXXXXX
318 Secondary - Related Instruction Provider Address - Line 1 AN 50 Record the street address of the Primary Related Instruction Provider's primary location.

Please verify the address and zip code using the USPS address validation system:!input.action
319 Secondary - Related Instruction Provider Address - Line 2 AN 10 Record the Apartment/Suite/Unit/Room number of the Related Instruction Provider's primary location, if applicable. XXXXXXXXXXX
320 Secondary - Related Instruction Provider Address - City AN 25 Record the city of the of the Related Instruction Provider's primary location. XXXXXXXXXXX
321 Secondary - Related Instruction Provider Address - State AN 2 Record the 2 letter USPS state code for the state of the of the Related Instruction Provider's primary location. XX
322 Secondary - Related Instruction Provider Address - Zip Code IN 5 Report the 5-digit zip code of the Related Instruction Provider's primary location

Please verify the address and zip code using the USPS address validation system:!input.action
323 Secondary - Related Instruction Provider Website AN 100 Record the URL of the Related Instruction Provider's website if the provider is different than sponsor. XXXXXXXXXX
324 Secondary - Related Instruction - Instruction Method IN 3 Indicate the instruction method of the Related Instruction:

Record 1 for Classroom/In-person
Record 2 for Correspondence
Record 3 for Virtual/Web-based

For programs with more than one related instruction method, please report all that apply in this field. For example, if both "Classroom/In-person" and "Virtual/Web-based" apply, record "13"
325 Secondary - Related Instruction Provider Type IN 5 Indicate the provider type for the Related Instruction:

Record 1 if the provider is the program sponsor.
Record 2 if the provider is a community college.
Record 3 if the provider is a technical school.
Record 4 if the provider is a vocational school.
Record 5 if the provider is a 4-year degree granting institution.
Record 6 if the provider is a type other than those provided above.

For programs with where more than one provider type applies, please provide all applicable in this field. For example, if both "program sponsor" and "technical school" apply, record "13"
2=Community College
3=Technical School
4=Vocational School
5=4-Year Degree Granting Institution
326 Secondary - Related Instruction Length IN 5 Record the number of hours required to complete the program. XXXXX
327 Secondary - Related Instruction Outline Plan IN 1 Record 1 if there is an established related instruction outline. These outlines must be provided in a separate attachment.
Record 0 if there is not an established related instruction outline. Sponsors must work with the Registration Agency to develop an outline/plan.
328 Secondary - Wages Paid During Related Instruction DE 9.2 Record the total amount of wages paid during the related instruction. If wages are not paid during related instruction, report "0000000.00" XXXXXXX.XX
329 Secondary - Hours When Related Instruction is Provided IN 1 Record 1 if Related Instruction is provided only during work hours.
Record 2 if Related Instruction is provided only outside of work hours.
Record 3 if Related Instruction is provide both during and outside of work hours.
1=During Work Hours
2=Not During Work Hours
3=Both During and Not During Work Hours
330 Secondary - Contact Person First Name AN 20 Record the first name of the Sponsor's complaint contact. XXXXXXXXXXX
331 Secondary - Contact Person Last Name AN 20 Record the last name of the Sponsor's complaint contact. XXXXXXXXXXX
332 Secondary - Contact Person Telephone Number IN 9 Record the sponsor's complaint contact's telephone number. XXX-XXX-XXXX
333 Secondary - Contact Person Email Address AN 20 Record the sponsor complaint contact's email address. XXXXXXXXXXX


400 Pre-Apprenticeship Documented Partnership IN 1 Record 1 if the program has a written agreement or partnership with any pre-apprenticeship programs for the placement of apprentices.
Record 0 if the program does not have any written agreements or partnerships with any pre-apprenticeship programs for the placement of apprentices.
401 Pre-Apprenticeship Documented Partnership - Narrative AN 3000 Record the list of the names of the pre-apprenticeship programs in which the sponsor has a written agreement or partnership for the placement of apprentices. Text
402 Pre-Apprenticeship Advanced Standing IN 1 Record 1 if the program awards advanced standing for completion of pre-apprenticeship programs for placement of apprentices.
Record 0 if the program does not award advanced standing of completion of pre-apprenticeship programs for placement of apprentices.
1 = Advanced Standing
0 = No Advanced Standing
403 Pre-Apprenticeship Advanced Standing - OJT Credit IN 4 Record the number of OJT credit hours that the program awards to apprentices for completion of the pre-apprenticeship program. Leave blank if the program does not have a documented partnership with a pre-apprenticeship program. XXXX
404 Pre-Apprenticeship Advanced Standing - RI Credit IN 3 Record the number of Related Instruction credit hours that the program awards to apprentices for completion of the pre-apprenticeship program. Leave blank if the program does not have a documented partnership with a pre-apprenticeship program. XXX
405 Supportive Services IN 1 Record 1 if the program provides apprentices access to supportive services provided by the sponsor during the program.
Record 2 if the program provides apprentices access to supportive services provided only by someone other than the sponsor during the program.
Record 0 if the program does not provide apprentices access to supportive services during the program.
1=Yes, sponsor provided
2= Yes, other than sponsor
406 Supportive Services Types
Record all of the types of supportive services provided, whether funded directly by the program or another source.
Record 1 if Transportation assistance is provided.
Record 2 if Housing assistance is provided.
Record 3 if Tools, Supplies, or Uniforms assistance is provided.
Record 4 if Child/Dependent Care assistance is provided
Record 5 if Needs Related Payments are provided.
Record 6 if supportive services other than those listed above are provided.
Record 0 if supportive services are not provided.

For programs with where more than one suportive service type applies, please provide all applicable in this field. For example, if both "transportation" and "housing" apply, record "12"
1 = Transportation
2 = Housing
3 = Tools, Supplies, Uniforms
4 = Child/Dependent Care
5 = Needs Related Payments
6 = Other
0 = No supportive services


500 Registered CTE Apprenticeship Program Partnership IN 1 Record 1 if the program has a written agreement or partnership with any registered CTE apprenticeship programs for the placement of apprentices.
Record 0 if the program does not have any written agreements or partnerships with any registered CTE apprenticeship programs for the placement of apprentices.
1 = Advanced Standing
0 = No Advanced Standing
501 Registered CTE Apprenticeship Program Partnership - Narrative AN 3000? Record the list of the names of the registered CTE apprenticeship programs in which the sponsor has a written agreement or partnership for the placement of apprentices. Text
502 Registered CTE Apprenticeship Advanced Standing IN 1 Record 1 if the program awards advanced standing for completion of registered CTE apprenticeship programs for placement of apprentices.
Record 0 if the program does not award advanced standing of completion of registered CTE apprenticeship programs for placement of apprentices.
1 = Advanced Standing
0 = No Advanced Standing
503 Registered CTE Apprenticeship Advanced Standing - OJT Credit IN 3 Record the number of OJT credit hours that the program awards to apprentices for completion of the registered CTE apprenticeship program. Leave blank if the program does not have a documented partnership with a registered CTE apprenticeship program. XXX
504 Registered CTE Apprenticeship Advanced Standing - RI Credit IN 3 Record the number of Related Instruction credit hours that the program awards to apprentices for completion of the registered CTE apprenticeship program. Leave blank if the program does not have a documented partnership with a registered CTE apprenticeship program. XXX


600 Wage Rate IN 1 Record 1 if the wage rates for all wage progressions are expressed as a percentage (%) of the Journeyworker Entry Wage.
Record 2 if the wage rates for all wage progressions are expressed in dollars ($) per hour.
Record 3 if the wage rates for all wage progressions are expressed as as a percentage (%) of the Journeyworker Entry Wage or in dollars ($) per hour, depending on which wage progression the Apprentice is in.
1 = Percent of Journeyworker
2 = Dollars per Hour
3 = Both
601 Apprentice's Entry Wage (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 Record the number associated with the apprentice's entry wage rate for this program, expressed in dollars per hour . XXXX.XX
602 Apprentice's Final Wage (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 Record the number associated with the apprentice's final wage rate for this program, expressed in dollars per hour . XXXX.XX
603 Journeyworker's (i.e. Experienced Worker's) Entry Wage (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 Record the number associated with the journeyworker's entry wage rate for this program, , expressed in dollars per hour . XXXX.XX
604 Wage Rate Duration #1
Record the duration in number of hours that wage rate #1 will be applicable.
605 Wage Rate Competencies #1 IN 2 Record the number of competencies an apprentice will obtain during wage progression #1. XX
606 Wage Rate #1 (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 If wage progression #1 is expressed in Dollars Per Hour,
Record the wage rate in dollars per hour associated with the wage progression #1 for this program.
607 Wage Rate #1 (% of Journeyworker Wage) DE 4.2 If wage progression #1 is expressed as a percent of Journeyworker Wage,
Record the wage rate in percent of Journeyworker Wage associated with the wage progression #1 for this program.
608 Wage Rate Duration #2
Record the duration in number of hours that wage rate #2 will be applicable.
609 Wage Rate Competencies #2 IN 2 Record the number of competencies an apprentice will obtain during wage progression #2. XX
610 Wage Rate #2 (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 If wage progression #2 is expressed in Dollars Per Hour,
Record the wage rate in dollars per hour associated with the wage progression #2 for this program.
611 Wage Rate #2 (% of Journeyworker Wage) DE 4.2 If wage progression #2 is expressed as a percent of Journeyworker Wage,
Record the wage rate in percent of Journeyworker Wage associated with the wage progression #2 for this program.
612 Wage Rate Duration #3
Record the duration in number of hours that wage rate #3 will be applicable.
613 Wage Rate Competencies #3 IN 2 Record the number of competencies an apprentice will obtain during wage progression #3. XX
614 Wage Rate #3 (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 If wage progression #3 is expressed in Dollars Per Hour,
Record the wage rate in dollars per hour associated with the wage progression #3 for this program.
615 Wage Rate #3 (% of Journeyworker Wage) DE 4.2 If wage progression #3 is expressed as a percent of Journeyworker Wage,
Record the wage rate in percent of Journeyworker Wage associated with the wage progression #3 for this program.
616 Wage Rate Duration #4
Record the duration in number of hours that wage rate #4 will be applicable.
617 Wage Rate Competencies #4 IN 2 Record the number of competencies an apprentice will obtain during wage progression #4. XX
618 Wage Rate #4 (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 If wage progression #4 is expressed in Dollars Per Hour,
Record the wage rate in dollars per hour associated with the wage progression #4 for this program.
619 Wage Rate #4 (% of Journeyworker Wage) DE 4.2 If wage progression #4 is expressed as a percent of Journeyworker Wage,
Record the wage rate in percent of Journeyworker Wage associated with the wage progression #4 for this program.
620 Wage Rate Duration #5
Record the duration in number of hours that wage rate #5 will be applicable.
621 Wage Rate Competencies #5 IN 2 Record the number of competencies an apprentice will obtain during wage progression #5. XX
622 Wage Rate #5 (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 If wage progression #5 is expressed in Dollars Per Hour,
Record the wage rate in dollars per hour associated with the wage progression #5 for this program.
623 Wage Rate #5 (% of Journeyworker Wage) DE 4.2 If wage progression #5 is expressed as a percent of Journeyworker Wage,
Record the wage rate in percent of Journeyworker Wage associated with the wage progression #5 for this program.
624 Wage Rate Duration #6
Record the duration in number of hours that wage rate #6 will be applicable.
625 Wage Rate Competencies #6 IN 2 Record the number of competencies an apprentice will obtain during wage progression #6. XX
626 Wage Rate #6 (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 If wage progression #6 is expressed in Dollars Per Hour,
Record the wage rate in dollars per hour associated with the wage progression #6 for this program.
627 Wage Rate #6 (% of Journeyworker Wage) DE 4.2 If wage progression #6 is expressed as a percent of Journeyworker Wage,
Record the wage rate in percent of Journeyworker Wage associated with the wage progression #6 for this program.
628 Wage Rate Duration #7
Record the duration in number of hours that wage rate #7 will be applicable.
629 Wage Rate Competencies #7 IN 2 Record the number of competencies an apprentice will obtain during wage progression #7. XX
630 Wage Rate #7 (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 If wage progression #7 is expressed in Dollars Per Hour,
Record the wage rate in dollars per hour associated with the wage progression #7 for this program.
631 Wage Rate #7 (% of Journeyworker Wage) DE 4.2 If wage progression #7 is expressed as a percent of Journeyworker Wage,
Record the wage rate in percent of Journeyworker Wage associated with the wage progression #7 for this program.
632 Wage Rate Duration #8
Record the duration in number of hours that wage rate #8 will be applicable.
633 Wage Rate Competencies #8 IN 2 Record the number of competencies an apprentice will obtain during wage progression #8. XX
634 Wage Rate #8 (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 If wage progression #8 is expressed in Dollars Per Hour,
Record the wage rate in dollars per hour associated with the wage progression #8 for this program.
635 Wage Rate #8 (% of Journeyworker Wage) DE 4.2 If wage progression #8 is expressed as a percent of Journeyworker Wage,
Record the wage rate in percent of Journeyworker Wage associated with the wage progression #8 for this program.
636 Wage Rate Duration #9
Record the duration in number of hours that wage rate #9 will be applicable.
637 Wage Rate Competencies #9 IN 2 Record the number of competencies an apprentice will obtain during wage progression #9. XX
638 Wage Rate #9 (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 If wage progression #9 is expressed in Dollars Per Hour,
Record the wage rate in dollars per hour associated with the wage progression #9 for this program.
639 Wage Rate #9 (% of Journeyworker Wage) DE 4.2 If wage progression #9 is expressed as a percent of Journeyworker Wage,
Record the wage rate in percent of Journeyworker Wage associated with the wage progression #9 for this program.
640 Wage Rate Duration #10
Record the duration in number of hours that wage rate #10 will be applicable.
641 Wage Rate Competencies #10 IN 2 Record the number of competencies an apprentice will obtain during wage progression #10. XX
642 Wage Rate #10 (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 If wage progression #10 is expressed in Dollars Per Hour,
Record the wage rate in dollars per hour associated with the wage progression #10 for this program.
643 Wage Rate #10 (% of Journeyworker Wage) DE 4.2 If wage progression #10 is expressed as a percent of Journeyworker Wage,
Record the wage rate in percent of Journeyworker Wage associated with the wage progression #10 for this program.
644 Fringe Benefits IN 7 If the sponsor or any participating employer provides fringe benefits to apprentices, record all of the types of benefits that apply:
Record 1 if the sponsor or any participating employer provides Health Insurance Contributions.
Record 2 if the sponsor or any participating employer provides Life Insurance.
Record 3 if the sponsor or any participating employer provides Pension/Retirement Contributions.
Record 4 if the sponsor or any participating employer provides paid vacation days.
Record 5 if the sponsor or any participating employer provides paid sick leave.
Record 6 if the sponsor or any participating employer provides paid holidays.
Record 7 if the sponsor or any participating employer provides other "bona fide" fringe benefits.
Record 0 if the sponsor or any participating employer does not provide fringe benefits.

If the sponsor or any participating employer provides more than one applicable type fringe benefit, please provide all applicable in this field. For example, if both "paid sick leave" and "paid holiday" apply, record "56"

Fringe Benefits refers to contributions irrevocably made to a trustee or third party pursuant to a bona fide fringe benefit fund plan or program; and/or the rate of costs incurred in providing bona fide fringe benefits pursuant to an enforceable commitment to carry out a financially responsible plan or program and communicated to the apprentices in writing. However, payments required by Federal, State, or local law are not fringe benefit contributions; accordingly, payments required to fund Social Security, unemployment compensation, and workers’ compensation programs, as required by law, do not count as fringe benefits. For more information, visit:
1=Health Insurance Contributions
2=Life Insurance
3=Pension/Retirement Contributions
4=Paid Vacation Days
5=Paid Sick Leave
6=Paid Holidays
7=Other "bona fide" fringr benefit
645 Fringe Benefits - Approximate Value DE 6.2 If the sponsor or any participating employer provides fringe benefits, record the approximate hourly value of the fringe benefits provided. XXXXXX.XX

Academic Credit and Interim Credentials

700 Academic Credit provided IN 1 Record 1 if the program provides academic credit.
Record 0 if the program does not provide academic credit
701 Academic Credit - Name of Entity Providing Credit AN 25 Record the name of the entity awarding the academic credit provided through this program. Leave blank if this does not apply. Text
702 Academic Credit - Entity EIN Number IN 9 Record the Federal Employer Idenitification Number of the entity awarding the academic credit. XXXXXXXXX
703 Academic Credit - Hours IN 4 Record the number of academic credit hours awarded for completing this program. XXXX
704 Interim Credentials provided IN 1 Record 1 if there are interim credentials awarded at any point during and as a result of participation in this program.
Record 0 if there are no interim credentials awarded during and as a result of participation in this program.
705 Interim Credential #1 - Type IN 1 Indicate the type of interim credential awarded :

Record 1 for industry recognized certificate.
Record 2 for industry certification.
Record 3 for license recognized by local, State or Federal Government.
Record 4 for Associate's Degree.
Record 5 for Bachelor's Degree.
Record 6 for Master's Degree.
Record 7 for Doctorate Degree.
1=Industry Recognized Certificate
2=Industry Certification
3=License recognized by local, State or Federal Government
4=Associate's Degree
5=Bachelor's Degree
6=Master's Degree
7=Doctorate Degree
706 Interim Credential #1 - Name AN 25 Record the name of the interim credential. XXXXXXXXXX
707 Interim Credential #1 - Name of Entity Awarding Credential AN 25 Record the name of the entity awarding the credential. XXXXXXXXXX
708 Interim Credential #1 - Type of Entity Awarding Credential IN 1 If more than 1 interim credentials can be awarded, indicate the entity type that awarded the 2nd credential:

Record 1 if the entity is a community college.
Record 2 if the entity is a vocational school.
Record 3 if the entity is a 4-year degree granting instituion.
Record 4 if the entity is a labor union.
Record 5 if the entity is a federal, state, or local government.
Record 6 if the entity is an industry association.
Record 7 if the entity is an organization other than those listed above.
1=Community College
2=Vocational School
3=4-Year Degree Granting Institution
4=Labor Union
5=Federal/State/Local Government
6=Industry Association
7=Other Credentialing Organization
709 Interim Credential #2 - Type IN 1 If more than 1 interim credentials can be awarded, indicate the 2nd type of interim credential awarded :

Record 1 for industry recognized certificate.
Record 2 for industry certification.
Record 3 for license recognized by local, State or Federal Government.
Record 4 for Associate's Degree.
Record 5 for Bachelor's Degree.
Record 6 for Master's Degree.
Record 7 for Doctorate Degree.
1=Industry Recognized Certificate
2=Industry Certification
3=License recognized by local, State or Federal Government
4=Associate's Degree
5=Bachelor's Degree
6=Master's Degree
7=Doctorate Degree
710 Interim Credential #2 - Name AN 25 If more than 1 interim credentials can be awarded, record the name of the 2nd interim credential. XXXXXXXXXX
711 Interim Credential #2 - Name of Entity Awarding Credential AN 25 If more than 1 interim credentials can be awarded, record the name of the entity awarding the 2nd credential. XXXXXXXXXX
712 Interim Credential #2 - Type of Entity Awarding Credential IN 1 If more than 1 interim credentials can be awarded, indicate the entity type that awarded the 2nd credential:

Record 1 if the entity is a community college.
Record 2 if the entity is a vocational school.
Record 3 if the entity is a 4-year degree granting instituion.
Record 4 if the entity is a labor union.
Record 5 if the entity is a federal, state, or local government.
Record 6 if the entity is an industry association.
Record 7 if the entity is an organization other than those listed above.
1=Community College
2=Vocational School
3=4-Year Degree Granting Institution
4=Labor Union
5=Federal/State/Local Government
6=Industry Association
7=Other Credentialing Organization
713 Interim Credential #3 - Type IN 1 If more than 2 interim credentials can be awarded, indicate the 3rd type of interim credential awarded :

Record 1 for industry recognized certificate.
Record 2 for industry certification.
Record 3 for license recognized by local, State or Federal Government.
Record 4 for Associate's Degree.
Record 5 for Bachelor's Degree.
Record 6 for Master's Degree.
Record 7 for Doctorate Degree.
1=Industry Recognized Certificate
2=Industry Certification
3=License recognized by local, State or Federal Government
4=Associate's Degree
5=Bachelor's Degree
6=Master's Degree
7=Doctorate Degree
714 Interim Credential #3 - Name AN 25 If more than 2 interim credentials can be awarded, record the name of the 3rd interim credential. XXXXXXXXXX
715 Interim Credential #3 - Name of Entity Awarding Credential AN 25 If more than 2 interim credentials can be awarded, record the name of the entity awarding the 3rd credential. XXXXXXXXXX
716 Interim Credential #3 - Type of Entity Awarding Credential IN 1 If more than 2 interim credentials can be awarded, indicate the entity type that awarded the 3rd credential:

Record 1 if the entity is a community college.
Record 2 if the entity is a vocational school.
Record 3 if the entity is a 4-year degree granting instituion.
Record 4 if the entity is a labor union.
Record 5 if the entity is a federal, state, or local government.
Record 6 if the entity is an industry association.
Record 7 if the entity is an organization other than those listed above.
1=Community College
2=Vocational School
3=4-Year Degree Granting Institution
4=Labor Union
5=Federal/State/Local Government
6=Industry Association
7=Other Credentialing Organization

Selection Procedures

800 Selection Procedures IN 1 Record 1 if the program has an established Selection Procedure.
Record 0 if the program does not have an established Selection Procedure.
801 Selection Procedure - Description AN 3000 Describe the selection procedures. XXXXXXXXXX
802 Selection Procedures - Veterans Preference IN 1 Record 1 if the program provides a preference to veteran applicants or specifically provides outreach to veterans as part of its selection procedures
Record 0 if the program does not provide a preference to veteran applicants or specifically provides outreach to veterans as part of its selection procedures
803 Selection Procedures - Veterans Preference Description AN 3000 Describe the program’s preference or strategy for hiring veterans. XXXXXXXXXX
804 Minimimum Eligibility Requirements - Age IN 2 If applicable, record the minimum age required for an individual to be eligible to enter the program (in years).
If the program does not have a minimum age requirement, record 00.
805 Minimimum Eligibility Requirements - Education AN 1000 If applicable, record a brief description of the minimum educational requirements for an individual to be eligible to enter the program. XXXXXXXXXX
806 Minimimum Eligibility Requirements - Physical AN 1000 If applicable, record a brief description of the physical requirements for an individual to be eligible to enter the program. XXXXXXXXXX
807 Minimimum Eligibility Requirements - Aptitude Tests AN 1000 If applicable, record a brief description of the aptitude test requirements for an individual to be eligible to enter the program. XXXXXXXXXX
808 Minimimum Eligibility Requirements - Other AN 1000 If applicable, record a brief description of any minimum requirements other than age, education, physical, and aptitude tests that are necessary for an individual to be eligible to enter the program. XXXXXXXXXX

Program Application Approval Questions

This column is composed of two parts: (1) the data type, which is represented by a two letter code, and (2) a number, which represents the maximum length of a response for that element. This means that an "IN 1" element with 4 options (1,2,3,4) can only report one of those 4 options, but an "IN 4" element with 4 options can report any combination of those 4 (e.g. 124, 13, 4, etc).

Data Type Codes:
AN = AlphaNumeric, aka numbers and letters allowed, sometimes called a text field
IN = Integer, only whole numbers allowed
DT = Date, typically dates are best reported yyyymmdd to simplify sorting/ordering
DE = Decimal floating point, used for numeric values where a decimal point is needed, such as a wage/earnings value

Sheet 2: Group Program Tear Off 671 IA

OMB Control No. 1205-0NEW

Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx

ETA Form 9205

900 Employer Identification Number IN 9 Record the Federal Employer Identification Number of the Sponsor. XXXXXXXXX

901 Employer's Name AN 25 Record the organizational name of the employer. XXXXXXXXXX

902 Employer Address - Line 1 AN 50 Record the street address of the employer's primary location.

Please verify the address and zip code using the USPS address validation system:!input.action

903 Employer Address - Line 2 AN 10 Record the Apartment/Suite/Unit/Room number, if applicable. XXXXXXXXXXX

904 Employer Address - City AN 25 Record the city of the employer's primary location. XXXXXXXXXXX

905 Employer Address - State AN 2 Record the 2 letter USPS state code for the state of the employer's primary location. XX

906 Employer Address - Zip Code IN 5 Report the 5-digit zip code of the employer's primary location.

Please verify the address and zip code using the USPS address validation system:!input.action

907 Employer Address - County IN 3 Report the 3-digit FIPS code of the county of the employer's primary location. XXX

908 Employer Telephone Number AN 55 Record the employer's primary telephone contact number. XXXXXXXXX

909 Employer Email Address AN 20 Record the employer's primary email address contact. XXXXXXXXXXX

910 Employer NAICS (Industry) Code IN 6 Record the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code associated with the employer. The NAICS Code means the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy. For more information on NAICS, please go to the following website: XXXXXX

911 Size of Workforce IN 6 Record the total number of employees in the employer's workforce. XXXXXX

912 [Threaded comment] Your version of Excel allows you to read this threaded comment; however, any edits to it will get removed if the file is opened in a newer version of Excel. Learn more: Comment: Here is how I revised the field sin the Part IA tear-off: Name of Participating Employer; Participating Employer's Primary POC (Last, First, MI); Address; City; State; Zip Code; Telephone Number; e-mail address; cell phone number (optional). We could lessen the number of fields in this tab or update the language in the 671. For ETLS review. "If the program type is a group program, please list for each participating employer the employer’s name and the employer’s primary point of contact information (first name, middle initial, last name, title, address, telephone number, cell phone number (optional), e-mail address, and Program Standards Adoption Agreement(s) (as applicable) below or in a separate attachment.)" Employer Primary Point of Contact - First Name AN 20 Record the first name of the Employer's Primary point of contact. XXXXXXXXXXX

913 Employer Primary Point of Contact - Last Name AN 20 Record the last name of the Employer's Primary point of contact. XXXXXXXXXXX

914 Employer Primary Point of Contact - Title IN 9 Record the title of the Employer's Primary point of contact. XXXXXXXXX

915 Employer Primary Point of Contact - Phone Number AN 20 Record the Employer's Primary point of contact's telephone number. XXX-XXX-XXXX

916 Employer Primary Point of Contact - Email AN 35 Record the sponsor complaint contact's email address. [email protected]

917 Employer Primary Point of Contact - Cell Phone Number AN 20 Record the Employer's Primary point of contact's cellphone number. XXX-XXX-XXXX

918 Wage Rate IN 1 Record 1 if the wage rates for all wage progressions are expressed as a percentage (%) of the Journeyworker Entry Wage.
Record 2 if the wage rates for all wage progressions are expressed in dollars ($) per hour.
Record 3 if the wage rates for all wage progressions are expressed as as a percentage (%) of the Journeyworker Entry Wage or in dollars ($) per hour, depending on which wage progression the Apprentice is in.
1 = Percent of Journeyworker
2 = Dollars per Hour
3 = Both

919 Apprentice's Entry Wage (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 Record the number associated with the apprentice's entry wage rate for this program, expressed in dollars per hour . XXXX.XX

920 Apprentice's Final Wage (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 Record the number associated with the apprentice's final wage rate for this program, expressed in dollars per hour . XXXX.XX

921 Journeyworker's (i.e. Experienced Worker's) Entry Wage (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 Record the number associated with the journeyworker's entry wage rate for this program, , expressed in dollars per hour . XXXX.XX

922 Wage Rate Duration #1 IN 4 Record the duration in number of hours that wage rate #1 will be applicable. XXXX

923 Wage Rate Competencies #1 IN 2 Record the number of competencies an apprentice will obtain during wage progression #1. XX

924 Wage Rate #1 (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 If wage progression #1 is expressed in Dollars Per Hour,
Record the wage rate in dollars per hour associated with the wage progression #1 for this program.

925 Wage Rate #1 (% of Journeyworker Wage) DE 4.2 If wage progression #1 is expressed as a percent of Journeyworker Wage,
Record the wage rate in percent of Journeyworker Wage associated with the wage progression #1 for this program.

926 Wage Rate Duration #2 IN 4 Record the duration in number of hours that wage rate #2 will be applicable. XXXX

927 Wage Rate Competencies #2 IN 2 Record the number of competencies an apprentice will obtain during wage progression #2. XX

928 Wage Rate #2 (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 If wage progression #2 is expressed in Dollars Per Hour,
Record the wage rate in dollars per hour associated with the wage progression #2 for this program.

929 Wage Rate #2 (% of Journeyworker Wage) DE 4.2 If wage progression #2 is expressed as a percent of Journeyworker Wage,
Record the wage rate in percent of Journeyworker Wage associated with the wage progression #2 for this program.

930 Wage Rate Duration #3 IN 4 Record the duration in number of hours that wage rate #3 will be applicable. XXXX

931 Wage Rate Competencies #3 IN 2 Record the number of competencies an apprentice will obtain during wage progression #3. XX

932 Wage Rate #3 (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 If wage progression #3 is expressed in Dollars Per Hour,
Record the wage rate in dollars per hour associated with the wage progression #3 for this program.

933 Wage Rate #3 (% of Journeyworker Wage) DE 4.2 If wage progression #3 is expressed as a percent of Journeyworker Wage,
Record the wage rate in percent of Journeyworker Wage associated with the wage progression #3 for this program.

934 Wage Rate Duration #4 IN 4 Record the duration in number of hours that wage rate #4 will be applicable. XXXX

935 Wage Rate Competencies #4 IN 2 Record the number of competencies an apprentice will obtain during wage progression #4. XX

936 Wage Rate #4 (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 If wage progression #4 is expressed in Dollars Per Hour,
Record the wage rate in dollars per hour associated with the wage progression #4 for this program.

937 Wage Rate #4 (% of Journeyworker Wage) DE 4.2 If wage progression #4 is expressed as a percent of Journeyworker Wage,
Record the wage rate in percent of Journeyworker Wage associated with the wage progression #4 for this program.

938 Wage Rate Duration #5 IN 4 Record the duration in number of hours that wage rate #5 will be applicable. XXXX

939 Wage Rate Competencies #5 IN 2 Record the number of competencies an apprentice will obtain during wage progression #5. XX

940 Wage Rate #5 (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 If wage progression #5 is expressed in Dollars Per Hour,
Record the wage rate in dollars per hour associated with the wage progression #5 for this program.

941 Wage Rate #5 (% of Journeyworker Wage) DE 4.2 If wage progression #5 is expressed as a percent of Journeyworker Wage,
Record the wage rate in percent of Journeyworker Wage associated with the wage progression #5 for this program.

942 Wage Rate Duration #6 IN 4 Record the duration in number of hours that wage rate #6 will be applicable. XXXX

943 Wage Rate Competencies #6 IN 2 Record the number of competencies an apprentice will obtain during wage progression #6. XX

944 Wage Rate #6 (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 If wage progression #6 is expressed in Dollars Per Hour,
Record the wage rate in dollars per hour associated with the wage progression #6 for this program.

945 Wage Rate #6 (% of Journeyworker Wage) DE 4.2 If wage progression #6 is expressed as a percent of Journeyworker Wage,
Record the wage rate in percent of Journeyworker Wage associated with the wage progression #6 for this program.

946 Wage Rate Duration #7 IN 4 Record the duration in number of hours that wage rate #7 will be applicable. XXXX

947 Wage Rate Competencies #7 IN 2 Record the number of competencies an apprentice will obtain during wage progression #7. XX

948 Wage Rate #7 (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 If wage progression #7 is expressed in Dollars Per Hour,
Record the wage rate in dollars per hour associated with the wage progression #7 for this program.

949 Wage Rate #7 (% of Journeyworker Wage) DE 4.2 If wage progression #7 is expressed as a percent of Journeyworker Wage,
Record the wage rate in percent of Journeyworker Wage associated with the wage progression #7 for this program.

950 Wage Rate Duration #8 IN 4 Record the duration in number of hours that wage rate #8 will be applicable. XXXX

951 Wage Rate Competencies #8 IN 2 Record the number of competencies an apprentice will obtain during wage progression #8. XX

952 Wage Rate #8 (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 If wage progression #8 is expressed in Dollars Per Hour,
Record the wage rate in dollars per hour associated with the wage progression #8 for this program.

953 Wage Rate #8 (% of Journeyworker Wage) DE 4.2 If wage progression #8 is expressed as a percent of Journeyworker Wage,
Record the wage rate in percent of Journeyworker Wage associated with the wage progression #8 for this program.

954 Wage Rate Duration #9 IN 4 Record the duration in number of hours that wage rate #9 will be applicable. XXXX

955 Wage Rate Competencies #9 IN 2 Record the number of competencies an apprentice will obtain during wage progression #9. XX

956 Wage Rate #9 (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 If wage progression #9 is expressed in Dollars Per Hour,
Record the wage rate in dollars per hour associated with the wage progression #9 for this program.

957 Wage Rate #9 (% of Journeyworker Wage) DE 4.2 If wage progression #9 is expressed as a percent of Journeyworker Wage,
Record the wage rate in percent of Journeyworker Wage associated with the wage progression #9 for this program.

958 Wage Rate Duration #10 IN 4 Record the duration in number of hours that wage rate #10 will be applicable. XXXX

959 Wage Rate Competencies #10 IN 2 Record the number of competencies an apprentice will obtain during wage progression #10. XX

960 Wage Rate #10 (Dollars Per Hour) DE 6.2 If wage progression #10 is expressed in Dollars Per Hour,
Record the wage rate in dollars per hour associated with the wage progression #10 for this program.

961 Wage Rate #10 (% of Journeyworker Wage) DE 4.2 If wage progression #10 is expressed as a percent of Journeyworker Wage,
Record the wage rate in percent of Journeyworker Wage associated with the wage progression #10 for this program.

962 Fringe Benefits IN 7 If the sponsor or any participating employer provides fringe benefits to apprentices, record all of the types of benefits that apply:
Record 1 if the sponsor or any participating employer provides Health Insurance Contributions.
Record 2 if the sponsor or any participating employer provides Life Insurance.
Record 3 if the sponsor or any participating employer provides Pension/Retirement Contributions.
Record 4 if the sponsor or any participating employer provides paid vacation days.
Record 5 if the sponsor or any participating employer provides paid sick leave.
Record 6 if the sponsor or any participating employer provides paid holidays.
Record 7 if the sponsorIf the sponsor or any participating employer provides fringe benefits to apprentices, record all of the types of benefits that apply:
Record 1 if the sponsor or any participating employer provides Health Insurance Contributions.
Record 2 if the sponsor or any participating employer provides Life Insurance.
Record 3 if the sponsor or any participating employer provides Pension/Retirement Contributions.
Record 4 if the sponsor or any participating employer provides paid vacation days.
Record 5 if the sponsor or any participating employer provides paid sick leave.
Record 6 if the sponsor or any participating employer provides paid holidays.
Record 7 if the sponsor or any participating employer provides other "bona fide" fringe benefits.
Record 0 if the sponsor or any participating employer does not provide fringe benefits.

If the sponsor or any participating employer provides more than one applicable type fringe benefit, please provide all applicable in this field. For example, if both "paid sick leave" and "paid holiday" apply, record "56"

Fringe Benefits refers to contributions irrevocably made to a trustee or third party pursuant to a bona fide fringe benefit fund plan or program; and/or the rate of costs incurred in providing bona fide fringe benefits pursuant to an enforceable commitment to carry out a financially responsible plan or program and communicated to the apprentices in writing. However, payments required by Federal, State, or local law are not fringe benefit contributions; accordingly, payments required to fund Social Security, unemployment compensation, and workers’ compensation programs, as required by law, do not count as fringe benefits. For more information, visit: or any participating employer provides other "bona fide" fringe benefits.
Record 0 if the sponsor or any participating employer does not provide fringe benefits.
Fringe Benefits refers to contributions irrevocably made to a trustee or third party pursuant to a bona fide fringe benefit fund plan or program; and/or the rate of costs incurred in providing bona fide fringe benefits pursuant to an enforceable commitment to carry out a financially responsible plan or program and communicated to the apprentices in writing. However, payments required by Federal, State, or local law are not fringe benefit contributions; accordingly, payments required to fund Social Security, unemployment compensation, and workers’ compensation programs, as required by law, do not count as fringe benefits. For more information, visit:
1=Health Insurance Contributions
2=Life Insurance
3=Pension/Retirement Contributions
4=Paid Vacation Days
5=Paid Sick Leave
6=Paid Holidays
7=Other "bona fide" fringr benefit

963 Fringe Benefits - Approximate Value DE 6.2 If the sponsor or any participating employer provides fringe benefits, record the approximate hourly value of the fringe benefits provided. XXXXXX.XX

Sheet 3: Apprentice Records 671 II

OMB Control No. 1205-0NEW

Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx

ETA Form 9205

DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION - Apprenticeship Agreement Info 671 II

1000 Program Number AN 13 Record the program number assigned by the Registration Agency to the Registered Apprenticeship program the apprentice is participating in. XXXXXXXXXXXXX
1001 Apprentice Identification Number AN12 Record the Aprentice Idenification Number assigned to the apprentice by the Registration Agency. XXXXXXXXXXXX
1002 First Name AN35 Record the first name of the apprentice. XXXXXXXXXX
1003 Last Name AN35 Record the last name (sometimes called a surname or family name) of the apprentice. XXXXXXXXXX
1004 Middle Name AN35 Record the middle name, if applicable, of the apprentice. XXXXXXXXXX
1005 Suffix AN4 Record the name suffix, if applicable, of the apprentice (e.g. Jr., Sr., II, III, etc). XXXX
1006 Telephone Number IN9 Record the apprentice's primary telephone contact number. Do not include any dashes. XXXXXXXXX
1007 Email Address AN35 Record the apprentice's primary email address contact. [email protected]
1008 Social Security Number IN9 Record the Social Security Number (SSN) assigned to the apprentice. XXXXXXXXX
1009 Date of Birth DT8 Record the Apprentice's Date of Birth YYYYMMDD
1010 Gender IN1 Record 1 if the apprentice indicates that he is male.
Record 2 if the apprentice indicates that she is female.
Record 3 if the apprentice indicates that they are non-binary.
Record 9 if the apprentice did not self-identify their gender.
1 = Male
2 = Female
9 = Apprentice did not self-identify
1011 Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino IN1 Record 1 if the apprentice indicates that they are a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture in origin, regardless of race.
Record 0 if the apprentice indicates that they do not meet any of these conditions.
Record 9 if the apprentice did not self-identify their ethnicity.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Apprentice did not self-identify
1012 American Indian / Alaska Native IN1 Record 1 if the participant indicates that they are a member of an Indian tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community, including any Alaska Native village or regional or village corporation as defined in or established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (85 Stat. 688) [43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.], which is recognized as eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians.
Record 0 if the participant indicates that they do not meet any of these conditions.
Record 9 if the participant did not self-identify their race.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Apprentice did not self-identify
1013 Asian IN1 Record 1 if the participant indicates that they are a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian Subcontinent (e.g., India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Sikkim, and Bhutan). This area includes, for example, Cambodia, China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Record 0 if the participant indicates that they do not meet any of these conditions.
Record 9 if the participant did not self-identify their race.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Apprentice did not self-identify
1014 Black / African American IN1 Record 1 if the participant indicates that they are a person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.
Record 0 if the participant indicates that they do not meet any of these conditions.
Record 9 if the participant did not self-identify their race.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Apprentice did not self-identify
1015 Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander IN1 Record 1 if the participant indicates that they are a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
Record 0 if the participant indicates that they do not meet any of these conditions.
Record 9 if the participant did not self-identify their race.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Apprentice did not self-identify
1016 White IN1 Record 1 if the participant indicates that they are a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
Record 0 if the participant indicates that they do not meet any of these conditions.
Record 9 if the participant did not self-identify their race.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Apprentice did not self-identify
1017 Disability Status IN1 Record 1 if the participant indicates that they have any "disability”, as defined in Section 3(2)(a) of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12102). Under that definition, a "disability" is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the person's major life activities.
Record 0 if the participant indicates that they do not have a disability that meets the definition.
Record 9 if the participant did not self-identify their disability status.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Apprentice did not self-identify
1018 Veteran Status IN1

Record 1 if the participant is a person has served in the active military, naval, air, or space service of the United States, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable.
Record 2 if the participant is a person who is a dependent spouse or child—or the surviving spouse or child—of a Veteran, and who is eligible for certain G.I. Bill and other VA-administered educational assistance benefits provided under Title 38 of the U.S. Code.
Record 3 if the participant is a Veteran who is eligible for certain G.I. Bill and other VA-administered educational assistance benefits provided under Title 38 of the U.S. Code.
Record 0 if the participant does not meet the condition described above.
Record 9 if participant does not disclose veteran status.
1 = Veteran
2 = Non-Veteran, Other Eligible Individual
3 = Veteran, Eligible
0 = Non-Veteran
9 = Status not known
1019 Education Level at Program Entry IN 1 Use the appropriate code to record the participant's highest educational level completed by the participant at program entry.
Record 1 if the participant attained a secondary school diploma or equivalent.
Record 2 if the participant completed one or more years of postsecondary education.
Record 3 if the participant attained an Associate's Degree.
Record 4 if the participant attained a Bachelor's Degree.
Record 5 if the participant attained a Master's Degree.
Record 6 if the participant attained a Doctorate Degree.
Record 0 if no educational level was attained.

1 = High School Graduate (including equivalency)
2 = Some College
3 = Associate's Degree
4 = Bachelor’s Degree
5 = Master’s Degree
6 = Doctorate Degree
0 = Not a High School Graduate
1020 Employment Status of Apprentice at Program Entry IN 1 Record 1 if the apprentice was employed with the employer or participating employer at the time of their entry into the program.
Record 2 if the apprentice was not employed with the employer or participating employer at the time of their entry into the program.
1 = Current Employee
2 = New Employee


1100 Participated in Pre-Apprenticeship IN 1 Record 1 if the apprentice participated in a pre-apprenticeship program prior to participating in the Registered Apprenticeship program that has a documented partnership with the Registered Apprenticeship program.
Record 2 if the apprentice participated in a pre-apprenticeship program prior to participating in the Registered Apprenticeship program that does not have a documented partnership with the Registered Apprenticeship program.
Record 0 if the apprentices did not participate in a pre-apprenticeship program prior to participating in the Registered Apprenticeship program.
1 = Yes, pre-apprenticeship with documented relationship
2 = Yes, pre-apprenticeship with no documented relationship
0 = No, did not participate in pre-apprenticeship
1101 Referral Source IN 1 Record 1 if the apprentice was referred to the Registered Apprenticeship program by a WIOA program.
Record 2 if the apprentice was referred to the Registered Apprenticeship program by a CTE Apprenticeship program.
Record 3 if the apprentice was referred to the Registered Apprenticeship program by the Perkins program.
Record 4 if the apprentices was referred to the Registered Apprenticeship program by a program other than those listed above.
Record 0 if the apprentice was not referred to the Registered Apprenticeship program.
1=Referred by WIOA
2=Referred by CTE Apprenticeship
3=Referred by Perkins
4=Other Referrals
0=No Referral
1102 Pre-Apprenticeship Program Name AN 25 Record the name of the Pre-Apprenticeship program that the apprentice participated in. XXXXXXXXXX
1103 Pre-Apprenticeship Program Address - Line 1 AN 50 Record the street address of the Pre-apprenticeship program primary location for the program the apprentice participated in.

Please verify the address and zip code using the USPS address validation system:!input.action
1104 Pre-Apprenticeship Program Address - Line 2 AN 10 Record the Apartment/Suite/Unit/Room number of the Pre-apprenticeship program primary location for the program the apprentice participated in, if applicable. XXXXXXXXXXX
1105 Pre-Apprenticeship Program Address - City AN 25 Record the city of the of the Pre-apprenticeship program primary location for the program the apprentice participated in. XXXXXXXXXXX
1106 Pre-Apprenticeship Program Address - State AN 2 Record the 2 letter USPS state code for the state of the Pre-apprenticeship program primary location for the program the apprentice participated in. XX
1107 Pre-Apprenticeship Program Address - Zip Code IN 5 Report the 5-digit zip code of the Pre-apprenticeship program primary location for the program the apprentice participated in.

Please verify the address and zip code using the USPS address validation system:!input.action


1200 Apprenticeship Status IN 1 Record the current status of the apprentice as of the date of the report.
Record 1 if the apprentice is active in the Registered Apprenticeship program.
Record 2 if the apprentice is currently in suspended status.
Record 3 if the apprentice's participation in the Registered Apprenticeship program was cancelled at the request of the apprentice.
Record 4 if the apprentice's participation in the Registered Apprenticeship program was cancelled as a result of a sponsor's determination.
Record 0 if the apprentice has completed the program.
1=Active Apprentice
3=Cancelled (At Apprentice Request)
4=Cancelled (Sponsor Determination)
1201 Most Recent Date of Change in Apprenticeship Status DT 8 Record the most recent date that the apprentice's status changed. YYYYMMDD
1202 Current Wage Progression IN 2 Record the step number of the apprentice's current wage progression. XX
1203 Date of most recent wage progression DT 8 Record the most recent date that the step number of the apprentice's wage progression status changed. YYYYMMDD
1204 Received Supportive Service IN 4 Record the funding source(s) of the supportive services that were received by the apprentice.
Record 1 if the apprentice received supportive services funded by a Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program.
Record 2 if the apprentice received supportive services funded by the program sponsor.
Record 3 if the apprentice received supportive services funded by an Apprenticeship grant.
Record 4 if the apprentice recieved supportive services funded by resources that were not federal resources and were not funded by the program sponsor.
Record 0 if the apprentice did not receive supportive services.
1= Funded by WIOA
2= Funded by the program sponsor
3= Funded by Apprenticeship Grants
4= Funded by non-federal resources
0= Did Not Receive Supportive Services
1205 Supportive Service Types IN 6 Record all of the types of supportive services received by the apprentice, whether funded directly by the program or another source.
Record 1 if the apprentice received Transportation assistance.
Record 2 if the apprentice received Housing assistance.
Record 3 if the apprentice received Tools, Supplies, or Uniforms assistance.
Record 4 if the apprentice received Child/Dependent Care assistance.
Record 5 if the apprentice received Needs Related Payments.
Record 6 if the apprentice received supportive services other than those listed above.
Record 0 if the apprenticedid not receive supportive services.

For apprentices where more than one suportive service type was recieved, please provide all applicable in this field. For example, if both "transportation" and "housing" apply, record "12"
1 = Transportation
2 = Housing
3 = Tools, Supplies, Uniforms
4 = Child/Dependent Care
5 = Needs Related Payments
6 = Other
0 = No supportive services
1206 Placement on a Job Site eligible for Apprenticeship-related tax credit IN 3 Record whether the apprentice had, at any time during program participation, been placed on a job site that was eligible for any Apprenticeship-related tax credits:
Record 1 if the apprentice was placed at a job site that was eligible for an Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) tax credit.
Record 2 if the apprentice was placed at a job site that was eligible for another Federal tax credit.
Record 3 if the apprentice was placed at a job site that was eligible for an State tax credit.
Record 0 if the apprentice was not placed at a job site that was eligible for a tax credit.
For apprentices where more than one response is applicable, please provide all applicable in this field. For example, if both "IRA" and "Federal" apply, record "12"
1= IRA
2= Other Federal Tax Credit
3= State Tax Credit
0= No
1207 Apprentice Placed on a Job Site to perform Davis Bacon Activities? IN 1 Record 1 if the apprentice was placed at a job site to perform Davis Bacon Activities.
Record 0 Record 1 if the apprentice was not placed at a job site to perform Davis Bacon Activities.
1= Yes
0= No
1208 Apprenticeship Agreement Start Date DT 8 Record the Apprenticeship Start Date from the Apprenticeship Agreement YYYYMMDD
1209 Date Apprentice begins on-the-job training DT 8 Record the date that the apprentice began receiving on-the-job training. YYYYMMDD
1210 Date Apprentice begins related instruction DT 8 Record the date that the apprentice began receiving related instruction. YYYYMMDD


1300 Date Attained Credential #1 DT 8 Record the date, from or during the Registered Apprenticeship Program, that the apprentice attained credential #1. YYYYMMDD
1301 Credential #1 Type IN 1 Indicate the type of credential attained for Credential #1 :

Record 1 for industry recognized certificate.
Record 2 for industry certification.
Record 3 for license recognized by local, State or Federal Government.
Record 4 for Associate's Degree.
Record 5 for Bachelor's Degree.
Record 6 for Master's Degree.
Record 7 for Doctorate Degree.
1=Industry Recognized Certificate
2=Industry Certification
3=License recognized by local, State or Federal Government
4=Associate's Degree
5=Bachelor's Degree
6=Master's Degree
7=Doctorate Degree
1302 Date Attained Credential #2 DT 8 Record the date, from or during the Registered Apprenticeship Program, that the apprentice attained credential #2. YYYYMMDD
1303 Credential #2 Type IN 1 Indicate the type of credential attained for Credential #1 :

Record 1 for industry recognized certificate.
Record 2 for industry certification.
Record 3 for license recognized by local, State or Federal Government.
Record 4 for Associate's Degree.
Record 5 for Bachelor's Degree.
Record 6 for Master's Degree.
Record 7 for Doctorate Degree.
1=Industry Recognized Certificate
2=Industry Certification
3=License recognized by local, State or Federal Government
4=Associate's Degree
5=Bachelor's Degree
6=Master's Degree
7=Doctorate Degree
1304 Date Attained Credential #3 DT 8 Record the date, from or during the Registered Apprenticeship Program, that the apprentice attained credential #3. YYYYMMDD
1305 Credential #3 Type IN 1 Indicate the type of credential attained for Credential #1 :

Record 1 for industry recognized certificate.
Record 2 for industry certification.
Record 3 for license recognized by local, State or Federal Government.
Record 4 for Associate's Degree.
Record 5 for Bachelor's Degree.
Record 6 for Master's Degree.
Record 7 for Doctorate Degree.
1=Industry Recognized Certificate
2=Industry Certification
3=License recognized by local, State or Federal Government
4=Associate's Degree
5=Bachelor's Degree
6=Master's Degree
7=Doctorate Degree


1400 Date of Exit from Apprenticeship/Actual End Date of Apprenticeship DT 8 Date that Apprentice left their Apprenticeship program, including completion of the program, voluntary withdrawal from the program, or a forced withdrawal from the program as a results of events that prevent the apprentice's continued participation (including incarceration, hospitalization, and death). YYYYMMDD
1401 Type of Exit from Apprenticeship IN 1 Record 1 if the Apprentice exited the program because they completed the program.
Record 2 if the Apprentice exited the program because they voluntarily withdrew from the program.
Record 3 if the Apprentice transferred to another Registered Apprenticeship program.
Record 4 if the Apprentice exited the program because they were forced to withdraw due to events that prevented the apprentice's continued participation (including incarceration, hospitalization, and death).
Record 5 if the Apprentice exited the program for reasons other than those described above.
1 = Completed
2 = Voluntary Withdraw
3 = Transferred
4 = Forced Withdraw
5 = Other
1402 Employed at Completion IN 1 For Apprentices who exited from the program because they completed the program:
Record 1 if the Apprentice was employed in unsubsidized employment at the time of completion of the program.
Record 0 if the Apprentice was not employed in unsubsidized employment at the time of completion of the program.
Record 9 if the Apprentice's employment status was unknown at the time of completion.
Leave Blank if the Apprentice has not exited the program or exited for reasons other than completion of the program.
1 = Yes
2 = No
9 = Unknown
1403 Postsecondary Education at Completion IN 1 For Apprentices who exited from the program because they completed the program:
Record 1 if the Apprentice was enrolled in Postsecondary Education at the time of completion of the program.
Record 0 if the Apprentice was not enrolled in Postsecondary Education at the time of completion of the program.
Record 9 if the Apprentice's Postsecondary Education status was unknown at the time of completion.
Leave Blank if the Apprentice has not exited the program or exited for reasons other than completion of the program.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
1404 Career Pathway Program at Completion IN 1 For Apprentices who exited from the program because they completed the program:
Record 1 if the Apprentice was enrolled in a Career Pathway Program at the time of completion of the program.
Record 0 if the Apprentice was not enrolled in a Career Pathway Program at the time of completion of the program.
Record 9 if the Apprentice's Career Pathway Program status was unknown at the time of completion.
Leave Blank if the Apprentice has not exited the program or exited for reasons other than completion of the program.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown

Sheet 4: Voluntary Disability Disclosure

OMB Control No. 1205-0NEW

Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx

ETA Form 9205
1500 Applicants Invited to Disclose IN 5 Record the number of applicants to the program during the past year that were invited to disclose a disability. XXXXX
1501 Apprentices Invited to Disclose IN 5 Record the number of apprentices in the program during the past year that were invited to disclose a disability. XXXXX
1502 Applicants that Disclosed a Disability IN 5 Record the number of applicants to the program during the past year who disclosed a disability. XXXXX
1503 Apprentices that Disclosed a Disability IN 5 Record the number of apprentices in the program during the past year who disclosed a disability. XXXXX

Sheet 5: SCS

OMB Control No. 1205-0NEW

Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx

ETA Form 9205

Sponsor Customer Satisfaction Questions - (Net Promoter Score Approach)
1600 SCS-1 Post-Registration Based on your experience with the assistance and customer service of the Registration Agency (federal or state staff) who worked with you on developing your program, how likely are you to recommend RA to a colleague?" 01 = Not at all likely and 10=extremely likely. 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10 IN 2
1601 SCS-1.a Post-Registration What is the primary reason for your score? Text AN 1000

Sheet 6: ACS

OMB Control No. 1205-0NEW

Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx

ETA Form 9205

Apprentice Customer Satisfaction Questions - (Net Promoter Score Approach)
1700 ACS-1 Within 3 Months of Becoming Apprentice Based on your experience with the apprenticeship program, including:
- the process for applying and being selected,
- the on-the-job training you have received so far
- the related instruction you have received so far
- your trainers, instructors, and/or mentors (journeyworkers) in your program's effectiveness in establishing a safe, welcoming, and inclusive workplace environment

How likely are you to recommend RA to a friend?"
01 = Not at all likely and 10=extremely likely.
01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10 IN 2
1701 ACS-1.a Within 3 Months of Becoming Apprentice What is the primary reason for your score? Text AN 1000
1702 ACS-2 Annually at the Anniversary of their Registration Based on your experience with the apprenticeship program, including:
- the quality of the registered apprenticeship program in providing you the skills and competencies you need succeed in your occupation.
- the on-the-job training you have received so far
- the related instruction you have received so far

How likely are you to recommend RA to a friend?"
01 = Not at all likely and 10=extremely likely.
01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10 IN 2
1703 ACS-2.a Annually at the Anniversary of their Registration What is the primary reason for your score? Text AN 1000
1704 ACS-3 Within 30 Days of Completion or Cancellation Based on your experience with the apprenticeship program, including:
- the quality of the registered apprenticeship program in providing you the skills and competencies you need succeed in your occupation.
- the on-the-job training you have received
- the related instruction you have received

How likely are you to recommend RA to a friend?"
00 = Not at all likely and 10=extremely likely.
01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10 IN 2
1705 ACS-3.a Within 30 Days of Completion or Cancellation What is the primary reason for your score? Text AN 1000
1706 ACS-4 Within 365 Days of Completion Are you employed? Y/N AN 1
1707 ACS-4.a Within 365 Days of Completion Are you receiving a wage that meets the essential financial needs of your household? Y/N AN 1
1708 ACS-4.b Within 365 Days of Completion Are you currently enrolled in a postsecondary education or otherwise enrolled in Registered Apprenticeship program? Y/N AN 1
1709 ACS-4.c Within 365 Days of Completion Upon completion of a Registered Apprenticeship program, do you feel you are on a career pathway, sequence, or progression towards the attainment of more advanced competencies and credentials in the sector or occupation for which you were trained? Y/N AN 1

Sheet 7: Reg Agency Annual Report

OMB Control No. 1205-0NEW

Expiration Date: xx/xx/xx xx

ETA Form 9205
1800 Total programs approved in a FY IN 5 Report the total number of programs approved by the Registration Agency in the past year. XXXXX
1801 Total programs disapproved in a FY IN 5 Report the total number of programs disapproved by the Registration Agency in the past year. XXXXX
1802 Median time for program registration IN 3 Report the median amount of time (in days) between program application through program approval/disapproval for programs in the past year. XXX
1803 Customer satisfaction metric (total SCS #) IN 5 Report the total number of respondents to the sponsor customer satisfaction survey in the past year. XXXXX
1804 Customer satisfaction metric (average score of SCS) DE 3.1 Report the average score reported on the sponsor customer satisfaction survey for the surveys received in the past year. XX.X
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