EANS APR Track Changes


Education Stabilization Fund -- Emergency Assistance for Non-Public Schools (EANS) Program Recipient Annual Reporting Data Collection Form

EANS APR Track Changes

OMB: 1810-0765

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Conducted by: OMB No. 1810-0765 Expires 01/31/2025

U.S. Department of Education

Education Stabilization Fund - Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools

(EANS) Program Recipient Annual Reporting Data Collection Form

(Insert New Date)

Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools Annual Reporting Form

State: _____<auto fill from G5>_____________

CRRSAA EANS PR/Award number: ___<auto fill from G5>___________

ARP EANS PR/Award number: ___<auto fill from G5>___________

State Director: _<auto fill from G5>__________

Position: ___<auto fill from G5>___________ (editable)

Office:_ ___<auto fill from G5>___________ (editable)

Telephone:_ ___<auto fill from G5>___________ (editable)

E-mail Address: ___<auto fill from G5>_________

Instructions: States that received Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS) program funds as authorized by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSA Act) and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP Act) shall complete the annual EANS program reporting requirements. Please answer all questions based on the reporting period shown in the Annual Reporting table below.


ARP Act - American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

ARP EANS - American Rescue Plan Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools

CRRSAA or CRRSA Act - Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021

EANS - Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools

EANS Administrative Reserve - funds to administer the services and assistance provided under the program to non-public schools

ESSER I - Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief fund authorized under the Coronavirus Aid Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act

ESSER II - Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief fund authorized under the Coronavirus

Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act

Elementary school- A school classified as elementary by state and local practice and composed of any span of grades not above grade 8.

GEER I - Governor’s Emergency Education Relief fund authorized under the Coronavirus Aid Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act

GEER II- Governor’s Emergency Education Relief fund authorized under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSA Act)

G5 - U.S. Department of Education’s grants management and payment system

SEA - State Educational Agency

Secondary School- A school that has any span of grades beginning with the next grade following an elementary or middle school (usually grade 7, 8, or 9) and ending with or below grade 12. Both junior high schools and senior high schools are included.

Subaward - award made by an SEA to a subrecipient for the subrecipient to carry out part of the EANS program. A subaward may be provided through any form of legal agreement, including an agreement that the SEA considers a contract

Obligation - a binding written commitment to obtain the services, work, or products. For rental or lease of real or personal property, the obligation is made when the property is first used. The regulations at 34 C.F.R. § 76.707 govern when an obligation of Federal funds by an SEA occurs.

Reimbursed - amounts provided as reimbursement to a non-public school for allowable costs incurred by the non-public school.

Annual Reporting Period: This report should be completed based on activities in each State’s Fiscal Year. This report should be completed based on activities within the applicable reporting periods for EANS.

Annual Report

Applicable Reporting Period

First Annual Report

State Fiscal Year 2021

Second Annual Report

State Fiscal Year 2022

Third Annual Report

State Fiscal Year 2023

Fourth Annual Report

State Fiscal Year 2024

Fifth Annual Report

State Fiscal Year 2025

1. Provide the beginning and end dates of the SEA’s state fiscal year in MM/DD/YYYY format: _________

Annual Report 

FY Start Date

FY End Date

FY 2021



FY 2022



FY 2023



FY 2024



FY 2025



Section I: SEA Grant, Obligation, and Expenditure Amounts by Program

2. Report the total amount of federal funds obligated within the applicable reporting period. This includes obligations of funds for services or assistance provided through a contract.


ARP EANS Program

2a. The total grant amount allocated to the State educational agency (SEA)

<auto fill from G5>

<auto fill from G5>

2b. The total amount obligated by the State within the current reporting period 1

<auto-fill from responses in Section IV and Section VI>

<auto-fill from responses in Section V and Section VII>

2c. The total amount of the grant expended within the current reporting period 2

Section II: CRRSA EANS Funds Returned to the Governor

3a. Did the SEA return any unobligated CRRSA EANS funds to the Governor for authorized uses under the Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund II (GEER II) during the prior and/or current reporting periods? (Yes/No)  If “Yes”, provide the total amount returned. This amount should reflect the total amount returned across reporting periods. $_________ 

3b. If yes, which types of entities within the State were awarded the returned CRRSA EANS funds during the prior and/or current reporting periods?

Entity Type

Returned CRRSA EANS Funds

  1. Local Educational Agencies (LEAs)

Yes/ No

  1. Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs)


  1. Other Education-Related Entities


<skip logic; if ‘yes’ for ‘LEAs’, then provide responses for question 4a>

<skip logic; if yes for ‘IHEs’, then provide responses for question 5a>

<skip logic; if yes forOther Education-Related Entities’, then provide responses for question 6a>

4a. What were the amounts of the State’s returned CRRSA EANS funds awarded to LEAs and expended by LEAs?

Amount of returned CRRSA EANS Funds

  1. Total amount of returned CRRSA EANS funds awarded to LEAs across all reporting periods

  1. Total amount of returned CRRSA EANS funds expended by LEAs in the current reporting period

4b. For what purposes did LEAs use returned CRRSA EANS funds in the current reporting period? Select the purposes for which the returned CRRSA EANS funds were expended by the LEAs:

(select Yes or No for each purpose).

  1. Purchasing educational technology (including hardware, software, and connectivity), which may include assistive technology or adaptive equipment. (Yes/No)

  2. Activities focused specifically on addressing the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth. (Yes/No)

  3. Providing mental health services and supports. (Yes/No)

  4. Implementing science-based strategies to prevent the spread of COVID-19 consistent with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (Yes/No)

  5. Extended learning time opportunities, including tutoring, summer learning, and supplemental afterschool programs (Yes/No)

  6. Other (Yes/No), if yes, please specify:_________________________________

5a. What were the amounts of the State’s returned CRRSA EANS funds awarded to IHEs and expended by IHEs?

Amount of returned CRRSA EANS Funds

  1. Total amount of returned CRRSA EANS funds awarded to IHEs across all reporting periods

  1. Total amount of returned CRRSA EANS funds expended by IHEs in the current reporting period

5b. For what purposes did IHEs use returned CRRSA EANS funds in the current reporting period? Select the purposes for which the funds were expended by the IHEs (select Yes or No for each purpose)

  1. Provide direct financial support of students (e.g., scholarships) (Yes/No)

  2. Support distance learning and remote education (Yes/No)

  3. Implementing science-based strategies to prevent the spread of COVID-19 consistent with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (Yes/No)

  4. Address impact of lost instructional time (Yes/No)

  5. Other (Yes/No), if yes, please specify: ___________________________

6a. What were the amounts of the State’s returned CRRSA EANS funds awarded to other education-related entities and expended by the entities in the current reporting period?

Amount of returned CRRSA EANS Funds

  1. Total amount of returned CRRSA EANS funds awarded to other education-related entities across all reporting periods

  1. Total amount of returned CRRSA EANS funds expended by other education-related entities in the current reporting period

6b. Select the purposes for which the funds were expended by the other education-related entities

  1. Support distance learning and remote education (Yes/No)

  2. Implementing science-based strategies to prevent the spread of COVID-19 consistent with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (Yes/No)

  3. Address impact of lost instructional time (Yes/No)

  4. Other services or assistance for early childhood programs (Yes/No)

  5. Other services or assistance for public elementary and secondary schools (Yes/No)

  6. Other services or assistance for non-public elementary and secondary schools (Yes/No)

  7. Other services or assistance for postsecondary education (Yes/No)

  8. Other (Yes/No), if yes, please specify: ___________________

Section III: ARP EANS Funds Returned to the Governor

7a. Did the SEA return any unobligated ARP EANS funds to the Governor for authorized uses under the Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund II (GEER II) during the prior and/or current reporting periods? (Yes/No)  If “Yes”, provide the total amount returned. This amount should reflect the total amount returned across reporting periods. $_________ 

7b. If yes, which types of entities within the State were awarded the returned ARP EANS funds during the prior and/or current reporting periods?

Entity Type

Returned ARP EANS Funds

  1. Local Educational Agencies (LEAs)

Yes/ No

  1. Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs)


  1. Other Education-Related Entities


<skip logic; if ‘yes’ for ‘LEAs’, then provide responses for question 8a>

<skip logic; if yes for ‘IHEs’, then provide responses for question 9a>

<skip logic; if yes forOther Education-Related Entities’, then provide responses for question 10a>

8a. What were the amounts of the State’s returned ARP EANS funds awarded to LEAs and expended by LEAs?

Amount of returned ARP EANS Funds

  1. Total amount of returned ARP EANS funds awarded to LEAs across all reporting periods

  1. Total amount of returned ARP EANS funds expended by LEAs in the current reporting period

8b. For what purposes did LEAs use returned ARP EANS funds in the current reporting period? Select the purposes for which the returned ARP EANS funds were expended by the LEAs:

(select Yes or No for each purpose).

  1. Purchasing educational technology (including hardware, software, and connectivity), which may include assistive technology or adaptive equipment. (Yes/No)

  2. Activities focused specifically on addressing the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth. (Yes/No)

  3. Providing mental health services and supports. (Yes/No)

  4. Implementing science-based strategies to prevent the spread of COVID-19 consistent with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (Yes/No)

  5. Extended learning time opportunities, including tutoring, summer learning, and supplemental afterschool programs (Yes/No)

  6. Other (Yes/No), if yes, please specify:_________________________________

9a. What were the amounts of the State’s returned ARP EANS funds awarded to IHEs and expended by IHEs?

Amount of returned ARP EANS Funds

  1. Total amount of returned ARP EANS funds awarded to IHEs across all reporting periods

  1. Total amount of returned ARP EANS funds expended by IHEs in the current reporting period

9b. For what purposes did IHEs use returned ARP EANS funds in the current reporting period? Select the purposes for which the funds were expended by the IHEs (select Yes or No for each purpose)

  1. Provide direct financial support of students (e.g., scholarships) (Yes/No)

  2. Support distance learning and remote education (Yes/No)

  3. Implementing science-based strategies to prevent the spread of COVID-19 consistent with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (Yes/No)

  4. Address impact of lost instructional time (Yes/No)

  5. Other (Yes/No), if yes, please specify: ___________________________

10a. What were the amounts of the State’s returned ARP EANS funds awarded to other education-related entities and expended by the entities?

Amount of returned ARP EANS Funds

  1. Total amount of returned ARP EANS funds awarded to other education-related entities across all reporting periods

  1. Total amount of returned ARP EANS funds expended by other education-related entities in the current reporting period

10b. Select the purposes for which the funds were expended by the other education-related entities in the current reporting period

  1. Support distance learning and remote education (Yes/No)

  2. Implementing science-based strategies to prevent the spread of COVID-19 consistent with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (Yes/No)

  3. Address impact of lost instructional time (Yes/No)

  4. Other services or assistance for early childhood programs (Yes/No)

  5. Other services or assistance for public elementary and secondary schools (Yes/No)

  6. Other services or assistance for non-public elementary and secondary schools (Yes/No)

  7. Other services or assistance for postsecondary education (Yes/No)

  1. Other (Yes/No), if yes, please specify: ___________________

Section IV: CRRSA EANS SEA Administrative Reserve and SEA determination for services or assistance provided to non-public schools

11. EANS, ESSER I, and ESSER II, as well as GEER I and GEER II if administered by the SEA, are programs under which administrative funds may be consolidated. Did the SEA consolidate its administrative funds under the CRRSA EANS program with other programs’ administrative funds? (select one) (Yes/No)

12. What was the total amount of funds reserved by the SEA to administer the CRRSA EANS program within the current reporting period? ______________ (This amount may not exceed the greater of $200,000 or one-half of 1 percent of the total grant award to administer the services and assistance provided to non-public schools.)

13. What data did the SEA receive from non-public schools in their applications for services or assistance under the CRRSA EANS program regarding the number and percentage of students from low-income families enrolled in the non-public school in the 2019–2020 school year? Indicate “yes” or “no” for each data element(s) requested by the SEA.

  1. free or reduced-priced lunch data (Yes/No)

  2. scholarship or financial assistance data that identifies students whose family income does not

exceed 185 percent of the 2020 Federal poverty guidelines (Yes/No)

  1. E-Rate data (Yes/No)

  2. data that the non-public school has provided to the State for purposes of State or local programs that identifies students whose family income does not exceed 185 percent of the 2020 Federal poverty guidelines (Yes/No)

  3. other data (Yes/No) If yes, please specify ___________________

14. What factors regarding COVID-19 impact (in addition to significant number or percentage of students from low-income families enrolled) did the SEA consider in prioritizing non-public schools to receive services or assistance under the CRRSA EANS program? Please select “yes” or “no” for each factor used.

  1. rate of community infection (Yes/No)

  2. number of COVID-19-related deaths per capita (Yes/No)

  3. loss of tuition revenue due to decrease in enrollment (Yes/No)

  4. lack of capacity to provide remote learning due to insufficient technological support (Yes/No)

  5. data documenting the extent of learning loss or the social, emotional, or mental health impact attributable to the disruption of instruction caused by COVID-19 (Yes/No)

  6. other (Yes/No) If yes, please specify ______________

Section V: ARP EANS SEA Administrative Reserve and SEA determination for services or assistance provided to non-public schools

15. Did the SEA consolidate its administrative funds under the ARP EANS program with other programs’ administrative funds? (select one response) (Yes/No)

16. What was the total amount of funds reserved by the SEA to administer services and assistance under the ARP EANS program within the current reporting period? ______________ (This amount may not exceed the greater of $200,000 or one-half of 1 percent of the total grant award to administer the services and assistance provided to non-public schools.)

Section VI: SEA Obligations (including reimbursements) by allowable activity for CRRSA EANS

17. Provide the total amounts of SEA obligated funds (including reimbursements) by allowable activity for services or assistance to non-public schools under the CRRSA EANS program within the current reporting period. SEAs that obligated CRRSA EANS funds to one or more entities are expected to report obligations amounts by allowable activity.

EANS Allowable Activity (CRRSA)

Total amount obligated for services or assistance to schools for allowable activity

a. Supplies to sanitize, disinfect, and clean school facilities

b. Personal protective equipment (PPE)

c. Improving ventilation systems, including windows or portable air purification systems (Note: reimbursements can only be made for portable air purification


d. Training and professional development for staff on sanitization, the use of PPE, and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases

e. Physical barriers to facilitate social distancing

f. Other materials, supplies, or equipment recommended by the CDC for reopening and operation of school facilities to effectively maintain health and safety

g. Expanding capacity to administer coronavirus testing to effectively monitor and suppress the virus

h. Educational technology (including hardware, software, connectivity, assistive technology, and adaptive equipment) to assist students, educators, and other staff with remote or hybrid learning

i. Redeveloping instructional plans, including curriculum development, for remote or hybrid learning, or to address learning loss

j. Leasing sites or spaces to ensure safe social distancing

k. Reasonable transportation costs

l. Initiating and maintaining education and support services or assistance for remote or hybrid learning or to address learning loss



Section VII: SEA Obligations by allowable activity for ARP EANS

18. Provide the total amounts of SEA obligated funds by allowable activity for services or assistance to non-public schools under the ARP EANS program within the current reporting period. SEAs that obligated ARP EANS funds to one or more entities are expected to report obligations amounts by allowable activity. Note: Under ARP EANS, reimbursements are prohibited for any non-public school.

EANS Allowable Activity (ARP)

Total amount obligated for services or assistance to schools for allowable activity

a. Supplies to sanitize, disinfect, and clean school facilities

b. Personal protective equipment (PPE)

c. Improving ventilation systems, including windows or portable air purification systems

d. Training and professional development for staff on sanitization, the use of PPE, and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases

e. Physical barriers to facilitate social distancing

f. Other materials, supplies, or equipment recommended by the CDC for reopening and operation of school facilities to effectively maintain health and safety

g. Expanding capacity to administer coronavirus testing to effectively monitor and suppress the virus

h. Educational technology (including hardware, software, connectivity, assistive technology, and adaptive equipment) to assist students, educators, and other staff with remote or hybrid learning

i. Redeveloping instructional plans, including curriculum development, for remote or hybrid learning, or to address learning loss

j. Leasing sites or spaces to ensure safe social distancing

k. Reasonable transportation costs

l. Initiating and maintaining education and support services or assistance for remote or hybrid learning or to address learning loss



Section VIII. Non-public schools receiving services or assistance under CRRSA EANS

Instructions: Provide the following information for the non-public schools in the State that received services or assistance under the CRRSA EANS program within the current reporting period.

19. List the non-public schools that received services or assistance under the CRRSA EANS program within the State. Note: If the non-public school serves elementary and secondary school students, select ‘yes’ for both b. and c.

a. Name of the non-public school

b. Does this non-public school serve elementary school students?

c. Does this non-public school serve secondary school students?

d. Is the total student enrollment count 19-20 school year available for this non-public school?

e. Total student enrollment in the non-public school from the 19-20 school year

f. Is the total low-income student enrollment count 19-20 school year available for this non-public school?

g. Total low-income student enrollment in the non-public school from 19-20 school year3

h. Percentage of students from low-income families within a non-public school
















20. How many non-public schools received services or assistance under the CRRSA EANS program within the State? < auto-populate based on responses from Q19>

21. What was the total number of non-public schools that served elementary school students and received services or assistance under the CRRSA EANS program? <auto-populate based on response from Q19>

22. What was the total number of non-public schools that served secondary school students and received services or assistance under the CRRSA EANS program? <auto-populate based on response from Q19>

Note: For questions 23-25, responses should be based on 2019-2020 school enrollment counts

23. What was the total student enrollment within all the non-public schools that received services or assistance under the CRRSA EANS program? <auto-populate based on response from Q19>

24. What was the total number of students from low-income families (total low-income student enrollment) enrolled in all the non-public schools that received services or assistance under the CRRSA EANS program? <auto-populate based on response from Q19>

25 The following information regarding the population of students from low-income families enrolled in non-public schools will be auto-populated based on the response provided in Question 19:

Percentage of students from low income families enrolled in the non-public school

Number of non-public schools that received services or assistance under the CRRSA EANS program


<auto-populate based on response from Q19>


<auto-populate based on response from Q19>


<auto-populate based on response from Q19>


<auto-populate based on response from Q19>


<auto-populate based on response from Q19>


<auto-populate based on response from Q19>


<auto-populate based on response from Q19>


<auto-populate based on response from Q19>


<auto-populate based on response from Q19>


<auto-populate based on response from Q19>

Section IX. Non-public schools receiving services or assistance under ARP EANS

Instructions: Provide the following information for the non-public schools in the State that received services or assistance under the ARP EANS program within the current reporting period.

26. List the non-public schools that received services or assistance under the ARP EANS program within the State.

Note: If the non-public school serves elementary and secondary school students, select ‘yes’ for both b. and c.

a. Name of the non-public school

b. Does this non-school serve elementary school students?

c. Does this non-public school serve secondary school students?

d. Total student enrollment in the non-public school4

e. Total low-income student enrollment in the non-public school5

f. What school year are the total student and low- income enrollment in the non-public school provided from?

h. Percentage of students from low-income families within a non-public school



(e.g., 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022)








27. How many non-public schools received services or assistance under the ARP EANS program within the State? < auto-populate based on response from Q26>

28. What was the total number of non-public schools that served elementary school students and received services or assistance under the ARP EANS program? <auto-populate based on responses from Q26>

29. What was the total number of non-public schools that served secondary school students and received services or assistance under the ARP EANS program? <auto-populate based on responses from Q26>

Note: For questions 30-32, responses will be calculated based on the reported school enrollment counts

30. What was the total student enrollment within the non-public schools that received services or assistance under the ARP EANS program? <auto-populate based on responses from Q22>

31. What was the total number of students from low-income families (total low-income student enrollment) enrolled in the non-public schools that received services or assistance under the ARP EANS program? <auto-populate based on response from Q22>

32. The following information regarding the population of students from low-income families enrolled in non-public schools will be auto-populated based on the response provided in Question 26.:

Percentage of students from low-income families enrolled in the non-public school.

Number of non-public schools that received services or assistance under the ARP EANS program


<auto-populate based on responses from Q26>


<auto-populate based on responses from Q26>


<auto-populate based on responses from Q26>


<auto-populate based on responses from Q26>


<auto-populate based on responses from Q26>


<auto-populate based on responses from Q26>


<auto-populate based on responses from Q26>


<auto-populate based on responses from Q26>


<auto-populate based on responses from Q26>


<auto-populate based on responses from Q26>

Section X. Subawards/Subcontracts

33. Instructions: Provide the following information for each entity that received a subaward or subcontract to provide services or assistance to participating non-public schools in the State under the CRRSA and ARP EANS program provided by the SEA.

Sub-awardee/Subcontract Entity Name



Total amount awarded/contracted from CRRSA EANS funding during the prior and/or current reporting periods

Total amount obligated from CRRSA EANS funding in the current reporting period

Number of non-public schools served with CRRSA EANS funding through subaward/subcontract in the current reporting period

Total amount awarded/contracted from ARP EANS funding during the prior and/or current reporting periods

Total amount obligated from ARP EANS funding in the current reporting period

Number of non-public schools served with ARP EANS funding through subaward /subcontract in the current reporting period

What services or assistance were or will be provided by the entity to non-public schools?

Select corresponding letters from the categories below * (Choose all that apply)

a. Supplies to sanitize, disinfect, and clean school facilities

b. Supplying personal protective equipment (PPE)

c. Improving ventilation systems, including windows or portable air purification systems

d. Training and professional development for staff on sanitization, the use of PPE, and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases

e. Providing physical barriers to facilitate social distancing

f. Providing other materials, supplies, or equipment to implement public health protocols, including guidelines and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the reopening and operation of school facilities to effectively maintain the health and safety of students, educators, and other staff during the qualifying


g. Expanding capacity to administer coronavirus testing to effectively monitor and suppress coronavirus, to conduct surveillance and contact tracing activities, and to support other activities related to coronavirus testing for students, teachers, and staff at the non-public school;

h. Providing educational technology (including hardware, software, connectivity, assistive technology, and adaptive equipment) to assist students, educators, and other staff with remote or hybrid learning

i. Redeveloping instructional plans, including curriculum development, for remote or hybrid learning, or to address learning loss

j. Leasing of sites or spaces to ensure safe social distancing to implement public health protocols, including guidelines and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;

k. Reasonable transportation costs

l. Initiating and maintaining education and support services or assistance for remote or hybrid learning or to address learning loss

m. Administration of the EANS program (e.g., reviewing applications, processing awards, etc.)

Burden Statement

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1810-0765. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 4 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Under the PRA, participants are required to respond to this collection to obtain or retain a benefit. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this individual collection, or if you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual form, please contact Joanne Bogart, US. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202.

1 Includes any EANS funds that were obligated for any EANS allowable activities and any EANS funds reserved for administrative purposes.

2 Include all EANS-related expenditures including funds returned to the Governor that were expended.

3 As reported by the non-public school to the SEA through the established EANS application.

4 Report the total student enrollment as reported by the non-public school to the SEA through the established EANS application. The total student enrollment (d.) and total low-income student enrollment (e.) should be derived from the same school year.

5 Report the total low-income student enrollment as reported by the non-public school to the SEA through the established EANS application.. The total student enrollment (d.) and total low-income student enrollment (e.) should be derived from the same school year.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorMadoo, Brent G.
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-12-14

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