Crosswalk - Hospital Survey


Evaluation of the CMS Network of Quality Improvement and Innovation Contractors Program (NQIIC) (CMS-10769)

Crosswalk - Hospital Survey

OMB: 0938-1424

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Crosswalk for Changes to

Evaluation of the CMS Network of Quality Improvement and Innovation Contractors Program (NQIIC) (CMS-10769)

Appendix B Hospital Survey Questions

Old #

New #

Question Used in Pretest



Recommended Revised Question



Are you the best person at [FACILITY NAME] to complete this survey?  

  1. Yes 

  2. No  

  3. DK  

  4. Refused  

[IF S1 = NO, ASK S2; IF S1 = Yes, PROCEED TO S4]  

  • Skip logic adjusted to reflect DK and Refused options

As recommended by the pretest.

Are you the best person at [FACILITY NAME] to complete this survey? 

a. Yes 

b. No 

c. DK 

d. Refused 

[IF S1 = NO, DK, or Refused, ASK S2; IF S1 = Yes, PROCEED TO S4] 



Can you provide us the name of the person most responsible for improving quality in your hospital? 

a. Yes 

b. No 

c. DK 

d. Refused 

Record Name 

Record Title 

Record phone number 

[IF S2 = No or DK, ASK S3] 

  • Skip logic adjusted to reflect Refused option

As recommended by the pretest.

Can you provide us the name of the person most responsible for improving quality in your hospital? 

a. Yes 

b. No 

c. DK 

d. Refused 

Record Name 

Record Title 

Record phone number 

[IF S2 = No, DK, or Refused, ASK S3] 



How long have you been in this role?  

[Record years and months] 

Not sure (approximately how long?) 

  • Added ‘at this hospital’

  • Programing note removed

  • Not sure” removed

As recommended by the pretest.

How long have you been in this role at this hospital?  



New question

  • Add question to ensure permission to record responses

As recommended by the pretest.

This survey includes closed-ended questions with specific answer choices, as well as longer open-ended response questions. In order to help the survey go faster, I would like to record your answers to some questions where you may have longer responses. Do I have your permission to record these answers?

  1. Yes

  2. No



Over the last 6 months, did your facility work on improving processes or protocols used to increase the quality and safety of patient care with either of these two aims?

Select all that apply

  1. Responding to the opioid crisis

  2. Reducing hospital acquired conditions, infections, or adverse events, such as infections caused by urinary catheters or central lines

  3. Neither of these

  • Changed timeframe

  • Changed question to focus on supportiveness of leadership when a change was made, rather than if a change was made

  • Removed specific aims (opioid and hospital acquired conditions) from question and response options

  • Add response options on a scale

Adjusting to reflect post-Covid years and to better assess general quality improvement culture

As recommended by the pretest

In the last 12 months, when your facility tried to improve quality of care, how supportive was your leadership? Please give a response on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being very unsupportive and 5 being very supportive. How would you rate your leadership?

    1. 1- Very unsupportive

    2. 2

    3. 3

    4. 4

    5. 5- Very supportive

Prefer not to answer [DON’T READ]


[IF Q1a AND Q1b = NO OR Q1c = YES] Over the last 6 months, did you work on other quality improvements for your hospital? [Open ended]


  1. COVID-19

NA. No other quality improvements were worked on

  • Remove question

Avoid duplication of data from other data source



Does your hospital post its patient safety record or the number of patients who experience harmful events on its website?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  • Remove question

Question no longer necessary for data needs



New question

  • Add question to assess staff willingness to adopt new practices or policies for quality improvement

Added to better assess general quality improvement culture

In the last 12 months, when your facility tried to improve quality of care, how willing was your staff to adopt new practices or policies? Please give a response on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being very unwilling and 5 being very willing. How would you rate your staff?

  1. 1- Very unwilling to adopt

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. 4

  5. 5- Very willing to adopt

Prefer not to answer [DON’T READ]


Now I’m going to read a list of programs, policies, agencies, or resources that you may have used in improving the quality of care at your facility. As I read each one, please tell me if you recall working with or using this resource over the last 6 months.

Select all that apply

  1. Resources from the Hospital Quality Improvement Contractor Program or [INSERT HQIC NAME FOR HOSPITAL]

  2. CMS COVID-19 StAT Learning Series for Hospitals

  3. NHSN Report

  4. HHS Protect

  5. [INSERT STATE] hospital association-sponsored effort

  6. National Association of Public Hospitals (NAPH) or America’s Essential Hospitals (AEH)

  7. Other regional, state, or local initiative (specify)

  8. Programs, policies, and resources from your own hospital system

  9. Peers and/or other hospitals

  10. None of the above [DO NOT READ]

  • Remove question

Question no longer necessary for data needs, remove to reduce burden



Are there any other sources of information you used when working on improving the quality of care at your facility?


Record answer choice #1

Record answer choice #2

Record answer choice #3

  • Remove question

Question no longer necessary for data needs, remove to reduce burden



New question

  • Add question to assess facility priorities

Per change in CMS priorities

Now we want to better understand your facility’s priorities for quality improvement. I’m going to read a list of care topics that you may have addressed to improve the quality of care for patients at your facility. In the last 12 months, please tell me if your facility has changed or developed new processes or protocols to improve this topic…

[Respond Yes or No]

  1. Health equity, meaning reducing disparities in health and health care…for those patients with a greater social risk factor burden

  2. Adopting a patient-centered approach

  3. Increasing patient safety

  4. Opioid misuse

  5. Preventing or controlling Covid-19 infection

  6. Other infection control (not Covid-19)

  7. Emergency preparedness

  8. Care transitions

  9. Patient Family Engagement

  10. Other

  11. Prefer not to answer [DON’T READ] 


New question.

  • Add question to understand what might be preventing changes for quality improvement within an organization

As recommended by the pretest.

3A. [Asked if any a-i = No] With regard to the care topics that you have not addressed, namely [insert responses selected ‘no’ above (do not include the full definition for Health Equity)], which of these statements best describe the reasons why your facility didn’t change any processes or protocols? [Select all that apply]

  1. Our processes and protocols were already effective

  2. Other goals were of higher priority to our facility

  3. We didn’t have the resources needed to make changes

  4. We were not aware of best practices for quality improvement

  5. Other [Open ended]

  6. Prefer not to answer [DON’T READ] 



What would you consider the sources of information, guidance or assistance that had the most impact on your facility’s effort to INSERT GOAL 1a ‘address the opioid crisis; GOAL 1b ‘reduce hospital acquired conditions, infections, and adverse events’; GOAL 1c ‘work on this quality improvement’ [Open ended]

  • Add time period

  • Remove specific insertion of goals

  • Adjust wording to reflect top sources influence on general quality improvement

As recommended by the pretest.

The next question will be an open-response question.

In the last 12 months, what were the top three sources of influence on your facility’s ability to improve the quality of services for patients (e.g. organizations, professional associations, federal programs, websites, podcasts, etc.)?

[Open ended]



Before this survey, had you ever heard of the Hospital Quality Improvement Contractor Program, otherwise referred to as HQIC?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  • Add time period

  • Remove program name, and add programming for specific HQIC name or contact person

As recommended by the pretest.

In the last 12 months, do you recall working with [HQIC name or HQIC contact person] or using any resources provided by this organization?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Prefer not to answer [DON’T READ] 


New question

  • Add question to understand what might be preventing a working relationship with the HQIC organization

As recommended by the pretest.

[Asked if Q5= b] Which best describes the reason(s) why your facility did not work with [HQIC name or HQIC contact person] or use resources provided by this organization since in the last 12 months?

[Select all that apply]

  1. We were not aware of this organization and its resources

  2. No such opportunity presented itself 

  3. We had all the support needed within this facility 

  4. The resources offered seemed redundant with other efforts we are involved in

  5. We didn’t have enough time to participate in another effort

  6. We had already received support from another government program

  7. The assistance available didn’t seem to be helpful or worth the effort 

  8. The quality of resources or assistance from [HQIC name or HQIC contact person] was sub-optimal 

  9. The scheduling was not convenient

  10. Other

  11. Prefer not to answer [DON’T READ]  


New question

  • Add question to confirm if providers know how to contact the HQIC organization

As recommended by the pretest

[Asked if Q5= b] Do you know how to contact [HQIC name or HQIC contact person] if you want help or advice from them on improving quality at your facility?

      1. Yes

      2. No

      3. Prefer not to answer [DON’T READ]


The name of your HQIC is [HQIC Name OR HQIC Contact Person if available], have you ever heard of them? [CONFIRM CONTACT PERSON IS INCLUDED IN CONTACT LIST]

  1. Yes

  2. No

  • Removed question

Redundant based on change to question 5

Reduce burden of survey



How would you describe your facility’s level of engagement with [INSERT HQIC ID FOR HOSPITAL] for work on [INSERT FOR GOAL 1a ‘addressing the opioid crisis’; FOR GOAL 1b ‘reducing hospital acquired conditions, infections, and adverse events’; GOAL 1c ‘Insert open ended answer’]? Would you say you were…


  2. Moderately engaged [INSERT HQIC NAME FOR HOSPITAL]

  3. Minimally engaged [INSERT HQIC NAME FOR HOSPITAL]

  4. Not at all engaged [INSERT HQIC NAME FOR HOSPITAL]

  • Add time period

  • Remove insertion of specific goals in order to assess general engagement

  • Simplify response options

Assessment of specific goals no longer priority for CMS

As recommended by the pretest

In the last 12 months, how would you describe your level of engagement with [HQIC name or HQIC contact person]? Would you say you were...

  1. Highly engaged

  2. Moderately engaged

  3. Minimally engaged  

  4. Not at all engaged

  5. Prefer not to answer [DON’T READ]  


New question

  • Add question to understand engagement over time

As recommended by the pretest.

[Asked if Q6= c or d] You said you were [insert answer from Q6], was there a period before the last 12 months when you were more engaged with [HQIC name or HQIC contact person]?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Prefer not to answer [DON’T READ] 


You said before you were not working with [HQIC Name] but answered that you were engaged with them. Do you want to change your response that you are working with them?

  1. Yes [Set Q3a = YES]

  2. No

  • Remove question

Question irrelevant due to previous question deletions




Which of these statements describe the reasons why this hospital was not fully engaged with the [INSERT HQIC ID FOR HOSPITAL] for work on [INSERT GOAL 1a ‘addressing the opioid crisis; GOAL 1b ‘reducing hospital acquired conditions, infections, and adverse events’; GOAL 1c ‘this quality improvement’]?

Select all that apply.

  1. [FOR GOAL 1a] The population served by our hospital did not have issues with opioid misuse

  2. [FOR GOAL 1a] The hospital did not need to improve the way it addressed opioids because there were already effective protocols in place

  3. [FOR GOAL 1b] No improvement was needed because the hospital sustains zero rates of harm

  4. We were overwhelmed by the COVID-19 pandemic and did not have resources for improvements in other areas [HIDE IF 1.1a=TRUE]

  5. The hospital did not need the support of [INSERT HQIC NAME FOR HOSPITAL]

  6. We had all the improvement support needed within this hospital or health system

  7. We preferred to work with another organization outside the hospital

  8. My hospital made a management decision not to participate

  9. The quality of resources or programming provided by [INSERT HQIC NAME FOR HOSPITAL] was sub-optimal

  10. Learning events scheduled by [INSERT HQIC NAME FOR HOSPITAL] were inconvenient

  11. My hospital has not been in the program long enough to assess work with [INSERT HQIC NAME FOR HOSPITAL] (SHOW IF enrollment <= 4 months)

  12. Other [specify]:

  • Add time period

  • Remove insertion of specific goals to in order to assess reason for limited engagement, generally

  • Simplify and refine language in response options

As recommended by the pretest.

[Asked if Q6= c or d] In the last 12 months, which of the following options best describe the reasons why this facility was not more fully engaged with [HQIC name or HQIC contact person]?

[Select all that apply]

  1. No such opportunity presented itself

  2. We had all the support needed within this facility 

  3. The resources seemed redundant with other efforts we were involved in 

  4. We didn’t have enough time to participate in another effort

  5. We had already received support from another government program

  6. The assistance provided didn’t seem to be helpful or worth the effort 

  7. The quality of resources or assistance from [HQIC name or HQIC contact person] was sub-optimal

  8. The scheduling was not convenient

  9. Other [Open ended]

  10. Prefer not to answer [DON’T READ]  


New Question

  • Added to understand if providers turn to HQICs when they need additional assistance

Adjusted to better represent data priorities for survey

[Asked if Q6= d] When you needed additional support or advice for improving quality of care at your facility, did you contact [HQIC name or HQIC contact person]?

      1. Yes

      2. No

      3. Prefer not to answer [DON’T READ] 



Do you know how to contact someone at [HQIC NAME FOR HOSPITAL] if you wanted help or advice from them on improving quality at your facility?

    1. Yes

    2. No

  • Simplify language

Adjusted to align with changes of question 6C, per the survey data priorities

[Asked if Q6C= b] Do you know how to contact [HQIC name or HQIC contact person]?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Prefer not to answer [DON’T READ] 


New question

  • Added to understand provider outreach

Added to meet data priorities

Does your facility engage in community outreach or with other service providers?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. Prefer not to answer [DON’T READ]


New question

  • Added to understand provider outreach

Added to meet data priorities

[Asked if Q7= a] In the last 12 months, what types of outreach has your facility used to engage with partners in the communities you serve? I’m going to read you a list of possible ways; please tell me if this applies to your facility:

[Select all that apply]

  1. Community advisory groups

  2. Conducting focus groups

  3. Patient Family Engagement committees

  4. Collaboration with community service partners

  5. Newsletters

  6. Webinars or Free Talks

  7. Social Media

  8. Other [Open ended]

  9. Prefer not to answer [DON’T READ]


New question

  • Added to understand HQIC influence on providers’ quality improvement efforts

Added to meet data priorities

In the last 12 months, were there any changes to the processes or protocols in your facility as a result of your interactions with [HQIC name or HQIC contact person] or its resources?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. I’m not sure

  4. Prefer not to answer [DON’T READ]


New question

  • Added to understand HQIC influence on providers’ quality improvement efforts

Added to meet data priorities

[Asked if Q8 = a] Please identify what processes or protocols changed as a result of the interactions with [HQIC name or HQIC contact person]

[Only include response options where respondent answered ‘Yes’ in Q3.]

[Respond Yes or No]

  1. Adopting a patient-centered approach

  2. Increasing patient safety

  3. Opioid misuse

  4. Preventing or controlling Covid-19 infection

  5. Other infection control (not Covid-19)

  6. Emergency preparedness

  7. Care transitions

  8. Patient Family Engagement

  9. Other [Open ended]

  10. Prefer not to answer [DON’T READ]


New question

  • Added to understand barriers to HQIC influence on providers’ quality improvement efforts

Added to meet data priorities

[Asked if Q8 = b] You said that working with [HQIC name or HQIC contact person] did not result in any changes to your facility’s procedures or protocols. Which responses best describe why that was the case? Would you say it was because...

[Select all that apply]

      1. Our facility already made changes needed before we began working with [HQIC name or HQIC contact person]

      2. We had all the support needed within this facility

      3. The resources offered seemed redundant with other efforts we were using

      4. We had already received support from another government program

      5. The assistance provided didn’t seem to be helpful or worth the effort

      6. We didn’t have time to implement the changes the [HQIC name or HQIC contact person] recommended

      7. The quality of resources or assistance from [HQIC name or HQIC contact person] was sub-optimal

      8. The scheduling was inconvenient

      9. Other [Open ended]

      10. Prefer not to answer [DON’T READ]


If I asked you to describe in just a few words, the CMS Quality Improvement Program, or the HQIC Program, also known as [HQIC NAME FOR HOSPITAL], what’s the first thing that comes to mind? [Open ended] 

  • Question removed

Question no longer reflects data priorities; removed to reduce burden



[If > year; “In the last twelve months” If < year; “Since [INSERT DATE]” how satisfied are you with the amount of contact between your facility and [HQIC NAME FOR HOSPITAL]? Would you say you are … 

          1. Very Satisfied 

          2. Somewhat Satisfied 

          3. Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied

          4. Somewhat Dissatisfied

          5. Very Dissatisfied 

          6. Don’t Know/Not Sure [DO NOT READ]

          7. Decline to answer [DO NOT READ]

  • Question removed

Question no longer reflects data priorities; removed to reduce burden



Have you or someone in your facility ever had occasion to initiate the interaction with [HQIC NAME FOR HOSPITAL], such as when you needed questions answered or assistance with an issue?

  1. Yes

  2. No [GO TO Q14]

  • Question removed

Question no longer reflects data priorities; removed to reduce burden



[IF Q12 = Y] Overall, how satisfied are you with the timeliness of [HQIC NAME FOR HOSPITAL]’s response to your questions or requests for assistance? Would you say you are...

  1. Very Satisfied 

  2. Somewhat Satisfied 

  3. Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied 

  4. Somewhat Dissatisfied 

  5. Very Dissatisfied 

  6. Don’t Know/Not Sure [DO NOT READ]

  7. Decline to answer [DO NOT READ]

  • Question removed

Question no longer reflects data priorities; removed to reduce burden




Thinking about all interactions with [HQIC NAME FOR HOSPITAL], overall, how satisfied are you with your relationship with [HQIC NAME FOR HOSPITAL]?  Would you say you are… 

  1. Very Satisfied 

  2. Somewhat Satisfied 

  3. Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied 

  4. Somewhat Dissatisfied 

  5. Very Dissatisfied 

  6. Don’t Know/Not Sure [DO NOT READ]

  7. Decline to answer [DO NOT READ]

  • Moved word “overall” for better flow

  • Adjusted last two response options to one: “prefer not to answer”

As recommended by pretest.

Thinking about all interactions with [HQIC name or HQIC contact person,] how satisfied are you with your relationship overall? Would you say you are…?

  1. Very satisfied

  2. Somewhat satisfied

  3. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

  4. Somewhat dissatisfied

  5. Very dissatisfied

  6. Prefer not to answer [DON’T READ]



[If Q13, Q14, Q15, Q16 OR Q17 = d or e] Please tell me what [HQIC NAME FOR HOSPITAL] could have done better. [Open ended]

  • Moved this question up to a sub-question of the general satisfaction question

  • Adjusted skip-logic accordingly

Better flow; as recommended by pretest

[Asked if Q9= c, d e, or f] Please tell me what [HQIC name or HQIC contact person] could have done better. [Open ended] 


New question

  • Added to understand how the HQICs have been most helpful

Accommodating updated data priorities for the survey.

[Asked if Q9= a, b, c, or f] Please tell me in what ways [HQIC name or HQIC contact person] has been most helpful. [Open ended] 



The assistance we received from [HQIC NAME FOR HOSPITAL] was key to the efficient implementation of our quality improvement projects. Would you say you…

  1. Strongly Agree

  2. Somewhat Agree

  3. Neither Agree or Disagree 

  4. Somewhat Disagree 

  5. Strongly Disagree 

  6. Don’t Know/Not Sure [DO NOT READ]

  7. Decline to answer [DO NOT READ]

  • Added introduction to statement

  • Changed word ‘key’ to ‘significant’

  • Adjusted question focus from general implementation to focus on health equity efforts

  • Simplified last two response options to ‘prefer not to answer’

Question no longer reflects data priorities; removed to reduce burden

Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement about health equity and the information and assistance provided by the [HQIC name or HQIC contact person]:

10. The assistance we received from [HQIC name or HQIC contact person] was significant to our facility’s efforts to improve health equity in the care setting, meaning the facility’s efforts to reduce disparities in health and health care…for those patients with a greater social risk factor burden. Would you...

  1. Strongly agree

  2. Somewhat agree  

  3. Neither agree nor disagree  

  4. Somewhat disagree  

  5. Strongly disagree

  6. Prefer not to answer [DON’T READ]


The service we received from [HQIC NAME FOR HOSPITAL] was worth the time or effort required on the part of our staff. Would you say you… 

  1. Strongly Agree

  2. Somewhat Agree

  3. Neither Agree or Disagree 

  4. Somewhat Disagree 

  5. Strongly Disagree 

  6. Don’t Know/Not Sure [DO NOT READ]

  7. Decline to answer [DO NOT READ]

  • Question removed

Question no longer reflects data priorities; removed to reduce burden



Our organization has benefited from having received services from [HQIC NAME FOR HOSPITAL]. Would you say you…

  1. Strongly Agree

  2. Somewhat Agree

  3. Neither Agree or Disagree 

  4. Somewhat Disagree 

  5. Strongly Disagree 

  6. Don’t Know/Not Sure [DO NOT READ]

  7. Decline to answer [DO NOT READ]

  • Question removed

Question no longer reflects data priorities; removed to reduce burden




At this point, what quality improvement areas are you most in need of for additional assistance? [Open ended]

NA. No quality improvement areas are in need of additional assistance

  • Adjust wording at the beginning of the question

As recommended by pretest.

[All respondents] Finally, what quality improvement areas are you most in need of additional assistance? [Open ended] 


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleCrosswalk for Changes to Evaluation of NQIIC (CMS-10769): Appendix B Hospital Survey Questions
SubjectCMS Network of Quality Improvement and Innovation Contractors Program
AuthorCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-08-02

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