Head Start Collaboration Office Annual Report
Start of Block: Instructions
Start Collaboration Office Annual Report
Welcome to
the revised Head Start Collaboration Office (HSCO) Annual Report for
the 2022-2023 calendar year. Below are a few instructions before
getting started.
Special Instructions.
Special instructions are included in blue italic font
throughout the survey primarily to provide clarification.
Use of the Title "HSCO Director". We recognize that
not all leads of the HSCO grant use the tittle "HSCO Director"
(e.g., HSCO Coordinator). However, for this report, the title "HSCO
Director" is used to represent this person regardless of title.
In cases when "you" or "your" is used, it is also
referring to the HSCO grant lead.
Automatically Saves. As you proceed through the survey, your
completed responses are automatically saved. If you close your survey
before completion, you can use the same survey link to return to the
survey without losing any of your progress.
Retaining a Copy of Your Responses. Shortly after
submitting your survey, you will receive an e-mail with a copy of
your responses. Please upload this copy of your responses into your
grant file in your "Annual Report" folder under the
Documents tab in HSES.
Thank you for taking the
time to complete this report.
The purpose of this information collection is to capture performance
and progress data from recipients of Head Start Collaboration Office
grant funding. Public reporting burden for this collection of
information is estimated to average 4 hours per response, including
the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the
data needed, and reviewing the collection of information. This is a
voluntary collection of information. An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of
information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
The OMB # is 0970-0490 and the expiration date is 03/31/2026. If you
have any comments on this collection of information, please contact
Beth Caron at [email protected].
End of Block: Instructions
Start of Block: Section A: Demographic Information
Section A: Demographic Information
Note: Hovering your cursor over underlined text will provide additional guidance you may need.
1 Name of the HSCO Director:
2 Title of the HSCO Director:
3 How long
have you been in the position of HSCO Director?
Less than one year
1 to 5 years
6 to 10 years
11 to 15 years
More than 15 years
4 Select the
type of organization (e.g., type of state agency, department,
bureau) that houses the HSCO in your state or region. This is often
the umbrella organization that receives Head Start funding for the
For example, select "Education, Early
Learning, or Early Childhood" if the HSCO is housed in the
Department of Education or Bureau of Education.
Education, Early Learning, or Early Childhood
Governor's office
Health, Human and/or Social Services
State Head Start Association
Other type of entity (e.g., agency, department, bureau) __________________________________________________
5 Indicate the
name of the division/office that houses the HSCO within the
organization type selected.
Please provide the name of
the division/office, not the physical address. If there is no
division/office, leave the space blank.
6 Is this HSCO director position appointed by the Governor?
Not applicable (e.g., AIAN and MSHS)
End of Block: Section A: Demographic Information
Start of Block: Section B: Information on HSCO Staff
Section B: Information on HSCO Staff
1 Is the HSCO Director position part-time or full-time, regardless of funding source?
Part-time (less than 35 hours per week)
Full-time (35 hours or more per week)
2 Are there other sources of funding beside Head Start federal or required state match covering the salary/wages for the HSCO Director position?
3 Not counting
the HSCO Director and regardless of funding source, how many other
staff in your organization are regularly doing work directly for the
Generally, these are staff that hold essential
duties and responsibilities necessary as part of the HSCO grant.
Count each staff as "1" regardless of hours worked. For
example, two staff working 25 hours per week would be counted as "2"
part-time staff. If none, enter "0".
Part-time staff (less than 35 hours per week) __________________________________________________
Full-time staff (35 hours or more per week) __________________________________________________
4 About how
much or the salaries/wages of other staff are covered by the HSCO
You can include additional information about
other sources of funding in the following question.
All or most
5 Is there
additional information related to staffing that would be helpful to
include in your report?
For example, additional
information on other major sources of funding for the HSCO Director
position or other staff, and other supports available to the HSCO.
Leave blank if there is no additional information to provide.
End of Block: Section B: Information on HSCO Staff
Start of Block: Section C: Vision, Mission, and Goals
Section C: Vision, Mission, and Goals
1 Please provide the Vision and/or Mission of the department in the State or AIAN/MSHS Region where the HSCO is located. You may include the Purpose/Mission of the HSCO, if applicable.
2 List the
major goals for your HSCO. These goals should be specific to
your Collaboration Office and may be based on the general priorities
from OHS, but it should not be a list of the HSCO Central Office
It is not necessary to complete all text boxes.
Only complete the number of textboxes based on your number of major
Major Goal #1 __________________________________________________
Major Goal #2 __________________________________________________
Major Goal #3 __________________________________________________
Major Goal #4 __________________________________________________
Major Goal #5 __________________________________________________
Major Goal #6 __________________________________________________
Major Goal #7 __________________________________________________
Major Goal #8 __________________________________________________
Major Goal #9 __________________________________________________
Major Goal #10 __________________________________________________
End of Block: Section C: Vision, Mission, and Goals
Start of Block: Section D: State Advisory Council
Section D: State Advisory Council
1 Does your state have an identified State Advisory Council (or National Advisory Council for AIAN and MSHS programs)?
Don't know
Skip To: End of Block If 1 = No
Skip To: End of Block If 1 = Don't know
2 Name of the state (or National AIAN or MSHS) advisory council:
3 Indicate the
ways the HSCO is involved in that Advisory Council:
all that apply
Attends meetings
Non-voting member
Voting member
Subcommittee or workgroup chair, or co-chair
Subcommittee or workgroup member
Other, please describe __________________________________________________
⊗Not involved (i.e., the SAC is active, but the HSCO is not involved)
⊗Not applicable (i.e., the SAC exists, but it has not been active)
Skip To: End of Block If 3 = Not involved (i.e., the SAC is active, but the HSCO is not involved)
Skip To: End of Block If 3 = Not applicable (i.e., the SAC exists, but it has not been active)
4 From a scale
of 1 to 3, indicate the amount of time in which the HSCO is involved
in the State (or National) Advisory Council using the following
Minor time commitment may mean attending to
occasional meetings or e-mails. It may also mean it’s not a
priority for the HSCO. Major time commitment may mean participating
significantly throughout the year on a daily or weekly basis or
having a significant role in a subcommittee or workgroup within the
State (or National) Advisory Council.
Minor Time Commitment 1 |
Moderate Time Commitment 2 |
Major Time Commitment 3 |
HSCO involvement in State (or National) Advisory Council |
End of Block: Section D: State Advisory Council
Start of Block: Section E: Major Partnerships and Collaborations
Section E: Major Partnerships and Collaborations
1 List up to
ten major partnerships/collaborations that are in place between the
HSCO and other entities. Begin with the partnerships/collaborations
that are most critical to your HSCO work.
Select the
partnership type from the dropdown that best
reflects the type of partnership involved
Major Partnership |
Partner Agency Type |
Primary Content Area |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
[Dropdown Menu for Agency Type] |
Association (e.g., professional, national, state Head Start Association) |
State or Government Agency |
Governing Body (e.g., policy council, State or National Advisory Council) |
Migrant Organization |
Philanthropic Organization or Foundation |
Research Organization |
School System or Higher Education Organization (e.g., University) |
Tribal Organization |
Multiple agencies involved in partnership (e.g., coalition, workgroup, or task force) |
Other non-profit organization |
Other agency type |
[Dropdown Menu for Content Area] |
Child Care |
Child Welfare (incl. safety and maltreatment) |
Early Childhood/Early Care and Education, Pre-kindergarten (general) |
Developmental (e.g., Learn the Signs, Act Early) |
Disabilities (e.g., Child Find, Inclusion) |
Family/Community |
Homelessness/Housing |
Home Visiting |
Health/Public Health (e.g., oral/dental, nutrition, screenings) |
Mental Health/Social Emotional |
PDG B-5 |
Quality Rating Systems (QRIS) |
Workforce/Career and Technical, Professional Development |
Other content area(s) |
Page Break |
Display This Question:
If 1#2 = Other agency type
1a You
selected "Other agency type" for at least one major
partnership agency type. Please describe the other agency type(s) in
the provided textbox.
Display This Question:
If 1#3 = 10 [ Other content area(s) ]
1b You
selected "Other content area(s)" for at least one major
partnership content area. Please describe the other content area(s)
in the provided textbox.
End of Block: Section E: Major Partnerships and Collaborations
Start of Block: Section F: Involvement in Key Topic Areas
Section F:
Involvement in Key Topic Areas
This section will
cover your involvement in the following topic areas:
State Systems
Child Care
Health/Mental Health
Infants and Toddlers
Other State Systems
Coordinating with School Systems
Data Systems and Use
Workforce, Professional Development (PD), and/or Career Development
Strategies/Approaches to Coordination
Page Break |
Instruction: How to Report Your
Level or Involvement
Throughout this section, you will use
a scale from 0 to 3 to indicate your level of involvement, as defined
below. Review these definitions carefully to prepare for this
section. Note that you can still report impacts for areas where
you report low involvement in a later section. You can still have
high impact with low involvement.
0 = means
this area was not a focus of work or priority during the past year;
due to the nature of HSCO grants, it is expected that not every topic
will be addressed every year.
1 = means you
attended meetings or events associated with this topic area on an
infrequent basis (e.g., once a quarter or a few times a year),
involved through minimal correspondence or discussions, and/or
provided minimal review or input on materials associated with the
topic area. This includes maintaining systems or initiatives that are
already underway and only require minimal engagement to monitor or
keep on track.
2 = means you regularly worked in
this area throughout the past year (e.g., monthly discussions and
meetings), worked substantively on a time-bound project that lasted
multiple weeks or a few months, and/or provided substantive review or
input on materials on a periodic basis (e.g., monthly).
3 = means you spent a considerable amount of time working on
this topic area on a frequent basis (e.g., weekly) throughout most or
all of the year.
Page Break |
To review the definitions of the scale items 0, 1, 2, and 3, you can hover over the scale item and the definition will be displayed throughout this section.
1 State Systems Topic Area: Child Care
1 |
2 |
3 |
Licensing including crosswalk of state child care licensing and Head Start Program Performance Standards |
Background Check Systems |
Subsidy System |
Family Child Care |
Involvement in other activities in the Child Care topic area |
Display This Question:
If 1 = Family Child Care [ 2 Moderate ]
Or 1 = Family Child Care [ 3 High ]
2 You
indicated being involved in family child care activities,
select the type(s) of work this involvement supports:
all that apply.
Licensing issues for partnering with Head Start/Early Head Start
Piloting efforts
Quality improvement in general for Family Child Care
Professional development for Family Child Care providers
Other (please specify) __________________________________________________
Page Break |
3 State Systems Topic Area: Children with Disabilities
1 |
2 |
3 |
Coordinating Services with Part C and/or Part B, 619 |
Inclusion |
Transitions |
Data Sharing and Data Use |
Work with local programs and LEAs to coordinate IDEA services in Head Start |
Involvement in other activities in the Children with Disabilities topic area |
Page Break |
4 State Systems Topic Area: Health/Mental Health Systems
1 |
2 |
3 |
Medical Home involvement (e.g., on access issues, working with healthcare partners including health administrators to connect programs to medical homes) |
Dental Home involvement |
Supporting Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) screenings |
Oral Health Initiatives |
Support or development of Health Networks including Head Start Health Manager Networks |
Mental Health and social emotional supports (e.g., adverse childhood experiences, substance misuse, suspension/expulsion, and domestic violence/child maltreatment, Positive behavioral Intervention Systems [PBIS], the Pyramid Model, and mental health consultation) |
Nutrition (e.g., obesity prevention, WIC, CACFP, SNAP) |
Involvement in other activities in the Health/Mental Health Systems topic area |
Display This Question:
If 4 = Supporting Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (<b>EPSDT</b>) screenings [ 2 Moderate ]
Or 4 = Supporting Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (<b>EPSDT</b>) screenings [ 3 High ]
5 You
indicated being involved in EPSDT activities, select the
type(s) of screenings this involvement supports:
Select all
that apply.
Lead toxicity screenings
Hearing screenings
Vision screenings
Dental screenings
Developmental screenings
Other (please specify) __________________________________________________
Page Break |
6 State Systems Topic Area: Infants and Toddlers
1 |
2 |
3 |
Home visiting including MIECHV and Early Head Start |
Collaboration with the Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems Health Integration Prenatal to Three (ECCS) Programs |
Continuity of care and the importance of caregiver relationships for infants and toddlers |
Expand access to quality infant and toddler spaces including Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships |
Involvement in other activities in the Infants and Toddlers topic area |
Display This Question:
If 6 = Expand access to quality infant and toddler spaces including Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships [ 2 Moderate ]
Or 6 = Expand access to quality infant and toddler spaces including Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships [ 3 High ]
7 You
indicated being involved in activities to expand access to quality
infant and toddler spaces, select the type(s) of expansion this
work supports:
Select all that apply.
Within Early Head Start
Within Early Head Start - Child Care Partnerships
Within Child Care
Other activities to expand access (please specify) __________________________________________________
Page Break |
8 Other State Systems Topic Areas
1 |
2 |
3 |
Parent/family/community engagement |
Quality Rating Systems (QRS, QRIS) |
Preschool Development Grants Birth to Five (PDG B-5) |
Activities that support cultural responsiveness (e.g., immigrant/refugee, tribal, and migrant families, and dual language learners) |
Equity initiatives (e.g., racial equity) |
Child welfare (e.g., service coordination between child welfare and Head Start, cross training opportunities, supporting local partnerships) |
Activities that support families experiencing homelessness, domestic violence, incarcerated parents, opioid/substance abuse, and/or children in foster care |
Activities to support Census efforts |
Display This Question:
If 8 = Parent/family/community engagement [ 2 Moderate ]
Or 8 = Parent/family/community engagement [ 3 High ]
16 You
indicated being involved in parent/family/community engagement
activities, select the area(s) this work supports:
all that apply.
Using Parent Family Community Engagement (PFCE) Framework to guide work with systems or projects (e.g., to promote family voices in governing structures)
Strengthening Families work
Fatherhood (e.g., work focused to improve fatherhood involvement)
Parent advisory groups
Other (please specify) __________________________________________________
Display This Question:
If 8 = Quality Rating Systems (QRS, QRIS) [ 2 Moderate ]
Or 8 = Quality Rating Systems (QRS, QRIS) [ 3 High ]
17 You
indicated being involved in QRIS activities, select the
area(s) this work supports:
Select all that apply.
Active participation in development/revisions of QRIS (including piloting effort)
Aligning Head Start within QRIS, and/or Reducing barriers to Head Start involvement to increase the number of grantees who are a part of QRIS
Other (please specify) __________________________________________________
Display This Question:
If 8 = Activities that support cultural responsiveness (e.g., immigrant/refugee, tribal, and migrant families, and dual language learners) [ 2 Moderate ]
Or 8 = Activities that support cultural responsiveness (e.g., immigrant/refugee, tribal, and migrant families, and dual language learners) [ 3 High ]
18 You
indicated being involved in activities that support cultural
responsiveness, select the population(s) this work supports:
Select all that apply.
Immigrant/refugee families
Tribal families
Migrant families
Dual language learners
Other (please specify) __________________________________________________
Display This Question:
If 8 = Child welfare (e.g., service coordination between child welfare and Head Start, cross training opportunities, supporting local partnerships) [ 2 Moderate ]
Or 8 = Child welfare (e.g., service coordination between child welfare and Head Start, cross training opportunities, supporting local partnerships) [ 3 High ]
19 You
indicated being involved in child welfare activities, select
the area(s) this work supports:
Select all that apply.
Child welfare referral processes
Developing, revising, implementing Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs)
Other (please specify) __________________________________________________
Display This Question:
If 8 = Activities that support families experiencing homelessness, domestic violence, incarcerated parents, opioid/substance abuse, and/or children in foster care [ 2 Moderate ]
Or 8 = Activities that support families experiencing homelessness, domestic violence, incarcerated parents, opioid/substance abuse, and/or children in foster care [ 3 High ]
20 You
indicated being involved in activities that support families
experiencing homelessness, domestic violence, incarcerated parents,
opioid/substance abuse, and/or children in foster care, select
the group(s) or families this work supports:
Select all that
Families experiencing homelessness
Families experiencing domestic violence
Experiencing opioid/substance abuse
Families with incarcerated parents
Families with children in foster care
Other (please specify) __________________________________________________
Page Break |
21 Coordinating with School Systems Topic Area
1 |
2 |
3 |
Promotion of school readiness efforts |
Partnerships with state pre-k |
Supporting programs to navigate or leverage other funding sources, including blending funding |
Work with Department of Education's Migrant Education |
Involvement in other activities in the Coordinating with School Systems topic area |
Display This Question:
If 21 = Promotion of school readiness efforts [ 2 Moderate ]
Or 21 = Promotion of school readiness efforts [ 3 High ]
22 You
indicated being involved in promotion of school readiness efforts
activities, select the type(s) or work this involvement supports:
Select all that apply.
Facilitation of relationships and trust-building between LEA and local programs
Transition planning
Other (please specify) __________________________________________________
Page Break |
23 Data Systems and Use Topic Area
1 |
2 |
3 |
Development of state, regional, or other data system |
Integration of Head Start data into the state data system |
Provided guidance regarding Head Start data collection strategies used by programs |
Accessing and using PIR data |
Accessing and using other state/local data (e.g., IDEA, homelessness, child abuse and neglect data, and Department of Labor data) |
Involvement in other activities in the Data Systems and Use topic area |
Display This Question:
If 23 = Integration of Head Start data into the state data system [ 2 Moderate ]
Or 23 = Integration of Head Start data into the state data system [ 3 High ]
24 You
indicated being involved in integration of Head Start data into
the state data system activities, select the type(s) of work this
involvement supports:
Select all that apply.
Work on common definitions within the state
Work on unique identifiers that include Head Start children
Other (please specify) __________________________________________________
Display This Question:
If 23 = Provided guidance regarding Head Start data collection strategies used by programs [ 2 Moderate ]
Or 23 = Provided guidance regarding Head Start data collection strategies used by programs [ 3 High ]
25 You
indicated being involved in providing guidance regarding Head
Start data collection strategies used by programs activities,
select the type(s) of work this involvement supports:
Select all that apply.
Identified participation rate of Head Start programs in statewide unique identifier data systems
Other (please specify) __________________________________________________
Page Break |
26 Workforce, Professional Development (PD), and/or Career Development Topic Area
1 |
2 |
3 |
Higher education connections |
Funding for workforce, coursework (e.g., scholarships, salary scales, compensation) |
PD registries (e.g., development enhancement) |
Early Learning Guidelines/Standards (e.g., revisions or development of infant toddler, preschool, dual language, B-5 continuum guidelines/standards |
Core knowledge and competencies for practitioners/professionals (e.g., development, revisions) |
Involvement in other activities in the Workforce/PD/Career Development topic area |
Display This Question:
If 26 = Higher education connections [ 2 Moderate ]
Or 26 = Higher education connections [ 3 High ]
27 You
indicated being involved in higher education connections
activities, select the type(s) of work this involvement supports:
Select all that apply.
Development or revision of online or in-person degrees
Development or revision of state credentials/certificates
Development or revision of articulation agreements
Career pathways
Coursework enhancements
Other (please specify) __________________________________________________
Display This Question:
If 27 = Development or revision of online or in-person degrees
27a You
indicated involvement in the development or revision of an online
or in-person degree, select which degrees are being developed or
Select all that apply.
Associate Degree
Baccalaureate Degree
Masters Degree
Doctoral Degree
Display This Question:
If 27 = Development or revision of state credentials/certificates
27b You
indicated involvement in the development or revision of state
credentials/certificates, select which area(s) are being
addressed in the credentials/certificates:
Select all that
Infant toddler
Mental health
Early childhood special education
Other (please specify) __________________________________________________
Display This Question:
If 27 = Development or revision of articulation agreements
27c You
indicated involvement in the development or revision of
articulation agreements, select the type(s) of articulation
Select all that apply.
Infant toddler specialization
Individualized Professional Development (iPD) Portfolio
Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential
Other (please specify) __________________________________________________
Page Break |
28 Strategies/Approaches to Coordination
1 |
2 |
3 |
MOUs/Interagency Agreements (e.g., developing, revising, and implementing) |
Educating/Informing stakeholders including legislators |
Planning for conferences/webinars/trainings |
Participation on workgroups, committees, task forces, councils, or other similar groups |
Public awareness campaigns and materials |
Provide info and support to local Head Start programs |
Display This Question:
If 28 = Educating/Informing stakeholders including legislators [ 2 Moderate ]
Or 28 = Educating/Informing stakeholders including legislators [ 3 High ]
29 You
indicated being involved in educating/informing stakeholders
including legislators, select the area(s) this involvement
Select all that apply.
Workforce/PD (e.g., regulatory changes to expand professional registries, credentials, and competencies)
System development (e.g., changes in compensatory practices, alignment of policies with Child Care Development Block Grant and state licensing rules)
Data including sharing data with stakeholders
Other (please specify) __________________________________________________
Page Break |
30 Indicate up
to five regional or state priorities and the level of involvement
(e.g., opioid and substance abuse, emergency response, background
checks, full enrollment initiative, homelessness/housing vouchers,
workforce, equity, inclusion).
It is not necessary to
complete all text boxes.
Regional or State Priorities |
0 Not a priority or focus this year |
1 Low |
2 Moderate |
3 High |
Priority 1 |
Priority 2 |
Priority 3 |
Priority 4 |
Priority 5 |
End of Block: Section F: Involvement in Key Topic Areas
Start of Block: Section G: Memoranda of Understanding (MOU)/Interagency Agreements (IA)
Section G: Memoranda of Understanding (MOU)/Interagency Agreements (IA)
1 Indicate
whether you are working on efforts to develop, revise/review, and/or
implement MOU/IA in the following areas.
Select all that
Developing |
Revising/Reviewing |
Implementing |
Children with disabilities |
Child welfare |
Refugee families (e.g., Office of Refugee Resettlement or other refugee orgs) |
Data sharing |
Transitions to schools, collaboration with pre-K |
Child care (re: subsidy or other issues) |
Health/mental health-related |
1a Indicate
whether you are working on other efforts to develop, revise/review,
and/or implement MOU/IA in other topic areas not previously listed.
It is not necessary to complete all text boxes.
Topic Areas |
Developing |
Revising/Reviewing |
Implementing |
Other (please specify) |
Other (please specify) |
Other (please specify) |
Display This Question:
If 1 = Children with disabilities [ Developing ]
Or 1 = Children with disabilities [ Revising/Reviewing ]
Or 1 = Children with disabilities [ Implementing ]
2 You
indicated being involved in MOU/IA efforts involving children with
disabilities, select the IDEA area this work supports:
Select all that apply
Part B 619
Part C
3 Is there
additional information related to working on MOU/IA efforts that
would be helpful to include in your report?
Leave blank if
there is no additional information to provide.
End of Block: Section G: Memoranda of Understanding (MOU)/Interagency Agreements (IA)
Start of Block: Section H: Capacity and Need for Support in Key Topic Areas
Section H: Support in Key Topic Areas
Indicate your
need for support and ability to serve as a resource in the following
key topic areas using the definitions below.
Area in
need of additional support: This means you could benefit
from technical assistance, a community of practice, peer-to-peer
coaching, support with establishing connections, leadership support,
and/or other similar type of support for the topic area.
Area you could be a potential resource for your peers: This
means you are willing to be a potential resource for your peers
for the topic area (e.g., supporting round table discussions on the
topic, peer-to-peer coaching opportunities).
any items you indicate as an "area in need of additional
support", you will have the opportunity to provide more
information at the end of this section.
1 Key Topic Areas
Area in need of additional support |
Area you could be a potential resource for your peers |
Child Care |
Disabilities |
Health/Mental Health |
Infants and Toddlers |
Parent/Family/Community Engagement |
Equity |
Other state systems (e.g., QRIS, child welfare, PDG B-5) |
Workforce/Professional Development/Career Development |
Data Systems and Use |
Coordinating with School Systems |
Strategies to Collaboration and Coordination
Area in need of additional support |
Area you could be a potential resource for your peers |
Educating/informing stakeholders including legislators |
Developing relationships with state partners (e.g., workgroups, committees, and taskforces) |
MOUs/Interagency Agreements (e.g., developing, revising, and implementing) |
Working on public awareness campaigns and materials |
Providing info and support to local programs |
Planning for conferences/webinars/trainings |
Working with Head Start associations |
Working with your regional office including accessing information and support from regional office |
Other collaboration and community activities |
Grant-Related Activities
Area in need of additional support |
Area you could be a potential resource for your peers |
Budgeting |
Community Needs Assessments |
Strategic Planning |
Other grant-related activities |
Page Break |
Display This Question:
If 1 [ Area in need of additional support] (Count) > 0
Or QID241 [ Area in need of additional support] (Count) > 0
Or QID242 [ Area in need of additional support] (Count) > 0
2 You
indicated you need additional support in areas listed below, can you
describe the types of supports you need?
Key Topic
Strategies to Collaboration and
3 Is there any other additional information you would like to include in your report about capacity and need for support?
End of Block: Section H: Capacity and Need for Support in Key Topic Areas
Start of Block: Section I: Narrative Outcomes in Key Topic Areas
Section I: Narrative Outcomes in Key Topic Areas
For this section, provide a narrative describing key activities and outcomes for the following topic areas:
1 State
Systems (e.g., cultural responsiveness; equity; Infants and
toddlers; Child Care; Health/Mental Health systems; Children with
disabilities; parent/family/community engagement; and other systems
such as QRIS, and PDG B-5)
Workforce/Professional Development/Career Development (e.g.,
Higher education connections; developing or revising degree programs,
credentials, certificates, and/or articulation agreements; developing
career pathways; coursework enhancements; apprenticeships; workforce
funding; early learning guidelines and standards; core knowledge and
competencies; PD registries).
3 Data
Systems and Use (e.g., developing or revising data systems;
integrating Head Start data into state data systems; working on
unique identifiers; developing/updating data profiles, fact sheets,
economic impact studies, and/or mapping studies; using data for
decision-making including PIR data; accessing and using state data
sets such as data on children with disabilities, children
experiencing homelessness, and child abuse and neglect data).
4 Coordinating
with School Systems (e.g., promoting school readiness;
facilitating relationships and building trust among LEAs and local
Head Start programs; transition planning; partnering with state
pre-k; pre-k funding and blending/braiding funding; transition
planning; and school system coordination activities).
Regional/State Priorities
6 Other Key
Focus Areas not Addressed Above
End of Block: Section I: Narrative Outcomes in Key Topic Areas
Start of Block: Email Confirmation
You have
reached the end of the report! Please ensure that all applicable
questions have been accurately completed before proceeding. You
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To end and submit your report, please confirm your email address
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File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Head Start Collaboration Office Annual Report |
Author | Qualtrics |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-07-22 |