725.212 - 725.225

725.212 to 725.225.docx

Survivor's Form for Benefits Under the Black Lung Benefits Act

725.212 - 725.225

OMB: 1240-0027

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725.212   Conditions of entitlement; surviving spouse or surviving divorced spouse.

(a) An individual who is the surviving spouse or surviving divorced spouse of a miner is eligible for benefits if such individual:

(1) Is not married;

(2) Was dependent on the miner at the pertinent time; and

(3) The deceased miner either:

(i) Is determined to have died due to pneumoconiosis; or

(ii) Filed a claim for benefits on or after January 1, 1982, which results or resulted in a final award of benefits, and the surviving spouse or surviving divorced spouse filed a claim for benefits after January 1, 2005 which was pending on or after March 23, 2010.

(b) If more than one spouse meets the conditions of entitlement prescribed in paragraph (a), then each spouse will be considered a beneficiary for purposes of section 412(a)(2) of the Act without regard to the existence of any other entitled spouse or spouses.

[65 FR 80054, Dec. 20, 2000, as amended at 78 FR 59117, Sept. 25, 2013]

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§725.213   Duration of entitlement; surviving spouse or surviving divorced spouse.

(a) An individual is entitled to benefits as a surviving spouse, or as a surviving divorced spouse, for each month beginning with the first month in which all of the conditions of entitlement prescribed in §725.212 are satisfied.

(b) The last month for which such individual is entitled to such benefits is the month before the month in which either of the following events first occurs:

(1) The surviving spouse or surviving divorced spouse marries; or

(2) The surviving spouse or surviving divorced spouse dies.

(c) A surviving spouse or surviving divorced spouse whose entitlement to benefits has been terminated pursuant to §725.213(b)(1) may thereafter again become entitled to such benefits upon filing application for such reentitlement, beginning with the first month after the marriage ends and such individual meets the requirements of §725.212. The individual shall not be required to reestablish the miner's entitlement to benefits (§725.212(a)(3)(i)) or the miner's death due to pneumoconiosis (§725.212(a)(3)(ii)).

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§725.214   Determination of relationship; surviving spouse.

An individual shall be considered to be the surviving spouse of a miner if:

(a) The courts of the State in which the miner was domiciled (see §725.231) at the time of his or her death would find that the individual and the miner were validly married; or

(b) The courts of the State in which the miner was domiciled (see §725.231) at the time of the miner's death would find that the individual was the miner's surviving spouse; or

(c) Under State law, such individual would have the right of the spouse to share in the miner's intestate personal property; or

(d) Such individual went through a marriage ceremony with the miner, resulting in a purported marriage between them which, but for a legal impediment (see §725.230), would have been a valid marriage, unless such individual entered into the purported marriage with knowledge that it was not a valid marriage, or if such individual and the miner were not living in the same household at the time of the miner's death.

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§725.215   Determination of dependency; surviving spouse.

An individual who is the miner's surviving spouse (see §725.214) shall be determined to have been dependent on the miner if, at the time of the miner's death:

(a) The individual was living with the miner (see §725.232); or

(b) The individual was dependent upon the miner for support or the miner has been ordered by a court to contribute to such individual's support (see §725.233); or

(c) The individual was living apart from the miner because of the miner's desertion or other reasonable cause; or

(d) The individual is the natural parent of the miner's son or daughter; or

(e) The individual had legally adopted the miner's son or daughter while the individual was married to the miner and while such son or daughter was under the age of 18; or

(f) The individual was married to the miner at the time both of them legally adopted a child under the age of 18; or

(g)(1) The individual was married to the miner for a period of not less than 9 months immediately before the day on which the miner died, unless the miner's death:

(i) Is accidental (as defined in paragraph (g)(2) of this section), or

(ii) Occurs in line of duty while the miner is a member of a uniformed service serving on active duty (as defined in §404.1019 of this title), and the surviving spouse was married to the miner for a period of not less than 3 months immediately prior to the day on which such miner died.

(2) For purposes of paragraph (g)(1)(i) of this section, the death of a miner is accidental if such individual received bodily injuries solely through violent, external, and accidental means, and as a direct result of the bodily injuries and independently of all other causes, dies not later than 3 months after the day on which such miner receives such bodily injuries. The term “accident” means an event that was unpremeditated and unforeseen from the standpoint of the deceased individual. To determine whether the death of an individual did, in fact, result from an accident the adjudication officer will consider all the circumstances surrounding the casualty. An intentional and voluntary suicide will not be considered to be death by accident; however, suicide by an individual who is so incompetent as to be incapable of acting intentionally and voluntarily will be considered to be a death by accident. In no event will the death of an individual resulting from violent and external causes be considered a suicide unless there is direct proof that the fatal injury was self-inflicted.

(3) The provisions of paragraph (g) shall not apply if the adjudication officer determines that at the time of the marriage involved, the miner would not reasonably have been expected to live for 9 months.

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§725.216   Determination of relationship; surviving divorced spouse.

An individual will be considered to be the surviving divorced spouse of a deceased miner in a claim considered under this part or reviewed under part 727 of this subchapter (see §725.4(d)), if such individual's marriage to the miner had been terminated by a final divorce on or after the 10th anniversary of the marriage unless, if such individual was married to and divorced from the miner more than once, such individual was married to such miner in each calendar year of the period beginning 10 years immediately before the date on which any divorce became final and ending with the year in which the divorce became final.

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§725.217   Determination of dependency; surviving divorced spouse.

An individual who is the miner's surviving divorced spouse (see §725.216) shall be determined to have been dependent on the miner if, for the month before the month in which the miner died:

(a) The individual was receiving at least one-half of his or her support from the miner (see §725.233(g)); or

(b) The individual was receiving substantial contributions from the miner pursuant to a written agreement (see §725.233(c) and (f)); or

(c) A court order required the miner to furnish substantial contributions to the individual's support (see §725.233(c) and (e)).

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§725.218   Conditions of entitlement; child.

(a) An individual is entitled to benefits where he or she meets the required standards of relationship and dependency under this subpart (see §725.220 and §725.221) and is the child of a deceased miner who:

(1) Is determined to have died due to pneumoconiosis; or

(2) Filed a claim for benefits on or after January 1, 1982, which results or resulted in a final award of benefits, and the surviving child filed a claim for benefits after January 1, 2005 which was pending on or after March 23, 2010.

(b) A child is not entitled to benefits for any month for which a miner, or the surviving spouse or surviving divorced spouse of a miner, establishes entitlement to benefits.

[65 FR 80054, Dec. 20, 2000, as amended at 78 FR 59117, Sept. 25, 2013]

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§725.219   Duration of entitlement; child.

(a) An individual is entitled to benefits as a child for each month beginning with the first month in which all of the conditions of entitlement prescribed in §725.218 are satisfied.

(b) The last month for which such individual is entitled to such benefits is the month before the month in which any one of the following events first occurs:

(1) The child dies;

(2) The child marries;

(3) The child attains age 18; and

(i) Is not a student (as defined in §725.209(b)) during any part of the month in which the child attains age 18; and

(ii) Is not under a disability (as defined in §725.209(a)(2)(ii)) at that time;

(4) If the child's entitlement beyond age 18 is based on his or her status as a student, the earlier of:

(i) The first month during no part of which the child is a student; or

(ii) The month in which the child attains age 23 and is not under a disability (as defined in §725.209(a)(2)(ii)) at that time;

(5) If the child's entitlement beyond age 18 is based on disability, the first month in no part of which such individual is under a disability.

(c) A child whose entitlement to benefits terminated with the month before the month in which the child attained age 18, or later, may thereafter (provided such individual is not married) again become entitled to such benefits upon filing application for such reentitlement, beginning with the first month after termination of benefits in which such individual is a student and has not attained the age of 23.

(d) A child whose entitlement to benefits has been terminated pursuant to §725.219(b)(2) may thereafter again become entitled to such benefits upon filing application for such reentitlement, beginning with the first month after the marriage ends and such individual meets the requirements of §725.218. The individual shall not be required to reestablish the miner's entitlement to benefits (§725.218(a)(1)) or the miner's death due to pneumoconiosis (§725.212(a)(2)).

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§725.220   Determination of relationship; child.

For purposes of determining whether an individual may qualify for benefits as the child of a deceased miner, the provisions of §725.208 shall be applicable. As used in this section, the term “beneficiary” means only a surviving spouse entitled to benefits at the time of such surviving spouse's death (see §725.212), or a miner. For purposes of a survivor's claim, an individual will be considered to be a child of a beneficiary if:

(a) The courts of the State in which such beneficiary is domiciled (see §725.231) would find, under the law they would apply in determining the devolution of the beneficiary's intestate personal property, that the individual is the beneficiary's child; or

(b) Such individual is the legally adopted child of such beneficiary; or

(c) Such individual is the stepchild of such beneficiary by reason of a valid marriage of such individual's parent or adopting parent to such beneficiary; or

(d) Such individual does not bear the relationship of child to such beneficiary under paragraph (a), (b), or (c) of this section, but would, under State law, have the same right as a child to share in the beneficiary's intestate personal property; or

(e) Such individual is the natural son or daughter of a beneficiary but does not bear the relationship of child to such beneficiary under paragraph (a), (b), or (c) of this section, and is not considered to be the child of the beneficiary under paragraph (d) of this section, such individual shall nevertheless be considered to be the child of such beneficiary if the beneficiary and the mother or father, as the case may be, of such individual went through a marriage ceremony resulting in a purported marriage between them which but for a legal impediment (see §725.230) would have been a valid marriage; or

(f) Such individual is the natural son or daughter of a beneficiary but does not have the relationship of child to such beneficiary under paragraph (a), (b), or (c) of this section, and is not considered to be the child of the beneficiary under paragraph (d) or (e) of this section, such individual shall nevertheless be considered to be the child of such beneficiary if:

(1) Such beneficiary, prior to his or her entitlement to benefits, has acknowledged in writing that the individual is his or her son or daughter, or has been decreed by a court to be the father or mother of the individual, or has been ordered by a court to contribute to the support of the individual (see §725.233(a)) because the individual is a son or daughter; or

(2) Such beneficiary is shown by satisfactory evidence to be the father or mother of the individual and was living with or contributing to the support of the individual at the time such beneficiary became entitled to benefits.

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§725.221   Determination of dependency; child.

For the purposes of determining whether a child was dependent upon a deceased miner, the provisions of §725.209 shall be applicable, except that for purposes of determining the eligibility of a child who is under a disability as defined in section 223(d) of the Social Security Act, such disability must have begun before the child attained age 22, or in the case of a student, before the child ceased to be a student.

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§725.222   Conditions of entitlement; parent, brother, or sister.

(a) An individual is eligible for benefits as a surviving parent, brother or sister if all of the following requirements are met:

(1) The individual is the parent, brother, or sister of a deceased miner;

(2) The individual was dependent on the miner at the pertinent time;

(3) Proof of support is filed within 2 years after the miner's death, unless the time is extended for good cause (§725.226);

(4) In the case of a brother or sister, such individual also:

(i) Is under 18 years of age; or

(ii) Is under a disability as defined in section 223(d) of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. 423(d), which began before such individual attained age 22, or in the case of a student, before the student ceased to be a student; or

(iii) Is a student (see §725.209(b)); or

(iv) Is under a disability as defined in section 223(d) of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. 423(d), at the time of the miner's death;

(5) The deceased miner:

(i) Is determined to have died due to pneumoconiosis; or

(ii) Filed a claim for benefits on or after January 1, 1982, which results or resulted in a final award of benefits, and the surviving parent, brother or sister filed a claim for benefits after January 1, 2005 which was pending on or after March 23, 2010.

(b)(1) A parent is not entitled to benefits if the deceased miner was survived by a spouse or child at the time of such miner's death.

(2) A brother or sister is not entitled to benefits if the deceased miner was survived by a spouse, child, or parent at the time of such miner's death.

[65 FR 80054, Dec. 20, 2000, as amended at 78 FR 59117, Sept. 25, 2013]

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§725.223   Duration of entitlement; parent, brother, or sister.

(a) A parent, sister, or brother is entitled to benefits beginning with the month all the conditions of entitlement described in §725.222 are met.

(b) The last month for which such parent is entitled to benefits is the month in which the parent dies.

(c) The last month for which such brother or sister is entitled to benefits is the month before the month in which any of the following events first occurs:

(1) The individual dies;

(2)(i) The individual marries or remarries; or

(ii) If already married, the individual received support in any amount from his or her spouse;

(3) The individual attains age 18; and

(i) Is not a student (as defined in §725.209(b)) during any part of the month in which the individual attains age 18; and

(ii) Is not under a disability (as defined in §725.209(a)(2)(ii)) at that time;

(4) If the individual's entitlement beyond age 18 is based on his or her status as a student, the earlier of:

(i) The first month during no part of which the individual is a student; or

(ii) The month in which the individual attains age 23 and is not under a disability (as defined in §725.209(a)(2)(ii)) at that time;

(5) If the individual's entitlement beyond age 18 is based on disability, the first month in no part of which such individual is under a disability.

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§725.224   Determination of relationship; parent, brother, or sister.

(a) An individual will be considered to be the parent, brother, or sister of a miner if the courts of the State in which the miner was domiciled (see §225.231) at the time of death would find, under the law they would apply, that the individual is the miner's parent, brother, or sister.

(b) Where, under State law, the individual is not the miner's parent, brother, or sister, but would, under State law, have the same status (i.e., right to share in the miner's intestate personal property) as a parent, brother, or sister, the individual will be considered to be the parent, brother, or sister as appropriate.

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§725.225   Determination of dependency; parent, brother, or sister.

An individual who is the miner's parent, brother, or sister will be determined to have been dependent on the miner if, during the 1-year period immediately prior to the miner's death:

(a) The individual and the miner were living in the same household (see §725.232); and

(b) The individual was totally dependent on the miner for support (see §725.233(h)).

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AuthorThurston, Debra - OWCP
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-07-20

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