1810-0684_HEP_Performance_Report_Data_Form_2024 30 day PC.xlsx

High School Equivalency Program (HEP) Annual Performance Report

1810-0684_HEP_Performance_Report_Data_Form_2024 30 day PC.xlsx

OMB: 1810-0684

Document [xlsx]
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Block A
Block B
Block C
Block D
Block E & F

Sheet 1: Note

Sections of Annual Performance Report

Sections Type Reporting File Submitted As
Cover Sheet Text/Signature MS Word PDF
Block A Numerical MS Excel MS Excel
Block B Numerical MS Excel MS Excel
Block C Numerical MS Excel MS Excel
Block D Numerical/Text MS Excel MS Excel
Block E Numerical/Text MS Excel MS Excel
Block F Numerical/Text MS Excel MS Excel
The Annual Performance Report (APR) is organized into two (2) files:

Cover Sheet (PDF).
Performance Report MS Excel Form: Blocks A-F (Excel Sheet).
The Office of Migrant Education (OME) has divided the APR into two sections due to the two types of content: text and numerical. The above table summarizes the sections (blocks), the type of files being used, and how they are being submitted.

The table also clarifies that the Cover Sheet is to be submitted as PDF since it contains authorized signatures. The Performance Report Data Form is to be submitted as MS. Excel.

Please send FINAL versions of these sections (2 files in total) as attachments to OME in ONE email.

Color Coding for Convenience
No Data No Data
Highlighted Color Interpretation No Data No Data
Blue Enter Numerical No Data No Data
Green Enter Text/Error Message No Data No Data
OMB No. 1810-0684 Exp. Xx/xx/xxx

Paperwork Burden Statement
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1810-0684. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 23 hours per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202-4651. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: Migrant HEP program, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-4651.
No Data No Data
End of Spreadsheet
No Data No Data

Sheet 2: Block A

No Data No Data

Grantee Name:
No Data

PR Number:
No Data

Grant Year: Choose from the Drop-Down List No Data

Reporting Period 2023-2024 No Data

No Data High School Equivalency Program U.S. Department of Education Annual Performance Report Data Form No Data

A. HEP Project Statistics and Performance Reporting No Data No Data

Reporting Block, Item A1 Reporting Block A1 Item Reporting Block A1 Response

A1. Number of students served during the reporting period.

A1.a. Number funded to be served.

A1.b. Number served in HEP HSE instruction (note: A1b1 + A1b2 should sum to equal A1b).

A1.b.1. Number served who were new participants (first year in HEP) (subset of A1b). 0

A1.b.2. Number served who were returning participants (subset of A1b).

Reporting Block, Item A2 Reporting Block A2 Item Reporting Block A2 Response

A2. Status at the end of the reporting period. (Note: A2a-c should sum to equal the number reported in A1b(no. served)).

A2.a. Number of HSE attainers. (Obj. 1 National Target: 69%) (Program Performance Measure 1) 0

A2.a.1. Number of HSE attainers who were new participants.

A2.a.2. Number of HSE attainers who were returning participants.

A2.a.3. Number of HSE attainers who passed the HSE assessment in the English Language.

A2.a.4. Number of HSE attainers who passed the HSE assessment in the Spanish Language.

A2.a.5. Number of HSE attainers who passed the HSE assessment in a language other than English or Spanish.

A2.b. Number of withdrawals. 0

A2.b.1. Number of withdrawals who were new participants.

A2.b.2. Number of withdrawals who were returning participants.

A2.c. Number of persisters (persisters were enrolled in instructional services in the performance period you are reporting but did not attain an HSE and reenrolled in instructional services for the subsequent performance period by the APR due date).

Your data input accuracy result Good Job

Reporting Block, Item A3 Reporting Block A3 Item Reporting Block A3 Response

A3. Placement of HSE attainers (from question A2a above) from the performance period you are reporting by APR due date.

A3.a. Unduplicated number of HSE attainers who entered postsecondary education or training programs, upgraded employment, or the military (count each participant only once for this for this row for an unduplicated count). (This amount should not be greater than the amount in A2a above, and should equal the sum of A3a 1-3) (Obj. 2 National Target: 80%) (Program Performance Measure 2). 0

A3.a.1. Number of HSE attainers who entered postsecondary education or training programs.

A3.a.2. Number of HSE attainers who obtained upgraded employment.

A3.a.3. Number of HSE attainers who entered the military.

Reporting Block, Item A4 Reporting Block A4 Item Reporting Block A4 Response

A4. Follow-up on HSE attainers from the reporting period.

A4.a. Number of HSE attainers you were able to track for follow-up data.

Reporting Block, Item A5 Reporting Block A15 Item Reporting Block A5 Response

A5. Time to completion for HSE attainers from question A2a above. (Note: A5a-c should sum to equal the number reported in A2a.)

A5.a. Number of HSE attainers who got their HSE within one reporting period of your project.

A5.b. Number of HSE attainers who got their HSE after more than one, but within two reporting periods of your project.

A5.c. Number of HSE attainers who got their HSE after more than two reporting periods of your project.

Your data input accuracy result Good Job

Reporting Block, Item A6 Performance Calculation Table No Data

Annual Award Amount
No Data

Program Performance Measure 1 0.00% No Data

Program Performance Measure 2 0.00% No Data

Success efficiency ratio $0 No Data

End of spreadsheet No Data No Data

Sheet 3: Block B

Grantee Name: 0 No Data
PR Number: 0 No Data
B. HEP Project Student Participant Information No Data No Data
Reporting Block, Item B1 Reporting Block B1 Item Reporting Block B1 Response
B1 Educational and supportive services, and financial support received by HEP HSE enrolled students during the reporting period. No Data
B1.a. Total HSE instruction hours received by all HEP HSE enrolled students.
B1.b. Total HSE instruction hours received by HSE attainers.
B1.c. Instructional Support Services: Please indicate the total number of students receiving the following instructional support services. Students may appear in more than one row if they received more than one service. No Data
B1.c.1. Tutoring.
B1.c.2. Counseling or guidance services.
B1.c.3. Other Educational or Supportive Services, including mentoring or coaching, college transition services, work training services, transportation, child care, and job placement services. 
B1.d Financial support: Please indicate the number of students receiving the following financial supports. Students may appear in more than one row if they received more than one service. No Data
B1.d.1. Room and board.
B1.d.2. Stipends.
B1.d.3. Other financial support
End of Spreadsheet No Data No Data

Sheet 4: Block C

Grantee Name: 0 No Data
PR Number: 0 No Data
C. HEP Project Services Information No Data No Data
Reporting Block, Item C1 Reporting Block C1 Item Reporting Block C1 Response
C1. Project Model Characteristics during the Reporting Period.
a. Report the number of commuter students.
b. Report the number of residential students.
Your data input accuracy result Good Job
c. Does the project offer in person only, distance/remote, or hybrid distance/remote and in-person participation to students? Choose one:
d. Report the number of students who received in-person only instruction and services.
e. Report the number of students who received distance/remote instruction and services (note: this may or may not include Commuter students. Commuter students may receive any of the three modes of instruction).
f. Report the number of students who received hybrid distance/remote and in-person instruction and services.

Your data input accuracy result Good Job
g. In what languages are project services provided? Choose one:
h. Is this project in a four-year or two-year educational institution, or in a non-profit organization? Choose one:
Reporting Block, Item C2 Reporting Block C2 Item Reporting Block C2 Response
C2. Project Student Assessment Information Related to this Reporting Period.
a. Which HSE assessment(s) does your project use? Choose one:
End of Spreadsheet No Data No Data

Sheet 5: Block D

Grantee Name: 0

PR Number: 0

D. HEP Project Goals and Objectives Project Performance Objective Information

Section 1. Provide each project objective listed in the approved application, performance measure target, actual performance outcome, and explain the outcome (maximum 2500 words).

Please insert a after green box if you need to enter more objectives.

Objective 1 Example:
Objective 1: To provide academic and instructional support for students to successfully attain a high school equivalency (HSE).

1.1. Performance Measure: XX% of participants attained their HSE.
Actual Performance Data : XXX Target: XXX

1.1 Outcome: HEP exceeded objective 1 with a completion rate of XX%. XXX of the XXX students served during the project year attained HSE. HEP students received educational support throughout the reporting period.

1.2. Performance Measure: HEP participants will be computer literate and use computers.
Target: XXX Actual Performance Data: XXX

1.2 Outcome: 100% of participants pass a computer literacy test and apply knowledge of computers. All students demonstrated the ability to use computers to complete class assignments.

Objective 2 Objective 2:

2.1. Performance Measure:

2.1 Outcome:

2.2. Performance Measure:

2.2. Outcome:

Objective 3 Objective 3:

3.1. Performance Measure:

3.1. Outcome:

Objective 4 Objective 4:

4.1. Performance Measure:

4.1. Outcome:

Objective 5 Objective 5:

5.1. Performance Measure:

5.1. Outcome:

Objective 6 Objective 6:

6.1. Performance Measure:

6.1. Outcome:

Objective 7 Objective 7:

7.1. Performance Measure:

7.1. Outcome:

Objective 8 Objective 8:

8.1. Performance Measure:

8.1. Outcome:

Objective 9 Objective 9:

9.1. Performance Measure:

9.1. Outcome:

Objective 10 Objective 10:

10.1. Performance Measure:

10.1. Outcome:

Section 2 Only final year Grantees must answer each of the questions below: 

Question 1 For grantees in the final year, attach the final project evaluation that was proposed in the approved grant application. Include the attachment in the APR submission email to the Department.
1.Is the final project evaluation report attached? [Yes/No]

No Data Choose One

Question 1.a. a. If no, when will the project evaluation be available and submitted to the Department?

No Data

Question 2 2. Utilizing the evaluation results, draw conclusions about the success of the project and/or its impact. Describe any unanticipated outcomes or benefits from the project and any barriers that may have been encountered.

No Data

Question 3 3. What would you recommend as advice to other educators that are interested in your project? How did the original project ideas change as a result of conducting the project?

No Data

Question 4 4. If applicable, describe your plans for continuing the project (sustainability; capacity building) and/or disseminating the project results.

No Data

End of Spreadsheet No Data

Sheet 6: Block E & F

Grantee Name: 0 No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data
PR Number: 0 No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data
E. HEP Project Budget Information (see instructions) Report section E in the following Table and in the space below: No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data
No Data Report in column (a) carryover funds in their correct category amounts from the previous budget period,in column (b) the recommended funds, by budget category, for the current budget period, in column (c), the total revised budget amounts (using your approved, revised budget as in your ED524B Form), and by adding the previous year's carryover in column (a) with the recommended amount in column (b), in each budget category, and in column (d), your project’s actual expenditures for this reporting period. No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data
No Data Budget Category Numbers Budget Categories Proposed Expenditures - Carryover Proposed Expenditures - Recommended Amount Proposed Expenditures - Total Approved, Revised Budget Amount Actual Expenditures
No Data

(a) Carryover from Previous Budget Period (b) Recommended Amount (c) Total Approved, Revised Budget Amounts (d) Actual Expenditure Amounts
No Data 1 Personnel

No Data 2 Fringe Benefit

No Data 3 Travel

No Data 4 Equipment

No Data 5 Supplies

No Data 6 Contractual

No Data 7 Construction

No Data 8 Other

No Data 9 Total Direct Costs (lines 1-8) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
No Data No Data Your data input accuracy result

Good Job
No Data 10 Indirect Costs

No Data
Your data input accuracy result

Good Job
No Data 11 Training Stipends

No Data 12 Total Amounts (lines 9-11) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
No Data No Data Your data input accuracy result
Good Job
Good Job
No Data Note: Remember to keep budget line items consistent.  For example, if you categorized student textbooks in the Stipend line item in your revised budget, payments for student textbooks must be categorized in the Stipend line item in the Actual Expenditures column. No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data
1) Provide an explanation if you did not expend funds at the expected rate during the reporting period. Write Here… No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data
F. Additional Information (see instructions) Note: Do not include requests for budget revisions, supplemental funding or changes to your application’s activities in this performance report. See Section F of the APR Instructions for details on the type of information you may provide below. No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data
No Data Monaghan, Edward: Note: Do not include requests for budget revisions, supplemental funding or changes to your application’s activities in this performance report. See Section F of the APR Instructions for details on the type of information you may provide below. Write Here… No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data
End of Spreadsheet No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data
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