Deposit Insurance Corporation
17th Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20429-9990
Control Number: 3064-0198
Date: July 31 2026
Reduction Act Notice
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suggestions for reducing the burden to: U.S. Office of Personnel
Management, Federal Investigative Services, Attn: OMB Number
3064-0198, 1900 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20415-7900.
Annual Minority Depository Institution (MDI) Program Effectiveness Survey
The FDIC has long recognized the importance of MDIs and has historically taken steps to preserve and encourage minority ownership and management of insured financial institutions. The FDIC also fully supports the statutory goals set forth in Section 308 of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA). Two of these goals are to 1) provide technical assistance to prevent insolvency of institutions not now insolvent and 2) provide for training, technical assistance, and educational programs.
In an effort to assess the effectiveness of the technical assistance, education/training programs, and outreach efforts provided to our MDIs, we would like for you to complete this survey. Participation is voluntary; however, all information provided will assist in making certain the MDI program is successful in providing helpful information to our institutions and make improvements where appropriate.
Please complete the survey in its entirety. Please send any questions to the Office of Minority and Community Development Banking mailbox at [email protected].
Thank you for your participation.
Name (optional): __________________________________________
Institution Name (optional): _________________________________
What is your institution’s current minority status classification? (select one)
African American
Asian American
Hispanic American
Native American
Multi-Racial Americans
What is your Supervisory Region? (select one)
Kansas City
New York
San Francisco
Are you aware that the FDIC has a website dedicated to MDIs? (select one)
Web link:
No (skip to Item 6)
If yes, how often do you visit the MDI website? (select one)
Never (skip to Item 6)
One time per year
2-3 times per year
4-5 times per year
6 or more times per year
How useful is the information on the MDI website for your institution? (select one)
Not at All Useful |
Slightly Useful |
Moderately Useful |
Useful |
Very Useful |
Please provide recommendations for enhancements to the website that would be beneficial to your institution.
Technical Assistance
The FDIC offers technical assistance to all minority depository institutions throughout the examination cycle. Check all of the following instances of which you are aware the FDIC offers assistance.
During a bank examination from the examiner |
Return visit (90-120 days following a bank examination) |
By contacting your Case Manager, Review Examiner, and/or Regional MDI Coordinator |
Has your institution participated in an examination in the past 12 months? (select one)
Do not know (skip to Item 11)
No (skip to Item 11)
If yes, did the examiner provide technical assistance as part of the examination (i.e., conveyed expertise on a specific regulation, guidance or process)? (select one)
Do not know (skip to Item 10)
No (skip to Item 10)
If yes, please rate the technical assistance provided by the examiner for improving your bank’s operations. (select one from each box)
Not at All Useful |
Slightly Useful |
Moderately Useful |
Useful |
Very Useful |
Not at All Specific |
Slightly Specific |
Moderately Specific |
Specific |
Very Specific |
If you indicated “Not at All Useful” or “Not at All Specific” above, please provide information on how the assistance could have been improved.
Did an FDIC representative offer a return visit 90 to 120 days after the examination to provide technical assistance to ensure understanding of the supervisory recommendations noted in the Report of Examination? (select one)
Do not know
Has your institution participated in a return visit following an examination in the past 12 months? (select one)
Do not know (skip to Item 13)
No (skip to Item 13)
If yes, please rate the technical assistance provided during the return visit for improving your bank’s operations. (select one from each box)
Not at All Useful |
Slightly Useful |
Moderately Useful |
Useful |
Very Useful |
Not at All Specific |
Slightly Specific |
Moderately Specific |
Specific |
Very Specific |
If you indicated “Not at All Useful” or “Not at All Specific” above, please provide information on how the assistance could have been improved.
How often did you request technical assistance from your field office or regional office representatives in the past 12 months? This request could have occurred at any time.
Never (skip to Item 15)
One time
2-3 times
4-5 times
6 or more times
Please rate the technical assistance provided by the FDIC for improving your bank’s operations. (select one from each box)
Not at All Useful |
Slightly Useful |
Moderately Useful |
Useful |
Very Useful |
Not at All Specific |
Slightly Specific |
Moderately Specific |
Specific |
Very Specific |
If you indicated “Not at All Useful” or “Not at All Specific” above, please provide information on how the assistance could be improved.
Please rate the overall quality of the technical assistance provided to your institution by the FDIC based on its ability to enable your institution to address the topics/concerns presented.
(select one)
Not applicable |
Poor |
Fair |
Good |
Very Good |
Outstanding |
How likely are you to request technical assistance from the FDIC in the future? (select one)
Unlikely |
Possible |
Likely |
Very Likely |
Almost Certain |
If you responded “Unlikely” above, please provide information on how the assistance could have been improved.
Please identify three ways the technical assistance provided by the FDIC can be improved.
What kind of technical assistance does your institution currently need? List any areas of interest.
Education/Training Programs
The following education/training programs are available for MDIs. Check all of the resources of which you are aware.
Aware |
Interagency MDI & CDFI Bank Conference |
Regional Roundtables |
Webinars |
Conference Calls |
Which education/training programs specifically for MDIs have you attended in the past 12 months? (check all that apply)
Attended |
Interagency MDI & CDFI Bank Conference |
Regional Roundtables |
Webinars |
Conference Calls |
Are there any barriers preventing you from attending the education/training programs hosted by the FDIC?
No (skip to Item 23)
If yes, please list any barriers that prevent you from attending these programs.
The information I learned during the education/training will enable me to improve operations at my financial institution. (select one)
Not Applicable |
Unlikely |
Possible |
Likely |
Very Likely |
Almost Certain |
How likely are you to attend education/training programs hosted by the FDIC in the future? (select one)
Unlikely |
Possible |
Likely |
Very Likely |
Almost Certain |
Please identify three ways education/training programs hosted by the FDIC can be improved.
Outreach Efforts
Did your board of directors/management team participate in a meeting with senior FDIC regional office staff during the previous 12 months? The meeting could have been in person or via teleconference. (select one)
No (skip to Item 28)
If yes, how useful was this meeting in providing an opportunity to communicate with the regional office and discuss a wide range of topics specific to your institution. (select one)
Not at All Useful |
Slightly Useful |
Moderately Useful |
Useful |
Very Useful |
If you responded “Not at All Useful” above, please provide information on how these meetings could have been improved.
Did you have one or more calls/meetings with the Director of the Office of Minority and Community Development Banking in the last 12 months to address your questions/concerns?
No (skip to Item 30)
If yes, how useful were these calls/meetings for improving your bank operations? (select one)
Not at All Useful |
Slightly Useful |
Moderately Useful |
Useful |
Very Useful |
Has any member of your institution’s management team contacted a member of the MDI Subcommittee to communicate potential topics of concern/interest that you would like presented in a meeting and addressed by the FDIC?
Not aware of this opportunity
Please rate the overall quality of the outreach efforts provided by the FDIC. (select one)
Not applicable |
Poor |
Fair |
Good |
Very Good |
Outstanding |
How likely are you to use outreach opportunities provided by the FDIC in the future? (select one)
Unlikely |
Possible |
Likely |
Very Likely |
Almost Certain |
If you responded “Unlikely” above, please provide information on why not.
Recommendations for Improvement
Please provide recommendations for how the FDIC can improve support to your MDI related to technical assistance, education/training, and outreach.
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File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |