Form FFIEC 030/030S FFIEC 030/030S FFIEC 030/030S Forms and Instructions

Foreign Branch Report of Condition

1212 030 030S Draft Forms and Instructions 110812

Foreign Branch Report of Condition (FFIEEC 030) Annual

OMB: 3064-0011

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FFIEC 030/030S Foreign Branch Report of Condition

Draft Revised Forms and Instructions

November 8, 2012


Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Foreign Branch Report of ConditionFFIEC 030

At close of business on

This report is required by law (12 U.S.C. 602 (FRB); 12 U.S.C. 602 (0CC); and
12 U S.C. 1828 (FDIC)).
The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council regards the information
provided by each respondent as confidential. If it should subsequently be determined that any information collected on this form must be released, respondents
will be notified.

OMB No. (FRB) 7100-0071 Expires November 30, 2012
(0CC) 1557-0099 Expires November 30, 2012
(FDIC) 3064-0011 Expires November 30, 2012

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to vary from
2 to 6 hours, with an average of 3.4 hours per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining
the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send
comments regarding this burden estimate, including suggestions for reducing this
burden, to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management
and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503, and to one of the following:
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
20th and C Streets, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20551
Legislative and Regulatory Activities
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
250 E Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20219

A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and an organization is not required
to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number.

Assistant Executive Secretary
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
550 17th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20429

Unless the context indicates otherwise, the term "bank"
in this report form refers to both banks and savings



Foreign branches that meet the threshold for reporting on a quarterly basis must not be consolidated with any other branch. Banks
may, at their option, consolidate the figures for all other branches
located in the same country on the report form, using the name and
address of the principal branch.When the bank elects to consolidate,
statement A or B below should be completed, as appropriate.


Street Address




A. No figures are shown for this branch because of consolidation
with those reported for the


Street Address

B. Figures reported in this report are a consolidation of all


branches in

with the exception of those branches which meet the thresholds
for quarterly reporting. Please list the consolidated branches on
the lines below:

Street Address


Street Address


Street Address


Street Address


Street Address


(If more space is needed, please list addresses for the other branches on a separate page.)
and savings associations
Membu Danits, National Banks, and State Nonmember Baniw) should submit completed and signed original
All banks 181
hard copy report forms to the appropriate Federal Reserve District Bank.

FFIEC 030
Page 2




For Agency Use Only
Name of Bank and Branch

Amounts in U.S. Dollars FORB
1. Cash items in process of collection, unposted debits, and currency and coin ....................
2. Balances due from U.S. banks (including IBFs and foreign branches of U.S. banks)
other than the U.S. parent ...................................................................................................
3. Balances due from foreign banks (including U.S. branches and agencies of foreign
banks and their IBFs) ..........................................................................................................
4. Securities:
a. Securities and obligations of U.S. government and states and political subdivisions
in the U.S. .......................................................................................................................
b. Other securities (debt and equity) ..................................................................................
5. Trading assets .....................................................................................................................
6. Loans and lease financing receivables:
a. Loans secured by real estate ................................ 1410
b. Loans to depository institutions ............................. 2237
c. Commercial and industrial loans ........................... 1600
d. All other loans and all leases................................. 2024
e. Less: unearned income on loans in
items 6.a.– d. above ............................................... 2123
f. Total loans and leases, net .............................................................................................
7. Premises and fixed assets (including capitalized leases) ...................................................
8. Gross due from head office, U.S. branches, and other foreign branches of this bank .......
9. Gross due from consolidated subsidiaries of this bank .......................................................
10. Other assets ........................................................................................................................
11. TOTAL ASSETS ..................................................................................................................
12. Deposits of U.S. banks (including IBFs and foreign branches of U.S. banks) .....................
13. Deposits of foreign banks (including U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks and
their IBFs)............................................................................................................................
14. Other deposits .....................................................................................................................
15. Liabilities for borrowed money.............................................................................................
16. Gross due to head office, U.S. branches, and other foreign branches of this bank ............
17. Gross due to consolidated subsidiaries of this bank ...........................................................
18. Other liabilities.....................................................................................................................
19. TOTAL LIABILITIES ............................................................................................................


















FFIEC 030
Page 3

Amounts in U.S. Dollars FORB
20. Commitments to purchase foreign currencies and U.S. dollar exchange (spot, forward,
and futures) .........................................................................................................................
21. All other futures and forward contracts (excluding contracts involving foreign exchange)
22. Option contracts (e.g., options on Treasuries):
a. Written option contracts..................................................................................................
b. Purchased option contracts ............................................................................................
23. Standby letters of credit and foreign office guarantees .......................................................
24. Commercial and similar letters of credit ..............................................................................
25. Notional value of all outstanding interest rate swaps ..........................................................
26. TOTAL INTEREST-BEARING BALANCES included in items 2 and 3.................................
27. TOTAL INTEREST-BEARING DEPOSITS included in items 12, 13, and 14.......................











, of the above-named bank do hereby declare that this report
Name and Title of Officer Authorized to Sign Report

of condition is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature of Officer Authorized to Sign Report


Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Abbreviated Foreign Branch Report of
ConditionFFIEC 030S
At close of business on December 31, 20

This report is required by law (12 U.S.C. 602 (FRB); 12 U.S.C. 602 (0CC); and
12 U.S.C. 1828 (FDIC)).
The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council regards the information
provided by each respondent as confidential. If it should subsequently be determined that any information collected on this form must be released, respondents
will be notified.

OMB No. (FRB) 7100-0071 Expires November 30, 2012
(0CC) 1557-0099 Expires November 30, 2012
(FDIC) 3064-0011 Expires November 30, 2012

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average
0.5 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching
existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing
and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden
estimate, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Office of Information
and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503,
and to one of the following:
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
20th and C Streets, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20551
Legislative and Regulatory Activities
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
250 E Street, S.W
Washington, D.C. 20219

A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and an organization is not required
to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number.

Assistant Executive Secretary
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
550 17th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20429

Unless the context indicates otherwise, the term "bank"
in this report form refers to both banks and savings

Banks may, at their option, consolidate the figures for all other
branches located in the same country on the report form, using the
name and address of the principal branch. When the bank elects
to consolidate, statement A or B below should be completed, as


Street Address




A. No figures are shown for this branch because of consolidation
with those reported for the


Street Address

B. Figures reported in this report are a consolidation of all


branches in


Please list the consolidated branches on the lines below:

Street Address


Street Address


Street Address


Street Address


Street Address


Street Address


Street Address


(If more space is needed, please list addresses for the other branches on a separate page.)
and savings associations
All banks4Ot&te Me be Dank3, National Danks, and State Nonmomber Banks)-should submit completed and signed original
hard copy report forms to the appropriate Federal Reserve District Bank.

Page 2




Name of Bank and Branch

Amounts in U.S. Dollars FORB
1. Gross due from related institutions .................................................................................
2. Total assets ........................................................................................................................
3. Gross due to related institutions ......................................................................................
4. Total gross notional amount of derivative contracts ......................................................
5. Commercial and similar letters of credit, standby letters of credit, and foreign
office guarantees ...............................................................................................................









, of the above-named bank do hereby declare that this report
Name and Title of Officer Authorized to Sign Report

of condition is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature of Officer Authorized to Sign Report


Foreign Branch Report of Condition
FFIEC 030 and FFIEC 030S
Unless the context indicates otherwise, the term "bank"
in these instructions refers to both banks and savings

General Instructions
Who Must Report

and savings association
Every insured oommrcial bank,vith one or more branch
offices in a foreign country is required to prepare a Foreign
Branch Report of Condition (FFIEC 030) or an Abbreviated Foreign Branch Report of Condition (FFIEC 030S)
for each foreign office (except for exempt offices) in
accordance with the following instructions.
To the extent applicable, these instructions correspond to
the Instructions to the Consolidated Report of Condition
(FFIEC 03 1) and supporting schedules. In view of this, the
respondent should refer to the FFIEC 031 instructions if
further clarification is needed in preparing the FFIEC 030.
The terms "foreign branch" and "foreign country" are
defined in Title 12, Part 211.2 (Federal Reserve Regulation K). The term "foreign branch" includes branches
located in any territory, dependency or insular possession
of the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico,
or in any foreign country, with one exception. For purposes of this report, military banking facilities are not
considered to be foreign branches and should not be
reported individually or in consolidated figures.

Quarterly reporting should commence on the quarter end
in which the branch meets the significance threshold. A
significant branch that diminishes in size and no longer
meets the threshold ceases to be a significant branch and
should stop reporting quarterly commencing on the quarter end in which the office drops below the threshold.
The bank regulatory authorities may specifically require
the report to be filed quarterly by foreign branches that
the authorities deem to have significant risk exposures.
Annual FilersDetailed Report (FFIEC 030)

A foreign branch that does not meet either of the criteria
to file quarterly, but has total assets in excess of $250
million, must file the entire FFIEC 030 report on an
annual basis as of December 31st of each year.
Annual FilersAbbreviated Report (FFIEC 030S)

A foreign branch that does not meet the criteria to file the
detailed report, but has total assets of $50 million or
more (but less than or equal to $250 million), must file
the Abbreviated Foreign Branch Report of Condition
(FFIEC 030S) on an annual basis, as of December 31st
of each year.
Exempt Filers

Quarterly Reporting Requirement for Significant
BranchesDetailed report (FFIEC 030)

A branch with either total assets of at least $2 billion
(item 11) or commitments to purchase foreign currencies
and U.S. dollar exchange (a purchase of U.S. dollar
exchange is equivalent to a sale of foreign currency) of at
least $5 billion (item 20) as of the end of a calendar
quarter, is considered a "significant branch" and is required to report quarterly on the FFIEC 030. Such
branches must not be consolidated with any other
branches in any quarter, including the December 31St
Instructions for Preparation of Reporting Form FFIEC 030 and FFIEC 030S
December 2006

A foreign branch with total assets of less than $50
million is exempt from both the FFIEC 030 and FFIEC
030S filing requirements.
Submission of the Reports

The Federal Reserve acts as the collecting and processing agent on behalf of the federal bank supervisory
The reports must be submitted on the report forms provided by the Federal Reserve System. No caption on the
report forms shall be changed in any way. No item is to

FFIEC 030 and FFIEC 030S
or savings association.

be left blank. An entry must be made for each item; i.e.,
an amount or a zero.
Where and When to Submit the Report

The completed and signed original report shall be submitted within 45 days after the December 31st reporting
date and, for significant branches, end-of-quarter reporting date. The report should be sent only to the Federal
Reserve Bank in the district in which your main office is
located. It is not necessary to send a courtesy copy to
your primary federal banking regulator if you are a
national bank,- FDIC-insured state nonmember bank 1
The Federal Reserve will make this information available to the other federal bank supervisory agencies.
Completion of the Report Form on a Consolidated

At the bank’s option, branches in a single country may
report year-end information on a consolidated basis.
When this option is exercised, all branches, other than
significant branches (as defined above), in the same
country must be consolidated on a line-by-line basis on
one report form.
The reporting branch should file the appropriate report
form (FFIEC 030 or FFIEC 030S) based on the unconsolidated branch’s asset size. Branches that are consolidated into a country’s principal branch report need only
complete the cover page of the appropriate report form
based on the report filed by the principal branch. Reporting branches do not need to consolidate exempt branches
(branches with total assets less than $50 million). On the
cover sheet, provide the name and address of the principal branch (which is the nonsignificant branch with the
most total assets) in the country, the number of branches
that are consolidated, and the addresses of the consolidated branches on the lines provided. However, foreign
branches that meet the threshold for reporting on a
quarterly basis (that is, significant branches) must not be
consolidated with any other branch.

(other than off-balance sheet items) should be reported as
gross amounts in FFIEC 030 Asset line items 8 and 9
(FFIEC 030S line item 1) and FFIEC 030 Liability line
items 16 and 17 (FFIEC 030S line item 3), as appropriate. Intrabank derivative and off-balance sheet transactions may be either excluded from or included in FFIEC
030 line items 20 through 25 (FFIEC 030S line items 4
and 5), but the reporting branch’s treatment of these
derivative and off-balance sheet transactions should be
followed on a consistent basis.
For reporting branches that choose to consolidate other
branches in a single country, the results of all intrabank
transactions between offices included in the scope of the
consolidated branch are to be eliminated in the consolidation and must be excluded from the reporting branch’s
FFIEC 030 or FFIEC 030S.
Intrabank transactions do not include transactions with
the parent holding company of the reporting branch’s
bank and with other subsidiaries of the parent holding
company of the reporting branch’s bank (unless such
subsidiaries are also consolidated subsidiaries of the
bank). Transactions with the parent holding company
and its other subsidiaries (including unconsolidated subsidiaries of the bank) are treated as transactions with
third parties, and all balance sheet items resulting from
these transactions should be included in FFIEC 030
Asset line items 1 through 7 and 10 (FFIEC 030S line
item 2) and FFIEC 030 Liability line items 12 through 15
and 18, as appropriate. Derivatives and off-balance sheet
items with these entities should be included in FFIEC
030 line items 20 through 25 (FFIEC 030S line items 4
and 5), as appropriate.
Foreign Currency Translation

All amounts must be expressed in U.S. dollar equivalents, using exchange rates prevailing on the reporting
date. Report all amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars.
Negative Entries

Intrabank Transactions
Intrabank transactions include transactions with other
foreign branches of the reporting branch’s bank, the head
office and U.S. branches of the reporting branch’s bank,
and consolidated subsidiaries of the reporting branch’s
bank. Except as described in the following paragraph, all
balances and positions due from and due to these entities

Except as described below and in the Instructions to the
Consolidated Report of Condition (FFIEC 031), all
amounts should be reported as positive balances in thousands of U.S. dollars. When one branch of the bank
creates an acceptance and the holder sells the acceptance
to another branch of the same bank, the "creating"
branch may not know that the acceptance has been
Instructions for Preparation of Reporting Form FFIEC 030 and FFIEC 030S
December 2006

FFIEC 030 and FFIEC 030S

purchased by another branch of the same bank. Therefore, to prevent duplication in the consolidated bank
acceptance totals, the purchasing branch should record
the transaction by debiting ‘‘Own acceptances purchased’’ (FFIEC 030 line item 6(b), 6(c), or 6(d) depending on the account party; included in FFIEC 030S line
item 2, ‘‘Assets’’) and crediting cash or the seller’s
account. It must also deduct the full amount of the
acceptance from its own ‘‘Customers’ liability for acceptances outstanding’’ (included in FFIEC 030 line item 10
and FFIEC 030S line item 2) and ‘‘Bank’s liability on
acceptances executed and outstanding’’ (included in
FFIEC 030 line item 18) accounts. Amounts that must
appear as negatives should be shown in parentheses.

including transactions commonly known as placements,
redeposits, call money, and other money market transactions. [included in Schedule RC-A, items 2(b), 3(a),
and 4, column A]
Line Item 3 Balances due from foreign banks
(including U.S. branches and agencies of foreign
banks and their IBFs).
Report balances due from all offices of ‘‘foreign banks’’
(i.e., banks chartered and headquartered in foreign countries), whether located in the U.S. or in foreign countries.
Include balances due from foreign banks owned by U.S.
nationals and institutions. [included in Schedule RC-A,
items 2(a) and 3(b), column A]

Amended Reports

Line Item 4

If a report submitted by a branch is found to contain
significant errors, as determined by the federal bank
supervisory agencies, the submitting institution may be
required to file an amended report. Respondents should
refer to the general instructions in the Consolidated
Report of Condition for further information on the filing
requirements for amended reports.

Report all securities as defined in the Consolidated
Report of Condition. [included in Schedule RC-B,
item 8, columns A and D]

Line Item Instructions for the
Foreign Branch Report of Condition
(FFIEC 030)
References to corresponding items in the Consolidated
Report of Condition (FFIEC 031) are contained in
brackets [ ].

Line Item 1 Cash items in process of collection,
unposted debits, and currency and coin.
Report all currency and coin owned and held or in
transit, plus checks and other items customarily cleared
or collected as cash items. [included in Schedule RC-A,
item 1, column A]
Line Item 2 Balances due from U.S. banks
(including IBFs and foreign branches of U.S. banks)
other than the U.S. parent.
Report balances due from U.S. and non-U.S. branches of
other banks chartered and headquartered in the U.S.,
Instructions for Preparation of Reporting Form FFIEC 030 and FFIEC 030S
December 2006


Line Item 4(a) Securities and obligations of U.S.
government and states and political subdivisions in
the U.S.
[included in Schedule RC-B, items 1, 2, and 3, columns
A and D]
Line Item 4(b)

Other securities (debt and equity).

[included in Schedule RC-B, items 4, 5, 6, and 7, columns A and D]
Line Item 5

Trading assets.

[included in Schedule RC, item 5]
Line Item 6

Loans and lease financing receivables.

Report all loans (i.e., extensions of credit resulting either
from direct negotiation between lender and borrower or
from the purchase of loan assets from another lender)
and all lease financing receivables as defined in the
Consolidated Report of Condition (included in Schedule RC-C, Part I). Include all promissory notes, advances,
due bills, overdrawn deposit accounts (including overdrawn due to bank accounts), acceptances executed by or
for the account of the reporting bank and subsequently
acquired by it through purchase or discount, acceptances
of other banks, etc.

FFIEC 030 and FFIEC 030S

Line Item 6(a) Loans secured by real estate.
[included in Schedule RC-C, Part I, item 1, column A]
Line Item 6(b) Loans to depository institutions.
[included in Schedule RC-C, Part I, item 2, column A]
Line Item 6(c)

Commercial and industrial loans.

[included in Schedule RC-C, Part I, item 4, column A]

branches arising in connection with: deposits of any
kind; loans and borrowings of any kind; overdrafts,
federal funds and repurchase and resale agreements;
claims resulting from clearing activities, foreign
exchange transactions, bankers acceptance transactions,
and other activities; capital flows and contributions; gross
unremitted profits and accumulated operating losses; and
any allowance for loan and lease losses and other valuation allowances on the books of the reporting branch.
Please refer to the General Instructions for the treatment
of intrabank transactions.

Line Item 6(d) All other loans and all leases.
Include all other extensions of credit, including lease
financing receivables (net of unearned income), loans to
foreign governments and official institutions (including
foreign central banks), and loans to individuals. [included
in Schedule RC-C, Part I, items 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10,
column A]
Line Item 6(e) Less: unearned income on loans in
items 6(a) through 6(d) above.
Deduct any unearned income on loans reflected in
items 6(a) through 6(d). [included in Schedule RC-C,
Part I, item 11, column A]
Line Item 6(f)

Total loans and leases, net.

Report the sum of items 6(a) through 6(d) minus
item 6(e). [included in Schedule RC-C, Part I, item 12,
column A]
Line Item 7

Premises and fixed assets.

Report bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other
assets representing bank premises such as leasehold
improvements, real estate acquired for future expansion,
real estate in use as staff housing, etc. [included in
Schedule RC, item 6]
Line Item 8 Gross due from head office, U.S.
branches, and other foreign branches of this bank.
Report the gross amount due from the head office of the
reporting branch’s U.S. parent bank and the bank’s U.S.
and other non-U.S. branches (including the IBFs of the
bank and of its Edge subsidiaries). The gross due from
amounts reported in this item, and the gross due to
amounts reported in item 16, include claims between the
reporting branch and the head office or the bank’s other

Line Item 9 Gross due from consolidated
subsidiaries of this bank.
Report the gross amount due from any consolidated
subsidiaries of the reporting branch’s bank. Please refer
to the General Instructions for the treatment of intrabank
Line Item 10

Other assets.

Report items such as other real estate owned, investments
in unconsolidated subsidiaries and associated companies,
customers’ liability on deferred payment letters of credit,
customers’ liability to this bank on acceptances outstanding, accrued interest receivable, prepaid expenses, cash
items not in process of collection, federal funds sold and
securities purchased under agreements to resell, and all
other assets that cannot be properly reported in Asset
items 1 through 9, above. Also include derivative instruments with a positive fair value held for purposes other
than trading. For further information, see FASB Statement
No. 133, Accounting for Derivative Instruments and
Hedging Activites. [included in Schedule RC, items 3, 7,
8, 10, and 11].
Line Item 11

Total assets.

Enter the sum of Assets, items 1 through 10. This amount
must equal item 19, ‘‘Total liabilities.’’

Line Item 12 Deposits of U.S. banks (including
IBFs and foreign branches of U.S. banks).
Report deposits due to U.S. banks (i.e., U.S. and non-U.S.
branches of banks chartered and headquartered in the
U.S.). [included in Schedule RC-E, Part II, item 2]
Instructions for Preparation of Reporting Form FFIEC 030 and FFIEC 030S
December 2006

FFIEC 030 and FFIEC 030S

Line Item 13 Deposits of foreign banks (including
U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks and
their IBFs).
Report deposits due to ‘‘foreign banks’’ (i.e., the U.S. and
non-U.S. branches of banks chartered and headquartered
in foreign countries). [included in Schedule RC-E,
Part II, item 3]
Line Item 14

Other deposits.

Report all other deposits, including certified and official
checks and deposits of individuals, partnerships, corporations, U.S. government, states and political subdivisions
in the U.S., and foreign governments and official institutions. [included in Schedule RC-E, Part II, items 1, 4,
and 5]
Line Item 15

Liabilities for borrowed money.

Report all forms of borrowings, including assets rediscounted with central banks, rediscounted trade acceptances, government funding of loans, mortgage indebtedness, subordinated notes and debentures, and the
reporting branch’s overdrafts on deposit accounts it
holds at other depository institutions (except as provided
in the Consolidated Report of Condition). Exclude federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase (report in item 18, ‘‘Other liabilities.’’) [included in Schedule RC, items 16 and 19]
Line Item 16 Gross due to head office, U.S.
branches, and other foreign branches of this bank.
Report the gross amount due to the head office of the
reporting branch’s U.S. parent bank and the bank’s U.S.
and other non-U.S. branches (including the IBFs of the
bank and its Edge subsidiaries). The gross due to
amounts reported in this item, and the gross due from
amounts reported in item 8, include claims between the
reporting branch and the head office or the bank’s other
branches arising in connection with: deposits of any
kind; loans and borrowings of any kind; overdrafts,
federal funds and repurchase and resale agreements;
claims resulting from clearing activities, foreign
exchange transactions, bankers acceptance transactions,
and other activities; capital flows and contributions; gross
unremitted profits and accumulated operating losses; and
Instructions for Preparation of Reporting Form FFIEC 030 and FFIEC 030S
December 2006

any allowance for loan and lease losses and other valuation allowances on the books of the reporting branch.
Please refer to the General Instructions for the treatment
of intrabank transactions.
Line Item 17 Gross due to consolidated
subsidiaries of this bank.
Report the gross amount due to any consolidated subsidiaries of the reporting branch’s bank. Please refer to the
General Instructions for the treatment of intrabank transactions.
Line Item 18

Other liabilities.

Report items such as net deferred tax liabilities, minority
interest in consolidated subsidiaries, deferred payment
letters of credit, federal funds purchased and securities
sold under agreements to repurchase, trading liabilities,
bank’s liability on acceptances executed and outstanding, accrued taxes and other expenses accrued and unpaid, and all other liabilities that cannot be properly
reported in Liabilities, items 12 through 17, above. Also
include all derivative instruments with a negative fair
value. For further information, see FASB Statement No.
133. [included in Schedule RC, items 14, 15, 20, and 22].
Line Item 19

Total liabilities.

Enter the sum of Liabilities, items 12 through 18. This
amount must equal item 11, ‘‘Total Assets.’’

Derivatives and Off-balance-sheet Items
Please refer to the General Instructions for the treatment
of intrabank transactions.
Line Item 20 Commitments to purchase foreign
currencies and U.S. dollar exchange (spot, forward,
and futures).
Report the notional amount of all unmatured contractual
obligations into which the branch has entered to purchase
foreign currency and U.S. dollar exchange, through
futures contracts and for spot and forward delivery. (A
purchase of U.S. dollar exchange is equivalent to a sale
of foreign currency.) Intrabank transactions may be
excluded. [included in Schedule RC-L, item 8 and
items 12(a) and (b), column B]

FFIEC 030 and FFIEC 030S

Line Item 21 All other futures and forward
contracts (excluding contracts involving foreign

sold for cash. Intrabank transactions may be excluded.
[included in Schedule RC-L, item 4]

Report the notional amount of all other futures and
forward contracts (excluding contracts involving foreign
exchange). Intrabank transactions may be excluded.
[included in Schedule RC-L, items 12(a) and (b), columns A, C, and D]

Line Item 25 Notional value of all outstanding
interest rate swaps.

Line Item 22

Option contracts.

Report the notional amount of all option contracts. Intrabank transactions may be excluded. [included in Schedule RC-L, items 12(c) and 12(d), columns A through D]
Line Item 22(a)

Written option contracts.

Intrabank transactions may be excluded. [included in
Schedule RC-L, items 12(c)(1) and 12(d)(1), columns A
through D]
Line Item 22(b)

Purchased option contracts.

Intrabank transactions may be excluded. [included in
Schedule RC-L, items 12(c)(2) and 12(d)(2), columns A
through D]
Line Item 23 Standby letters of credit and foreign
office guarantees.
Report the amount outstanding and unused of all standby
letters of credit or similar arrangements, such as ‘‘guarantee,’’ ‘‘bid’’ or ‘‘performance’’ arrangements. Where the
reporting branch has an obligation to pay the full amount
of a participated standby letter of credit that it previously
originated and issued, the reporting branch must report
the full amount of the standby letter of credit, even
though participating financial institutions also have an
obligation to fund the resulting extensions of credit. Only
when each participating bank has a direct obligation to
the beneficiary may the originating branch deduct
amounts conveyed to others. The entire amount of backto-back standby letters of credit also should be reported,
not just the unbacked portion. [included in Schedule RC-L, items 2 and 3]. Intrabank transactions may be
Line Item 24

Commercial and similar letters of

Report the amount outstanding and unused of commercial letters of credit and travelers’ letters of credit not

Intrabank transactions may be excluded. [included in
Schedule RC-L, item 12(e), column A]

Line Item 26 Total interest-bearing balances
included in items 2 and 3.
Report the total amount of interest-bearing balances
included in balances due from banks. [included in Schedule RC, item l(b)]
Line Item 27 Total interest-bearing deposits
included in items 12, 13, and 14.
Report the total amount of interest-bearing deposits.
[included in Schedule RC, item 13(b)(2)]

Line Item Instructions for the
Abbreviated Foreign Branch Report of
Condition (FFIEC 030S)
References to corresponding items in the Foreign Branch
Report of Condition (FFIEC 030) are contained in brackets [ ].
Line Item 1

Gross due from related institutions.

Report the gross amount due from the head office of the
reporting branch’s U.S. parent bank, the bank’s U.S. and
other non-U.S. branches (including the IBFs of the bank
and of its Edge subsidiaries), and any consolidated subsidiaries of the reporting branch’s bank. [corresponds to
FFIEC 030 asset items 8 and 9].
Line Item 2

Total assets.

Enter the sum of all asset items. [corresponds to FFIEC
030 asset item 11]
Line Item 3

Gross due to related institutions.

Report the gross amount due to the head office of the
reporting branch’s U.S. parent bank, the bank’s U.S. and
other non-U.S. branches (including the IBFs of the bank
Instructions for Preparation of Reporting Form FFIEC 030 and FFIEC 030S
December 2006

FFIEC 030 and FFIEC 030S

and of its Edge subsidiaries), and any consolidated subsidiaries of the reporting branch’s bank. [corresponds to
FFIEC 030 liability items 16 and 17]
Line Item 4 Total gross notional amount of
derivative contracts.
Report the gross notional amount of all unmatured contractual obligations into which the branch has entered to
purchase foreign currency and U.S. dollar exchange
through futures contracts and for spot and forward delivery, all other futures and forward contracts, all written or
purchased option contracts, and all outstanding interest
rate swaps. [corresponds to FFIEC 030 derivative items
20, 21, 22 and 25]

Instructions for Preparation of Reporting Form FFIEC 030 and FFIEC 030S
December 2006

Line Item 5 Commercial and similar letters of
credit, standby letters of credit, and foreign office
Report the amount outstanding and unused of all standby
letters of credit or similar arrangements (such as ‘‘guarantee,’’ ‘‘bid,’’ or ‘‘performance’’ arrangements), and the
amount outstanding and unused of commercial letters of
credit and travelers’ letters of credit not sold for cash.
[corresponds to FFIEC 030 off-balance sheet items 23
and 24]


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2012-11-08
File Created2012-11-07

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