Attachment B_PHAP Host Site Supervisor Survey_FINAL

[PHIC]The Division of Workforce Development (DWD) Fellowship Alumni Assessment

Attachment B_PHAP Host Site Supervisor Survey_FINAL

OMB: 0920-1078

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Attachment B_PHAP Host Site Supervisor Survey

Form Approved

OMB No. 0920-1078

Exp. Date: XX/XX/XXXX

PHAP Host Site Supervisor Survey


Thank you for participating in the Public Health Associate Program (PHAP) Host Site Supervisor Survey. The purposes of this survey are to learn how PHAP adds value to your agency and to gather your suggestions for program improvement. Note: All individuals who supervise associates within your agency are receiving this survey.

Your participation in the survey is completely voluntary, and your responses will be kept secure. All responses will be analyzed and reported as aggregate data. Results will be used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for program improvement purposes.

This survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. If you have any questions, please contact PHAP evaluator, [insert name and contact information].



We are interested in learning how your associates are contributing to your agency. Consider all of the associates you currently supervise when answering the next four questions.

  1. We are interested in understanding how associates contribute to your host site’s delivery of essential services. From the list below, select the public health services that your current associates support. (Select all that apply.)

  • Monitoring community health status, including identifying health risks, conducting monitoring and surveillance activities, and using methods and technology (e.g., registries, graphic information systems) to collect, interpret, and communicate data.

    • Investigating community health problems or hazards, including disease screening, laboratory activities (e.g., testing), and epidemiologic investigation of disease outbreaks.

    • Health promotion and health education, including designing and implementing programs that build knowledge, shape attitudes, or inform decision-making related to disease prevention (e.g., immunization), healthy behaviors (e.g., nutrition, physical activity), and injury prevention.

    • Mobilizing community partnerships, including building and maintaining formal and informal community partnerships (e.g., not-for-profit, private sector, government partnerships) and building coalitions to tackle public health issues.

    • Developing public health policies and plans and aligning resources to ensure successful policy and plan development.

    • Shape1

      Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74 Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-1163).

      Enforcing public health laws or regulations, including providing education on, advocating for, and enforcing public health laws and regulations (e.g., child seat belt laws, protection of drinking water).

    • Linking people to healthcare services, including identifying populations that face barriers to accessing health services, linking these populations to health services, and developing and implementing interventions to address barriers.

    • Public health workforce development, including assessing whether the public health workforce meets the health needs of the population, maintaining public health workforce standards (e.g., licensing, credentialing, use of public health competencies), and ensuring long-term learning opportunities for the public health workforce.

    • Evaluating public health processes, programs, or interventions, including implementing performance management, quality improvement, or other evaluation activities to track the efficiency, effectiveness, quality, and impact of services to inform decision making.

    • Public health research, including identifying cutting-edge research, linking public health practice with academic research settings, and conducting epidemiological studies, health policy analyses and public health systems research.

    • Other (Identify):_________________________________

  1. What role does/do your associate(s) play in your agency’s efforts to prepare for or maintain accreditation through the Public Health Accreditation Board? (Examples include any involvement in key activities to meet standards, such as community health assessment, health improvement planning, quality improvement, performance management) Select the best option.

  • A major role in accreditation activities.

  • A minor role in accreditation activities.

  • No role in accreditation activities.

  • Not applicable: To my knowledge, my agency is not engaged in any accreditation-related activities.

  • Not applicable: I work for a nongovernmental organization.

(Skip Pattern: if major/minor): please describe the accreditation activities performed by the associate(s): __________

  1. How do current associates contribute to your team or work unit? (Select all that apply.)

  • By serving as an additional staff member

  • By taking on activities that free up other staff to focus on other priorities

  • By infusing fresh ideas into projects or programs

  • By serving as a source of motivation for other staff

  • By providing technologic expertise

  • Other: __________________

  1. We understand that all associates contribute to agencies in many varied ways, and we are interested in capturing those stories. Choose one associate you currently supervise and describe this associate’s most valuable contribution and how that contribution has made a difference for your work unit or agency. ______________________________________________________________


For the next set of questions, please reflect on your general experience with PHAP and with serving as a PHAP host site supervisor.

  1. We are interested in learning more about how PHAP adds value to your team. When considering this question, please let us proactively reassure you: there are no plans to discontinue PHAP (it’s simply how the question is phrased).

What would the effect on your team be if PHAP were to end?

  • No effect

  • Little effect

  • Some effect

  • Major effect

  • I don’t know

Please explain response: ________________________ (REQUIRED)

  1. Given your experience with PHAP, would you recommend other agencies participate in the program?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I don’t know

  1. If given the opportunity, would you be interested in supervising another associate in the future?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I don’t know


  1. What advantages (if any) are there to hiring PHAP graduates over other comparable candidates who did not participate in PHAP? (Select all that apply.)

  • PHAP graduates possess public health experience within federal, state, or local government, nonprofit organizations, or academic institutions.

  • PHAP graduates possess a foundation of public health knowledge.

  • PHAP graduates have received formal training through the CDC.

  • Hiring a PHAP graduate who was assigned to my agency is an advantage because I am already familiar with his/her contributions, skills and/or work style.

  • Hiring a PHAP graduate who was assigned to my agency is an advantage because he/she would require less (or no) time to train.

  • There are no advantages to hiring PHAP graduates over other comparable candidates who did not participate in PHAP.

  • Other: _________________

  1. What is the primary challenge you face in hiring PHAP graduates? (Select one)

  • My team/work unit does not have vacancies that are appropriate for the skill and experience level of a PHAP graduate.

  • The salary my agency/organization can offer cannot compete with the higher salaries offered by other agencies or organizations.

  • PHAP graduates want to work for the federal government.

  • PHAP graduates want to move away from my agency’s geographic location to live and work elsewhere.

  • Other: _______________


  1. Does your team/work unit have a need to hire staff with the following qualifications: A minimum of a bachelor’s degree and two years of public health work experience?

  • Yes, my team/work unit has this need.

  • No, my team/work unit does not have this need.

  • I don’t know (skip to associate learning opportunities)

If no, select all the responses that apply to your team/work unit.

  • My team/work unit is fully staffed. We do not need to hire additional staff.

  • My team/work unit is not fully staffed, but we need people with more experience (e.g., 10 years of public health work experience).

  • My team/work unit is not fully staffed, but we need people with higher educational qualifications (e.g., doctoral-level degree).

  • My team/work unit is not fully staffed, but we need people with specialized talent (e.g., informatics).

  • Other: __________

If Yes: Would you consider hiring a PHAP graduate to fill this need?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I don’t know


The next set of questions ask about your experiences with, and opinions of, associate learning and development opportunities within PHAP.

  1. What types of learning and development opportunities do you offer associates? (Select all that apply.)

  • Trainings in specific public health topic areas (e.g., preparedness and response, contact identification)

  • Trainings on analytic software (e.g., SAS, SPSS, Epi-Info)

  • Trainings on essential skills (e.g., workplace etiquette, oral and written communication)

  • Workplace-specific trainings (e.g., orientation, sexual harassment, ethics)

  • Shadowing experiences

  • Attendance at external trainings or conferences

  • Other:_______________

  1. How can PHAP staff better support you in developing quality training experiences for associates? _______ (REQUIRED)

  1. In 2015, CDC began to pilot a revised PHAP curriculum. The curriculum includes core courses associates take online, beyond what is provided at host sites. It also includes specific performance-based activities associates must complete before the program’s conclusion, such as delivering an oral presentation and producing a written report. We are interested in learning more about how host site supervisors are involved in associates’ efforts to fulfill the requirements of the CDC PHAP curriculum. From the list below, select the way(s) in which you are involved. (Select all that apply)

  • I hold an initial discussion with my associate to review the curriculum and requirements.

  • Throughout the assignment, I check in with my associate on his/her progress on the curriculum.

  • Throughout the assignment, I look for opportunities for my associate to fulfill the curriculum requirements.

  • I discuss any challenges or issues that arise with the CDC supervisor assigned to my associate, as needed.

  • I am aware that my associate is working on fulfilling the requirements of the curriculum, but I am not directly involved in this process.

  • I was unaware that there is a PHAP curriculum.

  • Other: ______________

  1. Describe any gaps you see in the CDC PHAP curriculum: _____________


The next set of questions ask about your experiences with the CDC supervisor assigned to your associate(s). Think about your interaction with this individual when answering the questions below.

  1. The frequency of interactions between you and the CDC supervisor assigned to your associate(s) is

  • Too little

  • Just about right

  • Too much

  1. How satisfied are you with the responsiveness of the CDC supervisor assigned to your associate(s)?

  • Very dissatisfied

  • Dissatisfied

  • Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

  • Satisfied

  • Very satisfied

  1. Are you getting what you need from the CDC supervisor assigned to your associate(s)?

  • Yes

  • No

Please explain your response: ________________________________________

  1. Rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statement: The site visit conducted by the CDC supervisor was useful.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Neither agree/disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  • I have not had a site visit yet

  • A site visit was conducted, but I was not personally involved in it


  1. From your perspective as a host site supervisor, what is the primary benefit of your agency/organization’s participation in PHAP? __________

  1. How can CDC improve your experience with PHAP? _________


  1. Select the option that best corresponds to the type of agency in which you work.

  • State government agency

  • City government agency

  • County government agency

  • Territorial governmental agency/organization/coalition

  • Tribal government/organization/coalition

  • Academic institution

  • Nonprofit organization

  • Other: ________

If State: Select the option that best corresponds to the size of the population that your state agency serves.

  • Less than 2,750,000 residents

  • Between 2,750,001 and 6,250,000 residents

  • 6,250,001 or more residents

  • I don’t know

If City or County: Select the best option that corresponds to the size of the population that your city or county agency serves:

  • Less than 50,000 residents

  • Between 50,000 and 499,000 residents

  • 500,000 or more residents

  • I don’t know

  1. How many years has your agency served as a host site?

  • This is my agency’s first year serving as a host site

  • 2 years

  • 3 years

  • 4 years

  • 5 or more years

  • I don’t know

  1. How many years have you served as a host site supervisor?

  • This is my first year serving as a host site supervisor

  • 2 years

  • 3 years

  • 4 years

  • 5 or more years

  1. How many associates are you currently supervising?

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

  • Other: ________


  1. Is there anything else you would like to share? __________________

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