Office of Family Assistance
Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Grant Program
OMB Control No.: 0970-0566
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
Information from the quarterly Administration for Children and Families (ACF) performance progress report (QPR) will be used by the Office of Family Assistance (OFA) to meet grants management requirements and by grantees themselves to self-monitor progress and challenges (continuous quality improvement (CQI)). QPRs are due within 30 days of the end of each 3-month reporting period, which are:
Reporting Period 1: September 30 – December 31; Report Due: January 30
Reporting Period 2: September 30 – June 30; Report Due: July 30
The QPR consists of the following three parts, with both qualitative and quantitative descriptions of program performance:
Part 1: SF-PPR ACF Performance Progress Report
Found at: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/discretionary-post-award-requirements.
(Even though this is called a PPR cover page, please use it for your QPR.)
Part 2: Qualitative (narrative) description of program indicators:
A-01 Performance Narrative
A-02 Major Activities and Accomplishments
A-03 Problems
Part 3: Quantitative (numeric) performance measures:
B-01 Program Enrollment
B-02 Program Participation
B-03 Quality Assurance and Monitoring (Continuous Quality Improvement)
B-04 Implementation Challenges
Please address each reporting area. Once you complete the QPR packet, upload it, along with the ACF-OGM-SF-PPR Cover Page, as a Grant Note in GrantSolutions. Please contact your OFA Federal Program Specialist for additional guidance.
purpose of this information collection is to support program
performance monitoring and program improvement activities for
Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood programs.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is
estimated to average 60 minutes per response, including the time
for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data
needed, and reviewing the collection of information. This
collection of information is required to retain a benefit (SEC.
403. [42 U.S.C. 603]). The answers you give will be kept private.
agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements
of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number. The OMB # is 0970-0566 and the
expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX. If
you have any comments on this collection of information, please
contact [Current
Point of Contact Name] at [email protected].
Part 1: ACF-OGM-SF-PPR Cover Page
A-01 PERFORMANCE NARRATIVE Please provide details that are relevant about program performance during the reporting period.
Blank |
A-02 MAJOR ACTIVITIES & ACCOMPLISHMENTS Describe major programmatic and operational activities and accomplishments during the reporting period in the topical areas shown below. |
Program enrollment Please describe your program’s progress toward meeting enrollment targets. In the space provided below, please describe:
Blank |
Program enrollment performance measures Please review the performance measures in section B-01 of the QPR. Please provide additional information describing/explaining program enrollment and intimate partner violence or teen dating violence screening during the reporting period. |
Blank |
Program participation In the space provided below, please describe: Enrollment:
Blank |
Program participation performance measures Please review the performance measures in section B-02 of the QPR. Please provide additional information describing/explaining program participation during this reporting period. |
Blank |
Quality assurance and monitoring (continuous quality improvement) Please provide a detailed description of your plans for program quality assurance and monitoring, including training and supervision. Please provide a detailed description of your CQI plan and its implementation. |
Blank |
Quality assurance and monitoring (continuous quality improvement) performance measures Please review the performance measures in section B-03 of the QPR. Please provide additional information describing/explaining your activities during the reporting period to ensure program quality. |
Blank |
Equity-related activities Please describe any activities you or your subrecipients conducted during the reporting period to address or advance equity as part of this project. The term “equity” means the consistent and systematic fair, just, and impartial treatment of all individuals, including individuals who belong to underserved communities that have been denied such treatment, such as Black, Latino, and Indigenous and Native American persons, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and other persons of color; members of religious minorities; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) persons; persons with disabilities; persons who live in rural areas; and persons otherwise adversely affected by persistent poverty or inequality. Use additional pages if needed. |
Share “Good News” Stories: Please describe any inspiring stories or experiences participants or staff have shared related to participation in this program. As a reminder, do not include names or other personally identifiable information (PII) in your report. OFA will use this information to gain a greater qualitative understanding of how HMRF programs influence participants and staff. These stories may be shared to newsletters, social media, other stakeholders, and ACF leadership. If your story is selected for dissemination you may be contacted to provide additional information.
Other Please describe other activities and accomplishments during the reporting period. |
Blank |
A-03 PROBLEMS Describe any challenges encountered implementing your program during the reporting period. |
Implementation challenges performance measures Please review the performance measures in section B-04 of the QPR. For any challenge categorized as “somewhat of a problem” or “a serious problem,” please describe the nature of the problem and any proposed solutions. |
Blank |
Staff turnover Please describe any positions that are currently vacant and your plan to fill each vacancy. |
Blank |
B-01 Program Enrollment
Blank |
Number of reentering individualsa |
Number of community individuals |
Number of community couplesb |
Enrollment target for the grant year |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Enrolled since the beginning of the grant year to the end of reporting period |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
% of grant-year target met to date |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
aReentering individuals are a target population of clients who have or previously had contact with the criminal justice system.
bThe number of community couples is the count of the number of couple units.
Blank |
Reentering individuals |
Community individuals |
Community couples |
Blank |
# |
% |
# |
% |
# |
% |
Participated in their first workshop session series occurrence during the time period shown |
Within 1 week of program enrollment |
Between 2 and 4 weeks of program enrollment |
Between 1 and 2 months of program enrollment |
More than 2 months since program enrollment |
Not yet participated in a workshop session series occurrence |
2.a Attendance at workshops
The table(s) in this section reports participation only for session series that are completed.
nFORM generates a table that reports on participation for each workshop offered by the grantee. The primary population served, workshop name, workshop activities, workshop elements, and workshop type automatically fill from what grantees enter in nFORM.
Example of nFORM-Generated Table on Participation:
Primary Population Served: Workshop Name: Workshop Activities: Workshop Type: Workshop Curricula: Workshop Elements: |
Community individuals |
# |
% a |
Workshop Attendance |
Attended at least one workshop session series occurrence |
Workshop Retention |
Attended 1 to 50% of workshop session series hours |
Attended 51% or more of workshop session series hours |
a Denominator is all clients/couples enrolled during reporting period who are registered for/or attended the named workshop.
2.b Primary workshop participation
The tables in this section report participation in all session series, both series that are completed and series that are still in progress, where attendance has been fully recorded.
Table 1: Cumulative participation in primary workshop hours through end of reporting period
Community individuals |
Target hours (current grant year) |
Average hours |
Average % |
Grant year 5— Participation in primary workshop hours for clients enrolled in grant year 5 |
Grant year 4— Participation in primary workshop hours for clients enrolled in grant year 4 |
Grant year 3— Participation in primary workshop hours for clients enrolled in grant year 3 |
Grant year 2— Participation in primary workshop hours for clients enrolled in grant year 2 |
Grant year 1— Participation in primary workshop hours for clients enrolled in grant year 1 |
NOTE: Table 1 includes clients/couples enrolled from start of grant year 1 through reporting period end date who have attended at least one primary workshop session.
Table 2: Achievement of participation benchmarks during reporting period
Community individuals |
Count of clients achieving benchmark in current grant year |
Target count of clients for bench-mark (TGT) |
Percent of target met (PCT=TC/TGT) |
Benchmarks for participation in primary workshops (BP) |
Clients enrolled in grant year 1 (GY1) |
Clients enrolled in grant year 2 (GY2) |
Clients enrolled in grant year 3 (GY3) |
Clients enrolled in grant year 4 (GY4) |
Clients enrolled in grant year 5 (GY5) |
Total clients (TC=sum of all GYs) |
Initial attendees: Attended at least one primary workshop session |
Halfway attendees: Attended at least 50% of primary workshop hours |
Completed clients: Attended at least 90% of primary workshop hours |
Fully finished clients: Attended at least 100% of primary workshop hours |
NOTE: Table 2 includes clients/couples enrolled from start of grant year 1 through reporting period end date who have achieved at least one benchmark during the selected reporting period; only clients in populations with participation benchmark targets in the selected reporting period are included. Enrollment numbers for the current grant year may be found in [QPR or PPR] Section [B-01 or C-03]. For other grant years, refer to past QPRs/PPRs or the enrollment tab of the query tool.
Table 2 Columns:
Column (BP) lists the benchmarks for client participation in primary workshops for which ACF requires grantees to set annual targets and measure progress towards those targets. The grantee’s current grant year targets for each benchmark are presented in column (TGT). Progress towards the targets is measured based on client participation in the grant year in both completed and ongoing workshop session series, where session attendance has been fully recorded.
Columns GY1 to GY5 include the count of clients enrolled in each grant year who achieved the respective benchmark for participation in the current grant year. Columns are only shown for the current and prior grant years. For participation among those enrolled in the current grant year, the rows are measured cumulatively such that those who attended at least 100% are included in the “attended at least one” row as well.
Column (TC) is the total count of clients who achieved each benchmark in the grant year, whether the clients were enrolled in the current or prior grant years (sum of all GY columns).
Column (TGT) is the grantee-established target for the number of clients who will achieve each participation benchmark during the grant year, regardless of when they enrolled.
Column (PCT) is the percent of the target met for each participation benchmark.
Section 2b. tables 1 and 2 (including footnotes) repeat for each applicable population.
B-03 Quality Assurance and Monitoring (continuous quality improvement)
1. Staff training
1a. In the reporting period, did the following staff receive their initial training on the program curriculum(a)?
Yes |
No |
Do not have this position on staff |
a. Facilitators |
b. Case managers |
c. Employment specialists |
d. Supervisors |
e. Program managers |
f. Other program staff |
1b. In the reporting period, did the following staff receive follow-up or refresher training on the program curriculum(a)? |
Yes |
No |
Do not have this position on staff |
a. Facilitators |
b. Case managers |
c. Employment specialists |
d. Supervisors |
e. Program managers |
f. Other program staff |
1c. In the reporting period, did the following staff receive training other than on the program curriculum(a)? |
Yes |
No |
Do not have this position on staff |
a. Facilitators |
b. Case managers |
c. Employment specialists |
d. Supervisors |
e. Program managers |
f. Other program staff |
2. Frequency of direct observation
Were the following staff observed by a supervisor or another experienced facilitator during the reporting period? |
Yes |
No |
a. Facilitators hired during the reporting period |
b. Experienced facilitators |
3. Staff supervision
In the reporting period, on average, how often did the following staff meet with their supervisors one-on-one? |
At least weekly |
Biweekly |
Monthly |
Once |
Not in reporting period |
Do not have this position on staff |
a. Facilitators |
b. Case managers |
c. Employment specialists |
d. Supervisors |
e. Program managers |
f. Other program staff |
4. Staff meetings
In the reporting period, how often were staff meetings held (such as discussions about CQI and team-building meetings) that included the following staff? |
At least weekly |
Biweekly |
Monthly |
Once |
Not in reporting period |
Do not have this position on staff |
a. Facilitators |
b. Case managers |
c. Employment specialists |
d. Supervisors |
e. Program managers |
f. Other program staff |
5. Caseloads
Blank |
Average |
Average number of participants assigned to each case manager |
Blank |
B-04 Implementation Challenges
Not a problem |
Somewhat of a problem |
A serious problem |
a. Obtaining referrals from external organizations |
b. Recruiting participants |
c. Enrolling the intended target population |
d. Getting enrollees to start participating in services |
e. Getting enrollees to attend regularly |
f. Keeping participants engaged during sessions |
g. Getting enrollees to complete the program |
h. Recruiting qualified staff |
i. Maintaining staff performance |
j. Ensuring facilitators understand content |
k. Covering all program content in the time allotted |
l. Implementing curriculum with fidelity |
m. Having adequate program facilities |
n. Cooperation of recruitment and referral sources |
o. Working with service delivery partners |
p. Experiencing extreme weather or natural disasters |
q. Getting participants to complete pre-test or post-test |
r. Retaining staff |
s. Filling open staff positions |
t. Providing comprehensive case management services |
u. Providing grant-funded participation supports |
v. Entering and reporting data |
Full time staff |
Part time staff |
Number of staff funded by the grant during the reporting period |
Number of staff funded by the grant who left during the reporting period |
Number of staff funded by the grant who started during the reporting period |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Quarterly Performance Progress Report: Report Template for Responsible Fatherhood Programs |
Subject | Healthy Marriage/Responsible Fatherhood Grant Program |
Author | Mathematica Policy Research |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-07-22 |