FF-008-FY-23-104 State and Local Cybersecurity (SLCGP) Project Worksheet

Generic Clearance for FEMA’s Preparedness Grant Programs

FF-008-FY-23-104 FY2024 SLCGP Project Worksheet_Final.xlsx

OMB: 1660-0166

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Baseline Instructions
Baseline Project Information
Implementation Instructions
Project Implementation

Sheet 1: Overview

SLCGP Project Worksheet Overview
Complete rows 5-15 with the information for the SLCGP award and SAA organization. Replace the instructive language with the appropriate information.
Award Number EMW-20XX-CY-XXXXX
Project Worksheet Submission #: The first project worksheet submission is at time of application and therefore would be (#1). Subsequent submissions for revisions or additional projects would be sequential (e.g., #2, #3, etc.)
Federal Fiscal Year: FY 2022
Federal Award Amount:
Total Cost Share Amount:
State Administrative Agency (SAA):
SAA POC Title:
SAA Address:
SAA POC Phone Number:
SAA POC Email Address:
Public reporting burden for this data collection is estimated to average 6 hours per response. The burden estimate includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and submitting this form. You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless a valid OMB control number is displayed on this form. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing the burden to: Information Collections Management, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street. SW, Washington, DC 20472-3100, Paperwork Reduction Project (1660-0156) NOTE: Do not send your completed form to this address.
GENERAL: This information is being collected for the primary purpose of determining eligibility and administration of SLCGP and to ensure compliance with existing laws and regulations regarding SLCGP.
AUTHORITY: The collection of this information is authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 and 2 CFR Part 200.
USES AND SHARING: FEMA will not share the information collected from POCs, including personally identifiable information, outside of the collecting agency. Further information regarding FEMA’s use and sharing of information can be found within the DHS/FEMA/PIA-013 Grant Management Programs Privacy Impact Assessment. The Department’s list of Privacy Impact Assessments can be found on the Department’s website at https://www.dhs.gov/privacy-impact-assessments.
EFFECTS OF NONDISCLOSURE: The disclosure of information on this form is voluntary; however, failure to provide the information requested may delay or prevent the organization from receiving grant funding.

Sheet 2: Baseline Instructions

Below provides instructions for the Baseline Project Information Tab in the SLCGP Project Worksheet.

Tab Column Instructions
Baseline Project Tab Column A) State/Territory/Local Agency Name Enter in State/Territory/Local government entity name.
Column B) Investment (Objective #) List the Investment's applicable Objective # in which the project is associated.
Column C) Project Name Enter in the project title.
Column D) Project Alignment to Plan's 16 Cybersecurity Elements List which of the Plan's 16 required elements this project aligns (e.g., 1, 5, 10).
Column E) Project Description Please enter the project description in this cell. There are no character limits for the description.
Column F) Project Location (Zip Code) List the zip code for the physical location of the Project.
Column G) Primary Core Capability Enter in Cybersecurity.
Column H) Sustain or Build Please list if the project will be used to Sustain or Build capabilities.
Column I-M) POETE Enter the total project dollar amount (federal amount plus cost share, as applicable) for the Planning, Organization, Equipment, Training, and Exercise category(s) associated with each Investment (Columns I-M).
Column N) POETE Subtotal Do NOT manually enter any value in this cell. Column N totals values entered into Columns I-M.
Column O) State Projects (up to 20%) Enter the Dollar amount allocated to State projects (up to 20%).
Column P) Local Pass-Through Amount (80%) Enter the Dollar amount of the SAA's Subgrant (Awarded Projects) to the LOCAL government entity. This number should INCLUDE the pass through to the rural areas.
Column Q) Rural Pass-Through Amount (25%) Enter the Dollar amount of the SAA's Subgrant (Awarded Projects) to a Local government entity within a RURAL area (population less than 50,000). The pass-through to rural areas is a part of the overall 80% local pass-through. If the project does not include funding for rural areas, enter $0.
Column R) Value of the 80% Local Pass-Through in Services Enter the Dollar value of the SAA's Pass-Through Services, Solutions, etc. for LOCAL government entities. This number should INCLUDE the pass-through to the rural areas.
Column S) Value of the 25% Rural Pass-Through in Services Enter the Dollar value of the SAA's Pass-Through Services, Solutions, etc. for local government entities within a RURAL areas. The pass-through of services to rural areas is a part of the overall 80% local pass-through. If the project does not include services for rural areas, enter $0.
Column T) Do you have an approved Cost Share Waiver? In the associated cells under column U, there is a drop down menu that will give you the option to enter in Yes/No.
Choose one of the two options.
Column U) Federal Amount Do NOT manually enter any value in this cell.The Federal Amount is automatically calculated based on the total project costs captured in column N (POETE subtotal).

Column V) Cost Share Do NOT manually enter any value in this cell. The Cost Share is automatically calculated based on the total project costs captured in column N (POETE subtotal) and the yes/no entered into Column T.

Column W) Total Project Costs Do NOT manually enter any value in this cell. The Total Project Costs are automatically calculated based on the total project costs captured in column N (POETE subtotal)
Note: In lieu of subgrant award funding to local government entities to meet the pass-through requirement, the SAA can pass through items, services, capabilities, or activities to local governments as long as the SAA obtains the written consent of these local governments. In this case, the dollar value of these services, items, activities or capabilities must be a minimum of 80% of the federal award amount. This same requirement applies to the 25% that must be passed through to rural areas. To meet the 25% rural pass-through requirement, the eligible subrecipient must be a local government entity within a rural area (a jurisdiction with a population of less than 50,000 individuals).

Management and Administrative (M&A) funding must be included in the PW. Up to 5% of the Federal Award Amount can be retained for M&A purposes.

Remove blank project rows and example text from tab before submission. Data is populated throughout the tabs for reference of how to complete form. Ensure all formulas and totals are aligned under Total Project Costs.

Sheet 3: Baseline Project Information

State/Territory/Local Agency Name Investment (Objective #) Project Name Project Alignment to which of the Plan's 16 Required Cybersecurity Elements Project Description Project Location (ZIP Code) Primary Core Capability Sustain or Build Planning Organization Equipment Training Exercises POETE Subtotal (Do not manually enter amount) State Share of Award (up to 20%)
Amount allocated for State Projects
80% Local Pass-Through Amount
(SUBAWARDS to LOCAL Government)
25% Rural Pass-Through Amount (SUBAWARDS to LOCAL Jurisdictions in RURAL Communities- less than 50,000 population) *Value of the SAA's Pass-Through Services, Solutions, etc. for LOCAL Government (If dollar amount is entered in Columns P and/or Q, do not enter a dollar amount in this column) *Value of the SAA's Pass-Through Services, Solutions, etc. to RURAL Communities (If dollar amount is entered in Columns P and/or Q, do not enter a dollar amount in this column) Do you have an approved Cost Share Waiver? (Indicate Yes/No) Federal Amount (Do not manually enter amount) Cost Share (Do not manually enter amount) Total Project Costs (Federal + Cost Share) (Formula; do not manually enter)
State/Territory XXX e.g. (Objective 3, Security Protections) IJ 1 Endpoint Detection

$707,070.00 $- $5.00 $5.00 $500,000.00 $1,207,080.00 $- $- $- $100,000.00 $25,000.00 No $965,664.00 $120,708.00 $1,207,080.00
State/Territory XXX e.g. (Objective 4, Training) IJ 2 Cybersecurity Subgrant Statewide Training

$10,000.00 $15,000.00 $- $- $- $25,000.00 $- $700,000.00 $250,000.00 $- $- No $20,000.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00

$- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- No $- $- $-

$- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- No $- $- $-

$- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- No $- $- $-

$- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- No $- $- $-

$- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- No $- $- $-

$- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- No $- $- $-

$- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- No $- $- $-

$- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- No $- $- $-

$- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- No $- $- $-

$- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- No $- $- $-

$- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- No $- $- $-

$- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- No $- $- $-
State/Territory SAA Management and Administration (M&A)
(Up to 5% of the Federal Award Amount)
Management and Administration (M&A) N/A Funding to provide for the administration, oversight, compliance of the grant award.
Cybersecurity Build $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- No $- $- $-

$717,070.00 $15,000.00 $5.00 $5.00 $500,000.00 $1,232,080.00 $- $700,000 $250,000 $100,000 $25,000
$985,664.00 $123,208.00 $1,232,080.00

Source of Cost-Share Total Amount

Hard (Cash) $-

Description (e.g. General Fund)

Soft (in kind) $-

Description (e.g., the value of salaries and fringe benefits paid for with general fund monies for staff directly involved in the development of the cybersecurity plan. See the SLCGP NOFO for other examples)

Sheet 4: Implementation Instructions

Below provides brief instructions for the Project Implementation Tab in the SLCGP Project Worksheet.
This tab requires outlining key project activities and tasks associated with each project. The standard definition of a project is a temporary endeavor with a defined beginning and end (usually time-constrained, and often constrained by funding or a deliverable), undertaken to meet unique goals and objectives, typically to bring about beneficial change or added value. Applying this standard to projects using preparedness grant funds, a project is a related set of activities and purchases supporting the building or sustaining of core capabilities; and is associated with a single entity responsible for execution. This approach will allow CISA/FEMA and applicants to categorize the grant-funded project as a discrete unit for post-award management, reporting, and monitoring purposes.

Please see below for specific instructions and information on filling out the Project Implementation Tab
Note: Any additional line items added to the 15 available in the Baseline Project Information, please add the same amount to the Project Implementation tab and drag the formula down.
Tab Column Instructions
Project Implementation Column A) State/Territory/Local Agency Name Do NOT manually enter any value in these cells. Columns A, B, C and D auto populate from columns A, B, C and E in the Baseline Project Information Tab.
Column B) Investment Objective #
Column C) Project Name
Column D) Project Description
Column E) Does the Project Support a Previously Awarded Investment? Yes or No In the associated cells under column E, there is a drop down that will allow you to select Yes/No. Please indicate if your project supports a previously awarded investment. Choose one of the two options.
Column F) If yes, from which year? Enter the approriate year of the investment if the previous question in column E is answered yes.
Column G) If Yes, which investment? Enter in the Project name if the answer in column E is yes.
Column H) Project Management Step For this column, please see below for information on each of the steps and processes of the Project Management Lifecycle. In the associated cells for column H, there is a drop down. Choose the appropriate step of your investment.

The main steps and processes of the Project Management Lifecycle are Initiate, Execute, Control, Close Out.
1) Initiate: The authorization to begin work or resume work on any particular activity.
2) Execute: The period within the project life cycle during which the actual work of creating the project’s deliverables is carried out.
3) Control: A mechanism which reacts to the current project status to ensure accomplishment of project objectives. This involves planning,
measuring, monitoring, and taking corrective action based on the results of the monitoring.
4) Close Out: The completion of all work on a project. Can also refer to completion of a phase of the project.
Column I) Start Date Enter in the estimated start dates of each project
Column J) End Date Enter in the estimated completion dates of each project
Column K) Milestone 1 For each project, enter the Milestones (Key Activities) necessary to accomplish the Project(s) goals from the Cybersecurity Plan.
Additional information on the Implementation Schedule and Milestones can be found in the SLCGP NOFO.
Column L) Milestone 2
Column M) Milestone 3
Column N) Federal Amount Do NOT manually enter any value in these cells. Columns N, O, and P auto populate from Columns U, V, and W on the Baseline Project Information Tab.
Column O) Cost Share
Column P) Total Project Costs (Federal + Cost Share)
For additional information on the Project Management Lifecycle, please visit Project Management Institute's (PMI) A Guide to the Project
Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) at http://www.pmi.org/PMBOK-Guide-and-Standards.aspx. Specifically, applicants are encouraged to reference Chapter three of the PMBOK Guide, The Standard for Project Management of a Project.

Sheet 5: Project Implementation

State/Territory/Local Agency Name (Autopopulates from Baseline Project Information) Investment Objective #
(Autopopulates from Baseline Project Information)
Project Name
(Autopopulates from Baseline Project Information)
Project Description
(Autopopulates from Baseline Project Information)
Does the Project Support a Previously Awarded Investment? Yes or No If yes, from which year? If Yes, which investment? Project Management Step Start Date End Date Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Federal Amount (Autopopulates from Baseline Project Information) Cost Share (Autopopulates from Baseline Project Information Total Project Costs (Federal + Cost Share) (Autopopulates from Baseline Project Information)
State/Territory XXX e.g. (Objective 3, Security Protections) IJ 1 Endpoint Detection 0

$965,664.00 $120,708.00 $1,207,080.00
State/Territory XXX e.g. (Objective 4, Training) IJ 2 Cybersecurity Subgrant Statewide Training 0

$20,000.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00
0 0 0 0

$- $- $-
0 0 0 0

$- $- $-
0 0 0 0

$- $- $-
0 0 0 0

$- $- $-
0 0 0 0

$- $- $-
0 0 0 0

$- $- $-
0 0 0 0

$- $- $-
0 0 0 0

$- $- $-
0 0 0 0

$- $- $-
0 0 0 0

$- $- $-
0 0 0 0

$- $- $-
0 0 0 0

$- $- $-
State/Territory SAA Management and Administration (M&A)
(Up to 5% of the Federal Award Amount)
Management and Administration (M&A) Funding to provide for the administration, oversight, compliance of the grant award. No N/A N/A N/A

$- $- $-

$985,664.00 $123,208.00 $1,232,080.00
File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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