Burden Calculation Tables - OOOOc

2523t05 -OOOOc.xlsx

Standards of Performance for New, Reconstructed, and Modified Sources and Emissions Guidelines for Existing Sources: Oil and Natural Gas Sector Climate Review (Supplemental Proposed Rule)

Burden Calculation Tables - OOOOc

OMB: 2060-0721

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Exhibit 1a
Exhibit 1b
Exhibit 1c
Exhibit 2a
Exhibit 2b

Sheet 1: Exhibit 1a

Exhibit 1a. Lower Bound Respondent Burden and Cost of Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements for States, Emissions Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Existing Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities (40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc)
Burden Item (A)
Hours/ Occurrence
Occurrences/ Respondent/Year
Hours/ Respondent/Year
(A x B)
(D) Respondents/ Year (E)
Total Hours/Year
(C x D)
Technical Hours/Year
(E x 0.79)
Managerial Hours/Year
(E x 0.09)
Clerical Hours/Year
(E x 0.12)

A. Read and Understand Rule Requirements
Incl. in 1B

B. Required Activities

Develop state plan

States w/compressor stations onlya,b 1,040 1 1,040 7 6,933 5,477 624 832 $878,523

Other States w/existing requirementsc,d 2,080 1 2,080 3 6,933 5,477 624 832 $878,523

Other States w/o existing requirementse,f 6,240 1 6,240 7 41,600 32,864 3,744 4,992 $5,271,136

C. Create Information
Incl. in 1B

D. Gather Information
Incl. in 1B

E. Report Preparation

Develop final plan Incl. in 1B

Negative declarationg
1 1 0.3 0 0 0 0 $42

55,467 43,819 4,992 6,656 $7,028,224
(Reporting/recordkeeping supplies)

aBurden based on 0.5 FTEs per state to develop, subimt and implement state plans.

bRespondents include 20 states expected to develop, submit, and implement a state plan for compressor stations only, averaged over the 3-year ICR period (20/3=7).

cBurden based on 1 FTE per state to develop, submit, and implement state plans.

dRespondents include 10 states expected to have existing requirements in place similar to, or more stringent than the emission guidelines, averaged over the 3-year ICR period (10/3=3). 

eBurden based on 3 FTEs per state to develop, submit, and implement state plans.

fRespondents include 20 states not expected to have existing requirements similar to the emission guidelines, averaged over the 3-year ICR period (20/3=7). 

gRespondents include the 1 state (HI) expected to submit a one-time negative declaration, averaged over the 3-year ICR period (1/3=0.3). 

Nationwide Respondent Assumptions

Respondents No. Notes

Total no. respondents 50 49 states, DC

No. expected to submit individual state plan for compressor stations only 20 States with compressor stations only.

No. of all other states expected to submit state plan 30 States expected to have gas/oil production during the 3-yr ICR period.

No. expected to have existing regulations/programs in place 10 States with requirements at least as stringent as those in 40 CFR part 60, subpart OOOOc.

No. expected to submit negative declaration 1 HI

a The lower bounds account for states expected to regulations and programs in place that are similar to, or more stringent than 40 CFR part 60, subpart OOOOc emission guidelines and would require less burden to develop the state plan. By accounting for existing programs, the burden estimates in Exhibit 1a are lower than those in Exhibit 1b.

b Tribes expected to rely on federal plan.

Respondent Labor Rates

Labor Category Respondent Labor Rates (May 2021)

Unloaded Overhead Multiplier

States a

Technical $43.28 2.1 $90.89

Managerial $48.41 2.1 $101.66

Clerical $21.79 2.1 $45.76



a Unloaded labor rates from U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment Statistics,

May 2021 National Industry-Specific Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates, NAICS 999200 - State Government,

excluding schools and hospitals (OES Designation) <https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/naics3_999000.htm>

Recordkeeping/Reporting Supplies (Annual O&M Costs)a

Supply Item Price per Item Number per Respondent Number of Respondents Total

File cabinet to store hard copy records $235 1 50 $11,750

Miscellaneous annual supplies $500 1 50 $25,000

Average Annual Cost


a Costs based on estimates in the supporting statement for Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units supporting statement (EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0602-36879).

b Respondents include all 50 states with state plans.

Sheet 2: Exhibit 1b

Exhibit 1b. Upper Bound Respondent Burden and Cost of Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements for States, Emissions Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Existing Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities (40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc)
Burden Item (A)
Hours/ Occurrence
Occurrences/ Respondent/Year
Hours/ Respondent/Year
(A x B)
(D) Respondents/ Year (E)
Total Hours/Year
(C x D)
Technical Hours/Year
(E x 0.79)
Managerial Hours/Year
(E x 0.09)
Clerical Hours/Year
(E x 0.12)

A. Read and Understand Rule Requirements
Incl. in 1B

B. Required Activities

Develop final plan

States w/compressor stations onlya,b 1,040 1 1,040 7 6,933 5,477 624 832 $878,523

Other Statesc,d 6,240 1 6,240 10 62,400 49,296 5,616 7,488 $7,906,705

C. Create Information
Incl. in 1B

D. Gather Information
Incl. in 1B

E. Report Preparation

Develop final plan Incl. in 1B

Negative declaratione 1 1 1 0.3 0 0 0 0 $42

69,333 54,773 6,240 8,320 $8,785,270
(Reporting/recordkeeping supplies)

aBurden based on 0.5 FTEs per state to develop, subimt and implement state plans.

bRespondents include 20 states expected to develop, submit, and implement a state plan for compressor stations only, averaged over the 3-year ICR period (20/3=7).

cBurden based on 3 FTEs per state to develop, submit, and implement state plans.

dRespondents include 30 states not expected to have existing requirements similar to the emission guidelines, averaged over the 3-year ICR period (20/3=7). 

eRespondents include the 1 state (HI) expected to submit a one-time negative declaration, averaged over the 3-year ICR period (1/3=0.3). 

Nationwide Respondent Assumptions

Respondents No. Notes

Total no. respondents 50 49 states, DC

No. expected to submit individual state plan for compressor stations only 20 States with compressor stations only.

No. of all other states expected to submit state plan 30 States expected to have gas/oil production during the 3-yr ICR period.

No. expected to submit negative declaration 1 HI

a Tribes expected to rely on federal plan.

Respondent Labor Rates

Labor Category Respondent Labor Rates (May 2021)

Unloaded Overhead Multiplier

States a

Technical $43.28 2.1 $90.89

Managerial $48.41 2.1 $101.66

Clerical $21.79 2.1 $45.76



a Unloaded labor rates from U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment Statistics,

May 2021 National Industry-Specific Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates, NAICS 999200 - State Government,

excluding schools and hospitals (OES Designation) <https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/naics3_999000.htm>

Recordkeeping/Reporting Supplies (Annual O&M Costs)a

Supply Item Price per Item Number per Respondent Number of Respondents Total

File cabinet to store hard copy records $235 1 50 $11,750

Miscellaneous annual supplies $500 1 50 $25,000

Average Annual Cost


a Costs based on estimates in the supporting statement for Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units supporting statement (EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0602-36879).

b Respondents include all 50 states with state plans.

Sheet 3: Exhibit 1c

Exhibit 1c. Summary of Respondent Burden and Cost of Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements for States, Emissions Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Existing Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities (40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc)

Summary of Annual Respondent Burden and Cost

Totals Annual Labor Burden (Hours) Annual
Labor Costs
Capital Costs
O&M Costs
Total Annualized Costs Total Annual Respondent Costs

Lower Bound Estimate
3-Year Total 166,400 $21,084,672 $0 $110,250 $110,250 $21,194,922
Average Annual 55,467 7,028,224 $0 $36,750 $36,750 $7,064,974
Average Annual per Respondent 1,109 $140,564 $0 $735 $735 $141,299

Upper Bound Estimate
3-Year Total 208,000 $26,355,809 $0 $110,250 $110,250 $26,466,059
Average Annual 69,333 8,785,270 $0 $36,750 $36,750 $8,822,020
Average Annual per Respondent 1,387 $175,705 $0 $735 $735 $176,440
a Equal to average annual estimate for each burden item in Exhibit 1a divided by the number of respondents in Exhibit 1a for that burden item, summed for all burden items.

b Equal to average annual estimate for each burden item in Exhibit 1b divided by the number of respondents in Exhibit 1b for that burden item, summed for all burden items.

Summary of Responses

Information Collection Activity Occurrence per Respondent Respondents
Average Annual


State plan 1 50 50

3-Year Total Responses


Average Annual Number of Responses = 16.7

Average Annual Responses per Respondent = 0.33

Lower Bound Average Annual Hours per Response = 3,328

Upper Bound Average Annual Hours per Response = 4,160

Sheet 4: Exhibit 2a

Exhibit 2a. Burden and Cost to the Agency, Emissions Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Existing Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities (40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc)
Activity (A)
(A x B)
Respondents/ Year
EPA Total
(C x D)
EPA Technical
(E x 0.79)
(E x 0.09)
(E x 0.12)
Cost, $

EPA Headquarters

States w/compressor stations only a 52 1 52 20 1,040 822 94 125 $72,260
Other States b 208 1 208 30 6,240 4,930 562 749 $433,561
EPA Regions c 21 1 21 50 1,040 822 94 125 $58,473

Review negative declarations e 1 1 1 0.3 0.33 0.26 0.03 0.04 $19
Coordination on submitting state plans f 160 1 160 17 2,667 2,107 240 320 $185,283
Review notifications of public hearings on plans g 2 1 2 17 33 26 3 4 $2,316
Review certifications that public hearings on plans conducted according to subpart Ba procedures g 2 1 2 17 33 26 3 4 $2,316
Review/approve plans

States w/compressor stations only h 160 1 160 7 1,067 843 96 128 $59,972
Other States i 1,040 1 1,040 10 10,400 8,216 936 1,248 $584,730

22,520 17,791 2,027 2,702 $1,398,930

Miscellaneous cost (e.g., telephone, photocopies, postage)

TOTAL AVERAGE ANNUAL COST (Average Annual Labor Cost + Average Annual Other Direct Costs) $1,399,930
a Assumes 0.5 FTEs per year to oversee the entire program and help with outreach/state/enforceability questions and regional assistance for states with compressor stations only, divided by the total number of respondents.

b Assumes 3 FTEs per year to oversee the entire program and help with outreach/state/enforceability questions and regional assistance, divided by the total number of respondents.

c Assumes 2 hours per week of outreach per EPA Region, divided by the total number of respondents.

d One-time activities, averaged over the 3-year ICR period.

e Respondents include the 1 state (HI) expected to submit a one-time negative declaration, averaged over the 3-year ICR period (1/3=0.3). 

f Assumes 4 weeks to coordinate with states to advise on their development of state plans and extension requests; respondents include 50 states, averaged over the 3-year ICR period (50/3=17).

g Includes all 50 states for which a state plan was developed, averaged over the 3-year ICR period (50/3=16.7). 

h Assumes 4 weeks for EPA Regions to review each state plan for states with compressor stations only, with some coordination with EPA Headquarters; respondents for this one-time activity averaged over the 3-year period (19/3=6)

i Assumes 6 full months for EPA Regions to review each state plan, with some coordination with EPA Headquarters; respondents for this one-time activity averaged over the 3-year period (30/3=10)

EPA Staff Labor Rates

Labor Category Labor Rates (2022)

Unloadeda Overhead Multiplier

EPA Headquarters

Technical (Grade 13, Step 5) $44.10 1.6 $70.56

Managerial (Grade 15, Step 5) $61.30 1.6 $98.08

Clerical (Grade 9, Step 5) $25.58 1.6 $40.93

EPA Regions

Technical (Grade 12, Step 5) $34.54 1.6 $55.26

Managerial (Grade 15, Step 5) $61.30 1.6 $98.08

Clerical (Grade 7, Step 5) $19.47 1.6 $31.15

a Unloaded labor rates from U.S. Office of Personnel Management <https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/salaries-wages/salary-tables/pdf/2022/GS_h.pdf>

Other Direct Costs

Expense Item Cost

Miscellaneous cost (e.g., telephone, photocopies, postage) $1,000

a Costs based on estimates in the supporting statement for Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units supporting statement (EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0602-36879).

Sheet 5: Exhibit 2b

Exhibit 2b. Summary of Agency Burden and Cost, Emissions Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Existing Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities (40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc)
Totals Total Annual Labor Burden (Hours) Annual Costs
3-Year Total 67,561 $4,199,789
Average Annual 22,520 $1,399,930

Average Annual Agency Hour Burden per Response =
Average Annual Agency Cost Burden per Response =
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