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pdfSection 5 Notices and Supports User
Guide – Primary Authorized Official
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
EPA# EPA-705-G-2021-3734
New Chemical Data Collection: OMB Control
No. 2070-0012 and EPA ICR No. 0574
Existing Chemical Data Collection: OMB Control
No. 2070-0038 and EPA ICR No. 1188
TSCA Fees Payment: OMB Control No.
2070-0208; EPA ICR No. 2569
Table of Contents
Table of Contents......................................................................................................................... i
List of Exhibits ............................................................................................................................ vi
Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1
System Requirements ........................................................................................................ 2
Supported Browsers ..................................................................................................... 2
Screen Resolution ........................................................................................................ 2
Primary Authorized Official (AO) Functions ........................................................................ 3
Log into Section 5 Notices and Supports Application .................................................... 4
Home Screen Navigation .............................................................................................. 7
User Management ........................................................................................................ 8
Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms ....................................................................... 10
Create Passphrase ..................................................................................................... 15
Attach Documents ...................................................................................................... 17
Enter Passphrase ....................................................................................................... 21
Navigation Tree .......................................................................................................... 22
Action Bar ................................................................................................................... 33
Search Substance Registry Services (SRS) ............................................................... 35
Add Facility ................................................................................................................. 38
Create Premanufacture Notice (PMN) Form ..................................................................... 41
Create PMN Form ...................................................................................................... 41
General Form Information ..................................................................................... 41
Fees Certification .................................................................................................. 46
Small Business Concern Definition ....................................................................... 51
Agent Information ................................................................................................. 53
Technical Contact Information .............................................................................. 58
Additional Submission Information ........................................................................ 61
Chemical Identification .......................................................................................... 64
Class 1 or 2 Chemical Substances ....................................................................... 66
Class 2 Substances .............................................................................................. 71
Additional Chemical Information ........................................................................... 74
Polymer Identification Information ......................................................................... 79
Monomers and Other Reactants ........................................................................... 83
Production Volume and Hazard/Safety Information ............................................... 88
Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Primary Authorized Official
Use Information .................................................................................................... 91
Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet ....................................................... 96
Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet – Continued (Optional) ................ 104
Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet – Continued (Optional) Attach
Documents ......................................................................................................... 106
Site Information................................................................................................... 110
Sites Controlled By Others .................................................................................. 111
Submitter Operation Information ......................................................................... 113
Occupational Exposures ..................................................................................... 118
Environmental Releases ..................................................................................... 122
Industrial Sites Controlled By Others .................................................................. 127
Exposures/Releases ........................................................................................... 131
Byproduct Information ......................................................................................... 136
Optional Pollution Prevention .............................................................................. 138
Additional Attachments ....................................................................................... 140
Attachment Summary ......................................................................................... 142
Optional Cover Letter .......................................................................................... 143
Joint Submitter Information ................................................................................. 144
Joint Submission Information .............................................................................. 146
Notify Joint Submitter of Joint Submission Information........................................ 148
Letter of Support Submitter Information .............................................................. 151
Notify Secondary Submitter of Letter of Support Information............................... 152
Submitting Official Information ............................................................................ 155
Upload XML ........................................................................................................ 156
Create Biotechnology Form ............................................................................................ 158
Create Biotechnology Form ...................................................................................... 158
General Form Information ................................................................................... 158
Fees Certification ................................................................................................ 161
Small Business Concern Definition ..................................................................... 165
Joint Submitter Information ................................................................................. 168
Joint Submission Information .............................................................................. 170
Notify Secondary Submitter of Joint Submission Information .............................. 172
Letter of Support Submitter Information .............................................................. 174
Letter of Support Submission Information ........................................................... 176
Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Primary Authorized Official
Notify Secondary Submitter of Letter of Support Information............................... 178
Technical Contact Information ............................................................................ 180
Optional Cover Letter .......................................................................................... 184
Submitting Official Information ............................................................................ 186
Create Notice of Commencement (NOC) Form .............................................................. 187
Create NOC Form .................................................................................................... 187
General Form Information ................................................................................... 187
Technical Contact Information ............................................................................ 188
Chemical Information .......................................................................................... 191
Site Information................................................................................................... 194
CBI Substantiation Part 1 .................................................................................... 195
CBI Substantiation Part 2 .................................................................................... 198
CBI Substantiation Part 3 .................................................................................... 200
Optional Cover Letter .......................................................................................... 203
Submitting Official Information ............................................................................ 204
Create Support Form ...................................................................................................... 206
Create Support Form ................................................................................................ 206
General Form Information ................................................................................... 206
Original Submitter Information ............................................................................ 208
Submitting Official Information ............................................................................ 210
Create Bona Fide Form .................................................................................................. 212
Create Bona Fide Form ............................................................................................ 212
General Document Information ........................................................................... 212
Primary Contact Information ............................................................................... 214
Technical Contact Information ............................................................................ 217
Statement of Intent ............................................................................................. 219
Letter of Support Submitter Information .............................................................. 221
Letter of Support Submission Information ........................................................... 223
Notify Secondary Submitter of Letter of Support Information............................... 226
Chemical Identification Information ..................................................................... 227
Class 1 or 2/Biotechnology Chemical Substances .............................................. 229
Class 2/Biotechnology Substances ..................................................................... 233
Polymer Identification Information ....................................................................... 235
Monomers and Other Reactants ......................................................................... 238
Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Primary Authorized Official
Use Information .................................................................................................. 241
Submitter Site Identification ................................................................................ 242
Document Management ...................................................................................... 244
Optional Cover Letter .......................................................................................... 245
Submitting Official Information ............................................................................ 246
Create Alternative Control Measures (ACM) Form ......................................................... 248
Create Alternative Control Measures Form ............................................................... 248
Contact Information ............................................................................................ 248
Attachments........................................................................................................ 251
Submitting Official Information ............................................................................ 253
Preview .......................................................................................................................... 255
Validate .......................................................................................................................... 259
Submitting Official Information ........................................................................................ 262
CBI Substantiation.......................................................................................................... 264
Instructions for Substantiating Confidential Business Information (CBI) Claims ........ 264
Submit to EPA via CDX .................................................................................................. 270
LVE Certification ....................................................................................................... 270
LOREX Certification ................................................................................................. 270
Biotech Certification .................................................................................................. 271
Submission Process: Validation ................................................................................ 272
Submission Process: Make a Payment ..................................................................... 273
CSPP Payment Processor ........................................................................................ 275
Make a Payment....................................................................................................... 278
Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Certification ................. 281
Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Certification ................. 282
14.10 Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Login ........................... 283
14.11 Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Security Question ........ 284
14.12 Submit to CDX .......................................................................................................... 285
14.13 Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Submission .................. 286
Download Copy of Record .............................................................................................. 288
EPA Communications .................................................................................................... 296
Invoice Communications........................................................................................... 303
Create An Amendment ................................................................................................... 305
Resources ...................................................................................................................... 308
Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Primary Authorized Official
Appendix A ............................................................................................................................. 311
Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Primary Authorized Official
List of Exhibits
Exhibit 3-1 Section 5 Notices and Supports User Roles Matrix ................................................... 4
Exhibit 3-2 Chemical Information Submission System Screen (Scroll 1) ..................................... 5
Exhibit 3-3 Chemical Information Submission System Screen (Scroll 2) ..................................... 6
Exhibit 3-4 Section 5 Notices and Supports Home Screen .......................................................... 8
Exhibit 3-5 User Management Screen....................................................................................... 10
Exhibit 3-6 Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms Screen (Scroll 1) ........................................ 14
Exhibit 3-7 Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms Screen (Scroll 1) ........................................ 15
Exhibit 3-8 Create Passphrase Screen ..................................................................................... 16
Exhibit 3-9 Section 5 Document Types and Subtypes ............................................................... 18
Exhibit 3-10 Attach Documents Pop-Up Window....................................................................... 21
Exhibit 3-11 Enter Passphrase Screen ...................................................................................... 22
Exhibit 3-12 Navigation Prompt Pop-Up Window ...................................................................... 23
Exhibit 3-13 Premanufacture Notice (PMN) Navigation Tree (Scroll 1) ...................................... 25
Exhibit 3-14 Premanufacture Notice (PMN) Navigation Tree (Scroll 2) ...................................... 26
Exhibit 3-15 Premanufacture Notice (PMN) Navigation Tree (Scroll 3) ...................................... 27
Exhibit 3-16 Premanufacture Notice (PMN) Navigation Tree (Scroll 4) ...................................... 28
Exhibit 3-17 Biotechnology Navigation Tree .............................................................................. 29
Exhibit 3-18 Notice of Commencement (NOC) Navigation Tree ................................................ 30
Exhibit 3-19 Support Navigation Tree........................................................................................ 30
Exhibit 3-20 Bona Fide Navigation Tree (Class 1 or 2/Biotechnology Chemical Substance) ..... 31
Exhibit 3-21 Bona Fide Navigation Tree (Polymer) .................................................................... 32
Exhibit 3-22 Alternative Control Measures (ACM) Navigation Tree ........................................... 33
Exhibit 3-23 Action Bar - Validate .............................................................................................. 33
Exhibit 3-24 Action Bar - Save .................................................................................................. 34
Exhibit 3-25 Action Bar - Preview .............................................................................................. 34
Exhibit 3-26 Action Bar - Submit ............................................................................................... 34
Exhibit 3-27 Action Bar - Help Links .......................................................................................... 35
Exhibit 3-28 Search Substance Registry Services Pop-Up Window .......................................... 36
Exhibit 3-29 Chemical Not Found In Substance Registry Services Pop-Up Window ................. 37
Exhibit 3-30 Add Facility Message Pop-Up Window .................................................................. 39
Exhibit 3-31 Add Facility Pop-Up Window ................................................................................. 40
Exhibit 4-1 General Form Information Screen (PMN) (Scroll 1) ................................................. 44
Exhibit 4-2 General Form Information Screen (PMN) (Scroll 2) ................................................. 45
Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Primary Authorized Official
Exhibit 4-3 User Fees Certification Screen (PMN or SNUN)...................................................... 47
Exhibit 4-4 PMN Fee Structure.................................................................................................. 47
Exhibit 4-5 Fees Certification Screen (PMN or SNUN, No Joint/LOS) ....................................... 48
Exhibit 4-6 Fees Certification Screen (PMN, SNUN, Pending Joint/LOS) .................................. 49
Exhibit 4-7 Fees Certification Screen (TMEA, Pending Joint/LOS) ............................................ 50
Exhibit 4-8 Small Business Concern Definition Window (Scroll 1) ............................................. 51
Exhibit 4-9 Small Business Concern Definition Window (Scroll 1) ............................................. 52
Exhibit 4-10 Small Business Concern Definition Window (Scroll 3) ........................................... 53
Exhibit 4-11 Agent Information Screen (PMN) ........................................................................... 55
Exhibit 4-12 Add Agent Pop-Up Window (PMN) ........................................................................ 57
Exhibit 4-13 Technical Contact Information Screen (PMN) ........................................................ 59
Exhibit 4-14 Add Technical Contact Pop-Up Window (PMN) ..................................................... 61
Exhibit 4-15 Additional Submission Information Screen (PMN) ................................................. 64
Exhibit 4-16 Chemical Identification Screen (PMN) ................................................................... 66
Exhibit 4-17 Class 1 or 2 Chemical Substances Screen (PMN) (Scroll 1).................................. 70
Exhibit 4-18 Class 1 or 2 Chemical Substances Screen (PMN) (Scroll 2).................................. 71
Exhibit 4-19 Class 2 Substances Screen (PMN) (Scroll 1) ........................................................ 73
Exhibit 4-20 Class 2 Substances Screen (PMN) (Scroll 2) ........................................................ 74
Exhibit 4-21 Additional Chemical Information Screen (PMN) (Scroll 1) ...................................... 78
Exhibit 4-22 Additional Chemical Information Screen (PMN) (Scroll 2) ...................................... 79
Exhibit 4-23 Polymer Identification Information Screen (PMN) (Scroll 1) ................................... 82
Exhibit 4-24 Polymer Identification Information Screen (PMN) (Scroll 2) ................................... 83
Exhibit 4-25 Monomers and Other Reactants Screen (PMN) (Scroll 1) ..................................... 87
Exhibit 4-26 Monomers and Other Reactants Screen (PMN) (Scroll 2) ..................................... 88
Exhibit 4-27 Production Volume and Hazard/Safety Information Screen (PMN) ........................ 91
Exhibit 4-28 Use Information Screen (PMN) (Scroll 1)............................................................... 95
Exhibit 4-29 Use Information Screen (PMN) (Scroll 2)............................................................... 96
Exhibit 4-30 Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet Screen (PMN) (Scroll 1) ............... 103
Exhibit 4-31 Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet Screen (PMN) (Scroll 2) ............... 104
Exhibit 4-32 Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet - Continued (Optional) Screen ..... 106
Exhibit 4-33 Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet - Continued (Optional) Attach
Documents Pop-Up Window (PMN) (Scroll 1) ................................................................ 108
Exhibit 4-34 Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet - Continued (Optional) Attach
Documents Pop-Up Window (PMN) (Scroll 2) ................................................................ 109
Exhibit 4-35 Site Information Screen (PMN) ............................................................................ 111
Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Primary Authorized Official
Exhibit 4-36 Sites Controlled By Others Screen (PMN) ........................................................... 113
Exhibit 4-37 Submitter Operation Information Screen (PMN) (Scroll 1) ................................... 117
Exhibit 4-38 Submitter Operation Information Screen (PMN) (Scroll 2) ................................... 118
Exhibit 4-39 Occupational Exposures Screen (PMN) (Scroll 1) ............................................... 121
Exhibit 4-40 Occupational Exposures Screen (PMN) (Scroll 2) ............................................... 122
Exhibit 4-41 Environmental Releases Screen (PMN) (Scroll 1) ............................................... 126
Exhibit 4-42 Environmental Releases Screen (PMN) (Scroll 2) ............................................... 127
Exhibit 4-43 Industrial Sites Controlled By Others Screen (PMN) (Scroll 1) ............................. 130
Exhibit 4-44 Industrial Sites Controlled By Others Screen (PMN) (Scroll 2) ............................. 131
Exhibit 4-45 Exposures/Releases Screen (PMN) (Scroll 1) ..................................................... 134
Exhibit 4-46 Exposures/Releases Screen (PMN) (Scroll 2) ..................................................... 136
Exhibit 4-47 Byproduct Information Screen (PMN) .................................................................. 137
Exhibit 4-48 Optional Pollution Prevention Screen (PMN) ....................................................... 140
Exhibit 4-49 Additional Attachments Screen (PMN) ................................................................ 141
Exhibit 4-50 Attachment Summary Screen (PMN) ................................................................... 143
Exhibit 4-51 Optional Cover Letter Screen (PMN) ................................................................... 144
Exhibit 4-52 Joint Submitter Information Screen (PMN) .......................................................... 146
Exhibit 4-53 Joint Submission Information Screen (PMN) ....................................................... 148
Exhibit 4-54 Joint Submission Unique Identifier Notification Pop-Up Window (PMN) .............. 150
Exhibit 4-55 Letter of Support Submitter Information Screen (PMN) ........................................ 152
Exhibit 4-56 Letter of Support Unique Identifier Notification Pop-Up Window (PMN) ............... 154
Exhibit 4-57 Submitting Official Information Screen (PMN)...................................................... 155
Exhibit 4-58 Upload XML Screen (PMN) ................................................................................. 157
Exhibit 5-1 General Form Information Screen (Biotech) .......................................................... 160
Exhibit 5-2 Biotechnology Fee Structure ................................................................................. 161
Exhibit 5-3 Fees Certification Screen (MCAN, Pending Joint/LOS) ......................................... 163
Exhibit 5-4 Fees Certification Screen (TME, Pending Joint/LOS) ............................................ 164
Exhibit 5-5 Small Business Concern Definition Window (Scroll 1) ........................................... 166
Exhibit 5-6 Small Business Concern Definition Window (Scroll 1) ........................................... 167
Exhibit 5-7 Small Business Concern Definition Window (Scroll 3) ........................................... 168
Exhibit 5-8 Joint Submitter Information Screen (Biotech) ........................................................ 170
Exhibit 5-9 Joint Submission Information Screen (Biotech) ..................................................... 172
Exhibit 5-10 Unique Identifier Notification Pop-Up Window (Biotech) ...................................... 174
Exhibit 5-11 Letter of Support Submitter Information Screen (Biotech) .................................... 176
Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Primary Authorized Official
Exhibit 5-12 Letter of Support Submission Information Screen (Biotech) ................................ 178
Exhibit 5-13 Unique Identifier Notification Pop-Up Window (Biotech) ...................................... 180
Exhibit 5-14 Technical Contact Information Screen (Biotech) .................................................. 182
Exhibit 5-15 Add Technical Contact Pop-Up Window (Biotech) ............................................... 184
Exhibit 5-16 Optional Cover Letter Screen (Biotech) ............................................................... 185
Exhibit 5-17 Submitting Official Information Screen (Biotech).................................................. 186
Exhibit 6-1 General Form Information Screen (NOC) .............................................................. 188
Exhibit 6-2 Technical Contact Information Screen (NOC) ........................................................ 189
Exhibit 6-3 Add Technical Contact Pop-Up Window (NOC) ..................................................... 191
Exhibit 6-4 Chemical Information Screen (NOC) ..................................................................... 194
Exhibit 6-5 Site Information Screen (NOC) .............................................................................. 195
Exhibit 6-6 CBI Substantiation Part 1 Screen (NOC) (Scroll 1) ................................................ 197
Exhibit 6-7 CBI Substantiation Part 1 Screen (NOC) (Scroll 2) ................................................ 198
Exhibit 6-8 CBI Substantiation Part 2 Screen (NOC) (Scroll 1) ................................................ 199
Exhibit 6-9 CBI Substantiation Part 2 Screen (NOC) (Scroll 2) ................................................ 200
Exhibit 6-10 CBI Substantiation Part 3 Screen (NOC) (Scroll 1) .............................................. 202
Exhibit 6-11 CBI Substantiation Part 3 Screen (NOC) (Scroll 2) .............................................. 203
Exhibit 6-12 Optional Cover Letter Screen (NOC) ................................................................... 204
Exhibit 6-13 Submitting Official Information Screen (NOC)...................................................... 205
Exhibit 7-1 General Form Information Screen (Support).......................................................... 208
Exhibit 7-2 Original Submitter Information Screen (Support) ................................................... 210
Exhibit 7-3 Submitting Official Information Screen (Support) ................................................... 211
Exhibit 8-1 General Document Information Screen (Bona Fide) (Scroll 1) ............................... 213
Exhibit 8-2 General Document Information Screen (Bona Fide) (Scroll 2) ............................... 214
Exhibit 8-3 Primary Contact Information Screen (Bona Fide) .................................................. 216
Exhibit 8-4 Technical Contact Information Screen (Bona Fide) (Scroll 1) ................................ 218
Exhibit 8-5 Technical Contact Information Screen (Bona Fide) (Scroll 2) ................................ 219
Exhibit 8-6 Statement of Intent Screen (Bona Fide) ................................................................ 221
Exhibit 8-7 Letter of Support Submitter Information Screen (Bona Fide) ................................. 223
Exhibit 8-8 Letter of Support Submission Information Screen (Bona Fide) .............................. 225
Exhibit 8-9 Notify Letter of Support Submitter Pop-Up Window (Bona Fide) ............................ 227
Exhibit 8-10 Chemical Identification Information Screen (Bona Fide) ...................................... 229
Exhibit 8-11 Class 1 or 2/Biotechnology Chemical Substances Screen (Bona Fide) ............... 232
Exhibit 8-12 Class 2/Biotechnology Substances Screen (Bona Fide) (Scroll 1) ....................... 234
Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Primary Authorized Official
Exhibit 8-13 Class 2/Biotechnology Substances Screen (Bona Fide) (Scroll 2) ....................... 235
Exhibit 8-14 Polymer Identification Information Screen (Bona Fide) ........................................ 238
Exhibit 8-15 Monomers and Other Reactants Screen (Bona Fide) .......................................... 241
Exhibit 8-16 Use Information Screen (Bona Fide) ................................................................... 242
Exhibit 8-17 Submitter Site Identification Screen (Bona Fide) ................................................. 243
Exhibit 8-18 Document Management Screen (Bona Fide) ....................................................... 245
Exhibit 8-19 Optional Cover Letter Screen (Bona Fide) ........................................................... 246
Exhibit 8-20 Submitting Official Information Screen (Bona Fide) ............................................. 247
Exhibit 9-1 Contact Information Screen (ACM) ........................................................................ 249
Exhibit 9-2 Add Contact Pop-Up Window (ACM) ..................................................................... 251
Exhibit 9-3 Attachments Screen (ACM) ................................................................................... 253
Exhibit 9-4 Submitting Official Information Screen (ACM) ....................................................... 254
Exhibit 10-1 Preview EPMN Form Screen (ACM) .................................................................... 255
Exhibit 10-2 Preview Biotechnology Form PDF ....................................................................... 256
Exhibit 10-3 Preview NOC Form PDF ..................................................................................... 257
Exhibit 10-4 Preview Support Form PDF ................................................................................. 258
Exhibit 11-1 Section 5 Notices and Supports Validation Pop-Up Window (Scroll 1) ................ 260
Exhibit 11-2 Section 5 Notices and Supports Validation Pop-Up Window (Scroll 2) ................ 261
Exhibit 12-1 Submitting Official Information Screen (PMN)...................................................... 263
Exhibit 13-1 Instructions for Substantiating Confidential Business Information (CBI) Claims
Screen (PMN) (Scroll 1) ................................................................................................. 266
Exhibit 13-2 Instructions for Substantiating Confidential Business Information (CBI) Claims
Screen (PMN) (Scroll 2) (Substantiation Upload Example) ............................................. 267
Exhibit 13-3 Instructions for Substantiating Confidential Business Information (CBI) Claims
Screen (PMN) (Scroll 3) (Sanitized Substantiation Upload Example) ............................. 268
Exhibit 13-4 Instructions for Substantiating Confidential Business Information (CBI) Claims
Screen (PMN) (Scroll 4) (Substantiation Opt-Out Example) ........................................... 269
Exhibit 14-1 LVE Certification Screen ..................................................................................... 270
Exhibit 14-2 LOREX Certification Screen ................................................................................ 271
Exhibit 14-3 Biotech Certification Screen ................................................................................ 272
Exhibit 14-4 Submission Process: Validation Screen .............................................................. 273
Exhibit 14-5 Make a Payment Screen ..................................................................................... 274
Exhibit 14-6 CSPP Payment Processor (Credit/Debit Card) .................................................... 276
Exhibit 14-7 CSPP Payment Processor (ACH Payment) ......................................................... 277
Exhibit 14-8 Successful Payment ............................................................................................ 278
Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Primary Authorized Official
Exhibit 14-9 Payment Receipt Email ....................................................................................... 279
Exhibit 14-10 Joint Fee Notification Email ............................................................................... 280
Exhibit 14-11 Make a Payment Screen (Original after Paying) ................................................ 280
Exhibit 14-12 Make a Payment Screen (Amendment) ............................................................. 281
Exhibit 14-13 Submission Process: PDF Generation Screen .................................................. 282
Exhibit 14-14 Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Certification
Screen............................................................................................................................ 283
Exhibit 14-15 Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Login Screen ........ 284
Exhibit 14-16 Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Security Question
Screen............................................................................................................................ 285
Exhibit 14-17 Submit to CDX Screen ...................................................................................... 286
Exhibit 14-18 Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Submission
Screen............................................................................................................................ 287
Exhibit 15-1 Download Copy of Record Screen....................................................................... 289
Exhibit 15-2 Invoice Communication Email ............................................................................. 291
Exhibit 15-3 Fee Invoice PDF.................................................................................................. 292
Exhibit 15-4 CSPP Payment Processor (Credit/Debit Card) .................................................... 293
Exhibit 15-5 CSPP Payment Processor (ACH Payment) ......................................................... 294
Exhibit 15-6 Download Prompt Window .................................................................................. 295
Exhibit 16-1 New EPA Communication Email Notification ....................................................... 296
Exhibit 16-2 New EPA Communication CDX Inbox Notification ............................................... 297
Exhibit 16-3 Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms Screen ................................................... 298
Exhibit 16-4 Enter Passphrase Screen .................................................................................... 299
Exhibit 16-5 Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Login Screen .......... 300
Exhibit 16-6 Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Security Question
Screen............................................................................................................................ 301
Exhibit 16-7 Download Copy of Record Screen....................................................................... 302
Exhibit 16-8 Invoice Communication Email ............................................................................. 303
Exhibit 16-9 CDX Inbox Invoice Communication ..................................................................... 304
Exhibit 17-1 Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms Screen - Amendment ............................. 306
Exhibit 17-2 Unlock Prompt Message ..................................................................................... 307
Exhibit 18-1 Resources Screen (Scroll 1) ................................................................................ 309
Exhibit 18-2 Resources Screen (Scroll 2) ................................................................................ 310
Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Primary Authorized Official
This document presents the user guide for the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT)
Section 5 Notices and Supports application submission process. This document is the user guide
for the Primary Authorized Official (AO) user of the Section 5 Notices and Supports application.
The Section 5 Notices and Supports application is the electronic, web-based tool provided by
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the submission of Section 5 Notices and Supports
data. As a Primary AO, you can create, modify, and/or submit a Section 5 Notices and Supports
form. You can also delete Section 5 Notices and Supports forms, create amendments, and
download the Copy of Record (CoR).
This collection of information is approved by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq. (OMB Control No. 2070-0038). Responses to this collection of information
are mandatory for certain persons, as specified at 40 CFR 713.7. An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays
a currently valid OMB control number. The public reporting and recordkeeping burden for this
collection of information is estimated to be 30 hours per response. Send comments on the
Agency’s need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates and any
suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden to the Regulatory Support Division
Director, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2821T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW,
Washington, D.C. 20460. Include the OMB control number in any correspondence. Do not send
the completed form to this address.
For questions concerning the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Section 5 Notices and
Supports software requirements, please contact the Central Data Exchange (CDX) Help Desk at
[email protected] or call 1-888-890-1995 between the hours of 8 am – 6 pm Eastern
Standard Time (EST). For questions concerning the TSCA Section 5 Notices and Supports
reporting requirements, please contact the TSCA Hotline at [email protected] or
call 202-554-1404 between the hours of 8:30 am – 5 pm EST.
The contents of this document do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind
the public in any way. This document is intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding
existing requirements under the law or agency policies. The statements in this document are
intended solely as guidance to aid in complying with EPA regulation.
Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Primary Authorized Official
System Requirements
To use the Section 5 Notices and Supports application to submit a Section 5 Notices and
Supports form, the following are required:
An e-mail account
JavaScript enabled web browser
Internet access
Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher
CDX username and password
Supported Browsers
Vendor supported versions of Internet Explorer (IE) or Edge
Go to the following link to download:
Vendor supported versions of Mozilla Firefox
Go to the following link to download:
Vendor supported versions of Safari
Go to the following link to download:
Vendor supported versions of Google Chrome
Go to the following link to download:
Screen Resolution
Screen resolution should be set to 1024 x 768 or greater.
Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Primary Authorized Official
Primary Authorized Official (AO) Functions
This section describes how to:
Access the application
Navigate the Section 5 Notices and Supports ‘Home’ screen
Assign Supports to complete a form
Start and complete the Section 5 Notices and Supports forms – Premanufacture Notice
(PMN), Biotechnology, Notice of Commencement (NOC), Support, Bona Fide Notices,
Alternative Control Measures (ACM) 721.30, and Pre-Notice Communication
Upload an extensible markup language (XML) file
Download a Copy of Record
Create an amendment
The Primary AO is responsible for the submission of original main forms, including PMN,
Biotechnology, NOC, Support, Bona Fide, ACM, or Pre-Notice Communication forms. As a
Primary AO, you can create a new form. You are also responsible for submitting amendments,
unlocking submissions, and deleting forms. You can assign Supports (or other authorized
individuals) to edit and complete a form on your behalf. The Primary AO can be thought of as a
primary company authorized official, specifically in regards to any sponsored individuals.
You can save the form at any point during the data entry process. The save functionality allows
you to return to that same form at any point in the future. You can print the form at any point;
however, the ‘Not for Submission’ watermark will be placed on the form anytime the form is
printed prior to actual submission.
Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Primary Authorized Official
Exhibit 3-1 displays a table of the capabilities of user roles within the Section 5 Notices and
Supports application:
Exhibit 3-1 Section 5 Notices and Supports User Roles Matrix
Log into Section 5 Notices and Supports Application
After you create an account in CDX, click the ‘Primary Authorized Official’ link for the
Chemical Safety and Pesticide Programs (CSPP) data flow to navigate to the ‘Chemical
Information Submission System’ screen.
Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Primary Authorized Official
Exhibit 3-2 shows a screen capture of the ‘Chemical Information Submission System’ screen
(Scroll 1):
Exhibit 3-2 Chemical Information Submission System Screen (Scroll 1)
Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Primary Authorized Official
Exhibit 3-3 shows a screen capture of the ‘Chemical Information Submission System’ screen
(Scroll 2):
Exhibit 3-3 Chemical Information Submission System Screen (Scroll 2)
Navigation: To access the Section 5 Notices and Supports ‘Home’ screen, select ‘TSCA Section
5 Notices and Supports – ePMN’ from the submission type drop-down menu and click the ‘OK’
Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Primary Authorized Official
Home Screen Navigation
You can access the Section 5 Notices and Supports ‘Home’ screen by selecting ‘TSCA Section 5
Notices and Supports – ePMN’ from the submission type drop-down menu on the ‘Chemical
Information Submission System’ screen and clicking the ‘OK’ button.
The Section 5 Notices and Supports ‘Home’ screen is the first screen within the Section 5
Notices and Supports application. It provides you with links and tabs to access the ‘Section 5
Notices and Supports Forms,’ ‘User Management,’ and ‘Resources’ screens. To navigate to any
of these screens, click the corresponding screen link (highlighted in blue text), or click the screen
tab (located within the application header). The links and tabs provide the same functionality.
There is a ten (10) minute logout timer for this application; the application will automatically log
you out after ten minutes of inactivity and navigate you back to the CDX login screen.
Forms: Click the ‘Forms’ tab or link to navigate to the ‘Section 5 Notices and Supports
Forms’ screen. You can create, modify, or delete a Section 5 Notices and Supports form
using the ‘Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms’ screen. For additional details about the
‘Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms’ screen, please refer to Section 3.4.
User Management: Click the ‘User Management’ link or tab to navigate to the ‘User
Management’ screen. You can manage the access rights of Supports per form alias using the
‘User Management’ screen. For additional details about the ‘User Management’ screen,
please refer to Section 3.3.
Resources: Click the ‘Resources’ link or tab to navigate to the ‘Resources’ screen. You can
find the Section 5 Notices and Supports user guide, as well as useful links for guidance
documents on the ‘Resources’ screen. For additional details about the ‘Resources’ screen,
please refer to Section 18.
Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Primary Authorized Official
Exhibit 3-4 shows a screen capture of the Section 5 Notices and Supports ‘Home’ screen:
Exhibit 3-4 Section 5 Notices and Supports Home Screen
Navigation: Click the ‘User Management’ link or tab to access the ‘User Management’ screen to
assign Supports or Primary Agents/Consultants (if applicable).
User Management
You can access the ‘User Management’ screen by clicking the ‘User Management’ link on the
Section 5 Notices and Supports ‘Home’ screen or by clicking the ‘User Management’ tab from
the application header.
Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Primary Authorized Official
On the ‘User Management’ screen, you have the ability to assign one or more Supports or
Primary Agents/Consultants to have access to modify any of the Section 5 Notices and Support
forms you have created.
Form Alias: A form alias will not be available in this drop-down menu until one has been
created. Select a form alias from the drop-down menu to begin assigning Supports or Primary
Agents/Consultants. Once a form alias has been selected, the ‘Assign Users’ group box will
update to display only the Supports or Primary Agents/Consultants who have identified you as
their AO during CDX registration, or a user you have specified that is able to submit on your
Form Information: This field set displays information pertaining to the form you selected from
the ‘Form Alias’ drop-down menu.
Form Alias: Displays the form alias that a form is given.
TS Number: Displays the toxic substances (TS) number that is entered for that specific form
(if applicable).
Form Type/SubType: Displays the type of form, which may include ‘Primary PMN,’
‘Biotechnology,’ ‘NOC,’ ‘Support,’ ‘Bona Fide,’ ‘ACM,’ or ‘Pre Communication.’ This
field also displays the subtype of the form, if applicable. NOC, Bona Fide, ACM, and PreNotice Communication forms do not have subtype values.
Last Modified: Displays the date and time the form was last modified.
Assign Users: This box shows all the Supports or Primary Agents/Consultants you can assign to
complete a Section 5 Notices and Supports form for the form alias selected. To move support
persons from the ‘Unassigned’ group box to the ‘Assigned’ group box, highlight an individual or
multiple Support(s) or Primary Agent(s)/Consultant(s) and click the ‘add >>’ button.
Unassigned: This box/field contains the registered Support(s) and/or Primary
Agent(s)/Consultant(s) associated with the AO who can potentially be assigned to access and
edit the selected form. To move support persons from the ‘Unassigned’ group box to the
‘Assigned’ group box, highlight an individual or multiple support persons and click the ‘add
>>’ button. To highlight multiple support persons hold down the key on your
keyboard while clicking each Support and/or Primary Agent/Consultant. To highlight
multiple consecutive support persons, hold down the key on your keyboard while
clicking the first and last Support and/or Primary Agent/Consultant in the list.
Assigned: This box/field contains the registered Support(s) and/or Primary
Agent(s)/Consultant(s) given permission, by the AO, to access and edit the selected form.
This group box shows all support persons assigned to complete the Section 5 Notices and
Supports form for a single form alias. To move Supports and/or Primary Agents/Consultants
from the ‘Assigned’ group box to the ‘Unassigned’ group box highlight individual or
multiple support persons and click the ‘<< remove’ button. To highlight multiple support
persons hold down the key on your keyboard while clicking each Support and/or
Primary Agent/Consultant. To highlight multiple consecutive support persons, hold down the
key on your keyboard while clicking the first and last Support and/or Primary
Agent/Consultant in the list.
Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Primary Authorized Official
Add >>: Click the button to move Supports and/or Primary Agents/Consultants from the
‘Unassigned’ box to the ‘Assigned’ box.
<< Remove: Click the button to move Supports and/or Primary Agents/Consultants from the
‘Assigned’ box to the ‘Unassigned’ box.
When you have finished assigning the Supports and/or Primary Agents/Consultants, click the
‘Save’ button that displays after selecting a form to save the selection.
Exhibit 3-5 shows a screen capture of the ‘User Management’ screen:
Exhibit 3-5 User Management Screen
Navigation: Click the ‘Forms’ tab located within the application header to navigate to the
‘Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms’ screen.
Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms
You can access the ‘Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms’ screen by clicking the ‘Forms’ link
from the Section 5 Notices and Supports ‘Home’ screen, or by clicking the ‘Forms’ tab located
within the application header.
Only one Section 5 Notices and Supports form is created per form alias, which helps differentiate
between forms. Each column within the table of the ‘Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms’
screen can be sorted by clicking the individual column headers.
Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Primary Authorized Official
Start New Form: To create a new Section 5 Notices and Supports form, select one of the
following options from the ‘Form Type’ drop-down menu and click the ‘Start New Form’
button: ‘Premanufacture Notice (PMN),’ ‘Support,’ ‘Notice of Commencement (NOC),’
‘Biotechnology,’ ‘Bona Fide,’ ‘Alternative Control Measures (ACM),’ or ‘Pre-Notice
Communication.’ You are required to create a passphrase that will be associated with that
particular form. Make sure to create a passphrase that you will remember, as it cannot be
retrieved or reset. Refer to Section 3.5 for further instructions on creating a passphrase.
Edit an ‘In Progress’ Form: To modify an existing Section 5 Notices and Supports form, click
the ‘Alias’ link for a form with a status of ‘In Progress.’ You are required to enter the passphrase
associated with that particular form to access and edit the form. It is possible for more than one
user to modify a form simultaneously; the user that clicks the ‘Save’ button first will have his/her
changes saved. Refer to Section 16 for further instructions on viewing and modifying a form that
is ‘In Progress.’
Amend a submitted form: To edit an already submitted Section 5 Notices and Supports form
(i.e., to create an amendment), you must first unlock the particular submission by clicking the
‘Lock’ icon ( ) under the ‘Action’ column. You will be required to enter the passphrase
associated with that particular submission to gain access and continue amending the submission.
All further changes that are made will be submitted as an amendment. Refer to Section 16 for
further instructions on creating an amendment.
The ‘Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms’ screen displays the following columns of
Alias: Displays the form alias you provided on the ‘General Form Information’ screen within
a PMN, Biotechnology, NOC, or Support form; the ‘General Document Information’ screen
within a Bona Fide Notice; or the ‘Contact Information’ screen within an ACM form. The
‘Alias’ column will display a default alias comprised of a form type, date stamp, and time
stamp in the following format:
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2021-07-27 |
File Created | 2018-11-21 |