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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 221 / Friday, November 15, 2024 / Notices
Federal Aviation Administration
[Docket No. FAA–2024–0366]
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Requests for Comments;
Clearance of a Renewed Approval of
Information Collection: Pilot
Professional Development
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), Department of
ACTION: Notice and request for
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA
invites public comments about our
intention to request the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
approval to renew an information
collection. The Federal Register Notice
with a 60-day comment period soliciting
comments on the following collection of
information was published on February
12, 2024. The collection involves
requirements primarily applicable to air
carriers conducting domestic, flag, and
supplemental operations to enhance the
professional development of pilots in
those operations. The action requires air
carriers conducting domestic, flag, and
supplemental operations to provide
new-hire pilots with an opportunity to
observe flight operations and become
familiar with procedures before serving
as a flightcrew member in operations.
Additionally, it requires air carriers who
have not previously revised the upgrade
training to include professional
development and to provide leadership
and command and mentoring training
for all pilots in command. The
information to be collected is necessary
to mitigate incidents of unprofessional
pilot behavior and reduce pilot errors
that can lead to a catastrophic event.
DATES: Written comments should be
submitted by December 16, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to
PRAMain. Find this particular
information collection by selecting
‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open
for Public Comments’’ or by using the
search function.
Sandra Ray by email at: Sandra.ray@; phone: 412–546–7344.
Public Comments Invited: You are
asked to comment on any aspect of this
information collection, including (a)
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Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for FAA’s
performance; (b) the accuracy of the
estimated burden; (c) ways for FAA to
enhance the quality, utility and clarity
of the information collection; and (d)
ways that the burden could be
minimized without reducing the quality
of the collected information.
OMB Control Number: 2120–0802.
Title: Pilot Professional Development.
Form Numbers: None.
Type of Review: Renewal of an
information collection.
Background: The Federal Register
Notice with a 60-day comment period
soliciting comments on the following
collection of information was published
on February 12, 2024 (89 FR 9902). The
collection involves requirements
primarily applicable to air carriers
conducting domestic, flag, and
supplemental operations to enhance the
professional development of pilots in
those operations. These amendments to
part 121 set out prerequisites and levy
requirements that must be met by
certificate holders using part 121 pilot
training and qualification programs and
by those individuals who serve in given
capacities for those certificate holders.
The FAA anticipates that certificate
holders will incur costs for the
following groups of provisions:
• Operations familiarization for newhire pilots (§ 121.435);
• Leadership and command and
mentoring ground training for pilots
currently serving as pilot in command
(PIC) (§ 121.429) and recurrent PIC
leadership and command and mentoring
ground training (§§ 121.409(b) and
• Leadership and command training
and recurrent leadership and command
training for pilots serving as second in
command (SIC) in operations that
require three or more pilots
(§ 121.432(a))
• Upgrade training curriculum
requirements (§§ 121.420 and 121.426);
• Part 121, appendix H requirements;
• Approval of Qualification
Standards Document for certificate
holders using an Advanced
Qualification Program (AQP)
(§ 121.909).
The development and approval of
new and revised curriculums will be a
one-time occurrence for each certificate
holder. The documentation regarding
training in leadership and command
and mentoring for current PICs will be
a one-time occurrence. Similarly, the
documentation regarding training in
leadership and command for current
SICs serving in operations that require
three or more pilots will be a one-time
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occurrence. The documentation of
operations familiarization for new-hire
pilots will occur once for each new-hire
pilot. The documentation of recurrent
PIC leadership and command and
mentoring training will occur every
three years for each PIC. The
documentation of recurrent leadership
and command training for SICs serving
in operations that require three or more
pilots will occur every three years for
each such SIC.
Respondents: Part 121 Air Carriers.
Frequency: Varies per Requirement.
Estimated Average Burden per
Response: Varies per Requirement.
Estimated Total Annual Burden: 341
Issued in Washington, DC, on November
12, 2024.
Sandra L. Ray,
Aviation Safety Inspector, AFS–260.
[FR Doc. 2024–26694 Filed 11–14–24; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
[Docket No. FAA–2024–1902]
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Requests for Comments;
Clearance of a Renewed Approval of
Information Collection: Rotorcraft
External Load Operator Certificate
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), Department of
ACTION: Notice and request for
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA
invites public comments about our
intention to request the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
approval to renew an information
collection. The Federal Register Notice
with a 60-day comment period soliciting
comments on the following collection of
information was published on June 26,
2024. The collection involves the
submission of FAA Form 8710–4 for the
certification process of rotorcraft
external-load operators. The information
to be collected is necessary to evaluate
the applicants’ qualifications for
Written comments should be
submitted by December 16, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
invited to submit written comments on
the proposed information collection to
the Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management and
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2024-11-15 |
File Created | 2024-11-15 |