OMB Control Number: (OMB# 2528-NEW)
Appendix G – Renter Survey
Start of Block: Introduction
Q51 You are being asked to participate in this survey if you were a
renter at the time of a hurricane while residing in the State of
The purpose of this survey is to understand
renter needs after disasters.
Please keep in mind the
following: The survey will take between 10 and 15 minutes to
complete. We have taken steps to make sure your private information
is protected. Your information will be combined with information from
other participants in the study. Your name will not be attached to
the answers you give. No one outside the study team will see the
answers. Being a part of the study is voluntary. You can stop at any
time for any reason without penalty.
For more
information please review the information sheet attached here.
I consent, begin the study (1)
I do not consent, I do not wish to participate (2)
End of Block: Introduction
Start of Block: Impacts of Recent Hurricanes
Q1 Impacts of Recent Hurricanes
Have you been
affected by any or all of the following hurricanes? This could
include physical damage to your home or contents, forced or voluntary
relocation, job loss, or other indirect impacts.
Hurricane Ian (2022) (1)
Hurricane Idalia (2023) (2)
Michael (2018) (3)
Irma (2017) (4)
Hurricane Maria (2017) (5)
Hermine (2016) (6)
Matthew (2016) (7)
Other (8) __________________________________________________
Q2 For the next series of questions, please consider the hurricane
that had the most severe impact to you.
hurricane had the most severe impact on you?
Hurricane Ian (2022) (1)
Hurricane Idalia (2023) (2)
Michael (2018) (3)
Irma (2017) (4)
Hurricane Maria (2017) (5)
Hermine (2016) (6)
Matthew (2016) (7)
Other (8) __________________________________________________
Q3 In what zip code were you living at the time of the hurricane?
Q4 What type of housing were you living in at the time of the hurricane?
Mobile home, RV, or trailer (1)
Single-family home (2)
Duplex or quadriplex (3)
Apartment in an apartment building (4)
Other (please specify): (5) __________________________________________________
Q5 Does your household pay reduced rent because of rental assistance
vouchers (not including temporary COVID aid)?
Yes, rental assistance covers less than half of my household’s rent (1)
Yes, rental assistance covers about half of my household’s rent (2)
Yes, rental assistance covers all or most of my household’s rent (3)
No, my household does not receive rental assistance (4)
Q6 Is the housing authority your landlord?
No (1)
Yes (2)
Q7 Does the Federal, State, or local government pay some of the cost of your housing unit?
No (1)
Yes (2)
Q8 Was there physical damage to your home or contents as a result of a hurricane?
No (1)
Yes (2)
Q9 How severe was the damage on a scale from 0 (no damage) to 100 (total loss)?
On a scale from 0 to 100 |
0 |
10 |
20 |
30 |
40 |
50 |
60 |
70 |
80 |
90 |
100 |
Home damage () |
Contents damage () |
Q10 Did you have to leave your home for a period of time after the hurricane?
No (1)
Yes (2)
Q11 How long were you out of your home?
Q12 Did you face any barriers when it came to returning to your home? Please select all that apply.
Damage to home (1)
Damage to neighborhood (2)
Utilities out (e.g. Water, Power, Gas) (3)
Neighborhood unsafe (4)
Evicted by owners (5)
Evicted by county (6)
Job moved (7)
Schools or day care not open (8)
Insurance assessment/claims process (9)
Money/overall costs (10)
Mold or other health concern (11)
Other: (12) __________________________________________________
Other: (13) __________________________________________________
Q13 In the first year, how many times did you relocate?
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
() |
Q14 Were you ever unhoused or experienced homelessness/houselessness after the hurricane?
No (1)
Yes (2)
Q15 Are you currently living in the same home you were living in prior to the hurricane?
No (1)
Yes (2)
Q16 How many days did it take to find temporary housing (e.g. hotel, shelter, apartment) after the hurricane?
Days |
Not Applicable |
0 |
10 |
20 |
30 |
40 |
50 |
60 |
70 |
80 |
90 |
100 |
Temporary housing () |
Q17 How many weeks did it take to find permanent or stable housing after the hurricane?
Weeks |
Not Applicable |
0 |
10 |
20 |
30 |
40 |
50 |
60 |
70 |
80 |
90 |
100 |
Permanent/stable housing () |
Q18 What type of housing are you living in currently?
Mobile home, RV, or trailer (1)
Single-family home (2)
Duplex or quadriplex (3)
Apartment in an apartment building (4)
Other (please specify): (5) __________________________________________________
Q19 What zip code are you living in currently?
Q20 Currently, do you own or rent your home?
Own (1)
Rent (2)
Other: (3) __________________________________________________
Q21 Compared to the home you were living in before the hurricane, how
would you compare your current home?
Better (1) |
The same (2) |
Worse (3) |
Cost (1) |
Unit size/layout (2) |
Property appearance (fresh paint, clean halls, etc.) (3) |
Access to public transit (4) |
Proximity to work (5) |
Sense of community (6) |
End of Block: Impacts of Recent Hurricanes
Start of Block: Assistance
Q22 During the preparedness and recovery efforts of the disaster, where did you receive your information from?
Word of mouth (1)
Social Media (2)
Local News (3)
Nonprofit organizations (4)
Religious organizations (5)
Other (please specify) (6) __________________________________________________
Landlord (7)
Q23 Since the impacts related to the disaster, which of the following people or organizations did you receive from any emotional help, economic help, or assistance in helping you know or do things?
Family (1)
Politicians (2)
Neighbors (3)
Government officials/civil service (4)
Friends (5)
Charitable organizations/NGO (6)
Friends who are not neighbors (7)
Religious leaders (8)
Community leaders (9)
Other (please specify) (10) __________________________________________________
What government or private financial support
did you apply for after the hurricane?
Applied? |
Yes (1) |
No (2) |
Wasn't aware of this program (3) |
a. FEMA assistance (1) |
b. SBA (Small business Administration) loan (2) |
c. Private/bank loans (3) |
d. Other recovery program (please specify): (4) |
e. Other recovery program (please specify): (5) |
What financial support did you receive?
Received? |
Yes (1) |
No (2) |
a. FEMA assistance (1) |
b. SBA (Small business Administration) loan (2) |
c. Private/bank loans (3) |
d. Other recovery program (as previously specified) (4) |
e. Other recovery program (as previously specified) (5) |
Did you receive financial support from friends, family
or non-governmental organizations?
Received? |
Yes (1) |
No (2) |
a. Financial support from friends and family (1) |
b. Financial support from your employer (2) |
c. Financial support from your neighbors (3) |
d. Financial support from a religious organization or church (4) |
e. Financial support from a nonprofit or other non-governmental organizations (please specify): (5) |
Q27 Did you have any of the following insurance at the time of the hurricane? Please select all that apply.
Renter's insurance (1)
Flood insurance (NFIP) for contents (2)
Q28 Did you receive a payout from your insurance for damages?
No (1)
Yes (2)
Q29 Approximately what percent of your recovery costs were covered by insurance and/or recovery programs?
0 |
10 |
20 |
30 |
40 |
50 |
60 |
70 |
80 |
90 |
100 |
% () |
Q30 Did you face any barriers to receiving financial support from these programs? Please select all that apply.
a. FEMA assistance (1) |
b. SBA (Small business Administration) loan (2) |
c. Private/bank loans (3) |
d. Financial assistance from a nonprofit or other non-governmental organizations (as previously specified) (4) |
e. Other recovery program (as previously specified) (5) |
f. Other recovery program (as previously specified) (6) |
Eligibility requirements (1) |
Paperwork challenges (e.g. language barrier or amount) (2) |
Income requirements (3) |
Timing of assistance (4) |
Awareness or information (5) |
Other (please specify): (6) |
Q31 Did you receive any other (non-financial) assistance related to the hurricane?
Legal counseling (1)
Clean-up or repair assistance from friends and family (2)
Clean-up or repair assistance from a church, nonprofit, or other non-governmental organization (3)
Training on recovery or preparedness (4)
Job training (5)
Supplies or donations (e.g. food, clothing, water) (6)
Mental health support
Other (please specify): (7) __________________________________________________
End of Block: Assistance
Start of Block: Recovery
Q32 What were your immediate needs/concerns in the first three months after the hurricane? Please provide the top 3.
Need #1 (1) __________________________________________________
Need #2 (2) __________________________________________________
Need #3 (3) __________________________________________________
Q33 What were your long-term needs in the first 1-2 years after the hurricane? Please provide the top 3.
Need #1 (1) __________________________________________________
Need #2 (2) __________________________________________________
Need #3 (3) __________________________________________________
Q34 Would you say your are fully recovered from the hurricane? Where are you in the process of recovery?
Still in survival/response mode (1)
Recovering (2)
Mostly recovered (3)
Fully recovered (4)
End of Block: Recovery
Start of Block: Employment
Q35 Which of the following categories best describes your employment status prior to the hurricane?
Employed, working full-time (1)
Employed, working part-time (2)
Not employed, looking for work (3)
Not employed, NOT looking for work (4)
Retired (5)
Disabled, not able to work (6)
Q36 Which of the following categories best describes your employment status after the hurricane?
Employed, working full-time (1)
Employed, working part-time (2)
Not employed, looking for work (3)
Not employed, NOT looking for work (4)
Retired (5)
Disabled, not able to work (6)
Q37 What was your annual household income prior to the hurricane?
Under $15,000 (1)
Between $15,000 and $29,999 (2)
Between $30,000 and $49,999 (3)
Between $50,000 and $74,999 (4)
Between $75,000 and $99,999 (5)
Between $100,000 and $150,000 (6)
Over $150,000 (7)
Q38 What was your annual household income after the hurricane?
Under $15,000 (1)
Between $15,000 and $29,999 (2)
Between $30,000 and $49,999 (3)
Between $50,000 and $74,999 (4)
Between $75,000 and $99,999 (5)
Between $100,000 and $150,000 (6)
Over $150,000 (7)
Q39 What industry did you work in prior to the hurricane?
Natural Resources and Mining (1)
Construction (2)
Manufacturing (3)
Retail/Wholesale Trade (4)
Transportation (5)
Utilities or waste services (6)
Information (e.g. software, publishing) (7)
Finance (8)
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing (9)
Professional and Business Services (e.g. accounting, tax preparation, advertising) (10)
Education (11)
Health Services (12)
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation (13)
Accommodation and Food Services (14)
Agriculture (15)
Other (16) __________________________________________________
Q40 What industry did you work in after the hurricane?
Natural Resources and Mining (1)
Construction (2)
Manufacturing (3)
Retail/Wholesale Trade (4)
Transportation (5)
Utilities or waste services (6)
Information (e.g. software, publishing) (7)
Finance (8)
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing (9)
Professional and Business Services (e.g. accounting, tax preparation, advertising) (10)
Education (11)
Health Services (12)
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation (13)
Accommodation and Food Services (14)
Agriculture (15)
Other (16) __________________________________________________
Q41 In the year after the hurricane, how confident did you feel that you were able to pay all your bills each month, including rent, utilities, food, childcare, transportation, etc.?
Completely confident (1)
Fairly confident (2)
Somewhat confident (3)
Slightly confident (4)
Not confident at all (5)
End of Block: Employment
Start of Block: Health
Q42 Were there any pre-existing health concerns for you or your family that impacted your recovery process?
Yes (1)
No (2)
Q43 Do you or does someone in your family have a disability?
No (1)
Yes (2)
Q44 After the hurricane, did you or any member of your household experience mental distress including post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, or other.
Yes, frequently (1)
Yes, sometimes (2)
No (3)
End of Block: Health
Start of Block: Demographics
Q45 How old are you?
Q46 What is your sexual orientation?
Gay (1)
Lesbian (2)
Bisexual (3)
Queer (4)
Questioning (5)
Straight (6)
Pansexual (7)
Prefer not to say (8)
Other (please specify) (9) __________________________________________________
Q47 What is your ethnicity?
Hispanic (1)
Non-Hispanic (2)
Q48 What is your race?
Asian (1)
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (2)
Black or African American (3)
White (4)
American Indian or Alaska Native (5)
More than one race (6)
Other (please specify) (7) __________________________________________________
Q49 What is your marital status?
Single (1)
Married or living together (2)
Widowed (3)
Divorced (4)
Separated (5)
Q50 Are you a veteran?
No (1)
Yes (2)
Q51 What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Some high school (1)
High school graduate (2)
GED (3)
Vocational/technical certification (4)
Associate degree (5)
Some college (6)
College degree (7)
Other (please specify) (8)
Q52 Were you born in the United States?
No (1)
Yes (2)
Prefer not to answer (3)
Display This Question:
If Were you born in the United States? = No
Q53 If no, how long have you been living in the United States?
Less than one year (1)
Between 1-3 years (2)
Between 3-5 years (3)
Between 5-10 years (4)
Over 10 years (5)
Display This Question:
If Were you born in the United States? = No
Q54 If no, how well do you speak English?
Very well, native or close to native speaker (1)
Somewhat well, I can speak and be understood (2)
Not very well, only a little bit when needed (3)
Not at all (4)
Q55 Do you have children?
No (1)
Yes (2)
Display This Question:
If Do you have children? = Yes
Q56 If yes, what are their ages? Please indicate the number of children that are in each category.
New born - 5 years old (1) __________________________________________________
5 - 10 years old (2) __________________________________________________
10 - 15 years old (3) __________________________________________________
15 - 17 years old (4) __________________________________________________
Adult children (18 and older) (5) __________________________________________________
End of Block: Demographics
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Guido, Anna P |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-07-22 |