

Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Disclosure Provisions Associated with the Guidance on Response Programs for Unauthorized Access to Customer Information and Customer Notice

OMB: 7100-0309

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Supporting Statement for the
Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Disclosure Provisions Associated with the
Guidance on Response Programs for Unauthorized Access to
Customer Information and Customer Notice
(FR 4100; OMB No. 7100-0309)
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board), under authority
delegated by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), has extended for three years,
without revision, the Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Disclosure Provisions Associated with the
Guidance on Response Programs for Unauthorized Access to Customer Information and
Customer Notice (FR 4100; OMB No. 7100-0309). The FR 4100 is the Board’s information
collection associated with the Interagency Guidance on Response Programs for Unauthorized
Access to Customer Information and Customer Notice (ID-Theft Guidance). The ID-Theft
Guidance was published in the Federal Register in March 2005.1 The ID-Theft Guidance, which
applies to financial institutions, was issued in response to developing trends in the theft and
accompanying misuse of customer information. The Guidance includes certain voluntary
reporting, recordkeeping, and disclosure provisions.
The estimated total annual burden for the FR 4100 is 12,120 hours. There is no formal
reporting form for this information collection.
Background and Justification
On February 1, 2001, the Board, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Office
of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS)2
(collectively, the agencies) published the Interagency Guidelines Establishing Standards for
Safeguarding Customer Information (Security Guidelines),3 which were published to fulfill a
requirement in section 501(b) of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) that requires the agencies
to establish appropriate standards for financial institutions to develop and implement an
information security program designed to protect their customers’ information. The Security
Guidelines state that an institution should consider implementing a response program that
specifies actions to be taken when an institution suspects or detects that unauthorized individuals
have gained access to customer information systems. To address the need for additional
interpretive guidance regarding section 501(b) of GLBA and the Security Guidelines, on March
29, 2005, the agencies adopted the ID-Theft Guidance. The ID-Theft Guidance sets forth
guidelines for how financial institutions should provide notice to customers affected by
unauthorized access to or use of customer information that could result in substantial harm or


See 70 FR 15736 (March 29, 2005), available at
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act transferred the powers and duties of the OTS to
the Board, FDIC, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and OCC, and the OTS was abolished.
See 66 FR 8615 (February 1, 2001). The agencies subsequently renamed the Interagency Guidelines Establishing
Standards for Safeguarding Customer Information as the Interagency Guidelines Establishing Information Security

inconvenience to those customers and describes the suggested components of a response
program for such incidents.
The ID-Theft Guidance states that an institution should notify affected customers as soon
as possible when it becomes aware of unauthorized access to “sensitive customer information” if
the institution determines that misuse of its information about a customer has occurred or is
reasonably possible and should take appropriate steps to safeguard the interests of affected
customers, including monitoring affected customers’ accounts for unusual or suspicious activity.
For the purposes of the ID-Theft Guidance, the agencies define sensitive customer
information to mean a customer’s social security number, driver’s license number, account
number, credit or debit card number, or a personal identification number or password, in
conjunction with a personal identifier, such as the individual’s name, address, or telephone
number. Sensitive customer information also includes any combination of components of
customer information that would allow someone to log on to or access the customer’s account,
such as username and password.
The ID-Theft Guidance provides that a suggested component of a financial institution’s
incident response program is notifying its appropriate regulatory authority (ARA) upon
becoming aware of an incident of unauthorized access to or use of sensitive customer
information. The ID-Theft Guidance leaves the form and content of regulatory notice to the
discretion of the subject financial institution. Reserve Banks use such notifications to monitor
financial institutions, and thus enhance the supervision of individual institutions. Further,
information collected from notices permits improved monitoring of security and ID-theft related
trends in the industry, and thus enhances the development of future supervisory guidance and,
more generally, informs the Board’s cyber security program. This information is not available
from other sources.
Description of Information Collection
Reporting - Incident Notification
The ID-Theft Guidance provides that a financial institution regulated by the Board should
notify the Federal Reserve upon becoming aware of an incident of unauthorized access to
sensitive customer information. This notice may be submitted to the appropriate Reserve Bank.
Disclosure - Incident Notification
The ID-Theft Guidance provides that a financial institution should notify each affected
customer as soon as possible when it becomes aware of an incident of unauthorized access to
sensitive customer information if the institution determines that misuse of its information about a
customer has occurred or is reasonably possible.
Customer notice should be given in a clear and conspicuous manner. The notice should
describe the incident in general terms and the type of customer information that was the subject
of unauthorized access or use. It also should generally describe what the institution has done to


protect the customers’ information from further unauthorized access. In addition, it should
include a telephone number that customers can call for further information and assistance. The
notice also should remind customers of the need to remain vigilant over the next 12 to 24 months
and to promptly report incidents of suspected identity theft to the institution. The notice should
include the following additional items, when appropriate:
• A recommendation that the customer review account statements and immediately report
any suspicious activity to the institution,
• A description of fraud alerts and an explanation of how the customer may place a fraud
alert in the customer’s consumer reports to put the customer’s creditors on notice that the
customer may be a victim of fraud,
• A recommendation that the customer periodically obtain credit reports from each
nationwide credit reporting agency and have information relating to fraudulent
transactions deleted,
• An explanation of how the customer may obtain a credit report free of charge, and
• Information about the availability of the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC’s) online
guidance regarding steps a consumer can take to protect against identity theft. The notice
should encourage the customer to report any incidents of identity theft to the FTC and
should provide the FTC’s website address and toll-free telephone number that customers
may use to obtain the identity theft guidance and report suspected incidents of identity
The ID-Theft Guidance also encourages financial institutions to notify the nationwide
consumer reporting agencies prior to sending notices to a large number of customers that include
contact information for the reporting agencies.5
Recordkeeping - Develop Response Program
The Security Guidelines require that every financial institution consider developing a
written response program to protect against and address reasonably foreseeable risks associated
with internal and external threats to the security of customer information. The ID-Theft Guidance
further describes the suggested components of a response program, which include procedures for
notifying customers about incidents of unauthorized access to, or use of, customer information
that could result in substantial harm or inconvenience to the customer.
The ID-Theft Guidance also provides that a financial institution is expected to
expeditiously implement its response program to address incidents of unauthorized access to
customer information. A response program should contain policies and procedures that enable
the financial institution to:
• Assess the situation to determine the nature and scope of the incident, and identify the
information systems and types of customer information affected,


Currently, the FTC website for ID Theft information is The
institution may also refer customers to any materials developed pursuant to section 151(b) of the Fair and Accurate
Credit Transactions Act (FACT Act), which are educational materials developed by the FTC to teach the public how
to prevent identity theft.
Nationwide reporting agencies include companies like Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion.



Notify the institution’s ARA and, in accordance with applicable regulations and
guidance, file a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR; OMB No. 1506-0065) and notify
appropriate law enforcement agencies,
Take appropriate steps to contain and control the incident to prevent further unauthorized
access to or use of customer information, for example, by monitoring, freezing, or closing
affected accounts, while preserving records and other evidence, and
Notify customers when warranted.

Under the ID-Theft Guidance, where an incident of unauthorized access to customer
information involves customer information systems maintained by an institution’s service
providers, it is suggested that the financial institution notify the institution’s customers and ARA.
However, an institution may authorize or contract with its service provider to notify the
institution’s customers or ARA on its behalf.
Respondent Panel
The FR 4100 panel comprises the following Board-regulated financial institutions: state
member banks, bank holding companies (BHCs), affiliates and certain non-banking subsidiaries
of BHCs, uninsured state agencies and branches of foreign banks, commercial lending
companies owned or controlled by foreign banks, savings and loan holding companies, and Edge
and agreement corporations.
Frequency and Time Schedule
The FR 4100 is event generated, conducted as incidents occur. The ID-Theft Guidance
provides that a financial institution is expected to expeditiously implement its response program
to address incidents of unauthorized access to customer information. The guidance provides that
a financial institution regulated by the Board should notify the Federal Reserve upon becoming
aware of an incident of unauthorized access to sensitive customer information. It also provides
that a financial institution should notify each affected customer of an incident of unauthorized
access to sensitive customer information when the institution determines that misuse of such
information has occurred or that misuse is reasonably possible.
Public Availability of Data
There are no data related to this information collection available to the public.
Legal Status
FR 4100 is authorized by section 501(b) of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (15 U.S.C. §
6801(b)), which requires the Board, FDIC, and OCC to establish appropriate standards for
financial institutions to develop and implement an information security program designed to
protect their customers’ information and a response program that specifies actions to be taken
when the institution suspects or detects that unauthorized individuals have gained access to


customer information systems. Because the provisions under FR 4100 are contained in guidance,
which is nonbinding,6 the provisions are voluntary.
The disclosure provisions of FR 4100 are not confidential; those provisions advise
banking organizations to disclose certain information regarding data security breaches to certain
parties, including their primary federal regulator (or concern disclosures by third-party service
providers to banking organizations), without specifying the confidential treatment of this
information. To the extent the Board receives disclosure notices from banking organizations
according to the recommendations set out in FR 4100, records relating to these notices would be
records subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). However, these records would be
considered confidential pursuant to exemption 8 of the FOIA, which protects information
contained in “examination, operating, or condition reports” obtained in the bank supervisory
process (5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(8)). In addition, the information obtained by the Board under
FR 4100 may, depending on the banking organization’s treatment of the submitted information,
also be kept confidential under exemption 4 of the FOIA, which protects commercial or financial
information that is obtained from a person and is privileged or confidential (5 U.S.C. §
FR 4100 also contains certain recordkeeping provisions that require banking
organizations to maintain certain records. These records would only be subject to the FOIA to
the extent that the Board obtained such records as part of the examination or supervision of a
banking organization. If obtained by the Board, this information would fall under the same
exemptions as the Board’s records regarding banking organizations’ disclosure notifications.
Exemption 8, which protects information contained in “examination, operating, or condition
reports” obtained in the bank supervisory process, would apply (5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(8)), as would
exemption 4, which protects commercial or financial information that is obtained from a person
and is privileged or confidential (5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(4)).
Consultation Outside the Agency
There has been no consultation outside the Federal Reserve System with respect to the
extension, without revision, of the FR 4100.
Public Comments
On September 28, 2023, the Board published an initial notice in the Federal Register (88
FR 66845) requesting public comment for 60 days on the extension, without revision, of the
FR 4100. The comment period for this notice expired on November 27, 2023. The Board did not
receive any comments. The Board adopted the extension, without revision, of the FR 4100 as
originally proposed. On February 16, 2024, the Board published a final notice in the Federal
Register (89 FR 12343).


See 12 CFR 262.7; 12 CFR 262 Appendix A, Statement Clarifying the Role of Supervisory Guidance (April 8,


Estimate of Respondent Burden
As shown in the table below, the estimated total annual burden for the FR 4100 is 12,120
hours. The Security Guidelines require financial institutions to develop and maintain a response
program to address unauthorized access to customer information maintained by the institution or
its service providers, and the ID-Theft Guidance sets forth the suggested components of such a
program. The Board estimates that 1 new institution per year would take 30 hours on average to
develop its response program. On a continuing basis, burden associated with maintenance of the
response program is considered negligible. For each incident of unauthorized access to or use of
customer information, the ID-Theft Guidance suggests that a financial institution prepare and
send a notice to its federal regulator, affected customers, and service providers. The Board
estimates that financial institutions7 will prepare and send 390 notifications per year, with an
estimated 31 hours per incident.8 The burden estimate was produced using the standard Board
burden calculation methodology. These reporting, recordkeeping, and disclosure provisions
represent less than 1 percent of the Board’s total paperwork burden.

FR 4100
Incident notification to the
Develop response program
Incident notification to
customers and service

number of


average hours
per response














annual burden

Based on data from the Federal Reserve System Cyber Event Repository (CER) database, Supervision and
Regulation staff determined that from 2020-2022, an average of 390 applicable incident notifications were filed each
year with the Federal Reserve System, affected customers, and service providers.
Per the March 29, 2005, Federal Register notice, the Board considers incident notification to be the responsibility
of the financial institution. If the financial institution chooses to have a service provider disclose information on
their behalf, that burden is considered part of Incident Notification as shown in the burden table.
Of these respondents, 36 are considered small entities as defined by the Small Business Administration (i.e.,
entities with less than $850 million in total assets). Size standards effective March 17, 2023. See There are no special accommodations given to mitigate
the burden on small institutions. When promulgating the Guidance, the agencies determined not to exempt small
institutions from the Guidance. However, the agencies noted that an institution’s program will vary depending on
the size and complexity of the institution and the nature and scope of its activities.


The estimated total annual cost to the public for the FR 4100 is $802,950.10
Sensitive Questions
This information collection contains no questions of a sensitive nature, as defined by
OMB guidelines.
Estimate of Cost to the Federal Reserve System
The estimated annual cost to the Federal Reserve System for collecting and processing
this information collection is negligible.


Total cost to the responding public is estimated using the following formula: total burden hours, multiplied by the
cost of staffing, where the cost of staffing is calculated as a percent of time for each occupational group multiplied
by the group’s hourly rate and then summed (30% Office & Administrative Support at $22, 45% Financial
Managers at $80, 15% Lawyers at $79, and 10% Chief Executives at $118). Hourly rates for each occupational
group are the (rounded) mean hourly wages from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Occupational Employment
and Wages, May 2022, published April 25, 2023, Occupations
are defined using the BLS Standard Occupational Classification System,


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File Modified2024-02-26
File Created2024-02-26

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