Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) Grantee Training and Technical Assistance Feedback

Fast Track Generic Clearance for Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

Appendix A_Feedback Survey_PREP_for OMB_final_11.4.21

Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) Grantee Training and Technical Assistance Feedback

OMB: 0970-0401

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Appendix A – Feedback Survey

PREP T&TA Feedback Questionnaire

Introduction and purpose

Dear Grantees,

RTI International, along with our partners, Child Trends, ETR, Inc., and Miami Environmental & Energy Solutions, are pleased to provide training and technical assistance (T&TA) to Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) grantees. The RTI team provides these services to support the expansion of grantees’ capacity to implement quality services and address the needs of the youth and families they serve. As the T&TA provider, our goals are to provide information and resources tailored to your specific needs and to continually provide all PREP grantees with the most updated and helpful information.

To this end, we are conducting a survey to assess which aspects of previously provided T&TA were particularly helpful and which were less helpful. We also are asking you to identify T&TA needs for us to address this fiscal year. Even if you have received assistance on a topic previously, please indicate all areas of your current need.

The Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) requests that at least one representative from each grantee organization complete this PREP T&TA Feedback Survey, however all individuals involved in your organization’s PREP project are welcome to complete a survey. We also encourage you to share this survey with your subrecipients. Respondents should consider their responses based on the needs for their position and responsibility related to the PREP project.

Participation in this survey is voluntary, and individual responses will be anonymous. This survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. We request that you by Month Day, 2021.

If you have any technical issues with the survey, have questions about the content, or need support please contact Katy Suellentrop at [email protected] or 703-343-5462.

Thank you for your help,

The RTI PREP Training and Technical Assistance Team


THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13) Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The control number for this project is 0970-0401. The control number expires on 06/30/2024.

Background and Descriptive Information

1. Grantee organization completing the form. (If you are a subawardee, please identify the name of the primary grantee.) – (dropdown list)

2. Funding stream (check all that apply)*

[ ] State PREP

[ ] Tribal PREP

[ ] Competitive PREP

[ ] PREP Innovative Strategies (PREIS)

3. Role within the project* 

[ ] Project director

[ ] Project manager

[ ] Front-line/field staff (e.g., health educators, program facilitators)

[ ] Evaluator

[ ] Subawardee staff

[ ] Other – Write In (Required): _________________________________________________

4. How long have you worked on the PREP project?

[ ] Less than 1 year

[ ] 1 to 2 years

[ ] 3 to 5 years

[ ] more than 5 years

5. Did you receive funding for your PREP Project from FYSB last fiscal year (2020–2021)?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No {skip to Q.14}

[ ] I don’t know {skip to Q.14}

Satisfaction with T&TA Events provided during the 2020–2021 Federal Fiscal Year

6. We are interested in learning more about your satisfaction with the T&TA you received last year. Please think about your experiences with T&TA for your PREP-related project work in fiscal year 2021 and indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Agree Strongly



Disagree Strongly

Our program/organization was able to easily access the T&TA support needed to implement a high-quality PREP program.

Our program/organization had an unmet T&TA need for staff to learn more about PREP program content (i.e., adolescent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention, abstinence and contraceptive education, and Adulthood Preparation Subjects).

Our program/organization used The Exchange to find resources and events, and to connect with other PREP grantees.

7. Think about the print-based materials you accessed through The Exchange. Please rate how useful the following types of materials are for your program. If you did not use the materials, please indicate “Did not use/Have not reviewed.”

Very Useful


Somewhat Useful

Not at all Useful

Didn’t Use/Have not reviewed

Research-Based Tip Sheets: Brief, 5- to 7-page documents with specific tips and strategies (e.g., Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) Services for Youth with Disabilities)

Resource Guides: Longer, more detailed reports with links to external information (e.g., Getting Tech Savvy: A Guide to Virtual Prevention Programming with Teens)

Infographics for youth (e.g., Words Matter, Actions Speak)

Infographics for community members, including parents (e.g., Talking with Teens about Relationships and Sex)

8. Please indicate how useful TA Office Hours were for your work:

Very Useful


Somewhat Useful

Not at All Useful

Didn’t Participate

Office Hour topics this year included the following:

  • Implementing with Flexibility: PREP Programming (October 2020)

  • Adulthood Preparation Subjects: Reflecting for Fall Implementation (November 2020)

  • PREP Programming: Lessons Learned from Fall Implementation (December 2020)

  • Creating a Welcoming Environment (follow up) (January 2021)

  • FYSB Grantee COVID Survey: Addressing Needs Identified (January 2021)

  • Authentically Engaging Youth (February 2021)

  • Using Photovoice in PREP Programming (February 2021)

  • Ask the Expert – Sarah Schroeder (March 2021)

  • Recruiting for Virtual Programming (March 2021)

  • Capacity Building during COVID-19 (April 2021)

  • Engaging Parents and Guardians to Support PREP Programming (May 2021)

  • Addressing Health Equity in Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Work (June 2021)

  • Open Office Hours (July 2021)

  • Back to Business (September 2021)

9. Please indicate what you found most helpful about any of the T&TA activities you participated in last year, and why:

10. What would you have liked to learn more about but was either not covered at all or not covered in sufficient depth?

11. What recommendations do you have for improving the T&TA that is offered to PREP grantees?

12. Please select your 3 most preferred T&TA format to receive content/resources to inform your work:

    1. TA Office Hours: These are hour long, informal conversations with TA providers and other grantees. They often cover a specific topic, but grantees are welcome to raise other challenges they may be facing.

    2. Cluster Calls: These are hour-long discussions on a specific topic, guided by an expert facilitator. Grantees must register in advance to participate in these calls, and the calls are limited to 35 participants.

    3. Webinars: These are formal presentations ranging from 60 to 90 minutes and include a presenter with PowerPoint slides. Grantees must register for these in advance, and there is no limit to the number of participants.

    4. Tip Sheets: These are brief, written documents available on The Exchange.

    5. Infographics: These are brief, graphically based documents available on The Exchange.

    6. In-person trainings: These are in-person trainings that offer an in-depth exploration of a particular topic. Grantees must register in advance, and trainings are limited to 75 participants.

    7. Virtual trainings: These are virtual trainings that offer an in-depth exploration of a particular topic. Grantees must register in advance, and trainings are limited to 100 participants.

    8. Individual TA: This is one-on-one support with a TA provider. The support is specific to the need identified, and the TA provider works with the grantee at their own pace.

    9. Annual conference: This is an opportunity for group-based learning and is usually in person.

13. Please select your 3 least preferred T&TA format to receive content/resources to inform your work

  1. TA Office Hours: These are hour long, informal conversations with TA providers and other grantees. They often cover a specific topic, but grantees are welcome to raise other challenges they may be facing.

  2. Cluster Calls: These are hour-long discussions on a specific topic, guided by an expert facilitator. Grantees must register in advance to participate in these calls, and the calls are limited to 35 participants.

  3. Webinars: These are formal presentations ranging from 60 to 90 minutes and include a presenter with PowerPoint slides. Grantees must register for these in advance, and there is no limit to the number of participants.

  4. Tip Sheets: These are brief, written documents available on The Exchange.

  5. Infographics: These are brief, graphically based documents available on The Exchange.

  6. In-person trainings: These are in-person trainings that offer an in-depth exploration of a particular topic. Grantees must register in advance, and trainings are limited to 75 participants.

  7. Virtual trainings: These are virtual trainings that offer an in-depth exploration of a particular topic. Grantees must register in advance, and trainings are limited to 100 participants.

  8. Individual TA: This is one-on-one support with a TA provider. The support is specific to the need identified, and the TA provider works with the grantee at their own pace.

  9. Annual conference: This is an opportunity for group-based learning and is usually in person.

Needs for future T&TA

We want to learn more about potential topics and formats for T&TA that you would like to receive for the current fiscal year (2021-2022). Please consider topics that will help you or your team expand your/their capacity to implement Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention programs. The following are questions about your interest in various topics.

14. Please indicate your level of need for T&TA in the following Program Implementation areas:

No need for T&TA

Low need for T&TA

Moderate need for T&TA

High need for T&TA

Not applicable

Implementing virtual programs

Adapting curriculum

Ensuring curriculum address contraception and abstinence

Ensuring program incorporates three of six Adulthood Preparation Subjects

Recruiting youth participants

Retaining youth participants

Creating and maintaining inclusive programming environments (i.e., strategies to ensure youth who identify as LGBTQ+ are welcome in the program)

Implementing the program in a way that is trauma-informed

Implementing PREP programming in a way that advances health equity

Developing and implementing a fidelity monitoring plan


15. Please indicate your level of need for T&TA in the following Program Management areas:

No need for T&TA

Low need for T&TA

Moderate need for T&TA

High need for T&TA

Not applicable

Program management

Continuous quality improvement

Sustaining program implementation

Developing staff

Developing leadership skills

Supporting sub-recipients

Developing referral networks

Developing supportive partnerships

Communicating with key stakeholders (including partners, parents, and others)


16. Thinking about the Adulthood Preparation Subjects, rank them in order of your need for more support. A ranking of 1 is the topic for which you need the most support, and a ranking of 6 is the topic for which you need the least support:

  1. Career and Educational Success

  2. Financial Literacy

  3. Healthy Life Skills

  4. Healthy Relationships

  5. Adolescent Development

  6. Parent–Child Communication

17. Please indicate your level of need for T&TA in the area of Human Trafficking.

a. In your work with youth, how do you identify youth victims of trafficking, or youth at high risk of being trafficked? Check all that apply.

  • Screening and assessment processes

  • Referrals to your programs

  • Youth discussions (i.e., disclosures during programming)

  • Other- please share

b. For youth in your program, what locations or avenues do you know of where youth are trafficked? Check all that apply.

  • Street level trafficking

  • Trading sex/survival sex acts

  • Familial trafficking

  • Farm labor

  • Forced drug dealing

  • Other (please specify)

c. Does your program use screening and assessment tools or strategies to identify potential victims of trafficking for youth in your program?

  • Yes

  • No

If yes, please share some of these tools and strategies used in your program?

Please specify tools or strategies: _____________________________________

d. What are the areas of training or technical assistance (e.g., topics, themes) that would be most helpful to build your program capacity on human trafficking for youth participating in your program? Check all the apply.

  • Screening and assessment/human trafficking

  • Policies and protocols

  • Parents and community involvement

  • Human trafficking and underserved youth (i.e. Native, LGBTQ, Hispanic, African American)

  • Labor trafficking and youth

  • Human trafficking and adolescent health

  • Other- please specify

e. Does your program currently have human trafficking prevention activities?

  • Yes

  • No

18. Please indicate your level of need for T&TA in the following Adolescent Health Content areas:

No need for T&TA

Low need for T&TA

Moderate need for T&TA

High need for T&TA

Not applicable

HIV/other STIs and contraception

Risky behavior prevention (e.g., tobacco, alcohol, drugs)

Adolescent development

Social media influences on teens and effective messaging

Gun violence in schools and communities

Collective trauma and impact on youth and adults supporting youth

Mental health trauma and interpersonal violence

Social emotional learning and resilience

Trafficking and sexual coercion

Behavior change theories

Social determinants of health, health equity, and implications for adolescents

Instructional design

Addressing the needs of diverse populations of youth


19. Are there particular sub-populations of youth for which additional TA might be helpful? This could include new sub-populations or groups that you are aiming to engage this year.

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

If yes, please describe: _______________________________

20. Thinking about the type of off-site TA that is offered, how much would you be interested in the following types of off-site TA:


Very interested

Somewhat interested

Not interested

Affinity groups (i.e., small-group TA focused on skill-building and experience sharing on a particular topic)

Proactive TA delivered to a small group of grantees at regular intervals throughout the year



Brief on-demand videos

Written/printed resources

Q&A with experts

Motivational talks (recorded)

  1. Is there another format of TA that you would recommend we consider for the future?

  1. Would you or someone on your team like to share your program’s experience with any of the topic areas covered in this survey with other grantees at an annual conference, on a cluster call, or via a webinar?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No (not at this time)

If yes, please identify who and which topic area(s): _______________________________ _________________________________________


We’d also like to know about barriers to receiving T&TA.

  1. Please indicate which of the following are challenges you’ve experienced in taking part in T&TA activities (mark all that apply):

[ ] Too busy to attend webinars

[ ] Too busy to attend cluster calls

[ ] Too busy to attend TA Office Hours

[ ] Don’t hear about webinars, cluster calls, or TA Office Hours

[ ] Topics of webinars are not relevant

[ ] Topics of cluster calls are not relevant

[ ] Topics of TA Office Hours are not relevant

[ ] Timing of live events (webinars, cluster calls, TA Office Hours), makes it difficult for me to attend

[ ] Insufficient funds for me to attend regional trainings

[ ] Insufficient funds for me to attend the Annual Conference

[ ] Have difficulty accessing Tip Sheets, e-Learning Modules, and other materials on The Exchange

[ ] Other: _________________________________________________

[ ] None of the above

Finally, we would like to ask about the upcoming Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program Grantee Conference.

  1. Assuming that COVID-19 related metrics are similar in June to current metrics, are you planning to attend the APP conference in person?

    1. Yes

    2. No

Thank You!


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorSuellentrop, Katy
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-07-25

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