Form NPS 10-321 NPS 10-321 Annual Program Report – Part II Progress Report

National Heritage Areas Program Annual Reporting Forms

NPS 10-321 NHA Program Office Annual Program Report - PART II Progress Report (ver2024)

Annual Program Report – Part II Progress Report (State/Local)

OMB: 1024-0287

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NPS Form 10-321 (Rev. 05/2021) OMB Control No. 1024-0287

National Park Service Expiration Date XX/XX/20XX



1849 C Street NW, MS 7508

Washington, DC 20240

Telephone: (202) 354-2222

Email: [email protected]


Heritage Area Name:




The information collected through this form will be used by the National Park Service (NPS), National Heritage Areas (NHA) Program Office and regional program offices to track each heritage area management or coordinating entity’s (coordinating entity) progress on management plan implementation. The progress measures outlined in the categories below capture information about the diverse heritage area activities and approaches to these activities (process measures), direct products or services offered (output measures), and the results of the products or services (outcome measures).

The NPS will use the responses to the questions reported here in annual program reports and publications and to inform individual heritage area evaluations.

Reporting Instructions

The progress measures in this form are grouped under eight categories, capturing the diverse work of the coordinating entities throughout the country. We recognize that each heritage area and coordinating entity is unique. Therefore, not all of the categories or measures presented below will apply.

  • The data reported here shall reflect the work that the coordinating entity led, funded or partnered with others to complete this year.

  • Report all work that the coordinating entity was involved in to implement the National Heritage Area Management Plan. Include work supported by Heritage Partnership Program (HPP) funding and other heritage area funding sources.

  • Report data for the same 12-month cycle (calendar, federal, and fiscal) that you reported last year.

  • Measures under categories 2 – 7 are sequenced to capture work in progress, work that is completed, and the outcomes of completed work.

  • Follow the specific instructions for each category and measure. Please be consistent in how you categorize your work. When deciding how to categorize a specific project or program, it may be helpful to consider the project or program purpose in relation to your NHA goals.

  • If you are implementing or funding multicomponent projects, please count each component separately. For example, you might be working on a project that involves the preservation of a building or site, site interpretation, and an event. Using this example, each component would be counted as a separate project under the preservation, education and interpretation, and promotion categories. If it is not possible to separate project components, please report on the project under the category that is most appropriate given the funding amount.

  • Retain all supporting documentation used in filling out this form in your office files until a program evaluation has been completed for your heritage area. Per 2CFR Part 215.53, the NPS, as well as the Inspector General or Comptroller General, reserve the right to review supporting documents. The NPS NHA Program Office reviews these forms and may contact you periodically to insure consistent and accurate reporting.

Form Submittal

Identify the name of the heritage area you represent at the top of this page. The complete form includes your NHA name, goals, responses to applicable categories and metrics, and a scanned copy of page 2 with your name, signature, and date verifying the accuracy of the information provided.

Email this form to the NHA Program Office at [email protected] and copy your regional coordinator and agreements technical representative by close-of-business on the date listed at the top of this form.

Assurance Statement

As the authorized representative of the local coordinating entity, I certify that the progress indicators reported below are supported by documentation that is verifiable in our records.




Heritage Area Goals

In the space below please identify the heritage area goals that appear in your management plan or management plan update.

Please identify your reporting cycle here by name (Federal fiscal, state, calendar, etc.): Click here to enter text.

1. Financial Assistance and Capacity Building

The numbers captured here reflect the work of the coordinating entity only. Leverage metrics are intended to capture the economic contribution of NHAs.


Leverage is using what you already have, in this case HPP funding, to bring about more support than would be possible otherwise. Include all sources that you secured this past fiscal year that you would not have had unless HPP funds were available. Other federal funds (not including HPP funds) may be included.

1A.1 Total amount of funding leveraged, including other Federal funds, to implement heritage area activities this year $ Click here to enter text.

1A.2 Provide a breakdown of leveraged funds, include cash and in-kind donations in totals.

State $ Click here to enter text.

Local Government $ Click here to enter text.

Private $ Click here to enter text.

Other Federal Funding (not HPP, but include other NPS funding)

(Specify funding source): Click here to enter text. $ Click here to enter text.

Other (please specify): Click here to enter text. $ Click here to enter text.

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Grants are the transfer of money from a national heritage area coordinating entity to a recipient whose project proposal is selected through a review process. Grants are awarded to recipients to accomplish the goals of the national heritage area. Grants do not include sponsorships, contracts, or donations.

1B.1 Total number of grants disbursed1 this year Click here to enter text.

1B.2 Total grant dollars disbursed this year $ Click here to enter text.

Please provide a breakdown of the grant funds distributed this year under the categories (2 - 7) below.


Capacity building assistance includes guidance related to historic preservation, education, heritage tourism, natural resource conservation, etc., or the organizational capacity of a partner organization. Capacity building assistance does not include oversight related to administration of sub grants, phone calls directing the individuals to resources or informational meetings, etc.

Count the number of organizations, not people. For example, if one person represents two organizations, the number of organizations is two.

1C.1 Number of organizations to which you provided capacity building assistance through trainings, workshops, onsite assessments, etc. Click here to enter text.

1C.2 Number of capacity building grants awarded this year Click here to enter text.

1C.3 Total dollar amount awarded $ Click here to enter text.

1C.4 In the space provided below, share any outcomes that have resulted from your capacity building assistance this year or in previous years. Provide a short description with the project name, year project was completed, and indicator and data source for outcome.

2. Historic Preservation & Other Community Enhancement Projects

If you did not engage in historic preservation or community enhancement work this year, please skip these metrics and move on to Category 3: Collections.

WORK in PROGRESS. The numbers reported under 2A – 2B below capture work that is advancing, but not yet completed.


2A.1 Number of historic or cultural resource preservation grants disbursed this year Click here to enter text.

2A.2 Total dollar amount disbursed $ Click here to enter text.

PROJECTS in PROCESS (Do Not Include Grant Projects Reported Above) - Number of projects begun or continued to enhance listed or eligible National Register properties (e.g., condition assessments, plans, research, etc.). The same project can be reported on over multiple years until it is completed.

2B. Number of historic preservation projects begun or continued: Click here to enter text.

COMPLETED WORK. The numbers and information reported under 2C – 2F below capture completed work that the coordinating entity funded, led, or partnered on with other parties.

2C. NOMINATIONS COMPLETED - Number of historic or cultural resources nominated to the National Register of Historic Places Click here to enter text.

SITES PRESERVED - Historic sites (i.e. those listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places) preserved through restoration, rehabilitation or adaptive reuse, and reconstruction.

2D.1 Number of sites preserved Click here to enter text. (for a grouping of buildings indicate 1 district/number of contributing buildings)

2D.2 Total acreage of preserved landscapes, such as battlefields, etc. Click here to enter text.

SITES MAINTAINED – Historic properties (i.e. listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places) maintained through monitoring and small-scale maintenance projects. Note: If you own or manage historic building(s) or site(s) this is where you can capture your ongoing maintenance efforts.

2E.1 Number of sites maintained Click here to enter text. (for a grouping of buildings indicate 1 district/number of contributing buildings)

2E.2 Total acreage of preserved landscapes, such as battlefields, etc. Click here to enter text.

2F. OTHER COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS COMPLETED – In the space provided, provide name and a short description of streetscape or façade improvement projects, as well as other projects that are intended to enhance communities (e.g., art projects or business development projects).

OUTCOMES OF COMPLETED WORK. The outcomes reported under question 2G captures the results of your historic preservation and community development activities. Outcomes do not need to reflect the work that was completed this year, unless outcomes occurred. Outcomes related to individual and cumulative grant activities may be included.

2G. HISTORIC PRESERVATION & COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT OUTCOMES - In the space provided below, please share outcomes that have resulted from your historic preservation work, including grant work, reported this year or in previous years. Provide a short description that includes the project name, year project was completed, project partners, and indicator and data source for outcome.

3. Collections: Documentation and Conservation Projects

Paintings, Artifacts, Archives, Oral Histories, Video Histories, etc.

Report here the work in which the primary purpose is to document cultural traditions or conserve artifacts. If you are working on projects that use collections to develop interpretive or educational materials, please report these projects under Category 6: Education and Interpretation Programs.

If you did not engage in work to develop or conserve cultural collections this year, please skip these metrics and move on to Category 4: Land, Water, and Environmental Conservation Projects.

WORK in PROGRESS. The numbers reported under 3A – 3B capture work that is advancing, but not yet completed.


3A.1 Number of collections-related grants disbursed this year Click here to enter text.

3A.2 Total dollar amount disbursed this year $ Click here to enter text.

PROJECTS in PROCESS (Do Not Include Grant Projects Reported Above) – Number of projects begun or continued to conserve heritage area artifacts (e.g., condition assessments, plans, research, etc.). The same project can be reported on over multiple years until it is completed.

3B. Number of collections projects begun or continued: Click here to enter text.

COMPLETED WORK. The information reported under 3C below captures completed work that the coordinating entity funded, led, or partnered on with other parties.

3C. COLLECTION PROJECTS Provide the name and a brief description of the collections created, documented, or conserved. Collections include oral histories, paintings, murals, historic documents, textiles, archaeology collections, or material culture, such as boats or ships.

OUTCOMES OF COMPLETED WORK. The outcomes reported under question 3D capture the results of your collection’s conservation activities. Outcomes do not need to reflect the work that was completed this year unless outcomes occurred. Outcomes related to individual and cumulative grant activities may be included.

3D. COLLECTIONS OUTCOMES - In the space provided below, please share outcomes that have resulted from your collections-related work, including grants, reported this year or unreported in previous years. Provide a short description with the project name, year the project was completed, project partners, and indicator and data source for the outcome.

4. Land, Water & Environmental Conservation Projects

Note: Include wetland work under land restoration, instead of waterway restoration.

If you did not engage in natural resource conservation work this year, please skip these metrics and move on to category 5: recreation development projects.

WORK in PROGRESS. The numbers reported under 4A – 4B below capture work that is advancing, but not yet completed.


4A.1. Number of natural resource conservation grants disbursed this year Click here to enter text.

4A.2 Total dollar amount disbursed this year $Click here to enter text.

PROJECTS in PROCESS (Do Not Include Grant Projects Reported Above) - Number of projects begun or continued to conserve natural or scenic areas (i.e., surveys, condition assessments, plans, etc.). The same project can be reported on over multiple years until it is completed.

4B. Number of conservation projects begun or continued: Click here to enter text.

COMPLETED WORK. The numbers reported under 4C – 4D below capture completed work that the coordinating entity funded, led, or partnered on with other parties.


4C.1. Number of acres of land restored through invasive species removal, replanting, and toxic site clean-up. (one time) Click here to enter text.

4C.2. Number of acres of land maintained through monitoring and clean-up efforts Click here to enter text.

WATERWAY RESTORATION (Streams, rivers, creeks, canals, etc.)

4D.1. Number of feet of waterways restored through appropriate in-water and bank restoration techniques (one time) Click here to enter text.

4D.2. Number of miles of waterways maintained through monitoring and clean-up efforts (please round to the ¼ mile) Click here to enter text.


4E. Provide name and a short description of other environmental conservation projects, such as climate change monitoring.

OUTCOMES OF COMPLETED WORK. The outcomes reported in question 4E capture the results of your conservation activities. Outcomes do not need to reflect the work that was completed this year unless outcomes occurred. Outcomes related to individual and cumulative grant activities may be included.

4F. CONSERVATION OUTCOMES - In the space provided below, please share outcomes that have resulted from your conservation work, including grants, reported this year or unreported in previous years. Provide a short description with the project name, year the project was completed, project partners, and indicator and data source for the outcome.

5. Recreation Development Projects

Note: This category does not include recreational events, programs, or marketing materials. Please include recreational events and marketing materials (such as brochures, maps, and guides) under Category 7: Outreach and Marketing.

If you did not engage in recreation development projects this year, please skip these metrics and move on to Category 6: Education & Interpretation Programs.

WORK in PROGRESS. The numbers reported under 5A – 5B below capture work that is advancing, but not yet completed.


5A.1 Number of recreation development grants disbursed this year: Click here to enter text.

5A.2 Total dollar amount disbursed this year $ Click here to enter text.

PROJECTS in PROCESS (Do Not Include Grant Projects Reported Above) - Number of projects begun or continued to enhance recreational amenities (e.g., feasibility studies, plans, engineering, permitting, etc.). The same project can be reported on over multiple years until it is completed.

5B. Number of recreation projects begun or continued: Click here to enter text.

COMPLETED WORK. The numbers reported under 5C – 5E below capture completed work that the coordinating entity funded, led, or partnered on with other parties.

NEW TRAILS COMPLETED - Number of new miles of on or off-road trails developed.

5C.1. On-road miles: Click here to enter text.

5C.2. Off-road miles: Click here to enter text.

TRAILS MAINTAINED - Number of miles of on or off-road trails maintained through monitoring, clean-up, and maintenance project construction.

5D.1. On-road miles: Click here to enter text.

5D.2. Off-road miles: Click here to enter text.


5E. Provide name and a short description of other trail or park enhancement projects, such as parking, signage, trail heads, lighting, etc. or trail designation projects. For trail designations please identify the mileage.

OUTCOMES OF COMPLETED WORK. The outcomes reported under question 5G capture the results of your recreation work. Outcomes do not need to reflect the work that was completed this year unless outcomes occurred. Outcomes related to individual and cumulative grant activities may be included.

5F. RECREATION OUTCOMES - In the space provided below, please share outcomes that have resulted from your recreation work, including grants, reported this year or unreported in previous years. Provide a short description with the project name, year the project was completed, project partners, indicator, and data source for outcome.

6. Education and Interpretation Programs

The goal of education and interpretation programs is to increase people’s understanding of heritage area sites and stories.

Note: Do not include annual meetings, conference presentations, awards ceremonies, open houses, annual fundraisers, and events. These activities are reported under category 7: outreach and marketing.

If you did not conduct interpretation work this year, please skip these metrics and move on to category 7: outreach and marketing.

WORK in PROGRESS. The numbers reported under 6A - 6B capture work that is advancing, but not yet ready to be offered to the public.


6A.1 Number of education and interpretation related grants disbursed this year: Click here to enter text.

6A.2 Total dollar amount disbursed this year: $ Click here to enter text.

PROJECTS in DEVELOPMENT (Do Not Include Grant Projects Reported Above) - Number of education and interpretation projects in development (e.g., assessments, research, etc.). The same project can be reported on over multiple years, until it is offered or made available to the public.

6B. Number of education and interpretation projects in development: Click here to enter text.

OFFERED PROGRAMS AND PRODUCTS. The information reported under 6C – 6D below captures the work that the coordinating entity funded, led, or partnered with other parties to offer this year.

6C. PROGRAMS OFFERED - In the space below, provide a name and a short description of the interpretive or educational programs supported by the NHA coordinating entity this year.

6D. PRODUCTS OFFERED - In the space below, provide a name and a short description of the interpretive or educational products (print, web, or multi-media) supported by the NHA coordinating entity this year.

OUTCOMES OF PROGRAM AND PRODUCTS OFFERED. The outcomes reported under question 6E capture the results of your education work. Outcomes do not need to reflect the work that was completed this year unless outcomes occurred. Outcomes related to individual and cumulative grant activities may be included.

6E. EDUCATION OUTCOMES - In the space provided below, please share any outcomes that have resulted from heritage area educational work, including grants, reported this year or unreported in previous years. Provide a short description with the project name, the year the project was completed, project partners, and indicator and data source for the outcome.

7. Outreach and Marketing (include presentations, sponsorships, and other outreach activities here)

Note: Include economic impact studies under products offered.

If you did not conduct outreach or marketing work this year, please skip these metrics and move on to Category 8: Community Engagement.

WORK in PROGRESS. The numbers reported under 7A – 7B capture work that is advancing, but not yet ready to be offered to the public.


7A.1 Number of outreach and marketing grants disbursed this year Click here to enter text.

7A.2 Total dollar amount disbursed this year $ Click here to enter text.

PROJECTS in DEVELOPMENT (Do Not Include Grant Projects Reported Above) - Number of promotion and marketing projects in development (e.g., assessments, research, etc.). The same project can be reported on over multiple years until it is offered or made available to the public.

7B. Number of promotion and marketing projects in development: Click here to enter text.

OFFERED EVENTS AND PRODUCTS. The numbers reported under 7C – 7D below capture work that the coordinating entity funded, led, or partnered with other parties to offer to the public this year.

7C. EVENTS OFFERED (RACES, CELEBRATIONS, AWARDS CEREMONIES, FAM TOURS, ETC.) - In the space below, provide a name and a short description of promotional activities supported by the coordinating entity.

7D. PRODUCTS OFFERED (BROCHURES, ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDIES, WEBSITES, ETC.) - In the space below, provide the name and a short description of promotional products supported by the coordinating entity.

OUTCOMES of EVENTS AND PRODUCTS OFFERED. The outcomes reported under question 7E capture the results of your promotion and marketing work. Outcomes do not need to reflect the work that was completed this year unless outcomes occurred. Outcomes related to individual and cumulative grant activities may be included.

7E. OUTREACH & MARKETING OUTCOMES - In the space provided below, please share outcomes that have resulted from heritage area marketing activities reported this year or offered in previous years. Outcomes could include increases in visitation to heritage area sites generated by marketing products. Provide a short description with the project name, year the project was completed, project partners, and indicator and data source for the outcome.

8. Community Engagement

The numbers captured here reflect the work of the NHA coordinating entity and partnership. Please answer all questions below.


A partnership is a relationship between parties to accomplish a common goal, such as developing or implementing a heritage area project or offering heritage area programs. Partnerships are characterized by mutual interest, commitment, and communication. Please count partners one time, either as formal or informal partners.

8A.1 Formal Partners are the organizations that you directly collaborate with on heritage area projects and programs and who are substantially involved in those projects or programs. You may have an agreement in place to formalize your partnership with these organizations, but having an agreement is not a requirement for being a formal partner.

Number of formal partners substantially engaged in National Heritage Area activities this year: Click here to enter text.

8A.2 Informal Partners are those organizations that you cooperate or coordinate with on projects and programs. These organizations are not substantially involved in your projects or programs.

Number of informal partners engaged in National Heritage Area activities this year: Click here to enter text.


Volunteer Count. Please count volunteers who are working on projects or programs that are coordinated and/or funded by the national heritage area coordinating entity. Do not include volunteers at park units or other sites for which there was no investment of heritage area staff time or funding.

8B.1 Total number of volunteers engaged in heritage area projects, programs or activities Click here to enter text.

8B.2 Total number of volunteer hours Click here to enter text. (please round up to the nearest hour)

8B.3 Hourly value of volunteer time for your state or region (refer to for your region) $ Click here to enter text.

8B.4 Total dollar value of volunteer hours $ Click here to enter text.


Program and Event Participant Count. Please count participants who attended events or programs that were coordinated and/or funded by the national heritage area coordinating entity. Do not include participants in programs at parks or other sites where there was no investment of heritage area staff time or funding.

8C.1 Number of people who participated in heritage area educational programs this year: Click here to enter text.

8C.2 Number of people who participated in heritage area events (races, celebrations, ceremonies, etc.) this year: Click here to enter text.


8D.1 In the space below, identify any other activities including community development, economic development, or community engagement projects that do not fit into the seven categories above.

Best Practice : Highlight a Successful Project or Program

In the space below, please describe a creative, successful project or program undertaken or completed this year. Please include images with captions and credit information.

Also, include numbers if applicable – dollars invested and leveraged, communities or residents involved or impacted, properties preserved, miles of trails improved, etc. Word count recommendation is 200 words.


Privacy Act Statement

General: This information is provided pursuant to Public Law 93-579 (Privacy Act of 1974), December 21, 1984, for individuals completing this form.

Authority: 54 USC Ch. 3201, Historic Sites Act of 1935, as amended; 44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq., Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995; and individual pieces of legislation and associated amendments in 54 USC 100702 that enable the NPS, on behalf of the Secretary of the Interior, to provide federal financial, technical, and other assistance for the preservation of natural, cultural, historic, and scenic resources.

Purposes and Uses: The NPS intends to track the progress of each heritage area on implementing its management plan and meeting performance goals. The information collected is used by the NHA program office in monitoring the progress of each heritage area. The collection of this information is necessary to allow for national oversight, analysis, coordination, technical and financial assistance, and support to National Heritage Areas to ensure consistency and accountability across the country.

Effects of Nondisclosure: Financial disclosure is in accordance with 54 USC Ch. 3201, Pub. L. 113–291, div. B, title XXX, §3052(a)(2), Dec. 19, 2014, 128 Stat. 3802.

Information Regarding Disclosure of Your Social Security Number Under Public Law 93-579 Section 7(b): Your Social Security Number is not needed to complete this form.

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement

We are collecting this information subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501) in response to the NHA’s individual authorizing legislation requiring annual reporting as mandated by Congress. The information provided by NHA Coordinating Entities allows the NHA program office to allocate funding to heritage area management, prepare NPS budget justifications, and track management planning and implementation across NHAs. We may not conduct or sponsor and you are not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. OMB has reviewed and approved this survey and assigned OMB Control Number 1024-0287, which expires ##/##/20##.

Estimated Burden Statement

The public reporting burden for this form is estimated to be no more than 45 minutes per response. This includes the time to read instructions, gather/maintain data, and complete and review the form. Comments regarding this burden estimate of this form should be sent to the Information Collection Clearance Officer, National Park Service, 13461 Sunrise Valley Drive, (MS-244) Herndon, VA 20171. Please do not send the completed form to this address.

1 Disbursed is defined as funds that have left the heritage area’s account and gone to a grant recipient.


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