Summary |
To complete the Summary spreadsheet (tab), use the following instructions: |
Applicant Organization Name: Enter the legal name of the organization that is applying for funding via the Community Compass NOFA. This name must match the applicant's legal name on the Standard Form (SF) 424 submitted with the application. |
Organization Description: Provide a brief description of the applicant organization in 350 words or less. Include in the description: organizational history, purpose and mission, years of service, housing-related technical assistance services provided, and agency web address for additional information. This description may appear in the press release issued by HUD announcing the awards in the event the applicant is funded through this NOFA. |
Amount of Funding Requested: Enter the total federal funding requested from box 18.a on the SF-424 submitted with the application. Enter the amount in whole dollars (e.g., $800,000). The amount entered in this field must sum the amounts entered for the FY #1 Funding Request and for the FY #2 Funding Request. |
FY #1 Funding Request: Enter the total federal funding requested for FY #1, as per the NOFA submitted with the application. Enter the amount in whole dollars (e.g., $800,000). |
FY #2 Funding Request: Enter the total federal funding requested for FY #2, as per the NOFA submitted with the application. Enter the amount in whole dollars (e.g., $800,000). |
Funding Source Requested by Fiscal Year: For each funding source, indicate “Yes” or “No” to note if the applicant is requesting funding for FY #1 or FY #2 or both years. The applicant must consider the funding sources and eligible activities that may or may not be available in FY #2, as per the direction in the NOFA. |
Applicant Designation: Select “Yes” or “No” to the following designations related to the applicant: Disadvataged Business, Small Business, and Faith-Based. |
New Applicant: Indicate with “Yes” or “No” whether or not the applicant organization has received a Community Compass TA award in the five (5) years prior to NOFA publication. Please consider only the awards where the applicant organization was a direct recipient. |
Rating Factor 2 Responses: Review the four(4) Rating Factor 2 responses included with the application, and list each program/cross-cutting topic and corresponding HUD Office. Select the HUD Office first, and then select the program in the adjacent field. |
Indirect Cost Rate (%): List the applicant's rate(s) from the Indirect Cost Rate attachment required by section IV.F. of the NOFA. If the applicant has never submitted an indirect cost rate proposal and wishes to use the de minimis rate, indicate 10% in this field. |
Eligible Activity: For each eligible activity, indicate the number of activities completed in the five (5) years prior to the publication date of the NOFA. |
These elements are collected as per section IV.B.1.a of the Community Compass NOFA. | Enter requested information below. |
Applicant Organization Legal Name (same as on SF-424) |
Description of Applicant Organization | |
Total Funding Request Amount ($) (same as on SF-424) |
Fiscal Year #1 Funding Request for NOFA | |
Fiscal Year #2 Funding Request for NOFA | |
Funding Source Requested by Fiscal Year | FY #1, FY #2, Both or N/A? |
Departmental | |
CDBG-Disaster Recovery | |
McKinney-Vento | |
National Homeless Data Analysis Program | |
Youth Homelessness | |
Public Housing Administrative Receivership and Recovery | |
Native American Housing and Community Development | |
National Fair Housing Training Academy | |
Applicant Designation | Yes or No? |
Disadvantaged business (e.g., 8(a) business) | |
Small business as defined by the U.S. Small Business Administration | |
Faith-based organization | |
New Applicant (Yes/No) | |
Select HUD Office Associated with Rating Factor 2 (select an Office below, then select a program in the adjacent cell) |
Select Program/Cross-Cutting Topic (depends on HUD Office selected) |
Indirect Cost Rate (%) | |
Eligible Activities | Number Completed in the 5 Years Prior to NOFA Publication |
Needs Assessment | |
Direct TA and Capacity Building Engagements | |
Develop and Maintain Tools and Products | |
Self-Directed and Group Learning | |
Knowledge Management | |
Data Analysis, Reporting, and Performance Management | |
NAHASDA Allocation Formula Administration and Negotiated Rulemaking and Consultation Support | |
Certification: “I/We, the undersigned, certify under penalty of perjury that the information provided above is true and correct. WARNING: Anyone who knowingly submits a false claim or makes a false statement is subject to criminal and/or civil penalties, including confinement for up to 5 years, fines, and civil and administrative penalties. (18 U.S.C. §§ 287, 1001, 1010, 1012, 1014; 31 U.S.C. §3729, 3802).” Comments regarding the accuracy of this burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing this burden can be sent to the Reports Management Officer, Office of Policy Development and Research, REE, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th St SW, Room 4176, Washington, DC 20410-5000. When providing comments, please refer to OMB Approval No. 2506-0197. |
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 0.5 hours. This includes the time for collecting, reviewing, and reporting the data. The information is being collected for Community Compass Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Program Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and will be used for NOFA application review. Response to this request for information is required in order to receive the benefits to be derived. This agency may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this form unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |