Operating Fund Grant:Calculation of Total Program Expense LevelPHA-Owned Rental Housing Date/Time Form ID |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing
OMB Approval No. 2577-0029 (exp.__/__/20__) |
Public Reporting Burden for this collection of information is estimated to average .75 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering, and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. This information is required by Section 9(e) of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937, as amended, and by 24 CFR Part 990 HUD regulations. HUD makes payments for the operation and maintenance of low-income housing projects to PHAs/projects. The Operating Fund determines the amount of Operating Fund grant to be paid to PHAs/projects. PHAs/projects provide information on the Project Expense Level (PEL), Utilities Expense Level (UEL), Other Formula Expenses (Add-ons) and Formula Income – the major Operating Fund components. HUD reviews the information to determine each PHA’s/project’s Formula Amount and the funds to be obligated for the Funding Period to each PHA/project based on the appropriation by Congress. HUD also uses the information as the basis for requesting annual appropriations from Congress. Responses to the collection of information are required to obtain a benefit. The information requested does not lend itself to confidentiality. Total number of ACC units for this PHA: |
Section 1 |
1. Name and Address of Public Housing Agency: |
2. Funding Period: 1/1/ to 12/31/ |
3Type of Submission: |
Initial Submission |
Resubmission |
QC Submission |
Revision |
4. ACC Number: |
5. Fiscal Year End: |
6. Operating Fund Project Number: |
12/31 3/31 6/30 9/30 |
7. UEI: |
HUD Use Only |
8. ROFO Code: |
9. HUD Staff: |
Section 2 |
Line No. |
Category |
Column AUnit Months |
Column B Eligible Unit Months (EUMs) |
Column C Resident Participation Unit Months |
Categorization of Unit Months: |
First of Month |
Last of Month |
Occupied Unit Months |
01 |
Occupied dwelling units – by public housing eligible family under lease |
02 |
Occupied dwelling units – by PHA employee, police officer, or other security personnel who is not otherwise eligible for public housing |
03 |
Occupied new units – eligible to receive Operating Funds during the funding period but not included on Lines 01, 02, or 05-13 of this section |
04 |
Occupied new units – eligible to receive funds from 10/1 to 12/31 of previous funding period but not included on previous Calculation of Operating Fund Grant |
Vacant Unit Months |
05 |
Units undergoing modernization |
06 |
Special use units |
06a |
Units on Line 02 that are occupied by police officers and that also qualify as special use units |
07 |
Units vacant due to litigation |
08 |
Units vacant due to disasters |
09 |
Units vacant due to casualty losses |
10 |
Units vacant due to changing market conditions |
11 |
Units vacant and not categorized above |
Other ACC Unit Months |
12 |
Units eligible for asset repositioning fee and still on ACC (occupied or vacant) |
13 |
All other ACC units not categorized above |
Operating Fund Project Number:
Calculations Based on Unit Months: |
14 |
Limited vacancies |
15 |
Total Unit Months |
16 |
Units eligible for funding for resident participation activities (Line 15C ¸ 12) |
Special Provision for Calculation of Utilities Expense Level: |
17 |
Unit months for which actual consumption is included on Line 01 of form HUD-52722 and that were removed from Lines 01 through 11, above, because of removal from inventory, including eligibility for the asset repositioning fee |
Section 3 |
Line No. |
Description |
Requested by PHA |
HUD Modifications |
Part A. Formula Expenses |
Project Expense Level (PEL) |
01 |
PUM project expense level (PEL) |
02 |
Inflation factor |
03 |
PUM inflated PEL (Part A, Line 01 x Line 02) |
04 |
PEL (Part A, Line 03 x Section 2, Line 15, Column B) |
Utilities Expense Level (UEL) |
05 |
PUM utilities expense level (UEL) (from Line 26 of form HUD-52722) |
06 |
UEL (Part A, Line 05 x Section 2, Line 15, Column B) |
Add-Ons |
07 |
Self-sufficiency |
08 |
Add-on-subsidy (AOS) incentive energy performance contract (EPC) |
09 |
Payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) |
10 |
Cost of independent audit |
11 |
Funding for resident participation activities |
12 |
Asset management fee |
13 |
Information technology fee |
14 |
Asset repositioning fee |
15 |
Costs attributable to changes in federal law, regulation, or economy |
16 |
Total Add-Ons (Sum of Part A, Lines 07 through 15) |
17 |
Total Formula Expenses (Part A, Line 04 + Line 06 + Line 16) |
Part B. Formula Income |
01 |
PUM formula income |
02 |
Resident paid utility (RPU) incentive energy performance contract (EPC) |
03 |
PUM adjusted formula income (Sum of Part B, Lines 01 and 02) |
04 |
Total Formula Income (Part B, Line 03 x Section 2, Line 15, Column B) |
Part C. Other Formula Provisions |
01 |
Moving-to-Work (MTW) |
02 |
Transition funding |
03 |
Other |
04 |
Total Other Formula Provisions (Sum of Part C, Lines 01 through 03) |
Part D. Calculation of Formula Amount |
01 |
Formula calculation (Part A, Line 17 - Part B, Line 04 + Part C, Line 04) |
02 |
Cost of independent audit (same as Part A, Line 10) |
03 |
Formula amount (greater of Part D, Lines 01 or 02) |
Part E. Calculation of Operating Fund Grant (HUD Use Only) |
01 |
Formula amount (same as Part D, Line 03) |
02 |
Adjustment due to availability of funds |
03 |
HUD discretionary adjustments |
04 |
Funds Obligated for Period (Part E, Line 01 - Line 02 - Line 03) Appropriation symbol(s):
Operating Fund Project Number:
Section 4 - Comments |
Section 5 |
In accordance with 24 CFR 990.215, I hereby certify that _________ Housing Agency is in compliance with the annual income reexamination requirements and that rents and utility allowance calculations have been or will be adjusted in accordance with current HUD requirements and regulations.
In accordance with § 213 of Title II of Division L of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, Pub. L. 117-328 (approved December 29, 2022) and subsequent acts containing the same provisions, I hereby certify that _______________ Housing Agency has 400 or fewer units and is implementing asset management.
In accordance with 24 CFR 990.255 through 990.290 – Compliance of Asset Management Requirements, I hereby certify that _________ Housing Agency has 250 units or more and is in compliance with asset management. I understand in accordance with 24 CFR 990.190(f), PHAs that are not in compliance with asset management will forfeit the asset management fee.
I hereby certify the information stated herein, as well as any information provided in the accompaniment herewith, is true and accurate. Warning: Anyone who knowingly submits a false claim or makes a false statement is subject to criminal and/or civil penalties, including confinement up to 5 years, fines, and civil and administrative penalties (18 U.S.C. §§ 287, 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. §§ 3729, 3802). |
This form is used by Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) to calculate eligibility for Operating Funds under the Operating Fund program, in accordance with regulations at 24 CFR Part 990.
It is used for PHA-owned rental public housing projects and PHA units in mixed housing projects when Operating Funds are requested for such projects under the Operating Fund Program.
Unless directed otherwise, a PHA/project that is eligible to receive operating funds will send this form to HUD. This form must be submitted for each funding period for which Operating Funds are requested pursuant to 24 CFR 990.200(c). PHAs must prepare a separate form for each project identified as such for the purpose of asset management under 24 CFR 990.265. A PHA that owns and operates fewer than 250 units and treats its entire portfolio as a single project under 24 CFR 990.260(b) shall prepare one form.
A Moving to Work (MTW) PHA with an agreement that uses an alternative Operating Fund formula will submit only one form for all the PHA’s projects. Alternative formula MTWs will only complete Section 1; Section 2, ACC units; and Section 3, Part C, Line 1, Part C, Line 4, Part D, Line 1 and Part D, Line 3. Additionally, the PHA will submit any supporting documentation required by the MTW agreement and HUD. MTW PHAs that do not use an alternative Operating Fund formula will complete all sections of this form.
This form is not used for Turnkey III and Mutual Help Homeownership Opportunity Programs, Sections 23 and 10(c) Leased Housing Programs, or the Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8) Program.
Total number of ACC units for this PHA. The total number of units for all projects under the PHA’s Annual Contributions Contract (ACC).
1. Name and Address of Public Housing Agency. The name and address of the PHA.
2. Funding Period 1/1/__ to 12/31/__. All PHAs will be funded from the Operating Fund Program for the same period, regardless of PHA fiscal year. The calendar year for which this form is submitted is displayed in the blank spaces. All references throughout this form to funding period pertain to this period.
3. Type of Submission. If this is the first submission to HUD for this funding period, the initial submission box is selected. If this is a submission to amend the original or subsequent HUD accepted submissions, the resubmission box is selected. If this is a submission to address quality control findings, the QC submission box is selected. If this is a request for revision to the last HUD accepted submission, the revision box is selected.
4. ACC Number. The number of the ACC covering the projects for which this form is being submitted.
5. Fiscal Year End. This selection corresponds to the ending date of the PHA’s fiscal year.
6. Operating Fund Project Number. The Operating Fund Project Number for which this form is being submitted.
7. UEI. The PHA’s Unique Entity Identifier obtained from the System for Award Management (SAM.gov).
8. ROFO Code. The region and field office code for the field office that has jurisdiction over the PHA (HUD Use Only).
9. HUD Staff. The name of the HUD staff at the field office who last reviewed this submission (HUD Use Only).
All entries should be at the project level, unless otherwise specified.
Unit and unit month information should be only for public housing units under an ACC.
All unit and unit month information will be for the 12-month period from July 1 to June 30 prior to the first day of the funding period, pursuant to 24 CFR 990.135(a). (Exceptions are made for new units, entered on Lines 03 and 04, and for units eligible for an asset repositioning fee).
First of Month/End of Month. Select the first of the month box if the PHA uses the beginning of the month basis of unit-month reporting or select the last of the month if the PHA uses the end of the month basis of unit-month reporting. The unit months are calculated based on the unit status for the reporting period for funding year.
Column A, Unit Months
This column is used to determine the asset management fee in Section 3, Part A, Line 12 and the information technology fee in Section 3, Part A, Line 13.
Unit months are the number of months within a period that a unit met the criteria for one of the categories below.
Once a unit becomes eligible to receive an asset repositioning fee, it should not be included in the unit months on Lines 01 through 11 of this section pursuant to 24 CFR 990.130(b) and 990.190(h).
Occupied Unit Months:
Line 01: Occupied dwelling units – by public housing eligible family under lease. The number of unit months the PHA had units occupied by public housing-eligible families under a lease pursuant to 24 CFR 990.140.
Line 02: Occupied dwelling units – by PHA/project employee, police officer, or other security personnel who is not otherwise eligible for public housing. The number of unit months for units occupied by PHA/project employees, police officers, and other security personnel who are not otherwise eligible for public housing and therefore are not included on Line 01 of this section pursuant to 24 CFR 990.190(e).
Line 03: Occupied new units – eligible to receive funds during the funding period but not included on Lines 01, 02 or 05-13 of this section. Enter the number of unit months for new units added as if July 1 to June 30 prior to the first day of the funding period which are eligible to receive Operating Funds during the funding period pursuant to 24 CFR 990.155(a)(1) and (b)(1), and exclude these unit months from Lines 01, 02 or 05-13 of this section.
Line 04: Occupied new units – eligible to receive Operating Funds from 10/1 to 12/31 of previous funding period but not included on previous Calculation of Operating Fund Grant. Enter the number of unit months for which new units were eligible to receive Operating Funds from 10/1 to 12/31 of the previous funding period pursuant to 24 CFR 990.155(a)(1) and (b)(1) but were not included on the previous Calculation of Operating Fund Grant, form HUD-52723. Please note, these new unit months also may be included in lines 01, 02 or 05-13 for the current funding period but cannot exceed 15-unit months per new unit for all lines.
Vacant Unit Months:
Line 05: Units undergoing modernization. The number of unit months for HUD-approved vacant units undergoing modernization pursuant to 24 CFR 990.145(a)(1).
Line 06: Special use units. The number of unit months for HUD-approved vacant units used for resident services, resident organization offices, and related activities such as self-sufficiency and anti-crime initiatives pursuant to 24 CFR 990.145(a)(2).
Line 07: Units vacant due to litigation. The number of unit months for HUD-approved vacant units due to litigation pursuant to 24 CFR 990.145(b)(1).
Line 08: Units vacant due to disasters. The number of unit months for HUD-approved vacant units due to disasters pursuant to 24 CFR 990.145(b)(2).
Line 09: Units vacant due to casualty losses. The number of unit months for HUD-approved vacant units due to casualty losses pursuant to 24 CFR 990.145(b)(3).
Line 10: Units vacant due to changing market conditions. The number of unit months for vacant units due to changing market conditions for which the PHA appealed to receive Operating Funds and received HUD approval pursuant to 24 CFR 990.145(c) and 990.245(d).
Line 11: Units vacant and not categorized above. The number of unit months for vacant units not otherwise eligible for funds (and therefore were not included on Lines 05 through 10 of this section) pursuant to 24 CFR 990.130(a).
Other ACC Unit Months:
Line 12: Units eligible for asset repositioning fee (ARF) and still on ACC (occupied or vacant). The number of unit months for units under ACC that were eligible to receive an asset repositioning fee (and therefore were not included on Lines 01 through 11 of this section) pursuant to 24 CFR 990.130(b) and 990.190(h).
Line 13: All other ACC units not categorized above. The number of unit months for units under ACC that were not included on Lines 01 through 12 of this section (e.g., units were occupied by over income families; units were used as temporary office space; units previously received an asset repositioning fee and although the fee expired, the units are still under ACC since the demolition or disposition has not been completed).
Calculations Based on Unit Months:
Line 15: Total Unit Months. The sum of Lines 01 through 13 of Column A.
Column B, Eligible Unit Months (EUMs) ___________________________________________________________
This column is used to determine the PEL on Part A, Line 04; the UEL on Part A, Line 06; and the Total Formula Income on Part B, Line 04 of Section 3.
Line 01 and Lines 03 through 10 (excluding 06a). The same amount as on the corresponding lines in Column A.
Line 06a: Units on Line 02 that are occupied by police officers and that also qualify as special use units. Enter the number of unit months for Units on Line 02 that are occupied by police officers and that also qualify as special use units pursuant to 24 CFR 990.145(a)(2). These units may not exceed “Occupied Dwelling Units - by PHA employees, police or other security personnel who is not otherwise eligible for public housing” (Line 02).
Calculations Based on Unit Months:
Line 14: Limited vacancies. Pursuant to 24 CFR 990.150:
For PHAs with over 100 units, the lesser of 3 percent of Line 15 of Column A or Line 11 of Column A.
For PHAs with 100 or fewer units, the lesser of 60 unit months or Line 11 of Column A.
Line 15: Total Unit Months. The sum of Line 01, Lines 03 through 10 (including 6a), and Line 14 of Column B.
Special Provision for Calculation of Utilities Expense Level:
Line 17: Unit months for which actual consumption is included on Line 01 of form HUD-52722 and that were removed from Lines 01 through 11 because of removal from inventory, including eligibility for the asset repositioning fee. Enter the number of unit months for which actual consumption is included on Line 01 of form HUD-52722 and that were removed from unit months on Lines 01 through 11 because of
eligibility for the asset repositioning fee. For more information, see instructions to the form HUD-52722.
Column C, Resident Participation Unit Months
This column is used to determine the funding for resident participation activities in Part A, Line 11 of Section 3.
Lines 01 through 04. The same amount as on the corresponding lines in Column A.
Calculations Based on Unit Months:
Line 15: Total Unit Months. The sum of Lines 01 through 04 of Column C.
Line 16: Units eligible for funding for resident participation activities. The total on Line 15 is divided by 12 months and rounded to the nearest whole number to determine the number of units eligible for the funding for resident participation activities add-on.
Note. Part A, Lines 01, 03, and 05 must be per unit per month (PUM) amounts, rounded to the nearest two (2) decimal places. Line 02 will be provided by HUD. Lines 04 and 06 through 17 must be in whole dollars.
Project Expense Level (PEL):
Line 01: PUM PEL. The Project Expense Level (PEL) provided by HUD as calculated pursuant to 24 CFR 990.165.
Line 02: Inflation factor. The applicable inflation factor provided by HUD as determined pursuant to 24 CFR 990.165(d).
Line 03: PUM inflated PEL. Line 01 is multiplied by Line 02.
Line 04: PEL. Line 03 is multiplied by Section 2, Line 15, Column B.
Utilities Expense Level (UEL):
Line 05: PUM UEL. The amount from Line 26 of form HUD-52722, Operating Fund Grant: Calculation of Utilities Expense Level.
Line 06: UEL. Line 05 is multiplied by the amount in Section 2, Line 15, Column B.
Line 07: Self-sufficiency. Enter the reasonable cost of self-sufficiency program coordinator(s) and associated costs pursuant to 24 CFR 990.190(a). Costs for this line are restricted to the Elderly/Disabled Service Coordinator (EDSC) Program.
Line 08: Add-on-subsidy (AOS) incentive energy performance contract (EPC). Enter the approved EPC AOS incentive for energy conservation measures pursuant to 24 CFR 990.190(b). PHAs should leave this field blank for projects without an approved AOS. Note: The PHA should submit supporting documentation recommended by HUD to claim the AOS incentive.
Line 09: Payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT). Enter the amount paid for PILOT pursuant to 24 CFR 990.190(c). Note: If the PHA submits a value different from the pre-populated value, the PHA should submit supporting documentation recommended by HUD.
Line 10: Cost of independent audits. Enter the most recent actual audit costs of the Operating Fund Program pursuant to 24 CFR 990.190(d). Note: If the PHA submits a value different from the pre-populated value, the PHA should submit supporting documentation recommended by HUD.
Line 11: Funding for resident participation activities. $25 multiplied by the amount in Section 2, Line 16, Column C, is displayed in Line 11 pursuant to 24 CFR 990.190(e).
Line 12: Asset management fee. Pursuant to 24 CFR 990.190(f), Line 12 displays the following:
If the PHA has at least 250 units, $4 multiplied by the amount in Section 2, Line 15, Column A.
If the PHA has fewer than 250 units and has elected to transition to asset management, $2 multiplied by the amount in Section 2, Line 15, Column A.
Line 13: Information technology fee. $2 is multiplied by the amount in Section 2, Line 15, Column A, pursuant to 24 CFR 990.190(g).
Line 14: Asset repositioning fee. Enter the amount of the asset repositioning fee for eligible units calculated pursuant to 24 CFR 990.190(h). Note: If the PHA submits a value different from the pre-populated value, the PHA should submit supporting documentation recommended by HUD.
Line 15: Costs attributable to changes in federal Law, regulation, or economy. Blank unless specific instructions are provided by HUD pursuant to 24 CFR 990.190(i).
Line 16: Total Add-Ons. The sum of Lines 07 through 15.
Line 17: Total Formula Expenses. The sum of Lines 04, 06, and 16.
Note. Part B, Lines 01 through 03 must be per unit per month (PUM) amounts, rounded to the nearest two (2) decimal places. Line 04 must be in whole dollars.
Line 01: PUM formula income. Enter the formula income PUM provided by HUD as calculated pursuant to 24 CFR 990.195 and 990.170(e). Note: If the PHA submits a value different from the pre-populated value or if HUD did not provide a pre-populated value, the PHA should submit supporting documentation recommended by HUD.
Line 02: Resident paid utility (RPU) incentive for energy performance contract (EPC). If the project has an EPC with an RPU, enter the EPC RPU as a negative number. Projects without an approved EPC RPU should leave this field blank. Note: The PHA should submit supporting documentation recommended by HUD to claim the RPU incentive.
Line 03: PUM adjusted formula income. The sum of Line 01 and 02.
Line 04: Total Formula Income. Line 03 is multiplied by the amount in Section 2, Line 15, Column B.
Note. All of Part C must be in whole dollars.
Line 01: Moving-to-Work (MTW). If the PHA has an MTW alternative Operating Fund formula specified in Attachment A of its agreement, it must report the total Operating Fund eligibility on this line. Note: If applicable, the PHA should submit supporting documentation recommended by HUD.
Line 02: Transition funding. The transition funding amount provided by HUD as calculated pursuant to 24 CFR 990.230 and 990.235.
Line 03: Other. Leave blank unless specific instructions are provided by HUD. Note: If applicable, the PHA should submit supporting documentation recommended by HUD.
Line 04: Total Other Formula Provisions. The sum of Lines 01 through 03.
Note. All of Part D must be in whole dollars.
Line 01: Formula calculation. The total of Part A, Line 17 minus Part B, Line 04 plus Part C, Line 04.
Line 02: Cost of independent audit. The same amount as previously entered on Part A, Line 10.
Line 03: Formula amount. The greater of Lines 01 or 02.
Part E. Calculation of Operating Fund Grants (HUD Use Only)
Line 01: Formula amount. The amount from Part D, Line 03.
Line 02: Adjustment due to availability of funds. If necessary, HUD will enter an adjustment to the formula amount on Line 01 based on the annual appropriation for the Operating Fund Program.
Line 03: HUD discretionary adjustments. If necessary, HUD will enter discretionary adjustments that will be effective during the funding period.
Line 04: Funds Obligated for Period. The result of Line 01 minus Line 02 minus Line 03. HUD will also enter the appropriation symbol from which this grant will be paid. If this amount is being paid from more than one appropriation, HUD will enter the dollar amount paid from each appropriation.
Form HUD-52723
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-07-27 |