SurveyID 9301 Hemp Production and Disposition Inquiry - February 1, 20

Hemp Production and Disposition Inquiry

0270 - Hemp Production and Disposition Inquiry - 7-24-2024

OMB: 0535-0270

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OMB No.0535-0270
Approval Expires: 8/31/2024
Project Code: 947
Survey ID: 9031

United States
Department of
National Operations Division
9700 Page Avenue, Suite 400
St. Louis, MO 63132-1547
Phone: 1-888-424-7828
Fax: 1-855-415-3687
Email: [email protected]
Please make corrections to name, address and ZIP Code, if necessary.
The information you provide will be used for statistical purposes only. Your response will be kept confidential and any person who willfully discloses ANY identifiable
information about you or your operation is subject to a jail term, a fine, or both. This survey is conducted in accordance with the Confidential Information Protection and
Statistical Efficiency Act of 2018, Title III of Pub. L. No. 115-435, codified in 44 U.S.C. Ch. 35 and other applicable Federal laws. For more information on how we protect
your information please visit: Response is voluntary.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless
it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB number is 0535-0002. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20
minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and
reviewing the collection of information.

Please make corrections to name, address, and ZIP Code, if necessary.
The information you provide will be used for statistical purposes only. Your response will be kept confidential and any person who willfully
discloses ANY identifiable information about you or your operation is subject to a jail term, a fine, or both. This survey is conducted in
accordance with the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2018, Title III of Pub. L. No. 115-435, codified in 44
U.S.C. Ch. 35 and other applicable Federal laws. For more information on how we protect your information please visit: Response is voluntary.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a
collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number is 0535-0270. The time required to
complete this information collection is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.










1. Please verify the name and mailing address of this operation.
Make corrections (including the correct operation name) on the label and continue.
2. Did this operation plant any hemp for the 2023 crop year for any purpose, other than home use?
The 2023 crop year is defined as anything harvested (or intended to be harvested) in 2023,
regardless of whether it was planted in 2023 or 2022.

☐1 Yes - Continue
☐3 No - Skip to page 16

This page is intentionally left blank


Section 1 - Hemp Harvested from Open Fields
1. For the 2023 crop year, did you plant or seed hemp OUTDOORS IN OPEN FIELDS?
The 2023 crop year is defined as anything that was harvested (or intended to be harvested) in 2023,
regardless of when it was planted.

☐1 Yes - Continue
☐3 No - Skip to page 9 for hemp planted or seeded in greenhouses, nurseries, hoop houses,
tunnels, indoors with climate and/light control, or other protection.

2. For the 2023 crop year, on how many acres did you plant hemp in open fields?
· INCLUDE seeds, plants, transplants, or clones.
· INCLUDE acres that were not harvested (including destroyed or abandoned).


Acres (report to the nearest tenth of an acre)

3. In 2023, how many acres of hemp were harvested from open fields?

Acres (report to the nearest tenth of an acre)


In 2023, which of the following hemp products and/or uses did you harvest from OPEN FIELDS? Mark all that apply.
After answering this question, please complete the pages listed for the applicable hemp crop.
Each section should take between 2-5 minutes to complete.
106 ☐1

Hemp flower for human consumption, such as:
· Smokable hemp
· Hemp harvested for CBD, CBG, CBN, and other cannabinoids
and/or terpenes extracted and used in products such as oils, lotions,
cleansers, bath products, and other nutraceutical or topical products
· Hemp seed oil products made from hemp grain instead of hemp flower;
check the box below for hemp grain and report those products on Page 5
· Hemp flower harvested from under protection; report that on Pages 9 and 10

Page 4

107 ☐1

Hemp grain or seed to be used in food products, such as crushed seed oil,
hemp hearts, protein supplements or other food products

Page 5

· Hemp oil products with significant cannabinoid content made from hemp
flower; check the box for hemp flower and report on Page 4
· Hemp seeds that are intended to be planted and grown by others; check the
box for hemp seed for planting and harvesting below and report on Page 7
108 ☐1

Hemp fiber, used for:
· Clothes
· Pressed plastics
· Ropes

Page 6

Animal bedding

109 ☐1

Hemp seed to sell to others for the purpose of planting and harvesting
DO NOT INCLUDE seed harvested from greenhouses, nurseries,
or other protection; report that on Pages 9 and 12

Page 7

110 ☐1

Other hemp, specify (111) _________________________

Page 8


Section 1 - Hemp Harvested from Open Fields (continued)

Hemp Flower for Human Consumption

1. In 2023, how many acres of hemp flower did you harvest from open fields?


Acres (report to the nearest tenth of an acre)

Note: If zero, go to the next applicable use of hemp that you harvested.
Note for Questions 2-5: Answer “yes” if you did so yourself, or if someone did so on your behalf.
2. For your 2023 hemp flower crop, did you dry your hemp flower crop prior to sale? This
includes drying in the field, hang drying, machine drying, or any other type of drying to
remove moisture from the plant.

114 ☐1 Yes

☐3 No

3. For your 2023 hemp flower crop, did you use a machine to remove your hemp flower from
the stem prior to sale? This may be called “bucking,” “de-budding,” or “de-stemming."

115 ☐1 Yes

☐3 No

4. For your 2023 hemp flower crop, did you, or will you, hand trim your hemp flower prior to sale?

116 ☐1 Yes

☐3 No

5. For your 2023 hemp flower crop, did you, or will you, extract the cannabinoids and/or terpenes 117 ☐1 Yes ☐3 No
from your hemp prior to sale?
6. How did you acquire the hemp seeds or plants that you used to grow hemp flower in open fields in 2023?
118 ☐1 I bred, cloned, or bought my own hemp seeds or plants (i.e., I owned them).

I was provided the hemp seeds or plants to grow for another person or organization, who owned them.
Sometimes called a "production contract."


Other, specify (119) __________________________________________________________________

7. In 2023, how many TOTAL pounds of hemp flower did you harvest from open fields?

7a. Is the amount reported in Question 7 the dry weight?

239 ☐1 Yes

☐3 No

8. The questions below are about hemp flower harvested from open fields in 2023.

Pounds (dry weight)

8a. Of the hemp flower harvested in
2023, how many pounds have
you sold as of today, and what
is the price you received?


8b. Of the hemp flower harvested in
2023, how many pounds do you
expect to sell within the next
year, and what is the price you
reasonably expect to receive?
8c. Of the hemp flower harvested in
2023, how many pounds do you
expect will remain unsold for
the next year or longer?


Average Price
per Pound
(Dollars and cents)


Total Dollars

. __ __


. __ __






(Note: The sum of 8a, 8b and 8c should equal the amount reported in Question 7.)


Section 1 - Hemp Harvested from Open Fields (continued)

Hemp Grain or Seed to be Used in Food Products

1. In 2023, how many acres of hemp grain or seed to be used in food products did you harvest from open fields?


Acres (report to the nearest tenth of an acre)

Note: If zero, go to the next applicable use of hemp that you harvested.
2. For your 2023 hemp grain crop, did you dry your hemp grain crop prior to sale?





3. How did you acquire the hemp seeds or plants that you used to grow hemp grain in open fields in 2023?
132 ☐1 I bred, cloned, or bought my own hemp seeds or plants (i.e., I owned them).

I was provided the hemp seeds or plants to grow for another person or organization, who owned them.
Sometimes called a "production contract."


Other, specify (133) __________________________________________________________________

4. In 2023, how many TOTAL pounds of hemp grain did you harvest from open fields?

4a. Is the amount reported in Question 4 the dry weight?

240 ☐1 Yes

☐3 No

5. The questions below are about hemp grain harvested from open fields in 2023.

Pounds (dry weight)

5a. Of the hemp grain harvested in
2023, how many pounds have
you sold as of today, and what
is the price you received?
5b. Of the hemp grain harvested in
2023, how many pounds do you
expect to sell within the next
year, and what is the price you
reasonably expect to receive?
5c. Of the hemp grain harvested in
2023, how many pounds do you
expect will remain unsold for
the next year or longer?


Average Price
per Pound
(Dollars and cents)


. __ __




Total Dollars

. __ __


(Note: The sum of 5a, 5b and 5c should equal the amount reported in Question 4.)



Section 1 - Hemp Harvested from Open Fields (continued)

Hemp Fiber

1. In 2023, how many acres of hemp fiber did you harvest from open fields?


Acres (report to the nearest tenth of an acre)

Note: If zero, go to the next applicable use of hemp that you harvested.
2. For your 2023 hemp fiber crop, did you use a retting process prior to sale? Retting is the process of softening the hemp
stalk to create fiber material, most commonly by leaving it in a field ("field retting" or "dew retting") or submerging in
water ("water retting").
Note: Answer yes if you did so yourself, or if someone did so on your behalf.
144 ☐1 Yes


3. How did you acquire the hemp seeds or plants that you used to grow hemp fiber in open fields in 2023?
146 ☐1 I bred, cloned, or bought my own hemp seeds or plants (i.e., I owned them).

I was provided the hemp seeds or plants to grow for another person or organization, who owned them.
Sometimes called a "production contract."


Other, specify (147) __________________________________________________________________

4. In 2023, how many TOTAL pounds of hemp fiber did you harvest from open fields?

4a. Is the amount reported in Question 4 the dry weight?

241 ☐1 Yes

☐3 No

5. The questions below are about hemp fiber harvested from open fields in 2023.

Pounds (dry weight)

5a. Of the hemp fiber harvested in
2023, how many pounds have
you sold as of today, and what
is the price you received?
5b. Of the hemp fiber harvested in
2023, how many pounds do you
expect to sell within the next
year, and what is the price you
reasonably expect to receive?
5c. Of the hemp fiber harvested in
2023, how many pounds do you
expect will remain unsold for
the next year or longer?


Average Price
per Pound
(Dollars and cents)


. __ __




Total Dollars

. __ __


(Note: The sum of 5a, 5b and 5c should equal the amount reported in Question 4.)



Section 1 - Hemp Harvested from Open Fields (continued)

Hemp Seed to Sell to Others for the Purpose of Planting and Harvesting

1. In 2023, how many acres of hemp seed to sell to others for the purpose of planting and harvesting did you harvest
from open fields?


Acres (report to the nearest tenth of an acre)

Note: If zero, go to the next applicable use of hemp that you harvested.
2. For your 2023 hemp seed, did you use a seed feminization process?

☐1 Yes
☐3 No

3. How did you acquire the hemp seeds or plants that you used to grow hemp seed in open fields in 2023?
159 ☐1 I bred, cloned, or bought my own hemp seeds or plants (i.e., I owned them).

I was provided the hemp seeds or plants to grow for another person or organization, who owned them.
Sometimes called a "production contract."


Other, specify (160) __________________________________________________________________

4. In 2023, how many TOTAL pounds of hemp seed did you harvest from open fields?

4a. Is the amount reported in Question 4 the dry weight?

242 ☐1 Yes

☐3 No

5. The questions below are about hemp seed harvested from open fields in 2023.


Average Price
per Pound
(Dollars and cents)

. __ __




. __ __

Pounds (dry weight)

5a. Of the hemp seed harvested in
2023, how many pounds have
you sold as of today, and what
is the price you received?
5b. Of the hemp seed harvested in
2023, how many pounds do you
expect to sell within the next
year, and what is the price you
reasonably expect to receive?
5c. Of the hemp seed harvested in
2023, how many pounds do you
expect will remain unsold for
the next year or longer?


Total Dollars



(Note: The sum of 5a, 5b and 5c should equal the amount reported in Question 4.)



Section 1 - Hemp Harvested from Open Fields (continued)

Hemp for Other Uses

1. In 2023, how many acres of hemp for other uses did you harvest from open fields?


Acres (report to the nearest tenth of an acre)

Note: If zero, go to the next applicable use of hemp that you harvested.
2. How did you acquire the hemp seeds or plants that you used to grow hemp for other uses in open fields in 2023?
171 ☐1 I bred, cloned, or bought my own hemp seeds or plants (i.e., I owned them).

I was provided the hemp seeds or plants to grow for another person or organization, who owned them.
Sometimes called a "production contract."


Other, specify (172) __________________________________________________________________

3. In 2023, how many TOTAL pounds of hemp for other uses did you harvest from open fields?

3a. Is the amount reported in Question 3 the dry weight?

243 ☐1 Yes

☐3 No

4. The questions below are about hemp for other uses harvested from open fields in 2023.

Pounds (dry weight)

4a. Of the other hemp harvested in
2023, how many pounds have
you sold as of today, and what
is the price you received?
4b. Of the other hemp harvested in
2023, how many pounds do you
expect to sell within the next
year, and what is the price you
reasonably expect to receive?
4c. Of the other hemp harvested in
2023, how many pounds do you
expect will remain unsold for
the next year or longer?


Average Price
per Pound
(Dollars and cents)


. __ __




Total Dollars

. __ __


(Note: The sum of 4a, 4b and 4c should equal the amount reported in Question 3.)



Section 2 - Hemp Under Protection
1. For the 2023 crop year, did you plant or seed hemp under protection, with the intent to harvest the hemp from UNDER
PROTECTION? The 2023 crop year is defined as anything that was harvested (or intended to be harvested) in 2023,
regardless of when it was planted.
INCLUDE anything grown in greenhouses, hoop houses, low or high tunnels, indoors with climate and/or light control,
or any other type of protection.
DO NOT INCLUDE any clones, transplants, seeds, or seedlings grown under protection that you then moved outdoors to
continue growing until harvest; this should be reported on Page 3.

☐1 Yes - Continue
☐3 No - Skip to page 15

2. For the 2023 crop year, how many square feet were seeded or planted under protection, including square feet
that were abandoned?
Note: If you planted or seeded multiple times under the same space, count the square footage only once.

square feet

3. In 2023, how many square feet were harvested from under protection?
Note: If you completed multiple harvests under the same space, count the square footage only once.

square feet

4. In 2023, which of the following hemp products and/or uses did you harvest from UNDER PROTECTION? Mark all
that apply.
After answering this question, please complete the pages listed for the applicable hemp crop.
Each section should take between 2-5 minutes to complete.
183 ☐1

Hemp flower for human consumption harvested from under protection, such as:
· Smokable hemp
· Hemp harvested for CBD, CBG, CBN, and other cannabinoids and/or terpenes
extracted and used in products such as oils, lotions, cleansers, bath products,
and other nutraceutical or topical products
· Hemp seed oil products made from hemp grain instead of hemp flower; report
those products on Page 5
· Hemp flower started under protection but moved outdoors to finish growing
and harvested; report that on Page 3

Page 10

184 ☐1

Hemp clones or transplants grown and sold to other growers(e.g., “propagation stock”)

Page 11

INCLUDE: clones or transplants that were sold to a buyer who used them to grow their
own hemp.
DO NOT INCLUDE: clones or transplants that YOU then planted and harvested for
other purposes; that hemp should be reported under the category that the hemp was
ultimately harvested for
185 ☐1

Hemp seed to sell to others for the purpose of planting and harvesting

Page 12

INCLUDE: hemp seed sold to a buyer who used the seed to grow their own hemp.
DO NOT INCLUDE: seed that YOU then planted and harvested for other purposes; that
hemp should be reported under the category that the hemp was ultimately harvested for
186 ☐1

Other hemp, specify (187) _____________________________

Page 13


Section 2 - Hemp Under Protection (continued)

Hemp Flower Harvested

1. In 2023, how many square feet of hemp flower did you harvest from under protection?

square feet

Note: If zero, go to the next applicable use of hemp that you harvested.
Note for Questions 2-5: Answer “yes” if you did so yourself, or if someone did so on your behalf.
2. For your 2023 hemp flower crop, did you dry your hemp flower crop prior to sale? This
includes drying in the field, hang drying, machine drying, or any other type of drying to
remove moisture from the plant.

189 ☐1 Yes

☐3 No

3. For your 2023 hemp flower crop, did you use a machine to remove your hemp flower from
the stem prior to sale? This may be called “bucking,” “de-budding,” or “de-stemming."

190 ☐1 Yes

☐3 No

4. For your 2023 hemp flower crop, did you, or will you, hand trim your hemp flower prior to sale?

191 ☐1 Yes

☐3 No

192 ☐1 Yes ☐3 No
5. For your 2023 hemp flower crop, did you, or will you, extract the cannabinoids and/or terpenes
from your hemp prior to sale?
6. How did you acquire the hemp seeds or plants that you used to grow hemp flower under protection in 2023?
☐1 I bred, cloned, or bought my own hemp seeds or plants (i.e., I owned them).


I was provided the hemp seeds or plants to grow for another person or organization, who owned them.
Sometimes called a "production contract."


Other, specify (194) __________________________________________________________________

7. In 2023, how many TOTAL pounds of hemp flower did you harvest from under protection?

7a. Is the amount reported in Question 7 the dry weight?

244 ☐1 Yes

☐3 No

8. The questions below are about hemp flower harvested from under protection in 2023.

Pounds (dry weight)

8a. Of the hemp flower harvested in
2023, how many pounds have
you sold as of today, and what
is the price you received?
8b. Of the hemp flower harvested in
2023, how many pounds do you
expect to sell within the next
year, and what is the price you
reasonably expect to receive?
8c. Of the hemp flower harvested in
2023, how many pounds do you
expect will remain unsold for
the next year or longer?


Average Price
per Pound
(Dollars and cents)


. __ __



(Note: The sum of 8a, 8b and 8c should equal the amount reported in Question 7.)


Total Dollars

. __ __



Section 2 - Hemp Under Protection (continued)

Hemp Clones or Transplants

1. In 2023, how many square feet of hemp clones or transplants (e.g., “propagation stock”) did you produce under

square feet

Note: If zero, go to the next applicable use of hemp that you harvested.
2. In 2023, did you produce clones, transplants, or both?

☐1 Clones
☐2 Transplants
☐3 Both

3. How did you acquire the hemp seeds or plants that you used to produce hemp clones or transplants under
protection in 2023?
☐1 I bred, cloned, or bought my own hemp seeds or plants (i.e., I owned them).

I was provided the hemp seeds or plants to grow for another person or organization, who owned them.
Sometimes called a "production contract."


Other, specify (206) __________________________________________________________________

4. In 2023, how many TOTAL hemp clones and/or transplants did you produce under protection?

INCLUDE clones or transplants that were sold to a buyer who used them to grow their own hemp.
DO NOT INCLUDE clones or transplants that YOU then planted and harvested for other purposes; that
hemp should be reported under the category that the hemp was ultimately harvested for.
5. The questions below are about hemp clones and/or transplants produced under protection in 2023.

5a. Of the clones/transplants produced in
2023, how many plants have you
sold as of today, and what is the
price you received?
5b. Of the clones/transplants produced in
2023, how many plants do you
expect to sell within the next year,
and what is the price you reasonably
expect to receive?
5c. Of the clones/transplants produced in
2023, how many plants have you
harvested that you expect will
remain unsold for the next year or


Average Price
per Plant
(Dollars and cents)


. __ __




Total Dollars

. __ __


(Note: The sum of 5a, 5b and 5c should equal the amount reported in Question 4.)



Section 2 - Hemp Under Protection (continued)

Hemp Seed to Sell to Others for the Purpose of Planting and Harvesting

1. In 2023, how many square feet of hemp seed to sell to others for the purpose of planting and harvesting did you
harvest from under protection?

square feet

Note: If zero, go to the next applicable use of hemp that you harvested.
2. For your 2023 hemp seed, did you use a seed feminization process prior to sale?

☐1 Yes
☐3 No

3. How did you acquire the hemp seeds or plants that you used to grow hemp seed under protection in 2023?
☐1 I bred, cloned, or bought my own hemp seeds or plants (i.e., I owned them).

I was provided the hemp seeds or plants to grow for another person or organization, who owned them.
Sometimes called a "production contract."


Other, specify (218) __________________________________________________________________

4. In 2023, how many TOTAL pounds of hemp seed did you harvest from under protection?

INCLUDE hemp seed that was sold to a buyer who used them to grow their own hemp.
DO NOT INCLUDE hemp seed that YOU then planted and harvested for other purposes; that
hemp should be reported under the category that the hemp was ultimately harvested for.
4a. Is the amount reported in Question 4 the dry weight?

245 ☐1 Yes

☐3 No

5. The questions below are about hemp seed harvested from under protection in 2023.

Pounds (dry weight)

5a. Of the hemp seed harvested in 2023,
how many pounds have you sold
as of today, and what is the price
you received?
5b. Of the hemp seed harvested in 2023,
how many pounds do you expect to
sell within the next year, and what is
the price you reasonably expect to


5c. Of the hemp seed harvested in 2023,
how many pounds have you
harvested that you expect will
remain unsold for the next year
or longer?


Average Price
per Pound
(Dollars and cents)


. __ __




Total Dollars

. __ __

(Note: The sum of 5a, 5b and 5c should equal the amount reported in Question 4.)



Section 2 - Hemp Under Protection (continued)

Hemp for Other Uses

1. In 2023, how many square feet of hemp for other uses did you harvest from under protection?

square feet

2. How did you acquire the hemp seeds or plants that you used to grow hemp for other uses under protection in 2023?
☐1 I bred, cloned, or bought my own hemp seeds or plants (i.e., I owned them).

I was provided the hemp seeds or plants to grow for another person or organization, who owned them.
Sometimes called a "production contract."


Other, specify (229) __________________________________________________________________

3. In 2023, how many TOTAL pounds of hemp for other uses did you harvest from under protection?

3a. Is the amount reported in Question 3 the dry weight?

246 ☐1 Yes

☐3 No

4. The questions below are about hemp for other uses harvested from under protection in 2023.


4a. Of the other hemp harvested in 2023,
how many pounds have you sold
as of today, and what is the price
you received?
4b. Of the other hemp harvested in 2023,
how many pounds do you expect to
sell within the next year, and what is
the price you reasonably expect to
4c. Of the other hemp harvested in 2023,
how many pounds have you
harvested that you expect will
remain unsold for the next year
or longer?


Average Price
per Pound
(Dollars and cents)


. __ __




Total Dollars

. __ __


(Note: The sum of 4a, 4b and 4c should equal the amount reported in Question 3.)


Skip to next page
Space for Notes and Comments


Section 3 – Operator Characteristics
Please answer the following for the person who makes decisions for this operation:
1. Sex:

☐1 Male
☐2 Female

2. Year of Birth:
927 _________________

3. What is your race or/and ethnicity?
Select all that apply:
xxx ☐ American Indian or Alaska Native
For example, Navajo Nation, Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation of Montana,
Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, Aztec,
Maya, etc.
xxx ☐ Asian
For example, Chinese, Asian Indian, Filipino, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, etc.
xxx ☐ Black or African American
For example, African American, Jamaican, Haitian, Nigerian, Ethiopian, Somali, etc.
xxx ☐ Hispanic or Latino
For example, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Salvadoran, Cuban, Dominican, Guatemalan, etc.
xxx ☐

Middle Eastern or North African
For example, Lebanese, Iranian, Egyptian, Syrian, Iraqi, Israeli, etc.

xxx ☐

Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
For example, Native Hawaiian, Samoan, Camorra Tongan, Fijian, Marshallese, etc.

xxx ☐ White
For example, English, German, Irish, Italian, Polish,Scottish, etc.
4. In what year did the operator begin to operate any farm or ranch operation?


5. At which occupation did the operator spend the majority (50 percent or more) of his/her time in 2023?

☐1 Farm or ranch work
☐2 Work other than farming or ranching


Section 4 - Conclusion

Operator Email:

Operator Phone:


Check to receive 9918
results by email



Operation Email: (if different from above)

Check if
cell phone


) - _____________________

Operation Phone: (if different from above)


Check to receive 9936
results by email



Check if
cell phone

) - _____________________

Respondent Name:

Respondent Phone (if different from above)



Check if 9910
cell phone



) - _____________________
__________________________________________ (
☐ Date: __ __ __ __
This completes the survey. The results will be available on the release date at
Thank you for your help.

__ __

4-Office Hold
5-R – Est
6-Inac – Est
7-Off Hold – Est
S/E Name



1-PASI (Mail)
2-PATI (Tel)
3-PAPI (Face-toFace)





Office Use for POID

__ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __

Optional Use




File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2024-07-24
File Created2024-07-19

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