Attachment A Burden Chart for OMB Control Number 0584-0006, Final Rule, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent with the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans for 0584-0006

Attachment A. Burden Chart for 0584-0006 7 CFR Part 210 NSLP.xlsx

7 CFR Part 210 National School Lunch Program

Attachment A Burden Chart for OMB Control Number 0584-0006, Final Rule, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent with the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans for 0584-0006

OMB: 0584-0006

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60 day Summ
Burden Summary

Sheet 1: Reporting

Attachment A. Burden Chart for OMB Control 0584-0006, Final Rule, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent with the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans for 0584-0006 7 CFR Part 210 for National School Lunch Program

A B C = (A*B) D E= (C*D) F

G =E-F
Program Rule CFR Citation Title Form Number Estimated # Respondents Responses per Respondents Total Annual Records Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Response Estimated Total Hours Current OMB Approved Burden Hrs Existing Requirements in Use without OMB approval Due to Program Change Due to an Adjustment Total Difference
State Agency Level

210.18(i)(3) SA notifies SFAs in writing of review findings, corrective actions, deadlines, and potential fiscal action with grounds and right to appeal.
56 Gaddie, Wesley - FNS: # of SFAs/3 for every 3 years divided by the # of SAs 113 6,328 8.00 50,624 50,624 0 0 0 0

210.19(f) SA provides the CACFP SA with a list of all NSLP schools with at least 50% or more children eligible for free or reduced price meals by February 1 each year.
56 1 56 2.00 112 112 0 0 0 0

210.20(a)(7) SA reports to FNS schools' compliance with the food safety inspections requirements.
56 1 56 1.50 84 84 0 0 0 0

210.5(d)(2)(ii) SAs submit a quarterly report to FNS detailing the disbursement of performance-based reimbursement to SFAs.
56 4 224 0.25 56 56 0 0 0 0
Admin Review 210.18 (c-h) SA completes documentation used to conduct Administrative Review.
56 113 6,347 47.50 301,482 301,482 0 0 0 0

210.20(a)(2)&(3)&(4)&(8)&(9) & 210.5(d)(1)&(2) & 210.14(e)(7) & 210.17(g), 210.20(a)(5) & 210.18(n) & (o)(2) SA reporting burden for electronic reports accounted for in the Food Program Reporting System (FPRS) ICR #0584-0594. FNS-10, FNS-13, FNS-777, FNS-640, FNS-828

Professional Standards Exemption 210.30(b)(1)(iv) State agency reviews and approves/denies each request to hire a school nutrition program director in a medium or large LEA who does not meet professional standards educational criteria
56 17 951 0.50 476 0
State Agency Level Total
56 249.32 13962 25.27 352833 352358 0 476 0 476
School Food Authority/Local Education Agency Level

210.9(b)(21) SFA provides SA with list of all schools with at least 50% free or reduced-price enrolled children and the attendance boundaries for those schools upon request of a CACFP sponsor of homes.
19,019 1.25 23,774 0.25 5,943 5,943 0 0 0 0

210.9(c)(7) SFAs review NSLP afterschool care programs
Gaddie, Wesley - FNS: SNOPS study shows 33.2% of SFAs particpate in NSLP afterschool snack service previous estimates were dubious 6,314 2 12,628 0.25 3,157 3,157 0 0 0 0

210.15(a)(1) & 210.8(b)&(c) SFA submits to the SA monthly claims for reimbursement and eligibility data for enrolled children for October.
19,019 Gaddie, Wesley - FNS: school year is ypically 10 months long 10.15 193,043 1.00 193,043 193,043 0 0 0 0

210.15(a)(2)&(4) & 210.9(a&b) & 210.7(d)(2) SFA submits to the SA an application, agreement, Free and Reduced Price Policy Statement, commodity preference, and annual certifications.
19,019 1 19,019 0.25 4,755 4,755 0 0 0 0

210.15(a)(3) & 210.18(j)(2) SFA submits to the SA a written response to reviews documenting corrective action for Program deficiencies.
6,340 1 6,340 8.00 50,720 50,720 0 0 0 0

210.15(a)(7) SFA reports to the SA the number of food safety inspections obtained by each school.
19,019 1 19,019 0.50 9,510 9,510 0 0 0 0
Paid Lunch Revenue 210.15(a)(8) & 210.14(e)(7) School food authorities shall report prices of paid lunches for each school to the State agency.
19,019 1 19,019 0.25 4,755 4,755 0 0 0 0
Professional Standards Exception 210.30(b)(1)(iv) SFAs develop and submit request to hire a school nutrition program director in medium or large LEA who does not meet professional standards educational criteria
951 1 951 0.50 476 0
School Food Authority Level Total
19,019 15.447 293,793 0.927 272,358 271,882 0 476 0 476
School Level

210.13(b) Schools shall post the most recent food safety inspection and provide a copy upon request.
96,860 2 193,720 0.10 19,411 19,411 0 0 0 0
School Level Total
96,860 2.000 193,720 0.10 19,411 19,411 0 0 - 0

Total Reporting Burden
115,935 4.33 501,475 1.29 644,602 643,651 0 951 0 951

Sheet 2: RecordKeeping


A B C = (A*B) D E= (C*D) F

G =E-F
Program Rule CFR Citation Title Form Number Estimated # Recordkeepers Records Per Recordkeeper Total Annual Records Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Record Estimated Total Hours Current OMB Approved Burden Hrs Existing Requirements in Use without OMB approval Due to Program Change - Rule Due to an Adjustment Total Difference
State Agency Level
Competitive Foods 210.18(h)(2)(iv) SA maintains documentation of LEA/SFA compliance with nutrition standards for competitive foods.
56 113 6,328 0.25 1,582 1,582 0 0 0 -
FNS-10 210.20(b)(1&2) & 210.23(c) & 210.5 SA maintains accounting records and source documents to control the receipt, custody and disbursement of Federal NSLP funds and documentation supporting all SFA claims paid by the SA. FNS-10 50 states + DC + Guam + Puerto Rico + Virgin Islands + add'l SAs in AR & OK = 56 56 Gaddie, Wesley - FNS: SFAs/SAs 340 19,040 3.00 57,120 57,120 0 0 0 -
FNS-13 210.20(b)(3) & 210.17(g)&(h) SA maintains documentation to support the amount of State funds reported for State revenue matching requirements. FNS-13 56 reported annually on the FNS-13 1 56 1.00 56 56 0 0 0 -
Admin Review 210.20(b)(6) & 210.18(f)(k,l,m,(o) & 210.23(c) SA maintains records of all reviews (including Program violations, corrective action, fiscal action and withholding of payments). FNS-640 56 Total SFAs / SAs divided by 3 for every three years. 113 6,328 8.00 50,638 50,638 0 0 0 -
Admin Review 210.20(b)(7) & 210.19(c) & 210.18(o) SA maintains documentation of fiscal action taken to disallow improper claims submitted by SFAs, as determined through claims processing, reviews, and USDA audits.
56 Total SFAs / SAs divided by 3 for every three years. 113 6,328 0.50 3,164 3,164 0 0 0 -
Admin Review 210.18 (c-h) SA completes and maintains documentation used to conduct Administrative Review.
56 113 6,347 0.50 3,173 3,173 0 0 0 -

210.20(b)(10) & 210.19(b) SA shall prepare records on schools eligible to receive USDA donated foods and maintain records on the annual food preference survey.
50 states + DC + Guam + Puerto Rico + Virgin Islands + add'l SAs in AR & OK = 56 56 1 56 3.00 168 168 0 0 0 -

210.20(b)(11) SA maintains records from SFAs of food safety inspections obtained by schools.
56 Total SFAs / SAs 340 19,040 0.25 4,760 4,760 0 0 0 -
Paid Lunch Revenue 210.20(b)(12) & 210.14(e)(7) SA maintains records of paid reimbursable lunch prices obtained from SFAs. FNS-828 56 340 19,040 0.20 3,816 3,816 0 0 0 -
Professional Standards 210.20(b)(14) SA maintains documentation of compliance with professional standards for State directors of School Nutrition Programs.
56 1 56 0.25 14 14 0 0 0 -
Professional Standards Exception 210.30(b)(1)(iv) SA maintains SFAs' requests to hire individuals in medium or large LEAs who do not meet professional standards educational criteria
56 17 951 0.25 238 0
State Agency Level Total
56 1,492 83,570 1.49 124,728 124,491 0 238 0 238
School Food Authority/Local Education Agency Level

210.9(b)(19) SFA maintains files of children directly certified.
19,019 4 76,076 0.65 49,548 49,548 - - - -
Competitive Foods 210.11(b)(2) LEAs & SFAs maintain documentation of compliance with nutrition standards for all competitive food for sale to students.
19,019 1 19,019 20.00 380,380 380,380 - - - -

210.15(b)(1) & 210.8(a)(5) SFA maintains documentation of participation data by school to support monthly Claim for Reimbursement and data used in the claims review process.
19,019 10 190,190 Often automated with little manual review 5.00 950,950 950,950 - - - -
Six Cents Certification 210.15(b)(2) & 210.7(d)(2) SFAs to maintain production and menu records and documentation to support performance based reimbursement and the attestation of compliance.
19,019 1 19,019 0.25 4,755 4,755 - - - -

210.15(b)(4) & 210.9(b)(18 & 20) SFA maintains files of school meal applications.
19,019 1 19,019 2.66 50,591 50,591 - - - -
Paid Lunch Revenue 210.15(b)(6) & 210.14(e) SFA maintains calculations of average paid lunch prices and adjustments.
19,019 1 19,019 5.00 95,095 95,095 - - - -
Paid Lunch Revenue 210.15(b)(7) & 210.14(f) SFA documents revenue from sale of nonprogram foods accrues to the nonprofit school food service account and is compliant with requirements.
19,019 1 19,019 10.00 190,190 190,190 - - - -
Professional Standards 210.15(b)(8); 210.30(g) SFA maintains documentation of compliance with professional standards for school nutrition directors, managers and personnel.
19,019 1 19,019 0.25 4,755 4,755 - - - -
Local Wellness Policy 210.15(b)(9) and 210.31(f) SFA/LEA must retain records to document compliance with the local school wellness policy requirements in 210.30(f).
19,019 1 19,019 0.25 4,755 4,755 - 0 0 0
Professional Standards Exception 210.30(b)(1)(iv) SFA maintains documentation of requests to hire individuals in medium or large LEAs who do not meet professional standards educational criteria
951 1 951 0.25 238 0
Buy American 210.21(d)(5) SFA maintains documentation demonstrating that their non-domestic food purchases do not exceed the specified annual threshold.
19,019 10 190,190 0.25 47,548 0
Buy American 210.21(d)(3) SFAs include language requiring Buy American in all procurement procedures, solicitations, and contracts and maintain such documentation.
19,019 1 19,019 10.00 190,190 0
Menu Planning Option in NSLP/SBP 210.10(c)(3) SFAs maintain records to demonstrate that schools are tribally operated, are operated by the Bureau of Indian Education, or serve primarily American Indian or Alaska Native students.
317 1 317 1.00 317 0
Nutrition Requirements 210.10(a)(3) SFAs develop menu records (beyond regular menu maintenance) that meet updated and new FNS specifications from the rule (which also includes following all previous rule menu specifications).
19,019 10 190,190 0.50 95,095 0
School Food Authority Level Total
19,019 42 800,066 2.58 2,064,406 1,731,018 0 333,387 0 333,387
School Level

210.10(m) School maintains written statements signed by a licensed physician of the need for substitutions and recommending alternate foods unless otherwise exempted by FNS.
Estimate 30% of schools might have this occur. 29,058 1 29,058 0.08 2,426 2,426 - - - -
Competitive Foods 210.11(b)(2) Organizations responsible for food service in schools maintain records.
96,860 1 96,860 0.50 48,430 48,430 - - - -

210.15(b)(1) Schools or SFAs maintain documentation of participation data by school to support the Claim for Reimbursement.
96,860 180 17,434,800 0.15 2,615,220 2,615,220 - - - -

210.15(b)(2)(3) & 210.10(a)(3) Schools or SFAs to maintain production, menue, and the latest nutritional analysis records to show that meals meet requirements.
96,860 180 17,434,800 0.25 4,358,700 4,358,700 - - - -

210.15(b)(5) & 210.13(b&c) School maintains temperature records for food safety program and records from most recent food safety inspection.
96,860 120 11,623,200 0.02 232,464 232,464 - - - -
School Level Total
96,860 481.30 46,618,718 0.16 7,257,240 7,257,240 - - - -

Total Recordkeeping Burden
115,935 410 47,502,354 0.20 9,446,374 9,112,749 0 333,625 0 333,625

Sheet 3: PublicNotification

Public Notification

A B C = (A*B) D E= (C*D) F

G =E-F
Program Rule CFR Citation Title Form Number Estimated # Respondents Responses per Respondents Total Annual Records Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Response Estimated Total Hours Current OMB Approved Burden Hrs Existing Requirements in Use without OMB approval Due to Program Change - Final Rule Due to an Adjustment Total Difference

Admin Review 210.18(m)(1) SA must post a summary of the most recent administrative review results of SFAs on the SA website and make a copy available upon request.
50 states + DC + Guam + Puerto Rico + Virgin Islands + add'l SAs in AR & OK = 56 56 113 6,328 0.25 1,582 1,582 0 0 0 0

State Agency Level Total
56 113.00 6328 0.25 1582 1582 0 0 0 0

Local Wellness Policy 210.31(d)(2) LEA must inform the public annually about the content and implementation of the local school wellness policy and any updates.
19,019 1 19,019 1.00 19,019 19,019 0 0 0 0
Local Wellness Policy 210.31(d)(3), e(2), e(3) LEA must conduct triennial assessments of schools' compliance with the local school wellness policy and inform public about progress.
Gaddie, Wesley - FNS: #of SFAs/3 6,340 1 6,340 5.00 31,700 31,700 0 0 0 0

Local Educational Agency / School Food Authority Level Total
19,019 1.33 25,359 2.00 50,719 50,719 0 0 0 0

0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0

School Level Total
- - -
- - - - - 0

Total Public Notification Burden
19,075 1.66 31,687 1.65 52,301 52,301 0 0 0 0

Sheet 4: 60 day Summ







This is the Current OMB Approved Burden Hrs column 'J'



Sheet 5: Burden Summary

ICR #0584-0006, National School Lunch Program 7 CFR Part 210 - Summary

Estimated # Respondents Responses Per Respondent Total Annual Responses (Col. BxC) Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Response Estimated Total Hours (Col. DxE)

State Agency Level 56 1,492 83,570 1.4925 124,728
School Food Authority Level 19,019 42 800,066 2.5803 2,064,406
School Level 96,860 481.30 46,618,718 0.15567 7,257,240
Recordkeeping Total 115,935 410 47,502,354 0.19886118 9,446,374

State Agency Level 56 249.32 13,962 25.27 352,833
School Food Authority Level 19,019 15.447 293,793 0.927041 272,358
School Level 96,860 2 193,720 0.1002 19,411
Reporting Total 115,935 4.33 501,475 1.2854126 644,602
Public Notification

State Agency Level 56 113 6,328 0.25 1,582
Local Educational Agency Level 19,019 1.33 25,359 2 50,719
School Level - - - -
Public Notification Total 19,075 1.66 31,687 1.6505507 52,301
TOTAL BURDEN FOR NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM 115,935 414.33 48,035,516 0.21 10,143,277

Sheet 6: Notes

Date User Initials Comments
12/15/22 JO Reviewed all numbers for accurancy and that they are updated; compared with Attachment B.

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