Greater Atlantic Region Vessel Indentification Requirements

NOAA Fisheries Greater Atlantic Region Vessel Identification Requirements

50 CFR 648.8 Vessel Identification

Greater Atlantic Region Vessel Indentification Requirements

OMB: 0648-0350

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§ 648.8

50 CFR Ch. VI (10–1–16 Edition)

sea purchaser or processor that purchases or processes any Atlantic herring,
butterfish, scup, or black sea bass at
sea must submit information identical
to that required by paragraph (a)(1) of
this section and provide those reports
to the Regional Administrator or designee by the same mechanism and on
the same frequency basis.
(g) Additional data and sampling. Federally permitted dealers must allow access to their premises and make available to an official designee of the Regional Administrator any fish purchased from vessels for the collection
of biological data. Such data include,
but are not limited to, length measurements of fish and the collection of age
structures such as otoliths or scales.
(h) At-sea monitor/electronic monitoring
reports. Any at-sea monitor assigned to
observe a sector trip and any thirdparty service provider analyzing data
from electronic monitoring equipment
deployed on a sector trip must submit
reports on catch, discard, and other
data elements specified by the Regional Administrator to NMFS, the
sector manager, and monitoring contractor, as instructed by the Regional
[61 FR 34968, July 3, 1996]

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EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER citations affecting § 648.7, see the List of CFR
Sections Affected, which appears in the
Finding Aids section of the printed volume
and at

§ 648.8 Vessel identification.
(a) Vessel name and official number.
Each fishing vessel subject to this part
and over 25 ft (7.6 m) in registered
length must:
(1) Affix permanently its name on the
port and starboard sides of the bow
and, if possible, on its stern.
(2) Display its official number on the
port and starboard sides of the deckhouse or hull, and on an appropriate
weather deck so as to be clearly visible
from enforcement vessels and aircraft.
The official number is the USCG documentation number or the vessel’s state
registration number for vessels not required to be documented under title 46
(b) Numerals. Except as provided in
paragraph (d) of this section, the offi-

cial number must be displayed in block
arabic numerals in contrasting color at
least 18 inches (45.7 cm) in height for
fishing vessels over 65 ft (19.8 m) in registered length, and at least 10 inches
(25.4 cm) in height for all other vessels
over 25 ft (7.6 m) in registered length.
The registered length of a vessel, for
purposes of this section, is that registered length set forth in USCG or
state records.
(c) Duties of owner. The owner of each
vessel subject to this part shall ensure
(1) The vessel’s name and official
number are kept clearly legible and in
good repair.
(2) No part of the vessel, its rigging,
its fishing gear, or any other object obstructs the view of the official number
from any enforcement vessel or aircraft.
(d) Non-permanent marking. Vessels
carrying recreational fishing parties on
a per capita basis or by charter must
use markings that meet the above requirements, except for the requirement
that they be affixed permanently to
the vessel. The non-permanent markings must be displayed in conformity
with the above requirements.
(e) New Jersey surfclam or ocean quahog vessels. Instead of complying with
paragraph (a) of this section, surfclam
or ocean quahog vessels licensed under
New Jersey law may use the appropriate vessel identification markings
established by that state.
[61 FR 34968, July 3, 1996, as amended at 76
FR 60649, Sept. 29, 2011]

§ 648.9 VMS vendor and unit requirements.
(a) Approval. The type-approval requirements for VMS MTUs and MCSPs
for the Greater Atlantic Region are
those as published by the NMFS Office
of Law Enforcement (OLE) in the FEDERAL REGISTER, and are available upon
request. Both the national type-approval requirements at 50 CFR part 600,
subpart Q and any established regional
standards must be met in order to receive approval for use in the Greater
Atlantic Region. The NMFS OLE Director shall approve all MTUs, MCSPs,
and bundles including those operating
in the Greater Atlantic Region.


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