Privacy Impact Assessment

PIA - The National Map Corps 11-21-17 (Signed) AM_KJC.pdf

The National Map Corps

Privacy Impact Assessment

OMB: 1028-0111

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U.S. Department of the Interior

The Department of the Interior requires PIAs to be conducted and maintained on all IT systems whether
already in existence, in development or undergoing modification in order to adequately evaluate privacy
risks, ensure the protection of privacy information, and consider privacy implications throughout the
information system development life cycle. This PIA form may not be modified and must be completed
electronically; hand-written submissions will not be accepted. See the DOI PIA Guide for additional
guidance on conducting a PIA or meeting the requirements of the E-Government Act of 2002. See
Section 6.0 of the DOI PIA Guide for specific guidance on answering the questions in this form.
NOTE: See Section 7.0 of the DOI PIA Guide for guidance on using the DOI Adapted PIA template to
assess third-party websites or applications.

Name of Project: The National Map Corps
Date: November 21, 2017
Bureau/Office: U.S. Geological Survey/National Map Reengineering Project
Bureau/Office Contact Title: Program Analyst
Point of Contact
Email: [email protected]
First Name: Anthony
Last Name: McDonald
Phone: (703) 648-5989
Address Line 1: 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
Address Line 2: Mail Stop 511
City: Reston
State/Territory: Virginia
Zip: 20192

Section 1. General System Information
A. Is a full PIA required?
Yes, information is collected from or maintained on
Members of the general public
Federal personnel and/or Federal contractors

U.S. Geological Survey - National Map Reengineering Project
The National Map Corps
Privacy Impact Assessment

No: Information is NOT collected, maintained, or used that is identifiable to the individual in
this system. Only sections 1 and 5 of this form are required to be completed.
B. What is the purpose of the system?
The U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) The National Map Corps (TNMCorps) is a component of
the National Map Reengineering Project (NMRP) Federal Information Security Modernization
Act (FISMA)-reportable information technology system. TNMCorps is operated by the National
Geospatial Technical Operations Center (NGTOC) in support of the National Geospatial
Program (NGP) and the Core Science Systems Mission Area.
The purpose of TNMCorps is to serve as a crowdsourced mapping project that allows volunteers
to assist in collecting and editing man-made structures on an online map. The USGS has
developed a customized online editor ( to allow
volunteers to collect and update different structure feature types, including schools, fire stations,
prisons, hospitals, cemeteries, and post offices, in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin
Islands. After going through a tiered quality assurance process, the structures data get
incorporated into the The National Map.
C. What is the legal authority?
Citizen Science and Crowdsourcing – Interior, GS-30 (Pending): 43 U.S.C. 31 et seq., as
amended, Organic Act of March 3, 1879; 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq., Paperwork Reduction Act of
1980; 44 U.S.C. 2904 and 3102, Federal Records Act of 1950; 5 CFR part 1320, Controlling
Paperwork Burdens on the Public; Office of Management and Budget Memorandum M-10-06,
Open Government Directive; Office of Management and Budget Memorandum M-13-13, Open
Data Policy – Managing Information as an Asset; Office of Science and Technology Policy
Memorandum, Addressing Societal and Scientific Challenges through Citizen Science and
D. Why is this PIA being completed or modified?
New Information System
New Electronic Collection
Existing Information System under Periodic Review
Merging of Systems
Significantly Modified Information System
Conversion from Paper to Electronic Records
Retiring or Decommissioning a System
Other: Describe


U.S. Geological Survey - National Map Reengineering Project
The National Map Corps
Privacy Impact Assessment

E. Is this information system registered in CSAM?
Yes: Enter the UII Code and the System Security Plan (SSP)
010-000001050 System Security Plan (SSP) for National Map Reengineering Project
F. List all minor applications or subsystems that are hosted on this system and covered under
this privacy impact assessment.
Subsystem Name


Contains PII

If Yes, provide a


G. Does this information system or electronic collection require a published Privacy Act
System of Records Notice (SORN)?
Yes: List Privacy Act SORN Identifier(s)
Citizen Science and Crowdsourcing – Interior, GS-30 (Pending)
H. Does this information system or electronic collection require an OMB Control Number?
Yes: Describe
OMB Control Number 1028-0111. Expires 1/31/2018.

Section 2. Summary of System Data
A. What PII will be collected? Indicate all that apply.
Birth Date
Group Affiliation

Marital Status
Other Names Used
Truncated SSN
Legal Status


U.S. Geological Survey - National Map Reengineering Project
The National Map Corps
Privacy Impact Assessment

Place of Birth
Religious Preference
Social Security Number (SSN)
Security Clearance
Personal Cell Telephone Number
Spouse Information
Tribal or Other ID Number
Financial Information
Personal Email Address
Medical Information
Mother’s Maiden Name
Disability Information
Home Telephone Number
Credit Card Number
Child or Dependent Information
Law Enforcement
Employment Information
Education Information
Military Status/Service
Emergency Contact
Mailing/Home Address
Driver’s License
Other: Specify the PII collected. A username is automatically generated and assigned to a
user’s profile when signing up for an account. The user can modify his or her username in the
profile dashboard. A Twitter handle can also be added by the user as an optional value.
B. What is the source for the PII collected? Indicate all that apply.
Federal agency
Tribal agency
Local agency
DOI records
Third party source
State agency
Other: Describe
C. How will the information be collected? Indicate all that apply.
Paper Format
Face-to-Face Contact
Web site
Telephone Interview
Information Shared Between Systems
Other: Describe
D. What is the intended use of the PII collected?
Usernames and email addresses are used to contact volunteers about data quality and project
updates. Usernames and email lists are maintained on secure servers and within the Department
of the Interior (DOI) email client. Twitter handles are optionally provided by volunteers for the


U.S. Geological Survey - National Map Reengineering Project
The National Map Corps
Privacy Impact Assessment

purpose of volunteer recognition via The National Map Twitter account. Volunteers must give
permission before USGS will use the Twitter handles.
E. With whom will the PII be shared, both within DOI and outside DOI? Indicate all that
Within the Bureau/Office: Describe the bureau/office and how the data will be used.
Data will be shared with individuals with a need to know within NGP in order to contact
volunteers about data quality and project updates.
Other Bureaus/Offices: Describe the bureau/office and how the data will be used.

Other Federal Agencies: Describe the federal agency and how the data will be used.

Tribal, State or Local Agencies: Describe the Tribal, state or local agencies and how the
data will be used.

Contractor: Describe the contractor and how the data will be used.

Other Third Party Sources: Describe the third party source and how the data will be used.

F. Do individuals have the opportunity to decline to provide information or to consent to the
specific uses of their PII?
Yes: Describe the method by which individuals can decline to provide information or how
individuals consent to specific uses.
A user is able to view the TNMCorps website without identifying who he or she is or
providing any personal information. If the user wishes to collect, modify, delete, and verify
structures data, then the user must create an Online Editor Account and provide an email
address. Upon registering, the user is automatically assigned a username, which can be
modified by the user at any time. Users have the option to opt in to authorize the USGS to
publish usernames as needed to show contribution achievements via social media and
No: State the reason why individuals cannot object or why individuals cannot give or
withhold their consent.


U.S. Geological Survey - National Map Reengineering Project
The National Map Corps
Privacy Impact Assessment

G. What information is provided to an individual when asked to provide PII data? Indicate
all that apply.
Privacy Act Statement: Describe each applicable format.
Authority: This information is solicited under the authority of 43 U.S.C. 31 et seq.; 44
U.S.C. 2904 and 3102; 5 CFR part 1320; Office of Management and Budget Memorandum
M-10-06, Open Government Directive; Office of Management and Budget Memorandum M13-13, Open Data Policy – Managing Information as an Asset; and Office of Science and
Technology Policy Memorandum, Addressing Societal and Scientific Challenges through
Citizen Science and Crowdsourcing.
Purpose: The purpose of this application is to provide essential support and functionality for
the acquisition and management of trusted geospatial data, products, and services in support
of The National Map.
Routine Uses: Usernames, email addresses, and Twitter handles are shared with the U.S.
Geological Survey (USGS) National Geospatial Program to contact volunteers who
contribute information through The National Map Corps about data quality and project
updates. Usernames may be published (with permission) by the USGS via social media and
websites in order to recognize contributor achievements.
Disclosure: Furnishing this information is voluntary. If the individual does not furnish the
information requested, there will be no adverse consequences. However, failure to provide
an email address will result in ineligibility to participate in the volunteer program.
Privacy Notice: Describe each applicable format.
Notice is provided to individuals through the publication of this Privacy Impact Assessment.
The required USGS Privacy Notice is linked to web pages. A bimonthly newsletter is also
distributed to inform volunteers about the TNMCorps project, changes to the mapping
application, data collection strategies, mapping challenges, recognize high achievers, publish
articles submitted by volunteers (with permission to publish), and generally engage and
interest volunteers in the TNMCorps project. Volunteers may request to be removed from
the newsletter distribution emails.
Other: Describe each applicable format.


U.S. Geological Survey - National Map Reengineering Project
The National Map Corps
Privacy Impact Assessment

H. How will the data be retrieved? List the identifiers that will be used to retrieve information
(e.g., name, case number, etc.).
Only the username and email address are used to retrieve data.
I. Will reports be produced on individuals?
Yes: What will be the use of these reports? Who will have access to them?
Information retrieved via the username or email address is used to produce reports about the
number of edits and contributions made by a particular volunteer.

Section 3. Attributes of System Data
A. How will data collected from sources other than DOI records be verified for accuracy?
Volunteers are responsible for verifying the accuracy of their data.
B. How will data be checked for completeness?
Volunteers are responsible for verifying the completeness of their data.
C. What procedures are taken to ensure the data is current? Identify the process or name the
document (e.g., data models).
Volunteers are responsible for ensuring their data is current.
D. What are the retention periods for data in the system? Identify the associated records
retention schedule for the records in this system.
Records in this system are maintained under the USGS General Records Disposition Schedule
(GRDS) 202-06b - User Identification, Profiles, Authorizations, and Password Files, Excluding
Records Relating to Electronic Signatures. GRDS 202-06b is a USGS-wide records schedule
that covers routine systems not requiring special accountability, e.g, those containing information
that may be needed for audit or investigative purposes and those that contain classified records.
The disposition for these records is temporary, and the records are destroyed when the bureau
determines they are no longer needed for administrative, legal, audit, or other operational


U.S. Geological Survey - National Map Reengineering Project
The National Map Corps
Privacy Impact Assessment

E. What are the procedures for disposition of the data at the end of the retention period?
Where are the procedures documented?
User information is retained for only as long as the user is actively participating in the project.
For inactive accounts, electronic records shall be deleted. Users are reviewed on a yearly basis
to determine if an editor is still participating in the TNMCorps project and to determine if a
user’s information should be removed from the record. User information will be removed at any
time at the request of the user. The username associated with a specific data edit is retained for
the duration of the TNMCorps project for recognition purposes.
F. Briefly describe privacy risks and how information handling practices at each stage of the
“information lifecycle” (i.e., collection, use, retention, processing, disclosure and
destruction) affect individual privacy.
There is a risk to individual privacy because the system contains personal contact information in
the form of usernames, email addresses, and Twitter handles. Privacy risks include inadvertent
disclosure or a malicious attack on systems. Systems are secured through the DOI Assessment
and Authorization program. Web applications and hardware are secured through the use of
USGS Security Technical Implementation Guides and are assessed through a program of
continuous monitoring that includes monthly vulnerability scans. Developers, system
administrators, and database administrators complete annual Information Management and
Technology (IMT) Awareness Training and agree to the DOI Rules of Behavior as a condition of
training completion. Personal data that has become obsolete will be deleted by the responsible
individual. Data that has been backed up will be either overwritten by the tape rotation cycle or
the backup media will be properly destroyed. System hard drives are overwritten prior to reuse
and scrubbed prior to decommissioning. Procedures are documented in the individual System of
Records Notice. TNMCorps information is retained only as long as the user is actively
participating in the project.

Section 4. PIA Risk Review
A. Is the use of the data both relevant and necessary to the purpose for which the system is
being designed?
Yes: Explanation Usernames and email addresses are used to contact volunteers about data
quality and project updates. Usernames and email lists are maintained on secure servers and
within the DOI email client. Twitter handles can be voluntarily submitted by the user for the
purpose of volunteer recognition via The National Map Twitter account. Volunteers must give
permission before USGS will use the Twitter handles.


U.S. Geological Survey - National Map Reengineering Project
The National Map Corps
Privacy Impact Assessment

B. Does this system or electronic collection derive new data or create previously unavailable
data about an individual through data aggregation?
Yes: Explain what risks are introduced by this data aggregation and how these risks will be

C. Will the new data be placed in the individual’s record?
Yes: Explanation
D. Can the system make determinations about individuals that would not be possible without
the new data?
Yes: Explanation
E. How will the new data be verified for relevance and accuracy?
Not applicable; this system does not derive new data or create previously unavailable data about
an individual through data aggregation.
F. Are the data or the processes being consolidated?
Yes, data is being consolidated. Describe the controls that are in place to protect the data
from unauthorized access or use.

Yes, processes are being consolidated. Describe the controls that are in place to protect the
data from unauthorized access or use.

No, data or processes are not being consolidated.
G. Who will have access to data in the system or electronic collection? Indicate all that apply.


U.S. Geological Survey - National Map Reengineering Project
The National Map Corps
Privacy Impact Assessment

System Administrator
Other: Describe
H. How is user access to data determined? Will users have access to all data or will access be
Users have access to their own data. Access to all other personal information is restricted to
system administrators on a need-to-know basis.
I. Are contractors involved with the design and/or development of the system, or will they be
involved with the maintenance of the system?
Yes. Were Privacy Act contract clauses included in their contracts and other regulatory
measures addressed? Yes
J. Is the system using technologies in ways that the DOI has not previously employed (e.g.,
monitoring software, SmartCards or Caller ID)?
Yes. Explanation
K. Will this system provide the capability to identify, locate and monitor individuals?
Yes. Explanation The TNM Corps application stores information associated with a data edit
submitted by a volunteer, which includes username, user email, time and date associated with
a data edit, and the last time a user logged into the application.
L. What kinds of information are collected as a function of the monitoring of individuals?
The TNM Corps application stores information associated with a data edit submitted by a
volunteer, which includes username, user email, time and date associated with a data edit, and
the last time a user logged into the application. The system is monitored for unauthorized access
M. What controls will be used to prevent unauthorized monitoring?


U.S. Geological Survey - National Map Reengineering Project
The National Map Corps
Privacy Impact Assessment

Access control lists are in place to guard against unauthorized access. The TNMCorps system is
protected from unauthorized access by firewalls, intrusion detection systems, antivirus programs,
and the inherent security of the Active Directory domain environment. To mitigate the insider
threat, collected data is protected by a combination of user ID, user password, and limited
restricted access. Employees are required to complete the yearly IMT Awareness Training,
which includes affirming the USGS Rules of Behavior. Audit logs for the data are
reviewed regularly for anomalies. USGS computers are secured and scanned monthly in
accordance with the USGS Continuous Monitoring Program Plan.
N. How will the PII be secured?
(1) Physical Controls. Indicate all that apply.
Security Guards
Key Guards
Locked File Cabinets
Secured Facility
Closed Circuit Television
Cipher Locks
Identification Badges
Combination Locks
Locked Offices
Other. Describe
(2) Technical Controls. Indicate all that apply.
User Identification
Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Certificates
Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Card
Other. Describe
(3) Administrative Controls. Indicate all that apply.
Periodic Security Audits
Backups Secured Off-site
Rules of Behavior


U.S. Geological Survey - National Map Reengineering Project
The National Map Corps
Privacy Impact Assessment

Role-Based Training
Regular Monitoring of Users’ Security Practices
Methods to Ensure Only Authorized Personnel Have Access to PII
Encryption of Backups Containing Sensitive Data
Mandatory Security, Privacy and Records Management Training
Other. Describe
O. Who will be responsible for protecting the privacy rights of the public and employees? This
includes officials responsible for addressing Privacy Act complaints and requests for
redress or amendment of records.
The NGTOC Director serves as the Information System Owner and the official responsible for
oversight and management of the TNMCorps security and privacy controls, including the
protection of information processed and stored by the TNMCorps program. The Information
System Owner and the Information System Security Officer are responsible for ensuring
adequate safeguards are implemented to protect individual privacy in compliance with Federal
laws and policies for the data managed and stored by the TNMCorps program. The System
Manager is responsible for protecting the privacy rights of the public and employees for the
information collected, maintained, and used in the system of records, and for meeting the
requirements of the Privacy Act, including providing adequate notice, making decisions on
Privacy Act requests for notification, access, and amendments, as well as processing complaints,
in consultation with the USGS Privacy Officer.
P. Who is responsible for assuring proper use of the data and for reporting the loss,
compromise, unauthorized disclosure, or unauthorized access of privacy protected
The Information System Owner is responsible for oversight and management of the TNMCorps
security and privacy controls and for ensuring, to the greatest possible extent, that TNMCorps
agency data is properly managed and that all access to agency data has been granted in a secure
and auditable manner. The Information System Owner is also responsible for ensuring that any
loss, compromise, unauthorized access, or disclosure of PII is reported immediately to the USGS
Computer Security Incident Response Team, whether suspected or confirmed, in accordance
with Federal policy and established procedures.


U.S. Geological Survey - National Map Reengineering Project
The National Map Corps
Privacy Impact Assessment

Section 5. Review and Approval
PIAs for Bureau or Office level systems must be signed by the designated Information System Owner,
Information System Security Officer, and Bureau Privacy Officer, and approved by the Bureau Assistant
Director for Information Resources as the Reviewing Official. Department-wide PIAs must be signed by
the designated Information System Owner, Information System Security Officer, and Departmental
Privacy Officer, and approved by the DOI Chief Information Officer/Senior Agency Official for Privacy
as the Reviewing Official.
Information System Owner
Name: Kari J. Craun
Title: Director, National Geosptial Technical Operations Center
Bureau/Office: U.S. Geological Survey/Core Science Systems
Phone: (573) 308-3802
Email: [email protected]
Digitally signed by KARI CRAUN
DN: c=US, o=U.S. Government, ou=Department
of the Interior, ou=Geological Survey, cn=KARI
Date: 2017.11.21 12:49:31 -06'00'

Signature: __________________________ Date: __________________________
Information System Security Officer
Name: Anthony McDonald
Title: Program Analyst
Bureau/Office: U.S. Geological Survey/Core Science Systems
Phone: (703) 648-5958
Email: [email protected]
Digitally signed by ANTHONY
2017.11.21 13:20:09
Signature: __________________________
Date: __________________________

Privacy Officer
Name: James Piyavansuthi
Title: Associate Privacy Officer (Acting)
Bureau/Office: U.S. Geological Survey/Office of Enterprise Information
Phone: (703) 648-7017
Email: [email protected]
Signature: __________________________ Date: __________________________
Reviewing Official
Name: Timothy S. Quinn

U.S. Geological Survey - National Map Reengineering Project
The National Map Corps
Privacy Impact Assessment

Title: Associate Chief Information Officer
Bureau/Office: U.S. Geological Survey/Office of Enterprise Information
Phone: (703) 648-6839
Email: [email protected]
Signature: __________________________ Date: ___________________________


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorKaiser Vany P
File Modified2017-11-21
File Created2017-11-21

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