Attachment B: Email Invitation and Reminder Language

Attachment B. Email Invitation and Reminder Language.pdf

ArtsHERE Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Plan Data Collection: NEA Pilot Equity Initiative

Attachment B: Email Invitation and Reminder Language

OMB: 3135-0148

Document [pdf]
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Appendix B: Email Invitation and Reminder Language
Template 1: Review Panelist Survey Email Template ................................................................................ 2
Survey Invita�on ................................................................................................................................... 2
Reminder Email (for those who have not completed the survey) ........................................................ 3
Template 2: Grantee Baseline Survey Email Template .............................................................................. 4
Survey Invita�on ................................................................................................................................... 4
Reminder Email (for those who have not completed the survey) ........................................................ 5
Template 3: Grantee Learning Opportuni�es Quarterly Survey Email Template ...................................... 6
Survey Invita�on ................................................................................................................................... 6
Reminder Email (for those who have not completed the survey) ........................................................ 7
Template 4: Learning Opportuni�es Tracker Email Template ................................................................... 8
Tracker Invita�on................................................................................................................................... 8
Reminder Email (for those who have not completed the tracker) ....................................................... 9
Template 5: Learning Logs Email Template ............................................................................................. 10
Survey Invita�on ................................................................................................................................. 10
Reminder Email (for those who have not completed the survey) ...................................................... 11


Template 1: Review Panelist Survey Email Template
Survey Invita�on
Dear [insert name of ArtsHERE Review Panelist],
We request your par�cipa�on in a survey about Phase 2 of the applica�on review process. This survey is
being conducted by [Contractor] on behalf of the Na�onal Endowment for the Arts (NEA). Your response
will help us understand your experience as a panelist in the panel review process, and to iden�fy areas
for improvement.
It will take approximately 20 minutes to complete this one-�me, voluntary survey. If you are unable to
complete this survey in a single session, you have the op�on to save your responses, exit the survey, and
resume later using the same browser. We would appreciate your comple�on of this survey by [insert
If you have ques�ons at any �me during the survey or would like to discuss your par�cipa�on with the
study team, please call [insert Contractor point of contact and phone number] or email [insert email
These data will be made available to the program Evaluator and will not be shared with the NEA, South
Arts, and RAOs except as described below. Informa�on collected for evalua�on purposes, including
individual informa�on deemed sensi�ve in nature, is considered confiden�al and will remain anonymous
and private to the extent permited by law. When results of the ArtsHERE evalua�on are shared with the
public via reports, presenta�ons, and other materials, these results will only be shared in aggregate form
(percentages, means, summaries) to protect the iden�ty of par�cipants. Any subject-iden�fiable
informa�on (including names, contact informa�on, etc.) will not be released without a par�cipant’s
explicit permission. The Evaluator may ask to iden�fy a par�cipant to atribute direct quotes or case
studies to it in reports, presenta�ons, or other materials, and the par�cipant may choose to remain
Your responses in this survey will not impact your current or future awards from the NEA or its partners.
You will not receive any compensa�on for responding to the survey. You may decline to answer any
ques�on you wish. Under the Paperwork Reduc�on Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a
collec�on of informa�on unless such collec�on displays a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
control number. The OMB control number for this survey is OMB No. 3135-XXXX, which expires
Click here [hyperlink to survey] to complete the survey.

Thank you for your �me and par�cipa�on,
[Contractorpoint of contact]
[Contractorcontact Informa�on]


Reminder Email (for those who have not completed the survey)
Dear ArtsHERE Review Panelist,
This is a friendly reminder to complete the Review Panelist Survey by [insert date]. The voluntary survey
should take approximately 20 minutes to complete, and informa�on collected for evalua�on purposes,
including individual informa�on deemed sensi�ve in nature, is considered confiden�al and will remain
anonymous and private to the extent permited by law.
Click here [hyperlink to survey] to complete the survey.
Thank you for taking the �me to provide us with your valuable input and feedback!
Have any ques�ons? Contact [Contractor] study team:
[Contractor contact Informa�on]
Thank you,
[Contractor point of contact]


Template 2: Grantee Baseline Survey Email Template
Survey Invita�on
Dear ArtsHERE Grantee,
We request your par�cipa�on in comple�ng the Grantee Baseline Survey [hyperlink to survey]. This
survey is being conducted by [Contractor] on behalf of the Na�onal Endowment for the Arts (NEA). Your
response will help inform the development of learning and informa�on services tailored to meet the
specific needs and interests of ArtsHERE-awarded organiza�ons, par�cularly historically underfunded
cultural organiza�ons.
It will take approximately 30 minutes to complete this one-�me, required survey. If you are unable to
complete this survey in a single session, you have the op�on to save your responses, exit the survey, and
resume later using the same browser. We would appreciate your comple�on of this survey by [insert
If you have ques�ons at any �me during the survey or would like to discuss your par�cipa�on with the
study team, please call [insert Contractor point of contact and phone number] or email [insert email
These data will be made available to the program Evaluator and will not be shared with the NEA, South
Arts, and RAOs except as described below. Informa�on collected for evalua�on purposes, including
individual informa�on deemed sensi�ve in nature, is considered confiden�al and will remain anonymous
and private to the extent permited by law. When results of the ArtsHERE evalua�on are shared with the
public via reports, presenta�ons, and other materials, these results will only be shared in aggregate form
(percentages, means, summaries) to protect the iden�ty of par�cipants. Any subject-iden�fiable
informa�on (including names, contact informa�on, etc.) will not be released without a par�cipant’s
explicit permission, to the extent permited by law. The Evaluator may ask to iden�fy a par�cipant to
atribute direct quotes or case studies to it in reports, presenta�ons, or other materials, and the
par�cipant may choose to remain anonymous.
Repor�ng on grant ac�vi�es, including annual progress and final reports, and comple�ng forms or
surveys intended to collect informa�on or feedback that can inform ArtsHERE services is required of all
grantees. Your responses in this survey will not impact your current or future awards from the NEA or its
partners. You will not receive any compensa�on for responding to the survey. You may decline to answer
any ques�on you wish. Under the Paperwork Reduc�on Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond
to a collec�on of informa�on unless such collec�on displays a valid Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) control number. The OMB control number for this survey is OMB No. 3135-XXXX, which expires
Click here [hyperlink to survey] to complete the survey.

Thank you for your �me and par�cipa�on,
[Contractor point of contact]

[Contractor contact Informa�on]

Reminder Email (for those who have not completed the survey)
Dear Grantee,
This is a friendly reminder to complete the Grantee Baseline Survey by [insert date]. The required survey
should take approximately 30 minutes to complete, and informa�on collected for evalua�on purposes,
including individual informa�on deemed sensi�ve in nature, is considered confiden�al and will remain
anonymous, to the extent permited by law.
Click here [hyperlink to survey] to complete the survey.
Thank you for taking the �me to provide us with your valuable input and feedback!
Have any ques�ons? Contact [Contractor] study team:
[Contractor contact Informa�on]
Thank you,
[Contractor point of contact]


Template 3: Grantee Learning Opportuni�es Quarterly Survey Email
Survey Invita�on
Dear ArtsHERE Grantee,
We request your par�cipa�on in the Grantee Learning Opportuni�es Quarterly Survey [hyperlink to
survey]. This survey is being conducted by [Contractor] on behalf of the Na�onal Endowment for the
Arts (NEA). Your response will help us understand your organiza�on’s experiences with ArtsHERE learning
opportuni�es and will help us to beter respond to your needs.
This required survey will take up to 15 minutes to complete. If you are unable to complete this survey in a
single session, you have the op�on to save your responses, exit the survey, and resume later using the
same browser. We would appreciate your comple�on of this survey by [insert date].
If you have ques�ons at any �me during the survey or would like to discuss your par�cipa�on with the
study team, please call [insert Contractor point of contact and phone number] or email [insert email
These data will be made available to the program Evaluator and will not be shared with the NEA, South
Arts, and RAOs except as described below. Informa�on collected for evalua�on purposes, including
individual informa�on deemed sensi�ve in nature, is considered confiden�al and will remain anonymous
and private to the extent permited by law. When results of the ArtsHERE evalua�on are shared with the
public via reports, presenta�ons, and other materials, these results will only be shared in aggregate form
(percentages, means, summaries) to protect the iden�ty of par�cipants. Any subject-iden�fiable
informa�on (including names, contact informa�on, etc.) will not be released without a par�cipant’s
explicit permission. The Evaluator may ask to iden�fy a par�cipant to atribute direct quotes or case
studies to it in reports, presenta�ons, or other materials, and the par�cipant may choose to remain
Repor�ng on grant ac�vi�es, including annual progress and final reports, and comple�ng forms or
surveys intended to collect informa�on or feedback that can inform ArtsHERE services will be required of
all grantees. Your responses in this survey will not impact your current or future awards from the NEA or
its partners. You will not receive any compensa�on for responding to the survey. You may decline to
answer any ques�on you wish. Under the Paperwork Reduc�on Act of 1995, no persons are required to
respond to a collec�on of informa�on unless such collec�on displays a valid Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) control number. The OMB control number for this survey is OMB No. 3135-XXXX, which
expires XX/XX/XXX.
Click here [hyperlink to survey] to complete the survey.

Thank you for your �me and par�cipa�on,
[Contractor point of contact]
[Contractor contact Informa�on]

Reminder Email (for those who have not completed the survey)
Dear Grantee,
This is a friendly reminder to complete the Grantee Learning Opportuni�es Quarterly Survey by [insert
date]. The required survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Informa�on collected for
evalua�on purposes, including individual informa�on deemed sensi�ve in nature, is considered
confiden�al and will remain anonymous and private to the extent permited by law.
Click here [hyperlink to survey] to complete the survey.
Thank you for taking the �me to provide us with your valuable input and feedback!
Have any ques�ons? Contact [Contractor] study team:
[Contractor contact Informa�on]
Thank you,
[Contractor point of contact]


Template 4: Learning Opportuni�es Tracker Email Template
Tracker Invita�on
Dear [insert name of ArtsHERE Coach or Facilitator],
We request your par�cipa�on in comple�ng the monthly Learning Opportuni�es Tracker. This tracker is
being administered by [Contractor] on behalf of the Na�onal Endowment for the Arts (NEA). Your
response will help us capture the suppor�ve services that are provided to grantees, including cohort
convenings, one-on-one coaching, and topical expert workshops.
It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete this required monthly Learning Opportuni�es Tracker
per entry. If you are unable to complete this tracker in a single session, you have the op�on to save your
responses, exit the tracker, and resume later using the same browser. We would appreciate your
comple�on of this tracker by [insert date].
If you have ques�ons at any �me during the tracker or would like to discuss your par�cipa�on with the
study team, please call [insert Contractor point of contact and phone numbers] or email [insert email
These data will be made available to the program Evaluator and will not be shared with the NEA, South
Arts, and RAOs except as described below. Informa�on collected for evalua�on purposes, including
individual informa�on deemed sensi�ve in nature, is considered confiden�al and will remain anonymous
and private to the extent permited by law. When results of the ArtsHERE evalua�on are shared with the
public via reports, presenta�ons, and other materials, these results will only be shared in aggregate form
(percentages, means, summaries) to protect the iden�ty of par�cipants. Any subject-iden�fiable
informa�on (including names, contact informa�on, etc.) will not be released without a par�cipant’s
explicit permission. The Evaluator may ask to iden�fy a par�cipant to atribute direct quotes or case
studies to it in reports, presenta�ons, or other materials, and the par�cipant may choose to remain
Repor�ng on grant ac�vi�es, including annual progress and final reports, and comple�ng forms or
surveys intended to collect informa�on or feedback that can inform ArtsHERE services is required of all
grantees. Your responses in this form will not impact your current or future awards from the NEA or its
partners. You will not receive any compensa�on for responding to the survey. You may decline to answer
any ques�on you wish. Under the Paperwork Reduc�on Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond
to a collec�on of informa�on unless such collec�on displays a valid Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) control number. The OMB control number for this survey is OMB No. 3135-XXXX, which expires
Click here [hyperlink to tracker] to complete the tracker.

Thank you for your �me and par�cipa�on,
[Contractor point of contact]
[Contractor contact Informa�on]

Reminder Email (for those who have not completed the tracker)
Dear ArtsHERE Coaches and Facilitators,
This is a friendly reminder to complete this required monthly Learning Opportuni�es Tracker by [insert
date]. This should take approximately 10 minutes, and informa�on collected for evalua�on purposes,
including individual informa�on deemed sensi�ve in nature, is considered confiden�al and will remain
anonymous and private to the extent permited by law.
Click here [hyperlink to tracker] to complete the tracker.
Thank you for taking the �me to provide us with your valuable input and feedback!
Have any ques�ons? Contact [Contractor] study team:
[Contractor contact Informa�on]
Thank you,
[Contractor point of contact]


Template 5: Learning Logs Email Template
Survey Invita�on
Dear NEA, South Arts, and RAO ArtsHERE representa�ves,
We request your par�cipa�on in comple�ng the ArtsHERE planning group learning log on the topic of
[insert learning log topic]. These logs are being administered by [Contractor] on behalf of the Na�onal
Endowment for the Arts (NEA). Your response will help us capture the reflec�ons of ArtsHERE planners
on the processes and learning at key milestones of the ini�a�ve. Reflec�on results will also inform group
discussions and monitoring, evalua�on, and learning plan changes.
It will take approximately 30 minutes to complete this voluntary learning log. If you are unable to
complete this survey in a single session, you have the op�on to save your responses, exit the survey, and
resume later using the same browser. We would appreciate your comple�on of this survey by [insert
If you have ques�ons at any �me during the survey or would like to discuss your par�cipa�on with the
study team, please call [insert Contractor point of contact and phone number] or email [insert email
Your responses will be shared anonymously on a secure shared workspace accessible to other members
of the ArtsHERE planning group. Informa�on collected in the learning logs is not to be distributed outside
of the planning group. Responses provided through this form will inform follow-up discussions with the
planning group.
These data will be made available to the program Evaluator and will not be shared with the NEA, South
Arts, and RAOs except as described above. Informa�on collected for evalua�on purposes, including
individual informa�on deemed sensi�ve in nature, is considered confiden�al and will remain anonymous
and private to the extent permited by law. Your responses in this log will not impact your current or
future awards from the NEA or its partners. You will not receive any compensa�on for responding to the
survey. You may decline to answer any ques�on you wish. Under the Paperwork Reduc�on Act of 1995,
no persons are required to respond to a collec�on of informa�on unless such collec�on displays a valid
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. The OMB control number for this survey is
OMB No. 3135-XXXX, which expires XX/XX/XXX.
Click here [hyperlink to survey] to complete the survey.

Thank you for your �me and par�cipa�on,
[Contractor point of contact]
[Contractor contact informa�on]


Reminder Email (for those who have not completed the survey)
Dear NEA, South Arts, and RAO ArtsHERE representa�ves,
This is a friendly reminder to complete the voluntary learning log on the topic of [insert learning log
topic] by [insert date]. This should take approximately 30 minutes, and informa�on collected for
evalua�on purposes, including individual informa�on deemed sensi�ve in nature, is considered
confiden�al and will remain anonymous, to the extent permited by law.
Click here [hyperlink to survey] to complete the survey.
Thank you for taking the �me to provide us with your valuable input and feedback!
Have any ques�ons? Contact [Contractor] study team:
[Contractor contact Informa�on]
Thank you,
[Contractor point of contact]


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorErin Morehouse
File Modified2024-04-19
File Created2024-04-19

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