Instrument 1 Instrument 1. Review Panelist Survey

ArtsHERE Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Plan Data Collection: NEA Pilot Equity Initiative

Instrument 1. Review Panelist Survey

OMB: 3135-0148

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Attachment A: Instruments
Instrument 1. Review Panelist Survey
The Na�onal Endowment for the Arts (NEA) is conduc�ng an evalua�on of ArtsHERE to beter
understand the project ac�vi�es supported through this program and how grantees approached the
work. The evalua�on will result in a summary of lessons learned that will be shared with other arts
funders, organiza�ons, and cultural prac��oners seeking to do similar work. Addi�onally, the evalua�on
will inform the implementa�on of the ArtsHERE program.
The purpose of this voluntary survey is to hear from you about your perspec�ves, understanding, and
experience with the ArtsHERE panel review process. The informa�on and feedback you provide will
generate informa�on and learning that can be used by ArtsHERE funders (Regional Arts Organiza�ons
and the NEA) to assess progress toward the program’s goals and inform the replica�on and scale-up of
effec�ve ArtsHERE prac�ces and components.
These data will be made available to the program Evaluator and will not be shared with the NEA, South
Arts, and RAOs except as described below. Informa�on collected for evalua�on purposes, including
individual informa�on deemed sensi�ve in nature, is considered confiden�al and will remain anonymous
and private to the extent permited by law. When results of the ArtsHERE evalua�on are shared with the
public via reports, presenta�ons, and other materials, these results will only be shared in aggregate form
(percentages, means, summaries) to protect the iden�ty of par�cipants. Any subject-iden�fiable
informa�on (including names, contact informa�on, etc.) will not be released without a par�cipant’s
explicit permission. The Evaluator may ask to iden�fy a par�cipant to atribute direct quotes or case
studies to it in reports, presenta�ons, or other materials, and the par�cipant may choose to remain
Your responses in this survey will not impact your current or future awards from the NEA or its partners.
You will not receive any compensa�on for responding to the survey. You may decline to answer any
ques�on you wish. Under the Paperwork Reduc�on Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a
collec�on of informa�on unless such collec�on displays a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
control number. The OMB control number for this survey is OMB No. 3135-XXXX, which expires
We realize how limited your �me is; the survey should take an average of 20 minutes to complete.
If you have any ques�ons, please contact Dr. Patricia Moore Shaffer, lead for the evalua�on, at
shaff[email protected].
Instruc�ons: Please complete the following informa�on about your experience as an ArtsHERE panel

Demographics/Panelist Backgrounds
1. Did you par�cipate as a volunteer screener conduc�ng independent review of Part 1 applica�ons
for ArtsHERE (i.e. Statement of Interest)?
☐ Yes
☐ No

2. For which Regional Arts Organiza�on did you serve as an ArtsHERE peer panel reviewer? Please
select from the drop-down list.
☐ Arts Midwest
☐ Mid-America Arts Alliance
☐ Mid Atlan�c Arts
☐ New England Founda�on for the Arts
☐ South Arts
☐ Western States Arts Federa�on
3. Have you or an organiza�on you represent been awarded a grant from an ArtsHERE funder
(Regional Arts Organiza�ons and/or the Na�onal Endowment for the Arts) in the past 5 to 10
☐ Yes
☐ No
4. What sector(s) do you most closely associate your background and experience with? Please select
all that are relevant.
☐ Arts and cultural sector
☐ Child development
☐ Child welfare system
☐ Community center or mul�-use nonresiden�al facility where people meet for social, educa�onal,
and/or recrea�onal ac�vi�es.
☐ Educa�on  
☐ Economic/business development
☐ Faith-based organiza�ons
☐ Family services  
☐ Health 
☐ Housing  
☐ Military support
☐ Rehabilita�on, treatment, and recovery services/programs (substance abuse)
☐ Re-entry programs/Jus�ce (juvenile, adult)
☐ Senior services  
☐ Youth services  
☐ Other (please describe): 
a. Please select the category that best describes your affilia�on: Please select all that are
☐ Government
☐ Non-profit with 501(c)(3) status
☐ Federally recognized tribe
☐ Non-federally recognized tribe with 501(c)(3)

☐ For-profit organiza�on
☐ Self-employed
☐ Other, please specify: (open comment box)
5. Is this your first �me serving on a review panel for a program of any ArtsHERE funders (Regional
Arts Organiza�ons and/or the Na�onal Endowment for the Arts)?
☐ Yes
☐ No

a. If no, please es�mate of the number of ArtsHERE funder review panels you have served on
in the past:
☐ 1-3 other panels
☐ 4 or more
b. [if relevant] To what extent, if any, has your experience on the ArtsHERE review panel
differed from your prior experience(s)?

Perspec�ves on the ArtsHERE Panel Review Process
6. Panelist Orienta�on Process. Please provide your perspec�ves on the panel review process.
Indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.

Strongly Agree

Neither Agree Disagree Strongly
nor Disagree 

The orienta�on clearly communicated
panel expecta�ons.
I was adequately oriented to the goals of
The panelist training handbook provided
helpful informa�on on the review process
and was easy to use.
The GO Smart Grants Management System
training prepared me to effec�vely use the
pla�orm to access the necessary
documenta�on for my reviews.
My ques�ons about ArtsHERE and the
panel process were adequately addressed.
A�er the orienta�on, I felt confident in my
understanding of how to apply criteria to
A�er the orienta�on I had a clear
understanding of the scoring rubric.
6a. Please provide any addi�onal feedback you have on the orienta�on provided to you.
7. Sa�sfac�on. Please rate your level of sa�sfac�on with the following indicators of your experience
as a panelist.






Unsa�sfied Very

Pacing and flow of panel review process
Number of applica�ons you were assigned
to review
Robustness and relevance of material
received to review and score applica�ons
Quality of ArtsHERE applications

Stipend amount relevant to time and effort
needed to complete reviews

Quality of reviews by other panelists
RAO facilita�on of the panel discussions
Overall level of reviewer par�cipa�on in
the panel discussions
Extent to which my perspec�ves were
Processes for addressing differences in
opinions among panelists
Level of consensus among panelists
Fairness of final panel ra�ngs
Overall review process
[if respondent indicated neutral to very unsa�sfied in the table above, they will receive the following
prompt(s)]: Please briefly expand on your ra�ng of [statement].
Overall Reflec�ons (narra�ve responses)
8. What worked well with the panel review process?
9. Please provide sugges�ons for improving the panel review process.
Addi�onal Feedback
10. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience as a panelist for ArtsHERE?



File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorKathryn Zickuhr
File Modified2024-04-19
File Created2024-04-19

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