National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program - Trainee Instrument

NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) Program Reporting Requirements

NRT Instrument - Trainee (2024_04_18)

National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program - Trainee Instrument

OMB: 3145-0263

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National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program

Trainee Instrument

Version: Draft

Prepared by CBS and NSF

Pursuant to 5 CFR 1320.5(b), an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to an information collection unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 3145-0263. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1.5 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions. Send comments regarding this burden estimate and any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: Suzanne H. Plimpton, Reports Clearance Officer, National Science Foundation, 2415 Eisenhower Ave., Alexandria, VA 22314; telephone (703) 292-7556; or send email to [email protected].

  1. Table of Contents

  1. Conventions in this document

The conventions described below are an attempt to render dynamic UI elements and interactive content and behaviors in this static word document.

Radio Button (select one in the group)

Checkbox (select any in the group)

Textbox (enter text)

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Dropdown box (Select one)

Searchable list of things

A search box that will narrow the results as the user types, e.g., states and countries

Date Picker

When the user selects the control a date picker will appear. They can also enter the date via the keyboard.

Single Add

As the user types a list of matching values will appear in a dropdown list. The user can click on an entry in the list, and it will be added to the textbox in a pill format. If the string of characters is new the user can hit tab/enter and the new value will also turn into a pill.

Multi Add

Same as Single Add but the user will then be able to enter further values. This is an example:


A button that performs an action. Added for context around managing lists and final submit


Text in angle brackets is inserted by the system and is read-only.

[Read only]

These data are read-only and can only be changed by contacting support.

[Read only after first year]

The data are read-only after the first year. After the first year these data can only be changed by contacting support


These data are pre-loaded at the beginning of the reporting period.


These data are copied from the previous year when preparing for a new reporting period.

[Change management]

These data are subject to other rules when they change.

{Skip Ref A-Z}

Indicates that a response to this question affects other questions after it.

{Skip when A-Z}

Indicates that the question should be skipped if the skip reference meets a certain criterion

This is instructional text

Instructions to the respondents

  1. Trainee Instrument

    1. Name and Contact Information

Note: Your answers to all questions in this survey will be kept confidential. Information that you provide will not be available to your principal investigator (PI) or anyone else at your institution. Your PI will, however, be able to see the status of your submission because they will be unable to submit their own data until you have completed your survey.

        1. First Name


Limit 50 characters


[Read only]

[Change management]

        1. Middle Initial or Name


[Read only]

[Change management]

        1. Last Name


Limit 50 characters


[Read only]

[Change management]

        1. Maiden Name or Previous Last Name


Limit 50 characters


[Read only]

[Change management]

        1. Date of Birth



Date picker

        1. Institutional Email Address


Limit 200 characters


[Read only]

[Change management]

        1. ORCid


        1. Institution Name


[Read only]

[Change management]


Limit 200 characters

        1. Department at Institution


Limit 200 characters


        1. Institution’s City


Limit 200 characters


        1. Institution’s State



Searchable dropdown containing all states

        1. ZIP Code


Limit 5 characters


        1. Phone (xxx-xxx-xxxx)



Limit 10 characters

        1. Extension


Limit 5 characters

    1. Permanent Contact Information

NSF would like to contact you after you graduate from the NRT program to follow up on your career and this may be performed as part of future program evaluation. Reporting of contact data is strictly voluntary. This information will be used solely for this purpose and will not be shared with anyone.

        1. Personal or Professional Profile/Presence Online (LinkedIn or similar preferred)


        1. Permanent Email Address

Please provide a personal email address other than your current school email address.

Limit 200 characters


    1. Demographics

Note: At least one response is required for each of the following demographic questions; however, if you do not wish to provide specific information, please select “Do not wish to provide.”

        1. Ethnicity

Select one.



Hispanic or Latino

Not Hispanic or Latino

Do not wish to provide

        1. Race:

Mark all that apply.



American Indian or Alaska Native


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


Do not wish to provide

        1. What sex were you assigned at birth, on your original birth certificate?

Select one.





Do not wish to provide

        1. What gender do you identify with?

Select one.





Transgender, non-binary, or another gender

Do not wish to provide

        1. Disability Status

Select one.



Yes (Check yes if any of the following apply):

Deaf or serious difficulty hearing

Blind or serious difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses

Serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs

Other serious disability related to a physical, mental, or emotional condition


Do not wish to provide

        1. Veteran Status: Are you now on full-time active duty with the U.S. Armed Forces? Have you ever served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, military Reserves, or National Guard?
          Note: A veteran is a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable (Title 38 of the Code of Federal Regulations)

Select one.



Yes (Check “Yes” if you can answer yes to either of the above questions.)


Do not wish to provide

    1. Degrees and Prior Experiences

      1. High School

        1. Name of high school/secondary school/institution from which you graduated/received a diploma


[Read only after first year]

Limit 50 characters.

        1. School type

Select one.


[Read only after first year]



Other {Skip Ref A}

        1. If Other, please specify:

Limit 50 characters.

{Skip if A is not Other}


[Read only after first year]

        1. Country

Select one.


[Read only after first year]

Searchable list of all countries

U.S. {Skip Ref B}

        1. City

Limit 200 characters


[Read only after first year]

        1. U.S. State/U.S. Territory

Select one.


[Read only after first year]

{Skip if B is not U.S.}

Searchable list of all U.S. states

        1. ZIP code

Limit 5 characters


[Read only after first year]

{Skip if B is not U.S.}

        1. Date of high school graduation:

Select one.




[Read only after first year]

Date picker

        1. Please enter up to two degrees that you are pursuing.

If you achieved a degree you were pursuing, please click on “Achieved Degree,” and enter the date you achieved it.


Respondents can enter up to two degrees.

  • Degree 1 [Edit], [Delete], [Achieved Degree]

  • Degree 2 [Edit], [Delete], [Achieved Degree]

[Add Degree]

      1. Undergraduate Background Prior to NRT

        1. Undergraduate institution country

Select one

{Skip Ref A}


[Read only after first year]

Searchable list of all countries


        1. U.S. Undergraduate institution name

Limit 50 characters.


[Read only after first year]

{Skip if A is not U.S.}

Searchable list of all Institutes of Higher Education from:

Other {Skip Ref B}

        1. If other institution, please specify the name:

Limit 50 characters.

{Skip if B is not Other}


[Read only after first year]

Single Add

        1. International institution name

Limit 50 characters.


[Read only after first year]

{Skip if A is U.S.}

Single Add

        1. City

Limit 200 characters


[Read only after first year]

        1. U.S. State

Select one.


[Read only after first year]

{Skip if A is not U.S.}

Searchable list of all U.S. states

        1. When did you receive your first undergraduate degree?

Select one.




[Read only after first year]

Date picker

        1. Undergraduate degree type:

Select one.



[Read only after first year]

Bachelor of Science (BS)

Bachelor of Arts (BA)

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)

Other undergraduate degree {Skip Ref C}

        1. If other degree, please specify:

Limit 50 characters.

{Skip if C is not Other}


[Read only after first year]

        1. Major:

Select one.



[Read only after first year]

Searchable list of majors from the Trainee Table.docx listed at the end of this document

Other {Skip Ref D}

        1. If other major, please specify:


Limit 50 characters

{Skip if D is not Other}


[Read only after first year]

Single Add

      1. Post-Baccalaureate Degree, Certificate, or Other Credential Prior to NRT

        1. Did you obtain a post-baccalaureate degree prior to becoming an NRT trainee?

Select one.



[Read only after first year]

{Skip Ref A}



{Skip if A is No – Begin}

        1. Country where you obtained your post-baccalaureate degree

Select one.

{Skip Ref B}


[Read only after first year]

Searchable list of all countries


        1. U.S. institution name

Limit 50 characters.

{Skip if B is not US}


[Read only after first year]

Searchable list of all Institutes of Higher Education from

Other {Skip Ref C}

        1. If other institution, please specify:

Limit 50 characters.

{Skip if C is not Other}


[Read only after first year]

        1. International institution name

{Skip if B is U.S.}


[Read only after first year]

        1. City

Limit 200 characters


[Read only after first year]

        1. State

Select one.

{Skip if B is not US}


[Read only after first year]

Searchable list of all U.S. states

        1. When did you receive your post-baccalaureate degree/certificate or other credential?

Select one.




[Read only after first year]

Date picker

        1. Field of Study

Select one.



[Read only after first year]

Searchable list of majors from the Trainee Table.docx listed at the end of this document

Other {Skip Ref D}

        1. If other field of study, please specify:

Limit 200 characters

{Skip if D is not Other}


[Read only after first year]

        1. Department


Limit 200 characters


[Read only after first year]

        1. Post-Baccalaureate Degree Type

Select one.



[Read only after first year]

Doctorate (Ph.D.)

Master of Arts (MA)

Master of Science (MS)

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Professional degree (MD, JD, etc.)

Other post-undergraduate degree {Skip Ref E}

Other Certificate {Skip Ref E}

Other Credential {Skip Ref E}

        1. If other degree/certificate/credential, please specify:

Note: Use most recent degree if more than one degree has been awarded.

Limit 50 characters.

{Skip if E is not “other…”}


[Read only after first year]

{Skip A – End}

      1. Employment Prior to NRT

        1. Were you in the public/private sector for one or more years after receiving your first undergraduate degree and prior to becoming an NRT trainee?

Note: Employment as a research assistant or teaching assistant while pursuing a master’s degree does NOT count as employment.

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}


[Read only after first year]



        1. Please select the total number of years (equal to or greater than 1 year, to the nearest year) you were employed in the public or private sector after receiving your first undergraduate degree and prior to becoming an NRT trainee.

Select one.


{Skip if A is “No”}


[Read only after first year]

1 year

2 years

3 years

4 years

5+ years

      1. Prior Honors or Recognitions

        1. Have you received any prior government or private sector honors, awards, recognitions, scholarships, etc.

Note: This refers to anything you participated in or received prior to the current reporting period. This includes activities as early as middle school, where relevant.

Mark all that apply.

The None checkbox must be marked if no activities are marked.


NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Award, Award Offer, or Honorable Mention

NSF Research and Mentoring for Postbaccalaureates in Biological Sciences (RaMP)

NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates

NSF Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Ruth L. Kirchstein NRSA Awards (Institutional or Individual)

Other NIH Award including administrative supplements to increase diversity

Other award, honor, recognition {Skip Ref A}

Please check here if you were not engaged in any of the activities listed above.

        1. If Other, please specify:

{Skip if A unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

      1. Achieved Degree

        1. Date achieved degree:



Date picker

      1. Add Degree

        1. Degree sought:

Select one.


Doctorate (Ph.D.)

Master of Arts (MA)

Master of Science (MS)

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Professional degree (MD, JD, etc.)

Other post-undergraduate degree {Skip Ref A}

        1. If Other Degree, please specify:

{Skip if A is not Other}


Limit 50 characters

        1. Field of Study:

Note: Artificial Intelligence major includes robotics, computer visions, and human language processing.


Multi-Add. Searchable list of the majors from the trainee table.docx. Listed at end of document.

Other (please specify): {Skip Ref B}

        1. If other major, please specify:

{Skip if B is not Other}

Please ensure that your other major is not included in the provided list of majors.


Limit 50 characters

Single Add

        1. Are you also pursuing a certificate?

Select one.


{Skip Ref C}



        1. If yes, please provide the name of the certificate.

Limit 200 characters

{Skip if C is No}

    1. Graduation and Career Plans

        1. Expected graduation date:

{Skip Ref A}




Date picker

{Skip if A is within 1 year Begin}

        1. If you expect to graduate within 1 year, do you know where you will be employed?


{Skip Ref B}



{Skip if B is “No”}

        1. If you expect to graduate within 1 year and know where you will be employed, please indicate the sector and type of position.



          Full-time position

          Part-time position



          Full-time position

          Part-time position

          4 Year College/University


          Tenure-track Faculty

          Non-tenure-track Faculty


          2 Year College/University


          Tenure-track Faculty

          Non-tenure-track Faculty


          Other Educational Institution (K-12)


          Tenure-track Faculty

          Non-tenure-track Faculty


          Pursue PhD

          Pursue MD

          Pursue other degree



          Full-time position

          Part-time position




        2. Is your new position in a STEM field?

Select one.

Required if above is required



{End Skip B}

        1. If you expect to graduate within 1 year, what type of employment opportunities are you pursuing? If you are pursuing multiple employment opportunities, please indicate your top choice.

Mark all that apply.

Opportunities You Are Pursuing

Top Choice



Full-time position

Part-time position



Full-time position

Part-time position

4 Year College/University


Tenure-track faculty

Non-tenure-track faculty


2 Year College/University


Tenure-track Faculty

Non-tenure-track Faculty


Other Educational Institution (K-12)


Tenure-track Faculty

Non-tenure-track Faculty


Pursue PhD

Pursue MD

Pursue other degree



Full-time position

Part-time position



Other {Skip Ref C}

        1. If Other, please specify:

{Skip if C is unchecked}


Limit 50 characters

        1. Are you planning to continue to work in a STEM field?

Select one.




{End Skip A}

    1. Your Research Interests

        1. Provide a brief description of your research interest/topic:


Limit 1000 characters.


        1. Enter keywords relevant to the main topics, experimental techniques, and/or specific methodologies that are relevant to your research interests and activities.


Multi Add

    1. NRT Faculty Advisors and Other Mentors

        1. Mark the checkboxes to indicate which faculty advisors on this list (pre-filled) have been assigned to you. If your advisor is not shown, you can add a faculty advisor in the “Other Mentors” section.

(The people on this list are the PI, Co-PIs and Other Faculty Participants added by the PI.)

Mark all that apply.



PI’s Name

Co-PI’s Name

Faculty Participant 1’s Name

Faculty Participant 2’s Name

        1. Other faculty advisors


  • Faculty Advisor 4 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Faculty Advisor 5 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Faculty Advisor]

        1. Which sources of mentorship did you receive

Mark all that apply.


Assigned Faculty Advisor(s)

Other Faculty Mentor(s)

Peer Mentor(s) (e.g., other graduate students)

Postdoctoral Fellow Mentors(s)

Other {Skip Ref A}

        1. If Other, please specify:

{Skip if A is unchecked}

Limit 200 characters

Add Other Mentor

        1. First name


Limit 50 characters.

        1. Middle initial or name

        2. Last name


Limit 50 characters.

        1. How often was this person involved in your NRT activities?

Select one.





    1. Products

The products are defined in the NRT Instrument – Project.docx file. Please comment on them in there.

Trainees will enter their own products and/or import them from the ORCiD database. The PI/PC will curate the final list of products for the project.

    1. Research Preparation

        1. Please indicate which of the following activities you engaged in.

Mark all that apply.

The No Activities checkbox must be marked if no activities are marked.

Undertook formal coursework/training in research methods, practices, and instrumentation in your primary discipline equivalent to traditional graduate students

Had practical, hands-on laboratory and/or field experience in conducting research across the breadth of disciplines in the NRT program

Undertook formal coursework/training across the breadth of disciplines encompassed by the NRT project

Undertook formal coursework/training in both the ethical conduct of research and ethical conduct related to the themes encompassed by your NRT project

Other preparation to conduct high-quality research {Skip Ref A}

Please check here if you were not engaged in any of the activities listed above.

        1. If Other, please specify:

{Skip if A unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

        1. How many courses did you take in disciplines outside of your primary discipline?


          1 – 3

          4 – 6

          More than 6

        2. How many courses did you take in your primary discipline?

        3. How many courses did you take that specifically covered interdisciplinary topics related to your NRT project?

        4. How many seminars did you take in disciplines outside of your primary discipline?


          1 – 3

          4 – 6

          More than 6

        5. How many seminars did you take in your primary discipline?

        6. How many seminars did you take that specifically covered interdisciplinary topics related to your NRT project?

    1. Accomplishments

Please provide information related to scholarly accomplishments or awards that you have received.

      1. Fellowships, Scholarships, and Grants other than NRT

        1. Do you have any fellowships, scholarships or grants other than NRT to report?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



Note: Information that you provide in this section will be available to your PI.

  • Fellowship 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Scholarship 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Grant 1 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add fellowship, scholarship, and grant information]

{Skip A End}

      1. Other Honors and Recognitions

        1. M Do you have any honors or recognitions to report?

Select one.


{Skip Ref B}



Note: Information that you provide in this section will be available to your PI.

  • Honor 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Honor 2 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Honor 3 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Honors and Recognitions]

{Skip B End}

Add Fellowship, Scholarship, or Grant other than NRT

Please provide information on any fellowships, scholarships, and grants other than NRT that you have received.

Note: Information that you provide on this screen will be available to your PI.

        1. Type of funding received:

Select one.




Grant other than NRT

        1. Title of Fellowship, Scholarship, or Grant other than NRT:


Limit 200 characters.

Single Add

        1. Year awarded



        1. What kind of organization awarded the Fellowship, Scholarship, or Grant?

Select one.

U.S. Federal Government Agency/Organization {Skip Ref A}

State or Local Funding Agency {Skip Ref B}

Foreign Organization (state or private) {Skip Ref C}

U.S. Based Private Organization {Skip Ref D}

        1. Awarding U.S. Federal Government Agency/Organization

{Skip if A is not selected}

Select one.

Searchable List of Awarding Agencies & Organizations

Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

Department of Defense (DoD)

Department of Energy (DoE)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

National Science Foundation (NSF)

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Other {Skip Ref E}

        1. If other U.S. Federal Government Agency/Organization, please specify:

{Skip if E “Other” not selected}

Limit 200 characters.

Single Add

{Skip A End}

        1. Awarding state or local funding agency

{Skip if B not selected}

Limit 200 characters.

Single Add

        1. Foreign organization (state or private)

{Skip if C not selected}

Limit 200 characters.

Single Add

        1. U.S. based private organization

{Skip if D not selected}

Limit 200 characters.

Single Add

Add Other Honors and Recognitions

Please provide information for any honors and/or recognitions that you have received.

Note: Information that you provide on this screen will be available to your PI.

        1. Title of honor or recognition:

Limit 200 characters.

Single Add

        1. Proposal Title (if applicable)

Limit 200 characters.

        1. Year:


        1. Society/Granting Organization

Limit 200 characters.

Single Add

    1. Professional Skill Preparation

        1. Please indicate which of the following activities you engaged in.

Mark all that apply.

Undertook coursework/training that included regular faculty critique of and feedback on professional writing.

Authored, submitted, or published research papers in refereed journals

Undertook coursework/training (e.g., brown bags, seminars) that included regular critique of and feedback on professional speaking/presentation skills

Made presentations at academic/scientific professional conferences or meetings

Presented results from NRT activities to professional, nonacademic audiences (e.g., industry, government)

Undertook coursework/training to develop media-based or information technology-based communication skills

Produced multimedia materials, Web sites, or other cyber-enabled tools to communicate the results of NRT activities to external audiences

Used multimedia materials, Web sites, or other cyber-enabled tools as part of the interdisciplinary scientific training and collaboration

Received training in team-building and project management skills

Received training in effective time and task management

Participated as a member of teams engaged in joint research, education, and/or outreach efforts

Led teams engaged in research, education, and/or outreach efforts

Other preparation in professional skills development {Skip Ref A}

Please mark this checkbox if you were not engaged in any of the activities listed above.

        1. If Other, please specify:

{Skip if A unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

    1. Career Preparation

Report any activities you engaged in that prepared you for a career in a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) field. Note: Economics is considered a STEM field.

        1. Please describe what you consider to be the most beneficial NRT training, experience, and/or component that has prepared you to be successful in a STEM career.

Limit 1000 characters

        1.  I approve use of all or part of this text by NSF on, viewable by the general public, or in promotional and/or program presentations as it is written with anonymous attribution as the default (e.g., your name and affiliation will not be disclosed). Prior to any use, materials will undergo an internal review process. Staff may reach out to you if there are any concerns or changes (e.g., redaction of identifying phrases) required or if they wish to request your permission to attribute the quote to you and/or your project.
        2. Please indicate which of the following activities you engaged in.

Mark all that apply.

Received training or instruction (e.g., courses, workshops) in effective teaching practices and student mentoring

Developed and presented course and/or curriculum materials

Served as a mentor to others (e.g., graduate students, undergraduates, laboratory technicians)

Received training/mentoring in grant proposal preparation

Authored/coauthored and submitted grant proposals

Received training/instruction on the interaction between academic research and industrial technical requirements

Received training/instruction for applying your research to address public policy concerns or issues.

Had an internship (an off-campus, research, educational, and/or work experience) in a nonacademic setting (e.g., industry, government)

Had professional interactions other than internships with nonacademic employers (e.g., industry, government) in order to learn about career opportunities and requirements

Communicated, worked, or collaborated with scientists of other nationalities

Developed, revised, and/or implemented an Individual Development Plan (IDP)

Other preparation for careers in academia {Skip Ref A}

Other preparation for nonacademic careers (e.g., industry, government) {Skip Ref B}

Please check here if you were not engaged in any of the activities listed above.

        1. If other preparation in academic careers, please specify:

{Skip if A unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

        1. If other preparation in nonacademic careers, please specify:

{Skip if B unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

        1. What career paths were introduced to you during your training?

Mark all that apply.


Industry / Business



Other Education

Other {Skip Ref C}

        1. If Other, please specify:

{Skip if C unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

    1. Internships

        1. Have you taken part in any internships lasting one or more months with industries or businesses, government laboratories or agencies, or nonprofit organizations?

{Skip Ref A - Begin}

Select one.


If yes, click, “Add Internship” below.



        1. Please enter any internships lasting one or more months with industries or businesses, government laboratories or agencies, or nonprofit organizations
  • Internship 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Internship 2 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Internship 3 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Internship]

{Skip A End}

      1. Add Internship

        1. Company/Agency Name

Limit 100 characters.

Single Add

        1. Source of support during internship:


NRT stipend

Salary/stipend from host company/agency


Other award {Skip Ref A}

        1. If other, please specify:

{Skip if A unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

        1. Duration in months

Select one.


Zero months

1 – 3 months

4 – 6 months

More than 6 months

        1. Setting:

Select one.



Nonprofit organization

Government laboratory

Public sector agency


        1. Country:

Select one.

{Skip Ref B}

Searchable list of all countries


        1. U.S. State

Select one.

{Skip if B is not U.S.}

Searchable list of all U.S. states

        1. Please indicate the internship contributions that have prepared you for your career.

Mark all that apply.

Received training/instruction on the interaction between academic research and industrial technical requirements

Received training/instruction for applying your research to address public policy concerns or issues

Engaged in professional interactions other than internships with nonacademic employers (e.g. industry, government) in order to learn about career opportunities and requirements

Other preparation for nonacademic careers (e.g., industry, government) {Skip Ref C}

        1. If Other, please specify:

{Skip if C unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

        1. Please indicate if your internship presence was virtual, in-person, or a mix of both.

Select one.

Virtual only

In-person only

Hybrid: Mix of virtual and in-person

        1. Describe what you consider to be the most beneficial professional or career-related aspect resulting from this internship

Limit 1000 characters

        1.  I approve use of all or part of this text by NSF on, viewable by the general public, or in promotional and/or program presentations as it is written with anonymous attribution as the default (e.g., your name and affiliation will not be disclosed). Prior to any use, materials will undergo an internal review process. Staff may reach out to you if there are any concerns or changes (e.g., redaction of identifying phrases) required or if they wish to request your permission to attribute the quote to you and/or your project.

    1. International Experiences

If there are international experiences:

Your PI, <PI Name> has indicated that you attended the following international experiences. Please complete information about each experience. If this list is incorrect, please [Contact the PI].

If there are no international experiences:

Your PI, <PI Name> has indicated that you did not attended any international experiences. If you did attend an international experience please [Contact the PI].

{Skip if no international experiences - Begin}

        1. International Experiences
  • Experience in China from May/2020 – July/2020 [Edit]

  • Experience in Ecuador from Sep/2020 – Dec/2020 [Edit]

        1. If you took part in NRT related international activities, please describe what you consider to be the most beneficial professional or career-related aspect of those activities.

Limit 1000 characters

Required if you attended any trip

        1.  I approve use of all or part of this text by NSF on, viewable by the general public, or in promotional and/or program presentations as it is written with anonymous attribution as the default (e.g., your name and affiliation will not be disclosed). Prior to any use, materials will undergo an internal review process. Staff may reach out to you if there are any concerns or changes (e.g., redaction of identifying phrases) required or if they wish to request your permission to attribute the quote to you and/or your project.

{Skip End}

      1. Tell us about your International Experience

<Country> and <Dates>, e.g., China May/2020 – July/2020

        1. What activities did you engage in during your international experience?

Mark all that apply.


Attended conferences/workshops outside the United States

Undertook coursework/training outside the United States

Worked, conducted research/fieldwork, or interned outside the United States

Other {Skip Ref A}

        1. If Other, please specify:

{Skip if A unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

        1. Were you formally prepared for your international experience?

{Skip Ref B}

Select one.




        1. If yes, what experiences were included in the preparation for your international experience?

{Skip if B is “No”}

Mark all that apply.


How to work in a foreign laboratory/field work

Graduate education/Education/laboratory differences in country to be visited


Cultural differences

Learning about the area

Other {Skip Ref C}

        1. If Other, please specify:

{Skip if C unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

        1. What did you accomplish during your international experience?

Mark all that apply.



Broader impacts




Other {Skip Ref D}

        1. If Other, please specify:

{Skip if D unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

    1. Comments on the NRT Program

        1. In the text box below, please describe what you consider to be the most beneficial aspect of being an NRT trainee. This might include 1) an opportunity you had as a result of being an NRT trainee that has significantly affected your professional development, 2) an aspect of the project that provided exceptional added value to your educational experience, or 3) an aspect of the project that has been especially successful and/or represents a change from the way that graduate students are usually educated at your institution.

Limit 1000 characters


        1.  I approve use of all or part of this text by NSF on, viewable by the general public, or in promotional and/or program presentations as it is written with anonymous attribution as the default (e.g., your name and affiliation will not be disclosed). Prior to any use, materials will undergo an internal review process. Staff may reach out to you if there are any concerns or changes (e.g., redaction of identifying phrases) required or if they wish to request your permission to attribute the quote to you and/or your project.
        2. Please describe what you consider to be the most important opportunity for improvement in the NRT program with which you are associated.

Limit 1000 characters


        1. Please describe what you consider to be the most challenging aspect of being an NRT trainee.

Limit 1000 characters


        1. Please describe what you consider to be your major research or education accomplishments made possible as a result of participating in your NRT project.

Limit 1000 characters

        1.  I approve use of all or part of this text by NSF on, viewable by the general public, or in promotional and/or program presentations as it is written with anonymous attribution as the default (e.g., your name and affiliation will not be disclosed). Prior to any use, materials will undergo an internal review process. Staff may reach out to you if there are any concerns or changes (e.g., redaction of identifying phrases) required or if they wish to request your permission to attribute the quote to you and/or your project.

    1. Training Confirmation

        1. Did you participate in regular training?

{Skip Ref A}

Select one.




{Skip if A is “No” - Begin}

        1. In a typical week, how many hours did you spend on programmatic activities?


Selection of Hour Ranges






        1. How frequently did you receive training?

Select one.

Required if answering “yes” to the above question.




Other {Skip Ref B}

        1. If other training frequency, please specify.

{Skip if B is not selected}

Limit 50 characters

{Skip A - End}

    1. Funding Confirmation

        1. What was your annual stipend amount? Please estimate to the nearest dollar.



        1. How does your traineeship stipend compare to stipends that are received by regular teaching or research assistants at your organization?

Select one.


Greater than others

Equal to others

Less than others

    1. Final Submission to NSF

Final data entries are ready to submit.

This section provides the link for trainees to submit their completed surveys. Final submission is possible once the required sections for your award are completed and trainees have completed their portion of the NRT survey.

You have chosen to notify NSF that your data are final. Are you sure you are ready to finalize the data for the current reporting period? After submission, the NRT Data Reporting System will revert to a read-only version of your data. You will be able to view your final results but not update them.

        1. To submit your final data, click on Send Final Submission below. Click on Cancel to return to the Main Menu without submitting your data. Note: If you click Cancel, your data will be saved, and you will still be able to report or revise your data. If you are confident that you have finished reporting your data, respond to the burden question below and click Send Final Submission.
        2. Approximately how many person hours were required to complete the NRT Trainee online survey?


I certify that all of the information that I entered in the annual report is correct to the best of my knowledge.

[Send Final Submission]


  1. List of Majors

Taken from the Trainee Table.docx document

Chemistry – Bio-inorganic

Chemistry – Bio-organic

Chemistry – Biophysical

Chemistry – Environmental

Chemistry – Inorganic

Chemistry – Materials

Chemistry – Physical

Chemistry – Polymer

Chemistry – Theoretical

Chemistry – Other (please specify):

Comp/IS/Eng – Artificial Intelligence (including Robotics, Computer Vision, and Human Language Processing)

Comp/IS/Eng – Computer Architecture and Grids

Comp/IS/Eng – Computer Science – Languages and Systems

Comp/IS/Eng – Computer Science – Theoretical Foundations

Comp/IS/Eng – Database Information Retrieval and Web Search

Comp/IS/Eng – Graphics and Visualization

Comp/IS/Eng – Human Computer Interaction

Comp/IS/Eng – Information Security and Assurance

Comp/IS/Eng – Information Technology and Organizations

Comp/IS/Eng – Networks and Communications

Comp/IS/Eng – Operating Systems and Middleware

Comp/IS/Eng – Scientific Computing and Informatics

Comp/IS/Eng – Software Engineering

Comp/IS/Eng – Other (please specify):

Engineering – Aeronautical and Aerospace

Engineering – Agricultural

Engineering – Bioengineering

Engineering – Biomedical

Engineering – Chemical

Engineering – Civil

Engineering – Computer Engineering

Engineering – Electrical and Electronic

Engineering – Energy

Engineering – Engineering Mechanics

Engineering – Engineering Science

Engineering – Environmental

Engineering – Industrial

Engineering – Materials

Engineering – Mechanical

Engineering – Metallurgical

Engineering – Nuclear

Engineering – Ocean

Engineering – Petroleum

Engineering – Polymer

Engineering – Systems Engineering

Engineering – Other (please specify):

Geosciences – Aeronomy

Geosciences – Atmospheric Chemistry

Geosciences – Chemical Oceanography

Geosciences – Climate Dynamics

Geosciences – Geochemistry

Geosciences – Geology

Geosciences – Geophysics

Geosciences – Hydrologic Sciences

Geosciences – Large Scale Dynamics Meteorology

Geosciences – Magnetospheric Physics

Geosciences – Marine Geology and Geophysics

Geosciences – Mesoscale Dynamic Meteorology

Geosciences – Paleoclimate

Geosciences – Paleontology

Geosciences – Physical Meteorology

Geosciences – Physical Oceanography

Geosciences – Solar-Terrestrial

Geosciences – Other (please specify):

Life Sciences – Agriculture

Life Sciences – Agronomy

Life Sciences – Anatomy

Life Sciences – Animal Behavior

Life Sciences – Animal Science

Life Sciences – Biochemistry

Life Sciences – Biological Oceanography

Life Sciences – Biophysics

Life Sciences – Botany (including Plant Physiology)

Life Sciences – Cell Biology

Life Sciences – Computational Biology

Life Sciences – Developmental Biology

Life Sciences – Ecology

Life Sciences – Ecosystem Ecology

Life Sciences – Entomology

Life Sciences – Environmental Sciences

Life Sciences – Evolutionary Biology

Life Sciences – Fish and Wildlife

Life Sciences – Forestry

Life Sciences – Genetics

Life Sciences – Horticulture

Life Sciences – Immunology

Life Sciences – Marine Biology

Life Sciences – Microbiology

Life Sciences – Molecular Biology

Life Sciences – Neurosciences

Life Sciences – Nutrition

Life Sciences – Pharmacology

Life Sciences – Physiology

Life Sciences – Plant Pathology

Life Sciences – Population and Community Ecology

Life Sciences – Soil Science

Life Sciences – Structural Biology

Life Sciences – Virology

Life Sciences – Zoology

Life Sciences – Other (please specify):

Mathematical Sciences – Algebra or Number Theory

Mathematical Sciences – Analysis

Mathematical Sciences – Applications of Mathematics (including Biometrics and Biostatistics)

Mathematical Sciences – Geometry

Mathematical Sciences – Logic or Foundations of Mathematics

Mathematical Sciences – Operations Research

Mathematical Sciences – Probability and Statistics

Mathematical Sciences – Topology

Mathematical Sciences – Other (please specify):

Physics and Astronomy – Astronomy

Physics and Astronomy – Astrophysics

Physics and Astronomy – Atomic and Molecular

Physics and Astronomy – Condensed Matter Physics

Physics and Astronomy – Nuclear

Physics and Astronomy – Optics

Physics and Astronomy – Particle Physics

Physics and Astronomy – Physics of Fluids

Physics and Astronomy – Plasma

Physics and Astronomy – Solid State

Physics and Astronomy – Theoretical Physics

Physics and Astronomy – Other (please specify):

Psychology – Cognitive

Psychology – Cognitive Neuroscience

Psychology – Computational Psychology

Psychology – Developmental

Psychology – Experimental or Comparative

Psychology – Industrial/Organizational

Psychology – Neuropsychology

Psychology – Perception and Psychophysics

Psychology – Personality and Individual Differences

Psychology – Physiological

Psychology – Psycholinguistics

Psychology – Quantitative

Psychology – Social

Psychology – Other (please specify):

Social Sciences – Archaeology

Social Sciences – Cliometric History

Social Sciences – Communications

Social Sciences – Cultural Anthropology

Social Sciences – Decision Making

Social Sciences – Demography

Social Sciences – Econometrics

Social Sciences – Economics (except Business Administration)

Social Sciences – Geography

Social Sciences – History of Science

Social Sciences – International Relations

Social Sciences – Law and Social Science

Social Sciences – Linguistics Anthropology

Social Sciences – Linguistics

Social Sciences – Medical Anthropology

Social Sciences – Philosophy of Science

Social Sciences – Physical Anthropology

Social Sciences – Political Science

Social Sciences – Public Policy

Social Sciences – Risk Analysis

Social Sciences – Science Policy

Social Sciences – Sociology (except Social Work)

Social Sciences – Urban and Regional Planning

Social Sciences – Other (please specify):

STEM Education and Learning Research – Engineering Education

STEM Education and Learning Research – Mathematics Education

STEM Education and Learning Research – Science Education

STEM Education and Learning Research – Technology Education

STEM Education and Learning Research – Other (please specify):


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